Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #33 Stories In The Quran – Mi’raaj; The previous nations; Prophethood

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "ham ham" in the title of the book on 27th of Islam, as it relates to the Sun shiny and the use of "ham ham" in the title of the book to encourage people to believe in the Bible. They emphasize the importance of learning from past examples and the practical use of punishment, balance between fear and hope, and breaking down small tasks to achieve big goals. The speakers also discuss the importance of language in punishment and the use of guidance from the creator to help others. The conversation ends with a discussion of the number of nights one will have to live and the upcoming Facebook ad for a party.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato smilla black man Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Jemaine even today we will be going over three of the stories in the 27th juice, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to accept all our good deeds during this blessed month. And we asked him to make us from those who have also written from amongst those who will enter into Gemina ami

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salamati komak, mental Lovato cat la comas seller,

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Al Hamdulillah Al

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Hamdulillah. Today we've got the 27th juice, looking through the 27th juice as a whole, you would find that a lot of the verses our last panel which is calling the people to ponder over the science to look around, he's calling them to ponder over the previous nations what occurred to them the punishment at you know reach them. Then in some of the verses he is addressing the people of Polish at the time, as well as those who come after to say that don't think that what we gave you is much more than what we gave the previous nations we gave them a lot but after they disobeyed and oppressed themselves, they also went down but they were also destroyed. inshallah to Allah, Allah

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Allah. He begins by saying when Nigeria either However, he didn't speak about quite a few things, he speaks about how Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Number one he gets what he he gets revelation, what he speaks is why he and Revelation. In other words, he is conveying the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's not a madman. At the same time. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about jabril Allah His Salam Hama Hama sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw him on two occasions, and he went with him on mirage. There's a few points to touch here to touch on here. Even though Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the malla just before that, he says one young people Anil Hauer, Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the messenger he doesn't speak from his own desires. In our in our here you have, in fact what he speaks what he says is what he and Revelation, as we mentioned before, the ambia Allah him Salatu was Salam the messengers, whatever message they conveyed from Allah subhanho wa Taala the message itself, they will protected you know from disbelieving that message Firstly, they are protected from committing major sins, and if they had to make a mistake, so for example, at the time of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he turned away from the blind man, if he made a mistake, Allah subhanho wa Taala would inform him about this mistake. Something interesting

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that comes up especially today a lot of people they say that you know what, let's believe in the Quran, only those who truly believe in nothing and would find that the score and reading it understanding it fully would also lead you to believing in the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So a small example, a person who only wants to believe in the Quran in the Quran says welcome Salah to soccer, you know, perform your Salah, give out your circuit with the detail Where did the four units have overcome four units of ratio? Can we is that all mentioned? That's all mentioned in the song man. It's not mentioned in the Quran. Also when it comes to your soccer, yes,

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you give you a charity. How much do you give? If it's money? Where did two and a half percent come from? If it's not money if it's to do with grain if it's to do with fruit, etc? Where do those percentages come from? Where is all that detail? And that detail you would find this in the summer? So when we say also Allah subhanho wa Taala says one our young people Anil Hawa Mohammed Salah Valley lucilla doesn't speak from his desire. In fact what he speaks is also revelation we take from this verse that yes, the Quran is revelation, the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala but also the Sunnah, what is authentic is also part of Revelation and these two The one who recites the four and

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founders obey deeply realizes that you have to believe in both and the evening in your religion becomes complete your deen becomes complete.

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Absolutely shares and also we find that these people who claim that it is only the Quran that we take from most of the time, you see that they are not scholars say we might have done a bit of reading or you know, read a future facilitator and then they claim that this is the case. In reality, Allah subhanho wa Taala says former Atacama Rasulullah hoodoo that which the messenger has given you then take it on under her command who can tell who and that which he has prevented you from doing it stop from that. And we know that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave us knowledge he didn't leave us with a dinner or dinner

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We're in number one was the lady Indeed, indeed he left behind knowledge. So this knowledge that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left us with is what we've got to practice upon. And you know, this also comes from the Hadith and the

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sayings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his tradition, his way, so to speak. So I think that's a very silly argument, so to speak, that only take from the Quran and leave out soon and that doesn't make sense because ultimately if you take it from the Quran, the Quran is telling you to take from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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You know, later on when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he said that he was fuckin apart but cosigning Oh, adamant. So he was closer. He was the distance of two bone lengths, from gibreel or even closer, you know, something interesting in the Tafseer of that is Allah subhanho wa Taala. in various places in the Quran, he uses this methodology. So we find that Allah subhanaw taala, the example doesn't come to mind right now, but will outsell them who either meet at elfin or we don't. So we sent him to 100,000 or more. So Allah subhanho wa Taala definitely knows the exact number but he doesn't mention this exact number. Rather, he says 100,000 or more here, he says to Bose lens, you know, to

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lens of a bow, or closer. So sometimes numbers and exact figures don't matter when that's not going to change the outcome of a situation, we don't need to know exactly what that figure and number is, like Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't tell us exactly the number of the people of the cave. We don't need to know these figures sometimes. And we end up getting, you know, to to, what do you say, to worried about the figure and to, you know, interested in the exact figure, it doesn't matter as long as you got in the understanding properly. That's enough for you. Here Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was close, close enough to jabril la Salatu was Salam for us to realize that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala is talking about how he saw gibreel in his magnanimous and in his true form, it must have been something amazing, you know. So for you to understand that is enough. Theater 100 Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala has given me this much knowledge, it's enough for me. So I think that's something that we can really, you know, take away from this.

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As we mentioned, Allah subhanho wa Taala, we find in the Quran, he doesn't go into so much detail in certain things, when we meet that detail that detail is mentioned, as you mentioned, the people of the cave, it's not mentioned how old they were, for example, how many they were exactly, that is not important. And sometimes we get too engrossed in the nitty gritty, or the small little details that don't really make a difference, or they don't matter when it comes to the outcome. You know, something similar, but on the side, I was reading something interesting. Today or last night, there was one guy speaking about a few things. And then they were saying basically the concept, if you

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have an idea, would imagine it as a vehicle, right? If you worrying about this one wheel is going to be a perfect wheel. And it's going to be like this and all the details if the car itself is not moving, what good is that wheel for you? So sometimes, as you mentioned, we get, we waste our time in this nitty gritty, when the bigger picture is not, you know, it's not something we can use in something we can,

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you know, take benefit from us It will how it's supposed to be used. So I think that's important. And that's a important lesson you take from it.

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That's, that's a practical example, you know, where a person can really bring it down into their own lives and, and apply it into their own life. So some kind of ledges or lucky for that explanation and example.

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We are moving on we find the last panel which aladin speaks about some of the previous nations. So he speaks about nor he speaks about the people of Noah, he speaks about the people of add a mood, Lord fit around, he then speaks about the punishment. So he says that they did this committable apadana For example, one of the verses, terrible apadana Allah subhana wa Jalla says the beleid our messenger, then Allah subhana wa Jalla. punishes and what's interesting is we find this different types of punishments that came to these people. So the people have known for example, they were drowned. The Flood came another group of people, they were stones that came down from the heavens,

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another group of people there was a strong wind, another group of people, the people of sunny la Salaam, there was what we could call a loudspeaker.

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ream or screech, and that caused them to die. So I think something we can take from this is as Allah subhana wa Jalla says amino Makola you know people who carry on disobeying oppressing others doing the wrong thing Do they feel safe that you know this punishment won't get to them. For some of them it came from through the water around was drowned. Others it came from the sky stones came down with a Java for example. Other people it was a strong gust of wind other people as we mentioned a loud scream so how is it that a human being you know, they can sleep at night doing everything wrong, not fearing the fact that Allah Spanner was adequate sent anything and you could go. So that's very

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important to mention and always important to ponder over. And you know, we can put it in our day to day examples of day to day lives. Sometimes people think that you know what, I've got everything and I'll go and I'll do this, I'll do this. The next minute, you know, my let's say bus but in a car crash, they are gone. We're not saying everybody who dies in a car crash, there was something wrong with them. No. But sometimes you find the person he's, he's not really worried and then death reaches him. Allah destroys him in a way way. He himself didn't see it coming.

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As well, like he's so true. That's so true. You know, sometimes we live our lives as though we're never going to leave this world or, you know, some kind of love, we won't be punished for the sins that we commit but in reality, a believer is always between fear and hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we speak a lot about the hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala that sometimes we will leave or a lot of the time we leave out the part which has to do with the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I think in order to have you know, good faith, and strong belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala we have to have this balance, balance between the two.

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You know, Allah subhanho wa Taala says is what hammer level Allah dirty Allah, He will do so. And we carried him more like a solid to a seller upon planks and nails or you know, screws, so to speak. Now, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this specific,

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these specific words, which are planks and nails, he could have easily said the ark, or you know, the boat, but he uses these specific words. And I was trying to think that why would Allah subhanho wa Taala use these words Now, what I take away from this, I'm not saying he did use it specifically for this. But you know, what I take away from this is that sometimes we look at a huge system or a mission machine, and we think wow, this is amazingly big. And look at how fascinating it is, it works in such a sophisticated manner, etc. Whereas if you realize, in reality, all that it is, is the components that make it up. So here you have, you know, screws and planks or nails and planks,

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this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala selling us through its nails and planks here are hammer level 30 and Warhammer do so now it was yes, it is the intelligence that of of the being that wrote this all together, that makes it the machine that it is. But sometimes if you break things down to the small little bits and bobs that it really is, it becomes easier for you to engage in a task or to begin a task, it looks a bit easier than it actually does when it's all brought together. Because you know, sometimes you look at a factory and you say, wow, this is like a city on its own or a village on its own. And you wonder how insan built all of this, and whether you would ever be able

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to achieve something like that in your life. But in reality, if you look at it, as you know, the small components that make it up and if you had to draw it on a piece of paper and realize that wow, this is not so complicated after all, then it becomes easier for you to have a higher hopes and aspirations.

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Now you mentioned a powerful point breaking things down simplifying them to get to the bigger picture or to get to the picture as a whole. We can only imagine it's not mentioned anywhere but you know Halley's Salam is Allah subhana wa Genesis his people were mocking him when he was building the ark. Surely you must have been building it slowly, slowly until it eventually took shape. And Allah knows best. So the same when it comes to our own day to day lives, you find that you've got a big task, break it down, you know, I was listening to someone and they said that,

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too. When it comes to for example, writing a book, they said when you look at your book, you'll find it this size here and you know, if you're not used to writing you won't really write, break it down, put it into so many blog posts, for example, for those who write books out there or somebody else said that

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If you want them break it down from your tweets or your Instagram posts, whatever it is, remember, as a Muslim, whatever is of benefit, whatever is good, whatever is a means to it and use it and you know what go and help others or give others from the goodness that Allah subhana wa gyla has taught you.

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Again, a very practical example that I can benefit from myself, you know, sometimes you sit and you, you write, and you're trying to write a book or something and you think, ah, I've only written two pages. Now, I'm already stuck, I don't know where to go, I have not yet you know, I don't really have a clear picture as to what my goal is from this book. Sometimes you don't have a definitive goal, when you start writing, you just start and say, let me see where this takes me. So Subhanallah, you know, something that you mentioned, break it down into smaller pieces, it makes it easier for you to complete, you know, you're writing a little piece, then you've ended it and you

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start again, or you start something, another chapter, perhaps you use, you know, break it down into chapters, or perhaps just portions that are easy for you to finish off. And then and then start again to analyze.

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You know, since we're on the point, and it might be a few people who follow, I'm quite sure, and who write their own books, especially books of goodness, etc. I think two things I learned in the last two or three months watching a few people, one person said, if you want to write a book, and you're not really a writer, is take your, you know, make like a presentation, and take your small topics you want. Right? He says that you look at what you want to write, met, imagine a person who doesn't have your solution. And then a person who has your solution here, write down what he needs to do to get there. After that, he says that take a few of these points, make it into like, you know, a

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lecture or a, we could call it a slideshow presentation. Instead record that, take up the transcription, give it to an editor, edit it, you've got your book. Another thing to mention, I'll just add this since we own the topic, is that when you writing generally, a lot of people say you've got two sides to your brain or you've got to you know, when you're writing, you've got your creative side and then you've got the side that wants to always correct you. Allah knows best how many sides they are, but we can all relate that, you know, sometimes you want to do something and you say that I'll do this and this and this and this. And then there's another part of you that comes and says

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that you know what, you have to correct this and you have to tweak this. So this guy's philosophies that you know what first when you starting off, leave your creative, your creative side to write to and write anything, any idea that comes to you. Don't let your intelligence side come and correct everything you said write everything after that, then go back and start correcting because sometimes people get you know what they call writer's block, or as you mentioned, after one chapter, they get stuck, they don't know what to do next. I think that's practical. And Subhanallah we reach there after taking from the story of no Hallo Salaam breaking things down. So we hope that is beneficial.

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Yes, hello. That's but that's all true. It teaches us the vastness of the Quran in the depth of the Quran. You know, we started from something one point and look at where we took the points to and the practical applications that we found out of this.

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You know, we're inspired from this is not necessarily extracted, but inspired from this is so proud of it. There's so much that we can really learn from the Quran

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panela Moving on, we find on roughly the last page of the 27th Jews. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about no Hallo his salam, he also speaks about Ibrahim alayhis salam and he says that we gave them know what what your Alina, fevertree, Yeti, human, whatever kita and basically, we put in Bay families are very lineage, noble what a Prophet would so we find that from mohalla his salon, the other ambia came, and then from Ibrahim alayhis salam, the ambia alayhi wa Salatu was Salam came. I think what's interesting to mention is after last pan what Allah says that in their families, we put the Snooper, what he then says work I feel minimum facetune. And a lot of them you know, they

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disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala they as soon as cetera. So even though the father or the grandfather was a pious person, it didn't necessarily mean that all the children they didn't get number one. Not only that, it didn't mean that they were very good or very pious either. So it's important to remember that it's not who you are in terms of your lineage. You know, your your deeds, that your deeds is the final judgment. So that's what matters eventually as the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says woman, but

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as for the one whose deeds are slow, he's fallen behind. his lineage doesn't make him go faster. So you know, if somebody comes on the piano, for example, and it doesn't have enough deeds, then he says that you know what?

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So and so that doesn't make a difference in this world, maybe he might go through, you know, there might be a checkpoint or whatever it may be. And then they checking for things and he says, I'm the son of so and so. So you carry on you not you remain no on that day, or in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala this judgment is according to your deeds.

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Allah is so true, I was going to talk about the same points at a lower kebele minimum basic one 100%. You know, sometimes we feel like we come from a religious background or family or circumstance and situation and, in reality, look at these children of the MDR la masala was salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala saying what cateel mean possible, and many of them will be wrongdoers, or criminals, so to speak.

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You know, in the same breath, we can also gather from this that don't expect you know, yes, have make the best effort on your children, but don't expect all of them to come out the way you want them to. You of course, the NBA Allah, him of salat wa salam, almost most perfect in the actions, and they will have brought the children up in the best possible manner. But that doesn't mean that you know, from the offspring, all of the offspring would be good and righteous. Sometimes you find a child who decides for himself to be bad or evil, then that's for him. And that's what he's chosen for his life. Yes, it hurts us. Yes, it affects us. But at the same time, you know, you've done your

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duty and you've done your best, and then you leave it to Allah. And

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that's ultimately guidance is not in our hands, it's in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala guidance comes from him. He guides whoever he wishes for us, we have to put in the effort or convey the message, try our best, even though somebody, especially when you find that your child or relative, and they've gone off, so to say somebody is on drugs, or they have bad habits, as you try and tell them you try and advise them you try your best. Even if you may not see any signs of them taking your warning or trying to improve, you still carry on doing what you need to do. Don't lose hope in them, but at the same time don't become so depressed because that guidance was not in your

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hands in the first place.

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Absolutely. Shekinah

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colorific Is there anything else you'd like to mention? No, exactly. So, Michelle, tomorrow we go over the 28th juice. And from day after today, there's only three dessert left which would mean that there's only a few nights come up and live. You ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us from those who benefit from these nights try your best. There's only a few more nights left with we don't know how many more Ramadan we may see. That's the last pan hota Allah to grant a school goodness me, Jeff and I shall have to.

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So Michelle, Somali, Polycom Salaam Alaikum.

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