Hussain Kamani – The Prophet Muhammad – The Teacher 22

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the world being the light and world is the light of the world. They also mention the success of the "light of the world" concept and the significance of light in relation to everything. Speaker 2 adds that the world is the light of the world and that the world is the light of the world. They also discuss the significance of light in relation to everything, including everything from light and gravity.
AI: Transcript ©
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For in SQL as

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in our previous class, we discussed how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took the questionnaire in the student into consideration when answering,

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therefore, what the approximate Allah on any wisdom said to the person that was asking him was applicable, it was something that they could relate to and implement in their life. Adding value to the knowledge that they gained.

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Today should have a footer.

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That takes us to another very interesting perspective and aspect of the teaching of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam darling, also alumni in your Salam, revival Musa how to reset Allahu alayhi wa sallam would educate the Companions through conversation, to ask him questions. And then when it comes to this asking of questions, there are different types of questions are sort of lost in a mask. So for each one, he has a small little chapter, sometimes maybe still a long audio sentence questions were rhetorical. Other times a sort of loss of a loved one, he was somewhat asked a question. And it was more reflective, where the answer wasn't a direct one, but he will present a

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scenario and make the Companions think about the answer

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through engaging them by asking that question.

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So all these different types of questions, when you see is,

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when you're teaching, you can either give the answer right from the beginning. Or what you can do is make the student work a little.

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And by making them work, they then desire and appreciate the desire the answer, and they appreciate the answer as well.

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The second thing is that by asking them questions and guiding questions, not open ended questions, but guided questions, if you ask the right questions, and you develop them properly, you will enable them to reach a new place in their thought that they wouldn't have gone to before. So when you're asking them questions, and if those questions, questions are properly crafted, think of it as taking them for a walk in their own mind,

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that you're taking them to a place that you already know what this is the tools that you need to answer this question already exists in you. Now, I want you to think about it. And sometimes you may ask them a question beyond their paygrade beyond their capacity. And that in itself has died as well. There's a benefit there. It's where the student is completely buckled up. They're shocked. And they think to themselves that I don't even know where to start here. And then you bring it down to them slowly. So asking questions is a very beautiful technique to use when educated. In reality, I think the more a teacher does, the better. But the questions have to be meaningful, they have to be

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guided, you can use them as a tool of engagement.

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Personally, when I teach I do this quite a bit where I'll ask questions. And sometimes their questions are just require the student to repeat something I said three seconds ago, but it forces them to go back and think that what was the answer? I can't follow up with the chain. I have to follow every statement because there may be a question that follow

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It's a tool of engagement. Sometimes you have taught a must. But you present that same issue but from another perspective, a new scenario

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encouraging the student to take their knowledge from one scenario and not implemented into another and you'll see this through the examples on the syllabus analyzed. Through questioning. The progress of above money was said I'm encouraged as the companions to use knowledge they already have, but applying in a new place.

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We'll see the example very soon. The first narration actually in this chapter, he posted honey the Mahalia Muslim narrative later the about one

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and a half on be Bobby I hadn't come yet.

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Yeoman Kula young Assamese Coolio Coolio Mina Cassatt, yes, that's it. Yo, in some summer, right? Him climbing donnini shape. So the purpose of a lot of money was an asks the Companions a question, the answer to which they know very clearly because their experience, and life has taught them the answer to that. And what was the question? The person has a river that passes right by their house, and they bathe in that river five times a day? Will there remain any filth on their body?

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Everyone knows the answer to this because we've experienced it. We know what what showering us, we know what washing our hands multiple times a day to as we know, brushing our teeth, three, four times a day what that does, I imagine someone bathing five times a day. So this is knowledge that already exists with them. Now the opposite of Armani, he was sort of he helps them migrate and bring that knowledge to another scenario. For that he come up with Salawa to come see young hula hoop.

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This is the example of the five daily prayers that through them, Allah subhanaw taala washes away and erases your mistakes and your sins, the teaching methodology, also the loss of the body. So

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as a teacher, you may feel that why don't I just give the answer quickly? Just make it a quick No. The journey to the answer actually becomes a part of the answer. Your job as a teacher is to create that journey. Sometimes we would ask our teachers a question and there wasn't one particular question I recall.

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It was the question of the virtue of cleaning the Masjid.

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I don't remember how but that question came came in front of me and I had to answer it. Someone asked that where is the narration regarding the virtue of cleaning the question. Specifically, in one narration opposite Allah on any wisdom said that Allah Subhana Allah, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, there are lots of kind of went out on the reward that person with the maidens of paradise. So he said to me, so I was looking for the narration, and I couldn't find it. And I searched and searched by the way, this is pre internet. So you pop it in, you had to go through books, and I was just looking for pages and pages, trying to find it, and I could. So I went to my

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teacher. And I said to him, Chef, where's the answer to this narration?

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So first of all, he refused to give me some keep looking. So the week went by, must have gone through hundreds of pages, maybe 1000s, hundreds of pages sitting in the library, going through one book at a time trying to find any Why not that it didn't exist. It's just that I wasn't doing a good job, unfortunately.

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Then finally, I went to him again, and I said, I can't find the narration. Can you help me? So then, she was realizing that most apartments are protected and preserved. He then said to me, he didn't give me the answer. He gave me a nudge. He's a check even Omada you might find that they're sort of hidden imagine. And then when I went and I checked, I found that why there were the pumps it along. It also says that someone that who removes something from the masjid that causes pain or harm to another person, in return, it was working so and so. So you nudge the student? You guide them? Guide answers. Go ahead. So let's start here today. Here he talks about the teaching methodology. So the

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last set of what he said was through questioning and conversation.

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So that was that

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dialogue and questions. Download questions are the public's most prominent methods of teaching. Since that draws the attention of listeners around us it's their curiosity to know the answer and prompt them to reflect on the answer. If they were unable to provide the answer the answer the profit slice, and it will be well understood and entrenched in their minds.

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While it was reported on the authority, I live on

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the west central Boston one morning and said, if there was a river by the door of one of them, and he was to be there in five

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mines daily will any dirt remain on there implied no dirt or

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the province alone was going on said this resembles the five daily prayers Allah wakes up sings with them. In this hadith we see beside dialogue, other educational methods such as bringing an abstract concepts into a tangible understanding to, to make it very clear and understandable to the students. In this example, the process of comparing the cleansing of tangible dirt on the body, in clothes with ample clean water to the 5 million pairs and how it cleanses the sins and false emotions. So here we also see the props that a lot so connects the tangible and intangible the spiritual and the physical, that just as we give importance to bathing everyday and cleaning ourselves and cleaning

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our gardens, the same should apply to your spirituality that give that the same importance, if not more, there should be more importance on cleaning yourself spiritually, and praying your soul bought and engaging and thinking and doing good deeds. Yes.

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He reported it is listed on the authority about us. On the level one who said I heard that this is normal, but still low on himself seeing Do you know what the Muslim is? So this is interesting narration because of course that allow us to sort of ask three questions, the answer to which anyone would know, like a person who is even a new Muslim would know the answer. Isn't that the Romans in that moment that are known among hajat?

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Right? Do you know who the believer is? Do you know who the Muslim is? Do you know who the Mahajan is? And these are basic works, right? But the reason alone when he was asked these basic questions, to give them a deeper answer, that there is an answer that's that everyone knows. But then there's something deeper that needs to be understood here. Yes.

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The companions are by Allah and His Messenger novice. He said, a Muslim is he from his tongue and hence other Muslims are saying,

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he asked, Do you know who that was the believers, the companions. As I said, as long as he says he is the believer is trusted with their lives and their wealth and immigrants, he will have to be more than and abstain from it.

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So the Grace of Allah Manuel, specifically regarding the Mahajan, someone who migrates, he took them to a, again from the tangible to the intangible, that there's a physical migration that occurs, which is tough and difficult. But once that's done, now, you need to go to the second tier or deeper level of Antioch, which is hit me in a suit hinted

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that you are migrating from a life of sins and apologia and wrongdoing to a life of righteousness, that's a heated up that occurs. The same thing goes with Hutch. Right people perform the pilgrimage, as what are the properties says that, you know, people think that going to Makkah and Medina is the hardship. But when you return back here, the same old center had was about you making cost 100 minutes to make attention to make an attempt of turning your life to Allah, what kind of hacia you don't have you done, that the moment you return, your life has returned back to itself. It hasn't actually made its way to us. It's about changing your life. Classically, historically, when someone

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will perform Hajj, it was such a big act that you will see their life change. So people will admire it, that I can't wait for the day that I get to go for Hajj to. And one of the reasons why there was genes that came from that hutch, as I was mentioning earlier, because it wasn't as simple as jumping on a plane. And eight, nine hours later, you're in Makkah. And then you'll hear stories of people coming back from Medina for Omraam within like four days, it wasn't that. Right? It would probably take you three or four days to get to the port of your own country. And then the journey started. So they would write their wills, they would fare they would farewell everyone. And then they would go

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on the journey. So because the journey was prolonged, and it was difficult it was there were so many barriers. The people who took this journey on really wanted it. So when they came back, they could have just wasted and therefore people will refer to a person that went to high school with the title Hodge *.

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It wasn't just a normal person. This was someone especially someone that proved their love to Allah Subhanallah without by putting their own buff and taking on the task of a sufferer of traveling from one part of the world to another part. You might hear stories from your grandparents if they're still alive for your great grandparents. They'll tell you about their journey of Hutch how they did their first or second Hodge Nona on ship.

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Allah subhanaw taala give us tofield to appreciate that, that we do our task.

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A lot of send us at a time we live in a

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Time, where for most of us, at least, our test is not in the physical challenge.

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There really aren't too many physical barriers that we have to break through for worshiping the law or to do good. Our task is controlling the wildness of our hearts and minds. That's where our task is. You can earn your agenda actually without breaking a sweat.

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The people that pass they had to put their life on the line.

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illness, death notes, someone passed away someone's gone or atrophied how Freetown minimal de la Jani. If it was all there from the subcontinent, he says that when I was a student, I had a policy of not reading any letters that I received. During the academic year, I wouldn't read them. And we just gathered together in a little box, he had some letters hooked up, he put it into the box, so that I would come, he put it into the box.

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And then once the semester was over, and the reason why he said it was because they would occupy him, and he needed to give his whole attention to a study. So he, in our language, no emails, no text messages, no phone calls during the academic year, right? And when breaks would come on break, what ended up happening with calm or Henrique would come. He said, I would open up the box. And it was just full of tears and smiles. Mostly there were notes of people passing away my family, that my uncle had passed away, my cousin passed away or a neighbor had passed away my relative or a letter to me about it, and it would mostly just be tears and having tears. So there was a challenge, there

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was a physical challenge involved. In our world, there's no physical challenge in reality, that barrier to

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to the physical barrier.

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I'm not even sure if it exists anymore.

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Specifically, post COVID. It doesn't exist anymore. We have people that are with us right now online, taking this class studying with us this almost no physical barrier, but that comes with its own challenge. The challenge that comes to with now is taking this knowledge seriously.

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That taking this Deen seriously, understanding in this moment, even though there is no difficulty for you to be here, Allah subhanaw taala still give you the field and give us all of you to be a part of this gathering.

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And now it's our chance to understand that these are the most valuable moments of our life. These gatherings being here in the masjid, being in gatherings of knowledge, being surrounded by righteous people that are sitting next to it in front of you. On the Day of Judgment, these are gatherings that we will remember, the other gatherings will cease to exist, they will disappear. Because gatherings that matter, our gatherings in which a lot has been sued or mentioned in all their gatherings are nothing.

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Yes, going. By the way if you're wondering, why am I saying such a bold statement? It's because of a civil lawsuit.

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Either in the dunya mother or mother

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in law, the rule of law, my mind now why do we own

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the earth, this world this material world.

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It is cursed motherhood and mafia and everything in its material life is also cursed. In the coma but But what?

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The remembrance of Allah.

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That's not cursed. That's what matters.

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Well, my mind that whatever connects you and joins us near that domain, while Hollywood overtime, and a scholar and student, the scholar and student are in the journey of helping one another to reach their and everyone else is just floating. They're just floating. If they're lucky, they'll find a way to make their existence about their own some alone, or even that ship they won't be able to connect to. So then their existence in this world unfortunately, is wasted.

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The challenge that we face, as as I mentioned, is not a physical one. I'm not sure if there are physical challenges anymore. But there are challenges that are to do with our heart. Connecting class stick on focus consistency. Yes, God.

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fact that the prophesized use of words and loosens and believe is here. It's not just a disagreeable behavior with others. Rather these international words that the Muslim Can you believe it? It's looking more and more betraying trust is forbidden in Islam, whether with Muslims or non Muslims.

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I believe that harming or cheating on Muslim accepting more, which is logical, right, because you're in war, the other person intensity will to use and then you have to protect yourself and even fight back. Yes.

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I believe that harming or cheating on Muslims, is even more forbidden is more forbidden as the process and have warned that he will be the plaintiff in such a case as important in the offense. Can you find any sort of let it be known that whether it was unfair to a peaceful non Muslim

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disparage Tim Burton has been or took something from him against his will, I shall be his opponent of the day resurrection. So this prohibition of harm another and this is not limited just to Muslims or non Muslims as well, that a Muslim does not harm another with their tongue or with their hand, Muslim or non Muslim, you take care of everyone. Okay, we'll go to the next generation. Its next generation is from about Houston to La Yachty on a building with Olivia Baldwin over production lines, names again here, the prophets of Allah Allah He was sort of educated through questioning and conversation, attend to rule number Morpheus after the rule naman Loveless, do you know,

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who is a bankrupt person, if last is to have no one. It's not just not having Well, that's, that's fun. If last is for a person to have well, and then to lose it. That's it as bankruptcy, someone had wealth and then they lost it. Oh, my goodness. The interesting thing here, and this is a small

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point, specifically for those who understand Arabic that an argument could be made, should it not be Manila, mirthless because man is for the winner of all in MMA as far as I know.

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So when we talk about a living being or entity you use the word man monger or book Who is your Lord living entity? Ma, is when you're inquiring about or making mention of a nonliving entity Medina, in the question, the questioning in the grave material, Medina bu mattino because the religion is not a living entity it's available. So therefore use the word map, but here are sort of lost in Allamani was sort of question at that balloon modulus.

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Now, there seems to be a discrepancy here because mirthless is a bankrupt person, living entity or not.

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It is living living individual right versus live. So someone can argue that this is mis usage of language.

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Obviously, it isn't the RMI they discuss this, what are the answers they give us was no winner and happy for the loveless that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't talking about the individual when he asked the question rather, he was talking about bankruptcy itself. The what does it mean to be broke? Not so much focused on the individual, but the concept of being broke Allama OB he says that Hakka Babylon and the materialistic way jervois

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Allah I mean, yeah. And then there are arguments that do also tell us that such a word can be used. Mark can also be used for a living as well in the art and they cite the if the Quran were our own set, Morrow cool. I mean,

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and who is the Lord of the Worlds? So they're that word Mies used in place of months. So there's a linguistic discussion here. It's an interesting one for those who can appreciate it.

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In somebody while by the way, some narrations actually haven't asked at the money office in the other side of the mountain now we are going along air races have you twist narratives to the wire with money from office. However, Chicago of a London Tada he comments on this nourishing he says, whoa enough already via come out and that this money being used in the Hadith linguistically may be correct in this version of their narration. But it goes against the common narrations

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when I love women saprophyte about anatomy. And it seems to be such as a change that was caused by one of the narrators, because majority of the narration is presented as monotonous. Okay, so now let's come back to the actual issue here. The props of Allamani was that it was drawing their attention to what does it mean to be bankrupt? Because in the community, when you think of a poor person sucks, like you feel like my poor individual didn't have access to wealth or maybe didn't meet the opportunity at the right time. But when someone talks about bankruptcy, that hurts deep. Why is that folks?

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It was in your hand pocket and

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you had it was yours and then it left. So you think to yourself, Man, that must have been some really bad luck or maybe that person had horrible management or maybe that person was so greedy, you have extra remorse and regret for that person you feel extra sad for that individual. So let me see the long audio sentences and the Companions what does it mean to be motionless and mostly Safina and when did Hamra move.

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The Companions they said that emotion is in our terminology is one that has nothing to do

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He has no wealth, he has no possessions. So there was sort of less of a well, it was sort of explains, again, they're talking about the class in a physical sense was that mean in an economical sense their economy, what does it mean in their world and their society? What sort of loss of a level it was that was making them think about the forget about the finance and this world, wealth comes in goes along, we estimate that we have some ladies or gentlemen, that a lot gives and a lot retracts that's in the hands of the most amount of data. However, the worst one is last is the Hereafter.

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And the I'll read that in a moment. But it really relates to many of us. To me, I can see as well as it relates to myself, that we have a part of our life many of us can refer back to a day in our life a year in our life where things were great. Someone may say when I was younger, I used to read the Quran regularly. When I was younger, my wife used to take me to Sunday schools and I knew so much about the deen that when I was younger, I used to go to the masjid and throw in the machine. And I used to do attic and we used to do soup kitchens and distributing food and we would go back home and help the needy when I was young. My parents took me out to an ombre so there's so much talk about

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the past. But currently today that person is so far from where they started. That's if last that you had hit.

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Quran was a part of your life the deen was a part of your life. Therefore there is a beautiful to our sort of loss of our lives and that I think we should make a part of our lives to protect ourselves from spiritual bankruptcy. You guys ready for this?

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Very beautiful one. And try to make this a lot as frequently as possible.

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To this

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date and

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Hublin Mila Rama in

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this door right here. It's a Quranic dua for those of you who would like to memorize it, Allah azza wa jal says, teaches us to say, or have been allowed to pollute by now about the

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whole law. Do not, do not allow our hearts to

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a stranger turn away after being guided.

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And gift us and guide us with mercy from you. In the heart, you are the one who gives who are the one whom stones upon people. So this is a beautiful blog to make. The believer is never content with their current state. You're always worried about what happens next, because what matters most is the end of your life, not the past the past is good to reflect back on but where are you today?

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You know, like you said a lot of audio Samsung, in the middleman will Hatim

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actions are based off of their their ending

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actions are based off of their income bills, how our team similarly there's a lot so have I attributed it to the sort of loss that a lot it's most likely more correct here is that it's attributed to his hobby and even that's a that has to do with the alarm on alarm on it. So the law is along.

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So first of all,

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yeah, a lot of my jobs are only as

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as you know, while I make them last part of my life, the best part of my life, well hate on money Hakima

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and make the best deeds, the last deeds that I do.

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There have been so many needs in my life, the last deed that I do should be the best one. Well, you know, a young young, Kofi

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and make the best day in my life. The Happiest Day think of all the good days you've had or you're thinking of good days. Maybe when you were in Paris for whatever reason. Or you're in London, or maybe you're standing at the waterfall, or maybe you're standing under the fall. He has ever sat under a waterfall has a view

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it's magical. It really it's magical feel the sound, the feeling and the water is so immersed in that moment that as well.

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But he's talking about visiting Medina, but I think they someone can borrow that expression. Is is

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my mind's all over the place and I apologize. But the translation to the line here is that that my job for you is the poet is saying to the visitor of Medina.

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That's right at the tip of my tongue. That's always the points

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anyway, he says to Job apologia, that's

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is the last line in it right? That my prayer to you is my my request to you is that when you go to Madina Munawwara that you arrived there in a state that you forget the rest of the world that's what I want for you that when you enter into Madina Munawwara that when you arrive to the grove with a robot

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that might lie is that you forget the whole world and all that matters is that you're there so just as a person standing underneath the water for a person that's walking in a garden or maybe someone that's happening for the first time with their soon to be companion of life these are all special moments right? But the why here is why you got a yummy yo man aka V. O Allah make the best day of my life today that I need you and I'm standing before you on the adjustment that should be the happiest day of my life. Okay continue

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listen before don't that authority level to the point where he translates less if you can end up being on my team and yet

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he said the breakup of the bankrupt what is

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my mama is he will come to the neighbors are actually his prayers, fasting, it's a cat. But he comes after he has a score and this person slender this person did on their own this person, shed a lot of this person and beaten this person. This person will be given from his good deeds and this person will be given from his good deeds. If all his good deeds are finished before he has paid them back there is able to easily chicken from them and cast onto him. He will then be cast into the hellfire.

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That's the one who shows up on the day of judgment was so many good deeds, but then because they couldn't control them.

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Because they had no other further human being because he's spoken of lying because they hurt someone because they brought tears to another person's eyes. All those needs are taken away.

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And bichara Kala inside standing there now with nothing to fall back on. It's all been taken away. It's all been stripped away because of their own doing. This is what a sort of onset of autism says. But if last is he shares two more narrations.

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The next narration actually we already covered there's one left. The next narration that he shares is a longer narration. And we see in this narration how the prophets of Allah Ahmadi was Salam is in conversation with mo de la one at the end. And during the length of the narration, the prophets of Allah Mornay was set up is in conversation with God Larissa, and this is referred to as Hadith digitally, right. So there as well, we see the Gibreel Alexandra was engaging with those who are actually engaging with the people. Have you been revealed was not an educational moment for the Prophet symbolizes the reason it allowed us to do the answers. It was an educational woman for who,

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for the audience, for that attendees and for us. And so David, are these approaches across the line as soon as an anonymous person and begins to question, it's a long marriage, and I'll summarize it for you. He asked him What is Islam? Have you sort of been why they responded back with what we refer to as the five pillars of Islam? That no shahada Salas, I got some Hutch. He then asked him what is Iman, so let me sit alone, engage back with him. And then he was about the six tenets of faith that you believe in Allah, the angels, the good to be revelation scriptures also the prophets and messengers, the only author that they have judgment, and you believe fake good and bad are both

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from Allah subhanaw McDonogh. He then asked him regarding excellence in EMA that how does a person excel in their themes and every single lesson that opens up the spiritual dimension, that after believing in what you need to believe in and engaging your limbs with actions that will worship a lot, in order for you to reach excellence, you will need to connect your belief and your physical actions with your heart. All this needs to be connected together. You know, you have a doc for a computer, where you connect the Dongle for the computer and I'm sorry for the keyboard and the mouse and the HDMI cord and the audio jack, you need to all come together to the heart. It all needs to

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fit through there. And once that comes, once that happens, now you have dislike now you haven't all come together. Now you get your fight that as well. He then has some sort of loss of knowledge regarding the day of judgment to that maybe somebody sort of said I don't know. And he said it more eloquently. He said that neither of us know

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letting go almost no one think I know what's going on here

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because as I said I didn't know the Prophet Muhammad also knew no one else knows this is the only lesson

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and then he asked for signs into that a sort of less than a minus and informed him with some signs. And then after to be honest that I'm left maybe some a lot of audios that have asked on the left hand

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side. Do you know what was it

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I don't know, into that also a lesson a lot of so so that was who came to teach you your T shirt, hold it down hold on him about that. And that narrates the full narration with some beautiful footnotes. We'll leave that for you guys to read in your own time. With that will conclude here today. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala accepts and granted stuff you will read the next chapter in our next class. Also a long time and as in the Muhammad ceremony

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