Hussain Kamani – Stories of The Companions – Anas Ibn Malik

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the importance of serving elders and seniors in community, and the need for elders and seniors to serve in community. The importance of serving elders and seniors is highlighted, and the need for elders and seniors to serve in community. The transcript also mentions the importance of serving elders and seniors in community, and the need for elders and seniors to serve in community. The transcript also mentions the importance of serving elders and seniors in community, and the need for elders and seniors to serve in community. The transcript also mentions the importance of serving elders and seniors in community, and the need for elders and seniors to serve in community. The transcript also mentions the importance of serving elders and seniors in community, and the need for elders and seniors to serve in community.
AI: Transcript ©
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As Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam

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was on his way to Madina Munawwara

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and he was now safe from the Quraysh who are chasing him.

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The news began to spread, that the Prophet of Allah will soon arrived in Medina.

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So the Companions would wait in the outskirts of Madina Munawwara

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for the arrival of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Mothers would send their children off, go and search for him go and search for him and day after day they will come back. The Prophet of Allah had not yet arrived.

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Then one day, the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam arrived in Madina Munawwara.

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The Companions rushed out of the city, to the outskirts of Medina, to a place called Koba to meet and greet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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For them this was a very special day. There a chance to interact and see the Prophet of Allah subhanahu wa Tada

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and the VRA salatu salam greets the companions and the scene of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arriving into actual Madina. Munawwara

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in reality is nothing but epic.

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The Sahaba are chanting, this is the Messenger of Allah, children are singing, the duff is being beaten, people have climbed the roofs of homes trying to catch a glimpse of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Compare this to just a few weeks months earlier, Muslims had to practice Islam privately. Just a few small years earlier. So the law said Allahu alayhi wa sallam is being stoned, in thought if and now they are celebrating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is what the unsoldered did. This was what was special about them. They didn't just serve as a home for the companions, and not only were they neighbors to the Sahaba, but they gave the true hug of hosting the Prophet of Allah Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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Prior to the arrival of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the work of Dawa had already started. So people in Madina Munawwara were accepting Islam children were accepting Islam women were accepting Islam the leaders of Osen husbands were accepting Islam. Juma Salah had already been established. It had been established before the Prophet of Allah Himself even prayed your masala the first dry masala the Prophet of Allah praise in his life is when he leaves COBOL on the way to Madina Munawwara during that short walk, he stops in a place where today there is much to Juma and he prays that he leaves the first Gemasolar there of his life, but before that the Sahaba were

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already praying jewel masala in Madina Munawwara by the commander of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ultimately.

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When the resort Allahu alayhi wa salam arrived in Madina, Munawwara and settled into the home of a boy you but in Saudi that the Allah one people came by to meet the Prophet of Allah.

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Little did these people know that each person that was laying their eyes on the face of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was embarking on a journey and was establishing memories that they would

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remember and they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

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Sometimes you look back at life and you wonder man, that first day I entered into the classroom, I didn't really understand what was going on.

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I was naive, I was immature. The first time I met the teacher, the shift, I didn't realize where this would take me what kind of development would occur where I would go and what would come out of this. Because human beings on their own have very little in terms of how you know there's limited capacity of how far they can go. Your growth bursts and it blows up when you meet someone who has the therapy done themselves and can also then do the therapy of the next person. So these people didn't realize in that moment, they were laying eyes on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and long after the Prophet of Allah would pass away, they would remember those days. That Man That day

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he entered into Madina Munawwara how crazy was it?

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So people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one group at a time.

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Presenting gifts to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that our messenger of Allah here's a small gift from our family. On Messenger of Allah, here's a small gift from our family.

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Then we'll see you but mo Allahu Taala near

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just been Malika the hola Juan and this hadith is narrated by Imam Timothy Rahmatullah Yanni.

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Kadima. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam el Medina.

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Well, and even with Imani singing that Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam arrived in Madina, Munawwara while I was eight years old, other narrations and the majority of them indicate that when the Prophet of Allah arrived in Madina Munawwara this narrator and so the hola Juan was actually 10 years old.

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Father me be Eddie. My mother took me by my hand, and delicate be lazy. So we walked to meet Rasulullah sallallahu I knew he was gonna Bacala Dr. Rasulillah them Yep, peraduan wala imra to mirror in Saudi in LA vaca at halfa cabbie to fatten. There is not a person from the unsought or a male or female that has not approached you and given you some sort of a gift

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or any laughter

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to pay for coffee. I don't have anything to give you.

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Selena the hola Juana mentum Ilhan I don't have anything to offer to you a Messenger of Allah in Lebanon he had a but this son of mine

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but who also take my son

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but yeah, dual camera but Allah he will be your heart and He will be your servant for as long as you need

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Allah for him to Ashura seen in. So the next 10 years I became the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu today

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and today we will spend this beautiful evening in the company of Santa Anas of nomadic or the allawah

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the grid hadham of Rasulullah sallallahu Ani, so the one who served a prophet of Allah Allah, His salatu salam, who was in the company of new visa, Allahu Allah, he was sitting while traveling and wanted to be sort of long while he was sitting was at home. The one who had access to the behind the scenes, he was allowed into the house of a sort of masala and he was the one who saw on a visa Allahu Allah He was sort of interacting with companions and his family members in all capacities. He was with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the Prophet of Allah married his wife's, all your all the stories, and he is the one that narrates the walima here, this is what happened. And

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over in that walima Isola, we said Allahu Allah, he was sitting through this, when he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam was traveling, I was with rasool Allah said Allah on a serum and this battle that happened, and in this interaction this happened. He is from the McCarthy rune, those who narrate abundantly from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So when the resort Allahu alayhi wa sallam takes this young child into his care in another narration, and it's been Monica the hola Juan says Jah to be Muslim in Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam woke up as the ROTC business with hamari how whare destiny be Baba, that my mother took me to meet the Prophet of Allah. And in order to cover me, she took her shawl and put half of it around my lower body and the other part of it are on the upper body.

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He's wearing very simple garments. They weren't a wealthy family, because the auto sort of law had a nice evening when he's asleep. The diminutive form of the name *, and this is something that Adams would do when they wanted to call onto someone with love for saying, the small form of hustle when ace the small *

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so she says Oh Messenger of Allah, I bring my son to do your FISMA further Allah Allah Who so make dua for him.

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And so the Allah Juan says this was the first dua the Prophet of Allah made for me in my life is a 10 year old kid.

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Allah Who McPhee Ramallah who hola hola Tao, oh Allah increase his wealth and increase his project for Allah He Nnamani la cathedra. He later on lives to say that Allah blessed me with abundance of wealth. He had these vineyards that would produce fruit, not once a year, but two times a year, his business was booming. We're in Walla, Walla Walla, the data are Duna, Allah with me, I think.

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As for my progeny, if I were to count my children and my grandchildren, that number would easily surpass 100. Just in my progeny alone. During his lifetime, he witnessed between 100 of his children and his grandchildren

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and instead of your loved one, with this unique view and insider

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access that he has to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is able to see every detail you there isn't a chapter in the books of Hadith, but in there you will find

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In a narration of Satan and a symptomatic Guardiola one even in case Abu salah. He says that say that Abu Bakr Siddiq God Allah Almighty Allah one and the Prophet of Allah I prayed Salam behind all of them. And when they be sent Allahu alayhi wa salam will start his Salah when reading out loud, he would start with Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen This is the the argument honeybees used against the Shaeffer is to prove that best Mala is not a part of the Quran. Because the Prophet alayhi salatu salam when he would start his recitation according to the Divine and it's been Malika, the Allah one who says that I heard this from the Prophet of Allah and say that Abu Bakr Siddiq or the

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Allah one and say they're only looking to photogra The Allah when I pray behind all of them, and when they started their recitation, the first opening statement they would say out loud is Alhamdulillah Allah.

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Allah some of the Allah one. He prayed just like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Tabata guna and he says that Abu Huraira the Allahu ansaid, Marathi to add an ASHA heavy salata, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam evening, Mr. Lane Yanni innocent, but there was no one that I saw and this is overlaid over the Allahu unspeaking who Salah was as accurate as the Sulaco suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there was no one who prayed as similar as the suit Allah said Allahu alayhi wa sallam, then Satan unassertive. Malika the Allah one

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will call it a super city in Ghana and a super malic acid and nasty Salatin. Phil, how did he suffer? What kind of person you suddenly heard that the photographer the man who doesn't mean myopia, he will stand for long hours and his feet would begin to swell. And sometimes blood would even come out of the cracks of his feet. And that's what the hola Juan spent his life observing. Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam

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found fascinating because earlier today, in one of our classes, we had a conversation about

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an a sort of the Allahu ion being the Haldimand to be sort of the holiday was being that servant. Naturally as being a servant of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there were certain gatherings that he wasn't able to participate in. Maybe said Allahu alayhi wa salam sent them off somewhere, can you please go to that corner of Medina and collect this? Can you please drop this off to this family member of mine? Can you please go over there and take care of this? And

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it's possible that someone in our world will look at this and say that person is being deprived of knowledge, that person is missing out on the opportunity to study Why is he being sent over here and over there.

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Our tradition shows us that serving teachers and mentors and seniors was viewed as an honor for students of knowledge, not a burden. A student would think to themselves, that I'd rather go to the groceries for my chef, knowing that he could spend that time studying the dean and teaching the dean and doing what I'm not able to do. I would rather go and the example I gave in class, go fill up the gas or go wash the car or go cut the grass or do something so hurry them up, I can be of any usage. This person right here is uses their time to do the fall of Islam against the non Muslims and this person dedicates their time to teaching Hadith to the Ummah, this person right here has a voice that

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has the power to change the direction of the ummah. And this is the doing of Allah Subhan Allah Allah azza wa jal gives it to He wills as He wills, He gives it to those that are worthy and unworthy do when you dedicate yourself to the FINMA of people who serve the deen ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will then accept you for the Hitman 30 Look at UNESP and Malika the Allah one he spends his time doing good mother prophet of Allah, but that does not stop him from being in the McCarthy era.

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Those who narrate most narrations from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam honest with your loved ones and name is right there.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala gives you students who will not only serve you but there will be a pride for you. If you look at Anasazi, Allah Juan, he was a source of pride for a sort of loss and Allah Azza wa sallam

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and then you look at his students. The line of students is unbelievable. Hassan bacillary Muhammad was sitting

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among the people who narrate from him are great giants like Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullah who have laid eyes on this great Sahabi and the Ummah now for centuries to come, and over a millennia are narrating back the narrations that these people heard from an aspen model of your loved one. It's fascinating.

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Last week, when I left class, a brother came and shared something with me when we did our Tuesday class after that someone came and shared something with me. He's the chief. There's an Amana that I have been given. I want to convey it to you said okay, what's your Amana? I was expecting a box of dates.

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Maybe some chocolate.

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He says to me that there's a person that I know who is serving a 55 year prison sentence.

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He's already been in prison for 510 years. And it's very lonely there for him.

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Mother's very old father's also probably in the last stages of life.

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Recently, the prisoners somehow gained access through the right channels to a tablet.

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So he said everyone in the cellblock gets together on Tuesday to listen to the stories of the companions.

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And it gives us joy that we spend the rest of the week thinking about the Sahaba

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because it's a little lonely there, you don't know what to do anymore.

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And I thought to myself, subhanAllah I had no involvement of any of this. I didn't give them a tablet.

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I didn't facilitate that this was not directed at anyone outside of a group of students that have nothing better to do on a Tuesday evening, who are bored like myself so we get together and do some gupshup

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but Allah subhanahu Allah is the one you need to know us. Fionnula Hibiya FYE wala Hometeam annuity.

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Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has taken the responsibility of conveying this Deen to any ear that is sincere no matter how locked off they are from the outside world.

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This is the dua of the modulus. This is the dua of the sincere one.

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He is the one that hears it but the condition is in us the condition is that you have to be sincere. honest about the Allah one.

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He spends his morning and evening day and night in that Fidel Castro Lhasa la Hwanhee.

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And this is a lesson for us all. With every Sahabi there's a lesson that we focus on the lesson of the from the life of Satan or unasked, nomadic or the Allah who is developing the desire to do Headman,

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specifically the seniors in our community, the Allah ma the Messiah, this is something that's disappeared. This is not on the checklist. When parents are giving therapy guidelines to their children. The bar is so low that right now their religious guideline is praise Allah and make sure you do a little before your face a lot. That's where the bar is right now. The bar right now is what that makes sure you fast in Ramadan. We're just trying to get the foot out of it. If we keep focusing on such a bare minimum product, how are we going to accomplish the big things

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and it's been Monica the Allah one. Look at the farsightedness of his mother. He dedicates his entire life and every moment of joy and all of that experience and everything that he learned and all the joy and all the smiles that he saw with his eyes on the face of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to mama when they come into the Prophet of Allah and saying, take my son under your week, how much trust to this mother hat? How far was your site, she could have sent a messenger of Allah make him a student, but she knew that would bring one fighter but the thigh that Rasulullah sallallahu Alia was some of the benefits of the Prophet of Allah taking on her son as a hadham would

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be legendary.

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The greatest would be the greatest thing here would be her son would be a means of Raha peace and comfort for the Prophet of Allah.

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And there was nothing left that she wanted in this role more than that, that someone with her blood in their veins was serving us through the loss of the body.

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So now, under sort of the law, one effectively enters into the family of a sort of loss of the law holiday.

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And for 10 years, he serves the Prophet of Allah. And during these 10 years, he protects in his heart secures in his heart, every word and statement of a suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Not only is he preserving the Hadith of the Shamal, the prophets of Allah who Allah he was sending his personal life, but he is actually interacting with the Shemitah on the day to day

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he's touching that bed as he's fixing it. He's walking from one part of the city to another. He is the recipient of that smile have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his nose is the first contact for the beautiful fragrance applied by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as an abuse of Allahu alayhi wa sallam combs is here. And so the Allahu Allah has front row seats to see the beautiful hair of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they visit Allahu alayhi wa sallam finishes washing himself and that's where the Allah one is the one that presents the towel to Rasulullah

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The garment to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he will dry himself with.

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He reaches a place of observation and that front row seat that mankind until the end of times will be jealous of us of the Malika Viola one of what he saw what he experienced.

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So now we turn to Anessa the Allahu Allah and hear from him directly.

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Today what I wanted to do was something a little different. I didn't want to just focus on stories from the life of Anissa the Allah one in a classical sense like incidents. What I wanted to focus on is the story at large.

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What honestly the law one learned and gained from Rasul Allah that Allah Honda he was set up. So for today's class, not only did we look through the biographical works of the scholars on the Sahaba but today, we will also take into the take a peek into the misogyny and the books of Hadith.

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The narrations they narrate from UNESP and Monica the Allah one as he recalls them through these very intimate interactions with Rasulullah sallallahu Ani

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and that's what the hola Juan says,

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I serve the Prophet of Allah so Allah Allah He was selling for 10 years. And there was no one that I met that had more beautiful character than the Prophet of Allah Allah. He said,

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there was no one that had a broader chest and was more forbearance the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There was no one that was more kind and compassionate. Then Rasul Allah so Allah Mata he was sent him one day it'll suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent me for a task. And all the way there some kids were playing, so I joined them.

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Up person was standing behind me some time later, and pulled my garment when I turned around. It was at a sort of loss of audio so

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but it's referred to for either Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Yeah, but that's it.

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I turned around and behind me smiling at me it was sort of last

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year when ace the hub to Haifa, America. Did you go when I told you to do is complete the task?

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Close to none. In neither Hebron and yeah, Rasulullah. Yes.

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Potts, I'm headed there now. Heading over there right now.

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And during these 10 years of sort of loss that Allahu Allah was set them did not scold me, and he did not nag at me, why did you not do this? Why did you do that? Maybe sort of aha, it was sort of letting me do things. And the way that I did them.

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He says that when he was sort of lost that Allahu Allah He was set them up to call out to me sometimes he would say yeah, when ace out of love, and at times the Prophet it stood out to Saddam would say, Yeah, B'nai Oh, my dear son.

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In one narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, Oh, my dear son, if you have the ability to enter into the morning and evening, while having no malice in your heart for any human being, then surely do so. My dear son, this is my son. And whoever revives my sunnah is indeed love me. And the one that has loved Me will be with Me in gender.

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Oh, my son. When you enter upon your family, then say to them as salaam alaikum. It will be better off for you and your family members.

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And so the hola Juan says

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that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is looking at this narration again, how the Prophet said Allahu Allah, he was selling his teaching him that the way to be a companion, the way to be from the family of the Prophet of Allah, the way a person who spends their morning and evening with the Prophet of Allah is for them to have a pure heart.

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You have to get over it.

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Whatever that it is for you. Whatever your barrier is, you must learn to overcome it.

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You must learn to let things go You can't hold on to them forever. Let these grudges go. Because if you can't love another person, then you have missed the sooner and impure heart will not be able to replicate the sooner no matter how much they attempt to do so external.

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For that you will need a pure heart

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and and it's been Monica the Allah who now lives by this for the rest of his life. He dedicates his morning and evening to living by the Sunnah because here it'd be sort of our holiday was sort of taught him how to increase value.

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implement this in your life and tomorrow your marriage will increase in value. implement this in their in your life and tomorrow you will be a better father. You will be a better

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coworker you will be a better principal, you will be a better manager you will be a better coach. You have to purify your heart and purge it of all the West muscles of shape thought.

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This is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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MSLT Allah one, while describing the sort of preferences of a sort of loss that Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, God also the loss of Allahu Allahu wa salam you Hibou a Li, Al Maha JUDAH Well unsought for Salah that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would lead prayer, he preferred that the people standing immediately behind them more than Mahajan and the unsought Senior Companions. He used to like that.

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This was the preference of Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was

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in another narration, again, a whole different issue. We're just looking at different angles of how honest with the Allah one has eyes on the preferences, the personal life of Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, and enter some of the Allah one and then a surah Sankar, either Sakata lokmat to a hadith common failure. Hoda. Williamson Nabi Hamad Al Adha wala that Haile shaytaan that when it comes to food, if a person is eating in a morsel slips from their hand, don't just leave it. Oh, it's dirty, pick it up. Can it be cleaned? Can you remove any filth or dirt from there? If you can do that and eat it, don't leave it behind for shaytaan

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and that's one of the Allah one. Now on the other hand, while describing the salah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, gamma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in atonement nurses Salahuddin Salatin. Whoa jazzier that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the most complete salah, yet it was also brief.

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His Salah was complete, didn't miss anything. Every record was proper, every set that was proper, every recitation was proper. The Sahaba they say in every single law, why they was set up on how to find every word was distinct in his recitation. But that didn't mean to be said Allahu alayhi wa sallam his prayer when it came to leading in the obligatory Salah that was ours. No, no. Maybe it's it Allahu alayhi wa sallam was the perfect balance. Not so quick where the rights of Salah are being violated. But at the same time, maybe some Allahu Allah was salam kept it brief.

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Again showing the temperament of Rasulullah sallallahu it was set them into personality and then he said Allahu Allah, He was certain. He says, either Allah Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either will the ratio will plummet Salah to Ferb forbidden hoobler Isha Fub that will be the ASHA that when dinner is placed in the prayer starts, start with your dinner.

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Why is the resort Allahu alayhi wa sallam sayings otherwise when you're praying Salah What are you thinking about? Brisket you're thinking about some macaroni you're thinking about some potatoes.

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You're not thinking about Allah, you're not thinking about sort of Fatiha you're thinking why is what Han taking so long?

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Like really? Come on. Like we all love Quran but can you smell it and after the finish or are they say or you can also say Aki with a fairly Shara

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I can manipulate each other coffee, anyone they can even share a coffee. And I'm happy to talk Finnish intelligent person. small gesture is enough for them to read between the lines. The same can be said about people you guys are hungry people a little bit of a interpret and everyone shows up.

00:28:35 --> 00:29:04

He describes the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam sort of mentality these narrations show us personality the show was a piece of awesome thought. How consider it profit audience and others none was in one narration say that honest America the Allah Juan says either NASA had to compete sadati but young Saudi Kalyanam that when one of you is praying Salah and he finds himself dozing off for Leon Salif Kalyanam let's stop praying Salah and go and take some rest.

00:29:05 --> 00:29:26

There's no need to be praying at all while you're dozing off and while you're moving up and down. Similarly, and it's been radical, the hola Juan says the Hello Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam and Masjid once the Prophet of Allah entered into the masjid will happen on Monday with in vain Assadi attain there was this rope extended across two pillars.

00:29:29 --> 00:29:36

Allah Maha he said what is this? What is this rope doing here between two pillars of Louisiana

00:29:37 --> 00:29:51

to Sunni by either cassoulet or Fatah. I'm secretary Zenoah the Allahu Ana she put this here while she's praying Salam when she gets tired or exhausted she holds on to the rope to finish off her prayer. That's why she put the rope there.

00:29:52 --> 00:29:55

Call it hello and it was awesome said remove the rope

00:29:57 --> 00:30:00

from makhana Lu solidly, Lisa

00:30:00 --> 00:30:14

layer new solid, a huddlecam Nashotah hook for either casada or Fatra we are so odd that you should press it all while you are you have the energy in you You're fresh and when that energy is gone and take a seat

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and it's been Monica the Allah one. He says in another narration regarding the dua of Rasulullah sallallahu audios we talked about Salaat let's go over let's go over to the walk. His eyes were everywhere. You guys see this 10 year old kid? What are 10 year old kids in our community doing?

00:30:33 --> 00:30:34

What are they doing is

00:30:36 --> 00:30:40

what's a game called the game where they have cars and they're playing soccer with cars.

00:30:42 --> 00:30:44

Rocket League There you go all these people.

00:30:46 --> 00:30:48

If you see their name names on the leaderboard, don't be shocked.

00:30:51 --> 00:31:01

Yesterday my kid said about let's play Rocket League. I said why would I hit a soccer ball on a game a gaming console with a car well, I can just use a real player. Like you can play FIFA we have FIFA too.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:16

So honestly, this is what kids in our community like you know, their eyes are locked here a lock there. They just keep watching reels of Messi and Ronaldo on repeat those goals. They scored them 10 years ago move on.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:34

They moved on the guy has a billion dollar contract and you haven't moved on. You're still watching old videos and the guy while he's watching it. He's got a smile on his face like wah ma Bashara in Milan, Kareem such a big smile like I mean, the Halawa on their face you look at it.

00:31:35 --> 00:31:42

Because like nodding his head like, man, that's crazy. pictures don't be off and like rubber. He's like, can you believe that?

00:31:45 --> 00:31:47

See, there are anastomotic or the Hola, Juan.

00:31:48 --> 00:32:21

He is observing the practice of law. And it's sort of at that young age between 10 and 20 years old. He was younger than most of us in this gathering. And that's when he's narrating all these Hadith. He says that kind of Dawa teen year the Rubia Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The most frequent blog I heard was sort of less than allaahu it was sort of make the most frequent blog, maybe sort of La holiday or cinema make Allahumma bene attina Dunya has an awful affair at Asana working on

00:32:23 --> 00:32:40

this was the DUA that I heard what sort of loss analog isn't to make, what kind of innocent either or other any other Obadiah within the hobby. So and it's about the Allah one for the rest of his life whenever he made dua, he would raise his hands and say the same thing Alohomora but I can I fit in? Yeah, Hassan or Phil Filati Hassan, walking.

00:32:43 --> 00:33:26

His family was beloved to Allah Allahu Allah. He was said I'm like, there are a whole, like, list of stories of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam interactions with him Zulema the Allahu anha and then when her child passed away in the midst of a lot of Saddam consoling them at the loss of Anessa, the Allah Juan's half brother, there are so many narrations and stories here, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes during the midday siesta time, he would head over to the house of enslavement of the Allahu anha for his midday nap. Because honestly, the last one is so close. And uma Salima the Allah Juana Canada so Allah Allahu Allah wa salam, Yehuda, Allah will Mr. RAMAN but

00:33:26 --> 00:33:32

absolutely the WHO neutron so she will put out a leather mat for us. All of us are among ya was set up to lie on sleeping.

00:33:34 --> 00:33:43

But you have to Aliki this is by Lulu not set by Ophelia Ali. Maybe salatu salam will take his midday nap on there

00:33:44 --> 00:34:09

for a talk called woman out of the heat, but Allah who feeds Libya, she would collect the sweat of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam when he left and add it to her fragrance. This is a sad Wire By the way, you know for people who have a very tough time digesting the Baroque Arthur Ambia with the Baroque era saw that in you can't do away with these narrations taking Baraka the Sahaba taking baraka from a sort of loss of a lot ism is a fact.

00:34:10 --> 00:34:29

This happened. This is a this this is narrated, not in one narration, but so many narrations where the Sahaba took from the basilica they would take collect the hair and Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Sahaba would you know they would hold on to the garments of Rasulullah sallallahu it was some even after he passed away on a sonata

00:34:32 --> 00:34:59

as sort of the Allah one he had a practice which is actually quite prevalent today. If you ever see people making dua at the completion of the recitation of the Quran, and how people do have no Quran dua This isn't established directly from Rasulullah sallallahu. So there's no rewire that tells us that in the midst of a long while he was telling himself there is no study narration that we know of, in which the hobby says that when the Prophet it is so that's what I'm completed as recitation of the Quran he would make dua

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However, unless the magic or the Allah one there are narrations for him, not one but many, that when he would complete the recitation of the Quran kind of understood thematically that Futterman Quran, Gemma or one of the who Allah at he was

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an asset of the alot one when he would complete the recitation of the Quran, he would gather his children and his family members and collectively then they would make dua so this practice of Pokemon Quran to us is taken from who's who's whose actions. See, the innocent family couldn't be alone with honor.

00:35:45 --> 00:35:46

Instead of the hola Juan,

00:35:47 --> 00:35:54

he describes the moments before a sort of loss or Allahu Allah He was said and passed away.

00:35:56 --> 00:35:59

Willow alum, but the narrations

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tell us the last time and so the Allah one sorrow, so the loss of lives.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:07

It was further Salah

00:36:10 --> 00:36:13

few hours before the prophets that allow it sort of departed from this dunya

00:36:15 --> 00:36:21

he arrived at the border of his home in the masjid, leaning on the shoulders of two companions

00:36:23 --> 00:36:32

and they move the curtain and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw the Companions praying federal law behind Satan Abu Bakr has to do with your loved one.

00:36:34 --> 00:36:39

And so the hola Juan says we were praying salah, but he was looking at the Prophet salallahu Salam.

00:36:40 --> 00:36:48

And he said he saw the prophets face and he hadn't seen the Prophet of Allah and so many days. He just wanted to leave where he was and go and hug the Prophet

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and the use of Allahu alayhi wa sallam, then gesture to the companions for a chateau la him. The beasts of Saddam He gestured to them that everyone stay where you are. Everyone stay where you are no need to move.

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And then not too long leader. He hears that I sort of lost it along while he was certainly part of this world.

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In the way of telling me the answer the hola Juan says that.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:20

The Happiest Day for the people in Medina was the day the Prophet arrived.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:25

Couldn't believe Him who were so blessed.

00:37:26 --> 00:37:27

Life was very different before him.

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Life was unimaginable without him.

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The day he arrived, there was a smile on the face of every man, woman and child.

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And similarly, the sad is they in Madina Munawwara was the day the Prophet lectus

00:37:45 --> 00:37:47

everyone had lost everything.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:50

Everyone was in tears.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:53

And that's where the Allah one

00:37:54 --> 00:37:55

then lives along life.

00:37:57 --> 00:37:59

Almost 90 more years he lives

00:38:01 --> 00:38:14

and throughout this period, he spends his life reminiscing over a sort of loss a lot. It's those amazing teenage years he had in the charisma I'm gonna be sort of the one he was, he would say

00:38:18 --> 00:38:26

in Neela origin and el caso de la vie yo Milty Yama Kulu Ya Rasulullah hada hoId in OCONUS

00:38:27 --> 00:38:36

I look forward to meeting the Prophet of Allah on the Day of Judgment. So when I see him I will say a messenger of Allah your heart and nice has arrived. That's what you used to call me.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38

On this

00:38:40 --> 00:38:44

sunny mana Tamie says that I heard honestly the hola Juan St.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:58

Ma hudon Salah welcome Latinos at my Bucky I had on Salah Platanias rady he lived a long life. So he said today there is no one alive who faced both tables behind Rasulullah sallallahu and some other than me.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:01

I'm one of those people that still live

00:39:03 --> 00:39:14

with another Messiah. He says I heard unnecessarily Allah one saying, Min Leila in LA Rafi, her Habibi to murky

00:39:16 --> 00:39:17

there is not a night that I sleep.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:21

But in my dream I see it as sort of loss of law on us.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:24

And then under some of the law, one would cry

00:39:26 --> 00:39:44

Sahaba would come to meet us for the Allah one when meeting him they would kiss his hands. They would say these are the hands the Prophet touched. They would kiss his forehead people from far would come kiss the forehead of unasyn MONICA The allowance. This was the head that was wiped by the robotic hand of a suit Allah and Allah Allah Hilson.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:52

Like all people honest with you alone one had his fair share of challenges in life to

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

two of them. I'll lay out for you. One of them was unfortunately politics

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

Also the Allah one always sided with the Saba.

00:40:04 --> 00:40:07

So as a result of that, the famous omega the general

00:40:09 --> 00:40:11

unfortunately very very unfortunately

00:40:12 --> 00:40:20

got caught with an automatic with the Allah who won in the crosshairs. He ended up getting a little rough with AnnaSophia law on

00:40:21 --> 00:40:22

one day her judgment

00:40:24 --> 00:40:43

he called honestly the hola Juan and said said to him, yeah subbies are evil men. Joe well and Phil Fitton. You're always roaming around and fitna and causing problems. Mahatma Ali ma Margaret and liveness debate marathon Ma sha Allah Levine fcbd

00:40:44 --> 00:40:52

It takes an oath last Ceylon Naga comma to sort of demo what we will generally then Nicoma Yuja.

00:40:53 --> 00:40:55

I will uproot human skin you

00:40:56 --> 00:41:01

he said this to say they're under symptomatic or the allowance. So an asset of the Allah one.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:07

He then wrote a letter to the khalifa to Abdul Malik minima one

00:41:08 --> 00:41:16

and he said in NicoDerm Surah Surah Allah this Hassanein wala Hallo and then Assata Shakur, Raja and hada maybe yeah, Hola, como.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:21

I serve an abuse of a lot of cinema for nine years. 10 years other narration.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:31

If the Christians had a person that served their prophet for as long as I did, they would have honored that men shouldn't you have some respect for me?

00:41:33 --> 00:41:45

Honey are really angry at how God can use if you got in a lot of trouble after this. Hi, Jasmine NYSIF with all of his arrogance, and all of his stubbornness was forced to apologize to Edison adequately Hola, Juan.

00:41:47 --> 00:41:49

I know some of the Allahu on.

00:41:50 --> 00:41:55

The second big calamity he faced was that there was a

00:41:56 --> 00:42:00

plague that hit Basra, where he lived.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:07

And over 200,000 people died from the plague.

00:42:11 --> 00:42:22

Just from the children and grandchildren of Anasazi Allah 170 of them passed away. Just from his family, it's such a big and Siba a plague wiped out his family.

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And ultimately, it was Indystar own al Jolliffe.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:31

That Anniston Malik radiola. One also fell ill

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when he was in the final moments of his life and the plague had spread and illness had overtook him.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:58

He said to his family members, do 13 For me, c'est la ilaha illa Allah around me. So they began to softly say La Ilaha illa Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. And as they were saying that he joined them as well. And while saying La ilaha, Illa Allah

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and as sort of the last one passed away and be part of this well,

00:43:04 --> 00:43:12

the heart of Rasulullah sallallahu Aeneas and the Hardy Manasu allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then whose

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face reminded people of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam that this was a kid

00:43:18 --> 00:43:24

who was by the side of an abuse of the law audio system every step of the way. He has left the dunya

00:43:26 --> 00:43:26


00:43:28 --> 00:43:30

he had instructed.

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Throughout his life, he held on to a possession, something that he had gained from Rasul Allah said a lot of time it was a small staff and he said when you bury me

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bury that gift of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam with me in the grave

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and so his will see it was acted upon

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and that sort of the hola Juan regarding the exact year when he passed away in there are some difference of opinion. Some scholars say it was in the year 92 after his this was a position that mom and welcome you to him Allah Tala opted and then other said it was in the year 93 After Hijra. This is the position of other great scholars Alain Amos, Barney and others

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and their other positions as well. So if he passed away in 93, he God and was born 10 years before he did all that puts his age at

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

103 years.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

The narrations of unasyn Malika, the hola Juan exceed 2000. Some scholars have listed them to be 2286 out of which you will find 180 both in body and Muslim and then independently outside of the multifocal Darlene. You will find 80 of them in body alone. And then another 90 of them in same Muslim

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See the unexplained magic or the Allah Juan's story is a beautiful.

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It's a story of a young child, who spent the five years of his life serving recently.

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And I've seen this in my life. I've seen people dedicate their lives to studying books, which is amazing. And I've also seen in my life, people dedicate their life to serving scholars of the the.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:48

And the baraka that Allah subhanahu wa taala puts in the life of that second person is something very different. It's very unique. That'll be the mentorship, the end product. When you see someone that has actually spent time with scholars, you will be able to tell just the way they speak, the way they carry themselves.

00:45:50 --> 00:45:52

It's very quick and very easy.

00:45:53 --> 00:46:20

As opposed to someone who hasn't spent time with machines and seniors, their tarbiyah generally is incomplete. Like they're half refined, partial refined, but it's not complete. They have a good idea of something here a good idea of something there. But the Sahaba Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was Sallam through their time at the Musa Allahu alayhi wa sallam worth fitfully polished by the prophet audience about the Sunnah.

00:46:21 --> 00:46:27

May Allah subhanahu wa taala reward Satan or Anissa demonic or the Allah Juan for his great Sidman

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for the burden that He lightened from the abuse of the law, haughty wisdom, for the water he carried, for the dates he delivered for the messages he conveyed for him walking in the heat of Arabia to take care of the day to day tasks of Rasulullah sallallahu it is

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such a blessing that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada gave this honor to him and took care of this bottle on our behalf

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on behalf of the Ummah and may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to take inspiration from some of the Allah one that we also learned the lesson of Kadima and service at large, wherever we are needed, but more specifically, serving elders and seniors in our community. May Allah subhanahu wa Tada accept. Also along with Allah, I see them Hamid a set up more honeycomb Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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