Hussain Kamani – Ramadan Reflections Day 4 – Remembering Allah

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of remembering Allah's sub hang'ta, including the use of "remedy" to remove memories and avoid negative consequences. They also discuss the benefits of "remedy" and the importance of respecting and reciting the law. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding forgotten actions and moments, and stress the importance of respecting and reciting the law.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa salam and Allah

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Subhan Allah CGT Rosario Hata Milan via Allah Allah heliski I was having a bad

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internal insha Allah And today's reflection, we will be covering the importance of remembering Allah subhana wa tada while fasting.

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The one who has fasting

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is the most God conscious person.

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The one who is fasting is always conscious and aware of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And this consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala is expressed through remembering Allah subhana wa Tada. When the days get long for a person who is fasting, the best way to make that day short, is very remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala I reading something on making some disappear, sending some solo on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. If your stomach's hurting, you're feeling a headache, you just feel like that's fast is getting tough. The best way to get over this is by engaging a little in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhana wa tada will make it easy for

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you. Now, when it comes to remembering Allah subhana wa tada we have to first of all understand the meaning of remembering the loss of Hannah Montana. The scholars have said that there are three ways a person can possibly remember loss of cotton without the lowest form of remembering Allah subhana wa tada is with the tongue alone. A person engages in saying Subhan Allah hamdulillah only with the tongue, the level of remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala greater than that is very you remember Allah subhana wa tada only with the heart. And the level above that is where a person remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala combining the tongue and the heart. And when these two things come together,

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that's when a person is truly engaged in the vicar of Allah subhana wa tada and the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. The scholars say that there are three forms of remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. The first form of remembering Allah subhana wa tada is the form that most of us are aware of saying Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allahu Akbar, the different types we have the different, the different, that can be taught and praising and glorifying Allah subhanho wa Taala the second form of praising Allah subhana wa tada is where you engage in learning those things that Allah commands us to do. And you engage in learning those things that Allah subhana wa tada

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prohibits us from. By learning these things, we are ultimately engaging in the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada the third stage of remembering the loss of Hannah horadada is remembering those things. Those things that Allah subhana wa tada has favored upon us that Allah In the name of Allah Subhana and went on the different flavors of Allah subhana wa tada the different boundaries of Allah. And therefore we have a very beautiful suit on the Quran that you know trains is to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala favors Surah Rahman again and again Allah subhana wa tada says, For the bukhoma Tikka diva, you know which one of the theaters of your Lord will you continue to deny?

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There are many verses of the Quran encouraging to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. But I'd like to give a definition to remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala first, remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala means to remove negligence and forgetfulness.

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To remember means to remove which two things as often are when you see a negligence and forgetfulness. negligence is when a person ignores something out of their own will for example, you offer me a cup of water, I see you're offering me a cup of water but I turned away so that's neglecting after I have put my will into neglecting it. The other thing is that I don't even know you offered water but I'm turning away. So now that's forgetfulness. We're now this is no there's no real actually involve this out of forgetfulness out of the nature of the human being you overlooking it. So to remove neglect fulness and also forgetfulness to remove these two things is what we call

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remembering Allah subhana wa tada and we went through some forms of remembering Allah subhana wa Tada. As I was mentioning him I'm no we're not with the law. He is a he's he writes something very beautiful. He says that all scholars of Islam have agreed on the acceptance and permissibility of Vicar by heart and tongue for the adult men and women for children. And for the one who has ablution and for the one without ablution even for women during her menses. Moreover, Vicar is allowed by all scholars in the form of the severe Tummy Tuck be

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Praising of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we learned from this the different forms and the different methods of engaging in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Tada. One companion comes to the prophets of Allah while he was sent him. And he says, a messenger of Allah, there's so much to act upon in Islam, so many good things that we can do right there books and books written on the philosophy of the good deeds and the virtues of good deeds, which is one good deed that I should act upon. The purpose of the law holiday was that I'm set to this hobby that makes sure your tongue is moist, with the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. Keep your tongue wet with

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the vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala some form of the or other the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada should be on our tongue. Other scholars have mentioned that there are many benefits of remembering Allah subhana wa Tada. It will pay homage Josie Allah Subhana Allah He has mentioned that there are over 100 falaj remembering the law over how many

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over 100 benefits of remembering the loss of Hannah Montana. Just a few of those I wanted to present in front of you. I won't go through all 100 Don't worry, just a few of them. I wanted to present in front of you some of the great benefits of remembering the loss of Hannah Montana. The first thing is that remembering the loss of Hano Matata, suppresses shaytaan when a person who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala shaytaan has to leave Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, that when a person remembers Allah subhana wa tada shaytaan goes, and when a person forgets Allah subhana wa Tada. That's when the shaitaan comes, is that Allah He was shaped on and sung the Corolla. Right?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says shaytaan came and he made them forget the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. And there are many verses of this form, where when we stop remembering Allah, that's when we become a target of shaytaan. The second thing is that when a person engages in the remembrance of a lot, it removes anxiety and distress. Allah subhana wa tada says, Allah be the karela he taught me in Peru, that barely through the remembrance of Allah, the heart, seek contentment. Now many people they have an objection they say, My heart doesn't feel contentment when listening to the Quran or engaging a vicar, My heart feels contentment when I when I smoke something, or when I listen to a

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particular type of music. That's what my heart feels contentment. Is that true or false? Many people have this. My teacher used to explain this through a very beautiful example. He narrated the story that there was a man once he was walking. And when he was walking in the street, he saw everyone had to get had gathered together in the middle of the street. So he asked the people why have you guys all gathered here? They said, there's a man there who's fainted. So this guy, he went to the front of the crowd when he saw the guy fainted. He recognized him. How he recognized him was that they were co workers. And they carried out a particular job in the city. And their job was to carry the

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stool and feces in dirt from people's houses and dump it out to the wasteland and hummed it out. Today we have what do you call these pipes? Right? We have sewerage systems. They didn't have those then, so that would be a person who was appointed, he would carry a basket full of dirt on his head and go to the wasteland and he would throw it out there. So when he saw his coworker on the ground, mocked out and he saw people were trying to put a thought and fragrance by his nose to bring him back to his senses. He said to the people, you guys keep that in your pocket. It's not going to work on him. That's not going to work with him. He took a finger and dipped it inside his martial law is

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the contents of his of his basket and he put it by that guy's nose and they kind of woke up. They asked him how did you wake up he said you guys are used to being around fragrance. That's what when you put fragrance by a fainted person he wakes up but this guy's used to being around stool. So to wake him up fragrance isn't going to work you have to put away his nose. So that's the nature of how we become those people who are who are engaged in the vicar of Allah when you mentioned a last name, they love it. They love it. mana shifts according to him Oh love that. I used to say that. I wish when I become old, I can retire. He used to say I wish when they get old I can retire. And all I

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want to do is I want to have a nice new color the Sharpie, right like a small little bed. I just want to sit against my bed all day. And I want to have someone sitting in front of me doing the thinking of Allah subhanho wa Taala all day that's all I want. That's what I want my retirement to be. I want to have a small little bed I want to sit on it. And I want someone to sit in front of me in this thicket of law and I just want to enjoy listening to the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. scholars say that when a person engages in the vicar of Allah, it illuminates the face in the heart. It brings health and livelihood it brings the risk Allah subhanho wa Taala showers motorists

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to a person who engages in the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. It brings fear and respect of Allah subhana wa tada when you remember Allah you learn to respect Allah subhana wa tada the scholars say the one who remembers the loss of hadham without I should always remember that Allah subhana wa tada is remembering him five caroni at korakuen Escuela de una when you remember Allah that's a sign that now Allah subhana wa tada is remembering me. scholars say that when a person remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala it eliminates sin. The Prophet said along while it was said and tells us about

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This every time we commit a sin, a black dot comes on to the heart. You guys know that narration and you continue singing and continue singing until the entire heart is covered in darkness. And Allah subhanho wa Taala references this sort of heart in the Koran as a rusty heart kalaba araunah Allah poopy mechanics that barely their hearts are rusted because of their actions. Now how do you remove this rust? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says liquidly Shane Salatin for every single thing, there's a Polish and the Polish of the heart is remembering Allah subhana wa Tada. You want to polish your heart up, you want to clean it up. The way you do that is by engaging in the

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remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. The scholar say that a person who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala at the time of difficulty, Allah subhanho wa Taala will remember that person at the time of ease, the vicar the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala saves a person from the punishment of Allah subhana wa tada when a person engages in the remembrance of Allah automatically deceived themselves from lying, backbiting, slandering, because the tongue is already occupied with something good. And if it's engaged in something good obviously it will be saved from something that is evil and bad. The scholars say the person that remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala is planting in Jenna for

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himself a tree is that true or false? Every Suharto law every handler of your luck but we don't want to walk to agenda that's empty because then you're going to have to come visit ourselves curry subs generate let's make sure everyone has their agenda in place everyone engaged in think of so that way, your agendas are full of inshallah and Ozzy's the beautiful fruits and the beautiful trees in the beautiful places of shade in the hereafter inshallah noses. And the last thing, the best thing about Vicar is that it's very easy.

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It's very easy. You could be sitting down, you could be lying down, you could be standing up in blue, not in blue, you could be anywhere in the world, obviously minus the washroom or while your body is enclosed, but in majority of the times of your life, it's such an easy action, all you have to do is move your tongue a little bit enjoying your heart with what you're saying. And now you have completed a complete form of the

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vicar is easy on the tongue, but the reward is very beautiful. And they determine the final Hadith is very beautiful. He says there are two statements. They're very light on the tongue. Kalamata Habiba, Daniela Rahman, Allah subhanaw taala loves him. Half Eva Tanya, listen very light on the tongue very easy to say take you two seconds to say them 30 that is on but their weight and the scale on the day of judgment will be very heavy. And what are those two statements Subhan Allah who will be harmed he Subhana Allah Allah them so simple, but there's so much rewarding them. So we should make a habit of engaging in the vicar of Allah subhana wa Tada. In particularly in the month

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of Ramadan. We know that the month of Ramadan, according to 100 has been divided into three parts, the first 10 days are of mercy, the middle 10 days are of forgiveness, and the last 10 days are freedom from the fire of health. So I wanted to suggest one law for each of these 10 days, if you can engage in lengthy dwad and at least remember one of these laws and read this one blog for 10 days at a time and inshallah you will gain the reward of the first law which should be recited in the first 10 days is the law that we learned from the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala says I've visited what hum entitled Rahimi everyone said, I've visited what hum while the hydro Rahimi read

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this through the first 10 days, Oh my Lord, forgive me and have mercy and you are the best of those who have mercy. We're asking for the mercy of Allah the first 10 days, the middle 10 days asking repentance from Allah subhanho wa Taala one of the most beautiful repentance is to make one of the most beautiful laws to make while making repentance from a lot of stuff for the la hora beam included on beam to be Oh my Lord, I repent to you and I seek forgiveness from you and I turned back to you a stuff that allow her to be mean Coulee Dam being water to boiling and during the last 10 days, when we are in the last 10 days. The best way to seek protection from the fire of * is by

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reading the beautiful two of the prophets that allamani was 72 is the alarm Allahumma inika when HIPAA law

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or law you are the one who forgives, and you love to pardon, so forgive us. So we pray that Allah subhana wa tada gives us a trophy to engage in the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada and Allah subhanaw taala mixes from lon and a lot of Vickery. So para La Habra, hum de su Hanukkah lahoma Allah Allah Allah and the sulfuric

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acid awana Nairobi alameen Rahmani rahmatullah wa barakato

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