Hussain Kamani – Ramadan Reflections – Day 27

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the rights of brotherhood for one another is emphasized, along with the need for everyone to be present for their well-being. The responsibility is to hold one's tongue back, forgive mistakes and failings, and be loyal to one's brother and sister. The importance of living a life beyond the naughty days of a person is emphasized, along with the need to correct mistakes and avoid harms in one's own communities.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to Ramadan reflections but with the same money this summer, Mufti Hussain will be teaching the Hadith intensive, students will study the different methods of compilation and preservation of ahaadeeth. The major role female scholars have played in Hadeeth preservation, the biography of famous Hadith narrators, as well as different collections and excerpts from famous heavy texts like Sahil Bahati. For more information visit Hadeeth spinoff on Hema come to LA

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hungry Lucha waka fowl phenomenon anybody? Papa

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Dada say you did a study with Houghton Mifflin BIA Allah Allah heliski was having a look and about

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the great Eman because Allah Rama hola Tada. In his book, he alamuddin into the second part of the four part book, he dedicates a chapter to the rights of brotherhood.

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And as the month of Ramadan ends, and as it wraps up in front of us, maybe a night or maximum two left of the month of Ramadan, and then we will pass by it. It's important that we learn these rights that we owe to one another, a responsibility we have to our fellow brother and our fellow sister, so we can continue on the morals and the values that the month Ramadan came to teach us.

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He lists out that there are eight duties that every Muslim has to the other. The first thing he says the first duty is a materialistic one. And this is a three grades three levels three degrees.

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materialistic one means that you financially help your brother when they are in need. three degrees, three levels. What does that mean? He says the first level is that you place your brother on the level of a servant of yours. The second level is that you placed your brother equal to you. In the third level is financially you provide for your brother more than you would provide for yourself. What does it mean to place your brother on a level equal to your servant. What that means is, most people they provide for their family and if they have some money left over, or if they have some clothes that are older, if they have something that's surplus, a person that works at their home a

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person who helps them they get from the extra that this is extra from what I have. So that's the lowest grade of regard that you can have for your brother still acceptable, but it's a lower grade, because you're putting yourself above that person and giving them from your leftovers. The second grade is that you put them equal to yourself. What that means is that the importance you give to yourself, the food that you would have clothes that you would wear, the circumstances you want to live in, you ensure a similar circumstance is provided or similar circumstances are provided for your brother where you provide for them just as you provide for yourself. And the third degree is

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where you provide for others and you help other Muslim brothers and sisters more than you would have yourself you put them above you. And this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in one narration Hata you only see him Are you good enough? See, one of you will not be a complete believer until he loves for his brother when he loves for himself. Meaning rather than taking what you want, you will choose to give that to a brother of yours. Let me give it this for another person. There's one narration

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that as a hobby he came to the battlefield to help with water the some of the soldiers were injured he wanted to give the injured soldiers water. So he found one of his relatives, he took a leather skin of water and was about to give it to his relative. His relative was more or less on his deathbed. Just a hobby who was on his deathbed. He said I'll have water in a moment, but I can hear someone else over there who's in pain and it seems like he's gonna die go him go to him. So this hobby with the water he rushed to number two, when he arrived to number two, the second Sahabi said I'll have water in a moment, but there's someone else over there. Why don't you go to him and give

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him water. When he reaches a third person, that third person passed away. He came back to the second person he had also passed away. He came back to the third person the first person his original cousin relative, he had also passed away. And this is a great example of people giving preference to others over themselves even when it comes to life and death. I was reading

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regarding the London fire that happened in the in the high rise that there were children who refused to leave. I believe it was a parent or grandparent I'm not sure which one it was leave our parents behind. The truth is those children didn't really have much to go they were on a very high floor they probably wouldn't make it out. But look at their look at their thought they said that we're not going to leave our parents here alone. And where they couldn't leave their parents alone Allah subhanaw taala give the family Shahada together. Allahu Akbar. These children literally, they chose to be by the side of their parents as their parents breed their last rather than living a life

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For peace and thinking over leaving their parents behind and abandoning them. And this is a lesson to all the children who have parents alive today, how easily we abandon our parents, and our life is not even at risk, just a little inconvenience. And there, they go out the window. So this is the first level of responsibility that each Muslim has to the second. The second, he says the second responsibility is a physical responsibility not so much of a financial materialistic one, it's a physical one, meaning where your neighbor needs assistance, you go and help them, you have them cut their lawn, mow their lawn, you help them with their car, you help them with this, you help them

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with that, not only your neighbor, again, we're talking about brotherhood, humanity at large, that you're physically there able to help them and their gang members, it says, This level of brotherhood also falls into three categories. Either you placed them on the level as a servant, equal to yourself or greater to yourself, what does that mean?

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You've worked to take care of all of your needs. And now you have some extra time you go and help another person, putting them on level of your servant, giving them the extras. The second level is that just as you would take out time to decorate your own home and and mow your own lawn, and clean your own driveway, if you have snow in the driveway, or whatever the case may be, you do the same for them. And the third is that you put them in front of your own self. Right. And this is done excellent. Where you learn to put other people in front of you.

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The third level is what he talks about him goes on, he says the third responsibility, every Muslim has two The other is to hold your tongue back. And the fifth one, sorry, the fourth one is to use it for their favorite. So number three is to hold your tongue back. What does that mean? That means that in the absence of your brother, if someone talks about your brother, you stand up to defend that person.

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Even if your brother is there, even if another person is there, and someone is beating away at them with their tongue and lashing them away and abusing them, you stand up and say stop, right. So actually, holding your tongue back number three means you don't hurt them with your tongue. Even though you have the ability to you don't number four, you use your tongue actively to praise them and defend them. So this is where if someone is abusing them, you actively stop that person by saying don't say anything against this person. This person is a good believer, this person is a good human being you praise that person in their absence in front of other people holding your tongue

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back from them, even though you have the opportunity to abuse them. You don't do that. Why? Because you remember that you hurting another believer, you saying something from another human being makes you accountable, but Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's the bare minimum. Unfortunately, in our time, we have people who will praise you in front of your face behind your back, they will stab you 100 times. They will be the first people to back bite you, the people who you consider to be your friends, the people who are your close ones. They will be the first person to take their tongue and last year and humiliate you in front of other human beings. And you were the one who trusted them

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with your secrets. You trusted them with your intimate details. You trusted them with your problems and hear these people go. The problem is that a lot of whining he was said I'm setting one narration mankind was Hany fit dunya con Allahu Elisa, nonhuman now the one who has to face in this world. Allah subhanho wa Taala will give that person to tongues made a fire on the Day of Judgment. That will be that person's punishment, not one punishment, but to double the pain This person will experience because of their to face sickness in this world. So learn to be sincere people in front of people praise them for the good day to behind them, praise them for the good they have if anyone

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tries to harm them, use your tongue. And if this applies to friends,

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if this applies to friends and fellow brothers and sisters, this does not apply to our parents. If someone is saying something about your father, and you are there is it not your responsibility to tell that person Hold your tongue back from my father and my mother. It's not your place to disrespect them. If you have criticism for them. Go and speak to them privately, not publicly. That's your responsibility that you stand for their honor, and not only for your parents, for your own siblings, someone's making a joke out of your siblings, your brother or sister you stand up and say don't make a joke out of them in front of me. Right? This is someone who I have someone who I

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have a relationship with, I have a relationship with them that their human beings have a connection with connection within through Islam, and I have a connection through blood with them too. And it's my responsibility to stand up and stop you mon Rahman kumaun, Quran filippova Yahoo big, whoever sees some evil happening preventive with your hands if you don't have the ability with your hands, then with your tongue. And if you don't have the ability with your tongue to stop evil, when that happens, then at least leave the gathering. And that's a very weak state that you're in spiritually that you're unable to stop evil while it's happening in front of your face. And if this is the case

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for family members, then what about what about when it comes to Allah and that assumes that a lot of money

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when someone uses foul words to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or uses foul language to Allah subhanaw taala

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Without a and someone sends you that message on WhatsApp or Facebook should you sit there and laugh at it?

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It just because it's in a TV show people forgive it they say, Oh, it was a it's a part of the script. That's not acceptable. You have a responsibility that if you see something wrong, you leave it immediately either you change it and if you can't change it, then walk away from there. But don't sit there and humor yourself and laugh while people abuse your religion. abuse your deen abuse your brothers and sisters. This is a very bad problem that we have. Unfortunately, people don't know how to use their tongues moving forward. Number five, and I'm not gonna lie, it says is the responsibility to forgive mistakes and failings. If your brother or if another human being makes the

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mistake, it is your responsibility to forgive them to don't always go after them every time they make a mistake. But always hold them to account let it go. Know that that person is a human being like you are and you would like for people to forgive you allowed to go into your federal law who don't you want a larger forgive you to and if you want Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive you and have momentum out of your home and Systema be merciful to the ones in this earth and the one in the heavens, Allah subhanho wa Taala will be merciful to you. So forgive people, when they make mistakes, don't go after them every time on their throat, getting ready to choke them, and once

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again, going after them and humiliating them because they made a mistake. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in one narration, whoever sees a flaw in their brother, whoever sees a fault in their blood and their brother, and they cover it.

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Whoever sees a fault in their brother and what do they do? They cover it they don't tell anyone.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said on the Day of Judgment, Allah will cover this person's sins and will not humiliate him in front of all of mankind. Subhan Allah, don't we all have our own baggage? Don't we all have things that we want no one in the world think of no one in the world to even know about in this dunya or in the hereafter. This is the prescription of how to keep yourself secure from disgrace in the hereafter. And also in this world. cover for other people forgive other people. Number 16 mumbles audio with the law. It says that you pray for your brother while he is alive and even after his death. That's a responsibility that you have that you make glad for the

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entire home of the Prophet that along with it was to them for all of humanity, not only the Muslims, until the Muslims of Carrollton don't make law of Hidayat for the non Muslims of Carrollton. How will he die or come to them? Is it not our responsibility that we actually raised her hand and say, yo Allah give Hidayat to all of mankind and not just as a passing statement, but you're in it from a heart? Or do we actually think that that's beyond Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhana wa tada is not capable of this. Obviously, we know Allah subhanho wa Taala is fully capable of doing this. And if Allah subhana wa tada can make this happen. It's our turn now to raise our hands and make dua

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for all of mankind. You know, Allah guide mankind, yeah, Allah guide us protect us making law for the community at large. Number seven, he says, to be loyal to your brother, and to be sincere to your brother, when you find your brother doing something wrong, it's your responsibility to correct them. That this what you're doing right here is wrong. And this must start within our own mustard. By the way, this must start within our own community centers. If one person sees something wrong happening, you must approach that person and remind them My dear brother, my dear sister, this needs a little correction. Now there's a few points on this first thing, make sure what you're correcting

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them on actually is worthy of being corrected. Some people they go around telling people that this isn't allowed, that isn't allowed. This isn't allowed in the budget. But in reality, they have no income or no knowledge of what they're talking about. Or sometimes you're pushing a perspective. While there is another perspective, another legal opinion that is absolutely accepted in the religion. And they're bullying that opinion out. I've seen this with my own eyes, people will come to the machine and say, don't tie your hands here, tie your hands there. They're causing confusion amongst people, when in reality, both positions are absolutely valid. They've been argued for and

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documented. And you can go with the proofs in the books of Hadith. If you have time to do so you can go and study it all. So first thing when you're correcting someone, if that's something you want to do, if that's it's one, express your sincerity, first make sure you know what you're talking about. Otherwise, you're gonna cause confusion. And that in itself is very harmful. Second thing, once you've assured that what you're talking about, let's say for example, on the other side, you see a brother's praying Salah, and when he goes into such that his back opens up, it's your responsibility to tell that person I'm telling you, that person has no intention of praying to the light exposed.

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Do you think if they knew that their back was exposed? They would continue praying? Yes or no? No, I mean, they don't know what's happening behind them. They need someone to come and tell them that here brother you are praying in your back was exposed a little bit. Maybe you know where a longer shirt or wear a coat when you're praying, but use good language. Use soft language, don't publicly humiliate them. Remember this. The Prophet said a long holiday was set on top

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As to how to privately correct and not publicly humiliate and this is exactly why the scholars they say, let me know yes brutal why on sa while 5g to decode via the believer conceals and advises while the transgressor exposes and decreases that person. So they are adab and etiquette of correcting. However, sincerity must always be there, use a soft tone, be kind, make dua for that person before, be soft and smile to them while you're talking to them. And end with making law for them to in front of them and behind them. Don't put yourself above that person, when you're advising them, making yourself seem like you are lofty and great, and the greatest scholar of our time, and looking down

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upon this person, rather than standing in front of them, stand next to your brother and say to that brother, that I need to fix myself. And I encourage you to work on this too. You and I will be together as we grow spiritually. So sincerity, and loyalty. And the last thing, because I do have to lie, and he says, is to avoid any sort of discomfort and inconvenience from your Muslim brother. It's your responsibility. But you don't do something that will cause inconvenience, mark my words, and this is true. Walk out of the machine. And tell me if you don't find shoes just lying on the ground and not in the shoe racks. This is not an issue with one question. Unfortunately, this has

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become a mindset. What's that? I'm late. So I'm going to violate the other and I'm going to leave my shoes here. So I could be in the masjid. What does this all revolve around?

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What my convenience is one the other is that there is a place for your shoes. The reason why it's there is because people use this hallway. And if people walk in the hallway and they are shoes there, it's going to cause inconvenience. It's going to cause discomfort. And today it's a shoe thing tomorrow it's a car thing, that after that it's a littering thing going on Muslim countries and find streets that are actually clean. You know, people don't take the responsibility. Unfortunately, we have a responsibility not to cause discomfort to another Muslim, not to put another person at inconvenience. And at the end of it all I close off by saying the heart of the

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believer as we leave this Ramadan should be molded. You must internalize this, that other human beings have rights over you and true human lies and you giving preference to other people above yourself. That's where true human actually is. Living a selfless life. Living a life beyond yourself. Prepare that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us the ability or said along with Allah. Allah said I'm humbled by the early he was happy to Somalia como la vaca

Rights Of Brotherhood

2017-06-24 – Ramadan 2017

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