Hasan Ali – Quranic themes – Episode 17 – Investing Wealth

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of wealth and its use in shapeshops, avoiding alcohol and drugs, and balancing behavior. They emphasize the need for individuals to spend their money in the right way to avoid negative consequences and failure. The importance of showing gratitude towards Islam, avoiding near misses in school, and practicing these habits for personal growth is emphasized. A new curriculum is also discussed covering everything from schooling to graduation.
AI: Transcript ©
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salatu salam ala Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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firstly Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Welcome to another session of the Quranic themes. And last time we discussed the greed of wealth. So we identified a number of ways that people go somewhat a little crazy for wealth, and it can make people's kind of drunk to try and you know, be after wealth and they want wealth and it kind of, you know, drives them in different directions. Today we want to concentrate on general is that are that I've spoken about wealth. So last last last time was about the greed of wealth specifically because that is something which is is a thing that the shaitaan will use. In fact, when when the shaytaan he had an argument with a large origin,

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Allah told him that, you know, him, Allah obviously knows everything. And he said, this is the Quran Surah Surah Surah number 17. And number 64, allows Magellan said

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was that his minister, Father, Minister, Tottenham, basaltic, into the shaytan, Allah said that you know, use your voice to try and see who you can manipulate from the from the sons of Adam, from the daughters of Eve. Well, I deliberately him behind the quadratic wash, it can feel unwell he will Allah divide him specifically allows we have said that, you know, try and make them, you know, mix themselves when it comes to wealth, or when it comes to children, meaning that those people who don't be who are not careful of how their progeny is kept on this earth, you know, like the man and woman relationship, if they're not careful, then shaytan has got them and the same way with wealth

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because sometimes, I mean, whatever Allah has made, halali, Allah, whatever Allah has made, Haram is haram. And those people who will mix halal and haram in the wealth, shader has got them. So what is wealth in general, and how has the Quran looked at wealth as part of this team,

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wealth is a means to an end, nothing more than that. wealth, wealth is a means to an end. So wealth itself is not bad.

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Wealth itself is not good. It's not good. It's not bad. It's in the hands of the one who occupies it. And it's in the hands of the one who spends it earns it or how they earn it, how they spend it, whether it's halal, or whether it's Haram. So it's like a knife, a knife you can use to cut, you know, meat to cut vegetables to cut things, which is of benefit, but a knife you can pick it up and you can harm someone, which is going to be hard on the same way wealth, wealth can actually take a person to the closest to Allah azza wa jal.

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Think about what the prophet sallallahu wasallam said, in terms of wealth. So for example, in one Hadith, he says, that a man who is honest in his business will be resurrected amongst the prophets on the Day of Judgment.

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A man who's honest in his trade in his business to the to the nearest meaning, or the purpose of plasma said, This person will be resurrected amongst the prophets in the day of gentlemen, the prophets of Allah has told us that every man will be under the shade of his sadaqa on the Day of Judgment, until Allah has dealt with people. So the most of you've given the more of a shade that is above you, because we know that the sun is going to be above people's heads, and the sun is going to be very intense. And you need some shade. So there's the shade of Alaska, which is out Yes. And there's the shade of sadhaka on the day of jasmine. And the more subtle you've given the more of a

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shade there will be above a person's head and also perhaps the blossom in a another Hadith has said that sort of Baccarat so the Allium Ron will become shades on the Day of Judgment. But these are separate sort of ideas. But wealth is something which, which can shade the person of the Day of Judgment possible, as most told us, that wealth can protect a person from hellfire. It'll be like a shield against hellfire. In fact, wealth in all aspects of our lives if you do it in the right way according to plan, everything is making you come closer to Allah. So for example, if a man gets married, from the moment he gets married, there's hassanal there's good deeds as good deeds as good

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deeds. So for example, allows real has said, No, when we get married, a law said to give them a hug, to give the dirty 200. This isn't sort of nice, all right to the beginning. And that wealth which you give is going to be a means of your your good deeds.

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There are after all the things that a man will spend on his wife, this is all to do with gaining reward. So, if you look into the Nyssa there are plenty of is talk about how wealth is used in the right means so this is Surah number four and number 34. Allah says Abdi jello Cava Mona Lisa even alphabet Allahu Baba Humala, Baba Baba and fakuma emmalin for the fact that men are going to spend on women, the fact that Allah has made it obligatory upon men to spend on women, this is something which allows us we are has given them as a duty. And by doing that, imagine all your life. I know a lot of people don't think of this, a lot of people think, okay, I've got on soccer, this Friday, I'm

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going to give some soccer, or I've given some charities in, you know, abroad or some other place. And people generally think that that's my, that's my husband net, and that those are my good deeds from my wealth. What a lot of people miss out on is, every day, every man, and even every one, there might be women who are working and who might be spending well from their family members. When you spend monies on your own household, your own household, to feed your own kids, to feed your own wife. When you do that, every single time you spend it, it is Hassanein it is good deeds.

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Every moment you do in fact, when a man goes out to work, a woman goes out to work because you're doing it in terms of your you know, your near your intention is that I'm going to work and I'm going to create a family. And I'm going to look after family from that wealth that I get the house, the belongings, the furniture, the children's, you know, to bring the children up every moment. I mean, think about this, how Allah has made our Deen this wealth that you're earning in a halal way. Every time you go out to earn it, you get reward, because you had a choice, your choice was you can go out there and you can earn haram money, or you can earn halal money, and you chose to go out there and

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halaal so you get reward. You have a choice in every single one of these you have a choice. Like for example,

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to understand this point, you might think well, what's the big deal in a person who's going out there and just earning money? Why is he rewarded for that because because of the fact that the person had a choice, and they chose to do heroin. It's like when you go to the shop, and you want to buy something, and you look at the ingredients to see if it's haram or halaal you get rewarded for actually doing that because you searching for the halaal the fact that you've passed 10 butcher shops, shops and then got found the halaal one and ordered from there is rewarding that because Ally's recording the fact that you steered away from so many hot arms and when for the halaal the

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fact that you stayed away from so many other women who are haram for you, and then you found this one woman and you didn't nikka and it's harder for you, you get reward for that, and everything that you will spend and every moment that you will do for that woman and everything for your children and every stage of their lives that you will spend on the clothes and the food and so on. That is that is that is actually a form of soccer. In a hadith a Muslim who says that the best form of sadaqa is what a man spends on his own family.

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Think about it. In essence, you know, some people they love spending elsewhere, but they don't spend on their family. There are some men like that, I know there are some other they have such pride going out there giving sounds so outside not yours also, for some reason, they don't like spending on their own family.

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Maybe surprising. I don't know what it is maybe like the people who are close to me, they don't give me as much credit than the people outside. But the thing is to spend on your own family there's a lot of hassanal now think of this as you're going through the whole of your life. Anytime you make a business or something allows the region has given you a choice when you choose halaal then it's going to be rewarded has an addenda when you choose how long you're going to get, you know move away from a lot of detail and put yourself towards towards jahannam if you're going to spend it in the wrong way. So let's say a man comes to trade.

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When a man comes to trade the piano spoken a number of things when you're trading with one another. Allah has said Latta Kuru Amala combinar kilbarchan allows Virgil has said

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this is in Surah Nisa surah number four and number 29. Yeah, you are Latina m n O you who believe that aku Amala

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O you who believe don't consume wealth amongst yourselves in a in a in a way that is that is not allowed in a false way that is not allowed. So So when we're trading wealth in every step, we've got to be careful and to make it hard. Now let me tell you a few things that all people need to understand

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in terms of making a trade halaal

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what the Quran and the Sunnah have been clear on is the more you are

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open with your trade

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With your transaction, the more clear and transparent you are, the less obscure you are, the less you kind of

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make sort of something which later on might might lead to an argument. And the more clarity you have at the beginning of the of the trade, the more honest you are, the more honest you are. And 0% lying and 0% hiding anything and being sly about your product or whatever it is. That is all to do with Islamic trade. That is hard, the more you move towards obscurity,

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it now moves to a gray area. The more you you move toward hiding something, the more you move towards especially if it's lying, the more you move towards something which you haven't discussed today which is going to get you to have an argument tomorrow or something that is obscure. Now it is going to move towards a haram trade it's very simple a very simple rule upon this all the rules of trading in Islam has been made. So for example, a lot of people don't know this that let's say for example, I'm going to call a painter to my house or I will call a little you know Carpenter someone to my house. So the company that looks at the room says okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna build someone

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Beloved, and then you say to him Okay, how much

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maybe this much he says maybe it's gonna be 2000 pounds maybe you didn't 2000 3000 pounds when I that made me be oh maybe rather than pounds

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and then you tend to go off get the material and come back and work

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some holiday

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a lot of people a lot of people don't know this

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why you have to be spot on how much spot on tell me exactly. Okay, you're gonna tell me to get the materials I get the materials no problem your labor be very clear. How much is your labor? Absolutely to the spot like okay, I'm going to charge for my labor 500 pounds 500 500

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or I'm going to be working every single day this many days and pay me pay me everyday this much be spot on. If you can tell him to buy the materials tell me exactly how much is going to be Why? Because the moment he said to you 2000 and then he said mE mE 2000 Do you know that me after a little while he comes back to me and says I need more material I need more material always taking longer is taking this then it creeps up 2200 2300 2405 100 then it goes near 3000 and he goes above 3000 and then you're fuming you said he was maybe 2000 How can these 3000 right now well is your phone my friend

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the Quran is was very clear when you make a transaction I'm not gonna go into the details of this but the Quran is very clear that you're supposed to even write it down write down the kind of transactions you're doing with your wealth. This is a Surah Surah Baqarah near the end of Surah Baqarah surah number two as one of the longest eyes in the Quran that deals with this

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ayah number 283 of surah two two a two of Surah Baqarah number two Allah says factorable write it down be very specific be measured with what are you going to do get get into as a deal and a lot of lot of us because we don't know the Islamic way of dealing and trading that's why we move into a lot of problems you're supposed to be very specific now you look at the Islamic sort of

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the Islamic banking and so on that is out there there are many models and I do understand that that some people you know in terms of the you know the the mortgage and all that is always this question. So Hannah Loudon okay there's always this question wherever you go about this mortgage thing you know, is it held out as one can I get this Can I get that now I tell you what it is. We have got an opportunity. Now in the Western world where you can find Islamic banks or banks that offer you Islamic finances now, they might not be completely completely to the old school way of getting your you know, complete halaal and the most ethical see there's one thing that is you have to understand

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this year. One thing that is Halliwell and one thing that is ethical,

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you have to understand is there's a big difference here.

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The Quran has said go for halal and go for the most ethical

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so for example, what the Quran would want is if you even with with meat if you're going to have halal the Quran wants to have a holiday meat but it wants to animals to also be organic or animals to be read in a in a halal way.

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Quran has used the specific terms it said Helen by Eva halaal is halal. That is your that is your law. A ban is the ethical part is like pure the purity of that. You got to look at that side as well. I mean, you know most of us eating out a lot of the meats and so on that we are buying nor those meats are halal. It says halal they are talking about the genuine halal ones. No, I'm not talking about the ones where the shop, you walk in you say have you got any cows? Yeah, I'll have five cows coming inside. Yeah. And you look at the counter and you see 10 tails. That cow tail? Do you see 10 of them? So you say Hang on a minute, my friend. You have five coming in? Yeah, five. How

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come? There's 10 tails? I don't know.

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I'm talking about the proper halal halal ones. Right. So if you have a halal sort of sort of meat and so on, the animals that are read how they read where they read, I mean, come on, you know, some of this stuff, if you check back you can see that, you know that there's chickens that are in you know, this called the battery hands, there's 1000s of them in cages, the sort of letting the, the leftovers on one another that stacked up on top on top of each other, this big socket that are close, that are cut they are they are kept in very harsh conditions, and they're given injections and given other sort of products to eat, which is not their normal diet just to make them fat very

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quickly. And then young lad xavante to make some money. And that's not ethical, right? That might be hella right at the end, you say Bismillah Allahu Akbar, and you do it. That's your halaal as halaal fine, but the chicken itself is not

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ethically grown and is not grown in the in the right way. So so you gotta you gotta understand the Quran has said halamka, even. So there are a lot of things like this, you can go for something which is halal. But it might not be the best thing like for example, one of you young boys, if you find a girl out there, and you want to just get any cotton, the cotton the cotton, is Hello,

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Muslim girl, hello. But this Muslim girl, she's you know, she's got her hair out, she's not wearing hijab, she's got her nails looking like cat clothes, and I'm saying, you're gonna get scratch tomorrow, bro. You know, I'm saying You better watch out. See, it's not, it's not the right thing for you to do. Sometimes something might be hallel for you. But it not might not not all things that are hallel for you to do, or the best thing in your interest for you to go for. Right, you're going to understand this, that there's a whole thing about having something which is valid, and having something which is ethical. what the Quran has spoken about again and again, is that it wants us to

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make a choice with making let's say, for example, that that person that came

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and he did he did a job or something or some other thing that you're getting into not only for you to make the choice of a halaal. But to for you to look at whether it's ethically right so this mortgage thing I was talking about

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the there's they say it's Sharia compliant, right, some of these mortgage things I'm gonna I'm not gonna say here that all you know, all of you say that, you know, whatever banking system we've got now in the Western world, their stomach ones are all you know, completely nanus what they did is this, they often they are offering us something which is halal. But sometimes they might not be always going about the ethical way. So for example,

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when you go and buy a house with an Islamic sort of financing, you will always find that they're charging you a lot more.

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So what it is, I remember when I took my in I I my my second house, I took on first one as well. But the second one as well, I took on a different bank. So this was the HSBC, sort of Amana, finance and so on. I took it with that. And I remember

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See, all you got to understand is what's happening within the system. I remember I applied for it. And when you go and apply for these, you know, these guys like you know, they take donkey's years to get back to you for a simple application, they're charging you so much money as well. So this guy I was calling him calling calling him and he's looking at this he you know, this these bank statements of mine and this financial history of mine and that and that and this and that it's taking two months just to get one thing one simple process. So in the end, I ended up in his office. And I said to him, Bro, I said I want to ask you straight up. I mean after this appointment for four months,

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okay, it's two months now, what's up? What's your problem? Why don't you just take the floor and just deal with it? He said, Look, I want to be honest with you. I said what he said this was that time now HSBC amanah don't don't discontinued. He said that we're getting 65 applications a week from these Muslim customers. But these are not ordinary Muslim customers. And I want you to understand this. Now sometimes people say that Muslims are bad themselves, but I want you to understand how good most practicing Muslims are. Now the practicing Muslims. Were very good. Say Al Hamdulillah. Honestly give ourselves a pat on the back and this guy

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proved to me. He said these Muslims that have come with 65 application I'm getting on my desk a week

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said every single one of them has a triple A credit history. Every single one of them no gambling, no alcohol, no rebar. No usery no spending here there there there are no no every single one of them paying all their bills on time.

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Every single one of them avoiding credit cards that aren't going to loans that are not to debts, they don't have bad credit history.

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What when we've got 65 of them coming to us we haven't got enough manpower to try and get them and they're all very good customer so we you know, we have to be very picky and choosey but we've got too much demand the whole thing was too much demand.

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Now you think about it. That's one good reason. So give yourself a pat on the back if you're a good Muslim Alhamdulillah that's that's us good Muslim, you don't have bad credit. History. Lambda no alcohol, no gambling, no nothing no wasting money. You know, we've got salary coming in, you know, bills being paid out salary coming in bills been paid out, and no, no messing around, right? Money is always there in the bank, not never going under the under the zero balance. So then the next thing came, which was, when I went through all the details he used in the bank started charging me maybe two or three times more than a conventional bank.

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Because they've got these 65 customers a week that are coming in. Yep, these customers are not going to go anywhere else. They know that. And you guys with me? these customers are all looking for the halaal halaal holiday, so they're not gonna go anywhere else. So because these customers are not gonna go anywhere else, the banks are like, Okay, I'm gonna sharpen my life. Hello, hello, hello, well, you understand, I'm going to do a proper server right now. I've got you lambs to the slaughter house, you guys understood what I want to say, because I know you're not gonna go anywhere else, I can charge you double, I can charge you triple.

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Now, that side of what they did was not very ethical. And it's not just this one back I'm talking about. I mean, most of them, they want to find ways where they can still get an XML. I'm not saying all of them are bad. There are some of them I've come across, I don't want to take all the names on some of them that are good out there.

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And it's, you know, some of them have got very good sort of ethics that that they they've got I recently went to had a meeting in a bank, I'm not advertising them in any way. But I'm just saying I went there. And they said, you know, one of the biggest questions is, if the customer can't pay for the house, what what does the bank do?

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So what Islam would normally say is that, okay, if the customer can't pay for the for the house,

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in at that point, you're supposed to sell the house, and then take whatever the bank is owed, and give the rest of whatever the customer is on, give him his share. So let's say for example, if the customer has paid 33% of the share of the house, and the 67% is left,

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then this and the customer can't buy anymore, so then the bank should take the house, sell it, and then whatever it makes profit of it, it should give 33% of it to the customer and keep 67% that is fine. Because this by now what normally happens in the convention, one is the bank will repossess the whole house and take everything. Okay? Because I'll tell you one thing, what happens with the convention? Like what why should you go for the Islamic ones is this the conventional banks, what they will do is, they loan you the money, they they give you the money and they sell, can you go and buy it now. So now you got to pay me the money back, and I'm going to charge you interest on the

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money. And I can put the push the interest up and down and so on. And if you can't pay that I can seize the house and I can take the entire house just to pay off the entire debts and the interest. That is not good because it puts you in a very bad spot. What they stomach banks, do they do a number of things. One of them is that okay? You want to buy this house, let's say this is the house, you want to buy this house, okay, step aside, I'm gonna buy it now. I as the bank, I'm gonna buy. So once I bought the house with my money, okay, you're going to take from you a deposit. So let's say it's a house is 100,000. Let's imagine as an example, has 100,000, I want you to put 30% deposit. So

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you put 30,000 pounds down. So that's 30,000 towards that. So you own a third of this, and I own two thirds of this. Now you want to live in the house. Since you want to live in the house, I'm going to allow you to live in 75 70% of my house 30% of your house. But as you live, you're going to pay the rent. And as you go along paying rent, rent rent, I'm going to give up my share of the house every week every month as you're paying every month you're paying something I'm going to give up from my 70 goes to 6968 unused goes to 31 32% like that. Okay. Now, one of the banks does that our regular bank that I came across there, right

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Got a clause in there now you better check the details because I know this video is gonna go on later on. One of the beautiful things I found about the ethics is that when the if the customer ever, ever if the customer can pay

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ever, then they will sell the house.

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Let's say in our scenario 33%, the customer has paid 67% the bank should should basically keep for itself, the bank has got a clause that says they will forego they will let go of their part of the of the profits, they will keep the customer happy. Now I'm not saying that everything they've got in every clause is all very, you know, ethic, whatever, ethically clean, whatever some things might not be. So one of the things that I that I don't like about most of these banks, what they do is that they know your slumps to the Lord, to the slaughterhouse. And they want to do what they like with you because they know you're not going to go anywhere else. That's ethically not right. There are a

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lot of things which you can do in a halal trade, which you should also look at the ethics of the of it as well. So for example, if I'm selling, let's say for example, your cars, you want to sell a car.

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Morally, you should point out what's wrong with your car. So for example, I get up early in the morning, every morning, I get up and I've tried to search my car on a cold day.

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And it costs so many times and chokes on times. And after about a minute, two minutes, three minutes, then boom, boom, boom, boom, afterward, warm the car up and then it's fine. A customer has come to buy my car. So what do I do? I make sure he comes in sees my car in the afternoon

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when my cars already warmed up.

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Right so he sees my car. He's very happy, you know? Yeah, like he goes for a spin comes back and it says yes, here's the money. Mr. salsa, thank you. You buy it as you see it, no return. He says okay, no return.

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Next morning, he wakes up.

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He says this car is ill.

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It's sick. So then he comes back next day after we come back. He says, Hey, what did you sell me? As Oh, you bought it as you saw it, no returns.

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But you knew that every morning gives you trouble.

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So morally, you're supposed to tell the customer that look, there's something in the morning you need to know about in the morning will take you he might drop the price a little bit lower. Because of that we're gonna lose that marfin 100 200 pounds, you can lose that. But you know what? Rasulullah sallallahu once told us that when there's two tradesmen coming together, one wants to buy one wants to sell. He has said as long as the head is Mohali. He says if both of them are honest, and both of them are transparent, then Allah will put Baraka and blessings in the trade that they make.

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But if one of them or both of them

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are hiding something, or one of them or both of them are lying about the transactions about the rategain. Then Allah Allah says, Baraka to obey, Hema, the Baraka and the blessings of the whole trade will be will be wiped away. So this is one thing the Quran tells us so behind Allah allows him that when you earn something which is halal, then you purify the rest of your well you know, like it's like pure wealth coming in. So for example, look, they give a very beautiful example about the whole thing about Zakah. Like we have we know that we have to give back and that's one of the things about about giving, giving wealth. So this is Surah number nine and number 103. Allah azza wa jal

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says who's been a Mali human sada cotton Takahiro who matsuzaki him we have suddenly Allah him, Allah says, Oh my messenger take from from the wealth, take some Zakah takes care from the wealth by taking the Sokka it's going to purify their hearts and it's going to purify their wealth to a hero who matsuzaki Himba. It has two things whenever you take halali inside and you're always looking for Holla Holla Holla Holla it's like this. It's like

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inside your your house there are only items coming in a pure and clean so some guy comes comes to your to your house for the delivery. He comes in the box is very clean. The items inside very clean. Your house is gonna be very clean. The moment you got products coming inside your house that are dirty, greasy, oily, okay, smelly, heavy and bulky, but very, very dirty. Right? The moment you bring a lot of these products inside your house, your house is gonna be what is going to get dirty. It's gonna get greasy, it's gonna get

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Monkeys gonna get a lot of marks marks on your floors on your carpet on your on your walls and so on okay the same thing with Hillel wealth and haram wealth whenever you bring halaal inside is that you bring clean products inside the house your house will remain clean. Whenever you bring you bring your house haram inside it's gonna make it No, it's gonna have a reverse effect on the clean house. Now, the province of Alaska was told for us to for him to take Zakat from us. What does the cat do? By taking out the Zakat it purifies the rest of the wealth.

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The rest of the wealth is pure. You're gonna say how, how I've got money here, okay, it's all my money. And I have to give 2.5% out how does it purify the rest of it? How? Well I'll give you example it's a beautiful example. What am I gay? They said you know your body you have a lot of food, right? Anybody you have food, your food, your food, you have drink, you have food you have drink your food, okay? And you're storing it inside you're saying Allah Mashallah. Mashallah La La Jolla. So you're storing gold inside

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if you don't let out that the excess of the food and drink my friend, you're dead.

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You don't want to say like 24 hours a day. If you don't go to the toilet, and you don't let out some business and I'm trying to say like, if you don't let it roll out

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what's gonna happen to your body?

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So if you say to yourself No, no, it's all mine. It's all mine.

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It's all mine. I'm gonna keep inside

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what's gonna happen

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is gonna is gonna kill you or Fred. You're gonna have constipation you're gonna be going to the hospital you need surgery after a little while right to try and get some you know something out of that. Alright, awesome. Huge pills inside to try and flush it all out. Right? And I said think about wealth when you have wealth a lot of Dell has just started just like your food your food Allah identifies the some excess the excess needs to go out the rest of it's beneficial for your body gets used the rest of the excess has to go out the same way when you have a lot of wealth allows we just said now you have to you have to spend it. You have to take this much you have to his farm. Zakat is

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for 2.5% of your savings and so on, you better give that out. And there's a whole thing about how Zakat is calculated how much you have to have. So I'm not going to get into that. But I'm just giving you the the philosophy behind it. Which is that that point if you get that wealth out Allah has made that money for you what, for you it is something filthy, but that filth if you were to go out like you know, traditionally people went to the soil, right, they would go out there in the yard and they would do it they wouldn't do it in toilets. Toilet is a is a modern thing that we've got for the last couple of centuries. Wherever. Okay, a few centuries. The original way to get rid of

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that is to go out there. Okay, find a nice spot

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that man and lay it all out. And when you let you all out when you when you lay it all out that that thing that you let out is bad for you. But it's good for the earth I

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guess you know guys is nice compost for the earth. There loves it. And it's gonna become good stuff.

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All right. All right. So for you it's bad for them is good. For whatever's down the little creatures and the rest of the earth and whatever you know, there's a little world out there they need it. Right?

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For you use a cat money is bad for you if you keep it but for the fukada and for the for the poor people is good for them. For them is hard for them is good. And the last detail has said the whole point of you know, wealth is for you to circulate amongst us. And he has told us, Kayla akuna do let them be in as many immune conditions in the Quran surah Harsha Suna number 59. And number seven, Allah has said, this money that I've given you, I don't want you to rotate amongst the wealthy. This is a very big philosophy of the poor and that you know, when the rich become more rich, and they and they hoard wealth, and they keep it amongst themselves. Allah says no, I want you to circulate. I

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don't want it to clog up. Right now we've got a massive crisis, we've got about 1% of this real stats 1% of the world's population owns 50% of the world's wealth. This is a real real stat I'm giving Okay, one person can imagine how much is clogged up. That's what Allah has given us two things. One is that you give Zakat and another one is you can Sokka and in sakala solos to give and to give and to give as much as you can and install is that the more you gave him and to maintain for who you are, whatever you will give I will give it back to you, it will be returned back to you. But there's a number of things which Allah wants us to think about when we give sadaqa like when you

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give sadaqa there's a there's a few things.

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So this is in Surah Baqarah. So number two is number 264 263 Lucas

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around there you will find these these words about Basilica. So Allah has said okay, when you give sadaqa you're not supposed to give it to the poor person and then follow it with words that hurt them

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would like you to own them and fakuma number 11 don't follow it word words and oh I gave you these and now you're talking to me like this, I fed you people we gave you in the past and now look at you from you know, in Somalia or in Bangladesh or in Pakistan or wherever, you know, you people took money from us and we used to give you a now you have a mouth open in front of me blah, blah, blah, this is this is mannen This is this is in a Honda and this is you boasting about your favors that you did yesterday. Allah says that you will you will spoil yourself that if you do that, and as an is that you make a way of trying to, you know, hurt them by by by giving you what Allah says that is

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not allowed. Allah says kolu maruf mama Farah, you know you should be a person that should use good words and be thankful that Allah has given you the opportunity to give this other guy in the first place that Allah says in Surah in the same surah

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and number 274. He says Allah, Dena Yun Fukuda, Amala milele Juana De Soto Alinea that you spend your wealth by morning and you spend about by by by night and by day so the so the thing about silica is that you give it all the time continuously you give as much as you can. And all over the Quran Allah has told us about giving sadaqa In fact, he has said they will give it to the people who are close to you while ye Tama those were orphans What am I saying those who are in need? And then Allah told us specifically not to forget about those people who are in need but they don't ask this a specific one. So the Baccarat surah number two and number 273. He said that there are certain

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people who live in London or Sufi Sevilla hilarya, saffiano, Gabon fill out

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affinia I mean, when you look at when a person who does not know them, looks at them, they think, Oh, this guy's okay. This guy doesn't need wealth. And the person doesn't ask, because of embarrassment, that a lot of lot of folk or a lot of poor people across the world like that, you know, we normally see the one that is, you know, we need to give them as well the one that is right, you know, bones are showing or the stomach standing and they know that they're begging or they're asking, yes, these are for her as well. But there's another set of another set of poor people who don't actually ask. And Allah has praised them in the Quran, that they're not those people who are

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begging you but they are in need and for you to try and recognize the fact that they're in need from knowing getting to know you know, the inner part of their life, and then to give them a lot of courage to do that. So, under this what I'm going to say is that you know, most of us when we give monies and so on without without wealth, most of us you know if you if I stand up here for a Masjid, everyone's going to be Yella. 20 pounds. 10 pounds, 50 pounds. 100 pounds must be the Allah Allah, you know, sujood Oh my god, so many people gonna pray for me. Oh my god, which is good.

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Which is good. But I'll tell you one thing. England, you know, Alhamdulillah has got a

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good amount of machines now. Yes, he needs more but he's got a good amount. Do you know that?

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The fact that we need to we need to spend a lot more in our educational system. When you talk about education when you say oh, we're gonna open a mother self education.

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Education. Okay, one pound. Two pounds, five pounds. 10 pounds? Not to 20 pounds. 50 pounds. 100 pounds. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, that one is one pound two pounds. Okay. Then if you were to talk about a widow

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or she's a widow. Okay, okay, she missed a mark.

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There's widows. There's lonely people. There's people who are homeless amongst us amongst our own crowds of people our own that's not my problem. That's not my Masjid. That's not my you know, the big rewards that I can I can see and we miss out on one thing

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you which is the actual You know, when you're giving money

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you gotta understand which one gets you more reward most of us think that the one that gets you most reward is the ones that we can see like a mosquito Mr. Ravi Han Juma and salah and every five daily prayers you're gonna pray oh my god Ron's gonna be taught there Oh my God. That said the most rewarding you missing out on one big thing and I'm telling you right now and I've been saying this but but not everybody has the you know not everybody if you believe in it, I don't know if you if you if you actually you know digested a lot of people can't digest this. What made a worker the Lord who come in to be the closest to the wrestler to the closest to Allah after after, you know anyone

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in this room after after person. Lots of them in this room are the closest person

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I woke up the alarm. What made me that close?

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It was Abu Bakr radi Allahu who had a habit, his habit was

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to spend in those places where nobody else was spending.

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Like everybody else is going for the big thing for the machine for the days for that for the orphans, for the whatever, which is good. These things also needed. But he would look for the one where nobody's giving, he will look for that widow. He will look for that lonely person, he would look for that, that thing where nobody else wants to give, and he would give there. And that's what made him come so close to Alaska and His Messenger. And you got to understand that today you got to know but one person asked the professor last when he said Mashallah, what's the best form of soda and the professor lung artist, Adam said, is that I'm Posada. And Sahil Shahi he said the best form

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of soccer is for you to give when you are healthy but yet feeding stingy

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so get a hold of this unhealthy when a person is healthy they've got no need to give when a person is about to die, so I'm gonna die living by wealth away. You're not gonna say that when you healthy like everything's fine. You're Why should I give for why should I give I'm not in need of anyone. Everyone's in need of me. Okay, that's that's the kind of mentality you might have. So you're not in need of others, but others I need of us. So then you sparingly give. When you're about to die, then people think, Oh, wait, you're about to get the bad healthy thing while I'm in need of others. I don't need of giving charity. So that's one you're healthy. You don't need to give second thing you

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said, but you're feeling stingy.

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You're feeling inside that

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I don't want to give the more you feel I don't want to give and you give the imagine a man who's tied the tie till you feel and the more sadaqa you give at the moment you're tight. The most reward is in there.

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Especially when it comes to like you know certain things that we don't want to give in. You think I don't want to spend that I know they needed to spend I want to spend over here Now look, you go against that and you spend over that you probably got more reward over there, because nobody's giving over there. That's how I will work under the law got so close. And this is one thing we have to understand that this is this is the principle of the Quran, Sunnah, which is you need to spend Yes, but try and be diverse in how you spend and where you give it. One thing that I spoke about is the feasibility law to give in the path of a law or to spend in the path of a land there's two

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things that come in there. One is an officer Humala, one is yourself, ourselves, the sacrifice that we make, and the other one is the wealth that we spend. And in return of both of them Allah azza wa jal has promised Jenna, this is Surah number nine and number 111. So in the last minute and fusuma, ambala, homey and Allahu Jana, as we spend money, the more and more money we spending in the right way we actually are trading Jelena in return of our money, Allah says, I will take from you the sacrifice that you make of yourselves and I will take the sacrifice of your wealth and in return I will give you general. So for example, you go to hedge you spending money is fully what am I going

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to hedge is two things. You're sacrificing yourself, your time and what you're doing your body and your energy is sacrificing all of our lacing. But same time you're sacrificing money. And the money that you sacrifice to go to HUD, all of it. All of it is reward. I do understand that these days, the HUD you know, monies that we're spending is just going up and up and up and up and up and up. And it's not stopping. It's something which we I wish we had regulators to stop the amount of monies that are being charged. It's very unfortunate, we haven't been regulated but just know for one thing that when you spending your monies for Hajj or Umrah and it's costing you a lot of money, every

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penny every pound of it, every dollar every cent is getting you a lot of reward. Because that is something which Allah said I'm trading this to give you Jana in return. Now throughout your life, I've told you about. I've thought about okay family life, I've thought about trade. I've now let me talk about social life. So part of this given our social life, our society, we spending in whatever we can pay each and every step of this as I'm giving monies I'm getting closer to a lot getting closer to Ghana, but every single one of these things has an opportunity for me to spend in the wrong way.

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So it's a means like I said to in the beginning of this this session, I said wealth is a means to an end. Wealth is a means to an end and it depends on the person. So for example right now, you can spend wealth,

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to buy alcohol. You can spend wealth to gamble.

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You can spend wealth to bribe that's another one. Okay, so each of these is going to end and you are with sin with something that's gonna, you know, be back now this is there's many stages that happens okay, in each of these, either you doing something good. There's many stages, you do something bad. There's many stages. So let's say for example, I'm spending wealth in the right way. I'm giving

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saw the car I'm looking after people I'm doing some good I'm getting a lot of reward reward reward with my family spending I get reward with my ID I'm going to work every day Halloween game reward. I bring that on I spend into Halloween Halloween early teen Halloween reward reward. Okay, I'm avoiding gambling reward just the fact that I'm avoiding gambling I'm tempted I don't want to go this reward. I'm avoiding drugs, there's reward. I'm avoiding you know alcohol is reward. I'm avoiding you know spending the wealth in harming others there's reward in that reward reward. Then what happens is Baraka Baraka Baraka Baraka wealth, so you're getting all these blessings, like a

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lot of little wealth will last you a long time. Then another special thing that happens, anyone who trades halaal spends halaal earns halaal your family, the disputes are very low.

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enmity between your families low hatred amongst your family members is low.

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But when you start to, you know the other way, let's do it the other way. If I'm spending haraam if I'm earning Harlem and spending Harlem what happens is you get bad leads, but these bad deeds, every single Avenue I turn on blue Harlem is bad is dead, what happens is Baraka is taken away, reward is taken away. Shaytan comes in. And then the Quran has been very clear.

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In surah, Nisa, sort of my either, sorry, so the Maya surah. Number five is number 19. Last 1991, Allah says the shaitaan will come in between and he's going to now make your family members fight with each other is going to cause cause enmity, through gambling through alcohol. That's one thing I get in this world, then what happens is, like you might have a lot of money, but you have got a burqa, you haven't got blessings, and then you got fights, you got corals and you're feeling well, you know, when I say not feeling well, you might be as a healthy person as anything, but mentally deep inside something's not right. See people when they see these, what happens to them that deep

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inside is that there's a struggle, there's a fight something that is not right, they've got everything they want, they've got all the comforts they can ask for. Everything around them is fine. They've got the sofas, the TVs, the deck or the you name it, the fridge is full of food, the bank balances healthy Everything is there. But something deep inside is not right. They feel stress. They have they have you know, silly quarrels with the family members, the family members then go off into doing things that they're not supposed to do with the wealth, and then it brings more burden to the whole family and the circle is vicious. And then you don't look if you if you bring halaal in all

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the time, then you're likely to pray, salah and so on. If you don't bring Allah Khurana said here, surah number five, and number 91, you're not going to be praying, you're not going to be doing physical, I'll show you down to find it easy to for you to for him to stop you from all of that. Then the next thing is the person who sped halaal gave halaal and halaal like I said to Derek German, he goes there he's with the ease with the right people he's got he's got shade, you know, he's got he's got clouds above his head that give him shade. He's gonna now now go with the with you know, if a person is handler if a person trades, well trades halaal he's brought up on the dead

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gentleman role the businessman that did that they all that they all trade in Holland, if you trade in Haram, or if you if you use your monies in a haram way. And then you neglected to do you neglected your your prayers, you neglected your whole, you know, religion, then the person is brought up with the likes of qarun

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enemy of Iran, enemy of Azerbaijan, as a friend of Iran, but anyway, Musab Harun who are a lot of wealth, but you just use that wealth to be neglectful in the in, you know, neglectful from, from his duties towards, towards religion, he's neglected the whole religion and so on. So you get you, you wake up with the wrong people on the Day of Judgment. And then of course, it's one thing after another, so each route you go down, you're bringing yourself with it with the wealth, a means towards your own success, or a means towards your own failure.

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And the ultimate thing that we've got a, you know, in all these things, allows encourages you to spend, spend, spend, give, give, give, and I'm spending the right away, but then there's one thing which I did mention last week, and I'm going to say an ayah to kind of

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to stamp it down and this is something which we need to take in consideration that the more you deal with the wealth, okay, the more you deal with wealth. The Allah may have mentioned very clearly they said, Look, if wealth is in your hands,

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there's no problem. But once a wealth enters your heart, there's a big problem.

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If wealth is in your hands, meaning that it's here I'm dealing with I'm trading and so on. But it's not in my head. I don't have any love for it. Like I don't have more love for this wealth than Allah and His messenger. And when my duties

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then it's fine. But the moment I have more

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muhabba are more sort of love for the wealth and Alon is messenger or my duties in the deen, then it's a serious problem. So listen to this ayah Surah number nine is number

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44 is number

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2024. So the nine out of 24 all in kinda about

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Allah says, tell them on Mohammed say, if it is your father's will have an outcome or perhaps your sons or your children or one or your brothers will as well. Or maybe you spouses were actually allowed to come or maybe your clan were unwilling to move or maybe the wealth that you are acquiring what ajaokuta Shona casada or maybe it's the or the the trade that you fear the loss of and the failure of my sakeena taboada or the dwelling places where you live in a new love to live in those places. I have la mina la he was fully if any of these things then you mentioned them again

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your father's mother's parents granddad's grandpa okay so so the people above you above now those who below you your children, your nephews, your nieces, whatever, okay, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, clan, people who are close to me, my blood relatives and so on, or the wealth that I acquire, or the trade that I have, or the dwelling places where I stay in if any of these things become more lovable to more dear to you than Allah, more direct to dear to you then the message that allows them are more dear to you then then struggling in his pathway and doing your duties. Fatah bustle? Allah says Okay, wait had Taiyaki Allahu be empty until I bring my commander about meaning

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that you failed. And there's going to be consequences of that will allow a little carbon fiber skin that means you become rebellious and Allah azza wa jal does not guide the people who are rebellious. Okay, so whatever we do, we're not supposed to bring their love of that wealth into the heart. The moment you do that, then there's gonna be problems. At the moment you you can separate the two and be very clear that this is well this is a means to an end. So I'm going to use the word to get closer to Allah azza wa jal and the more you do that, Alhamdulillah Mashallah, nothing, no one's ever gonna say anything to you. In fact, you can understand that the moment you will becomes more

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duty, you become like the people of shame.

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They said a Salatu kitamura, Karnataka, Maya,

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Allah Fie. And while in a Manisha they said to shy, but I said, they said, what your prayers and this whole religious thing that you got, you know, got going, whatever? Does that actually tell you for us to leave? The ways that we found our forefathers before we've got to leave their habits and so on? And are you telling us that your religious way and your prayers are telling you and forbidding telling you that we can't do what we want to do with our own wealth, like my wealth, I shouldn't be able to do what I want. This isn't Surah Surah number 11? I am number 87. Are you saying that's the case he this is what happened? The moment you get you, you know go to this side of

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the of the balance, then you kind of think that you know what I told my wife let me do what I want with it. So why do I have to listen to all of this? Why do I have to spend it here not spending? Why do I have to take rules and so on. So that's what happens. And the moment and you know, you've got another side, which is people who will go to the extent of giving to others and they will say you know what, we don't even want to thank you from you. This is also be mentioned is very praiseworthy, like you know, when you give someone or you spend somewhere, one of the best things to do is to even forget about that you gave it not to count it not to start speaking about it, not to start even even

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waiting for a thank you from you know, sometimes you give it to the to the fukada you give it to the poor people, and you kind of waiting for that smile, or for that happy thing, or for them to say to you all thank you just qumola Oh, you're so wonderful, or you've given before you give it now again And isn't that I mean, of course a good person will say that anyway. But the person who's giving sometimes wants to wait for that person to say it. And then they measure them up. If they've said it and there's enough of it is filled the ego of the giver. They suck Okay, Okay, next time I'll give you as well. And if this person hasn't filled the ego of the one who's giving an attack, okay, so I

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gave you and you don't appreciate what I'm giving you. Okay, I'm not going to give you any more. So that wasn't the reason why you should have given anyway, this is I want you to look at surah number 76 surah down

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and I number eight and nine. This is a praise of some of the Sahaba who gave

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And they gave food and they and you know when when he was even like thank you or whatever we indebted to you know, they said in Amanita mo come live Agila. We are feeding you purely for the sake of Allah Landry, Dominican jazza. And voila, Shakira. We don't want from you any reward anything in return. No, do you want you to even have to say thank you to us? appreciation We don't even need that we didn't do for that we didn't do for the appreciation. We didn't do for anything else in return. We did it fuelie for the sake of Allah xojo. And Allah has told us in the Holy Quran again and again, that those who spend they have to be careful of not falling into showing off to

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others that they actually spent. Right. So this is again surah number two Ayah number two, six for

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the need to spend, but not to fall into the air and NASS to show people that I've actually spent this is another thing that people have an answer to, I don't know how Hamza we've got a portion of Muslims and handle when they donate, that prefer to say anonymous, not to say the name of someone, some others are like, no, they have to give only in places where it's going to be known a little bit recessive like that, whether it's a mosquito or other places, sometimes, you know, most of these cool things that you have on the on the on the channels that are pumping out Islamic stuff, and then the callers will come in, I want to donate this much. And I wanna

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This is my name, this is who I am all right, waiting for all the people who know them to give them credit, and say, Oh, yeah, I heard you gave that much whatever. This is not the reason why why are we giving and so on? Okay, so the system of Islam is very simple. Allah said, not beginning, the plan. wamena Rajaratnam inficon, what we provided you, we want you to give away and by doing that, following the system, you're earning reward you're getting towards and by by you going against that, then you know you're going against your own your own success and what you you'd be able to get, and throughout the Quran, whether it's to do with bribes, like I said to you that has been mentioned

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specifically let me give you the idea about that, because people can use that for the for the wrong means. And that is sort of Surah Baqarah. So number two, and number 188. A lot talks about giving bribes to judges, which is a haram thing. In fact, Solomon alayhi salatu salam he summed it all up, because all the wealth who receive is as a test,

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Allah said, innama and welcome where Allah to come fitna. Right, this is a this is an ayah that is repeated or concept repeated again and again, in the Holy Quran. Allah says, the wealth that that you've got, is is a means of a test for you. And the children that you have is a means of a test for you. This is in Surah number eight, I number 28. While mo Anima. And welcome Viola to fitna know that whatever wealth and whatever children you've been given, it's a means of a test just to test you which way you're going to go. What are you going to do? Are you going to go towards a holiday or are you going to go to the home? Okay, so that's one thing I'm so the Mona Lisa, as I said, he

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summed it all up, because Allah gave him a lot of wealth.

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A lot of wealth. And you know, when you when you're a king, when you go so much Well, you can do what you like, Who's there to question you. You can make the rules as you go along. That's what they do. They make the rules as they go along. They hide their wealth wherever they want. None of these, you know, big people who are in power, you know, I'm saying a lot of power comes underneath them, they can do what they like, so Silvana lissadell. salami summed it up really nicely. Surah number 27. And number 40. What happened is when Solomon is asked who can bring that that throne of Bill keys right in front of him, and when it was bought right in front of him in a split second. Then he

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said these words for Amara who Mr. Khurana in the who Carla had them in from the lobby, when he saw that the throne is right there in front of him. The majestic Throne of Bill keys was brought to him from Yemen all the way to Philistine in a split second.

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He looked at it and he said have min fugly Robbie, this is from the bounty of my Lord, Leah Balu and me ash guru at four. He said, My Lord is testing me. With all the wealth and the power and everything else has given me he's testing me to see whether I am showing fans or whether I am being ungrateful whether I'm being grateful or ungrateful woman Shakira for in America will never see whoever is grateful will only find that the the Grateful notes that he showed will only benefit him in the future, or man cafaro and whoever will be ungrateful, then my lord is independent, not in need at all of this person. Carry him and my role is very noble. He doesn't need to he does

01:00:00 --> 01:00:34

Need need whatever this person is offering anyway. So, the thing is, if you look at this, the whole of this summarized about wealth is this, every piece has given us allowance to see whether we grateful or ungrateful. Now most of you are going to say that we, you know, with wealth, if I'm grateful, I'm just going to sell hamdulillah. Right? That's be grateful. And that's it. That's how you be grateful. But sorry to say, That's only probably 1% of be grateful, saying Alhamdulillah is the most easiest way.

01:00:35 --> 01:01:28

And the minimum way of you showing Allah azza wa jal that you factor 99% is still left. What is 99%? Do you know that there might have said, Show, being grateful should have should means being grateful, being grateful of every gift Allah has given us needs to be spent, or not indispensable, let me rephrase that. Every gift or loss of detail has given if we use it in the halaal way, automatically it showing gratefulness to Allah, if you use it in a haram way automatically is being ungrateful to Allah. So for example, you will always give it as eyes when you use eyes to see halaal only every time you see halaal you being grateful to Allah, this is the sugar of the eyes, not just

01:01:28 --> 01:02:03

Alhamdulillah you said Alhamdulillah Allah has given me good eyes. But the fact that you look, look, look, look, look at halaal that is now a demonstration that 99% of you showing Allah that you're grateful. And the moment that you look at something which is haram, Allah forgive us. I mean, that is something which is a way that you're showing that you're ungrateful to Allah. And the same is the same with the mouth. Same with anything you got the tongue holla Would you talk about halala has been grateful that Allah gave me a tongue. Grateful law showed me how, you know, he taught me how to speak and so on that had been grateful, you use your tongue in the haraam way. Okay? And that has

01:02:03 --> 01:02:34

been ungrateful, the same with wealth, wealth, the gratefulness of wealth is the moral law gives me the more I'm going to abide by what Allah has told me to do. That is sugar every day when I spend in the right way when I earn in the right way, okay? That is the sugar of wealth. That is the gratefulness of wealth. And the moment I don't do any of that, then that is me. You know, failing to do that is being ungrateful. May Allah azza wa jal give us tofik. To to spend to earn in hallelujah because look, one of the one of the first questions of the Day of Judgment is what

01:02:36 --> 01:02:44

the four questions and the devs are no person can move their feet, on the day of judgment, without answering these these four questions. Okay.

01:02:45 --> 01:03:12

A lot of will ask us about a life where we spend it about a youth where we specifically spend it about the knowledge that we had, and whether we practice it. And then the fourth one is, are unmarried men in activa, who were female and fucka. Allah will ask specifically about wealth, how you acquired it, and where you spent it both? And Allah wants to know that it's a specific question and he said in all the Quran, and with this, I'll end this beautiful Ayah for us to contemplate for us to think

01:03:13 --> 01:03:31

which which sums up everything we have said, is mine. The chameleon said Allah azza wa jal says whatever you've got with you, whatever you leave with you will be will come to an end or mine the Lucha bap, or whatever you invest and leave with a loss of gel that will be everlasting.

01:03:33 --> 01:04:12

So this is Surah number 16. So number, Susana, Anima 96. So whatever you've you've spent, whatever, whatever you whatever you sent forth for your art Hera, you'll always find like what I want to say and I just don't mean the sarcasm, a few things. Don't forget, a lot of things are covered in today's thing, every form of halaal where you're spending it is spent it is sent to the next well all the things you're doing have livelihood spending on the family, you know, all the correct things are doing even even you might be spending on a bus ticket or a train ticket is halali making halaal journey it is rude. You know you had a choice. You could have avoided the ticket you could have not

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paid you could have scammed them you could have done something else right. But you avoid all of that space halaal you know, you get you get reward for it and spam law. Let me just say this one thing before I end this today, when I came across this story, beautiful story. So some of us like you know, if you get away with one of those journey tickets, right? What do you do? You like, you know, I've got away with a Yeah, I just save five pounds and save 10 pounds. Oh, the bus driver never saw me whatever. You know, the train driver never doesn't know I hopped on hop back off and

01:04:44 --> 01:04:48

I just saved some money right? And we kind of think about these things.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:59

Chef Asha literally from from India. What happened is he went on a train journey. And somebody noticed him he went to his destination

01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

When he got to his destination

01:05:06 --> 01:05:27

Sherif charlatan what he did is he bought two tickets, he bought two tickets, after he got back to his his home destination. And when he bought two tickets, he bought them paid for them. And then he ripped them up and threw them away. And he was going off to his house. Somebody stopped in there said, What are you doing? Are you

01:05:30 --> 01:05:43

going to dig it is done through them? And he said, Yes, I did it on purpose. He said, Why? He said, because the journey I made today going by train over there, I'm coming back when I was when I was in a rush.

01:05:44 --> 01:06:07

And I had to cut the train. And I didn't have time to buy the ticket. So I said to myself, you know what the conductor on the train, I'll pay him the money. And I'll buy the ticket. So on the on the way there was no conductor. There's no one checking for any tickets, anything I've got to my destination over there. There was no way of buying another ticket. So I got back on the train thinking I'll see another conductor I'll pay for the tickets. No, no one was there. I came all the way back to my place.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:24

When I came back to my place, I've got you know, I'm ready to get out of the station. I didn't have to pay for my journey back but I thought no, it's not going to be valid. So I bought two tickets one for the journey there one for the journey back and I bought them I ripped them up and threw them so that now paid

01:06:26 --> 01:06:54

that that's that's how we should be like even doesn't matter who's owning that, you know, it's a journey to service you're using it you've got to make it harder for yourself. Just make it hard on guys just make it hard to get on to the Day of Judgment by spending that money you spend that's also going to jakirah that you avoid having to spend in Holloway, it'll be part of the academic as well give us topic I mean, I'm just gonna hide any question that you got just an announcement that we won't have a lesson next week because I've got to travel somewhere next week where any questions you've got is

01:06:58 --> 01:07:00

what you need to

01:07:01 --> 01:07:11

know you don't have to have any near no no no intention if you just spend the holidays recorded you don't have to have intention for it. So don't worry you know I haven't had Neil my life as well.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:18

I know you think you know we are no near Africa you don't need me is counted Hello.

01:07:19 --> 01:07:36

Okay guys, if you please if you want to be updated please the man with behind the camera if you leave your details with him, he'll tell you when the lessons are on or off. He'll let you know inshallah. So next week we won't have a lesson because I need to get to the middle end zone or something over there shall have exactly hydrosol

01:07:56 --> 01:08:26

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