Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 25 Ramadan 1441 Late Night Majlis Shah Abd Al Qadir & Spirtual Revival Addison 05182020

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The "arousal of the heart" of Islam is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart, which is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart. The "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart, and the "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart. The "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart, and the "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart. The "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart, and the "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart. The "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart, and the "arousal of the heart" is a process of transformation and transformation of the heart. The "
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah. By Allah's father, we've reached this Mubarak

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25th night of Ramadan.

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It is nothing except for the grace of

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God that gives us days and nights like

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this, that gives us months like this. If

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may Allah

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accept it from us. And if it's not,

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may Allah still accept it from us. Masha'Allah.

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These are nights, insha'Allah. If you have a

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make salat in salam on the prophet

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and make dua for

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the betterment

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of the ummah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam in this world and the hereafter.

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One of the things is like, you know,

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hopefully this is not like story time with

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uncle Hamza

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that, you know, okay,

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look, I know who Ghazali is, and so

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I'll sound cool with, like, all my,

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you know, intellectual friends that burn expensive oud

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or whatever.

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This is not story time for the sake

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of entertainment.

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This is the,

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rewire of the sil silah, of the chain

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that binds us to Allah through his Messenger

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which we receive Fuyud, through which we receive

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the divine

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the divine outpouring of grace.

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part of that outpouring of grace is definitely

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something in the unseen world, which moves the

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and enlightens the heart and purifies it and

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and and strikes away from it,

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its spiritual rust,

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which is a very, very unseen

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and a very,

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you know, maybe ethereal

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type process. But some of it is

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something very,

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and something very practical

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for, the listener, which is what?

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Look at how Ghazali turned his,

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back on the world

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in order to seek a higher objective and

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to serve the ummah of the prophet

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sallam through it and,

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to come back,

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instead of fleeing from the battlefield into the

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luxury of the the the material world and

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into prestige and position,

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he, fled from the world and went back

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into the battlefield after having strengthened himself

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and trained for 10 years. And, he he

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he went back into that midan, into that,

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you know, place of combat. He jumped back

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into the octagon,

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even more powerful than before,

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and, he said very boldly,

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through his works, is there anybody who will

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challenge me? And he beat them down. Every

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one of them tapped out. And he's not

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the only one in the, in the history

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of the ummah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. So

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my hope is that those who listen to

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this, those few people who listen to this,

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these recordings and these majalis,

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even if they're only doing so because they're

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bored and they have to have something to

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listen to while doing the dishes or while,

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you know, driving to work or whatever,

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that inshallah,

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that something moves inside the heart,

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that makes it appealing and beautiful,

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to the heart

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that you Allah, would that

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I also were able to strengthen myself,

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would that I also was able to to

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and would that I was also able to

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get back into that

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field of battle, back into that octagon,

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also take my share of of the burden

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of the defense and the service of the

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Ummah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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in whatever capacity

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and whatever capacity Allah has facilitated for me,

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in whatever way Allah has created me because

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everybody has a different jibillah. Everybody's

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disposition is different.

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The man who's gonna, you know, bench press

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£500 is not always gonna be the guy

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is able to plan the finances of a

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madrasa or, you know, is not gonna always

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be able to be the person who gives,

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a good speech. And the guy who gives

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a good speech is not always the one

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who's able to recite Quran beautifully

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and, etcetera. So you look look into yourself

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what gifts have has Allah given you. And,

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you know, if something in your heart doesn't

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move from listening to these then perhaps,

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you know,

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they're not as useful as

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you may or may not think.

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Allah give

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all of us, this this harakah inside of

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our heart,

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for the better and toward him and, change

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in orientation toward his nur and his light,

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towards toward him,

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that that that this feeling is awakened not

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just when we mentioned Ghazali, but any of

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these, great heroes of of Islam,

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that, we wish to,

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take up the the path that was chalked

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out for us by the messenger of Allah,

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam, in order to serve

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the ummah and thereby,

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claim a a a stake in Allah's love,

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which inshallah will be fulfilled and made perfect

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and beautiful,

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in the hereafter,

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and in in this world as well.

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So he continues

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in the end and the epilogue of his

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chapter on Ghazali.

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He mentions reformers after Ghazali

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Despite Ghazali's successful encounter with the skepticism of

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philosophers which had threatened a spiritual chaos in

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the moral and spiritual disintegration of the masses

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by the end of 5th century after Hijra

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had become so widespread that it required a

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popular movement for the regeneration of the simplicity

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and directness of faith.

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So we're setting up for

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something a little bit different. Because Imam Ghazali

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was like

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very elite intellectual,

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you know,

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warrior, if you want to use that, if

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you wanna use that,

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that metaphor.

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But he said that what the millah needed

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was what the millah what the ummah needed

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was an illuminated and inspired mentor,

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who wielded influence amongst the populace,

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who could hold them spellbound and fill them

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with faith and enthusiasm,

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zeal, and self confidence.

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The autocratic governments of the past 400 years

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had definite definitely a dissolving influence on the

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spiritual and moral life of the community.

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And I don't wanna get too much into

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politics over here because, you know, not necessarily

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because we shouldn't because politics is part of

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Dean as well,

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but there are some people who use the

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slogan of politics as part of Dean in

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order to turn politics into Dean, and I'm

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not I'm not down with that. You know,

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whoever's king or isn't king or whoever's president

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or isn't president, whatever party is in power,

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you know, the the the fundamentals of the

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universe don't change, and our travel toward Allah

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is still the primary,

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the primary goal.

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So, you know,

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but having made that disclaimer, having made that

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the gross mismanagement

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of the of the Darul Islam,

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and I'm not just talking about one government.

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There are different

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governments, and in general, the gross mismanagement that

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they've done of

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of of their governance,

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and in particular, the

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and the overbearing,

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tyranny. Not letting people

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do those things that they're good at. Not

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letting people succeed in life for fear of

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it being a threat to somebody's,

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you know, entrenched monopoly that's sponsored by

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some, you know, whatever colonial post colonial goon

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This is really rotting at at the Ummah,

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it's not the first time. And

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give help to our people.

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Give help to our people. Give help to

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the person

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who know, lets the people breathe and lets

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them flourish.

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And this is not a cry for democracy

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or theocracy or monarchy or

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tetrarchy or, you know, whatever. It's it's not

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it's not it's not for any tetrarchy is

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interesting. If you wanna read about Roman history,

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you can read about the tetrarchy. What a

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weird idea. At any rate, the the it's

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not it's not, you know,

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more general than that. It's just a cry

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for somebody who can,

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establish some basic safety and security in the

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Muslim world. And then let people do let

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people do what they're good at and what

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they're made to do instead of stifling them

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and stuffing them and suffocating them to death

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and seeing their success as a threat.

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So, the autocratic governments of the past 400

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years had definitely a dissolving influence on the

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spiritual and moral life of the community.

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These had produced a class,

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which claim which although complaint claiming to profess

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Islam had the aggrandizement

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of self,

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acquisition of material success in pursuit of wealth,

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power and honor as its ultimate end. And

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here honor like prestige not honor as in

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like true honor with Allah.

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Iranian and Hellenistic cultural influences had, on one

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hand, made inroads into Muslim society while on

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the other hand, paganism

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of pre Islamic Jahiliya was again

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reasserting itself.

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The ostentatious,

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conceded, and dissolute manners of the elite

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grandees and retinues of,

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emperors had become a model for commonality.

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And God help us. God help us from

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ever being, you know, in love or looking

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up to such

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self dissolved

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and insolent goons,

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such as

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these that

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are not in short supply nowadays and completely

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fawned over and drooled over by,

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the the

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the ignorant masses. Allah protect us from being

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those masses much as being these people.

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Unmindful of the humble and poor who led

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a discontented

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and frustrated life. Those who had the money

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to squander were busy in their own pursuits

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of pleasure.

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The affluent were gradually

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losing all good qualities like humanity, generosity,

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and benevolence while the poorer classes were incurring

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the loss of qualities like patience and contentment,

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confidence, and self respect.

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Does it sound familiar?

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Torn between a moral crisis on one hand

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and social injustice on the other, the Muslim

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society was threatened with disintegration.

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What this critical situation demanded was an invigorating

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call inviting people back to the faith, cutting

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asunder the pools of worldly temptations and benefits,

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reclin rekindling the desire for salvation and blessedness,

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achievement of the true knowledge of Allah and

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inculcating an ardent desire to submit oneself to

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his commands.

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It was necessary for,

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it that the true meaning of tawhid, the

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unity of god almighty, along with an awareness

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of the fleeting nature of earthly pleasures and

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inefficacy of power and riches were driven home

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to the people.

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The 5th century after Hijra, on the other

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hand, also saw a diffusion

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of arts and sciences in the,

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world of Islam. We find during this time

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that some of the greatest intellectual leaders brought

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forth by Islam. People like Abu Ishaq al

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who died in 476,

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Imam Khazali who died in 505 in the

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real field of religious sciences, Abu Wafaa, Ibno

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Aqil, and Abu Ghahl,

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Al Georgiani

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in jurisprudence and in literature,

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Abu Zakaria Tabrizi,

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who died in 502 after hijra in grammar

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and lexicography,

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like Badr Saman. He's like literally, he's known

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as the the the the the one who

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inaugurated the age.

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Each one of them was a pioneer in

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his own field, and every one of them

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remained unrivaled for centuries to come. During such

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a period of intellectual awakening, no religious mentor

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could have hoped to achieve any success,

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unless he himself was well versed

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in, all the prevalent sciences.

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It was essential that the person should be

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as much acclaimed for his literary distinction and

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brilliance of mind as for his moral and

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spiritual excellence.

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This was indeed necessary if he was not

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to be brushed aside contemptuously

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by the learned and elite,

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classes as an illiterate fanatic.

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Thus, these were the qualities demanded of a

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man who could fill the hearts of the

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people with faith and knowledge, cure them of

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their skepticism,

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and provide solace to the spiritually distressed,

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and fire them with a burning desire for

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moral and spiritual upliftment.

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And so, say, the,

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Abul Hasan Ali,

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he then makes a,

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a sub,

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to saints of Bardad.

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just hearing the names doesn't fill you

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with an overwhelming

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faith of Nur,

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then maybe,

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about their lives and then come back and

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listen to this part again.

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God almighty brought forth 2 outstanding personages during

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this period who devoted their life for the

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religious and spiritual revivification of the Muslims.

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These were, Abdelkader al Jelani and, Abdul Rahman

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ibn al Josi.

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The fields of their activities were different, but

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both of them deeply impressed the,

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the lives,

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deeply impressed upon the lives of Muslims in

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their times.

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It was also a blessing from Allah that

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both of them had Baghdad, the metropolis of

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then the Islamic world as their center and

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were endowed with a long life so as

00:13:41 --> 00:13:42

to accomplish the task,

00:13:43 --> 00:13:45

to which they had addressed themselves.

00:13:45 --> 00:13:47

It is also a matter of pride for

00:13:47 --> 00:13:48

the Hanbali school of jurisprudence

00:13:49 --> 00:13:51

that both of these luminaries belong to, that

00:13:51 --> 00:13:54

very school, the school of Imam Ahlus Sunnah,

00:13:55 --> 00:13:57

Ahmed bin Hambo, rahimahullah Tabarakahu Wa Ta'ala.

00:13:59 --> 00:14:00

Chapter 8.

00:14:14 --> 00:14:18

Abdelkader was born in, Gilan in 4/70 after

00:14:18 --> 00:14:18


00:14:19 --> 00:14:20

He was an Arab by descent,

00:14:21 --> 00:14:23

being the 10th descendant of Saidna Al Hassan

00:14:23 --> 00:14:23

bin Ali

00:14:24 --> 00:14:26

alayhis salaam or alayhimus salaam

00:14:28 --> 00:14:30

but belonged to Iran by the migration of

00:14:30 --> 00:14:31

his ancestors.

00:14:31 --> 00:14:33

He had come to Baghdad in 4 88

00:14:33 --> 00:14:35

at the age of 18 years.

00:14:36 --> 00:14:38

It was perhaps not merely fortuitous that he

00:14:38 --> 00:14:41

arrived at at Baghdad to acquire education almost

00:14:41 --> 00:14:42

at the same time

00:14:42 --> 00:14:45

when another reputed teacher, Ghazali, was leaving the

00:14:45 --> 00:14:46

city in search of the

00:14:47 --> 00:14:50

truth. Although inclined to penance and cultivation of

00:14:50 --> 00:14:53

religious observances from an early age, he had

00:14:53 --> 00:14:55

addressed himself wholeheartedly

00:14:55 --> 00:14:58

to acquire education under the most reputed teachers

00:14:58 --> 00:15:00

of the time such as Abu Wafaa ibn

00:15:00 --> 00:15:00


00:15:01 --> 00:15:02

Mohammed ibn Hassan al Baqilani,

00:15:03 --> 00:15:05

and Abu Zakariyah Tabrizi

00:15:08 --> 00:15:08


00:15:10 --> 00:15:12

he turned to Tassawaf and was guided in

00:15:12 --> 00:15:13

his tenets by his Sheikh

00:15:13 --> 00:15:16

Abu Bakr Ahmed bin, Muslim at the Bas,

00:15:21 --> 00:15:21


00:15:24 --> 00:15:26

and he was allowed by the later to

00:15:26 --> 00:15:28

initiate others into

00:15:29 --> 00:15:30

into the

00:15:30 --> 00:15:33

Tarikah of Tasouwuf by by his, by that

00:15:33 --> 00:15:34


00:15:34 --> 00:15:35

and as a mentor.

00:15:36 --> 00:15:36


00:15:37 --> 00:15:37


00:15:38 --> 00:15:41

After completing his education of religious sciences as

00:15:41 --> 00:15:44

well as the training in, the Sufic disciplines,

00:15:44 --> 00:15:45


00:15:45 --> 00:15:47

began his career as a teacher in the

00:15:47 --> 00:15:48

seminary of,

00:15:49 --> 00:15:51

his sheikh, Qadhi Abu Sa'id al Mahrami,

00:15:52 --> 00:15:54

And his sermons, which were delivered in the

00:15:54 --> 00:15:55

premises of the same institution,

00:15:56 --> 00:15:58

there was soon such a rush of people

00:15:58 --> 00:16:00

that extensions had to be carried out in

00:16:00 --> 00:16:01

the building of the,

00:16:02 --> 00:16:02


00:16:03 --> 00:16:05

It appeared as if a whole Baghdad assembled

00:16:05 --> 00:16:06

in his congregations.

00:16:06 --> 00:16:08

At the same time, he claimed such an

00:16:08 --> 00:16:09


00:16:09 --> 00:16:12

and deference from the people attending lectures that

00:16:12 --> 00:16:14

even the kings would have envied it. Sheikh

00:16:15 --> 00:16:16


00:16:16 --> 00:16:18

ibn Qudama, the author of the Muhuni, which

00:16:18 --> 00:16:20

is a master book of Hanbali Fiqh

00:16:21 --> 00:16:22

in which,

00:16:23 --> 00:16:26

the reasoning the legal reasoning of different, rulings

00:16:26 --> 00:16:27

was explained as well as

00:16:29 --> 00:16:31

comparison, between the Hanbali school and and that

00:16:31 --> 00:16:33

of the other schools. The is a really

00:16:33 --> 00:16:35

amazing book. It's an awesome book.

00:16:35 --> 00:16:38

I, you know, for the Muftabbihi opinion of

00:16:38 --> 00:16:40

the school, ask the masha'if of the school.

00:16:40 --> 00:16:41

But just to just to read the book,

00:16:41 --> 00:16:43

just to learn about fiqh in general, much

00:16:43 --> 00:16:45

less Hanafi Humbly fiqh, it's just a really

00:16:45 --> 00:16:47

amazing work, a very unique work.

00:16:49 --> 00:16:51

Sheikh Muafakaddeen ibn Qudama, the author of the

00:16:51 --> 00:16:54

Murni, records that he, had not seen a

00:16:54 --> 00:16:57

man more revered for his piety and religious

00:16:57 --> 00:16:58

learning than, Shabdul Qadr.

00:16:59 --> 00:17:00

The king,

00:17:00 --> 00:17:03

his chief, and ministers attended his sermons along

00:17:03 --> 00:17:05

with the rank and file and used to

00:17:05 --> 00:17:06

sit in a corner without any fanfare.

00:17:07 --> 00:17:08

Scholars and fokaha

00:17:09 --> 00:17:09


00:17:09 --> 00:17:11

shoulders with, the students.

00:17:12 --> 00:17:14

The enthusiastic devotion of the people in coming

00:17:14 --> 00:17:16

to his lectures can be well imagined by

00:17:16 --> 00:17:19

the fact that often as many as 400

00:17:19 --> 00:17:20

inkpots were account accounted,

00:17:21 --> 00:17:23

to record every word of the the sermon,

00:17:24 --> 00:17:27

and they were brought in to take notes

00:17:27 --> 00:17:28


00:17:28 --> 00:17:30

and preserve what was said.

00:17:30 --> 00:17:31

Moral excellence.

00:17:32 --> 00:17:36

Notwithstanding the implicit reverence cherished for al Bukadir

00:17:36 --> 00:17:39

by the people, he was always modest, humble,

00:17:39 --> 00:17:39

and unpretentious.

00:17:40 --> 00:17:43

He often left, work to attend to the

00:17:43 --> 00:17:45

needs of a child or a destitute person

00:17:45 --> 00:17:46

or a slave girl.

00:17:46 --> 00:17:49

He never, evaded the company of the poor

00:17:49 --> 00:17:51

even as he washed their clothes or performed

00:17:51 --> 00:17:54

similar other personal services for them. Yet he

00:17:54 --> 00:17:56

never stood up in the honor of any

00:17:56 --> 00:17:57

person of the rank

00:17:58 --> 00:17:59

and file of the elite.

00:18:00 --> 00:18:02

If or sorry. He never stood up in

00:18:02 --> 00:18:04

the honor of any person of rank or

00:18:04 --> 00:18:05

of the elite.

00:18:05 --> 00:18:07

If the, Khalifa ever paid a visit to

00:18:07 --> 00:18:10

him, the chroniclers of his time report that

00:18:10 --> 00:18:12

he deliberately went inside the house so he

00:18:12 --> 00:18:14

might not have to stand up, to welcome

00:18:14 --> 00:18:16

the king. He used to come out of

00:18:16 --> 00:18:18

the house after the Khalifa had seated himself.

00:18:18 --> 00:18:20

Abdelkader never paid back the courtesy

00:18:21 --> 00:18:23

call, to any wazir or king. He never

00:18:23 --> 00:18:25

paid back a courtesy call to them. They

00:18:25 --> 00:18:28

would visit him, and he he he went

00:18:28 --> 00:18:28

to no one

00:18:29 --> 00:18:31

from the from the elite.

00:18:31 --> 00:18:32

He went to the poor and to the

00:18:32 --> 00:18:33


00:18:34 --> 00:18:36

Those who had seen Abdelkader have paid a

00:18:36 --> 00:18:38

glowing tribute to his moral excellence and his

00:18:38 --> 00:18:39

large heartedness,

00:18:40 --> 00:18:41

modesty and hospitality,

00:18:42 --> 00:18:45

generosity and goodness of his heart. One of

00:18:45 --> 00:18:45

his contemporaries

00:18:46 --> 00:18:49

who has had the opportunity of enjoying the

00:18:49 --> 00:18:51

company of, Shaddu Qadr,

00:18:54 --> 00:18:56

says that he had not seen a man

00:18:56 --> 00:18:59

more polite, large hearted, and charitable than Sheikh

00:18:59 --> 00:19:00

Abdul Qadr.

00:19:01 --> 00:19:02

Despite his erudition and eminence,

00:19:03 --> 00:19:06

he respected his elders, met the youngsters with

00:19:06 --> 00:19:08

good grace, always saluted first, always said salaam

00:19:08 --> 00:19:09


00:19:09 --> 00:19:13

and hailed the poor courteously with deference, but

00:19:13 --> 00:19:15

never stood up to welcome grandees or nobles,

00:19:15 --> 00:19:18

nor did he ever pay a visit to

00:19:18 --> 00:19:19

any minister or governor.

00:19:20 --> 00:19:22

Another contemporary of

00:19:24 --> 00:19:25

Hafez Abu Abdullah,

00:19:25 --> 00:19:27

Mohammed bin Yusuf al Barzali,

00:19:27 --> 00:19:28

sorry, Barzali,

00:19:29 --> 00:19:30


00:19:30 --> 00:19:32

his prayers were readily answered.

00:19:32 --> 00:19:33

Being extremely tenderhearted,

00:19:34 --> 00:19:35

he would burst into tears,

00:19:36 --> 00:19:38

if anything sorrowful or touching was meant mentioned

00:19:38 --> 00:19:39

to him.

00:19:40 --> 00:19:42

More often, he was to be found immersed

00:19:42 --> 00:19:45

in meditation and recollection of Allah. He was

00:19:45 --> 00:19:47

soft hearted, courteous, cheerful,

00:19:48 --> 00:19:49

generous, and compassionate.

00:19:49 --> 00:19:51

Being the off offspring of a noble family,

00:19:51 --> 00:19:53

he was also highly reputed for his,

00:19:54 --> 00:19:56

profound knowledge and piety. Meaning he was raised

00:19:56 --> 00:19:59

well and, you know, he knew he knew

00:19:59 --> 00:20:01

about the deen. He he was educated well

00:20:02 --> 00:20:03

on top of

00:20:03 --> 00:20:05

on top of his spiritual excellences.

00:20:05 --> 00:20:08

And being extremely tenderhearted, he would burst into

00:20:08 --> 00:20:08


00:20:09 --> 00:20:10

Allah to Allah forgive us. We saw from

00:20:10 --> 00:20:12

our masha'i when we'd anytime

00:20:13 --> 00:20:15

was mentioned they, you know, they would cry.

00:20:16 --> 00:20:18

They cried so much and, Allah forgive us

00:20:18 --> 00:20:21

for being so hardhearted. They cried so much.

00:20:21 --> 00:20:23

Allah forgive us for being hardhearted.

00:20:25 --> 00:20:27

And these are the people of the later

00:20:27 --> 00:20:28

times. One can only imagine how the the

00:20:28 --> 00:20:30

ancient masha'ikh and shabdukha they were.

00:20:31 --> 00:20:34

The testimony of Muhiuddin Abu Abdullah Mohammed bin

00:20:34 --> 00:20:37

Hamid al Bawdadi, a jurist scholar of those

00:20:37 --> 00:20:38

times, runs as follows.

00:20:40 --> 00:20:43

Always, disposed to avoid things unseemly and in,

00:20:44 --> 00:20:45

in decorous, he

00:20:47 --> 00:20:49

only pressed for the desirable and benefiting.

00:20:50 --> 00:20:52

He would boil with indignation if the divine

00:20:52 --> 00:20:53

commandments were overstepped.

00:20:54 --> 00:20:55

Right? So he wasn't just like a bunny

00:20:55 --> 00:20:57

rabbit Sufi, you know, where, like, you're okay.

00:20:57 --> 00:21:00

I'm okay. Yeah. Inshallah, Inshallah, Inshallah, blah, blah,

00:21:00 --> 00:21:02

blah. He would boil with indignation if the

00:21:02 --> 00:21:04

divine commandments were overstepped,

00:21:04 --> 00:21:06

but remained listless to the wrongs and ill

00:21:06 --> 00:21:08

treatments to his own person. Allah

00:21:09 --> 00:21:10

have mercy on him.

00:21:10 --> 00:21:12

He would never seek revenge,

00:21:12 --> 00:21:13


00:21:14 --> 00:21:15

save for the sake of Allah

00:21:16 --> 00:21:18

nor send back a beggar without giving him

00:21:18 --> 00:21:18


00:21:19 --> 00:21:22

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala save us. This is

00:21:22 --> 00:21:24

Bilayn, this is the characteristic of the prophet

00:21:25 --> 00:21:25


00:21:26 --> 00:21:28

son the sheikh was Allah

00:21:29 --> 00:21:30

send peace and blessings and mercy on the

00:21:30 --> 00:21:31


00:21:31 --> 00:21:32

and upon his family.

00:21:34 --> 00:21:35

If he had nothing to give, he would

00:21:35 --> 00:21:37

part with the clothes that he had been

00:21:37 --> 00:21:38

putting on.

00:21:39 --> 00:21:42

Allah have mercy on on him. Allah give

00:21:42 --> 00:21:43

him a great rank.

00:21:44 --> 00:21:46

Shablu Qadr took pleasure in feeding the poor

00:21:46 --> 00:21:48

and spending freely to meet the needs of

00:21:48 --> 00:21:49

the destitute.

00:21:50 --> 00:21:51

Ibn Nadjar,

00:21:51 --> 00:21:54

reports that Shabdul Qadr often used to say,

00:21:54 --> 00:21:55

if I were given,

00:21:56 --> 00:21:57

treasures of the whole world, I would spend

00:21:57 --> 00:21:59

it all on feeding the poor,

00:21:59 --> 00:22:01

which is also one of the noble akhlaq

00:22:01 --> 00:22:03

of the messenger of Allah, salallahu alaihi wa

00:22:03 --> 00:22:04

sallam, who said if I was given the

00:22:04 --> 00:22:06

mountain of Uhud and gold, I wouldn't leave

00:22:06 --> 00:22:09

any of it without distributing it all.

00:22:11 --> 00:22:12

Sometimes he said,

00:22:12 --> 00:22:14

it seems that I have a hole in

00:22:14 --> 00:22:16

my hands. I cannot keep anything with me.

00:22:16 --> 00:22:18

If I had a 1,000 dinars, a 1,000

00:22:18 --> 00:22:20

gold coins, I would spend every single shell

00:22:20 --> 00:22:21

before daybreak.

00:22:22 --> 00:22:25

This is this is interesting. The Rasul, sallallahu

00:22:25 --> 00:22:27

alaihi wa sallam himself was like this, that,

00:22:28 --> 00:22:29

if he,

00:22:29 --> 00:22:31

if he had if he'd been given money

00:22:32 --> 00:22:33

or if he had more money than his

00:22:33 --> 00:22:34

needs for the day,

00:22:34 --> 00:22:36

he would distribute it all.

00:22:36 --> 00:22:38

This is something I heard from Sheikh Samir,

00:22:40 --> 00:22:40

who is

00:22:41 --> 00:22:43

a very learned person, Sheikh Samir Nas. He

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

mentioned this, that the Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Salam

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

in our is the class of the alfia

00:22:48 --> 00:22:51

in the seer of of Iraqi, Hafiz Zainuddin

00:22:51 --> 00:22:52

Iraqi, that Rasool,

00:22:54 --> 00:22:56

if he had more than what he needed,

00:22:56 --> 00:22:57

he would go out in the streets and

00:22:57 --> 00:22:58

he would just distribute

00:22:59 --> 00:23:01

it. And, if he couldn't find anyone, then

00:23:01 --> 00:23:02

he wouldn't go to his home. He would

00:23:02 --> 00:23:04

spend the night in the masjid,

00:23:04 --> 00:23:06

and he would distribute whatever was in excess

00:23:06 --> 00:23:07

of the needs of the day,

00:23:08 --> 00:23:09

in that that very

00:23:10 --> 00:23:10


00:23:11 --> 00:23:13

He had given instructions to his servants that

00:23:13 --> 00:23:15

as many guests as possible should be invited

00:23:15 --> 00:23:16

for dinner.

00:23:16 --> 00:23:18

During dinner, he always sat with the poor

00:23:18 --> 00:23:21

and lowly, chatted with his students, or inquired

00:23:21 --> 00:23:22

about the welfare of those,

00:23:22 --> 00:23:24

who did not happen to be present there.

00:23:24 --> 00:23:26

But what can I say, From our isat

00:23:26 --> 00:23:27

is that we saw people like this? We

00:23:27 --> 00:23:29

saw the were like this. Those people who,

00:23:29 --> 00:23:31

if it was like a general Bayan,

00:23:32 --> 00:23:33

you know, thousands of people will come to

00:23:33 --> 00:23:35

listen. In America, we don't have those, like,

00:23:35 --> 00:23:37

1,000 of 10,000 people Bayans over here. But

00:23:37 --> 00:23:39

in the Muslim world, I've seen those those

00:23:39 --> 00:23:42

people that that, you know, literally you

00:23:42 --> 00:23:43

have hordes,

00:23:43 --> 00:23:44

hordes and hordes,

00:23:45 --> 00:23:47

of people who have taken, taken, the

00:23:49 --> 00:23:50

tariq from them.

00:23:51 --> 00:23:53

But inside the madrasah, they would sit with

00:23:53 --> 00:23:54

the with the students and they would give

00:23:54 --> 00:23:56

from their time and give from themselves,

00:23:57 --> 00:23:58

to the students. They weren't like these kind

00:23:58 --> 00:23:59

of elite,

00:24:00 --> 00:24:02

you know, separate class of people that sat

00:24:02 --> 00:24:04

only with the rich or sat only with,

00:24:05 --> 00:24:07

themselves and, like, put on a show in

00:24:07 --> 00:24:08

public and then, like, let their guard down

00:24:08 --> 00:24:09

when they were alone.

00:24:11 --> 00:24:13

Allah forgive all of us. Allah forgive all

00:24:13 --> 00:24:15

of us. Allah give us give us stuff.

00:24:15 --> 00:24:17

It's overwhelming. Some of these things you read

00:24:17 --> 00:24:19

them and you've seen people who have some

00:24:19 --> 00:24:21

glimmer of it inside of them. And if

00:24:21 --> 00:24:23

you've ever tried to be this way yourself,

00:24:24 --> 00:24:25

you know it's one of those kids don't

00:24:25 --> 00:24:27

try this at home. You're just gonna you're

00:24:27 --> 00:24:30

just gonna completely fall apart. It's a gift

00:24:30 --> 00:24:33

from the lord. And, these people have, the

00:24:33 --> 00:24:34

gift. And on top of it, they used

00:24:34 --> 00:24:35

to exert their.

00:24:36 --> 00:24:37

All we can say is may Allah have

00:24:37 --> 00:24:39

mercy upon such people and raise them amongst

00:24:39 --> 00:24:42

us and give us the, give us the

00:24:42 --> 00:24:44

of honoring them if we see them.

00:24:44 --> 00:24:47

And, you know, that's the thing with blessings

00:24:47 --> 00:24:49

is that, you either are thankful for it,

00:24:50 --> 00:24:51

you appreciate it through your thanks for it

00:24:51 --> 00:24:52

while you got it,

00:24:53 --> 00:24:54

or you learn to appreciate it by losing

00:24:54 --> 00:24:56

it. Allah ta'ala be your protection.

00:24:58 --> 00:25:01

His behaviour was so affectionate that everyone who

00:25:01 --> 00:25:03

met him gained the impression that Abu Qadr,

00:25:03 --> 00:25:04


00:25:04 --> 00:25:07

ta'ala, had the highest regard for him. Again,

00:25:07 --> 00:25:08

one of the noble qualities of the prophet,

00:25:09 --> 00:25:11

alaihi wa sallam. He overlooked the faults of

00:25:11 --> 00:25:13

others, and if he stated something on an

00:25:13 --> 00:25:13


00:25:14 --> 00:25:16

he readily accepted his statement. He never gave

00:25:16 --> 00:25:19

out the secrets of others nor stated anything

00:25:19 --> 00:25:21

before others that might put them to shame.

00:25:22 --> 00:25:23

Reassurance to the dejected.

00:25:25 --> 00:25:27

The analysts of his time agree that quite

00:25:27 --> 00:25:28

a large number of miracles,

00:25:30 --> 00:25:31

were worked by.

00:25:31 --> 00:25:32

There are many people who,

00:25:33 --> 00:25:35

who bore witness to,

00:25:36 --> 00:25:38

bore witness to, Shabdul Qadr's,

00:25:38 --> 00:25:39

Karamat, his miracles.

00:25:41 --> 00:25:44

Sheikh Islam, Izzudine Abdi Abdus Salam and Ibn

00:25:44 --> 00:25:46

Taymiyyah are of the view that Abdul Qadr,

00:25:47 --> 00:25:50

was a worker of, incessant miracles, but his

00:25:50 --> 00:25:52

miracle of miracles was filling the heart of

00:25:52 --> 00:25:53


00:25:53 --> 00:25:56

despaired and brokenhearted with faith, hope, and enthusiasm.

00:25:57 --> 00:26:00

Allahu Akbar. He infused a breath of new

00:26:00 --> 00:26:02

life, zeal, and self confidence

00:26:02 --> 00:26:05

into countless persons through his powers of speech

00:26:05 --> 00:26:07

and the spiritual power of his heart.

00:26:07 --> 00:26:09

He was in truth a blessing for the

00:26:09 --> 00:26:11

world of Islam for he renovated and revived

00:26:11 --> 00:26:13

the true content of the faith and tapped

00:26:13 --> 00:26:16

the sources of moral and spiritual strength for

00:26:16 --> 00:26:18

a religious renaissance.

00:26:25 --> 00:26:28

Sheikh Amr Al Qaysani reports that there was

00:26:28 --> 00:26:31

hardly a sermon delivered by Shah Abdulkadr,

00:26:32 --> 00:26:33

after which a number of,

00:26:34 --> 00:26:37

the Yahud and Nasara didn't embrace Islam

00:26:38 --> 00:26:41

in which, marauders and robbers did not repent

00:26:41 --> 00:26:43

for their sins, and heretics and apostates did

00:26:43 --> 00:26:46

not renounce their mistaken beliefs. Al

00:26:49 --> 00:26:50


00:26:50 --> 00:26:51

relates that once

00:26:52 --> 00:26:53

told him

00:26:53 --> 00:26:54

that he,

00:26:54 --> 00:26:57

wished to lead, the life of a recluse

00:26:57 --> 00:26:59

in the wilderness, but god had willed that

00:26:59 --> 00:27:01

people should drive benefit from him.

00:27:03 --> 00:27:05

And it was a blessing granted unto him

00:27:05 --> 00:27:07

that more than 500

00:27:07 --> 00:27:08

or sorry. That more than 5,000

00:27:09 --> 00:27:10


00:27:12 --> 00:27:13

embraced 5,000,

00:27:13 --> 00:27:16

Yahud and Nasara had embraced Islam at his

00:27:16 --> 00:27:19

hands, and about a 100, a 1000 sinners

00:27:19 --> 00:27:20

and criminals had repented,

00:27:21 --> 00:27:21


00:27:22 --> 00:27:24

their misdeeds also at his hands.

00:27:31 --> 00:27:33

We should spend some time in, in in

00:27:33 --> 00:27:34

the remembrance of Allah

00:27:35 --> 00:27:36

and in,

00:27:36 --> 00:27:37

in prayer and

00:27:38 --> 00:27:40

and. InshaAllah, this is one more thing to

00:27:40 --> 00:27:41

make dua for

00:27:41 --> 00:27:41


00:27:42 --> 00:27:44

this night and in these nights, especially if

00:27:44 --> 00:27:44

you catch

00:27:46 --> 00:27:47

Say, Allah,

00:27:47 --> 00:27:49

give us, the tawfiq that you raise

00:27:50 --> 00:27:52

people like this, in every land of Islam.

00:27:53 --> 00:27:55

And, you give us the tawfiq, you know,

00:27:55 --> 00:27:56

not to be,

00:27:57 --> 00:27:58

arrogant and,

00:27:59 --> 00:28:01

insolent when we meet such people,

00:28:01 --> 00:28:03

but that, when we see them, that you

00:28:03 --> 00:28:05

give us the tofic of recognizing them. And

00:28:05 --> 00:28:07

when we recognize them, you give us the

00:28:07 --> 00:28:08

tolafic of taking them by the hands and

00:28:08 --> 00:28:08

taking them by the feet and taking them

00:28:08 --> 00:28:09

by the, by the cuff of their,

00:28:14 --> 00:28:16

of their of their, lower garment

00:28:17 --> 00:28:18

and never letting go.

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