Hamza Yusuf – Vision Of Islam CD6 #01

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © [SPEAKER 1:] God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes the who goes. God goes
AI: Transcript ©
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And the beauty of Islam is that it doesn't say turn away from the world, it says be in the world,

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like a stranger, just know that you're not going to be here forever, and then act accordingly. Because a stranger does not behave like other people. You come into a village and you're passing through it, you don't set up shop, you don't marry and, and have a family in the village, when you know that you're going to leave. And I'm not saying that doesn't mean you don't do that in this world. But you do it with that understanding that these are things I'm going to leave behind,

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so that you don't become totally obsessed and attached to them. Well, I think that this this section is it's just go on and on. I actually didn't finish what I was gonna

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cover, but we'll stop there and leave it at interpreting the signs. Any comment or question?

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No, they have a truth in themselves just like words, words have an intrinsic value in and of themselves, but, but their purpose is to signify something else.

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Definitely. And there's a correlation. If you get into the heat, he goes in a little bit. And it's an interesting he's taken it from 13th century and Lucien,

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scholar and philosopher who thought that the world was composed of letters, that they're basically like DNA you have with DNA, you have four nucleic acids, and these nucleic acids combined into 64 possible combinations. And those 64 possible combinations then translate out into certain structures.

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And that is what gives things their uniqueness, but it's all based on the same basic building blocks of life is basically it's the same thing. Everything has the same DNA. So his idea was that everything in the world is a manifestation of speech, and that the letters, they were like DNA, so liver, is a certain combination, and in every body, it will be the same combination, any creature that has a liver, the liver is composed of the same archetypal letters, it's a philosophy. I mean, there's there's

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I mean, I don't know what his proofs were from the Quran or anything like that. I'm sure he had them but

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so but the world I'm in Arabic means sign, Adam mean sign alone is some fan file is the thing that you do something with like Baba is the thing that you seal with. So, alum is the thing you know, something by and so the world is, is that by which you know, the alim the knower, who is a law. So the differences between Fatah and kasara

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between God in the world.

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It says the difference between Fatah and cassava. So if you have that foot

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from the world, then you get opened up to see the truth of the world, which is that it's an eye of God, I to law,

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what kind of desire or

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what kind of desires. I mean, the desires are all they're not bad things. desires, generally, unless it's things that are harming shediac, the desire for food is a good desire, you'll want not to have a desire for food, you'll die. But if you have desire for pork, then you've got a problem. Or if you have a desire for excessive food that's going to harm you, you have a problem. It's not haram to overeat. But it's my crew. But if you do too, or it damages your health, and a doctor is telling you you have to cut down your food consumption then it becomes harm. Because lead to big committed taluka don't kill yourselves. They say most people dig their graves with their teeth. Can you

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divorce a partner who has had on desires, this good reason for divorce? Well, if it's something like thinking that I don't know what that is related to, but if it's things that are prohibited, and they want that person to partake in them is how to do that. That would be grounds for divorce if the person was forcing them to do something or demanding that they did something that was hot, like rectal *.

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What is natural signs of God beside natural, the natural signs of God are other than profits and Revelation. So everything other than profit and Revelation, sign so our own souls are signs of God ourselves. The fact that we're hearing seeing living, all these things, these are signs of God sight

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Speech understanding comprehension.

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Japanese philosopher zoot suit. His he has a book though Quranic Weltanschauung.

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He spoke like 30 I think 32 languages or something.

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Phenomenal intellect, the book. It's called the Quranic Weltanschauung, which is a German word for worldview. And he has another one on the book on the ethical. If you're interested in his books, you can get them through

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Pons v Thai on the web via SVAE. He finds v Tai,

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can someone say the Shahada on the phone? Or what? Yeah, Shahada on the phone, we will you need witness. So you can say the Shahada wherever you want. But to make it sound, you need witnesses to witnesses. So it would be better to do it in person if you were living on a desert island with a cell phone. And there was nobody there. And you want to say Shahada. So you called a Muslim country

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and asked for a second operator to come on or something like that, then you could do that. I'm not making that as a good question.

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Like believes in language games and things like that?

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Right. Yeah, that that's a modern philosophy. The idea that, that language is, you know, vidkun, Stein, his the end of his life, he didn't speak because he didn't believe that language. He and he was a philosopher of language. But he didn't believe that. That language really, that you could say anything true in language, but the whole world is running or not running, because it's actually probably not running because of language as well as it's running because of language. I mean, both the problem is language. Problem is communication. Rooney, one of my favorite stories of Rumi is the three there's an Arabic, Persian, and Roman, they're traveling together on a road. And they they've

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come across this delta ham. And they all grab it at the same time. And so the Arab says, No, we have to buy a nap with it. And the Persian says, No, no, we buy on Google. And then the Roman he says, No, no, we were going to buy any tests. And they're all words for grape. So they start fighting each other.

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And Rumi's, his comment is that all that was needed was a good translator.

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Part of the problem is language. One of the things that they point out here that I really believe in is that when people say I don't believe in God, Muslims should say, well, what's your definition of God, because I might not believe in that God either. A lot of people don't believe in an unbelievable God, that's true. But in dealing with somebody who's trapped in that rejection of language is difficult. I mean, you have to establish first that language can if I tell him to stand up, and he stands up, that my language has been meaningful enough to make him do an act. And therefore something that has meaning can be conveyed in language. And it can be demonstrated very

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easily. that language is meaningful. If he means that we can't use language to speak about transcendent truth, which is the idea of logical positivism, which is a modern another modern aberration, the idea that any metaphysical language is meaningless, that we can only speak about material or concrete things. That's also very problematic because the human mind has universals. And yet, you will never see a universal, I'm sorry, if I say tree, you all have an understanding of a universal, but when I point to a particular tree, that is not the universal tree that is one particular tree. So there are even within language abstract things that we recognize to be true.

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That indicate a shared or common thing that particulars all share. I've gone out and watch trees and I trees are very interesting things. And you watch trees and I've had just walking and looking all these different trees and realizing each one of them is completely unique. And feeling like whoever invented this idea of a universal tree. It's not true, everyone is just totally unique. But at the same time, it's not true because every human being on this planet is unique and yet we share the fact that we are human beings, although I cannot point to you. human being as a universal I can only point to a particular example of a human being. So we have a concept in our mind, of what is human

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that is not to be seen in the

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world and universals, you can't find them and yet the mind recognizes them. So again, there are things. That's a metaphysical concept, because it's beyond the material world, the universal concept. And the idea of God is, the brain is wired for it. Simple as that. There's a book called why God will not go away. And it says the neurobiology of belief, people are wired to believe.

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And, and there's it's just truth in that it's as simple as that. And people do have beliefs. So

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unfortunately, you get caught in these kind of mind games. And I think ultimately, for me, it was a car accident, you know, sometimes it just takes really powerful sharks to wake people up out of that type of slumber.

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Shipside Ramadan, and bogey and Cobra Kenya to the konia says that for the Muslims, the atheist is a sign of God. Just the fact that somebody can deny God in this world is a proof not only of God, but that he's merciful and compassionate.

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That he can walk around and say it with impunity. I don't believe in God. I mean, some of them will do that. I believe in you.

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Yeah, I mean, what what is that? And then they say no lightning bolt came down. Thanks. Really people though, people will say that. Okay, if there's no God, strike me down right now. Just strike me down. God if you're really there, do it.

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God's merciful. I mean, see the Amazon rope set for him. One of the biggest proofs of God was sailors.

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Because he said that there are some of the worst people on the planet. And he said, and yet they can safely cross an ocean.

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No offense to any sailors.

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But in English, they say, you know, his language is so bad he could make a sailor blush. You know, the idea and port cities are famous problem. How do we know we've are forgiven after Toba? Well, we should assume that because the prophets Allah said that Allah says the Abitibi I'm in the opinion of my servant, which means if you made a sincere Toba and you don't believe God forgave you, he won't forgive me.

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But if you believe he did, he will. If it's a sincere Toba

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