Inspirational talk about the miraculous nature of the quran.
Hamza Tzortzis – The Book That Shook The World

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The segment discusses the impact of Arabic language on society, including changes to politics, consumerism, and the way people look at God. It also touches on the concept of "immigrational change" and how it can be a result of technology and consumerism. The speakers discuss the historical context of measurements of stars and the use of "we" in writing, including the development of human definition and definition of what is wrong. They also discuss the use of "monster" and "monstery," and how they relate to a person or something. The segment provides examples of how some people use their culture to influence their political behavior and provides examples of how some people use their culture to influence their political behavior.
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1400 years ago, over 1400 years ago, we believe as Muslims, that the Creator, by the angel Gabriel said the following words the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, upon bpce.
This meal, because
we recites
we decide in the name of your Lord, who created processes, the friends, these were the first few words that have profound, dramatic impact, not only in seventh century Arabia, but on the entire world.
Because these first few words, were the words that actually shook humanity and shook the world.
Because these words not only profound the meaning, but these words provided the basis for an entirely new literary form.
The way these words were expressed, expressed in such a way
that no one into this day has been able to emulate or imitate the literary form of the Quranic discourse. This is why the popular historian Karen Armstrong, she says that if it wasn't for this new, entirely new different history for
Islam would never have taken root. Because it was the impact of the language that changed everything.
But I'm gonna talk about this a little later.
So these few words, brothers and sisters changed the world. Not only did it change the way we look at the Arabic language, but it changed society, it changed politics. It changed economics. It changed the way we look at God Himself.
And it is no wonder, Eastern and Western scholarship. Whether they're Muslim or non Muslim, makes no difference here. There's almost a conclusion or a consensus that the Quran has been described as a very imposing text, a very intrusive text, it has force. Now, this force, this intrusion, this imposition is not a negative one brothers and sisters, rather it's entirely positive, because it seeks to positively engage with the inner dimensions of man
with the inner dimensions of the human being, it was to positively engage with your occur in our reconvening intimate and also positively engaged with your nasiha with the internal psychological disposition with your soul. This is why many of the historical and contemporary accidents of the craft those explain the brand, they describe the craft like a hand that goes into someone's soul and gives it a good shake. Wake up, there is a reality it's God is one, you're going to be accountable. You're not here just from a play.
So the Quran seeks to engage with the inner dimension of man so how's the Quran achieve this people? How does the key this amazing strategy on engaging with your heart and your mind with the way the client does this is by asking profound questions people, profound questions, well beyond
and in themselves, do they not see
Have you ever seen the camel creation and how it was created
unfussy Him
and do not reflect within themselves? referring to the physiological and psychological dynamic of the human being because we are undiscovered universe. We are undiscovered universe brothers and sisters. So the Quran engages you if you could think deeply about these realities
is no wonder the Quran concludes. What can they
do we explain our signs our evidence is in detail for those affected for those who reflect this word in Arabic language comes from the Arabic trying to sell fat cat Hello
According to the classical dictionaries of Arabic, it indicates something very profound. It means that the thing that you're reflecting upon, you must say quiet in quite deeply about implication. What does it mean to the universe? What does it mean to have a consciousness? What is it mean?
Others design in the universe, what does it mean? I have this innate disposition to sanctify things, which Muslim before the worship instinct, the fitrah, the innate disposition to avoid the divine. This is what this word means. The trying to stem fat cat,
does the thing that you're reflecting upon, you must inquire deeply about its implications. Don't be romantic. Don't smoke your shisha and touch the sound and look at the right or treat your beloved brother,
reflecting upon the object of meditation, thinking deeply about it, particularly its consequences. So the craft from this perspective is a very dynamic book, because it does seek to engage intellectually and emotionally. And it does seek to evoke thinking, to create that awareness. Because if you think about brothers and sisters, the 21st century is a century of scientific progress, but not thinking.
Both states statement, the 21st century is a century of progressive materialism full of progressive thoughts, we regress in thoughts. If you look at some of the children,
just one century ago, a few 100 years ago, you will see these children, they would read the works of Homer,
Homer's Iliad, classical Greek, that was the formation of the Greek language, the stereotypes of Greek as a pre classical, classical post class culture like, and this Greek is a very hard Greek, there were farmers in America, that will just be peasant farmers. And while they're resting in the blazing sun, they'll take out of the pocket an ancient Greek
story by Homer.
But today, we don't do that anymore. We don't think why. Because we have immersive environments, the iPhone,
the Xbox, the iPad, which is the ridiculous convention, because it's in between an iPhone and a laptop.
First place, consumerism has you, it's changed you. I bet some of you, I
think, that couldn't live without it. That's the nature of consumerism, isn't it? It says, you have too many needs. And I know these are
This is why Professor Coronet ironically,
Maryland University state that basically that in a capitalist consumer society,
we the consumer has to pay that the government is buying more stuff. So greed is essential in this type of society. That's another topic anyway. But the point I'm trying to say is we have a mess of environments. Why? Because we suffer from something called self annihilationism. self destruction, because we like real. That's why you want these immersive environments. This is where we take drugs and alcohol, drugs and alcohol is a phenomena that aligns itself with soap and I read the psychology because I don't like this sense of self. They don't like solving me. I want to be the drunk me or the drugged up me. It's such a better me.
Because I don't have these things. I don't really know who I am. When I don't have these things. It is I have this illusion of a sense of self as a result in immersive environments, drug and alcohol
strategy games. He's played Cossacks before anyone.
No one knows what
because it is an old strategy game I used to play I used to work for the police IT organization as a project manager many years ago because of disbanded. And the senior police officers used to play the strategy game called Cossacks, which is basically you start with peasants. You get mining, you get gold and cold and you create big buildings and armies and you take over the world. Okay, but you have to have a strategic mind. I'm telling you sometimes when I put that CD in to the PC, well yeah, the PC at the time. I would start at 10 in the morning and look at my watch
next minute, you know, it's 7pm
Xbox, sometimes he plays Xbox,
don't buy.
Xbox is like an immersive environment.
Like alive, like your sense of self, you suspend the thinking that allows you to think about my life in the universe, you suspend the critical questions. And this is why I think the crown is a 21st century book because it tells you and makes you reevaluate your life. Where are you? Where are you going? Who's on? Why are you? And these are profound questions. Because the Quran from his perspective is a very existential text, it talks to you as a human being. It talks to you, and tries to make you discover your sense of self. This is why it says about the creation, the out of the time, I even apply your forefathers, social conditioning, biological conditioning, political
conditioning, even though they were baseless. It was based on falsehood. That's a profound statement from a religious book is making you transcend social, economic and biological slavery. Because slavery does like the American rights and one's role that being born is I've been kidnapped and sold into slavery. Because there's no such thing as freedom people are free to me.
Narrative sometimes, is my choice
of judgment. It was my choice to go to school with a bikini.
But the point I'm trying to say is that there is no absolute freedom from that perspective. There is absolutely no why. Because God will choose your race.
He choose Eichler
unit choose your gender.
You then choose your parents, you chose your siblings. You choose the socio economic background, circumstance context. He never told any of these things, people and you're saying that you're free? Are we crazy? This is delusional. This is why the post enlightenment philosophers called the existentialist like Sartre, joku, Sartre and kaika God or Heidegger, they have confirmed us that you're thrown into reality.
And you're slave to that context, to deal with it to act responsibly, you shouldn't react to it, but respond to it positively.
And this is why we're slaves were either slaves to our social political context, or a slave to our own egos, the sense of the law itself.
And this is why the Quran brings a new narrative. This is, look, you're asleep anyway. You're always going to be asleep. But how are you going to be an enlightened slave?
And the Quran asserts that being a servant to Allah and slave to Allah as slave to God, heading from bodia. To Allah, you free ourselves from the slavery or your social political context and the slavery of your own desires? That's the reality of should
we choose our slavery as a slave to the system, it is a product of the consumer society, it is a product of my DNA, is that it? Is that who I am just a biological robot typing the code and there's me know,
there's something different and distinct and unique. About what? Yeah, isn't that
desire, the passion, as the big philosophers will say, Are you a slave to your patterns?
Just to eat and eat, and to consume and to have this kind of instinct of survival all the time?
We'll procreation for many people.
Are we just a slave to these things? Or are we going to transcend this theory really free ourselves from these things? By worshipping God is what God says in the crowd, that he created mankind in the womb, except LIFO is worship
and worship. We know the discourse is a comprehensive term, it doesn't mean as much in the four or five times a day is a Will you worship fast is having good economic transactions smiling at your brother, worship for us. It's so comprehensive. It even includes ensuring that your spouse has physical and emotional satisfaction
that you didn't
comprehensive view from this perspective, you know, the
tortoise companions, male female, that he forbade the husband and the wife, to engage physically, physically, with the partner
forbade them to engage physically with the partner, if they didn't engage in four places
in the 21st century Man,
these are the teachings that we should know. There's no two boom these subjects, why shouldn't it be.
But the
reason I mentioned these things, is to show that worship is very comprehensive.
So the crime free by making him think and make him free himself from the slavery of social, biological and political context of the crime should move on even further, not in terms of making people think, but also in challenge the whole mankind with regard to his authorship, something very unlikely for a book, a religious book, 1400 years old, based in the seventh century, coming out with such a challenge. Impossible. We did in the second chapter, so verse 23, the Quran announces we're in
the middle
of dinner, but to be so that he was emotional.
And if you are in doubt,
if you doubt we live in the age of skepticism and age of doubt, if you doubt this book, which we have sent down to our seven referring to the upon review piece, they bring one chapter like chapter
one to chapter three with single chapter truth.
Now this relates to the inevitability of the Quranic discourse, which means the Quran cannot be matched and the various reasons for this, and I'm gonna articulate some of these reasons.
First and foremost, give you a background to the Quran, the Quran was revealed 14 centuries ago, the Quran was a beautiful period of time, a 23 year period. And many of his verses were revealed for specific times, and specific places. Don't get me wrong, many of the verses are general, which apply to various contexts. But also some of the verses were revealed for specific kinds of places. But what's very unique is that the craft was formed in two chapters. And these chapters are literary and numerically coherent. If that's the case,
then how are they coherent, it can reboot over 23 year period. It only indicates that the author knew the future. Because some chapters, the conclusion was written in the beginning, then they went into the introduction, they saw a little bit of the main part. And then we're back to the conclusion, he might assign an essay by starting with your conclusion, then go into the introduction into the middle and back into production and go into the conclusion again, you will have an essay you have gibberish or in the language.
So, the point is brothers and sisters and friends. If the Quran is coherent from this perspective, then surely How can it come from a human being that way is a question. That's a signpost to the divine. Let me give an example.
The chapter seven chapter
286 verses law. It was a bit of a nine year period. And if you were to chop that chapter in the middle, you'd have the 100 and 43rd verse. And within that verse, what word do you find?
you find the word.
Also the Quran mentions the word seven heavens, and that word is repeated. Seven times. You have the words for added heaven mentioned the
Exactly the same time, you have the words for dunia, which means the world. And Arthur, which means the hereafter mentioned exactly the same time that we've checked this out in Cass's concordance is 1500 pages long.
What's interesting is in the third chapter, the Quran says, the likeness of Jesus in the eyes of God is the same as
Adam, is the same as the likeness of God.
And Jesus and Adam are both mentioned 25 times each.
Significantly, up to this verse, The both mentioned seven times each.
There is a unique numerical coincidence within the parameters. How can we explain this on the 23 year period for specific kinds of places, faces and forms together, form together to develop chapters that will live to be coherent, but also have this established you numerical coherence also, this shows it's a signpost to the divine. It's a signpost to the divine.
So there's a numerical coherence speed.
Another argument that shows the signpost to the divine assigns the transcendent its view and histories. Now the core is an amazing philosophy and history says don't just record history but reflect upon history. Look at the plus nations think about the reality.
If we do look into history, we see every tyrant has dropped on the floor, every tyrant from his throne, he has been dethroned.
It's quite surprising that we have tyrants today how they learn from the past. However, they learned from the pharaoh the story of the Pharaoh and Moses. But that's arrogance.
So the cry makes us think about history in profound ways of coming into it, to learn stories, to learn examples, and to learn patterns in our history. So we don't fall for the same mistakes. We don't fall for the same traps. We don't fall for the same obstacles that come in our way as a human as the human species. But interestingly, the Quran also mentions history, that's almost irrelevant. If you were to take it out, it will make no difference to the book. But what am I talking about? I'm talking about the reference, or the label, or the title of the email.
And the Quranic one refers to Moses Musa alayhis, Salam mentioned the title of the Egyptians as your own Pharaoh, which is fair enough. There's nothing special about that, by the time of God, which you can find in this chapter, which is called the chapter.
In the top chapter,
when he talks about Joseph mentioned the legal rejections as Malik, King,
why is it differentiation between the lineage of the Egyptians at the time of Joseph and the lead of the Jetsons at the time of Moses,
or other religious traditions like the Bible and the Torah, which existed at the time, never mentioned many always mentioned around there. So why is it this difference was wrong?
Because we know Moses was at a time of the new kingdom, and usage was at the time of the old Middle Kingdom.
But it took us up to the 19th century to find out what was going on. Because hieroglyphs was a dead language, the Egyptian pictorial language was a dead language at that time. But when we found the Rosetta Stone, which allowed us to translate from hieroglyphs into Greek, and therefore into other languages, we could go into Egyptian history. And we find the reference to Pharaoh started happening at the time of Moses. And at the time of Joseph Smith. It was the leader of the Egyptians always mentioned as King,
such a minute, historical detail. Where did the piece get this information? When you get this information from?
He could have come at it from the Bible because the Bible just mentioned Pharaoh.
However, this is the deadlines at the time, the history of the time that I mentioned this. So what was it in luck, he gets
something to think about. So that's the historical perspective.
I want to mention many aspects of the numerical control
historical perspective, natural phenomena linguistics message. So we're gonna have a dynamic view today. So the next point is this talk about natural phenomenon. Now you may have heard, or you may have read that there are scientific miracles in the crowd. I disagree with this. Sorry, guys.
Because by saying the scientific miracle, it assumes the crime predates science, it doesn't cause
retrospective analysis on the Quranic discourse, you have to go and understand the science now the time it will try to relate it to the crime. It's not the other way around. So we have that advantage be, we can't just say the scientific miracle. Well, how do you know, scientists today? Don't know that. Right? So it's retrospective. But since the CRAN, is a seventh century product, according to some a should represent seventh century realities, but it does. And this is why it's quite special, because the Gran always agrees with established facts, no scientific proof, because that changes, but established fact which I own. Well, we know of natural phenomena, what we know to be true,
something objective, no theories like Big Bang cosmology, but it sounded really objective. Can we see it? Is it binary, it's either zero or one, that type of fact. And interestingly, the craft is not a reflection of the seventh century understanding of natural phenomena. This is why professor or chef Muhammad Ali in his book, The Quran, and orientalist says the crab is not contingent on the seventh century understanding of reality.
And to give you an example of this, I'm going to talk about sort of
chapter two or rather chapter 23 verses 12 to 15.
And that's chapter 23 verses 1215. Now, supermoon elucidation highlights the development of the human embryo Okay, the development of the human embryo and it gives various terms to justify this and these are the terms okay.
You have
then you have
Then you have
then you have Buddha would explain this view
then you have
then you have the process of persona
and then you have LACMA.
These are essential to understand, okay, very simple terms in the prime. Let me just break them down for you.
According to the song, which is a classical dictionary refers to a sperm drop or * or drop of fluid or single pearl or drop from a bigger group of it's kind of a drop of water left in the bucket from a bigger volume of water. Also, from a credit perspective, something that's mixed from two other single substances, because I mentioned that the newspaper is a is also an can be a mixed substance from two other substances. And we know quickly prophetic traditions. This elucidates something from the female and the male, the male and the female, indicating that the male has a sperm. So that's sort of the theme female equivalent, which we call the egg.
Also, the mitzvah is not a synonym for * is coming from the *. So it's a specific job from the * because in the Quran, it says looks within men, many in me
is from the money, the money and the * itself, okay? Also, the crowd says sanella it's an extract the word Solana means something pure, an essential element from it. So think about this. The word newspaper is not just email. It's a specific job from signal coming from the male and female with an extract relate with something specific within it.
When I describe this to you, what do you think?
spell right. For a
we never had this understanding in seventh century Arabia. We only knew about the spam in the 17th century.
This is quite phenomenal. I said we could discuss later
So look to release to more than embryology. If you read the works of john Allen, MD Kramer or RAM Sharma, which are more than embryologist. The books are available in borders, normal text and normal medical textbooks. They talk about the process of fertilization. And the process mentalization is you need a single sperm and a single egg to come together
and it formed the zygote.
And significantly since this also means a specific drop, indicating a physiological process that it requires fluids and we know the sperm has to be contained in * in order to have effective fertilization. And recently if you read Bruce Stanton's physiology book, the egg has to be coated in all budak to secretions so that has its dropped as well. It has its fluid as well. So the crime Currently, I'm not saying it's 100% specific and defined, but it's no wrong. Many goes and says Korean McKean which means to affirm to establish to make sedentary which relates to the process of implementation. Because after the sixth or seventh day of
fertilization, you have the process of implementation, where from the zygote is formed into blastocyst and the blastocyst is where the cells divide a little bit more, and there's an outer Ward and the blastocyst sinks deeper and deeper into the uterine wall.
it sinks deeper and when it gets encased by fibrin clot, and many of the embryologist like Graham Sharma, for instance, Cramer, they say that is completely encased, firmly fixed.
So this indicates the process of implantation. Now, we have the next stage, which is all of
the classical dictionaries in the dictionary of Edwin Lane's lexicon, which is an academic corpus, eight volumes. It is, I mean, some of that's hanging or suspended and leech like a worm like substance, or something that's sticky because the way it clings together. Now, interestingly, this actually describes the next stage of the development of the human embryo. Because there are two processes that happen. You have the clauses of neurulation and the process of the Norwegian of folding of the embryo. New relation is when the neural folds come together. And longitudinal folding is when the head and the toss it put together closer, the combination of these two poses around day
25 makes it look like bleach to the point we have embryologist Anna anatomist if you read anatomy demystified, they actually say that this embryo looks like a worm.
And these even like Keith Moore, for example, said it looks like a leech, even peasy Meyers, Professor peasy Meyers from America who is a biologists a professor. And he's an active proponent against religion. He actually even described it in his book as a winner.
So it's in line with the description of what we know to be honest, but also the other stage.
Something that is suspending or hanging hanging, which is the other meaningful olika for example, you see the embryo of this point.
Okay, if you see the embryo at this point,
it's connecting to this, which is called the connecting scope.
The connecting store, and to the point where
Beverly Kramer, john Allen, they, they say that the connection acts as a thing to suspend the embryo uses the
exact word for the meaning elephant. So this is the reason it's in line with modern phenomena established reality. After we have
the classical tradition, out of the classical dictionary, other dictionaries means a morsel of flesh, a chewed piece of meat, or something that the teeth have left the bite marks on. And what you see, after the other process, you have the embryo looking something like this, and you have these things on the notochord. Okay, these are called sclerotome, as a result of so many formation, and so much travel to the noto code, and they form scarrow tomes, which is the precursors to things like the backbone, and they look like teeth models, just google it or go and buy a book.
They look my
job. Now first stage, refers to something that is formed and unfold the crime cloud
Meaning that one is formed on form. And at this stage is quite true. And it's called the ogando genetic period. Now the genetic periods with the organ starts to develop, but they're not fully formed. Amazing.
Simple, simply bone formation, we know, bones start to develop around the sixth seventh week, where you have especially the development of the limb bones, and they are with regards to the cartilaginous models of the bones.
After this, you have an amazing process with quotes casona. Okay, focus on which means and then we close of casona means to encase to Drake to inline to aggregate.
And then he says, the flesh, so then we close or in case draped,
the flesh. Think about the process. Now what happens after the development of the ivam, the continuous models of the bones, you have the Maya blood cells, which are precursors to muscle formation, they migrate distally and migrate themselves over the forming limb bones, which is and then we close drapes in case aggregate over the bones, the flesh itself, then there's a contention that people saying there are many contentions, which we'll deal with if we have a q&a. And one contention is, well, you know, those lime actually means flesh doesn't mean muscle. So it's incoherent if you use the Arabic term as blood, which means muscle. But it's wrong because we read
the words, for example, by Beverley Kramer, john added, they say this process is not only muscles being formed, but other connective tissue, like tendons. And that's what flesh is. It's not only muscle, but other connective tissue,
like tendons. That's why we have a nice show ogma
Manchester, and you have a fine, we have this funny cartilage thing.
stuffing the keys and even though when
we paint with this fella,
you can see that
so the point is, that that's what happens. So we see
a miracle per se, but whatever is established reality the Quran agrees with. So we also sub the question, How can it be a product of the seventh century because the understanding of embryology at that time was a galenic and Iris obtain understanding. And the Quran doesn't emulate Galen or Aristotle's works on the development human embryo because gay said that * came from blood, and other humans me then mix with menstrual blood, some of the characters I mentioned. Also gay. The Greek word supermodels now spoke of those in Greek.
Okay, experimentos in Greek, now obviously means, by the second century understanding it meant * to its physical product, the whole of the *. But the word mitzvah is not a synonym for *, because we already discussed, it's from the money is from the *
GC, and it's an extract next specific, but the understanding was is just *.
So the two terms don't match. Also, Aristotle had bizarre views that only the * was from the Father, not from the mother, she had no responsibility for the genetic makeup, which is not in line with the Quranic or the prophetic traditions. Also, I also had the bizarre view.
My supervisor mentioned the crown with regards to the development of the human embryo.
Also, resolved view that depending on the embryo is they'll give me Lupita.
Now, you may say, Well, the proof is still copying him, because it's impossible that he knew this stuff. And he's still copying him, but he just threw real was wrong. Oh, that's interesting. How the * do you know what's wrong? that suppose our perspective, if he knew what was right, and knew what was wrong, and through Allah was wrong and killed was right, what does that say about his knowledge? Is it human? Or is it from the divine? Something to think about? So we
spoke about, excuse me, the history and we spoke about the natural phenomenon. Let's talk about another perspective how the crux of the world is by its language.
Now, as we said, the challenge of the crime when the crack says, When you come to
dinner, ultimately was coming to LA to solve the pain
This was a
challenge originally, because the Arabs in seventh century Arabia, they were the best at expressing themselves in Arabic tongue. They were Arabic linguist.
And we know this because many historians and scholars today in the past, for example, if your lordship historian, he states that the
two things when a boy was born, and when a boy was a monster, think about this when the boy was born. Rather when a boy was born in a point rose amongst them, because there was a socialization of poetry, the poetry is an amazing thing to express yourself is amazing.
But the cracking down visco the Arabic language, he's in the message.
pyramus Hint, hint is actually the Greek actress, ladies.
And you behaved What did she say when the crowd seemed to be revealed in that film? There is a mention this because she summarizes it perfectly. Yeah. What did she say? Was she doing something close to her husband?
Sophia, what did she say? She knows, how can you hit this man come from
language. Because the challenge the best people claim to change, but they failed. And the reason is, because of the inevitability of the crime. It cannot be matched. And there's two main arguments. One argument is based on his eloquence,
its placement of words the way he uses words to communicate, and the other one is unique,
literary and abbreviate lit, literary form.
Now the Quran has been seen to be a sea of eloquence, for much more information in a very understandable way. Please go and visit as bacon from chef numa, Alicante, Google him YouTube him he is an amazing phenomena that brings the crown to light with regards to linguistic appreciation.
But the emphasis is mainly seen as a subjective argument but you're sensitive to Arabic language, you see that the craft expresses itself in a way that not only heightens the cumulative effect, but does so in a really unique way. And let me give you an example with the first two lines of the sutras chapter in the Quran. Now the shortest chapter of the Quran is called al CalHFA the abundance and he goes like this
many more aim in
telco for certainly the bigger one. Initially.
Very Indeed, we have given you the abundance, therefore crate your loot and sacrifice. Indeed the one who hates you is truly cut off. doesn't sound very eloquent in English language does it? No matter how much I shout and scream Yes,
this is an English but if we break down the Arabic here we see how phenomenal this chapter is. In a very crude way, we don't have much time.
Now these first these chapters were revealed to console the Prophet Mohammed upon VPS because they used to attack him according bad names, like your cutoff up with our main giocato you have no lineage because his sons died at 30 H and the Quran came down to console him and he says, indeed,
we have given you the abundance. I started with in in the emphatic particle in Arabic That basically means unquestionably without a doubt full stop bad Shut up.
Give me a big stop, man.
Because you know he was right. It's even worse when he's right, isn't it?
The impact of the perspective in
and then we have the personal pronoun we Why is it us? We
it's the singular plural almost the majesty that keeps a reshot. Yeah, it's been used in English as well in European language, crisis we, we use for emphasis, ability, power, surety, we can cause a crisis indeed on course, we we have given you the abundance. So the next term here is our pain. Now pain here, from the Arabic language perspective, the very use of language, you have to sit in the ocean of Arabic language to find such a word because this way this is being to give
means that the thing I'm giving you I own, and the thing I'm giving you, and giving you with my own hand.
Just one word has these connotations, which indicates that's even more of a surety, it definitely that we have given you the abundance. And then the first was ends, and CalHFA, which we know the logic team has ever been in paradise. But it comes from the trial to stem cap that law which are words in Arabic, such as Katia and octo, multiple plentiful.
So he's saying that God has given you multiple things. So look at the emphasis, that almost the entire duration of the first chapter in our painting can vary, we have given you something that we own
the abundance
and look at the ship. Now, the second verse for Southern Europe became one
and therefore preach EU law and sacrifice. Now we have a thought here, which is like a cohesive tie, okay, because it connects the first verse, the second verse like so, therefore, some Arabic scholars say this savvy which means is causative, meaning, you know what's going on the first verse Therefore, do this. So, for suddenly the Arabic and therefore pray,
to move to the word is used here
different use of personal pronoun below, but in the beginning in the first verse, what was used we and now shift to
say was we now shifted to mode which is best described as master or the one that nurtures you and loves you, why is it the shift here? Now, this shift in Arabic rhetoric is good at bad, which basically means moving from one direction to the other. And it's done to enhance the communicative effect of the message the dynamic style of the Quranic discourse, because we is actually pay placed for ability and power we have given you Your role is actually placed for spirituality in intimacy for suddenly became one
do you see the shift in the correct context? The first line is for power and ability. The second line is for intimacy and prayer.
You catch the drift brothers
Synology basically means you could like you know, you have no papers no backups.
Malaysia, as the as the culture generally
expressed emotion Yeah.
Want to know the Malaysian culture, the Malays have very, very, very small part in which Arabic means good o'clock, good manners, good disposition and very, very funny people and any opportunity to eat
food that came at you to give you a
very hot food. Wow, how do they stay so slim?
There must be that trigger that happens
to the king of fruits. They eat it for the first time. It's like eating from the toilet
five times and you're addicted. I didn't want and then it was like no
matter anyway.
yes, so the
the schools any other type of IRA because you can't match it?
Because sankofa is an eternal with 10 words long 20 return code and the features within it. I know any other text. Now this moment objective argument which is the second argument is the unique literary form of the Quran. In Arabic language, you have certain forms, okay, and these forms are
and poetry.
Process tips are the styles, generally speaking, could write prose or sagia
and normal speech to Scott Morrison
and the poetry has to adhere to 16 mizuko patterns and they're called the Bihar.
Okay. Now with regard to Ryan crows he also has his own ritual Copaxone, but it's not based on syllables. This is a syllabic rhythmical pattern syllable syllable. And this is accent based with moko pattern. There's a big difference that's based on the length of similar syllables. That's based on the accent. Let me give an example. Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes. Yes.
and also right pose has further other technical features. Okay, you already stopped Yeah, but the point is the CRAN doesn't fit any of these forms, it has decent language, but when you express this language, you always end up in a form in accordance ServiceWorker patterns. In normal prose or in write prose. For the client This language is a unique retrieve form. This is why Aj albery the famous translated the crime is still used today by by academic said the crime is a unique fusion of prose and poetry. This is why you have Bruce Lawrence. Lawrence from GQ University in his book, The biography and page number eight, he says as tangible signs Quranic verses are expressive and of
those to the truth. They signify me later the meaning like a poem like miracle after miracle. Professor professors Martin Zenit, in the Netherlands he says the Quran is the most eminent written manifestation of the Arabic language. So we say, How can
bring, without any development, or cultivation of eloquence because he never engaged as a poet? He never got involved in the affairs when you had basically debates on who's the best on eloquence of poetry?
And where did it come from?
How can it be just from a disk of the Arabic language, and the language is only made up of a finite set of 220 words, finite grammatical rules, finite words, so it's finite. And when we exhaust them, we kind of produce the CRAN.
So this is almost like an act of impossibility. It transcends its own tools. If I gave you any blueprint, and said his money, what was your post impressionist? art? Yeah, it was something. And I gave you the skills, and I'll give you the tools and the brushstrokes and the materials. That copy is where you copy his form
of the entity and the tools available, and we can't do that.
It is no wonder the famous arabist of the time. Why did you hear that this is not from a human being.
And he's no wonder Professor of Law, he says, although several attempts have
So to conclude the last few minutes, brothers and sisters, the crunch shook the world because of its content, because of its miracle, engage people to think but also the crime brothers and sisters, changed the world because of his message. His message was profound was one of meaning affirm the oneness of God
spoke about slavery in the beginning, you saved yourself, your slave to society to political context, or you say to the divine, this is
the oneness of God of Allah is actually the message of the crime is the central pillar of the message, all the prophets don't attribute pilots with partners with the divine, don't see that he is like a human being, don't engage in anthropomorphic activity and conceptualization. He is transcendent, he is the guy.
And this is why the crown came to see, look, worship is not a requirement for God, God doesn't need our worship is again he is rich is free is independent. We need this How can I survive in this world and have a tranquil life regardless of context, and we're going to have a tranquil life in the archives because our two realities people which we believe in Muslims do, it's * and heaven.
As God is saying, you choose, I'm not forcing you to do anything. But it's your choice.
And the energy good reasons to believe in it gives you a choice, and says, I'm going to free you from the ephemeral nature of the world. So you could have a Buddha servanthood with the divine so you can love the divine and get close to the divine.
By affirming his oneness,
and finally,
the crash of the world brothers and sisters, and friends, because it developed Western civilization.
It's actually true.
The Crown gave us the presumption of innocence. The Crown gave us scientific progression, the Renaissance, and the crown gave us treaties of tolerance. Let me prove this to you.
By using Western historians,
you're going to call brothers and sisters and stand in a court and say, that wasn't my weed. Yeah, you can say that. You can perceive yourself to be innocent.
And also the other thing that was just talcum powder, right. You can say those things. And
you can say those things, because you presumed to be innocent before proven guilty. This was developed as a result of the Islamic tradition, the crankiest the principles to have the presumption of innocence in the seventh century, before King Louie who developed this for the West, in order to be not guilty, not guilty, you have to find a jewel, or get better live if you survive, you're not guilty.
So everyone was given basically,
that King Louie traveled to the east.
He also read the prophetic teachings, and the mother gave him words for where the prophetic teaching of the peace Kingdom Louie, this is a Wikipedia guys. There's also an historical textbook
academic go to masters voice odds article in the 1980s, called the influence of Islam on the presumption of innocence. And he talks about King Louie and Sean Devi. He was the chronicler who wrote about King Louie. And so they will elaborate on these points that the West took the most important legal Maxim from the crown from the Muslims. Believe it or not,
an essay should really go back.
From that perspective, on enemies Oh, it's a friend. Second point
is what iPhone, BlackBerry, BlackBerry,
phones, watches, cars, computers. These all happened as a result of his song. Why? Because the song with the conscious principles of justice in the Quran, and the principles of dealing with minorities, creating the tranquility and political environment that was tranquil as Adam Smith if you read if you look behind you know is Adam Smith, is 18th century found on modern capitalist economics. And he basically said that the Empire of the Kayla's Empire, the song developed a tranquility. So people, Muslim or non Muslim, could really engage into the interconnecting principles of nature to develop these sciences. Now, as I explained was the hub of that. Now, when
some extreme was taken over by the Christians, again, particularly Toledo, you had European scholars traveling to Toledo, and they found libraries and Arabic words from astronomy, physics, mathematics, geology, science. And they said, well, and they translated into Latin, and they translated it into English. And as Professor Thomas Arnold, the Arabic historian, he says, if it wasn't for Islamic Spain, we wouldn't have the 15th and 16th century at 15 and 67. It's 15th and 16th century scientific revolution, as a result of that
environmental increase as a result of economic and
political principles. So the renascence is
as a result of some 100% by a very key part.
And it is no wonder bath and Daniel avoiding the English scholars, they traveled to Toledo pick up the manuscripts and they went back to
Oxford, and what did they create Oxford University.
Imagine that. The basis of Oxford University is only as a result Islam.
For about treaties of tolerance, read the works by Christopher J. Walker, in his book Islamic history. He states that john Locke, who wrote the works on civil governance, and he influenced the Constitution, American Constitution, influence the founding fathers of America. And he also wrote a treatise on tolerance. He was influenced as a result of Islamic learning, because his teacher was Edward pokok, the first orientalist in the 17th century. He was the man who travelled to the east I believe in Palestine and elsewhere took his manuscripts on these issues. And john Locke, in his own words, says that there is no other matter like to sit in and listen to
Other than Edward pokok, and he was the head of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in the 17th century.
And he directly influenced john Locke. And he should be on civil governance. He says that rulership is a divine trust advice, currency, someone translate bizstats secretly hired
kidnapper, which is the Sultan at the caliphate.
He took the stuff from the Muslims.
So Islam shook the world and he shakes over today when you go to court, it takes a while when you pick up the phone, because of technology, progression, and it shakes the world because you
can be from different traditions and talk together is something that influence the crunch of the world from this perspective. Thank you very much for listening.