Haifaa Younis – You Need to Hear This with Your Heart First

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The importance of fasting and pursuing goals is emphasized, along with the need to set goals and practice them. The speaker also discusses their goal of raising the bar and achieving weight goals through running a business. The importance of fasting in achieving success in Islam is emphasized, along with the importance of raising the bar and starting fasting to increase chances of success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of progress and letting things happen, as well as being mindful of one's actions.
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Smilo and familia wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah early he was so happy he or Manuela Lahoma aluminum I am founder or foreigner Bhima Allah I'm finna in academia on Mooji whoo da la Manya Oh to become an MLA amfa or Albula I have shown I've seen let's say schwa or do I live smart urban Allah to Sao Paulo vana Bada is headache to now Hublin amulet Ankara inika Integral hub will be strictly Saudi us sadly only washed it off the Tamil listen, you have only desert Mala here celebrate mercy for inviting me and I have to say you have a very good way of convincing people to join you as a speaker that hamdulillah it was very tight day for me because I'm getting ready to travel for Umrah
but I just couldn't say no for this amazing opportunity. And it's only eight minutes or 10 minutes which is true. So does that come Allah who hate what I wanted to talk about or my reflection is actually from the Quran and from the idea that we are going to be hearing it again and again and again. But it's always good to hear something again, but hear it with a different ear and with a different heart, as I say. So the voice I'm going to share with everybody is the verse about fasting and so it will walk you Halina Amman katiba equal Muslim come up with Ebola lithiumion publikum La La Contacta con gonna start one by one all you who believe all believer you and me
could you barely consider fasting has been has become obligation cortiva is an obligation and one other word of obligation usually used in the Quran, come up with the Valentina publikum as it has been prescribed and be an obligation on the people before you LOL concept. So you may attain the core. Two things three things in this verse and this is something for everyone. As we are reading the Quran in getting ready to read the Quran with more focus on Ramadan is not going to be the first time in sha Allah when we need to do again even if it was one ayah a day is you take the ayah and then you try to underline some of the highlight the important words in that verse that Allah
subhanaw taala wants me to pay attention to it twice so I learn and this is actually one of the ways that may Allah reward all my teacher taught us how to study Hadith and how to study the Quran. So in here you're letting me know you want me so I am a believer, then Allah is talking to me directly is not indirectly. So what is he telling me? Could you body okay, a cm fasting is become an obligation. Why? That's the question. So I said fasting okay, why? Now this is the most important Lala content taco so you may attain taco and may Allah Allah con in the Quranic language is not. So you will make it a choice. It is actually that's the reason. That's the reason. So here I am. Number one goal in
Ramadan, it's always good to put goals, practical ones, and let's raise the bar. It's Ramadan, and as shutaura just shared and the shayateen are chained. So it's only me and me. That's what I say to myself. So taqwa and I need to raise the bar. I'm not going to fast like I fasted yesterday. Like I fasted, I'm sorry, last Ramadan, I'm not going to fast. The same way I fasted, let's say last Monday, or when I made up the days I have to make up. This is going to be Ramadan fasting. So that's the goal. This fasting is going to be different, in which way I am going to change.
From the beginning to the end, I wake up, I already made my intention. I stopped eating and drinking, I am a fat, I am Muhammad. I am Sarah, as the day goes by, and I'm fasting and are struggling. And you all know, especially in the beginning, or at the end, when we get exhausted, no much, not much left in me sometimes we say. And as I am going through this process of jihad process of struggle for no other reason, other than he told me, it's an obligation. Nobody, no Muslim fast in Ramadan for any other reason than Allah subhanaw taala said so. Which is amazing, actually. Then I need to say he wants me to be on a tepee. The fact and this is really good for everybody. The fact
I am fasting, I'm already on my topic, because I'm not eating and drinking. And no one has seen me except him. I can easily tell everyone, I'm fasting. And then when I go close the door I can eat. So here I am. What is it? What is it? What Turkic what is the person of taqwa? What is it? What is it you are Allah conscious and many
Many, many definitions of Taqwa. But one of the ones I really love, which is called No, Habib, he says is you act by or you do an act of worship of Allah or an act of obedience, based upon the light of Allah meaning what he told me and I want his reward. That's what I am doing. I am not eating or drinking, because he told me to do and I want the reward. So I'm already on my turkey. However, what level I am, am I see? Am I be? Am I a? Am I a plus? Am I the best? So my goal, I'm starting with Taqwa don't want anyone to think that you know what you don't know what I have done before. And what what Ramadan is going to do to me? No, you're fasting Hamdulillah. And even for those who cannot
fast, you still get the same thing. Because if you were able to fast you would have fast. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala gave you another form of worship. For those who can't fast, like a chronic reason. It's basically you you pay the video or the money. So taqwa, I started in the morning, I held food, drink, and marital relationship. Of course, this is the basic. Now I am talking because nobody else is seeing me. But what do I want to do in that? I want to raise the bar, increase, increase, increase, and I want to be a plus and I'm going to take you through stages. May Allah Subhana Allah give it to us. Scholars of the heart teaches you.
There's three levels of fasting.
A CRM with Earth, meaning,
CRM will one everyone I'm not going to eat, I'm not going to drink and there is not going to be a marital relationship or intimate relationship during the time of fasting. That's everybody. Now my fasting is correct. I'm with Turkey. I am an entry level of Taqwa. Now, I want to improve. So what should I do? Now the second one CM will house I'm going to fast. The first thing of the special you know that leads people you know when you get something that you are special, they get you from a certain door, or they will serve you differently, or they speak to you differently in dunya your special VIP. I'm going to want to be a VIP with Allah subhanaw taala why not? Why not? We are we all
want to be special. But my special this time I want to be special with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.
So Yamaha was those people?
Your OB I mean, make everyone, everyone every Muslim, at least this level, every sense in me, going to be fasting from the disobedience of Allah. My eyes will not look at anything not pleasing to Allah. My ears will not hear anything that is not pleasing to Allah, my mouth, my tongue will not uttered a word. But what pleases Allah subhanaw taala. Again, I'll do my best of try. I'm not an angel. This may not happen day one, day two, but that's my goal. I keep looking at my goal. And I say where am I? Where am I? Of course, the private part. My leg is not going to walk to anywhere that's not pleasing to Allah. My hand is not gonna write. Good not gonna write text, right? post
anything but pleasing to Allah. Now I moved from the ordinary fasting to the special fasting, imagine 30 days training camp. Every day. You're about to write something and you say I'm fasting in Islam and fasting, I'm not going to do this. I want to be special on a VVIP with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, I'm not going to do that. And then you're on the computer or doing your work, something comes up and you just closed lower your gaze and then you moved it. Now your your eyes fasted, same thing with the ear.
Now the third one,
this is not easy, but I say this to myself before anyone. Nothing is impossible for Allah Medallia. Kawakubo Aziz Madico Allah Hibiya Azeez I keep reminding myself, nothing is hard and impossible for Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing. He can look at me. He can look at you look at us and he says, You know what? They really wanted us give it to them. And that's by itself. When I ask Allah to help me by itself is an act of worship your law. Please give me the VVIP now I'm going to call it the real VVIP you're flying on a private jet now. Now you are going to be absolutely entering from a completely different door. What is that your law? So Yamaha schoolhouse as they call it? The fast
You have this special of the special See, like 1000 people become 500 Here is less than 1% I'm gonna say it, let's all make dua, may Allah make it happen, that's when my heart will fast also. So the first one my mouth, my mainly my mouth, my stomach and the private part, second one is the rest of the senses. Third one plus these two now my heart will fast and this meaning, thoughts, feelings will have nothing but what pleases Him and about him?
Nothing but whatever pleases Him and about him. I got upset with someone, I keep thinking, No, I'm fasting the VVIP I am not your law, please forgive them. Your love please make me patient, your Allah into sub O Allah Who are the one who is who is the patient and the owner of patients, the giver of the patient give me You are the one that all forgiving make me Forgive my heart focus and thought will be all around Allah subhanho wa Taala not easy, but not impossible. If I put it as a goal, and I'm going to move from the ordinary to the VIP, and then I want to be the VVIP and Allah knows I'm sincere. And Allah knows I'm trying. And Allah knows, I put all my effort, he will never,
I say this with full certainty he will never let me down. May Allah subhanaw taala make us all of those who are the VVIP so will colossal How was the special of the special European last thing I want to say as you go through the verse, and the next and the next, a Yama and MA do that. Pay attention to this word. It's only if Allah said few days, days that you can count it's only 30 days, I am not going to die. If I did not look at her, I am not going to die. If I held my or I protected my ear from anything that's not pleasing to Him. I am not going to die. If I guarded my heart, a Yemen medulla, keep reminding yourself, you're going to say I'm tired. This is getting too hard.
Remember for us living in the West, life doesn't change. Work stays the same school stays the same. Many of our students may Allah make it easy for them have exams, everything stays the same. But Allah is above all this. So a yam on Mondays I keep telling yourself it's only a few days, only a few days, not much left, keep going and a lot we make it easy. A Yemen my blessings and Allah subhanaw taala also goes then chakra Madonna Lady onzie Rafi Quran that's another underlying Ramadan, the month, the month of the Quran, I have to have a different relationship with the Quran, I am not going to say do this and do that everyone is different, but I have to this is what you have
to tell yourself in your list. I have to have a special relationship with the Quran. This Ramadan is going to be different. I finished half Jews last year, I'm going to do wonders this year, I did five cut my class to you. I'm going to do seven, I understood one page, I'm going to do three pages. I am going to graduate this year to a higher level. I want to be VVIP this year VVIP in my soul in my fasting VVIP in my relationship with the Quran. When it gets hard and difficult, I keep reminding myself it's few days, not much left. And then the last one you read a lot you read a lot will become really useful. When you read you become a lot also remember this, Allah wants the east for you and
he doesn't want the difficulty for you. That means Allah will make it easy. This is easy. He used it. It's not my word. It's his word. He said it you read a lot will be commonly used. So when I get tired when it gets very hard, I can go to taraweeh it's 20 it's long. I keep saying it's he's going to make it easy. He said you he wants is for you and push yourself and then the finale. Now we are talking about Ramadan, and in three days it will be like this. And remember this, too will be like this, and you're going to hear the announcement of a tomorrow or took muted so you finish the month. Well it took a bit of law Halima Hidalgo. Remember this every single day to Kabila Halima Hidalgo to
glorify Allah, how he guided you every day, as you're putting the date in your mouth at macro time. Say Allahu Akbar. rabita. Can you make me fast? You made me do it. You made me I didn't do it. You made me do it. You helped me to be a VIP faster today. A VIP what?
Okay, today keep me going your OB and the last but not the least, and I don't want to take too long time. Well I Lakota scholarone So you are grateful. The VVIP McDuffie, the VVIP person, always grateful, whatever Allah brings food for you Alhamdulillah whichever Allah's pantalla Taala brings from Salah Alhamdulillah I'm grateful from taraweeh I'm grateful from Quran I'm grateful your Allah and I am going to end up with this. And I'm saying this to myself before anyone your Allah Likkle Hamdi or Allah, I am so grateful that you chose me to be a Muslim, that you made me fast that you will facilitate this all for me, you put love in my heart, and why me? There's so many people around
us, and they don't know anything about this. Just because Allah Subhana Allah is merciful, he chose me and I need to be grateful. And I need to be aware of this Niermann of this blessing that he gave me and may He not to be, may not be the last one of on for all of us. And last but not the least, the last verse afterward where it has like a bad year on me for a near Corrib OG Buddha with a da da da. It when My servants asked you about me and me. That's Allah saying it. Remember his close to you. He's watching you. He's seeing you. He feels you. He sees your struggle. He sees how difficult it is, but also he sees how much you really want him how much you want to please him how much you
want to be close to him how much you really want to take the path of Taqwa and he will never let you down. You're allowed you're allowed to make it the best one ever. You're Allah give us the result. Give us the him give us the the ability to do the best that pleases you. Subhanak Allahumma Handicare shadow Ada and a stuffy we'll call it to booty Salah la vida save no Mohammed while it was hobby to steam and Kathy era is up