Habib Bobat – Islam and Culture

Habib Bobat
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the differences in culture and culture practices between different countries, including the use of Sharia and the importance of dress code. They emphasize the need for flexibility and avoiding cultural bias in sharia. The sharia is important for maintaining a flexible lifestyle and avoiding dressing differently in different cultural groups. The sharia is used in sh trading human culture and following rules and guidelines are important parts of one's life. Moore's Law is discussed, with a focus on following rules and guidelines in laws and regulations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu

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wa salatu salam ala ashrafi ambia even more serene. I'm about to coolangatta Barracuda Allah for an imagi duel for upon in Hamid our Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, amin iottie. He helped us somehow earth he will do theater for a synthetic one he come in the fiza Delilah mean

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honorable Halima respected elders and brothers.

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Today in my talk, I'd like to address the issue of Islam and culture.

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What does Islam say about the culture that we follow and the culture that we practice? Whether it's our dietary, whether it's our dressing, whether it's our business, or whether it's our gender of practices that we have in common? What does Islam say?

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So the starting point of our discussion is the verse of the Noble Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you had Nursery in Hakuna comienza Corinne

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Oh mankind we have created you from a male and a female from other men halwa

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which are unlocking sure oh acaba elita, foo. And then we made you into different groups, different nationalities, different color, different skin tone,

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and we have made you reside in different parts of the world.

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This difference that we have kept between, from one nation to the other nation is not to say is not to say that one nation is superior than the other, and is not to say that one group is better than the other, but rather Allah says Lita araku, we have kept these differences of culture nation countries, so that you can recognize one another, and the system of this world can run smoothly. So you can easily identify, he is from Indonesia, he is from Malaysia, he is from India, or he is from South Africa, or he's from Nigeria, or he's from Algeria.

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So our skin tone is different. Our dialect in English is also different. A person in Cape Town will speak a different dialect of English, a person in Durban will sound differently a person in Johannesburg will sound differently. Likewise, then we have stark differences between one language and the other. Some speak in Arabic, some speak in Gujarati, some speaking tempo, some speak in Chihuahua or many other languages, Allah says, These differences is not to divide you,

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but rather for the purpose of the smooth running of your system. So you can identify one from the other number one, number two, Allah says, in a Chroma combine the VA II at

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the most superior amongst you is not the Arab

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is not the Chinese, or is not the South African.

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The most superior amongst you are those who have the quality of Tacoma and the consciousness of a law, then it's immaterial, whether you from China or the remote jungles of Amazon, or whether you from North Africa or South Africa, or you from the sub Saharan deserts, it makes no difference. The criterion for grading people is not color. It's not skin tone. It's not nationality. It's rather the piety that people have in their heart.

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In the kindness that we hire in Middle America, when you are not better than the Arab or non Arab.

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So that's the first point. The second verse of the Noble Quran Allah says, amin iottie, hollow personality well out of the box, the therefore al cinetic juanico.

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Just as the mountains speaks of the greatness of a law, the vast ocean tells you of the greatness of Allah, the sky above you that's flawless without any cracks, tells you of the greatness of Allah, the vast layout of the earth tells you of the greatness of Allah in the same way with the therefore alsina Takuma awani comb, the different colors in men and the different dialects and the different languages that you speak also speaks of the greatness of Allah

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so the difference

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says that we find is a sign of the greatness of a law, just as the moon in the star, and the mountains in the earth is a sign of a law. Likewise, the diversity that's found in mankind is also the greatness in the sameness of our last sign of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then the law says, In the early years in the law, the mean, there is a sign for those who possess knowledge, and those who are intellectual. So alloys, Allah has kept us different for a specific reason. That's our starting point as far as Islam and culture is concerned.

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Secondly, Islam is a universal religion.

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It wasn't only meant for a specific group of a specific culture, Islam is meant for the entire universe for the entire world, which means its laws are also universal. So we learn a very important principle from here. Islam does not go into the specifics of any culture

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is caricatured, monana permissible or not? Islam doesn't go into specifics.

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What Islam does it it lays the principle in the foundation for every culture. Now, whether you stay in China or Africa or India, your culture needs to be in harmony with the Sunnah and the Sharia, not the other way around.

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We don't apply the Sharia to the culture, the culture must be applied to the Sharia, if it is in harmony, and Hamdulillah, if it is contradicting the sherea sherea will be given preference over our culture. That is the rule of thumb that Islam exercises. And the reason why Islam does not get into the specifics of a culture is because culture always evolves.

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What is cultural today might not be cultural tomorrow. So Islam is here to remain. If we were to restrict Islam and its laws to a specific culture, and then to make it compulsory upon others, it would have become difficult. So you have people who are Muslims and Indians, you have Muslims and they are from Nigeria, you have Muslims and they are from Europe. So Islam is flexible, Allah kept it flexible. So when it comes to dietary issues, for example, our food, Allah doesn't say you must eat a specific type of food.

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Imagine if Allah had to impose the diet of the Arabs upon the non Arabs, how the world run.

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And within our own country, we have so many staple diets of different people. Allah does not impose one specific diet on people. Allah says, This is our law, Hulu halaal and for HIPAA when it comes to food, eat depth number one which is halal. And number two which is pure and wholesome. So you don't find the Quran Allah What does the Quran say about biryani? There's nothing about but what does the Quran say? Yes, if your biryani fits halaal and you can eat it,

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but if your biryani is not frickin halaal, and you can eat it, that's the simple rule. The culture will follow the Sharia not the other way around. So Islam is extremely flexible. You find the different diets in the different parts of the world. in Palestine, they call a dish called mokulua they cook the entire dish and then they turn it upside down. So it's called mokulua attorney and that's how they eat. Islam is flexible you can eat if that's how you eat that that's how you must eat. And if you like chips and Bologna and junk food and pizzas as long as it's halal and forgive Alhamdulillah you can eat it so Islam doesn't go into specifics but what Islam does is it gives you

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the outline principle the upon which you need to create your diet.

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That's number one. Number two, our dress code. Islam does not impose a particular dress code for people because this is evolving with time.

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In our country, we had our elders in forefathers shirt patroon you know that it's called the shirt

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the time where they used to wear the shirt and the pen which was very common even if they would wear a kurta or they would wear a slip Kuta it would be with a paint isn't. So Islam doesn't impose a new a specific dress code. Because Islam knows that today what is fashionable tomorrow will be outdated

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and what is tomorrow

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The following day will be outdated again. So you know, you're not going to change the laws of Sharia every now and then. So rather the principle and the rule of thumb is, it must fit the criteria of Sharia. So if it's for a lady, the Sharia says, you cannot wear clothing that's transparent.

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You cannot wear clothing that's revealing of your finger.

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You cannot wear clothing that resembling the men. So these are broad principles upon which we now need to bring our dress code under.

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If a lady dresses differently in Pakistan, and differently in South Africa, it's fine, as long as it does not break the laws of the Sharia. So Panama,

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and different dress code, if you go to North Africa, in Nigeria, they love the bright colors.

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You see bright yellow, bright blue, and they love the bright colors orange, you might not necessarily see the same colors in our country. But it's fine. Because it's not breaking the laws of Sharia. So when it comes to men, you cannot wear silk. That is the guideline the Sharia sets for the men, you cannot wear silk, you cannot wear gold. This is the standard upon which a law grades people's clothing. Now then whether you want to wear a long sleeve quota, or if you want to wear the Nigerian kurata, which is very different. Or you want to say the Saudi quota is all flexible, as long as it does not break the laws of Sharia. Can you see how powerful the Sharia is? how flexible

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the Sharia is, and how universal the Sharia is. So Panama. So how Subhana Allah, imagine if Allah had to impose one dress code, one diet, one culture, would people enter into the fall of Islam.

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So I spoke about dietary, I spoke about dress code, let's talk about

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Islam, and Islam in wedding wedding practices.

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Now there are many of our forefathers who were prior to them becoming Muslims, they were Hindus. So a lot of

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a lot of practices of the Hindu culture has crept into our Indian society also until, till now it's still prevalent. And you see this at a time of waiting. Again, the rule of thumb is, if it breaks the law of the Sharia, you cannot practice it. If it is in harmony with the Sharia, and hamdulillah for me when I met, not a problem. So if you had believes, like, if a girl is getting married, in India, they still do this. She's not allowed to leave the house for three days prior to a marriage. Can you relate to this couch.

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And if a lady is divorce, for that period, she will not look at the sky. So now this is culture which is going against the Sharia, we cannot accept it.

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There is another culture where the lady has to provide for the boy is sometimes according to the standard of the society, the girl must provide household items, utensils, sometimes they demand the car, sometimes they demand X amount the girl must give.

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Now, because this is not in harmony with the Sharia, we say

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we cannot accept this. The Sharia says the boy must provide the boy who's the husband's getting married, he must provide the utensils, the household items. Yes, if the girl side wants to give anything from their own good work, that's fine, but to impose upon them that is wrong.

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So these are just few examples that have given you. The rule of thumb is if it goes against the Sharia, you cannot practice it. So I'll give you a few examples.

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When Egypt was conquered, and it came under the Muslim rule,

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it was conquered under the hands of Satan amaryllis rhodiola.

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So the Egyptians came to say the number of nos was the governor. And they said to him, You know what, each year

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we choose a virgin girl. And we clear her up in beautiful jewelry, expensive clothing, and we pay a handsome amount of money to the parents. And we take this girl and we throw her into the river Nile and we do so so that the river can continue flowing and it does not stop. This is culture. It did it every year without fail.

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So now Islam

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enters Egypt.

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That's the new system. They come to say that armor blast we need to do this. He said, allow me to consult with ameerul momineen armor.

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So say that armor will ask for the rights to the to the halifa of the time and he asked him what do I do in a situation like this?

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So say that our job writes a letter and he tells his governor when you receive this letter of mine, take this letter and address it and throw it in there overnight.

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So what's in the letter? In the letter it's written Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim mean Abdullah ameerul momineen amagno hakab radi Allahu taala Han Illa Illa Nila Ali Misra in couldn t Tajiri be unbrick further how Jelena Big

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O river Nile. This is a letter from the Amir mini amargosa talk to you. If you are running by your own well, then we got no need for you. We don't need you. We're inputting Tito, Jerry, the amarilla. And if you are flowing by the command of a law can I command you not to be make it difficult for the people around you and continue flowing. They said overnight, overnight, that river started flowing.

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So this is a classical example culture on one side, you you are literally taking an innocent girl and throwing it in the water just to make the the system continue. That's culture. And this is Sharia. Life is innocent, you cannot take it without a valid excuse. As much as you practice it for the past 10 2030 4050 years. It's not acceptable. It's breaking the laws of Allah. Therefore, when there's a contradiction between culture and sherea sherea will always be on top. So Panama.

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In the Arab culture, a man could possess as many wives as he wanted 1011 1213 that was culture. Islam came and said now only for

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beyond for haram and impermissible, even if it was practiced in your culture is not allowed anymore.

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Another example, the Arab society, the pagan society would literally bury their daughters a life that was cultural,

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or even more older to show you that Allah says in the Quran, on a day of clamor, we will raise those daughters, and we'll ask them for what reason will you pay for it?

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So that was the culture of the time. Allah says in the Quran, when a man was given Glade tidings of a girl in his house, he would find it as a means of disgrace. So much so that he will not even leave his home.

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That's how embarrassed he felt, he will go in the cover of the night and take in an innocent child empowering the child.

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So this was culture. Allah said, Now Islam is come, no longer allowed. You can't do this, it's Haram. Your culture is in direct contrast to the Sharia, and it is directly going against our commandments. Therefore, Islam, and the Sharia will prevail, and your culture will no longer be in existence. Another example,

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a woman in the Arab society had no status. She was only good for the house. Islam came, Islam gave her the right and the dignity to acquire knowledge, to do business, to own properties to transact, even to the extent that she she has the right of her own to choose who she wants to marry. That is Sharia. And there is culture. Now you cannot come today I am your father, you must get married. I don't care whether you like it or not.

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Yes, there was a culture up to recent and turn. Now it is also found in certain parts of India, where the father said no, I fixed your marriage already finished. I gave my word.

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That culture is still prevalent, but you cannot practice that because that is in direct contrast with the sherea sherea says a woman has her own right to choose who she wants to marry. So Panama. Yes, the father must give the blessings and they must do it with mutual consult. So look how how flexible the Sharia is, how eternal the Sharia is, whether you are in 2020, or whether you are in 2050, or even 1000 years to come after this, the Sharia will remain relevant. The Sharia will apply to our customs wherever we are. Whether we are living in Africa or Europe or Asia or Arabia for that matter.

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Allah has given us

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universal religion, and has given us universal guidelines as to how to deal with our life. So this is the question

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Am I mature enough to accept the law for law?

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And leave my culture? Or am I going to say what are people going to say? What are people going to say if I don't do this? Or if I don't do that?

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Are we going to follow our culture when it is contradicting the Sharia?

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Or are we going to follow the Sharia that is, that is a test for every man. So Panama. Lastly,

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if the culture in a society is there, not to read namaz for example,

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manana we only come once a week to the masjid there is a culture that culture cannot work. Because that culture is your culture is not a culture of the sherea sherea has not given us that latitude. To say once a week is fine, because the culture is wrong and it's ingrained in our society to the masses. Friday and McGriff Salama Marie, Mashallah is good. It's a culture in our society, we make sure we come for Muslim men from come for for for Juma that culture is going against the Sunnah and therefore it will not be condoned, or Marlena ingleborough. In conclusion, the rule of thumb is, whatever practice that you have in your life, you are going to grade yourself

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according to the standards of the Sharia, if the Sharia allows it handed in, if the Sharia doesn't allow it, we have to compromise and we have to accept the Sharia. And this is very, very unique. I'll end off with one more point

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when it comes to arriba that is t tail t tail guidelines, how to enter Salah what to read, how to make ruku how to make such these detailed guidelines. When it comes to our other actions wedding janaza dress code dietary there Islam has kept it very flexible, but follow the principle for marlina

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