Fatima Barkatulla – Aisha (RA) – Mother of the Believers #18

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallahu spoke highly of his importance in inspiring others to use it, including hubs and other foods that caused pain. The death of the Prophet servicing the prophets and their followers was a wake-up call for everyone, and the importance of learning from the Prophet's teachings and responsibility for one's actions is discussed. The relationship between the tribes and the way people deal with them is also discussed, including the influence of political and political groups on behavior and preparing for one's wedding. The aftermath of the Prophet sallahu wa and the lack of unity among Muslims during the busier time period led to the loss of family and reputation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh, I should, I should.

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I should, I should.

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She was

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peace be upon him. We

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are amazing Father

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smilla and hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. The sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to session number 18, I believe of the shirt or the line her class mother of the believers.

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Panel The last time we got to the point where, you know, we described some of the last days of the Prophet sallallahu when he was solons life, and how I shadowed the lion had supported him in that time. And just moving on from that, or just to add a little bit to that.

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I wanted to mention that so as we said, You know, I should have been on her she basically Nast the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the last week of his life.

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So he would have, you know, tried to give him different types of maybe herbs and things. I don't know, I'm saying herbs in in, in Britain, we don't say herbs, we say hubs

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have been hanging around with Americans. So yeah.

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So she would have used hubs, she would have used

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rock er, she would have, you know, been at his service in the last days of his life. And I should have been on actually knew quite a lot about herbal medicine. And the reason why is later on, somebody asked her some of her nephews and nieces, they asked her, you know, how come you know so much about medicine, and that was the medicine of that time, right. And she said, because people used to come to the Prophet sallallahu ala Cylons house, you know, and visitors used to come from different places, and delegations used to come. And each of them had their own kind of different remedies and things that they would talk about or share, you know, and she would learn from them.

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So, so Pamela, so even at this time, she would have used, what knowledge that she had of, you know, different Herbes and their benefits to try to nice the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And she was the one who really soothes him, you know, in those last days, the one the only person he really from human beings, who he complained to, or even talks about his pain to, you know, in any kind of direct way. And he also, you know, asked her to dispose of his wealth in terms of giving it away in charity, right, various different things that you he needed to get sorted out financially, he asked, I should have done on how to sort those things out. So, one of the things that, you know, I reflected on when I was thinking about that is, you know, whenever you have, whenever you are given a position of

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privilege, okay, or, or authority or status, whenever you have a status, with that status comes responsibility as well, you know, so I showed her that she had the status of being, you know, the most beloved, two of the prophets on Law Center, she had the status of being his most beloved wife, she had the status of being one of the greatest women. And with that status, and also, of course, mother of the believers, that status didn't just come from nothing, right? That status came from.

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I showed her the law on her,

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obviously, you know, actually doing something, there was something that she was doing that was causing her to have that status. And we see that in the last days of the prophets life, which is basically the most difficult days of a person's life, right? The most difficult time is when you're, when your beloved is ill when your beloved is

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when your beloved is, you know, is suffering, right, and they need your constant consistent attention. And I should have been on her helped the prophets on a lot when he was alone and served him in that most difficult of times, right.

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So you can see that the her status doesn't just come from nothing, right? It comes from a place where she would have had to do more, right because

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You know, the otherwise they gave the the Knights they're up. They gave their day up to it should have been an hour which meant the prophet SAW Selim could spend the last days with her.

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And of course with that mean came more responsibility, more kind of service that she would have to do. And she did that. I'll shut up.

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Another aspect thing that I wanted to mention is you know, last time we mentioned how Booker said did for Delano, he, when he heard about the death of the prophet SAW Selim, he came from outside Medina or from the outskirts. And the reason for that is that he had been at his wife Habiba, Vinson hot adjust house. Okay, so have you ever been to Florida, if you remember, she was the last wife or the fourth wife abubaker not they had four wives at the same time, but Yanni. You know, over his lifetime, he had four wives. And this was the last wife that he had married. Have you ever been to Hollywood? Yeah. And she was. So the story of how he married her is basically that when a Booker

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made the hegira to Medina, you know how the Sahaba were all paired up with a different song with another with an unsavoury, right? They were each paired up with an uncertainty and the uncertainty would share their wealth or their home everything with that person, right? With that muhajir. So abubaker was paired up with

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the Sahabi, hottie Jaya bin Zaid and sorry. Okay. And

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so eventually, you know, through that friendship through that kind of relationship that they had of hula.

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Later on abubaker, married the daughter of hardage. And she was Habiba bins on hostage and her he set up home with her in a suburb of Medina, just outside Medina. So this is why a backhoe came from there, you know, he had been at Habiba been to hostages home. And one other beautiful narration that I wanted to share with you about that time was when abubaker said the after he came and you know, he kissed the prophet SAW someone's forehead. He saw that he had passed away.

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He actually said to Ayesha, he said, Yeah, I show.

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This is the best of your moons, the best of your moons. Now, what does that mean? Well, you have to kind of know the backstory to understand this because I know Booker was one that was pretty much the only person who knew what he meant by this, you know, along with Asia, and that is because I shot a deal on her is reported to have had a dream.

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Just before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. And in her dream, three moons, three moons rose over her room, over her Hydra. And when she told her brother, she told her Bucher cdphe about this, her father, and he said, if this is a truthful dream, then the most auspicious three people on earth

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will be buried in your room.

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So panela So, it seems that Abu Bakar said they have you know, and this is something that is a characteristic of, you know, knowledgeable and wise people that they can often give you insight into the meanings of your dreams, you know,

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through experience through through their studies in their readings, etc. Right? And so, this is why abubaker said, This must be the first and the most auspicious of your moons, meaning the moons that you saw in that dream of yours. Okay, now, of course, so panela the impact of the death of the prophet SAW Selim was immense upon the oma. Okay, but what I would like you to highlight for me is, what was the personal impact of the death of the prophet SAW Selim for Arusha apart from the fact that you know,

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it the Messenger of Allah, the connection to Revelation, the connection to Allah in that direct way, was now gone. What personal impact would you say that the death of the prophet SAW Selim had on her? Sometimes I feel we don't really reflect on these, these things, you know, and we forget that the the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were human beings, who were, you know, in this world, living as human beings. They had the experience

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It says that other human beings have right, even though they were the best of human beings. What's personal impact? Would you say?

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The prophets or Solomon's death would have had on Ayesha and remember, she was only 18 years old.

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You can mention anything, any thoughts you have in the chat?

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Okay, sister is saying the fact that he was buried in, in her own room. So the constant reminder might have been hard on her. Hmm, that's an interesting

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thought. I would say.

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I must say, even though, for somebody who's living in our times, that might have been true. But you don't get the impression in that time that they had the same kind of sort of, was the Word, you know, like, they didn't attach the same connotations to death that we do. You know. So, I actually think that the prophets are selling being buried, there was a type of comfort to her. I think, from what you read, you know, and from the way that she continued to live after that.

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I think it was a comfort to her that he was buried in her room.

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But yeah, of course, it's a constant reminder of death. If anything, you know, it's a constant reminder to her about death.

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And the loss of a best friend. Exactly. So Pamela, you know, she'd been with him since she was nine.

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And he was her first and only husband, right? With the otherwise they had other. They might have been married before. You know, they were widows or they were divorces.

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She would have felt sad. And what to look forward to having the prophets of Salaam coming to her house and her serving him? Yeah, of course.

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It might have been a status for her.

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Do you mean,

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for her having the prophets or something buried in her house? Is that what you mean? Definitely, that was that was this, you know, it's a symbol is a sign right of her status. Some, a couple of things I wanted to highlight are, apart from the fact that it would have been an immense sense of personal loss for her right. Her husband, the most intimate person in her life, right was now gone.

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And you can see, like, the way he was with the prophet SAW Selim, she was very free with him, you know, in the sense that there was no kind of

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takala for we would say, you know, like she didn't, she didn't have that kind of same relationship, but the average Muslim would have with the prophet SAW them. He was her husband, you know, he was her soulmate, in that sense. So she was very free with him, sharing her thoughts, sharing her, even complaints, or, you know, jokes, all of that, right. And now, also, the loss of our son was gone.

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But also, one of the things that we sometimes don't realize is, after this the problem, I shut it down, I never got married, right? Because the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam were not allowed to get married.

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That was one of the aspects of status, that after I sort of lost a lot, wanting to sell them, they nobody is allowed to marry them.

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And, you know, we don't usually reflect on that. But so Pamela, that's quite a big thing, if you think about it, for an 18 year old woman, right. And who was married for that many years, right for nine years,

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to now be basically celibate, right, for the rest of her life.

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And, of course, you know, these are great people, and we know that I should have been on her she would have,

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you know, she strove throughout her whole life to be, you know, the role model that she was. But so panela if you think about it, that's also a big thing. You know, that's a big sacrifice is a big, kind of,

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I would say, for the average human being, that will be a very difficult thing, you know, from the age of 18, until the day you die, to never get married again. panela. And, of course, a lot of 100 Allah would have helped her and did help her in her,

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you know, maintaining her status as mother of the believers. And, you know, there's so much for her to do in that role, right, and we're going to look at some of those things. Now. Now

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There were really two key areas of I should have been on has personality and contribution that began to emerge now after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And in the next years of her life, the next few decades of my life, and I would say two areas where her political influence or political influence and what we mean by political is her influence on the running

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of the Muslim Ummah, right, the influence on the goings on and you know, the everyday kind of things that were happening in the running of the Muslim ummah. And, and also her connection with the leadership, I would say, and also has scholarly influence or influence as a more BIA. Right? These are the two kind of areas I would say that really emerged after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I want you to tell me why. Why do you think from everything you know now about childhood or upbringing, and all these kind of years of her life that she spent with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?

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What do you think, caused her emergence as a political kind of influence? And her emergence as a scholarly influence? What are some of the characteristics or incidents or things that you can highlight to us that, you know, she, like, you could see it coming, that she would have those kind of qualities?

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If you want to mention any, you can mention them in the chat.

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I'm going to go through a few that I have, that I've

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thought of. Yeah, so one of the sisters is saying, the pressure of keeping his message alive, right? The knowledge of Hadith? Yeah, so these could be reasons for her scholarly

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emergence. I would say, regard with regards to the political emergence, first of all, and we sometimes we don't understand this in our times, but you know, she was the daughter of a nobleman. Right. And what you notice is people who are and have have the upper classes, right?

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They usually brought up in a different way. And I don't think I should have done was any different in the sense that her own father was halifa. Right. And father became the Holy Father. Now, her husband was the leader of the Muslims, right. And she was brought up

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in a home, and then mobile home, right. And so the fact that she was of that from that kind of class, if you like, you know, that would have influenced her confidence and her kind of access to

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the different political figures, right.

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Of course, I own husband, and then sort of Last of Us alone, and then abubaker as well.

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And also she so she lived in the home of the head of state, right. So that's all of a sudden was literally the head of state the head of the oma and she was in his home.

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Also, her knowledge of Arab history, her knowledge of Arab history of a Booker said the father was known to be an expert in genealogy. So he knew all of the different tribes and the histories and the kind of connections they had with each other. And that's why I sort of lost on a lot when he was telling us to take abubaker with him, you know, during the Hajj in Makkah, used to take him to talk to the different tribes to try to, you know, do that hour and try to encourage them to embrace Islam and to host him. And then eventually they found the sun has an edge who would do that? The reason why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to keep a record with him was abubaker knew all the

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nuances of the different relationships between the tribes and how you could maybe, you know, diplomatically talk to them, right. So she lived in, she was from a family who had that kind of expertise, right? So and she also picked that up. Also her sense of Amana, right, a sense of being a trustee of for the guidance and direction of the oma, right.

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So, this would have influenced her and made her more politically conscience, in the sense that, you know, when she sees something is going wrong, or he sees certain things happening, that she knows that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't have liked.

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She She would really care about that, you know, the direction of the oma really mattered to her and of course has

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status as a mother of the believers would have influenced that as well. Right? When you're the mother, or your type of a matriarch, right? You have that kind of sense of responsibility about everyone and every one under your care, right.

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And also, because she knew what life had been like, at the time of the prophet SAW that sauna. So now in the next decades, when all these changes started happening in the Muslim Ummah, you know, she would have really felt that because she could see the contrast between how things were at the time of the profits and the loss Hello, and how things were going now. Right.

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So that's with regards to her political kind of influence, and what would have made her job so suited to that would have given her a propensity to be interested in that direction.

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But with regards to knowledge, of course, a tarbiyah, right, she grew up

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from a young age with the prophets of Allah, whatever, Silla so she had the best tarbiyah and he was constantly, you know, trying to get his wives to be more attached to the, to the Africa than the dunya. Right. That's one of the themes that has emerged, I think, in the last few weeks, and constantly trying to make them

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understand how they should think, how they should obey Allah, how they should be devoted, she would have seen the devotion of the prophets, Allah wa Salaam, and he would have encouraged her to worship a lot. Right in the way that he that is the best way. So she had that in, in that kind of insight. Right.

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Also had excellent memory. Right. Excellent memory.

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how sharp observation skills and intelligence

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per articulate and eloquent speech? Yeah, I think one of you mentioned that, right. She's well spoken, and she wasn't shy about seeking knowledge and asking questions, etc.

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Her confidence, right. She was a confident personality. And also she had I would say, like, quite advanced thinking skills, you know. So if she asked a question, or she heard an answer, and it didn't make sense to her, she had critical thinking she would actually ask a follow up question, right? She, she wouldn't just leave it there. And she would try to logically work certain things out. Right.

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And again, there's somebody has already mentioned, she had a sense of responsibility for Omar right? A sense of Amana, for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Sunnah.

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And his legacy, right? So this would have all kind of ignited a scholarly and any her conscience as a more obeah.

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I'm going to mention, now, we're going to look at her relationship, the relationship of it should have given her with faulting. So this is like a little kind of, I would say, this might seem like a bit of a tangent, right. So we're taking a pause from the kind of the chronology as we were doing it. And we're just going to look at her relationship with Fatima. And the reason for that is that there are some groups, you know, some Muslim groups or groups that call themselves Muslims, who basically claim that there was some kind of, you know, they make all sorts of negative accusations against some of the Sahaba about their relationship with Fatima, or the line that the daughter of

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the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. When in reality, when you look at the sources, and you look at the facts, it wasn't like that, you know, wasn't like that at all. So we want to kind of set the record straight on that. And I'm going to mention some of the things that show us what's the real relationship between Arusha, Atlanta and 14 out of the land was

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of all of the daughters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatima, or Dylan who was actually the closest to Arusha or the Lana. Okay. And that's because, you know, Fatima was about she was older than Ayesha. Right? She was actually about 10 years older than I should have the honor.

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Because she was born five years before Prophethood. Right. And I share

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that sorry.

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Yeah, she was born five years before Prophethood. And so she was about 17 or 18 at the time of the Jenna, right for the mother and I was about 1718 at the time of

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hegira whereas I should have been I was seven right so you can see there's a 10 year age gap there.

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The prophets other daughters are Peja. repaye. Up, she passed away before the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Married Aisha right.

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And Zainab and Uncle foom the other Daughters of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They lived for around seven or eight years without shatters their stepmother right?

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But then they were married

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right they were married. So they would have gone You know, and and

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you know, made their own lives and that were their own families right. faulty motor their own home the other hand, she lived in the same house as Ayesha, while on her for a while. Before she got married to Ali. What are the law?

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I should have learned actually prepared Fatima for her wedding as a bride for her wedding. And this hadith is in even Marja. It says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to prepare Fatima since she was going to marry Ali. We went home immediately and brought an amount of soft oil, which we spread on the ground. We filled two pillow sheets with fiber. Then we prepare the bowls of dates and grapes and spring water to drink

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and placed a steak at one edge of the house for clothes, pots and pans to be hung. I have not seen any wedding better than Fatima's. She said Pamela so you know, this kind of shows you their relationship right? Even after she got married 14 out of the nine her literally lived next door a stone's throw away from I showed her the Lana right. And there was literally a wall that separated the spaces right there like houses if you like.

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And in fact, some scholars say that there was even a window between that the wall that was between their houses.

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And that 14 and I wish I could actually speak to each other whenever they wanted through that window. Okay.

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When the wives of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam wanted to complain to the Prophet, about their feelings regarding you know people sending gifts. Only on the days when the Prophet was without Isha. Remember that incident.

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The person who they went to was Fatima, right to complain to. And they asked Fatima to go to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam on their behalf and say to him, you know that they don't didn't feel it was fair that people kept giving gifts

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to to the profits or loss and on the day when he was in his house and they wouldn't give gifts on the days when he was with them.

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And when one party my went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to convey this message to him, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, oh, my daughter, don't you love whom I love?

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Meaning I show right? And she replied in the affirmative, and she went back. And she told the other wives that look, you know, she would have kind of appeased them.

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And when they asked her again to go to him,

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she refused. She refused to do that right? Because she understood Look, the prophets Allah Selim loves it. Sure. People know that he loves Russia. And you know, it's just happens to be her kind of Baraka, right, her fortune, good fortune from a lot that people give gifts on the day when he is at her house, right? It's not something that you know, he could control right.

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Also, I share the land had loved and respected Fatima and her family immensely. This is a parent in her praise and a hadith about her. I should have known her once was asked, Who was the most beloved person to law school of law. And she actually said, Fatima, she said Fatima. Right. And I she also said about Fatima after her father, I have never seen anyone more beautiful than Fatima.

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She also said I did not see anyone who looked more similar to the Messenger of Allah than Fatima in terms of the dignity and serenity

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The tea of her behavior, the elegance and politeness of her mannerisms, and her way of walking. When she entered upon the Messenger of Allah, He used to stand up for her kiss her and make her sit near him.

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When Allah messenger came to Fatima's place, she would do the same thing sapan Allah right. So it's I she was telling us these beautiful kind of details about Fatima Ivana

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I shoulda underrated a hadith from Fatima and conveyed the Hadith about the virtue of Fatima and a little bait. Yeah. So this had these Bukhari and Muslim I generated from Fatima that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, oh Fatima, does it not please you that you will be the leading lady of the believing women or the leader of the women of this oma

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supine Allah.

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So you can see that I should have done her held Fatima in high esteem and vice versa. I had an intimate friendship with Fatima Fatima convite. confided in chat about the hardship she faced.

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Narrated by Ali that in a Hadith,

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in which he said, these behati and Muslim

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Fatima went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam complaining about the bad effect of the stone hand mill on her hand, right, these two grind, I believe wheat using, you know, hand mill

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and used to affect fight the mother the land has hands

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and it hurt her. So she went to the profit and loss alone to complain about it. She heard that the profits are low what he was sent him had received some slave girls. But when she came there, she did not find him. So when she came to the house of the Prophet salaallah Sonam, and this is his house. She found that he wasn't there.

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So she mentioned her problem to Arusha.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out, he informed him about that. And he added, so the Prophet came to us, when we had gone to bed, we wanted to get up on his arrival, but he said, stay where you are. Okay, so you know, this is the famous Hadith about the speed, right? This we have thought about. So

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wasn't a home, Fatima confided in Ayesha, right. That's how special their relationship was. She told his show what her complaint was, and her, you know, she shared her kind of pain without Isha. And she was the one who conveyed this to the prophets of Allah Salaam. And then the Prophet came to visit, Ali and Fatima found them lying down, and he came and sat with them. And he said, stay where you are. Then he came and sat between me and her. And Ali and her family and Fatima, and I felt the coldness of his feet on my abdomen, he said, shall I direct you to something better than what you have requested? In other words, better than a servant?

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When you go to bed space, say so panela, 33 times 133 times

00:33:33 --> 00:33:39

and a lot of work or 34 times, for that is better for you than a servant.

00:33:40 --> 00:33:41


00:33:43 --> 00:33:46

You know, I was feeling really emotional when I read that deed because

00:33:53 --> 00:34:20

because it really shows us that, you know, I sort of lost our son and he loved Fatima so much. And no father would want their daughter to suffer, right? No father would want their daughter to suffer pain or hardship in terms of hard work and the father was going through and the fact that he told her that these things you know, saying so panela hamdullah, low upper

00:34:21 --> 00:34:23

was better than having a servant you know.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:28

It shows you how powerful that is because

00:34:30 --> 00:34:43

he would have given her a seven if you thought that was better. Right? And yet he he believed that this was better. He knew that this was better. And he's telling the person who's the most beloved to him

00:34:46 --> 00:34:49

of something better than her servant upon Allah.

00:34:51 --> 00:35:00

I shall also shared precious moments with Fatima, the liner narrated by Archer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called

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Hold his daughter Fatima during his illness in which he died and told her a secret whereupon she wept.

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Then he called her again and told her a secret whereupon she laughed.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:37

When I asked about that, she replied, The Prophet book to me and secret informed me that he would die in the course of illness during which he died. So I wept. He again spoke to me in secret informed me that I would be the first of his family to follow him after his death. And on that I laughed.

00:35:38 --> 00:35:48

So this Hadith, in Bukhari and Muslim again, I shall be the highest, the one directing it, right. So they had a good relationship, they were friends, they, you know, they will close.

00:35:50 --> 00:35:55

And later on, you know, we will talk about that issue that Dylan has relationship with Ali.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:31

Because it should have been on her self talks about her relationship with Ali, you know, she doesn't have an a bad relationship with them at all. You know, if anything, you know, I should have been on her says that the only kind of, we could say, friction, right, mild friction that there was, was the normal type of mild friction that there might be between in laws and a daughter in law. You know, that's the way I show them. I had described her own

00:36:32 --> 00:36:56

relationship with Alli, right, that she had the utmost respect for him. And she loved them as a, you know, as family, she knew that they were family, and they and she knew their status. Right. But you know, there was, you can see, and certain incidents are, for example, during the slander, the fact that earlier that the man who said to the prophets are less alone,

00:36:57 --> 00:37:25

you can marry other women, you know, there's no restriction on you yasim allow you, you don't have to be so worried and so affected by this slander, you know, you can tell that I should have been on I didn't really like, you know, that reply. She didn't necessarily think, you know, she didn't particularly like that being said to the profit and loss. I know. But she narrates it dispassionately, you know, as a matter of fact,

00:37:26 --> 00:37:42

but, you know, these, these kind of exaggerated things that that some people have made up about, you know, there being some kind of major friction between them, etc. These are all exaggerated and Sharla. Later, we'll see that we will see that.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45

Okay, um,

00:37:47 --> 00:37:51

now, during the time of abubaker, let me look at the time, okay.

00:37:53 --> 00:37:55

During the time of abubaker,

00:37:56 --> 00:38:02

we're going to mention what was I should have done as role during the failover of abubaker. Delano.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:05


00:38:08 --> 00:38:09

I have this

00:38:10 --> 00:38:15

innovation in the backcourt it's sad that I should have been anti gay fatwas

00:38:16 --> 00:38:19

independently in the feel of of of a worker

00:38:20 --> 00:38:29

and Omar and earthman and continue with us until she passed away. May Allah have mercy upon her.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:38

So you know, her father abubaker was the honey for for about two years. Okay, two and a half years.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:58

And he following in the footsteps of the prophets, Allah salam, even though he was a wealthy man, okay, in terms of income, okay. He still lived a very simple lifestyle. He lived a frugal lifestyle. And he was very strict upon himself with regards to material things.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:14

She continued to live in her own house, right and the Hydra in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was buried. The other wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they wanted

00:39:15 --> 00:39:52

to send off man, right with man been a fun, Delano they sent him to abubaker to request their inheritance. Okay. So you can imagine, you know, prophets or Sonam has passed away and after the dust has settled and you know, they're probably thinking you know, they need to live right. They need to live every day they this the reliant upon their husband, right for for the income. And so they sent off man to inquire to have a bucket about their inheritance.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:56

Um, and

00:39:59 --> 00:40:00

it should have been

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

I said didn't the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say we the prophets Do not leave inheritance whatever we leave it is sadaqa

00:40:11 --> 00:40:19

Okay, so I will about kind of Arusha they knew this you know that wherever the prophets leave it's other it's not

00:40:20 --> 00:41:02

inherited by anyone by their families right. But it seems that it that that information or that knowledge hadn't reached other members of the family, right. Fatima LAN who are the LAN ha her 14 out of the love on her and a bus the prophets uncle, they also came to ask for their inheritance. Okay, and aboubaker told them I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, we are not inherited from we are not inherited from rather what we leave behind is charity sadaqa

00:41:03 --> 00:41:04


00:41:05 --> 00:41:18

so what happened was that neither Arusha nor anyone else inherited anything from the prophets, Allah what he was selling in terms of, you know, some land that he owned and etc, etc.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:29

But all of the debate, okay, and when we say Alan Bates, we mean, you know, the daughter of the prophets of Salaam, Ali.

00:41:30 --> 00:42:21

You know, the whole kind of family in the close family of the prophet SAW Selim, as well as his wives, okay. They did not inherit, but they were all given a stipend from the beta man. Okay. So their upkeep became the responsibility of the state right became the responsibility of the halifa. So although abubaker said the Golan who he wasn't giving them inheritance, but it wasn't of his own accord that he was not giving them inheritance, right? It's because it's what I saw last Allah Selim instructed, right? And instead, if anything, he gave them more, because he gave them the highest level of stipend which is like a regular payment that would go to them a regular percentage that

00:42:21 --> 00:42:22

would go to them right.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:29

From the beaten man. I showed it on his brother, a blog.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:46

So that's the brother of a smart right, the is is just half brother, but it's a smart while the line has rubber for brother. He died, you know, he was shaved from his wounds from the seed of thought if just before the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

00:42:48 --> 00:43:01

Fatima Duran, who became ill quite soon after the death of the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, and other worker even went and visited her, you know, he visited her and made sure she was happy and that everything was okay.

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She died six months after the death of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, as the Prophet had told her, you know that you will join me soon.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:14

Or you will be the first to join me after my death.

00:43:16 --> 00:44:07

aboubaker used to consult with his daughter. Her status as a scholar did not become that apparent during the feel of aboubaker. But that's probably because the death of the prophet SAW someone was so recent is only valid for two and a half years, right? And during the time of Bucher, the main kind of big headache or big concern that abubaker was dealing with was the ryda right was the apostasy of certain tribes, and people who had started to refuse to give zakah etc. And he was having to deal with all of that right deal with the different rebellions and stuff. So that was the main kind of concern of the philosopher of abubaker. And really Bukka Cydia is responsible for kind

00:44:07 --> 00:44:13

of, you know, managing probably the most tumultuous time

00:44:14 --> 00:44:34

of this Omar right, in the early part, especially since after the death of the prophet SAW solo. Some of the tribes they started to feel like oh, we can just, you know, go rogue, we can just kind of leave this and we can do our own thing. And abubaker said the equal to the LAN, he's the one who

00:44:35 --> 00:44:40

fought against that and maintain the unity of the Muslims, right.

00:44:43 --> 00:45:00

Women used to visit a shot at the LAN Hmm. And they used to ask her questions, especially during the Hajj season, you know, especially issues to do with Hodge, to do their periods. All of those kind of things like, you know, women especially would come and ask her about how to do

00:45:00 --> 00:45:09

Hojun those kind of details, people would also bring their babies and children to Ayesha delana as they had done at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:45:11 --> 00:45:30

for her to make life for them, right? So she was seen as that kind of blessing figure, right just like a pseudo Los Alamos. And they would ask her to make the arm etc. And once there's there's a story about in other Bill Maher Fred Bahati

00:45:31 --> 00:45:33

narrates a story about

00:45:34 --> 00:46:03

somebody bringing their baby to it shut down, have for the cetera. And she saw that the baby was wearing an amulet. So maybe it was some kind of, I don't know, a necklace with a little kind of, you know, the Star Wars type things right that they have in the Indian subcontinent where you have some something written on a little, I don't know, metal thing or piece of paper, and it's kind of hidden away in a necklace.

00:46:04 --> 00:46:16

Allah knows best what the amulets were like, in that time, but she saw an amulet and obviously they believe that this is gonna bring that child Good luck or it's gonna protect the child, right?

00:46:18 --> 00:47:04

And she got very upset, she got very angry. And, you know, anger was like the prophets anger. So the way the prophet SAW Selim would have got angry when if he saw that she got angry. And she said, There is no doubt that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam banned fortune telling, and was very angry with those who did this too. Right. So this was tantamount to fortune telling and, you know, the kind of shirk practices of the of janelia write the kind of dependence and superstition on amulets and soothsayers and fortune tellers and these kinds of things, right. So she made it very clear that these things are not good, and that people shouldn't be,

00:47:05 --> 00:47:06

you know, using these things.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:10

When the Muslims had conquered different lands,

00:47:12 --> 00:47:19

they say that, you know, they used to be like, obviously, now, just imagine

00:47:20 --> 00:47:35

the Muslims in Medina, right, especially, they'd been traveling and different, different lands have been conquered. And now new cultures were coming in, right? There's new foods, there's new drinks, there's new issues, right,

00:47:36 --> 00:47:53

that Muslims are having to deal with. And one of the issues that came up was different types of drinks, believe it or not, that, you know, people of different cultures would have beverages. And that was one of the types of questions that came to I sure didn't hide in that time.

00:47:54 --> 00:48:02

You know, and she advised them to avoid beverages of an unknown nature is narrated by Bahati.

00:48:04 --> 00:48:23

Right? So if you're, if you're not really sure about the nature of a beverage, or what its origin is, you know, is alcoholic or not, then it's better to just avoid it completely. And that's what she told them. Um, so so Hanalei can see that, you know, with the expansion of the Muslim Ummah,

00:48:25 --> 00:48:33

new issues, we're coming up new things. And as time went by, I feel like slowly but surely,

00:48:34 --> 00:48:57

you know, her role became more and more clear to her even right. It wasn't necessarily kind of spelt out for her what exactly it meant to be mother of the believers. It's something that I think, through experience through the questions of the Muslims, through the needs of the Muslims that her kind of roll was kind of carved out.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:06

And before we end in chat a lot I want to mention

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I should have done her.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:32

And what happened with abubaker Dylan, who on his deathbed. So on his deathbed, so this is like two years after the death of the prophet SAW Salaam. Again, I should have done her nursed her father, you know, she was the one who was nursing her father during his final illness.

00:49:33 --> 00:49:50

And the wife of abubaker Habiba Benson hottie Jaya. She was now expecting the baby. Okay, she was expecting a baby. And abubaker even mentioned this to her and told Arusha to look after

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the baby that was going to be born, right he gave her this was here to take care of that baby.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

You know, like be responsible for the nurturing of that baby. And she didn't even know that, you know,

00:50:08 --> 00:50:46

the baby was, was going to come, but abubaker told her at that time, you know, this, I'm gonna, and I think I believe he even said that he's going to be a daughter. I don't know how he knew that. Okay. But he kind of had a sense. And he told her to look after that baby. And the baby that was then later born, was on call for one can confirm the daughter of abubaker. And so she was she was showing his baby sister, right. And I showed her that I had a very good relationship with her we'll see later on in Sharla.

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00:50:52 --> 00:50:56

also, I will book it had given it a shot, I didn't have some land.

00:50:57 --> 00:51:37

But now she will, he was kind of worried that he might not have distributed it in the right way in terms of between his children like this, his book, his own wealth. And so he said, You know, he said to her, if you don't mind my daughter, if you give that land back to me, so I can redistribute it because I'm not sure if I did it in the right way. Okay, see, this shows you the duck while abubaker You know, he really cared. And they were really scrupulous about financial matters in particular, you know, to do them properly. So then I gave the land back, and Booker sorted that out again.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:51

Also, he told her to prepare his shroud out of cloth that he had some old cloth and she said, we can use some new cloth. And he said, No, the living have more need for new clothes and the dead.

00:51:53 --> 00:52:05

The shroud of death will decay anyway. Right. He said, Pamela, and he requested her that he would be buried next to his beloved Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And he requested that he would be washed by a smart his wife might have been Tommy's remember, from last time?

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The widow she would she had been the widow of Jaffer and then book had married her right. And they had a son Hamad bin aboubaker, who was born in the year of the farewell pilgrimage.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:57

And that was his other brother. Right. And he also said he wanted a smart to watch him and of the rat man is his brother to help her in washing him. And so it should have been on her, you know, gave permission for him to be buried in her house next to loss or loss alone in a salon in Sharla. With that, I will end because there is another class coming after me. And if there are any quick questions.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:03

Yeah, you've got some good observations, Mashallah.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:16

Yeah, I wanted to mention she didn't have children to preoccupy her. Yeah, that's a good point. Because, you know, the fact that she didn't have children and the concerns of having children grandchildren and all of that

00:53:17 --> 00:53:36

meant that it made her more available, I guess for knowledge for being involved with the affairs of the believers, right. Although she did have lots of students and she did have lots of nephews and nieces who she basically treated as her own children. So just I commend our parents sisters.

00:53:38 --> 00:54:05

This the recording of this will be up soon and Sharla please do share it with others and encourage them to come to this class. Next week we're going to look at a show the man's role in the time of Amr. So and of mine as well. Does that come allow Heron with that I will leave you subhanak aloha mo behenic eyeshadow Allah Illa illa Anta stop Furukawa to boo Lake, wa salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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00:54:27 --> 00:54:27

she was

00:54:34 --> 00:54:36

I shall I shall

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