Fatima Barkatulla – 70 Major Sins Lesson 32 66-70 Leaving Jumuah, Bequest harm, Conspiracy, Spying, Insulting Sahabah

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of praying in a healthy and safe way for mental well-being and health. Prayerers are encouraged to practice praying in a healthy and safe way, avoiding the negative impact of "stedling" during church celebrations. The speakers also emphasize the importance of privacy and privacy for everyone and provide resources for individuals to research and learn about major sins. Additionally, attendees are encouraged to receive more information and email for further clarification.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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the brothers and sisters Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. And welcome to this the last session in sha Allah in our series on the 17 major sins

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based on Kitab al Kitab al Kabaya by Imam Abu Dhabi, we had reached the major sin where we were talking about, you know, missing the GEMA own or avoiding praying in JAMA. Right. And this may just send we said was for men.

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And so this hadith really explains it, just to finish that major sin off, that it was narrated from Abu Huraira or the Allahu anhu, that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, by the one in whose hand is my soul, I was thinking of ordering that would be gathered, would like firewood, then I would have ordered that the quarter prayer be given, then I would have told a man to lead the people in prayer, then I would have gone from behind and burned the houses of men who did not attend the congregational prayer. The print and Jamaat in the masjid, right.

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By the one in his hand is my soul, if any one of them had known that he would get a bone covered with good meat or to sheep's feet with meat in them, he would have turned up for the Isha prayer.

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And this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim, so here the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is emphasizing to the men how upset he feels that they that about those of them who don't pray in JAMA in the masjid, okay. And of course, we said last time that this is for people who they can hear the Avant, right, so they don't live very, very far away from the Masjid. They can hear the Avant from the masjid. And they can go, you know, they don't have any kind of valid excuse not to go and emphasized for the men in particular. And you can see how upset the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam became, and he said, if there was some material, worldly benefit, then they would have turned up, he knows that the people

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would have turned up. You know, we were mentioning some of the points to note that when a Muslim man reaches the age of puberty,

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so when, uh, when he's an adult, and he can hear the Avant coming from the masjid, right. Or he's live, he lives close enough to be able to hear the oven. Okay? That means that the oven without her, you know, loudspeaker, by the way, you know, the human voice, right, as far as the human voice can go, they must pray in JAMA in the masjid, in the mosque. Even if he lives far from the masjid, it's recommended to try to pray in the masjid as much as possible, or at least, to pray in congregational prayer as much as possible, right. So you know, if you're at work, and there's no masjid, but you've got some Muslim brothers who are in your place of work, grab one of them and say, let's pray in

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JAMA, you know, the norm for Muslim men as much as possible. It should be that they pray in JAMA. And we said last time, I think that there are so many benefits to this. Some of the benefits we said were, you know, it brings people's hearts together. It makes the men very concerned about the community gets them out of house, right? That's a benefit for for the wives. It makes them care about the you know, what's going on know what the problems of their brothers and sisters are?

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It cetera, et cetera, increases brotherhood and unity amongst the Muslims as well. Right? And then we said that the minimum for the GEMA is two people including the Imam. Right, as long as you have somebody else to pray with, you can pray in JAMA in congregation.

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It was so emphasized that even in times of fear and in war, the Quran gives us a prescription for how we can pray the congregational prayer, right? You can you can see the ayat in the Quran about this, where Allah subhanaw taala describes how you know, when it's a time of fear or in a time of war.

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That, you know, one group of men would pray first, while the others continue to fight or to God, you know, defend the land, etc. And then, when they have finished, another group would pray together in Gemma, right? So this is how much it's emphasized. For us as women to think about is, how can we help the men in our households fulfill this and this hadith the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is reported to have said, Whoever he is the call to prayer and

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not come. There is no prayer for him unless and then it says unless he has an excuse. And in this hadith Ibn Abbas was asked the scholar, Ibn Abbas, the sahabi, and scholar, Ibn Abbas was asked what is an excuse? What is a valid excuse? He said, you know if there is extreme fear, or sickness, so, in other words, if it's dangerous, you know, like, maybe, like, there's a curfew, right? Well, there's some crime, the crime rate has gone up, or there's some kind of conflict about to break out, etc. Or the person is L, so a major sin number 66. And of course, we've already said that we were going through these at some speed. So you know, we can't go into them in as much detail as we want.

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But you know, there's 70 of them. So what we want to do is really get a good understanding of at least what they mean so that we can start to avoid them. Major sin number six is persisting in abandoning the Friday prayer and group prayer without a valid excuse LSR O Allah Turkey Salah till Giamatti while Gemma it may know it overdone, right as imam of the heavy puts it. And again, this is this is for the men, right? The previous one was

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not praying in JAMA and this one is more about salah to Juma and just like insisting on never praying in the masjid. Right. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, Yo Ma Yaksha for encircling Are you the owner Illa su the fella yesterday on.

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On that day, the sock the sock will be laid bare, the shin will be laid bare and they shall be summoned to bow. There'll be called to make such that to bow down in adoration to Allah, but they won't be able to harshly attend Abba sorrow hooter Ohakune villa, their eyes humbled, humiliation will cover them. And then look what Allah says, Walker, the caribou, you the owner, Illa su God wahome Sally moon,

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and they used to be invited to prostrate to Allah. While they were, sound, they were alive, and they were fine. In other words, on the Day of Judgment,

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when Allah

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calls people to bow to him, there's going to be the moment when everyone is going to bow to him, there'll be summoned. But those who didn't use to bow to Allah in this world, those who didn't make sujood, when they were called to sujood, won't be able to do it then. And they'll wish that they could. And then Allah says, you know, in this on this earth, you used to be invited to make such that.

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And while you were, well, you know, you didn't have any illness you didn't have any reason not to.

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But you refuse to bow down to Allah. And when we, when he says, Karen, Are you the owner in a suit? Do you know you're called? When are you called for frustration? The Avant right. The Avant, the call to prayer is literally calling you to frustration. So dear brothers in particular, when you hear the oven,

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you should feel as though it's talking to you personally. You are being called for sujood as Allah says, In surah. Kalam, you're being called.

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Don't refuse that call.

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And in this hadith, it was narrated that Abu Huraira Golan who said about the blind man event on Maktoum, right, this hobby in Morocco, he came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, I have no one to lead me to the mosque. And he asked the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to grant him a concession, allowing him to pray in his house.

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So initially, the Prophet SAW Selim allowed him that, but then, as he was about to walk away,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam asked him, Can you hear the call to prayer?

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Okay, a note this is a blind man, right?

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The Prophet is saying, Can you hear it? Does it reach your ears? In other words, he said, Yes. So then the Prophet said, then on say it, then answer it. In another narration, he said, I do not think there is any concession for you.

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So in other words, he has to do his best to come to the masjid if he can hear it because like I said, it's as though Allah is calling you're being called for the masjid, you're being called to sujood. So don't deny that call.

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In this hadith, from a Buddha award, and necessity

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Eben Mirja the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever misses three Juma as three Friday prayers,

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three Friday prayers out of neglect, Allah will place a seal upon his heart. Obviously, this is for the men, right?

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If you see, I know that the Christians they don't they don't pray five times a day or anything like that they've only got one day a week really that they saw those of them who are religious go to the church. But sometimes when you see Christians, you know, you can see that really put a lot of effort into dressing well and going to the church and taking their family, you know, and sometimes I point that out to my son and I'm like, you know,

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we should be putting even more effort for Juma, right, we should be ironing our clothes. Obviously having a bath that day, awesome that day. Show Allah that You love him. Right? sha Allah that You love him more than the Christians love Jesus SubhanAllah. So I think we need to really up our game when it comes to this. You know, just think of it as you're going. You're going to

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meet Allah, you're going to have your conversation with Allah. That's what Salah is right? And you're going to do it in the way that he loves most which is in JAMA.

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Some other group points regarding the JAMA, especially the Juma story

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that everyone who is in a city or village in which Juma prayers are held,

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is obliged to attend whether they can hear the oven or not, whether you can hear the Ivana In other words, even if you have to travel a bit.

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If you're in a city or a village in which the Juma prayer Friday prayers are being held, then it's obligatory for you to attend. As for those who are outside the city, or village where no Juma prayer is being held, then there's a difference of opinion about that, right. Some say if he can hear the other and then he must go. So if he's, you know, near enough to the event, or if, if it's less than three miles away, then he should make the effort and go.

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For the hand bellies, three or more people on the minimum, necessary for a Friday prayer to be valid. And for the Hanafis three people as what plus the Imam so in other words, for our what's necessary for the Friday prayer to be valid. So just as an example, what I would typically say to my son's, you know, my sons are adults now Islamically and they go to sixth form, or university, etc. And sometimes, you know, they, there might be an exam that day very close to the time of July, right, just just after Juma so obviously, they wouldn't be able to go to a masjid. Even though we're in London, they wouldn't be able to go to a masjid and then come back for their exam. But what we

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say to them is, get some of your friends together, get some other brothers in the ISOC and the Islamic society and say to them, let's do Juma together, right.

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And you do the little hotbar right, and it doesn't have to be like a big deal. You know, it doesn't have to you might not be a speaker, you know, as long as just recite, do some vicar, recite some verses of Quran, read some a hadith, you know, do part of it in Arabic do part of it in English.

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And that's it. That's, that's basically about right, you can read up about the exact details of how to hold your own little Juma, right, because you might have to do that sometimes in work, you could do it for example, or like I said, if you're a student, just grab a few friends. You know, as long as the opinion that I follow as long as you have two other people is as long as the boys have two other people.

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They can do their own job or if they can't go to the masjid for some reason, but we shouldn't be quick to make excuses to miss Jama because Juma is serious, right? Serious.

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Okay, so as a mum, so for the sisters out there as a mom, yeah, you might have to look up or get your husband to look up, you know, what is it that what's the minimum requirement for salatu? Juma? How can I get my teenage sons to make sure they always do it? Even if, for example, they've got school, even if they've got some other thing. And you know, subhanAllah actually encourages them to have leadership skills. Because then your sons will be what will they be doing? There'll be doing a football right? There'll be having to lead a prayer or one of them will have to write and increasing encourages them and increases their confidence in doing so.

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Okay major sin number 67

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liberado Bill was here causing harm through your will,

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through your will your requests, you know, the will after somebody dies when somebody is on the deathbed

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or you know, they write a will.

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Trying to use your will to cause harm to people is a major sin.

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So Allah says, in certain Nisa I number 12 After the payment of legacies and debts, then Allah says, so that no loss is caused to anyone, right?

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No harm.

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Thus is it ordained by Allah and Allah is all knowing Most Forbearing So, Allah is emphasizing that

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in war sia in, you know, our,

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our will and the legacies that we leave behind, no harm should be

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being caused. And the purpose of the shares that are the fixed chairs, that Islamic Islamic law is so that no harm is caused.

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A lot also set continues

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teleca hold on to law. These are the limits set by Allah, and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger will be admitted by him to Gardens under which rivers flow abiding eternally they're in and that is the greatest attainment. And then he's and then he goes on to say that straight after that, and Whoever disobeys Allah and His messenger and transgresses his limits, he will put him into the fire to abide eternally there and, and he will have a humiliating punishment. So when the Assyrian explain these ayat, they say this is about the, the shares of inheritance, the ones that ALLAH SubhanA, Allah has set. Allah is saying, it's not for you, to change those, the fixed shares that

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Allah subhanaw taala placed, you have to submit to that, and not disobey Allah, because Allah is the one who's all wise. Right? And that's what it means by his limits, don't transgress his limits don't go beyond what he has ordained, and what he has set in the Sharia.

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And, you know, one of the Sahaba side of interviewer Cos when he wanted to give all of his wealth, he wanted to give all his work, because what happens, right, people are on their deathbed.

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They get emotional. They start thinking, Oh, my God, I should have given more charity.

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Or they think that I really hated that son of mine. Sorry, I know, it's not funny. But these things happen. You know, when people are on their deathbed, they start rethinking their life. And it's even known that people would like somebody who has more than one wife might even think of divorcing one of his wives on his deathbed.

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Why? Why would they do that?

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To prevent somebody from getting inheritance, do you see, like, people can can start doing really, you know, extreme things when they're faced with death. And so to prevent this, Allah subhanaw taala, has

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made a limit of 1/3. So, in this hadith saw the BWI as he wanted to give all his wealth away, right, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said 1/3, and 1/3 is a lot, right.

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And what that means is that

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you can do whatever you want with 1/3 of your will, right? 1/3 of what you leave behind, you can give it to charity, you could give it to, I don't know, if there was an orphan who you were raising, you could give it to,

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you know, a nephew or niece or somebody who you are fostering, right, who doesn't get a share a fixed share from the inheritance. So it can't be somebody who's one of your heirs, somebody who is going to inherit from you anyway, not one of those people. But some, any cause whether it's charitable, or a gift that you want to give a third of your wealth to you're allowed to do that.

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Okay, in your will.

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And the professor's hadn't said that a lot.

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And in fact, he you know, discouraged people from giving too much because you shouldn't leave your children shouldn't leave your family poor. You should try to leave them not

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Need, right. And sometimes when people are on their deathbeds, they start thinking, you know, I just should give everything to charity so that I will get reward. You know, they start worrying about that after that, right. But part of concern for that is taking care of the next generation, the people who leave behind, right.

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So some points to remember that, number one heirs who are already entitled to a fixed portion of inheritance, are not allowed to be assigned extra portions in the will.

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Okay, so if there's already an amount that, so basically what you should do, what all of us should do, is figure out if we were to die, who would be our heirs right now. Okay. And there might be somebody who you'd really like

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to receive something, who is not going to inherit anything from you, for example, your parents, if you're married, and you've got kids, your parents are not going to inherit anything. But

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oh, you know, depending on depending on the setup, right, depending on who's, who's alive, etc.

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But you might want your father or your mother to get something from you, right? So then you could put that in your will, as long as it's less than a third of what you own right. Trying to usurp the inheritance of someone else is a grave sin and trying to prevent an heir from inheriting from you

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or seeking to harm them through your will is impermissible.

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Giving away more than a third is not allowed. One should leave at least two thirds of their wealth for their heirs. Okay. And of course, if you don't say anything, then all of your wealth will be for your heirs. If you haven't said anything about the 1/3 or less.

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And you know, believe me people try to do this. I heard. I remember one of the law professors in our university, he he's a lawyer in Malaysia. Okay. He's an he's an Englishman, like non Muslim, but he, you know, he represents people in Malaysia. And what happened was, he was representing this mother. Okay, I think she was a stepmother.

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And Muslims, by the way, and she was the stepmother when her husband died, was trying to prevent her husband's children from inheriting anything.

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And this lawyer was her lawyer. And he was bragging about how he won the case. Okay. And he prevented the children of that man, right, for who had been children from another wife, you know, maybe she had passed away.

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They had inherited nothing from their father, because this wife, she had somehow, you know, gone to court and won the case, right?

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Subhanallah Allah, that's nothing to be proud of, you know, preventing rightful heirs from inheriting

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is a grave sin.

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And so when, you know, especially, I would say to the men,

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that sometimes, you know, women, like I remember when my, my my granddad passed away, and my father made a point to say to his elder brothers, that have to make sure that our sister gets her share of the inheritance. Because what happens in some countries or some cultures, is because the women, you know, they're quite, they don't want to speak up sometimes, right? Or they feel shy to say anything.

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And the men, they just take it for granted. Or maybe they don't know what the rules are, etc. They'll just take all of the inheritance. And the women even though they are Islamically, entitled to inheritance, they won't get their share.

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So, you know, we should be very careful about that. Make sure everyone gets their right. Okay, this is something from Allah, it's not something that we have a right to.

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and interfere with, right. So medicine number 68.

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Holy mackerel, Hadiya, which is basically conspiracy, plotting, you know, when people plot together to deceive, they conspire and treachery being treacherous, right. So like cheating

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or taking somebody's

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making somebody think you're one thing and you're something else. Right? And you'll see this theme come up quite a lot and in the double Kobato, all of like this category of stuff, I would say, you know, conspiracy, treachery.

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Lying, they will come under lying in a way right. They will come under lying.

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being deceptive,

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not telling the truth. Right?

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And Allah subhanaw taala says in this ayah

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that those people and he's talking about the disbelievers who conspire, right, who conspire against Allah and His Messenger, right? That conspiracy is going to come back and harm them. It's going to come back and haunt them they're plotting is not going to harm Allah and His Messenger is going to harm them. And of course, the greatest like at the time of the prophets of Salaam, those who used to conspire were who the hypocrites, right? They were constantly trying to pretend on the one hand that they were believers. But secretly, what were they doing? They were plotting and conspiring against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and against the Muslims.

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Aboard over the land, who reported this hadith that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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conspiracy and treachery are in the hellfire. Okay? And this is where this major sin comes from, right? The idea that

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the prophets are Sanam associated it with the punishment of the Hellfire conspiracy and treachery are in the hellfire. So to plot and plan to conspire against your Muslim brother to cheat

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all of these things, right? Oh, major since

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major since and we've already mentioned this in the past, that's what I'm not gonna labor it. But

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people sometimes think they can outwit Allah, they think they can be more clever than Allah.

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They can go around his Sharia, or they can harm the believers. But Allah subhanaw taala is, you know, constantly emphasizing that, no,

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you know, Allah is protecting the believers. And for us as Muslims, you know, unfortunately, in our societies, it's, it's become the norm now. And it's really sad to say that,

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you know, truthfulness

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a luxury, sometimes, you know, in some, some of our communities, I shouldn't be like that,

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you know, subhanAllah, I'm just going to tell you a little example of this.

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when I, when I, when I was a student in Egypt shouldn't mention the country really. But, you know,

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one of the things that really shocked me was, apart from the amount of cheating and swindling that goes on, right, like on the streets, okay, as, especially as a tourist or as a foreigner, right? People take advantage of you a lot. Even at university right? In the center that I was studying at, and this supposed to be an Islamic center. And these teachers are supposed to be training the whole amount of the future, right.

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It's so sad to say sad to say that when it came to exam time,

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right, I had spent weeks and weeks revising, okay.

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I was studying Sharia in a different language in Arabic, a new language was a new language to me, I'd only learn it like for two years, right? That that was the second year. And yet, when I turned up for the exams,

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there were examiner's and teachers who came in to the exam room. And literally, we're telling students what the answers to the exam questions were.

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And I was really, really upset. I was really, really shocked that that happens, that teachers themselves were encouraging this kind of dishonesty, and thinking of it as harmless.

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And I was thinking to myself Subhanallah, that sense of fair play their sense of

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and that sense of integrity that I have, that I feel inside me, that the people around me are not noticing is something that I got from Britain, and it's really sad to say it, but growing up in Britain, you talk about fair play. Growing up in Britain, when you go to an exam, your teachers emphasize truthfulness, not cheating. They're really hard on you if you cheat, right? You can't cheat in an exam in Britain, there's just no way you're going to cheat. Right? And so, now that I was in a Muslim country, I was expecting that

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would be an even higher level of honesty, even higher level of integrity. But unfortunately, I could see that Subhanallah you know, no wonder, no wonder some of our Islamic institutions are in the state that they're in.

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No wonder the level of

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progress and development in some of our countries is not that good. If you're gonna allow students to basically cheat their way through university and school,

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even in Islamic subjects,

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you know, what kind of oil Am I gonna raise? What kind of scientists, right? Your country is never going to progress. It's never going to be the best, because you've allowed it to be institutionally corrupt, dishonesty, deceit, lying, corruption, cheating, all of these things are related. And you could even really connect them all to telling the truth, being truthful, and not lying, made a thin number 69 mantha justice Allah Muslimeen where the law arati him spying on Muslims and pointing out their shortcomings, spying, basically this one is spying. So previously, we had a major sin that was more eavesdropping, right listening in on people's private conversations, trying to find out their

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secrets. Okay, this one is straight up spying, you know, spying on people and especially spying as a tool of the state against the Muslims. So we've mentioned this IR previously, sort of 49 or Number 12. Allah says what? Well, it just says who and do not spy on one another. Right? And before that, he says, Oh, you who believe avoid suspicion as much as possible for suspicion. One, in some cases is a sin

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and spy not on each other behind your backs? Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, you would a bore it but fear Allah for Allah is oft returning most Merciful.

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So my telling us not to spy Of course it is permissible to spy for a time of war. If you are spying

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for the believers, right? If you're doing it for the sake of winning the battle is etc you know, going out to seek knowledge to find knowledge to find some information that's that's permissible. However, this spying is spying

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against the believers. Okay.

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This is a long Hadith which we can't go through but you can look it up. It's a hadith say inside mahadi about how to how to been a B Balta okay, how to. He basically was one of this harbor but

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in a moment of weakness, he

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sent a letter

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he sent a letter to the courage the the Mushrikeen and Maka informing them of something that the prophets are selling was planning

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a kind of attack that the prophets of salaam was planning.

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And of course, that's, that's basically you know,

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treachery. Right? That's treason.

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So the prophets of salaam was informed about this. Allah subhanaw taala informed him and so he sent Ali and I think Zubair to go and

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intercept the woman. So there was a woman who had they had given a letter to to give to the Quraysh

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and she had hidden it in her hair and her braids. Okay. And Ali and Zubair I believe they intercepted her and they stopped her in the middle of her journey, as the prophets of salaam told them, and they said, You better give us the letter that you have. The Prophet has already told us that you have a letter secret letter that you're taking to the machine again. And the lady denied it. They searched all her bags, she didn't have anything. Earlier on Ilan said to her, we're gonna have to basically remove your clothing if you don't

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hand over this letter, right? Obviously, because it's a matter of life and death.

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We're gonna have to search you, right. And so then she opened a braid in her hair and the letter was hidden inside it. And she gave it to them. And so they took the letter. This is this is on the screen right now. They took the letter to Allah's Messenger and Omar bin al Hapa.

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When he heard, he said, O Allah's Messenger how club has betrayed Allah and His messenger and the believers let me strike his neck basically. Right? Because that was the execution would have been the punishment for treason, right? for treason and conspiring against the believers. But on the in this case, Allah's Messenger SallAllahu wasallam. He asked how they said, Oh, how did what made you do what you did? What made you do it? And how they replied, Oh, Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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why should I not believe in Allah and His messenger? So in other words, you're saying, of course, I believe in Allah and His messenger. But I intended to do the people of Makkah, a favor, by virtue of which my family and property that were in Makkah would be protected. As there is none. There is none of your companions, but has some of his people, relatives, whom Allah urges to protect his family and property. So in other words, he's saying all the other Sahaba they have some members of their family or someone in Makkah, who's going to protect their property that they've left behind him.

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But me, I've got no one. So I thought if I do the McKenzie favor, okay, then maybe they will protect my property. Okay.

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And, you know, he was very apologetic. So the Prophet SAW Salem

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forgave him, in this case. But Omar Rabil. And he said again, oh, Allah, His Messenger, He has betrayed Allah and His messenger and the believers. Let me strike his neck. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Isn't he of those who fought the battle in the Battle of budder?

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And what do you know that Allah might have looked at him at them the other warriors and said to them, do what you like for I have granted you paradise.

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So because how they was a buddy, right?

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You know, and he was, of course, apologetic, he was sorry, it was a mistake, in error of judgment. And he apologized. The Prophet SAW Salem forgave him. But you can see from Omar bin al Hotpads reaction, that the apostle is that such a person, obviously, after the due, you know, the process is followed, you know,

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he's taken to court, etc.

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That person would be executed normally. Why? Because, you know, being a spy, and conspiring against the believers, especially the leader of the believers, right, is a major sin.

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And some points to note is, yeah, so we've already said spying against the Muslims is prohibited.

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And that means, you know, using any device to record something somebody's saying, or to film them, or anything that, that a believer wants to hide, right?

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That nobody has a business knowing about, right. Do not try to expose or spread people since this is another thing like in the culture that we live in, is considered kind of normal to, you know, if you even have a rumor, forget about facts, forget about proof, even if there's a rumor against a famous person or somebody, it can be talked about, it can be spread, you can talk about it in the newspapers, you can even imagine all sorts of lurid details, right? Whether they happened or not.

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And that's because the culture encourages spreading people's shortcomings and sins and prying into them and pretends that there's some kind of public interest. There's no public interest, you know, all that does, is desensitize the community and the society to sin. And we use the example previously that just in Britain, for example, the idea of extramarital affairs, was not at all normal. It was frowned upon and looked down upon right. And then what started happening, the newspapers, one after the other kept reporting stories about royal family members. And, you know, I don't know politicians and how basically, you know, giving the impression to the public that

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everyone's at it right, basically, everyone is doing it. So what does that do to the psychology of the public? It makes people think, or everyone is doing it, you know? It's just human. That's a stupid exert, like, Excuse people give nowadays, right? For adultery and for extramarital affairs. It's on just a human right? Why did they say that? It's because they've been given the impression that everyone is doing it. Nobody has integrity. So why should I

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have integrity? Why should I control my desires, right? So

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don't try to expose and spread people's sins.

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Don't pry into their business, don't record them without their permission, don't search through their belongings and letters, don't listen into private conversations. In other words, don't look for their shortcomings, right.

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Also, being an informant who gives intelligence to the disbelievers, against the believers, especially during wartime,

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is spying and is treasonous. So you know, there's been some stories like of people pretending to be Muslim, or people who are Muslim, who infiltrate Muslim organizations, right? To somehow spy on other Muslims, and then inform the police and the authorities about God knows what you know, you know, all sorts of things that are not at all crimes, just to cast aspersions on the Muslims as if they're untrustworthy, or they're plotting or they're doing something, you know,

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something evil, malevolent, no, that kind of treachery, that kind of spying is prohibited, right at the same time, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't report a crime that a Muslim commits, right?

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To non Muslim authorities doesn't mean that you should be hiding crimes that have been committed. Right?

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Or, for example, okay, and this is a bit controversial, maybe for some people. But, for example, you know, that a child is being abused, for example, right? When I say abuse, even like, being hard, right? Not necessarily sexual abuse, you know, that a child is being abused, you know, that it's causing them a lot of detriment. Right. And you in order not to rock the boat, or in order to protect, or in order to kind of protect the family because they're Muslims. You don't intervene? You know,

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that's problematic. That's problematic.

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And I know that people's fear, you know, they have fears, they think, Well, what if the children get taken away from the parents? And so it's something that you have to make a judgment call about, right. But,

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you know, our dean doesn't encourage us to hide crimes, right, and to allow abuse to take place. Not at all. This not spying is about not spying,

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and not looking into things that are none of your business, not increasing, you're not spreading sins, right. And it's also about not Stein spying on the Muslims on behalf of another state, or not spying on Muslims as an informant, to disbelievers. Right.

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But it doesn't mean that if you know that a crime is about to be committed, or that somebody has committed a crime that you don't report them.

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Of course, you should report that.

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You know, even you could like when it comes to children, if you have a real concern about the child, and I don't just mean like, rumors, I mean, you really have a concern, you know, you can see that something's happening. That's not right.

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You know, social services, you can you can tell social services, tell them in a measured way, you know, don't kind of exaggerate it or anything like that. But, you know, we're not here to try to hide crimes. It's not about that at all.

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But what it is about is not seeking out people's private sins. So you know, people have this idea that the Sharia, maybe like Muslims, or, like, when Muslims have a state that they're supposed to, like, go around,

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go around looking for people, since it doesn't actually work like that. It's not supposed to be like that. You know, it's only when people are doing certain sense in public, that they would actually be brought to account for it in terms of legally

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or if somebody brings that as a case to court, right in front of the body.

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And this is just one example. There were examples. There's lots of examples, but I've just chosen one here that a man was brought to Eben luster and I saw this a hobby, right. And I was obviously he's a great scholar, and it was said to him, this man was found with war.

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Wine dripping from his beard.

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And of course, in a Muslim state, though, you know, drinking wine for Muslims is, is a crime, right?

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Even Massoud said, Verily, We have been prohibited from spying. But if he shows it to us publicly, we will seize Him. So because there was this circumstantial evidence that this guy's beard has got wine on it, he didn't take it further.

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Yeah, we're not there to look for people's crimes and foot to look when I say crimes I mean there since we're not there to look for their sins and to expose them and stuff like that. No.

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I hope that's

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that's clear, inshallah.

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But when certain sins are being done in public, when they're starting to affect the public, etc, then the,

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you know, the quality would intervene.

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And major sin number 70 Subhanallah, the last one sub had the Miller Sahaba, insulting one of the companions, insulting one of the companions.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not insult my companions. If one of you were to spend the likes of Mount or hood in gold, it would not reach a small portion of what, what they have given? What even half of that.

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So the Sahaba

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you know, especially us in our times, we have no right to say anything negative about the sahaba. Right? It's so easy to be a Muslim to be a critic to be an armchair critic right.

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Now, later on after the fact. But those people who believed in the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, when he was being tortured, when his followers were being tortured in Makkah, those people who fought with him when, you know, there was no sign that he was going to be, you know, the messenger whose message would reach the four corners of the earth. Right? When he was being persecuted, those people who supported him at that time, are not equal to those who came after they have a greater status.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is reported to have said Allah, Allah fear him with regards to my companions, do not make them targets after me. Whoever loves them, loves them with his love for me. And whoever hates them, hates them with his hatred for me. Whoever bears enmity for them, there's enmity for me. And whoever bears enmity for me there's enmity for Allah whoever bears enmity for Allah is about to be seized

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so even Tamia Rahim Allah in okay the in his book a little while, Cynthia, you can find it online. He has a nice little section about what is the attitude of Addison Oh, well, Gemma

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the sahaba. And he says the first part of he says, among the fundamentals of Alison, Noah, Gemma is the purity of their hearts and their tongues. In other words, say anything bad regarding the companions of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as Allah described them in his the exalted, saying, those who came after them say, our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who came before us in faith, and do not let hatred enter our hearts towards those who believe our Lord You alone are the kind and the Merciful. And this is of course CIRTL hasher I am number 10 We're levena Jaya woman by the name yaku Luna Robin and Phil and our Li Li Juan and Alladhina Saba Puna Bill Eman

00:49:09 --> 00:49:16

while elfia Kulu Bina Villa li La Vina Manu Robina in Naka oh four Rahim.

00:49:17 --> 00:49:46

Right we we say about them. Our Lord forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith. Okay, and let us not have any negative thoughts and feelings about them. So just some rules of thumb about the Sahaba the Sahaba the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those who met him who were his companions who died upon Eman, right? They are the best of people after the prophets.

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Those who embraced Islam before the Treaty of Abia, they're considered of the highest status amongst the Sahaba right.

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We affirm paradise for those who

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam affirmed paradise for

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and we honor the island bait, right? The the albedo of people of the Prophet SAW salams household. And we include in our little baits, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, you know, if the wives of the Prophet are not his Allen bait, then who are, you know, if your wife is not from your family, your household then who else is,

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of course, we include them and we include his daughter, we include his children, his

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and his grandchildren, etc, etc, right, is uncalled etc.

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We stay silent about their differences.

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So we, you know, who are we like, coming 400 1400 years afterwards to have an opinion about what so and so hobbies difference we had with so and so as a hobby, you know,

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for us, we should stay silent about their differences, we should believe and have full conviction that they were sincere, right, Allah said about them, or the Allah, one whom what other one was happy with them. You know, they've gone, they've done their deeds, they did their best.

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So we should believe that they were sincere, and that they had good reason for their various perspectives and the things that they differed upon. They had their reasons for deferring upon them.

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They were not infallible, we don't believe that the Sahaba were infallible, they were human beings, and they did make mistakes.

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But they were still the best of generations. And there's so much for us to learn from them.

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What we should focus on is the things that they agreed upon. So the things that they agreed upon,

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that there was a Jamaat upon, right? Those are the things that we should stick to, as believers and things that they differed in, they could be valid differences of opinion. It could be that he had, right, they're

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honest kind of attempt at making a ruling or making or having an opinion about something based on their perspective and their knowledge. We don't argue about them. And we recognize that there were some narrations that were fabricated against them, and taken out of context, right? Anytime you read something, and it's showing the greatest of the Sahaba in an evil light, you know, that there's something wrong with that narration, right.

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And there were people you know, like I said, there were groups and sects that emerged, that then began to lie, began to fabricate and make up all sorts of things against some of the sahaba. And that's one of the reasons why, you know, Alison Ojama, had to make such an effort to preserve the authentic hadith. And they did so. And so I'm going to end with talking about repentance. And then I'm going to share with you a link with which you could access the slides for this whole series. Because I didn't want to end on talking about just the sins, right. I want to remind us, dear brothers and sisters, the whole purpose of this series, what is the whole purpose? The reason why I

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wanted to cover a class on the 70 major sins is as a reminder to myself, first and foremost, because none of us should feel that we're immune from ever falling into a major sin. And as we said previously, people don't fall into major sins suddenly, right? It happens over time, they start becoming slack, they fall into minus sins. First, they start lowering their standards, you know, start the story of butter Sisa, right, for those of you weren't there, look it up, look up the story of butter Cseh that we covered. He was a pious monk, he went from being a pious monk to committing you know, the worst types of crimes. How did that happen? How to out of shape on the step, the

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footsteps of Chopin, he's slowly but surely,

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because he's promised that He is going to try to cause the downfall of the children of Adam, that's me and you. He's going to work on us very patiently, and very steadily, to take us from being

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you know what Allah said, the greatest of of Allah's creatures, right? We have the ability to be

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of Allah's greatest creatures. But we also have the ability to be from the US philosophy and the lowest of the low when we obey Shavon when we

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followship and when we obey our basest desires,

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and so sometimes we need to hear, you know, I'm the hubby compiled this collection of 70 major sins so that the average person could read about them

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and be aware and stay away from them because if we could stay away from the major sins, in sha Allah and sha Allah, the fasts that we do, the prayers that we do, the vicar that we do that so far that we do, the will do that we make, all of these things will wipe away the minor sins, right, hopefully, but when it comes to the major sins, these are the sins that can take even a Muslim to the hellfire. And that's why Dear brothers and sisters, I want Allah subhanaw taala to keep me and you safe from them. Because we don't want to spend a moment in the hellfire. Even though Allah subhanaw taala promises that every believer eventually will enter Jannah anyone who had a mustard

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seeds amount of Eman faith

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will enter Jannah eventually, still a moment in the hellfire,

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which is usually millions of years, hundreds of years right? The time in the day of judgment is different to the time on Earth.

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We don't want to spend any of that there. We want to save ourselves from the punishment of the grave. So I want to remind you that the doors to repentance are always open never allow shaitaan to make you think, well I've committed these major sins there's no hope for me.

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The doors of repentance are always open Allah says in the Quran say he says to the Prophet Paul. Paul Yeah, Eva Dr. Levine, a Seraph, who Allah and foresee him la takana to me Rahmatullah in the lie of Luba Jimmy and in the hula hula Rahim say, oh Prophet, that Allah says, Oh My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls, do not lose hope in Allah's mercy for Allah certainly forgives all since he is indeed be all Forgiving, the Merciful

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and see what else I wanted to cover just quickly.

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Yep, just the point about how to repent from sins. And with that, we will wrap up.

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Remember that to repent from a sin and remember Allah subhanaw taala says he forgives all sins, right?

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Even share if a person repents from it and stops doing it and dies upon that dies, having repented and not doesn't return to share. Allah forgives shirk, even with the other major sins, if you don't repent from them, then you're at risk.

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If Allah once he will forgive you,

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but if not, they are promised various punishments. And that's why it's very risky, to die not having repented.

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If a person dies, having dies upon shirk,

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and dies in that state without having repented than Allah says he doesn't forgive shark shark is associating and worshiping other than Allah, right.

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So this is why major sins are really important to repent from.

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And the way you repent, is, first of all, to have sincere regret in your heart.

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And to ask Allah to forgive you, you can ask Allah in any language you want. Allah forgive me, forgive me for that sin and, and be specific. Name the sin.

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Say a stuff that will lie. You could say in Arabic as well, or you can say in your own language. That's the first thing. The second thing is give up that sin. Stop doing that sin.

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The third thing is resolved not to return to that sin, make a determined decision that you're not going to return to that sin.

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If that sin involved somebody else's rights being taken away, then you have to right that wrong. If you stole from someone you need to return that thing. Right? If you harmed them, you need to redress that harm in some way. Okay, so it's not enough just to ask Allah to forgive you, that person has to forgive you to because you harmed them. It's a crime against them, sin against them.

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If may, if it was major shirk,

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then that you committed so it's not like you literally worshipping an idol or something right.

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Then some of the scholars said you have to also make muscle. He says though you're entering Assam again, fresh, right?

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this is how we REPENT from sin.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

And that tells you, you know, if I could stay away from these 70, at least, at least, you know, and then there are more than 70, by the way, but these I mean, 70 is plenty for us to be concerned with a.

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So, if we can protect ourselves from the 70, we can emphasize these to our children, to our community and prevent our community from being corrupt. Prevent sins in our community. Imagine how the Muslim community would turn around. Imagine if there was no lying. Imagine if there was no cheating. No eavesdropping, right? No, no backbiting, no no Mima, right. Spreading tales and rumors. Imagine if the men went to pray in JAMA, imagine if

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the men treated their women well remember, one of the major sins was being overbearing towards one's wife. So Pamela, right. And imagine if the women

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were obedient to their husbands and had peace in their households, right, all of these things together, balance each other out, right? All of these things together, balance each other out. And they'll help us create

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a society that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to create.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:20

So if you'd like to receive the slides, okay,

01:01:22 --> 01:02:01

then this is the link, you can take a screenshot, okay, or you can look at the videos on my YouTube channel, and I'll put the link below them. And this link is to receive the slides for the entire series. So it's like 500 slides, I'm wanting you okay, it's 500 slides. So it's the slides that accompany this whole series. I've neaten them up, and, you know, improve them in Sharla. So, of course, they're not standalone notes, you should use them along with the videos so that they can explain them, right. And I will post this link in the chat in a moment as well in sha Allah

01:02:03 --> 01:02:11

and I'd love for you to keep in touch with me. You know, you can do that through these various means, if you could take a screenshot of this slide.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:32

I have a Muslim central podcast which is just under my name right Muslim Central. If you Google Muslim, central Fatima Baraka Allah's, you're going to find it, where every kind of audio lecture pretty much every audio lecture and stuff that I've done in the past and that I will do probably in Sharla be uploaded there.

01:02:34 --> 01:02:45

Also Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, as well. And SoundCloud, you know, some people prefer using SoundCloud and all my lectures and talks are on there as well.

01:02:46 --> 01:03:37

So just to end, I'm going to ask Allah Subhana Allah to protect us all. May Allah Subhana Allah protect us all, from sins, from big sins and small sins, from the sins that we do knowingly and the sins that we do unknowingly. May Allah Subhana Allah accept this class from us. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive my shortcomings, I did my best to cover the sins in a short amount of time just to convey their meanings, I might have fallen short. I'm sure I fell short in many ways. And so I ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive me for that. And brothers and sisters, I encourage you to look into, you know, each of these yourself, right, do some research, there's plenty of resources online.

01:03:38 --> 01:04:20

And inshallah I will look if there are any questions, and then I will end the session in sha Allah. On behalf of the Monaro center, we save Zakah here Auntie sister Fatima for all the time and all the effort that you invested in delivering this lecture series. And we hope that these episodes have benefited all of us in learning as about the most major sins, may Allah subhanaw taala empower us to stay away from all the sins minor and major and male neurology immensely sister Fatima. You know, we really do hope to host you again for new lecture series. What can what Yeah, go? Do I have time to answer some questions? Yes, you most certainly do. And I remember you had suggested at the

01:04:20 --> 01:04:42

beginning, that you wanted to open up the microphone, if you are okay with me doing that. I don't mind doing that. And you can just like, cut that out of the video if you wanted to later. I'm just going to answer the ones in the chat first. Okay. Yeah, I'll do that. There's there is a way of people for people to put their hands up. Yeah, they're doing it now. Yeah. Okay. So let me just answer the ones in the chat first.

01:04:45 --> 01:04:48

Salam Alaikum. Sister would looking at your husband's phone be classified as spying.

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

Yeah, we mentioned that previously in when we were talking about eavesdropping. And we said yes, that is a type of spying. You know. Don't look through your husband's phone.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:25

Don't look through anyone's phone. Unless it's your child, you know, like, and even when your children become adults, I would kind of discourage looking through their private messages and things like that, you know, unless you're trying to protect them from something. But with your husband with a with a fully grown adult, I mean, no, you should not be looking through your husband's phone and her husband shouldn't be looking through your phone.

01:05:26 --> 01:05:39

You know, first of all, there might be confidential staff that your friends or, you know, somebody has asked you for advice or is not expecting somebody else to read. So you shouldn't be reading that.

01:05:40 --> 01:05:47

The second thing is, look, the chance for there to be misunderstandings is very high. You know,

01:05:49 --> 01:06:07

and it could be innocent things, innocent conversations that he's having with people at work, I'm just giving an example. You know, that for you as a wife, you don't know those people. You know, it's some old lady that he's, he's talking to at work, right. But you imagine that old lady to be some really, you know,

01:06:09 --> 01:06:10

don't want to say it right.

01:06:12 --> 01:06:32

And then your mind will go crazy. And you'll start thinking, Oh, my God, my husband's chit chatting to some lady at work. And she's, but actually, it's like a granny granny. Right? He's basically, I don't know, needs, he's trying, he's trying to just get on with his work, and just maybe having a bit of, kind of,

01:06:33 --> 01:06:39

he might be even be going doing the wrong thing, right. But what I'm trying to say is,

01:06:40 --> 01:06:43

what is the point of view, knowing that?

01:06:44 --> 01:06:45

What is the point of view?

01:06:47 --> 01:06:49

Trying to find every single fall of his

01:06:51 --> 01:07:00

because think about it the other way around? If he was to go through your phone, right? And of course, I'm not encouraging people to chit chat with the opposite * or

01:07:01 --> 01:07:11

all that kind of thing. Yeah, I'm not encouraging that. But what I'm saying is sometimes something very innocent, can be seen as very, very evil by somebody.

01:07:13 --> 01:07:27

Just because their mind just goes wild. Right? When you when you look at people's messages, you don't get the full picture. When you eavesdrop on people, you don't hear the full conversation. So what happens your, your mind fills in the blanks.

01:07:28 --> 01:07:41

So yeah, don't look through anyone's private messages. We should have the sort of relationships with our spouses that we can sit down and say, Okay, what are the what are the rules? I don't like it when you laugh and joke with women.

01:07:42 --> 01:08:07

I don't want you to do that. I mean, he should know that. But if you want to emphasize it, say it. And he might say to you, well, you know what, I don't like it when you do X, Y and Zed, right? And then you come to an agreement together about what the rules of engagement are with other people, right? And then you've got to trust one another. At the end of the day, you have to trust one another. If you can't trust one another.

01:08:08 --> 01:08:10

What kind of relationship do you have?

01:08:12 --> 01:08:17

You've got to trust one another. So yeah, don't look through people's messages and their phones.

01:08:18 --> 01:08:26

Just like you love her and sister. And by the way, I know lots of fitna that has been caused because of this. People who read the spouses phones

01:08:27 --> 01:08:31

and sometimes it's completely uncalled for fitna, you know

01:08:33 --> 01:08:48

Xhaka and sister for this wonderful series and Allah subhanaw taala help us act on everything we've learned me and just talking to her and sister to you as well. So I'm what they call my daughter has a question. Why is it word for men to go to the mosque for Juma Salah when ladies, on the other hand can pray at home?

01:08:53 --> 01:08:54

Why? Well?

01:08:58 --> 01:09:00

I'll try to answer that in Sharla.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:05

The first thing I'd say is, look, Allah subhanaw taala has

01:09:06 --> 01:09:10

made the home the domain for women.

01:09:11 --> 01:09:26

Somebody needs to be focused on the home. Somebody needs to that's not to say women don't go out. Not to say that at all. Yeah. But somebody does need to be focused on the home. And if you are somebody who's focused on the home, that's a huge responsibility.

01:09:27 --> 01:09:31

So for you to be interrupted five times a day to go to the masjid

01:09:33 --> 01:09:43

is a big deal. Right? And you can see that Allah subhanaw taala does not put that responsibility and if you want to call it that burden on women.

01:09:45 --> 01:09:59

In fact, the scholars say that it's actually more rewardable for women to pray at home. Not all scholars agree with that. But generally speaking, yes. It's better for women to pray at home and we should

01:10:00 --> 01:10:13

see that as a Roxa see that, as you know, Allah has made it easy for us in that regard. But also Allah subhanaw taala has honored us, because he's showing that the role that we play already is, is big enough.

01:10:15 --> 01:10:24

We don't need to be given extra, an extra burden of responsibility. And when it comes to the men, they have been given that extra burden of responsibility.

01:10:26 --> 01:10:29

Especially when it comes to outside the home,

01:10:30 --> 01:11:13

they have higher a higher level of financial responsibility, they have a higher level of responsibility to provide, they have a higher level of responsibility to be the leaders of not just their families, but also in their communities. They have the responsibility to sort out the problems of the community. So when they go for drama, when they go for that group prayer, you know, encourages them to be concerned with the problems of the Muslim community, to know what's happening. Right to meet the leaders of the community, to have that brotherly connection. But that's not to say that a woman can't go to the masjid is fine. We're here talking about who is obligatory on, right.

01:11:15 --> 01:11:35

So I think in a way we get the best of both worlds as women, we can pray in the masjid if we want. You know, the Prophet SAW Selim said, don't prevent the female servants of Allah, from the houses of Allah. Don't prevent women from coming to the masjid Prophet SAW, Selim said this.

01:11:36 --> 01:11:58

So if you like going to the masjid, that's a great thing, you can do that. But as you get older, you'll see that as a woman, you have so many responsibilities, you know, especially if you're a mum, etc. That in a way, Allah has made it easier for us to be able to pray at home, in the comfort of our homes.

01:12:00 --> 01:12:02

But he expects a higher level

01:12:04 --> 01:12:07

of action a higher level from the men

01:12:12 --> 01:12:18

another question duck hunting for these beneficial series may Allah Allah bless you, it was very helpful Hamdulillah.

01:12:24 --> 01:12:37

Those the gift from your husband become part of the inheritance after his death. Now, once somebody has gifted you something while you're alive, anything you've gifted, that's not yours anymore. Do you see like somebody gives?

01:12:38 --> 01:12:49

Let me say that again. So your husband, maybe you gifts, your diamond rank, or he gives you some jewelry, right? Or he gifted you a book or he gifted you a laptop or whatever, right?

01:12:50 --> 01:13:02

If he gifted that to you, that's yours now. Right? It's doesn't belong to him anymore. Inheritance is only the things that belong to that person

01:13:03 --> 01:13:06

that are under his name. Right?

01:13:08 --> 01:13:09

Oh, that's kind of clear.

01:13:10 --> 01:13:15

So yeah, so gifts are yours already. They don't become part of the narrative.

01:13:18 --> 01:13:34

Someone else saying just like like Aaron does to you as well. So So can you share some books named for students studying Islamic Studies, BA in Islamic studies, some good reference books, which are available worldwide, especially in India or any reference book beneficial for them?

01:13:36 --> 01:13:37

Okay, just like coherences

01:13:38 --> 01:13:41

I think is this there's just so many books

01:13:45 --> 01:13:59

I think for that I would need to know like, exactly which area of Islamic studies you know, because there's so many, even within Islamic Studies, there's so many branches. Talking about Sierra, are you talking about Hadiya day talking about? Fit, you know, so

01:14:00 --> 01:14:07

if you don't mind if you could, you can even email me privately if you like you know contact at Fatima barkatullah.com

01:14:08 --> 01:14:11

contact at Fatima barkatullah.com

01:14:15 --> 01:14:17

Okay, I'll answer some questions verbally now.

01:14:25 --> 01:14:30

Also, I'll give you the link to the slides in the chat.

01:14:32 --> 01:14:53

I really hope that link works. I stayed up late to make it work. So inshallah hopefully it works. If you have any problems with it, please email me and just let me know. So please take those two details, my email address contact at Fatima barkatullah.com and also the link to the slides. For people on Twitter. I will post it as a tweet later.

01:14:54 --> 01:14:59

Another question system my grandpa left land for my mother to live there.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

Her brothers and sisters didn't share it out.

01:15:03 --> 01:15:04

And some of them died.

01:15:06 --> 01:15:07

So what can we do?

01:15:17 --> 01:15:27

That's, that's very difficult. You know, that's why it's important at the time when the person dies, for things to be sorted out properly, you know,

01:15:28 --> 01:15:38

because the more you delay it, the more people delay in claiming their rights or sorting these sorts things out, the more complicated things become.

01:15:39 --> 01:15:42

So so it's really hard for me to say anything about that, you know?

01:15:45 --> 01:15:56

It depends which country they're in, it depends on so many things, right? So if I were you, I would seek advice about it, but seek it personally.

01:15:58 --> 01:16:04

And especially in a way that you can explain all the details, you know, and maybe

01:16:05 --> 01:16:16

your mom can also be there so that she can fill in the blanks, you know, because there might be some details that need to be explained. What recourse does she have? Does she have any recourse? Is there any ability for her to,

01:16:17 --> 01:16:19

you know, to go through it and,

01:16:21 --> 01:16:26

and regain some of her rights? You know, are there people left behind who would listen?

01:16:27 --> 01:16:32

Is there some legal means she can follow? There's all of that needs to be explored? I would say so.

01:16:34 --> 01:16:48

You know, but unfortunately, that's kind of quite common, you know, and this is why it's such a big sin SubhanAllah. You know, even in my extended family, I know of people who talk about how, you know, when their father passed away,

01:16:49 --> 01:17:02

their uncle's took all their money, and took all the property. And they weren't hardly left with anything, you know, this, these things happen, unfortunately, people are unscrupulous. And that's why it's such a grave sin.

01:17:04 --> 01:17:08

Especially when people take advantage of orphans, right, people whose parents have passed away

01:17:10 --> 01:17:13

SubhanAllah. But if there is a way to

01:17:14 --> 01:17:14

kind of

01:17:20 --> 01:17:28

make amends, then, you know, obviously, one can try to follow that way. But sometimes it might be a case of just having to

01:17:30 --> 01:17:42

accept you know, that it's too late. I'm not saying that's the case in your case, but I'm just saying it does happen. And you know, may Allah Subhana Allah make it easy for those who have been wronged.

01:17:44 --> 01:17:47

So sister, who is raising her hand?

01:17:48 --> 01:18:13

You if you should unmute you. Yeah. I've unmuted myself. Um, quick question. So when we are wishing the non Muslims on their festivals, I've heard a lot of lectures that it is not permissible. But we are actually working with them and in the workplace, if we stand out, that looks out of etiquettes and that

01:18:14 --> 01:18:19

that doesn't reflect well on us as Muslims. So just wanted clarification on that.

01:18:20 --> 01:18:22

Let me just repeat that again. I'm so sorry.

01:18:27 --> 01:18:29

You said more Muslims at work.

01:18:32 --> 01:18:33


01:18:36 --> 01:18:41

I really couldn't hear the question. Can somebody repeat it for for me?

01:18:50 --> 01:18:54

Can you hear me? Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you. Yep. Okay.

01:18:55 --> 01:19:23

One second. I'll try to unmute the sister again. I think she's unmuted you want to try? Yes. Yeah. Can you repeat it again? Sorry. Yeah. Can you hear me? Yeah, now I can hear you. Okay. It wasn't allowing me to unmute. So, um, so when you are working amongst non Muslims like and they have a festival and you wish them not intending to celebrate it yourselves, but wish them for them.

01:19:24 --> 01:19:35

Some of the scholars discourage it saying that it is a sin. Whereas if we are working with them, it seems out of etiquette not to wish them

01:19:39 --> 01:19:46

so you're asking, like how should we greet non Muslims on their festivals basically? In that context, yeah.

01:19:48 --> 01:19:50

Okay, so

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

it really like, I'm assuming, I don't know what country you're in. Okay. So I'll just give the example of Britain right

01:20:00 --> 01:20:01

So we're in Britain is Christmas time.

01:20:03 --> 01:20:13

Everyone is celebrating Christmas. It's quite normal when you go to the shops, when you have any kind of interaction or even at work or university, whatever for people to say Merry Christmas

01:20:14 --> 01:20:20

to you, right? Or they might even say Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, whatever, right? As a Muslim,

01:20:22 --> 01:20:25

it would not be right for you to say Merry Christmas.

01:20:26 --> 01:20:52

And I know that sounds to some people that sounds like, extreme or something, right? Like, why not? You know, it's just Christmas about the birth of Jesus, or it's a time of goodwill and right and all that, right? Why can't you just say Merry Christmas? The reason is because of what it represents. And because of the religious connotation to it. Okay.

01:20:54 --> 01:21:05

And as Muslims, we should have the sensibility and the ability to be polite to people, without partaking in religious greetings.

01:21:06 --> 01:21:18

And we can do that very easily. I saw on Twitter, Jeremy Corbyn had recently just tweeted, you know, what did he say? Happy holidays? Or? I don't know, he said,

01:21:21 --> 01:22:05

Season's Greetings or something, right. And he didn't mention Christmas at all. I mean, he did. He's not a Christian. He's he's an atheist, I believe, from what I've read. So he was just like, wanting to greet people. And he used a very generic greeting. And people, some people were criticizing him for that, of course, right? Why can't you say the word Christmas blah, blah, blah, right. But it's actually become quite normal for people just to say Season's Greetings. Have a great holiday, have a great break. And that kind of thing. And I have never met anyone who gets offended when they've said, Merry Christmas to me. And I've said, Thank you. Like, you can say thank you. Because that

01:22:05 --> 01:22:54

person wished something nice for you in their eyes. That was something nice they wished for you. You can say thank you. Great. But you don't as a Muslim, you wouldn't return that same greeting. You could say, I hope you have a great holiday. I hope you have a great break. You know how your family you can ask you can say so many things. But the phrase Merry Christmas is in honor and in celebration of this celebration, which is a Christian celebration of Christmas. And actually, it's if you want to really go, you know into it. Christmas is not even anything to do with the birth of Christ. Right. He certainly Salam the Prophet Jesus was not born on the 25th of December 25 of

01:22:54 --> 01:23:50

December was a pagan festival called Yule tight. And when Christianity came to Britain, when it came to Europe, they replaced your tide with Christmas, right? And they made it the birth date of Christ, and it has nothing to do with reality has no connection to the reality. Right? So the fact that it was a pagan festival that should be troubling us, you know, a Christmas tree is, is symbolic of an idol that used to be worshipped by pagans from what I've researched. Okay. And so that's why we don't partake in those religious aspects. Right? We don't celebrate the idea that you believe that God has a son. We don't we don't celebrate that. No,

01:23:51 --> 01:23:58

we honor he certainly Salaam in the way that he wanted to be honored as a prophet and messenger of Allah.

01:23:59 --> 01:24:04

And we consider it blasphemous, and a great crime against Allah

01:24:05 --> 01:24:41

that somebody calls a human being, however great that human being was the Son of God, or God or part of a Trinity and distorts the message of a sudden a Salam. Right? So as believers, we don't partake in the delusion of the general public just because the general public are partaking in something. We don't partake in that we have to have our standards and our limits. And so when it comes to greeting people on their religious festivals, we don't do that.

01:24:43 --> 01:24:45

Not with that, not with that wording.

01:24:47 --> 01:24:55

And we don't partake in the rituals associated with that religious festival that are religious in nature or have a religious origin. Okay.

01:24:57 --> 01:24:59

I hope that's clear. Most of the time.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:07

You know, it's just a matter of our own psychology, like, nobody really cares. Nobody gets offended, you just say, Oh, thank you.

01:25:08 --> 01:25:17

Merry Christmas, hope you have a great holiday. If somebody says that to you, you say, Thank you, I hope you have a great break.

01:25:18 --> 01:25:40

And you'll find even Jews, you know, religious, Orthodox Jews, you'll personally I've never heard an Orthodox Jew say, Merry Christmas. Like, I used to live in a in an area where that was known for a high Orthodox Jewish population here in northwest London. And, you know,

01:25:41 --> 01:26:09

Christmas isn't a thing for them at all. They don't believe in Jesus as a as a prophet, or as the Son of God, right? So they have to stay true to their what they consider their principles, right? Similarly, us as Muslims, we should stay true to our principles. And that is the true love for Jesus at a salon. Right. So don't worry about it. Just be really polite.

01:26:10 --> 01:26:36

Say in a very nice way. Thank you very much. I hope you have a great break. As your family are getting together with your family. You know, you can you can say all of that kind of human normal stuff. But just don't make it don't say the religious greeting or anything that affirms or condones the religious aspect of Christmas.

01:26:39 --> 01:26:43

Another question if anyone else Oh, that's no question.

01:26:44 --> 01:26:46

Okay, that's a question about questions.

01:26:48 --> 01:26:51

Sisters asking is Tesco ClubCard or write to us?

01:26:52 --> 01:26:57

Okay. Yeah, I think so. Tesco. Clubcard is basically Tesco

01:26:59 --> 01:27:09

trying to get information about you, your height and your shopping habits, basically. Right. So and in exchange for that they're giving you some discount.

01:27:10 --> 01:27:19

discount. So okay, there's nothing. I'm assuming you're asking because like, if you're asking, is it? Is there any connection with any kind of dodgy

01:27:20 --> 01:27:26

financial thing or, as far as I know, there is no problem with using Tesco ClubCard

01:27:27 --> 01:27:31

as long as you don't mind them collecting information about your shopping habits.

01:27:33 --> 01:27:35

Are there any other questions?

01:27:39 --> 01:27:41

On zoom, any questions?

01:27:44 --> 01:27:47

Anyone wants to ask a question by raising their hand

01:27:48 --> 01:27:54

about any of the major sins. So someone's asked about buying a house on mortgage

01:27:57 --> 01:27:57


01:28:01 --> 01:28:08

Right. Okay. Well, one of the major sins we said was a claw Riba, right, consuming

01:28:09 --> 01:28:10


01:28:11 --> 01:28:44

Reba is not exactly interest or all the time, some types of interest are riba right, but not all. But Riba is not only interest, it can be other things as well. So that's why I prefer to use the word rebar. So we highlighted in one of the early episodes, which you can go back and listen to if you want on YouTube. That consuming rebar, giving rebar receiving riba are all prohibited. So unless a person was in a dire state of necessity,

01:28:46 --> 01:29:00

something like that, that's a major sin would not become allowed. Right. So I would encourage everyone to look for Islamic and halal alternatives. Okay.

01:29:04 --> 01:29:14

And to have as much support as possible, because at the end of the day, that's what it's about. There are some scholars I know in the European Council who issued a fatwa that said that

01:29:16 --> 01:29:45

for people who are buying their first house, and because of the difficulty and you know, the extreme difficulty and need in the West, whatever that they considered, the people who wrote that photo are considered to be they allowed people to for their first home for one home and that was the one that they're going to live in to take a conventional mortgage, but they put a lot of conditions and a lot of caveats for that. Okay. And people usually ignored those.

01:29:46 --> 01:29:48

But I would say having looked at that fatwa

01:29:51 --> 01:29:54

I don't feel satisfied and convinced that

01:29:56 --> 01:30:00

we are in a state of dire need, you know,

01:30:00 --> 01:30:17

In Western countries to have a mortgage, because most of the time people who have a mortgage are not poor people. At all, though, you need to have a lot of money usually, to have a mortgage. And owning a house is not a necessity.

01:30:18 --> 01:30:19


01:30:20 --> 01:30:24

is pretty good. I think, you know, renting can be pretty good.

01:30:26 --> 01:30:34

There are pros and cons to both, I guess. But the point is that in order to stay away from riba

01:30:37 --> 01:30:43

what harm is going to come to you? If you don't buy a house? That's the question, right? What harm is going to come to you? Is it just because you want to

01:30:45 --> 01:31:02

your money to, you know, add up to buying a house? What is the real reason and that's what you need to ask yourself. And we need to explore the halal alternatives. Because if we all start just giving up and just taking mortgages, first of all,

01:31:04 --> 01:31:10

we're putting ourselves at risk, you know, Islamically. And the second thing is that

01:31:11 --> 01:31:21

the halal alternatives will never be developed. If we're always just, you know, giving up and saying, Oh, well, listen necessity, right?

01:31:22 --> 01:31:34

I would say that you need to really find out really be sure that you that it's a necessity for you to do so for it to even come close to you considering getting a mortgage.

01:31:35 --> 01:31:43

Because it is riba Nobody says that a mortgage is not a Robot 100% Robot. So Reba, we

01:31:44 --> 01:31:47

any contract. And so

01:31:49 --> 01:31:54

again, you know what, you have to think of it as like, eating pork.

01:31:56 --> 01:32:03

What Why is it that we as Muslims were so disgusted by the idea of eating pork? But we're not disgusted by the idea of Riba?

01:32:06 --> 01:32:09

Like, what would it take for you to be allowed to eat pork?

01:32:11 --> 01:32:25

Like, you'd have to be starving? Right? You'd have to be in a situation where you would really feel that, you know, I'm going to die or I'm, there's no, there's no option except to have this pork. There's nothing else I could have.

01:32:26 --> 01:32:36

Because there's no other food, right? And so you'd hold yourself to quite a high standard with that. The same goes for any haram, especially anything that is a major sin.

01:32:37 --> 01:33:08

Right, it doesn't very easily become allowed, or, you know, the standard, the kind of allowance, the rock star doesn't get allowed, made for you. Easily, not at all, it has to be something very extreme, very dire necessity, really, that would allow it. There might be some scholars that differ on that. I have a different view on that. But from my research and from the opinion that I follow that that's

01:33:09 --> 01:33:10

that's what I would say.

01:33:11 --> 01:33:14

So you know, don't put your don't put your DNA at risk.

01:33:15 --> 01:33:28

Try to find the Hello alternatives. And you know what the thing is, we have to say to Allah, Allah, I want this thing. I want to do this thing or I want to achieve this thing in a halal way.

01:33:30 --> 01:33:39

Yeah, so let me find a halal way to do it. Give me the resolution, find me and give me the halal way to do it.

01:33:41 --> 01:33:42

And then strive to look for those

01:33:44 --> 01:33:45

because they do exist.

01:33:48 --> 01:33:52

Maybe some of them are a bit basic at the moment not not as developed as they could be. But

01:33:53 --> 01:34:00

there are other ways that we could maybe gain the benefit that we're thinking will gain from owning a house

01:34:03 --> 01:34:05

in a halal way. So

01:34:07 --> 01:34:09

any other questions?

01:34:13 --> 01:34:19

I don't have any in my inbox now. I think there's just one more I'm just I think we should make this the last one.

01:34:20 --> 01:34:26

In the chat it says mom doing makeup on weddings or any functions under the niqab.

01:34:27 --> 01:34:32

Because nowadays girls do eye makeup and brides to and when a garb isn't allowed

01:34:33 --> 01:34:35

and wearing eyelashes

01:34:36 --> 01:34:39

and our gloves compulsory for women outside the house. Okay.

01:34:41 --> 01:34:53

If you're going to a party and you're wearing makeup that's visible, you should cover your face because you have literally put Xena you're beautifying yourself and Allah told us didn't he in the Quran

01:34:54 --> 01:34:59

that not to show a Xena and that means our bodies but also means

01:35:00 --> 01:35:03

Our things that are beautification, right?

01:35:04 --> 01:35:12

Anything that you've enhanced or made, you know, obviously makeup, the whole purpose of makeup is to, to look more attractive, right?

01:35:14 --> 01:35:24

So, you should cover your face when you're wearing visible makeup. And what is the other thing? This is the said?

01:35:27 --> 01:35:35

And I don't think we should be so extreme what so look, if people want to cover their eyes as well, fine, okay. But,

01:35:36 --> 01:35:41

you know if your eyes are uncovered in order for you to get from one place to another

01:35:43 --> 01:35:51

you know, I don't think anyone is looking right. You know, I mean, like, if you're wearing a cop, and you're covered as much as possible.

01:35:54 --> 01:35:55

Just do your best.

01:35:57 --> 01:35:58

The other thing is

01:36:03 --> 01:36:06

Yeah, so I usually say that every sister should have a niqab in her wardrobe.

01:36:08 --> 01:36:29

Whether you wear niqab on a day to day basis or not. Every Muslim woman should have an accordion her wardrobe. Why not? You know, the Mothers of the Believers definitely covered their faces. It's a part of our deen. So anytime you're wearing makeup, specially you know, it's visible your lipstick, etc. Right?

01:36:31 --> 01:36:36

We're gonna niqab that's the better thing, right? That's the pure thing to do.

01:36:41 --> 01:36:46

False eyelashes. You know what? I'm really sorry, but I have not really looked into those. So

01:36:48 --> 01:36:52

I don't really know. So I'm not going to say anything about false eyelashes.

01:36:58 --> 01:37:00

Is it compulsory to wear gloves?

01:37:02 --> 01:37:08

Well, I don't follow the opinion that covering the face and hands is obligatory, okay?

01:37:10 --> 01:37:16

In general, but if you're beautified your face and your hands, right?

01:37:17 --> 01:37:21

So if it's going to be eye catching, if people are going to notice your hands,

01:37:23 --> 01:37:32

then it is of course better to cover them. But there's a level of allowance you know, because Allah did say in the Quran Illa, Mahara minhang, except that which is

01:37:33 --> 01:37:43

apparent, like, you cover as much as possible, but if there's something like a ring that's showing, or like we said, the eyes, etc, right?

01:37:45 --> 01:37:56

There is a certain level of allowance to let that go, you know, so we shouldn't be overly like, you know, sometimes people can go a bit over the top in

01:37:58 --> 01:37:59

in that regard.

01:38:01 --> 01:38:13

But of course, we should be as careful as possible, we should not be our hijab should not be a dazzling display in and of itself, it should be modest should not be trying to

01:38:14 --> 01:38:25

attract attention. And it should not be a beautification in itself should not be tight. Everything except the face and hands should be covered. If you've extra, you know, if you beautified your face,

01:38:26 --> 01:38:31

visibly, then you should. It is better, of course to cover it should.

01:38:34 --> 01:38:52

But, you know, I'm hesitant to kind of, of course, if you believe and some scholars have held the opinion that covering the face hands is obligatory. Then for them, yes, covering the face and hands would be necessary, no matter what, like, whether the extra beautified or not.

01:38:55 --> 01:39:03

But in general, there's an allowance for the parents. And even like, you know, the eyes.

01:39:04 --> 01:39:06

I'm afraid we've run out of time.

01:39:07 --> 01:39:22

Anyone who's got any last question, please? Just email me if that's okay. Yep. I'd appreciate if you could just email me, especially if it's about the explanation of verses and things like that, please, can you email me contact at Fatima barkatullah.com.

01:39:23 --> 01:39:37

And Sean, I'm gonna I'm going to wrap it up there. Make sure you've taken the link for the slides. And please let me know if that link is working. Especially SR Bushra, if you could just let me know if you could test it by

01:39:38 --> 01:39:42

following the instructions you just have to give your name and email address I think and then

01:39:43 --> 01:39:53

you should be receiving a link in your inbox with the slides. No problem I'll try it on after zoom class because my phone will glitch otherwise. Okay.

01:39:55 --> 01:39:59

So just like her and please forgive me for any shortcomings.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:14

And please give us your suggestions for future classes. You know, if there are particular topics or areas that you think should be covered, please submit that to eliminar maybe we can consider that for the future.

01:40:16 --> 01:40:25

And with that, I'm going to be the farewell just not gonna allow her and so Subhanak Allahu Mohammed ik Chateau La ilaha illa and a stock Furukawa to be like

01:40:27 --> 01:40:40

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem will also in in Santa Fe host Illa levena M and Ami la sala hat, whatever so Bill happy Otto sob sob salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

01:40:43 --> 01:40:48

is a caliphate system outside Fatima and someone just commented that the link is working because she managed to get the slides

01:40:49 --> 01:41:09

below this a miracle. I would just like to say on behalf of Mr. Center you know just a color here and so much just about enough for all your time and your effort that you've invested in delivering this lecture series. And I know I've definitely benefited from it and inshallah will help us to empower us to help to keep away from all the sins the major and the minor inshallah two o'clock.

01:41:10 --> 01:41:29

If not, I hope so, you know, hope it goes towards helping us you know, especially as women, with with the mothers, we're going to be the we have a huge amount of influence, you know, in our communities. If we can to internalize this and convey it to our families, and Sharla you know, our communities can change for the better

01:41:30 --> 01:41:33

and we can protect ourselves as well. So,

01:41:34 --> 01:41:42

Salam Alaikum wa Alex, panic along mortgage Ambika shadow La La Land esto filco where to be like

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