Fatima Barkatulla – 70 Major Sins #11 – Sin 15 Fleeing The Battlefield, Sin 16 Deceptive & Unjust Leadership

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of protecting oneself and others from the "beastful" situation, avoiding extreme behavior, and building courage and understanding. They emphasize the need for practice, practice being courageous, and staying connected to the Internet to strengthen one's resolve and avoid becoming a liability. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding discomfort, avoiding giving up on one's opinion, and building a sense of comfort. The importance of avoiding war and violence, protecting oneself and others from the battlefield, and developing one's personality and behavior is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need for good advice and setting positive examples to encourage others to do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah the sisters a salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh and welcome to another.

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I'm gonna say on feed podcast episode. Welcome to another monarch class on the 70 major sins based on double kabayan by a man. They're heavy.

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Okay, so I'm going to share my screen.

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I hope everybody is okay, having a good weekend. So

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last time, I had, I was mentioning something about this idea that I wasn't sure if the wording was

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about women or what widows and I found the Hadith in Arabic. So yes, he is indeed women. So in this Hadith, which we looked at, under, you know, usurping the rights of orphans, one of the major sins,

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh, a lot of issued a warning with regards to the rights of to vulnerable groups, orphans and women. And indeed, the wording is women so. So Panama that really shows you how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam really emphasize to the men of that time

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taking care of women, you know, and that's not something that you really hear about from other world leaders, especially not, you know, even 100 years ago, let alone 1000 years ago, right? So, so Pamela,

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you know, our muscles, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, he always emphasized his companions, the good treatment of women. So I just wanted to make sure that that's clear. Before we move on,

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that the wording was not widows, it's actually women in general, which is,

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which is amazing, Masha, Allah. So

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here, we have the next major sin and fear Oh, Mina Saffy, which is fleeing from the battlefield. Okay. Now, you might look at this and think, Well,

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I'm not planning on going to a battlefield anytime soon. Right? You know, so how this, you know, the tendency sometimes when we, when we read about some of the major senses to switch off, because we think, well, it's not really relevant to me or my situation, right. But somehow, Allah says, dear sisters, you know, even for example, when you hear about the, the, the ahaadeeth, about the junk, right? The the gel, or antichrist will come towards the end of time. Or you read about the signs before the day of judgment, you read about all of these things? Why did I sort of lost a lot when he was tell him, tell us about them? And why is it good for us

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to study and know about these things?

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It's obviously because

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we don't know what lies in the future, right? We don't know what lies in the future. And something you might read that sounds very abstract to you today. might become very relevant to you one day, right? So kind of like imagine, like, just think about a place like Bosnia, right? where people were living peacefully side by side.

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They never thought that their

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country their cities would become battlefields one day, right? But they did.

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Metal last month, Allah protect all of us, you know, from having to face any kind of trial, and any kind of war or violence and any of these types of things.

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But it's good for us to know about these things because, you know, one of the things you'll notice about the 17 major sins, right? I'm gonna highlight this in this Hadith, which I love this heavy, it really this heavy.

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always reminds me

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what the point of everything is, you know,

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an a spin Malik call, Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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hoefer till genette will be will mcherry

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in now

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bisha works, right, that Jenna Paradise is surrounded by

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Things you hate.

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It's surrounded by the things that you dislike doing. Right. And Hellfire

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is surrounded by shahadat the things that you love, things that you desire, things that you lust after, right? And

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when you think about it like that, think so Pamela, indeed, the people of Jana are going to be the ones who have to face things that they dislike, you know, throughout life.

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And the people of Hellfire are going to be the ones who succumbed to their lusts, because there are things that human beings want, there are things that human beings yearn for,

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out of their desires, right, their lower selves,

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and those who succumb to that, and obey that, and are impulsive and live in that impulsive way. You know, they're on the path to the hellfire. And those who can remind themselves that this difficult thing that I'm being asked to do, or this difficult thing that I have to face and live through, right, if you think about it, as a believer,

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even if you're having hardship,

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you can't do anything.

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Like, for example, take intoxicants, or drug yourself or, you know,

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drink alcohol, or become, you know, you can't do anything that will

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take your consciousness away. Right, and prevent you from having to feel the difficulty, right? Of course, you can take painkillers and stuff like that, right? I'm not talking about that. But I mean, the things that human beings sometimes do, in order to escape in order to not have to take responsibility, right, in order to run away, even something like suicide, right?

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is one of the major sins which, which we're going to come to later on, right?

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Suicide is a means to run away. People think it is a means to run away, right?

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From the difficulties of this life, or from terrible situations that they might be facing.

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But as believers, we have to live through every single moment of this life.

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And it's adversity, right?

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And that is why, but the believers will have genma panela. Just reflect on that, you know, and next time, anytime you read, or you you face something, and you know that you have to do something that you're finding so hard, that you hate, but you have to do it, for example, speaking the truth. You know, sometimes it's really hard to speak the truth. Sometimes it's, sometimes it's much easier to just

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go with the flow, go with what the crowd want you to say, you know, just go along with everything, right?

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Which is a type of lying if you think about it.

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Next time you have to do something that's really difficult. Just think to yourself, how fertile agenda tool will mockery that Jana is surrounded by difficult things, things that we dislike doing. And the Hellfire is surrounded by lusts. And this is the case with this major sin, right? Because

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when a human being is in the battlefield, when I'm with jarhead, when a soldier

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when somebody's defending their home, when they're in battle, when they're in a situation where they have to face an enemy

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it's hateful to them to have to face that enemy. It's very, very difficult to keep moving forward. Just think about our brothers and sisters in martial arts.

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It'll be so much easier to just go home. Right when the soldiers come and they start storming the masjid. Stay at home pray at home, right.

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It'll be so much easier to run away.

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When I visited

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fellas, Thema visited quotes, stayed with the Palestinian family and

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the head of the household I will say he told me like as he would drive us in different places he would point to different areas.

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Houses in Jerusalem and say, Oh, you know, somebody used to live there that we we know, but he sold his house, he gave up his house to the Israelis and he fled the country.

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Okay. And he said, As for us, we consider it a type of resistance, we consider it part of our duty as believers not to, not to run away from our homes. Because it's apalla. Just think about it. When you're living in that type of oppression, it would be so much easier just to say, well, I'll just migrate to Jordan, right, or I'll just migrate to Egypt or migrate to some other country. And they're Arabs as well. I'm an Arab, you know, I'll just kind of find a new life.

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But there are brothers and sisters in Palestine, who I met, and who I know about, who are staying put, who are staying in their homes, as an act of not turning their back on the battlefield. So panela, right, the land that could be usurped, and people are willing to pay them for it, by the way, you know, there are people who are actually willing to pay them whatever they want, in order to take their homes and to take over Jerusalem. But our brothers and sisters stay put, and they make it a point to stay put Why? Because in the same kind of spirit of this, of this idea of the Quran, right?

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And of the to avoid cowardice to avoid the sin of turning your back on the battlefield. That's the way they see it as Panama. So Allah Subhana Allah says

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in the Quran,

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yeah, you are lovina M and o either luppi tumoral, levina cafr Rosa, fun, fella to alumalite about, oh, you have believed when you meet those who disbelieve advancing and battle, do not turn your backs and fleet. Right? You can imagine those days. So Pamela, like it battle wasn't just like this abstract thing.

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It was literally face to face man to man.

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You know, you had your weapons pointing to one another. And you had to charge into that battle, right?

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That's not an easy thing to do at all. It's panela. It's an extremely difficult thing to do.

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of the most difficult things to do ever. And that's why only the person who dies in this for the sake of Allah,

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and the person who fights in the way of Allah

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has such a high status, right?

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And so here, Allah Subhana, Allah is saying that whoever turns his back on such a day, so flees from the battlefield out of fear out of, you know, just giving up without being given the command to, you know, to move or something like that, then he has certainly returned with anger from Allah. And he's refugees, *, and wretched is the destination. And the reason another reason why it's such a severe warning is that

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when people are in a battlefield, and when they're in the in the battle, you can't afford to have

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soldiers who

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are going to

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disobey you, or soldiers who are just going to flee out of fear. Right? And that's the case with every single army in the world, right? Every army in the world inculcates in their soldiers, brotherhood and inculcates in their soldiers.

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Obedience, right? and courage and you know, these things, right? It's really important because when they're in the thick of battle,

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they can't afford to have people who suddenly you know, bottle it basically. Right, or people who just start running away, or people who break down, right. And so here our last kind of that is giving that extra

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motivation right to the believers.

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What does fleeing from the battlefield actually constitute? Well,

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some of the scholars they said that unless the enemy so if there is a battle if there's a war

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And the enemy outnumbers the Muslims, the believers by a ratio of greater than two to one, then the believers must not turn their back on the battlefield. Okay?

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the only situation where they can and they can, you know, flee or turn their back on the battlefield, if they are carrying out some kind of strategy in the war, or if they're turning back to regroup, or to go and get supplies, you know, or some kind of strategic thing, right, some sort of kind of strategic reason not

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to basically abandon the bell.

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Even above or the Alo and who said that when Allah revealed the verse of sortal, and Val, oh Prophet,

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rouse the believers to fight, if they betray, if there'll be 20 of you, who persevere they shall vanquish 200. And if there be of you, 100, they shall vanquish 1000 of those who believe. So they are a people who like understanding.

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He said, he prescribed that it is not allowed for 20 Muslims to flee from 200 of the enemy. So if there's a war, there's a situation of war. And, you know,

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there are the ratio of believers to the enemy are 10 to one, right, sorry, the ratio of the enemy to the believers is 10 to one, there's 10 times more.

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Initially, Allah said, even if there are 10 times more, you can't flee the battlefield. Because Allah will help the believers, Allah will help the believers to victory. And then even Abbas says, but when Allah Subhana, Allah revealed, ir 66, which is, Allah has now

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storeman Allah has now lightened your burden for he found weakness in you. So if there be 1000 of you, then they shall by the leave of Allah vanquish 2000, Allah is with those who persevere.

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Then Allah revealed this idea. And then it became the case that it was not allowed for 100 Muslims 100 believers to flee from 200 of the enemy. In other words, the ratio became two to one, if the enemy is twice as much as the believers, then it's not allowed up to twice as much, then it's not allowed for the believers to flee the battlefield. But if the ratio is higher than that,

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then it would be a major sin.

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So I thought, you know,

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maybe most of us can't really imagine ourselves on the battlefield, like, in terms of physically in real life, right? Well, let's protect all of us from any kind of war.

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But so Pamela, as believers, we, there are battles every day, you know, there are battles every single day. And obviously, I'm talking figuratively, right? I'm talking

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in terms of the battlefield of our or the battlefield of the media, the battlefield of speaking the truth, right.

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And so I think, for us, especially as women and you know, Hamdulillah, I'm assuming if you're on this class, in this class, you're living in a place of peace. And you're living in a place where you have, you know, prosperity, right, because you've got access to the internet or access to these things, right. And

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it means that we still have to develop our resolve, we still have to develop and nurture our sense of courage.

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We have to nurture our sense of courage and

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resistance to cowardice. Right, and that's something we should be inculcating in ourselves and in our children, right.

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And I think we can do that by practicing being courageous every day.

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You know, you do that internally by

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by fighting the whispers of Chopin, right? by strengthening yourself from within,

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to not acquiesce and not kind of just go with the flow and what society

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He's telling you you should do or cetera et cetera, right?

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You practice being courageous by fighting your knifes

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which is your base desires, right?

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And you practice being courageous in speech? And how do you do that? by speaking the truth, by not,

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not being afraid to speak the truth, not being afraid to speak up when something incorrect or

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you know, harmful is happening around you. Okay? That takes courage. So panela, how many families have got major problems taking place, right, because nobody's willing to talk about them. Nobody's willing to everyone wants to just brush the,

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you know, the monster under the carpet, they don't want to deal with the problems that are happening. You know, they don't want to get to nip things in the bud, they've just want to basically pretend

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just for the sake of peace, or just for the sake of getting by. They're not speak up, they won't enjoy the good and for the evil, for example, within their families.

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We've got to practice doing that. And that's why, for example, joining the good and forbidding the evil is so rewarded, because

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it takes courage. It takes courage to do it right. And also inaction How can we practice being courageous in action.

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You know, when you see something that needs changing, you do something about it,

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you do something about it, maybe you write a letter, maybe you give some charity, maybe you take action, you do something you reach out,

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depending on the context, obviously, and depending on the situation,

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practice being courageous.

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practice getting out of your comfort zone. Because that's what

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you know, running from the battlefield is isn't it basically, figuratively, is basically you don't want to get out, you don't want to be in an uncomfortable situation.

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So for us, one of the ways we can strengthen our resolve is by being willing to get out of our comfort zone, taking challenges that we wouldn't normally feel, you know, comfortable doing, taking,

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stay connected with the meaning of life. And that's something that gives you a lot of courage. You know, when you when you reflect on Allah Subhana Allah and the purpose of our lives, and how short Our lives are.

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And also, when you reflect on some of the greatest people who've ever lived in the past,

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what you'll notice about them is they didn't stay safe, and they didn't stay in their safety zone, right, their comfort zone, they would often have to do things that are really difficult. And that's why we admire them, right? That's why we look up to them because they were willing to do something courageous. their time and their contacts was courageous.

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And so by staying connected to the meaning of life, and the purpose of life, it gives us that kind of strength to say, to do the things that might not be comfortable or easy for us to say and do

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stay connected with the Quran and Sunnah.

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Now if you think about it,

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I remember when I lived in Egypt and one of the things that really motivated me to wake up for fudger and get up you know, even if I was really sleepy when I if I heard these words they would just get me up

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all the words here a little fella

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and also a salad to hire woman and now

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a solid to hire Amina now the that that Salah is better than sleep is better for you than sleep.

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And it's because Allah says it right? Allah told us that and he told us to say that in the oven.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that the Quran and Sunnah teach us that we it gives you resolve to get up even when you would rather just stay in your comfortable bed. Right?

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Carolyn soon I really build our sense of strength and resolve if we stay connected to them, so by reading the Quran,

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read the verses of the Quran that will make you feel stronger in any weak situation.

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Think about the dollar and save the dollar

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has been allowed whenever you were to lose it.

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Not for us. We don't need anyone else. You know, he's enough as a work he

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will need any anyone else if we follow us got our back.

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We are successful no matter what.

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So we can say those of God like has to be alone and will kill

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in difficult situations in order to be able to face difficult situations.

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And lastly, remember that the Hereafter is the real life. So any discomfort that you're going to face here

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it pales into insignificance. Because

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if that discomfort leads to Allah's pleasure, and it leads to you then

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gaining Jenna so Pamela, that's, that's all you're gonna ever want. Because that's the life forever, right?

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So I just thought I'd mentioned some of these things, as some practical everyday things we can do to build our sense of strength, because we're living in a time when I think even as Muslims, we've become very,

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we want comfort, and we want our children to have comfort. And to the point where we just spoiled you know, our children as well.

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We cannot, we cannot allow them to face any kind of discomfort.

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Right, we fight all their battles for them.

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Or we're not even willing to fight for anything anymore. Just acquiesce and just allow society or, you know, whatever ideologies to take society in whichever direction we want it once.

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But no, we as the believers are supposed to be the leaders in society, who lead humanity to the right path, right.

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So the way we can build courage is by voluntarily facing difficult situations.

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Right? And I'll give you one little example. I don't get that. Could you try again? Okay, the Siri series always interrupt, I must be quiet soon.

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Shutting him off.

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Let's go to Siri.

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Um, I was gonna say, I'll give you an example. Like, one thing I noticed that university, for example, is sometimes you're in a class and

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a professor or someone will say something that is incorrect, or inaccurate about Islam. Right. And the Muslims in the class will not say anything.

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Like, they literally just sit there

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won't have anything to say. And it's not because I thought, initially, I thought it's because people don't know. Maybe the, you know, people in the class are

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not very knowledgeable. Maybe they just think, okay, maybe the what the professor saying is, is right. But what I found out later is actually, because I used to try and speak up and correct things or, you know, in a polite way, obviously do things in a polite and courteous way.

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People would say to me afterwards, oh, we're so glad you made that point. You know, I was thinking that, but, and, and I would say to them all, when he made that point, you know, why don't you put your hand up? If you knew that there was something wrong. And I think what what's happening is, unfortunately, that as Muslims, many of us are becoming very afraid to speak the truth. You know, if we're becoming to kind of, we'd rather not rock the boat, we'd rather not stand out. Right? Or maybe we feel making a fool of ourselves, whatever it is.

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And because of that, we're allowing

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all kinds of things to be said about us and about our Deen, that are not true.

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So, you know, one of the things I really try to encourage, especially university students is

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the great thing about University is it's there for you to speak up.

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They actually encourage it.

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So seek knowledge, be knowledgeable.

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Question everything, you know, don't don't accept some Professor saying something about your DNA that is inaccurate without interjecting, right. And at least, letting people know that there's another view or there's another way of looking at it.

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And that's how I think we can start building our resolve in every day life.

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And just as an extra point, like when it comes to children, I think we want to build their ability to face things on their own.

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You know, don't do things for them that they could just do for themselves and don't fight their battles for them, if they've got some difficult situation that they're facing, facilitate and help them but don't be the one who does everything for them because they have to be able to be courageous enough to face difficult situations right, and to fight their own battles.

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So sin medicine number 16 is a leader Do you ping his followers like tricking or deceiving his followers

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meaning his subjects and treating them

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Did something change in the view because I just got a message saying

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just got a message on the screen saying

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the view you guys can see my application whatever that means. I don't know what that means. Okay, okay, I'm gonna carry on.

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So Alicia Emami rioter while boo hula home

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leader, duping or tricking cheating his followers. So the word English means

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and oppressing them basically.

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Right? Being oppressive towards them, major sin.

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And Allah Subhana Allah says,

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In the Quran that the

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the cause is only against the ones who run people and tyrannize upon the earth without right. So Allah condemns those who tyrannized others on earth. And and for them will be a painful punishment and that also says in the Quran, what are the seven Allah have are feeling I'm I am a low volume, don't think, don't ever think that Allah is unaware of what the tyrants the oppressors are doing.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:38

All he's doing is delaying them. In the mu a funeral home Leominster rush hustle v Hill absorb

00:32:39 --> 00:32:44

that he is just delaying them, delaying the account, right?

00:32:45 --> 00:32:50

for a day when their eyes are going to stare in horror.

00:32:52 --> 00:33:07

Rushing forth heads raised, never blinking hearts void, they that's how they're going to be on the Day of Judgment. The way they used to scare people and oppress them in this life, alone cause them to be

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in a state of terror.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:19

On the day of judgment, it's very serious kind of, I act right really condemning this behavior.

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Abdullah bin Omar reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that each of you is a shepherd, and each is responsible for his flock.

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The leader of a people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family, and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband's home, and his children and she is responsible for them.

00:33:52 --> 00:34:28

The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he's responsible for it. No doubt, go look on Brighton, wakulla calm must olan an aura at each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock. And notice that in this Hadees that word is used right here. Right? And right, you are right meaning you're you're a shepherd, every single one of us is a shepherd of some of something. And each of us has a flock. That's what right here means right? So in that sense,

00:34:29 --> 00:34:30


00:34:31 --> 00:34:48

means major sin, a leader, duping his followers and treating them unjustly. It's not just about the leader of a country, or the leader of a land. You know, it's anyone who's given responsibility over others.

00:34:49 --> 00:34:56

So Pamela, so anyone who is given responsibility over others, and they oppress them

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

or mistreat them, or cheat them

00:35:01 --> 00:35:05

defraud them, then, that is a major sin.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:13

Even Abbas reported the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No man is appointed as leader of 10.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:36

Some people translate this says 10 people, some people trying to say is 10 for 10 years, right? I think 10 people is more likely, right? No man is appointed as leader of 10, but that he will be brought on the Day of Resurrection, with his hands shackled to his neck,

00:35:37 --> 00:35:42

until judgment is issued between him and them. Okay.

00:35:43 --> 00:35:51

So being an army of, or a mirror, being in a position of leadership is a huge responsibility.

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It puts you above and beyond any kind of responsibility that an ordinary person would have.

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And that's why

00:36:04 --> 00:36:12

seeking leadership was never considered a good thing, you know, seeking meaning seek seeking to be like

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the head of a country or the head of something right, was not considered to be a good thing.

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Abu Musa reported, two of my cousins and myself, entered the home of the Prophet sallallahu, when he was sending one of them said, O Messenger of Allah, appoint us as leaders over some lands that Allah Almighty has entrusted to your authority.

00:36:38 --> 00:37:00

The other said something similar to it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, verily, by Allah, we do not appoint this work to anyone who asks for it, or who is eager for it, to panela. And remember, no, he said about this heavy in his explanation of saving Muslim, he said,

00:37:01 --> 00:37:03

Let the scholars say,

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the wisdom of one not being appointed, who asks any who seeks and really wants to be the head of a land, for example,

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the wisdom behind that person not being appointed, is that he would be held fully responsible for it when you seek

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leadership in the sense that if you seek to be the head of something in charge of a land, for example, then Allah will leave you to be fully responsible for it.

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And even though he says and Allah will not help him in it,

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if he does not have the support of Allah, He is not qualified, and those unqualified

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are not appointed should not be appointed. In other words, in this is an indictment of seeking and desiring authority.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:05

So panela, right. So in other words, the people who are most deserving of authority, the people who are deserving of it,

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they should be chosen by people. Right, the people should put them forward.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:18

And it shouldn't be them putting themselves forward.

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00:38:23 --> 00:38:26

in our times, there are certain situations where

00:38:27 --> 00:38:38

actually we, we might have to put ourselves forward. Okay, and I've heard like orlimar say this about especially for example, when it comes to being a mom of the salaat, for example, right.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:42

I remember one of the last few of saying that,

00:38:43 --> 00:38:50

you know, sometimes out of shyness, you might not put yourself forward to lead a solid, right? So there's Gemma going on.

00:38:52 --> 00:38:56

And a brother, even sisters, its sisters are going to pray in JAMA,

00:38:57 --> 00:39:01

you might feel shy to put yourself forward to be the one who leads the salah

00:39:03 --> 00:39:09

and out of your shyness, somebody will start leading the Salah, and they don't they don't know how to do it, for example, right.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:20

Or they're like making so many mistakes in their recitation. But you knew that you have studied surgery for example, you know how to recycle and properly

00:39:22 --> 00:39:24

so now it doesn't become

00:39:25 --> 00:39:34

harmful or negative for you, knowing that you are the most knowledgeable amongst them in terms of Tajweed For example,

00:39:35 --> 00:39:38

to say okay, I will lead the saw

00:39:39 --> 00:39:41

just as an example.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:53

Because in the in our times, especially, everyone is not equal when it comes to various things where especially when it comes to knowledge.

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

And so if the knowledge of people sit back and if the knowledge of

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People kind of avoid leadership completely, then it's very likely that people who are not fit for it will be put forward and will come forward and take those roles, you know. So I think you have to judge the situation. But the general rule is, especially when it comes to leadership of like power, in terms of authority over lands over political power, that kind of thing. It's not something that is sought, shouldn't be something that is sought, it's something that is given. Right?

00:40:39 --> 00:41:14

And something that las panatela bestows on you. And the people recognize in you that you have the qualities that are needed, and they nominate you, basically, they put you forward, you don't put yourself forward because that that kind of betrays a conflict of interest betrays like that you have a desire for power. And as we know, power is something that human beings desire. Right? It is something that can corrupt human beings as well. So

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I think you get the picture.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:24

So before we move on to the next major sin,

00:41:25 --> 00:41:33

it's just for us to reflect on you know, like, what do you have dominion over? Who are you in charge of?

00:41:34 --> 00:42:00

We can just think about our kids, for example, or maybe you have an organization, or maybe you have a group of sisters, a Holocaust, you know, anything that you're in charge of? Or maybe you have a company, have employees? I don't know, whatever situation you're in, I think all of us can reflect, are we just towards the people who will lead or we oppressive?

00:42:01 --> 00:42:14

You know, even people who work for us, for example, panela. Like, some people have an attitude that if they have, for example, a cleaner or they have a I don't know, a servant in some countries, right?

00:42:16 --> 00:42:28

They can talk to that servant in any way they want. They can treat them really badly, because it's their servant, they can do what they want, right? No, it's not like that, you know?

00:42:30 --> 00:42:38

Islam gave all human beings dignity. All human beings have dignity, and they deserve to be treated with dignity,

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no matter their status, and no matter what background they are from. So

00:42:45 --> 00:43:10

you know, this idea that the people who are employed by you, you're you can shout them, for example, you can, you know, be nasty to them, is completely incorrect. And it could be seen as a type of oppression. Right? Same with children, like, you have to be careful, right? Like, what kind of home are we running? Is it oppressive?

00:43:14 --> 00:43:21

Are we deceiving the people who work for us, for example, or whoever responsible for?

00:43:22 --> 00:43:44

There are many studies actually about this, that you can see in the if you if you do get a copy of the translation of the major sense book or in the book itself. We're only like touching or scratching the surface here. But there's lots of debates about you know, and one of the most beautiful ones, which I do want to share with you is Omar bin. Lando.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:56

You know, he said when when he came to a vote, and he said, relate to me a hadith which you heard from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:11

And observers said, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, a ruler will be brought to the day of rising and will be thrown into the bridge over *.

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The bridge will shake so violently that all his joints will be dislocated. If he obeyed a lot in his work, he will pass over it. If he disobeyed a lot in his work, the bridge will break under him and make him fall into Hellfire for 50 years.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:32

It says that Omar bin Abdulaziz

00:44:34 --> 00:44:59

used to say okay, so you know I've been others he's the one of the hollow fat came later. He used to say to his people around him that if you see me deviating from the truth, put your hand on mine and say, former What are you doing? So, you know, the pious leaders of the past they would want people to correct them. They would want people to

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Tell them when they're going astray because they saw and they knew that it was huge responsibility. You know, in another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, adjust ruler will be shaded by Allah in His shade on the day when there is no shade, but his shade.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:20

Right? So there's a great reward for the lead for leaders who are just

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just as there is great punishment for leaders who are unjust, because if you think about it,

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no one can really bring a leader who is unjust and tyrannical to account except Allah, you know, they thought they were so powerful, and so kind of above reproach, they could do whatever they wanted. And they could do it with impunity. And it's true they can this life, you know, because especially like if they're very powerful over a country, for example, or land.

00:45:57 --> 00:45:58

And so

00:46:00 --> 00:46:04

a lot of kind of dialogue will be the one who corrects them on the Day of Judgment.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:13

So I guess in this is a warning for anyone who has power not to oppress anyone who is under them.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:38

So for example, there's this hadith if Mr. Mohammed messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said woe to the emeals well to the captain's Whoa, to the trustees. On the day of rising, some people will wish they had been hung by their hair from the clients as a punishment, and that they had not been given authority over anything. So panela

00:46:39 --> 00:47:07

right. And I did see an a narration which I can't see right now here is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there will be empires, unjust rulers, so he was telling the Muslims that it's going to come a time when you're going to have empires, unjust rulers, whoever believes their lies, and assists them in the injustice is not for me. And I am not from him.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:16

He will not come to my base in any of the co author, you know, the whole of golfer on the Day of Judgment.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:29

So you see, so panela. Now, although many of the scholars, you know, the scholars, there's different opinions, but although the scholars generally

00:47:30 --> 00:47:32

encourage us to,

00:47:34 --> 00:47:40

you know, be patient with tyrannical rulers, okay?

00:47:41 --> 00:47:50

That's not the same as helping them and assisting them. Right. So those scholars who assist

00:47:51 --> 00:48:06

or those people who assist and help oppressive rulers, that there is a warning from them in this Hadeeth, right, there is a warning for them in this Hadith, that being patient with the rulers, okay.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:17

And the oppression, you know, and me having a quietest approach, okay, which is what some of the scholars advocate

00:48:18 --> 00:48:26

is not the same as helping them actively helping them. And you'll see that many of the Sahaba and the derby and the people who came off to them

00:48:28 --> 00:48:42

in difficult political situations that came in their times, even those of them who decided not to take part and not to kind of try to overthrow somebody they believed was, you know, oppressive, etc.

00:48:44 --> 00:48:56

They definitely did not support and help them either. Right, they didn't do anything actively to help or support them, they just kind of avoided it completely.

00:48:58 --> 00:49:24

Right. So anyway, we've come to the end of the session, I'm just going to quickly see questions. I'm sorry that I didn't get much time to that. Any tips on how to do this when you have anxiety? I have trouble with joining the good evening deal with friends and family because I'm afraid of pushing them away. Yeah, of course, like, you know, like I said, when it comes to being courageous or being

00:49:25 --> 00:49:27

willing to speak up, right.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:35

A lot of it has to do with personality as well. You know, some people are more extroverted, some people are,

00:49:36 --> 00:49:59

you know, they have the characteristic of not wanting to rock the boat. They're agreeable, basically, you know, they want they want just things to just be smooth and get along and, and other people are more willing to be disagreeable or assertive, right? So there is a personality aspect to that, but you can develop your

00:50:00 --> 00:50:23

personality, right? Just as if you're a very, you know, self absorbed person, you can develop the, you can slowly develop the characteristic of being a better listener, right? In a similar way, if you're a very quiet person, or you're somebody who doesn't really like to speak up or rock the boat, or you know, has, for example, what they call it

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passive aggressive tendencies, right?

00:50:29 --> 00:50:32

Then you can develop your ability to

00:50:33 --> 00:50:43

be a little bit more assertive, by by doing it more, right, do it in little things in little situations. You know, don't always just agree with everything. Just because you think you should

00:50:44 --> 00:50:50

really ask yourself, do I actually want this? For example, if someone asks you, do you want this? Now just say, Oh, yeah, okay, I'll just take whatever.

00:50:52 --> 00:51:03

Practice saying, No, actually, I would like that one. I don't want that. You know, that that's seems like a really little thing. But that's where it stops. Now you start by asserting your

00:51:04 --> 00:51:32

self in little things. And then, okay, you're asking about joining the good and forbidding the evil with friends and family, obviously, like, it's a very delicate situation, you don't know. I don't know, if it's always appropriate to do it, you know, so you're supposed to have hc Mize was to have wisdom supposed to exercise your own judgment as to whether it's the best situation for you to do? Or say something in, okay.

00:51:35 --> 00:51:37

Often, when it comes to friends and family,

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especially family, it's better to wait for them to ask you, right? Because when we keep pushing, trying to preach right, and trying to get a go on family, it often doesn't work. Because there's all this history, right, you usually have some history with them. Maybe you're the bossy eldest sister, or you're the, you know, you was annoying to somebody when you were kids or whatever, right? And you've got like this history. And so now they don't want to be told what to do, for example, or they don't want to hear your nagging all the time, right? So there's a different dynamic, and it depends on the dynamic that you have. So sometimes I think when it comes to family, it's actually better to

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set a good example, to set the right example, and to be the sort of person who they might turn to, to ask for advice, for example, right? Or when they do,

00:52:36 --> 00:52:47

that's your opportunity to then in a very loving way, you know, enjoying the good and the evil. So yeah, I agree with you, it's not always appropriate

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in every situation, and that's something that every human being has to judge, you know, really have to judge is is, so the way one of the things you judges, is the outcome going to be worse, then me not saying anything, right? Because it could be, the outcome could be worse, if you but at the same time, you have to be careful, because sometimes making someone feel uncomfortable, doesn't mean you've made the situation worse. In fact, sometimes you might have said something to somebody, obviously, do it with the best of manners that is very important. might have said something to somebody and they go away. Or to your face, they get upset. They say, I didn't really want to hear

00:53:34 --> 00:53:41

that, you know, or something, they say something negative. But actually, they go away, and they think about it.

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And then they come back maybe years later, and they say I'm really glad you said that to me, you know. So it's a very delicate thing to judge.

00:53:53 --> 00:53:57

But I think sometimes you do have to push it a little bit you have to push.

00:53:59 --> 00:54:12

Because what what ends up happening is if you're if you never enjoyed the good with the evil, you start not liking being with certain people, right? It's just like your kids, when you're discipline, if you don't discipline them,

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you actually stop enjoying being with them, being around them, because you know, they just don't have decent behavior, right?

00:54:24 --> 00:54:48

And because you you have acquiesced, so much of your own power and your own, what it's not really power, it's more like your own kind of will. And what how you would like what you'd like to express to them, that now there's no relationship there. Right. Sometimes by joining the good and forbidding the evil, your relationship with somebody becomes deeper and better. Right. So

00:54:50 --> 00:54:59

yeah, just think about your own life. You know, there might must have been times when somebody said something to you and you really were annoyed at the time, but later on, you're like, wow, that person really loved me.

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They really love me because they wouldn't have pointed out that flaw of mine. If it wasn't for the fact they wanted me to be better. Right. So I think it's about developing our relationship with people. And then being in the position to say something. You know, if you just do it cold turkey, you know, you haven't even invested in that relationship. There's no love there is no, then it's difficult.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:55

Like, I think some of the most influential sisters to me have always been the ones who, first they showed me a lot of love. And they were there for me, you know, they bought food for me. They like some of my flatmates that had an Egypt for example. And then one day, they would say to me, Fatima, you know, why don't you do this? Or, you know, remember the sisters who introduced me to wearing jilbab for example.

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They were like that they shouldn't be a lot of love. They were my friends. They really supported me first. Then when they gave me advice, I wanted that advice because I loved them. Right? I love them for the sake of all I knew that they cared about me. So I think all of that is very important. And sha Allah. I'm going to end now because I've got over time.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:24

But next time we're going to go into project

00:56:25 --> 00:56:27

really sorry my Siri keeps

00:56:28 --> 00:56:30

trying to take part in the lesson.

00:56:32 --> 00:56:46

Pamela Sharla with that I will leave you subhanak Allah homovanillic eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta esta Furukawa to be like salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. dear sisters. See you next week.

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