Muslim Beard vs Fashion Beard

Faith IQ


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Shaykh Saad Tasleem discusses


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Speaker 1 discusses the importance of having a stylus for socializing and mentions a recent video where a model shows a stylus on a horse. They also discuss the idea of a stylus and how it relates to a culture. Speaker 2 talks about the importance of having a stylus for socializing.

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00:00:00--> 00:00:03

What's the difference between a Muslim beard and a fashion beard?

00:00:06--> 00:00:42

They may look very similar. You may find a hipster or somebody who's fashionable have a beard which looks very similar to a quote unquote Muslim beard. The key difference between the two is the intention. as Muslims, we grow our beards because it is the son of the president. He taught us He instructed us to do that he ordered us to grow our beards. And with that, with that intention that we're fulfilling that command of the president and we are doing it for the sake of illustration era, we get rewarded. So it's the best of both worlds we get to look fly with a nice beard, and we get to be rewarded by lots of high data as well. And Allah knows best