Ebrahim Bham – Repression In Kashmir

Ebrahim Bham
AI: Summary © The conflict between Pakistan and India began at the time of the partition of India and Pakistan, leading to cultural and political differences that led to conflict. The Kashmiri region has seen cultural differences and political parties involved, including the current president's desire to make the region autonomous. The Indian Government has deployed large army and police personnel, causing concern among some groups, including those of the United Nations Human Rights Committee. The committee discusses the issue of abuse and rape by police, which is widely recognized, and emphasizes the importance of making intentions clear and using words in public to avoid accusations of abuse.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam O Allah Mallanna Viva La Mulana Viva La Mata Mata Mata Juana kita kita. Me hula Sharia Tabata Shariati Amano follow me Lahaina shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem in Malmo, Amina

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Sara colonialism

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respected elders and brothers.

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every new day

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every new sunshine in today's world heralds a new challenge for humanity in general and the mind particular.

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And recently the challenge that was there and he is there in front of us is a situation of the Muslims in Kashmir. May Allah subhana wa tada make it easy for them. Her Anima didn't omata Muslim aka acne as much closer to Luton,

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Kashmir, my name is Alan castle, castle Scylla shadow Touka. And this is a place in a land which is on the foot of the Himalayas, which is one of the most beautiful spots and one of the most beautiful regions in the world. It was the Muslim ruler Shah Jehan, who said that if there has to be a paradise in this earth, Hamid asked me as to honey as it would have been in Kashmir, it would have been in Kashmir, and that land has been wracked with violence, oppression and bloodshed for a long period of time. And let us give you some aspects with regard to the historical background with regard to the conflict. Where does this conflict? Where does it start from. And today, for a little

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while, I'm going to be speaking with regard to some political jargon, political terms and political history. The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir started off at the time of the partition of India and Pakistan. And many would say that the colonizing powers the way they leave behind and when they leave behind, together with their oppression, when they leave behind, they leave behind certain amount of disputes and arguments. So to the people whom they have colonized cannot rise up again. They will always be caught up in disputes and arguments. Now, this was at that particular time, according to what was the agreement in the breakaway between Pakistan and India. And that itself is

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also another whole political history, whether it was good for the Muslims not good for the Muslims, there were two groups of Muslims, or ama, who were disagreeing with one another, somewhere in favor of partition of formation of Pakistan, someone saying that Pakistan should not be formed. And amongst those who are in favor of the formation of Pakistan, what am I like Manasa tan v Manasa, whose money move to LA and those who are not in favor of partition were people like Manasa, Madani of Tiki fire to light, etc, and many other academics. Nevertheless, the partition took place. And part of the partition was that in those areas where Muslims were in a majority, they should be a

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referendum to ascertain whether they want to remain in India, or whether they want to join Pakistan. And that was how it was supposed to be. There was also the situation of over 20 princely states. The princely states, which were ruled by the Mahabharata or the nawabs. were given the option, whether to be independent or whether to be part of India. Now that in itself while they were given the option, it didn't matter much. Like for example, the Nawab of Hyderabad, the princely state of Hyderabad, the Deccan, the Hyderabad State, they choose to be independent, but they were annexed very soon after by the Indian Army. And of course, given such a small princely state, in the middle

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of India, they could not resist despite the fact that there was an agreement according to that. Now, the Kashmiri situation was quite different, in the sense that it was an area which was majority Muslims, so 30 million people who are there, the they were majority Muslims. So according to the agreement of that time, they should have been given an option, an option of either remaining with India or joining with Pakistan. There was one however, difficulty and complexity that Kashmir was ruled by Hindu Maharaja by the name of Hari Singh.

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He delayed this particular matter did not make a decision. Although according to every situation because Muslims were in a majority there, they decisions should have been taken into account, the views should have been taken into account. And in fact, it is historically proven that the All India jumbo Muslim conference at that time had given a resolution that given the fact that this is a Hindu, I mean a Muslim population and majority Muslim population, we would like to join Pakistan. However, that was in some way or the other for because of various reasons did not come into fruition. And the Hindu Maharaja delayed the meta until through the means of different you know,

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conspiracies, he signs an instrument of accession to the Indian state at the time of partition. Now, this was against what was the norm and then agreements of that time with princely states and with areas with Muslim majority.

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So this was how it was Kashmir ki

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T is la Abadi accept Muslim money, Kashmiri cotton so what you Hannah walk partition kaivac Sasha Muslim Acharya is a para Hindu Maharaja Hari Singh, Karachi, Kashmir, Okay, hi schemata or musalman Nokia

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anco Yeah, yeah. Oren, can you hear

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me? Yeah co manage Anna Cheetah care Pakistani. In half owner Cheetah Yeah, sorry, kookaburra. So they were given this particular option of either joining Pakistan or being independent. However, this was not taken into account and instrument of accession because of conspiracies Sasaki, which is a Santa Lucia or Kashmir, Jessica India cake Hisashi Kumar Honiara it became part and parcel of India. However, given the fact that there was a doubt, what was the doubt the doubt was that is it part of India? is it part of Pakistan weather Do you take into account the situation, which was according to the agreement, there were two special clauses that were made for the people of Kashmir,

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keeping in mind the disputed matter of the region. Right and therefore we came section 378 and section 35. Now, recently we have seen much of it in the in the news apply. We've many times we don't know all these terminologies 370 Kavita is section 35. Kavita we don't know. But we are supposed to know I mean a Muslim is not supposed to be so ignorant is supposed to be streetwise reminds me of a situation in a slightly humorous incident, a very famous Professor one day went to go and see a car showroom. He didn't need a car. But the car salesman was very good. So he sold him a car. He started speaking into so well he sold him a car. So when he went back, his wife said, You

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bought a car you need a car. So who made you a fool who made you buy a car? He said that salesman said you are a PhD and an author his salesman fooled you to buying a car.

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Maybe he's got a degree greater than he was gonna ask him what degree he got. So the next day were to ask him to say what degree you got. He said FSF. Now first of all, he was pulled to buy a car and his wife Tony, you a PhD in this men made you buy a car you didn't even know about it. And you bought this car. What made you buy this car now you tell him you got a degree. I didn't even know that degree. He said, What is it degree What does FSF mean, he said that at five.

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So sometimes all of these things FSA, we don't know but what is the reality what is 370 in 1949, a special a special provision was added to the Indian Constitution, providing autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir in the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Article 370 allowed Jammu and Kashmir to be different from all the states of India, to have its own constitution, a separate flag and independence over all matters except foreign affairs, defense and communication. So, the local matters was supposed to be decided by the state they were given autonomy with regard to it. This is what was meant by section 370 of the Constitution of India. The special status given to Kashmir Kashmir was a

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recognition that in this particular matter, the statehood and the merit of Kashmir was it remained outstanding, and it was supposed to be judged by the self determination and by a plebiscite, which was to take into account the will of the people of Kashmir and it was a disputed territory. Therefore, this particular section 370 was made part

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The Indian Constitution. In fact, it is historically narrated, that the then President of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and then the United Nations Security Council, has regarded Kashmir to be a disputed territory to be resolved by the will of the Kashmiri people otherwise it will remain a disputed territory. There was another section that was added on to that, and that was section 35. Section 35 was that

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ownership and property in Kashmir will only be owned by the people of Kashmir, and it will not be owned and will not be able to be purchased by people outside of Kashmir. That was two sections in the Constitution, by law that was accepted by international norms the United Nations Security Council, given as a pledge by narrower that time, and it became part and parcel of the Indian Constitution. Now, what has happened since then, although they after that was a situation there were certain degree of tension that always remained, but there was some form of acceptance of this that Jammu and Kashmir will be autonomous. They had his own rulers in oil, his own governance until 1989.

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In 1989, the situation change for the worse now many matters, we can very well why did he change the Kashmiris? We're now becoming frustrated by the plebiscite that was pret was not coming to fruition. So they took to the streets, they started protesting, some of them went to Pakistan. Now, of course, then some people would say, Pakistan, you know, promise them and they did it for their own reasons for their own purposes. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows, but from 1989, there has been a great change. That change perhaps had been because of the frustration of the Kashmiri people, that they do not see any of what was promised to them been materialized. Thereafter, in that 1989. Till now,

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conservatively, sometimes we throw figures, we don't even realize 70 to 80,000, Kashmiris have been killed,

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you know and 70 to 80,000 is conservative otherwise, it could be hundreds of 1000s they have been killed by the Indian Army, the Kashmiri region is a ratio, a place throughout the world where there is most military compared to any other place in the world. There is over 500,000 Indian soldiers in Kashmir in a small area of Kashmir over 500,000 and now they have been added couple of more 1000s have been added because of what has happened. Now this one where is this new situation what has happened? India, you know, have because of the majority

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of the right wing has revoke article 370 of the constitution that granted the state of Jammu and Kashmir a degree of autonomy over the years. This step is seen as an effective annexation of the territory against international norm against agreements and agreements, what the founder members of Israel, I mean, India has said he's like well, maybe there is some, you know,

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again, against the founder members of Israel, India had agreed upon. And then of course, they also revoke section 35 A of the Constitution, which gave special dispensation because of the disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir, and they revoked it, and why they revoked it, it was to try and fix the situation. In First of all, there was some form of control, but now they are effectively and legally have annexed it against international norms. And they have also wanted to create a stranglehold over Kashmir by changing his demographic makeup. So previously, only people of Kashmir who are allowed to buy property in Kashmir. Now, they have changed that with the intention of changing the democratic

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nature of Jammu and Kashmir, which is a Muslim majority majority. And in anticipation of an angry reaction to the move, which has already happened. We have seen people going out into the streets, and we have seen people not worried with regard to the consequences, because after all, how much do you still, you know, mix up. After all, we become tired with regard to oppression. They have come out on the streets, and it has been in anticipation of the angry reaction. The Indian government has deployed massive army armed personnel, police personnel over the state imposed a curfew, curtailing free movement in and around Kashmir and disrupting all forms of communication such as Internet and

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Phone networks who can't get through to the people of Kashmir and you can't get through to them in terms of internet and they have done this virtual blackout. What is happening in Jammu and Kashmir, raising a concern of violation of human rights as if human rights was not

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violated before this is a situation that is whatever is actually happening at the moment and the special rights of Kashmir will no longer be applicable as the population administratively gets incorporated into India, there is now heightening tension in the region between the countries, some of which have in fact, most of the countries around the region, India, Pakistan, because China has atomic weapons and atom bombs and then of course, the anger of the people of Kashmir. And there is heightened intention because of these steps that we've been taken with sinister motives by the Indian government. And together with that, we also find the lynching of Muslims in other parts of

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India, which is on the rise since the coming into the right wing government in India. Now, this is not only something that is there in the previous situations, there is such great human rights violation which is happening in in Kashmir in other parts of India, India cane pants lack of words macusa Kashmiri made

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in 2011 in the Human Rights Commission to report him atomic Hazara Kashmir, Yoko gallio, said chelny Should I

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kill chelny should Nam ogham una, according to a 2011 Human Rights Report, just to give you an example, they said 1000s of Kashmiris have been killed without any identification. And they have been placed in unknown grace.

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As I said, with regard to that 70,000 people have been killed according to conservative, you know, official reports unofficially it might be even much more than 100,000 people have been killed by the oppressive forces that are reigning over Kashmir, and the United Nations Human Commission, the United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights in this July released a report citing serious concern about abuses by India in particular and excited to special, you know, powers that were given to entrench this oppression. And you can imagine, today we talk of human rights in a in an era people today talk of human rights, this is a situation you know, and one of them is the special

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Powers Act. And the United Nation. kowhai commission for human rights said that this act is an obstacle to accountability. And what is that what is this particular act? What does it give the Indian forces the right that sends this law came into force, the Indian government has not granted permission to anyone to prosecute any security force of India with regard to any human rights violation. I'ma one day met an activist, you know, from India with regard to it and said, there are 1000s of cases of *. But we cannot bring it to court because we are prohibited from bringing to court. Now, what type of human rights is this, that even if you know that a security force has

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committed *, you cannot bring them to court because it is prohibited by the law of that land. It can only be brought in front of a military tribunal, and you never get any guilty verdict from the military tribunals. That is a situation with regard to what is happening. And over the years. Together with that what has become in Kashmir the norm detention without trial, political murders, abduction, arson, abuse and * of women in a massive scale as a strategy to demean and to bring down the the the will of the people. And they they intention to to fight against the oppression that is meted out to them. And then there was a there was a report that said it was a strategy of the

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Indian forces to kill people and to shoot them in the eyes, shoot them in the eyes, to grind them deliberately.

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This was done by the Indian, so called you know, army that was there to protect the people of the land. This is what they had done with regard to it. And one of it was a key.

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A key obstacle to accountability was the special power Act, which came into force, which no one could bring anyone from the security personnel in front of civilian courts. And then there was another one, a Public Safety Act that allows detention, without trial, without reason without rhyme for two years. You could detain a person for two years without charging him. You could detain a person for two years just because you have a woman just because you feel like it. This in an era where people talk about human rights. And this is supposed to be a place where people talk about democracy and such large democracies etc. This is a situation we can continue going on and on with

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regard to the situation

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It is pretty grim. It is of concern, what do we can do and I do with regard to the whole situation. It is something that we need to be keeping in mind what do we do?

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The first of it is that we should remember the oppressed people of Kashmir the way we represent, remember the oppressed people, of other lands, and all of us, we are human beings, we are supposed to show compassion and concern with regard to human rights and with regard to human beings. In number one, all believers are brothers and to one another, if it's a Muslim, we will have special more compassion towards them. Otherwise,

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Adam each and every human being is valuable, and is given dignity. And when we make mention of the oppressed people of the world, like the people in Palestine and other places, we must make mention and must have concern for the people of Kashmir, Giustra Hamdulillah, Muslim oyakata, Taha scoffer, Kashmir, Jacobi, Agra kita apne, to our man apne, thicker man, Kashmir, Yokoyama, Kenya, some of the other because of this whole particular you know, situation of giving their impression of India being a superpower and being a financial power of the world and the greatest and largest democracy, we have tended to stay away from regarding the people of Kashmir and worrying about the people of

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Kashmir in we must teach our children in our community about Kashmir, and other parts of the world where humanity where humanity is suffering, where appropriate protests and activities, highlighting the rights of the oppressed are held, we must show our solidarity through participation, participation, support, charity, and whenever a call is made, we should be able to be amongst those who take part in those particular types of protests, all with regard to those particular places where the oppression of the Kashmiri people are highlighted, we must try and continue to work with governments and other road players to be able to highlight the oppression of the people of Kashmir.

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so that they could be some form of solution. We as Muslims also believe there is a cause and reaction and part of our cause and reaction is you should turn towards a Stefan turn towards making interning towards Almighty Allah Allah Allah. Allah subhanaw taala Tanaka.

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Tanaka fujikura recently hasn't moved to Hungary. But the Zulu Holly, one of our great scholars in India has made this call for every Muslim to make 300 times a stuffed ruler every day. And he said when you make a Stefan don't say esta fula say mister through la de

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la Rosa Scott will make everyday 300 times Mr. Through la vida. You are making this tougher on behalf of the entire oma perhaps because of our st for Allah subhanho wa Taala will turn towards us with kindness and also never forget the Power of Now via Karim Allah Allah wa sallam he said, whenever you make dua for a person who is absent you make a dua for a Muslim who is absent. Allah tala accepts your two hours and let Allah accepts what was when you make dua for a Muslim who is not present with you. And Allah appoints an angel to say amen to doors. jp Abu Musa mantella Welcome to Allah tala

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it furnished Acoma caracara he was coming to

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America. So let us not forget the powers of doors that does make dua inshallah I would make an appeal in fact to the after Juma all of us must be to Ricardo Salah to hijack for the people of Kashmir and for the people of the world who are oppressed, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give relief to all the people who are oppressed and May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us justice and Allah tala grant us dignity. Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us you know rulers who are kind and compassionate in this country in other parts of the world, and in particular, the is the area that we have highlighted in today's walk.

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