What To Look For In A Good Doctor Besides Drugs

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The host discusses a program to help people develop healthy mental health, including a hands-on approach where the doctor is taught how to deal with various conditions and medications. The drug is designed to treat symptoms rather than the cause of the illness, and is a hands-on approach where the doctor is taught how to deal with various conditions and medications. The importance of understanding the patient and following the doctor's schedule is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for training and education for physicians to treat mental health and finding the right nutrition. The importance of faith and trust in treating women is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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But they made us such a bunch of paranoid nuts you know, because when I was growing up there were two medicines in the world you had aspirin and kamf opunake that's all there was.

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Now there are so many medicines they get this prescription stuff that they advertise on TV and I swear half the time the side effects are 50 times worse than what the medicine carry. Like try new floor a floor for itchy watery eyes It's floor floor. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, water, weight gain, lower back pain, receding hairline, eczema, seborrhea psoriasis, if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking Tamiflu and call your doctor immediately.

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Welcome to the de show, we got another expert on the program health is a blessing many people take for granted don't take it seriously. We got Dr. Grace. So how are you? Good. Mr. Dr. Grasso? How you been? Good. How are you? Good, good, thank God. Now there's a friend of mine. His his wife was having migraine headaches. Alright, one problem.

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She goes to the doctor, conventional doctor, and they give her some prescription drugs. So now not only does she have the migraine, she's also having seizures, which is one of the side effects to this prescribed drug.

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would, you know, and we hear we hear a lot of this stuff, we talked a little bit about curing the root and then we'll get into you explain it to us the holistic approach to medicine as opposed to the symptom. And then you take, you know, one prescription drug for another tell us about when I when I hear when you hear this story, have you hear stories like this, where a person takes something to heal something and the next day, you know, they got a whole new array of problems coming up, or body odor uneven tire? Well.

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Sure, I mean, if you if you look up any drug on, you know, in the PDR, the physicians Desk Reference or you can go on online, now we have a lot of Dr. Google's out there. So they want to research their conditions, they want to research the medications, it's a common fact that every medication is going to have several hundreds, if not 1000s, of side effects and some of those common side effects and some of those serious side effects. And they actually do, you know, label them that way. And so it's very common that people are going to get a side effect to a medication and most conventional minded physicians are going to say, Well, you know, it'll go away, just keep taking it, you'll be fine.

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Now, this particular patient getting seizures, that's a problem and obviously, that you don't want that to happen in my practice. And we can we can talk more about my my background in my mind. Tell us about Tell us about your background. What is it actually you're? You're a doctor in osteopathy, right? Yes, do what does that mean? So there are two types of medical schools. Three, if you can't dentist, yeah. Two types of medical schools in the United States. There's MDS or allopathic medicine, medical doctors, which everyone knows about. And then you have deals or doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, that 31 schools now in the United States. Our education is exactly the same.

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We study the same books, we take the same national exams. Actually, two years ago, they just integrated our residency programs with DMD. So we used to have our own hospitals. And we those gradually faded out over time and now all of the hospital systems. If you go here to rush down down the street here or any other hospital in the United States, you're going to see doctors with do at the end of the name specialist, cardiologist neurosurgeons, Surgeons of all different specialties, renal specialists, endocrinologist, family physicians, which is what I am internist, etc. So that's the same we take the same national boards we have the same right the practice prescribe medication

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to do surgery, no difference as far as our education, the only difference in which was designed to be since 1874, which was the first school of Osteopathic Medicine in kirksville, Missouri, that's where it was born, was that osteopathic medicine was designed from a place of health. It was designed to find the cause not to treat symptoms. And the primary foundation of Osteopathic Medicine was a hands on very unique hands on approach, where we're taught certain perceptual skills to sense not only physical things, in terms of anatomy and physiology in muscles, joints, ligaments, organs, but there are other things that you feel in the body that have a fluid nature and that have a

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Nature and those things can disease. So when you develop the right perceptual skills and hands on skills, and you get the right training, you can diagnose and treat with your hands. But osteopathic treatment is not a therapy. And this is where people get confused. Because they look at the doctor of osteopathy and osti. apathy, if you pull the word apart, osteo means bone Patty or petals means disease, bone disease, people think that we're Specialists of the bones. And we're not we're medical doctors, but with deals. But we are trained, at least from a traditional standpoint, and I'm one of the few who are still uniquely traditional, we're taught to treat from a place of health, to

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understand that no matter what a person walks into our office with whatever the disease process or condition, that as long as they're alive, they're still health and that individual, and sometimes the disease is just a wake up call or a doorway, to find the cause of the illness or to help the person, you know, follow a road to recovery. And it's up to us to figure that out, and lead them into the right direction. And if you're just focusing on symptoms, like this other patient who's got the migraines,

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then you're just giving them a drug, and you're covering it up. And we don't know why they have the migraines this some past experience some injury that they had in the past, is there some emotional thing going on? are they eating something from a nutritional perspective that is causing it Do they have some kind of toxicity in their body, they have metals in their mouth, there's so many different factors, including the medications that can give them side effects. And there are drugs that are blood pressure drugs, that can dilate the blood vessels and give people the side effect of headaches, there are a lot of drugs that because of their side effects, they used to treat different

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things like depression.

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And a lot of sports people, when they're in real high stress situations, like you know, I play a little bit of golf, and some golfers take, you know, beta blockers, their blood pressure medicines, and the side effect, not only do they bring the blood pressure down, but they calm you down. So the anti anxiety effects. So there's a lot of different reasons. And in my practice,

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you know, whole ism is not using herbs instead of synthetic medication. Yeah, that's that may be part of it. But whole ism is looking at the patient, mind, body and spirit, and treating and moving towards cause and sometimes you don't get to the cause right away. And that's the uniqueness of Osteopathic Medicine because we're given the ability to use our hands and our extra sensory perception to understand a human being. And I tell my patients, because they all come in and they have all their ideas. They look at Google, they diagnose they self diagnose, and I said listen, Okay, I understand where you're coming from. The first thing that I have to do is treat the patient.

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Okay, I understand your disease, I'm going to acknowledge it, I went to medical school. It's one of the reasons I went there. Because I need to know disease, I need to understand what you're going through, and what you're taking for medications, but I still have to understand you first. And then we can start picking things apart. And every person that comes into my office, they get time, how long does it take? Do you give time with a patient? Is it like five minutes? 10 minutes? What because typically, you go into a doctor's office, and they'll you know, make you not saying every doctor, but the majority out there that I've been to in people, they complain, the doctor sets the

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appointment at 12. They see him at two and when they and then they go five minutes and a drug. And I take pride in being on time. Yeah, and there are times when I'm not on time, but it's rare. I might be 20 minutes behind, but I don't see more than 10 to 12 patients a day. That's my average. So new patients are going to get at least an hour and 15 an hour and a half an hour and 1515

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unheard of correct. And and my follow up patient is going to get 45 minutes. Wow. Okay. And and the reason is, is I don't understand how physicians do it. Does somebody see like 100 patient 100 a day? Oh, it's crazy. And the way the whole medical systems going, and I really don't want to get into that but because it's a long story. I feel bad for physicians these days. Because they haven't work harder to make a living. And plus, you know, the the whole politics behind it. It's just I don't want to really get into that but it's really tough for them. So that forced to see so many patients in a day. Yeah, that doesn't happen in my office. I mean people come I spend the time and you need

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the time if you want to understand

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Somebody Yeah. And understand what they're going through. You need the time you need the time. This is really important right there. hour and 15 to hour and a half to five minutes. How can you give a great diagnosis a good diagnosis? Pop? I've missed it. My boss impossible. Let's take a break. We're right back here with more from Dr. Grasso. We'll be right back. Please subscribe to the show, follow us on our official Facebook and Twitter pages in the links below. Please also help support the show by making a donation in the link below.

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Back here on the dean show with Joe's Dr. Joseph Grasso. Thank you again Dr. for being with us. Great to be ready. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, so we talked about the diagnosis. Tell us why did it hit us just I don't know. Just random. Why did they serve sloppy joe at hospitals? So I have a I have a pop machine. Hey, Eddie, I don't understand. You know, it's it's, you know, public Coca Cola machine. It's a good question. Why don't in a lot of hospitals. I did. I did a three year residency, board certified family practice, just like any other physician. And, you know, you go to a hospital, you think someone is sick and you want to get healthy. And a person's laying there in the hospital

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bed again, awakened, awakened, every hour. Okay. It's an you know, it's been proven. The highest potential of healing is when you sleep. Yeah, you have to sleep. Okay, so Okay, you got these sick patients. Yeah, it's justified. In some cases, you have to wake them up for certain conditions. But for the most part, you got to let them heal. But then you go down into the lunch room, and the cafeteria in the servant, junk pizza, GMO foods,

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you know, sugars, tons and tons of sugars, okay. And you see what the visit the patients are getting, and then meals. And it's sickening, because in my opinion, food in the United States especially is one of the major causes of disease. And so it's important for me to educate my patients on nutrition and, and you've had our best buddy Jim malo on the show, and he frequently sees our patients. And you've just spoken with Dr. Garcia as well. So he's a big part of of our diagnostic and therapeutic regimen in the office, because food is crucial. What you put in your body is going to either help you get healthier, and keep you healthy, or it's going to make you sick. And

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we have so many problems with digestive diseases, I mean, little kids, little children. Okay, who if the mothers don't breastfed and the newborn and the drinking this GMO soy based formulas, and it's, it's not healthy for them at all. So 50% of the battle or more if I get patients nutrition straightened down, it makes my job so much easier. Do you do? Do doctors learn about nutrition you get? Did you guys learn about nutrition and nutrition in medical school? No, absolutely not. The closest we get to nutrition and medical school I don't know about now. I've been out there for 25 years. But as far as I know, because I get students to come through my office all the time, no one's

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getting educated on nutrition. And if they do, it's about counting calories. Yeah. And it's about like diabetics, if you if you go see someone who's supposed to be specializes in treating diabetics, nutritionally, they're gonna put them all on the same diet. And you can't do that. The closest we get to nutrition and medical school is what they call parental nutrition. And if there's someone's in the intensive care unit, and they can't eat, they're on a respirator, they have to feed you through a tube. And basically, they tell you all the different nutrients you have to put in there, that's the closest we're getting. Okay. And in fact, nutrition should be the number one course in

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medical school, it should be where we start. Now we have to learn the whole systems approach, cardiology, neurology, nephrology, endocrinology, etc, we need to understand those things to be a physician. And for me, it's an integral part of what I do. And that's why, you know, I originally wanted to be a chiropractor, because I enjoy using my hands and, and there are a lot of good chiropractors out there to do some very good work, but I felt at the time that I would be limited in the ability to treat everything, because I often get patients who come into my office to taking a lot of drugs. And many times they come because I want to get off the drugs. As an as a non medical

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physician, I don't do not have the licensure or the education to do that. It doesn't mean that those alternative minded physicians chiropractors and homeopaths that they can't do it, it's just they legally can't do it. They're gonna send them back to their physician and say, Okay, I think it's ready. You're ready to come off this medication to do it safely. You need someone who's educated. Yeah, so I didn't want to have that limitation.

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I want to continuity in my office. So very rarely do I have to send people to specialists. And as you said before your patient, a patient goes and sees a physician, they're in their waiting room for an hour, two hours, and then the experience is terrible. They're there for five minutes. And they're not even heard. So, the way I look at it is if I'm going to go see a physician, how do I want to be treated? Okay, when if I ever have to refer someone, I'm confused, I need to get some, some help. Yes. And it's only to get a diagnosis. I tell them, Go see a physician. Let's see if I'm missing something because I'm not quite clear what's going on with you medically.

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Don't do anything until we talk. Okay, we'll get the information and then we'll go from there. So it's very important that that we have continuity in the office. And that's what osteopathic medicine was designed to do. It was designed for primary care. It wasn't designed to be a specialist. And as you know, there are specialties and subspecialties and sub sub sub specialties these days, so no one has the ability to treat the whole patient. So you go see an endocrinologist and person's got a headache? Well, it's you your thyroids off, go see the neurologist, as an osteopathic physician with what we do and the proper way that we've been trained, traditionally, Now, mind you, the schools

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don't do this anymore. And we can talk about that later. Yeah.

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To get the right training, you're gonna have to come you have to go in the office, you have to train with somebody, you have to take some courses.

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So when they come to my office, I am not afraid to treat any medical condition. I have terminal cancer patients that come in the office, I have, you know, pregnant women, I have newborns. There are all sorts of things that as long as you're a person, and you're alive, will treat you speech speaking, speaking about pregnant women, what is your, you know, one in three? Here in America? Women? Are, there's a C section rate of one in three women sky high C section rates in us don't translate to better birth outcomes. What What do you have to say about the skyrocketing rate of C sections now? Well, some of that is elective. And I can understand I'm not a woman, but I've treated

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a lot of women. And you know, this, there may be some vanity involved with that. And I totally understand that it's a childbirth, I treated so many women in the last 25 years going through pregnancy. It's not an easy process. Yeah. And what about the woman who really want to have it naturally or as possible, but they're pressured into the whole, you know, system of speeding it up? What is the AutoSum and and going through that and if you put you on a time clock, if you're not delivered, the baby's not out after 24 hours, boom, see section, there's definitely there is an issue with that Edie, and some of it is

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lawyer based, you know, physicians are afraid they can get sued. And if you look here in Illinois alone, it's the highest one of the highest malpractice rates in the country, for obstetricians in a lot of Obstetricians that left Illinois for that reason, because they're, they're paying 200 $300,000 a year just in malpractice insurance. And And so, for me, my malpractice is still even high as a family physician, and I've never had any issues with that. And if you spend time with people, it's not it's generally not gonna be an issue if you treat people like human beings and you take time with them. But as far as the obstetricians, I can see this their point of view, but that

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doesn't justify doing c sections. Some women electively want to do it as well. But in some cases, having delivered 32 Kids myself when I was in my residency, some of those deliveries can go awry. And you can have problems and there's there's a necessity for C sections. In other cases, if you just wait it out, and I'm saying, I'm not an obstetrician, I don't know all the statistics on that. But I know that the body can do what it's supposed to do if you give it a chance. And it's about faith. It's about trust. And a lot of physicians don't have that. What if it's breached? If it's breached, you know, it's I'm a twin, okay, and I came off first and I came out my head down, but my

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my sister who my twin came out breech, and my mother was four foot 11. So she had two little kids in there that was six and a half pounds. It's a lot of weight, four foot, four foot 11 body, but you know, they delivered her and it happens in the olden days. It wasn't a problem. Yeah. Now it's if you look at the statistics, I know that with breech deliveries, as soon as they see you breach, C Section C section, and I treat a lot of pregnant women and we they will do you know the last six weeks of the pregnancy. There are certain things that I can look for from an osteopathic perspective hands on, and if the kid is breech, we can turn the baby you can turn off the guardian. It's and

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it's simple. It's rather simple.

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But it may seem like it's almost like you feel like it's impossible once it's breached. That's it, there's nothing you can do. You can actually turn the baby, you can turn the baby, but it's not a physical thing we actually go in in the attorney like a steering wheel there. And this is a whole new topic, we could do a couple of shows on that we got going, let me take Let me take a break, and we'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. It's like, when did you think that you had no purpose?

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Are you worth

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the value comes from purpose.

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Your purpose in life is to worship the Creator, not worship, you design yourself, not worship, social pressure, the celebrity culture, but worship the thing that's much higher and transcendent, above and beyond by worshiping God and seeking His pleasure, you get pleased. So you have double pleasure.

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Kennedy's show with Dr. Joseph Grasso continue on you left off we can specifically this topic, a lot of people now are choosing home births. What do you think about that, that, you know, a call environment piece? Oh, sure. And you know, in the olden days that used to happen, and to the credit of the medical system and the technology, it's gotten, it's become much better there are some hospitals, you can actually deliver a baby in a bathtub. Yeah, they have midwives now, yeah. And they have midwives and and, you know, but sometimes things don't go as planned. And I actually recently I treated this woman to her pregnancy. And she totally planned, she had a midwife, she

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planned on having the child at home. And the delivery just didn't go quite right. And so she ended up having to go to the hospital, she ended up having the child didn't have a C section, but everything was okay. But, you know, sometimes those things happen. And perhaps in the olden days, they could have been problems with with the mother and the baby. But I think when you look at the the advent of medicine and some of the technologies out there, it's been helpful. But on the whole, I can tell you this, when it comes to emergency situation, medicine, does a fairly good job of stabilizing people. But when it comes to healing is horrible. I can't I don't know what other word I

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can tell you. Yeah, it's not designed to help people heal, it's designed to enable people and it's designed people to stay sick.

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So if you have to take a medication in my, in my practice, if someone comes in and that blood pressure is elevated, I'll try any alternative means including treating and because everyone gets hands on treatment in my office, and that's a whole nother explanation because it's different than anything you know, it's not manipulation, it's not a therapy, but everyone gets treated and I'll do whatever it takes from an alternative basis to bring that blood pressure down but if it doesn't come down, I can't let them walk on the street with a blood pressure 200 over 100 so I have to prescribe something when you say alternative what you know the other side or what people think like that's

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anti science against science you know as soon as you say alternative some people you know have other labels to it you know, we're conditioned have insurance for everything for us. Let me just give you this example insurance for the car shows a bit of anything goes wrong I got insurance so fix it. Same thing with the body if anything goes wrong, I got the you know the doctor I go to see him he's got a drug for every ill you turn on the TV. And there's a pill for every ill There is. There is is there real estate's one of the few countries that that actually advertises meds, medications. It's kind of sad because you watch a football game you seen all these things, right? title this functions

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on TV, and you got kids that are watching these these shows, and it's just horrific. But isn't that based on science? It's all Well, there's science behind it. But they if you look at the the subscripts at the end, all the side effects, it's pretty scary. Yeah. And it's conditioning people. That's what commercials do is propaganda that conditions people at a very young age, that it's okay to do that. We train we teach people we educate people that come into our office, that the patient needs to take part in their health care, they have to be the primary role which means they have to be educated in living a healthy life and eating properly and proper dental hygiene and in you know,

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proper exercise and, and meditation and and supporting your spiritual side of yourself, which very rarely is talked about medicine, not at all is really a holistic This is really so important. You have to have a practice some kind of practice every day. Or if it's taking a walk or just walking out your front door and seeing what direction the wind is coming in me people living in the city that they're inside most of the time, and they're looking at their cell phones all day long, and they're texting. So we're disconnected. We pray, we pray five times a day. This is we this is for the spiritual so there is really in *

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You see a benefit there, because you're talking about huge, it's huge is probably one of the most important part of being healthy. You hear that guys that's coming from

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expert in the area of health a doctor. But most doctors that I've come across that I've went to over the years, I've never heard this mentioned about, Hey, are you keeping up your prayers? I mean, are you not that they say that, but the holistic approach that everything, all these components matter to good health, it's, it's crucial. And, you know,

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for me, it's been a journey, it's been an odyssey, if you will, and each treatment is an odyssey, each, each experience I have with a patient is an odyssey. And that Odyssey is you have to figure out all the different characteristics of what's happening to that individual and why they got sick, but you can't focus on the disease, you need to acknowledge it. And you need to acknowledge all the different pieces that may be surrounding it. But ultimately, you have to help that person to connect. Once they connect, and they find themselves again, then they can heal. Yeah. And and part of that process is everything that we've talked about. We have a couple more minutes. Real quick,

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someone's in, not in Chicago, they can't come see you there in Texas, white wherever. What advice do you have, the person is sick of they want to get off the drugs, they don't want to be taking drugs. They, they, they they want to live a healthier life, you know, what advice and but they also look, I'm enjoying really sick, I want to sit with experts, people, you know, like yourself? How does someone find an expert to sit with in their community? How can they you know, because the person also every doctor, he goes to he just putting on some drug that has 1020 different side effects? How do they find a doctor like yourself? Yeah.

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That's a challenge, it really is a challenge. Because from, from my perspective, in my experience of what I've done with patients over the years, you really have to have faith and trust in what you're doing. And sometimes it goes way against the principles of medical, of conventional medical practice. So people are afraid to tell it to take someone off a medication, I have a lot of colleagues that won't even touch that. And in my opinion,

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you have to be treating everything you have to you can't be afraid to, to change someone's medication, and treat the whole individual. And so when you go around the country, in the United States, there's a couple of resources when I refer people to it's cranial academy.org, where some physicians like myself will do some hands on work. And then there's another website.

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Actually, my teacher started this website called bio, bio, do veoh.com. And there's some physicians in there that do similar work.

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But you know, you gotta, you have to have a relationship with the physician. It's really about the trust and the faith and the physician and what they're doing and how far they're willing to go. And some people just are not willing to do that anything in this world that we live in, it's very difficult. And you can't be afraid of the effects of that. So I tell you listen, is good luck on that part? Yeah, I can only tell you what I do in my practice. And, and it's not about belief systems, either. It's about what's common sense. And do you get the results? Yeah. And and we say the proof is in the pudding, you get the you get the results. That speaks for itself. I tell my

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patients all the time, because they like what do you do? And I say, Listen, I can tell you everything that I do, I can be really charismatic about it. But I rather prove it to you. And and that's what physicians have to do, they have to kind of go against the grain, and be willing to go the extra mile with the individual. And that means you got to

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look under every stone, every crack crevice. And first and foremost, pay attention to the patient, listen to him. If most physicians even if they're spending 10 minutes, if they just listen to the patient, I can't begin to tell you the amount of stories where patient walked in physician never they're looking at their watch the whole time. They never listened to the patient. And and they just left with a prescription. It said yes, that's where things are going. So we don't we don't live by that we we function in our practicing. You know, Dr. Garcia, and I practice in the same office. And it's an integrative practice where we see the same patients and we both are focused on the same

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thing, which is health, and how what you're doing and how you're living and our effects to, you know, to overall health and well being. If people visit Chicago, orange Chicago and they want to come see you How do they get in touch? Well, you know, they if you Google my name and my doctor gushy, his name, you know, it's Dr. Dr. Garcia has a website. I don't have a website.

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I'd like to sit in the background a bit. But she has a website, Dr. Lena garcia.com. And all that in in all that information is right there. So you can just call the office and make an appointment. Thank you so much. Last few words a sentence I usually ask people, if you can put it in a tweet something that was stick for someone who just wants to have good health, what do you I know, it's we can have another show on this, but some some words that you can leave them with. What I would say is that, do whatever it takes to stay connected. That nature, by any of its definition, will take care of everything, no matter what's happening out there in the world. Nature has the solution. And if

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you trust something that even you can't see, and that's the that's the definition of faith, you will find your way and that means, you know, healing, that means getting connected. That means finding the right nutrition.

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Trust that. And that's what I would leave you with at this point. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thank you. God bless you for being with us. Thank you so much. We look forward to hopefully we can have you back again. Yes, sounds good. Yes, I would. I would love to come back. Thank you. Please subscribe to the show. Follow us on our official Facebook and Twitter pages in the links below. Please also help support the show by making a donation in the link below.

This is a great episode that everyone should watch who is interested in finding a good doctor and helping good doctors get motivated to get even better with our special guest of the week Dr. Grasso who is board certified in Family Practice and manages everything that a Family Physician would manage.

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