Daood Butt – Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 2

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering someone and not just thanking them is emphasized in Islam. The segment discusses the tests that Allah Subhanho wa taala conduct to measure his health, the loss of wealth, the loss of family members, the loss of health, and the loss of their bodies. The segment also highlights the importance of not overburdening individuals and not overburdening teachers, and provides a recap of the history of Islam, including the importance of not overburdening individuals and not overburdening teachers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah Ashraf al anbiya even more Celine Nabina Wahhabi Buddha Muhammad in Allah he have gone to Salah to attempt to slim. Another had my brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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will continue in sha Allah hotel Thailand will take today's tip see it up until the end of Surah Al Baqarah I was going to go into the first 18 Ayat of surah, Allah and Ron as well, to coincide completely with what's going to be recited tonight. But I figured why begin the first you know, doesn't have one slot. Let's just wait and then we'll continue that from tomorrow and shuttle up to that. So we'll go right to the end of sorta to bacara we finished off yesterday, up until verse number 141. And today we'll finish 140 141 52 is going to be the first first step we'll take until the last I have the suit on Shabbat tat.

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So today we begin, like I said at verse number 152, of Surah tillbaka where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and like I said yesterday for those that weren't here, it's preferable if you have the Quran in your hands, at least Arabic so you can see the verses as we talk about that verse, you'll be able to recognize it and when you hear it during the title Week Tonight, you'll be able to, you know, have a better idea as to what we're reciting and going through. So in verse number 152, a monster capital letter it says, Guney comb comb wash guru Lee took on, so remember me I will remember you and be grateful to me and do not deny me and and do not

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deny me.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala in this verse up until verse number 157. If we continue to read those verses, you'll see how Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about a specific theme. So he then says, Yeah, you're Latina. monastery Mobius saw that he was sauna in muhammara saw the screen. So I must have handled what Allah tells us those who believe

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his daring will be sober he was Sala seek help assistance refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala through patience and prayer in the law, Hamas savini and Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed Verily, He truly is with those who have patience, and he really iterates the patience or the the aspect of patience in a couple of verses. Then Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah dakolo Lima neopolitan woofie Sabi nila he

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asleep born

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sala to

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be more on

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what hoonah eco.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala. As we mentioned in these few verses, he reminds us the importance of remembering him.

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He reminds us of the importance of remembering the loss of Hannah attallah, fifth koroni of Guru calm. And then he says something that we tend to forget to do. Now he reminds us to remember him, and then he reminds us of something that we'd normally tend to forget. And when he says, first guru, Guru calm wash guru Li while attack form. How many times do we actually give shocker to a loss of habitat, like we make do out to him all the time, as we've mentioned before, but we never or we sell them. Thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for what he's already given us. Do we thank him for the things that he's blessed us with? When Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, grants us that door that we've

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made. So for example, you need this new job, you lost your job, you know, you were laid off, the gas prices started to fluctuate a little too much and you lost your job, right? And then you started to make do I constantly or not, I need a job. It doesn't really matter what job it is. I just need something I need to pay the bills. And I need to make ends meet some way, shape or form. Allow me to have a job.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses you with the ideal job, one that you get paid more than the previous position you had. Right? Or the previous employment that you were working at. And so hamdulillah you then at that moment, ask yourself, do I thank Allah subhanho wa Taala? Have I been someone who's constant in thanking Allah Subhana Allah to Allah when I need something? Or am I the person that always asks Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, but when he gives me I forget to thank him. And I know I'm not as thankful and grateful as I should be, to have a certain kind of attire. He's taken me out of darkness, put me into light, as we'll see an Ayatollah courtesy very shortly, taking me out of

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darkness put me into light, but I forgot to thank him when I was there. Right. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala saying, then he says, Yeah, you have Latina monastery, Norbit, Samadhi, or sila when we want to seek assistance from Allah subhanho wa Taala we need patients in our life, seek it through a loss of Hanwha Tana in terms of being patient, and in terms of praying sada and so Pamela we noticed during salata, Tara, we, it's a it's a patient, or it's a it's a time that is deserving of patience, yet we feel tranquility in it. When we're praying our Salah, we feel calm, we feel disconnected from the world, nothing else matters. Now there are those that when they're

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praying, they're saw that they're more connected with the world than they are of anything else. Or any other time. Why? Simply because then they're solid, they're only focusing and concentrating on what they need to think of outside of solid. Oh, you don't today forgot to do this, I forgot to do that I should have done this. Tomorrow, I have to do this thing. I got to change my schedule around I need to meet that person, you know, and so on and so forth. There's so many things of the dunya outside of the Salah that we think of and focus on. But inside our Salah if we were to rid ourselves of that we feel patient and calm and tranquil. And we're thankful for the things that Allah subhanho

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wa Taala has given us when our telco truly maniototo feasibility and what but on my lucky letter, Sharon, so I'll also hand over to Anna reminds us that those who sacrifice their lives in terms of spreading this Deen and especially at the time of the Sahaba, the companions or the Allahu anhu, those that fought alongside with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they gave their lives in order to, you know, spread. I don't like to use the word spread but in order to stand up for this Deen and to raise the banner of Islam,

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those that lost their lives, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that they are not dead, rather, they're still alive. And we see in Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they're alive inside, you know, the form of a green bird that flies around and roams around and spends time in Jannah in Paradise, they don't get to benefit from Paradise, and they're not actually in genda, per se, as like we will be in genda after we pass away and you know, are resurrected, and then we'll enter agenda, but they get to benefit from being in Jenna, roaming around their soul is roaming around in gender. And they ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, you know, for the opportunity to be

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returned to Earth so that they can go through that experience once again. And so that's how the prophet SAW a lot more. I mean, he was Sunday and explained to the companions that are the Allahu anhu, those that were supporting him and standing beside him, and going and sacrificing their health, their wealth, their lives, their families, and so on and so forth. For the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala that was their Recompense. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made them feel comfortable in that sense.

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Well, I never know when the condition immuno Kofi will do or he will not go see me now. And while he will unfussy with thammarat or Bashir, he saw that in here Allah subhanho wa Taala, reaffirms the fact that he will test us and we'll see throughout these verses that will cover today, the fact that we will be tested and will be tested in various different ways. So Allah Subhana, Allah, Allah here says, and we will surely test you with something of fear and hunger, and a loss of wealth and lives of fruit and lives and fruit,

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but give good tidings to the patient. Why good tidings to the patient again, we see here that Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us to be patient, you will be tested with hunger as we're being tested right now, right? 17 hours and 16 minutes of fasting today, or something like that, right? over 17 hours, close to 17 and a half hours of fasting. And so how do I remember you know, earlier today,

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at a early in the morning, in fact, I was talking

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to one of my friends in Australia, and he was saying it's 253 in the afternoon, and we only have two more hours to fast. I was like, so how am I? And I told him I said, Give me 12 years, and I'll get back to write in 12 years, inshallah we'll be closer to the winter season. And we'll get to have those short days and those long nights. But Allah subhanho wa Taala tests us because we are feeling this hunger today. Right? It's, it's the first day of fasting during this month of Ramadan. And tomorrow, you will probably feel it more than today. because your body is strong from eating so much food yesterday. But today, you didn't eat. And tomorrow, you'll feel it right tomorrow, you'll feel

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more hunger, probably than you did today.

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But that means because our days are long, our nights are short. So the test that Allah subhanho wa Taala puts us through with a little bit of patience. Right? And that's what we're talking about with patience due to hunger, you'll notice that you pass the test in the opposite sense that your night is so short, you actually get written in your book of deeds that you sacrificed your entire nights during Ramadan, for the sake of Allah subhanho attack. Like imagine how many of us stay awake after it's out? Are we until sir food and then say, you know, we'll go to sleep afterwards, or just take a quick nap and get up and then we eat again, like a one hour nap. This is what I did last night, just

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one hour, go to sleep wake up. And it's time to eat, prepare food for food, and then you know, eat and it's time for fudge. So you spend the entire night in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And how long is your night? Four hours, five hours, right? Less than that technically, when you think of it after eating, and then Muslim and Asia and you know, how are we there's literally just a little bit of time. And then you know, the night is over. So you sacrifice a lot and you're patient with it throughout the day. And your reward is every single day of this month of Ramadan. It's written for you that you spend the entire night awake in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet

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those who are fasting, only nine and a half hours or 10 and a half hours in different parts of the world in the southern hemisphere, they get to brag to us that their days are short of fasting. But for them to get written in their book of deeds to spend the entire night in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala they have to spend over 12 hours a week. And we don't. So it's a blessing from Allah. So he tests us with hunger, as he mentioned, and he tests us with the loss of wealth. He tests us with lives, meaning we lose our family members, relatives, those that are close to us. We get tested with our own health sometimes, right? This is a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala Are you

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going to still submit to Him even when he tells you or he shows you signs that your health is deteriorating faster than it should be? Or faster than the health of the person sitting next to you. Yet it's a test that your patient with because he then says but he gives good tidings to those who are patient, those who are content with what Allah subhanho wa Taala sends our way.

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And levena either a Saba Tomasi ba ba boo in de la he were in La herradura. Those who are afflicted with something that is difficult or some sort of masiva a problem a difficulty. They are content with that or they submit to it. They might feel sadness, it's normal to feel sad, it's normal to feel sorrow, but Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see in us that we say in Lila here we're in LA here are German, but this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Just like we are from Allah subhana wa Tada. And this came upon us or to us, just like we will return to a boss of Hannibal,

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in a time of difficulty, things are taken away, your wealth is taken, your health is taken, your children are taken, your parents are taken, your lives are your own lives and your own health is taken. And we were given to this world as an Amana and we were given our lives and our bodies and our wealth and our health and our families and relatives as an Amana and it will be taken away from us just like we will be taken away from this world and returned to a loss of Carnival water at will. You can play him sala watonga Robbie Marama or hula ecomo mata doon, those are the ones upon whom are the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it is those who are the rightly guided. So

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whenever we see a problem coming our way, we think of us accountable to Allah, we make sure to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah as we mentioned in the first verse 152 that we thank Allah for whatever comes our way the good and the bad, the quarter of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we will be the ones who receive the blessings in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala whether in this life or in the Hereafter, the goodness that comes upon us will be for us.

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In this life as well as in the Hereafter, we move on to verse number 164 when Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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in Ephesians he somehow try to be worth enough he lay anyone heard he went for the kinetic energy field the battery be million fat one

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gumina sama Mima?

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lobera demo de Hong Fei

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Fei Li, the Petit moto sniff engineer he was so he was so happy masaharu binus even

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teeny pongamia

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Allah subhanho wa Taala and now reiterate some of the or reminds us of some of the blessings that he's placed upon us. He says, indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alteration of the night and the day, and the great ships which sail through the sea. Now this is an interesting point. Because this was revealed to the Prophet salallahu idea he was

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a person, a man who lived in the middle of the desert.

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There were no ships.

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Right? There are no ships, at least not in the middle of Medina or Mecca. Of course, if you went out to the Red Sea, yes, they had ships and they ended up sailing ships and they entered into different lens and conquer different lens. But Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals this to someone who could not read and could not write.

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Someone who is being taught things that if you did not read and did not write, you would probably think what is this thing that floats in the sea a ship, but you learn about the prophets of the past. And you know that new Halla has Salaam had an ark and he built an ark. And he himself when he built that Ark, he was not a carpenter. He was not someone that could, you know, handle wood and could shape it and carve it and cut it in ways that was needed in order to build a ship. Yet with the help of Allah Subhana Allah and the angels he was capable of doing so. And so we see here an example of the blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave even to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, the ability to recognize things that was not the norm for them. It was not normal to have ships in the middle of the desert. Yet, Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling them about it. And he's telling them of the ability that he gave the ship to float on the water.

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Now scientists talk about it many years later. But this was something that was given to the prophets of the past. Something that they could understand and comprehend even though they didn't use it, something that they were told to build, like, like no Holly has sent them build a Ark, a ship that would float in the water, because a huge wave was coming your way. And you would think, what does this make any sense? How is it gonna float? It's massive, it's heavy, Surely it's just gonna sink. But Allah subhanho wa Taala gave them the ability to fully Submit. When he told them to do something, they did it. If it didn't make sense to them, it didn't matter. Because this was what

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Allah subhana wa tada wanted, it will happen. And that's something that we need to try and implement in our lives of brothers and sisters. The ability to submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala You know, a lot of the times we think, yes, I need to get a good job, but I have to have the education and just strive hard and I got to do all these things in order to make myself successful. Yeah, Allah subhanho wa Taala wants you to do that, no doubt. But know that even if you don't have an education ulimate still make you successful. He's made people successful before people with no education whatsoever. I remember I used to work with someone when I was you know, much younger, and

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this person Mashallah he had his own business, right, he would buy and sell things. And he would work at the same company that I was working at and we were you know, as a marketing company, and so kind of love this this person who till today is not Muslim. He was extremely wealthy and he used to tell me you know what, you go to university while you're doing that, he used to make fun of me You went and studied in Islamic school in you know, Ontario you came back and then you went and you did High School and you did an automotive degree. And then I went off to Medina and he would make fun of me all those summers I would see him Look at you, man, you're going to university Are you gonna get

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a good job? Are you really gonna get paid? Well, he's like, how many times do you know are millionaires?

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And I was like, don't worry about it inshallah. We'll be a millionaire agenda inshallah. Right? And he was like, look at me. I never went to school, and he never finished grade three. Right, or, sorry, grade three was the last grade he did in school. And this was someone who you'd walk into his house. He'd have 100 pairs of different colored shoes. He'd have clothing that was matching his

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You know the shirt was matching his hat was matching his pants and matching his shoes and matching the socks and everything was matching. Right and he had wealth beyond belief. But he has some kind of law that's his wealth in this dunya he was not given happiness in the hereafter at least not yet. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to guide him. This is someone who's Hindu, a good friend of the uncle of my one of my best friends. And so Allah Subhana Allah to Allah He grants us blessings that he mentions in these verses. And throughout the verses Tonight you'll notice that a loss of handling to Allah continues to mention a number of blessings that he bestowed upon us.

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If you move on to verse number 177 Allah subhanho wa Taala then says

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lay sell Bhima to one Ludo Hakuna machinery to Almaviva King will be a woman

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he will do mean

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man Amana beenleigh he wanted to meet

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you get human kitabi wannabe in

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from being either number one well Masaki never been sob was

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in our field a comma comma Sana

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una vi Diem either

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wasabi Rena phenol betsa, Mo, Mr. hain and bets.

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He can lead in Sadako.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala here tells us about piety, what is piety? And he says les silver, that piety itself is not unto Alou, Hakuna tibula, sleepy well mockery, that you face, a certain direction, the east, the West, the North, the South, depending on where you are in the on the earth. piety is not to simply face a direction, but rather piety is and as we just mentioned, what Allah subhanho wa Taala lists there.

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But true righteousness or piety is the one who believes in Allah subhanho wa Taala, the last day the angels the books, the prophets, and gives from their wealth in spite of love for it, to relatives, to orphans, to the needy, to the travelers, those who asked for help, and for for seeing slave, sorry for freeing slaves, and who establishes prayer and gives zeca. Now you notice here, those who attend our halakha weekly on what night is a Friday night, right? We spoke about the topic of Zika a few weeks ago, and we mentioned houses, and donations are different. And we mentioned how we should give our donations or our sadaqa to our family members. And you notice here's another example in

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this verse, how Allah subhanho wa Taala separates the two, he talks about giving your wealth and giving it to people, orphans, the needy, the travelers, those who asked for it, your relatives, you know, your family members. And then he mentioned those who pray their prayers, and those who gives a cat, he separates the zecca from the donations and he mentions the donations, the Subbu with the family members and the relatives, and so on and so forth. And this is another verse that reiterates the fact that we should be spending our wealth in terms of sadaqa giving to our family members, and not restricting our Zakat donation that we give and give that to our family. So my point here is

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that when we give sadaqa, we give sadaqa to our family members so much that they are not from the category of people that are deserving of zeca

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get it.

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We help them out of their struggles and difficulties so much, that they're not the category of people that deserves that out because we're already helping them. They don't need it. They've been helped. And we maybe go to other friends and relatives and family members to ask them to help that relative of ours, right? So they should not technically be in the category of those deserving of zakat.

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Of course, if they're there, there's always the condition where a person might need it. And even your sadaqa is not enough and you can't help them. So in that case, yes, it's okay to do that. Okay.

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So Allah subhana wa Tada. Here he tells us about piety and he informs us what is piety and tells us the different aspects of our life and how we can become more righteous and more connected to a boss who handle it and it through these actions and it's not simply to pray or not simply to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of a direction and ask him and just be like, oh,

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You know, I make dua to Allah, Allah knows what's in my heart. You know, a lot of brothers and sisters that I speak to, when I tell them you know, they come to me with a problem. And I asked them I said, are you cleaning out the negative aspects of your life?

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And I go, don't don't ask me about this. Allah knows what's in my heart. Okay, yes, Allah knows what's in your heart, but you have to actively do something in order to cleanse yourself and protect yourself from the evil that's affecting you. And not just say, a lemon Hakuna right like the Arabs would say that a man is here. Yes, he man is here in your hearts. You believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala but that doesn't mean that you can just go and do whatever you want in life. And then whenever you need a law, you can turn and call upon him and he's gonna answer you. Yes, Allah Subhana Allah says the Rooney StG blackall but that doesn't mean just call upon me when you need and then forget

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me when you don't need that means constantly call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala in verse number 183

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and lots of Hana what Allah says from 183 to 185. Yeah, you are Latina M and o qu t barrel econo slim gamma coup de Varela, Latina, Mila kabini, Camilla, come

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on. I don't want to spend too much time on this, because I'm pretty sure most Imams and Habib's and, you know, a lot of the, you know, the scholars have come and spoken about this, and will continue to talk about it throughout the month of Ramadan. But the whole point is the loss of Hamlet, Allah says here, the point of fasting is not to cleanse ourselves in terms of filtering out the filters from our body and making ourselves pure. So that 30 days, we're not eating, you know, constantly and regularly, which cleans our bodies out, we get to lose weight. Yeah, those are good aspects. Hopefully, we're the ones that are losing weight and not gaining weight during Ramadan. Right. And

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we should do this. I did it this morning, early this morning. I do this, you know, I've been doing it for a number of years. I weigh myself on the first day of Ramadan, and then I weigh myself at the end of Ramadan, and I should have lost weight. And generally speaking, with exception to last year, for some reason, last year, I hovered around the same weight the whole month. And then I just gave up and I said you know what I'm going to eat.

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But usually I end up losing about 20 pounds, about 18 to 20 pounds during and I'm about right. And so this is a good time of year to actually try and do that. You know, try to get ourselves back into shape, not making fasting, the goal or the goal of fasting to actually lose weight. But remember Allah subhanho wa Taala loves the Mothman that is how we as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, I will not mean on kawi higher than what I have in Allah he mean and movement of life, that the believer the minute that is strong, and has strength is more Beloved, and better to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the believer that is weak.

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Now you wonder Wait a second, sometimes a prophet sent along I know he was sending the companions all the logline home, they didn't have food, not during Ramadan only throughout the year, and for many years, they would only eat date sometimes. And they would take you know the date pit. When we eat a date. You notice on the pit, there's a skin and we just throw it away, they would take that skin off and eat it too because that was a source of nutrition, right? That was a source of food for them. And then they would take the seed, some of the companions that are the Aloha home would take the seed and put it in their mouth and suck on the seed. And if you suck on a date seed long enough,

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it starts to dissolve.

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I've tried it when I was younger, but it's very bitter, it starts to dissolve in your mouth and you can chisel away at it with your teeth. And they would do that and eat the pit as well. And sometimes we would take the pit of the seed and they would grind it and turn it into like a type of flour and make some sort of bread with it.

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That's hunger. And that was not only juggling them a bond that was throughout the whole year. And so we notice here I don't like I said I don't want to spend much time on these verses but Allah Subhana Allah to Allah tells us that Allah content, the bone, that you strengthen yourself in terms of Eamon and taqwa, you build your your sense of Tukwila during this month of Ramadan

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and you can build taqwa, through hunger as well. So try and make yourself a person who is closest to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam implementing, not going to the extreme Allah Subhana Allah blessed you with food, eat the food, don't say oh, you know my wealth. I'm just going to give it all away if you want to handle a higher, but you might start to have family problems, right? And it is a responsibility upon you to look after your family as well. So don't just say oh, you know, a dode said we should sacrifice everything and start turning the date pits into flour and this is what we're going to eat for the rest of our life. Your wife is gonna say You know what?

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you grind the date bits and I'll come and see you when the flowers ready and she'll leave. So don't go to the extreme. Make sure that you maintain that responsibility that you have with your family. Allah Subhana Allah blessed you with that wealth, take advantage of it, use it in ways that you can benefit you and your family members.

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We move on to verse number 186 where Allah subhanho wa Taala says what he does Allah kariba de nieve in the body Mooji Buddha wanted either nifa Nia study Bulli when you mean who will be your shoe on and when my servants asked you, oh Mohammed concerning me, tell them let them know for in near corrib let them know that I am near right we were just talking about this making Doha turning to Allah subhana wa Tada. Iverson respond to my to the invocation of the supplicant or the one who's supplicating to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, He says, I respond to that, do I? When the person calls upon me, so let them respond to me by obedience, and believe in me, that they may be rightly

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guided. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us very clearly, that he accepts our Dora those who turn to him and submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But we believe in Him as well.

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That is where you get your reward in this life as well as in the hereafter. Those who don't believe what we spoke about that yesterday.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala he mentioned.

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Actually, before we go on and with regards to this verse, three types of people who is never rejected, what are those three types? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us the first one being

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the first one being

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someone who is oppressed, right? So someone who is oppressed there, Dora is never rejected. That person, the one who's oppressed, as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Lisa Bina who have been among the hijab there is no hijab between that person and their

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meaning when you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala, he knows it, he hears it, he sees it, just like he does all the time. But there's no hijab, meaning that's a door how that's accepted. The person who's oppressed, right, the second type of drama, or the person is the just ruler, someone who is a honest and just ruler and they make dua to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, especially if they're making their heart for the people, the goodness of the people, some claims to come upon the people this is good, and they're making draft for, for their people. And the third type is

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the hungry person who's fasting until they break their fast

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which is all of us. Right? We're fasting it's the month of Ramadan. And this is a time where Allah Subhana Allah to Allah never rejects door hop.

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And of course, we know door has accepted in three different ways. Either it's given to you now, or it's given to later or you might see a portion of it or receive some blessings for that in this life, and you will get your reward for it in the hereafter. But Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts our door. And this is why I will stop a little bit early in sha Allah to Allah, so that we can make dua for a few minutes before we break our fast because it's the end of the day, a time where door has accepted and we're fasting when our door is accepted as well. Then in the next few verses 189 to 203, Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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In in these verses, he talks about the sacred months and he talks about Hajj. Okay, so you'll notice there when the Imam is reciting tonight, that he will cover the verses of hedge and he will talk about an assured the months that Allah subhanho wa Taala has made, how long in terms of fighting battles and picking fights with others and so on. In verse number 2042207, Allah subhanho wa Taala warns us of being those who are known as hypocrites and being upset with

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a statement that someone can give you and tells you fear of loss of habitat. You know, when someone says fear a lot,

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Fear Allah subhanho wa Taala you might do something that is disliked or displeasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala where either the learner would love to learn is to be with me for has Mujahedin one me send me

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and when it is sent to this person, fear of loss of Kanagawa to Allah.

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They turn in pride, and in they they return to their sin, and they hold on to the sins and they continue in their own ways and they think

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You know what I know what I'm talking about? Who are you to tell me to fear Allah subhana wa attallah. Now, how many of us do this? I'm not saying Raise your hands, Don't raise your hands, ask yourself, right? Sometimes we do something wrong, and a person might correct us. Right? And they tell you, this is wrong. fear of loss of data, what are you doing? You shouldn't be doing this, right? Aren't you conscious of a law? And then you turn around you say, Well, you did tell me this, right?

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You've done this. And you've done that I know what you've done in your past. You're in no position to tell me what to do. Right? You've committed sins as well. Don't come and tell me. And so this is an example that Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us in the Quran here, those people they will become prideful in their own sins, they will continue to do what they were doing. And what does he say? The Hess boo Johanna,

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what's good enough for them is Gianna they're deserving of it. Because of their action. When they're told to fear of loss of Hannah Montana and turn away from this sin. They think you know what? You don't know what you're talking about. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us the reward for them is Johanna, in verse number 221.

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To 232 right to 21 to 232. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, while

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mostly Kathy had Mean while I am at Minato Monica tumalo.com while

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mushy kina had me know, while I didn't mean higher on me mostly Khumalo

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una una

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La Jolla de Rue in engine T one Mo Farah TB is nice when you been a teen in CLR and level Miata that

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now that's verse 221. You can read into a 232. The theme here that Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about with regards to these verses is marriage and divorce. And he mentions a number of things throughout the next you know, dozen yet he talks about a loss of how to add a mentions divorce, and the waiting period after the divorce and the importance of being just when you're divorcing. So for example, the types of divorce, right? And here Allah subhana wa tada focuses a lot on divorce before marriage. Why? Because it's important to think of divorce before marriage. You know, a lot of the time especially for those that are not married. They just think of marriage,

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marriage, marriage, marriage. Yeah, marriage is everything right? But divorce is a part of marriage. And it's a reality. It's something disliked by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet it's something he has made permissible and halal.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala reinforces the fact that divorce is a reality in life. And it can happen, and to many it does happen. And so he teaches us how to divorce before we get married. Because when we get into the marriage, no one starts thinking of divorce, no one starts looking into how I should divorce my spouse, if I should divorce my spouse, what are the reasons the terms, the conditions for divorce, etc, etc. And here, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about it. And so he lets us know that divorce can happen. And then you can take a person back, you can take the wife back, right? And then you can divorce them again. And then you can take them back. But that's it. If you divorce them

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again, that third time, meaning you were married, you divorced them, you took them back, that's your second phase with them. You divorced them, you took them back, that's your third phase. After that, if you divorce them again, you cannot take this person back on the condition

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that they go and marry someone else. consummate that marriage

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legitimately get divorced in that marriage, and then you can take them back.

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So that's a serious matter. Now, this also brings us into the topic of divorcing three times at once. And this is something that is disliked by Allah subhanho wa Taala and not part of our Shetty had to say bollock or antibiotic three times I divorced who had divorced who had divorced three times, right? This is not permissible and not something that is liked by Allah subhanho wa Taala had the correct method of divorcing someone is to divorce them after their period or their menstrual cycle is over. And they're clean again. Why do we do this? Because we know that they're not pregnant.

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If they're pregnant, keep them. Take care of them. look after them. Deliver the child when the menstrual cycle starts again. And then they become pure divorce them

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Then wait, the waiting period that when the menstrual cycle ends again, divorce them the second time, if you want to divorce three times, if you don't want to, and you just want to do it once class, that's better do it once and let them go on their way the the period, that timeframe will be over. And that's it it's done with. Then later on, if they want to re marry you without marrying someone else, let's say a year later that you decide to re marry them, you do a new guy again, you re marry them. That's it. They didn't have to go and marry someone else. Right. And then if you want to continue, then you wait until their second term is over. You divorce them again, and do that the

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third time and that's it, then you can never re marry them. Unless they go and marry someone else. consummate that marriage get divorced legally, and then you can re marry them. Right so Allah subhana wa tada talks about all these different phases and stages in these verses that are mentioned here.

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Allah subhana wa tada also talks about taking a person back during their time of death. And how this is a good thing. If you take your spouse back, maybe you divorced on terms when you were angry. Right? And so you divorce them once and you took them back. This is good. This is quiet. Allah subhana wa tada also mentions here, the importance of not jumping in as the wily, if the spouse, the wife, wants to get back with her husband. He's asking her to come back. And the one he is saying no, don't do it, but she wants to do it. It's disliked for the Wali to actually jump in and say no, don't go back to him. If she wants to do it, this is her right? Let her do it. It's her right unless

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there's a serious issue where she is completely being ignorant about that, that you know, topic or problem maybe she's being physically beaten or the children are being abused in some way, shape or form. I mean, that's a completely different thing on its own, right there. I would say call the police and take it into legal, you know, legal matters. Then in these verses Allah subhanho wa Taala also talks about the mother. He talks about the mother in giving that gift that you give to your spouse, you're not buying her. When you get married to a wife, you don't buy her. You don't own her. She's the property of Allah subhanho wa Taala just like you are the property of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala the body you're given is an Amana, the body she's given his her Amana she has to take care of it. Just like you have to take care of yourself. You don't own your spouse, you give them that gift. It's something that if if something was to happen to you, or you were to divorce her she would have something for her to look after her own self so that she can maintain herself.

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If she gives that back after divorce, there's goodness in that if she's capable of giving it back that's fine It's a gift she returns the gift no problem but she doesn't have to of course there's many conditions we can go into it after Ramadan inshallah long to add

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another thing that Allah Subhana Allah Allah talks about here is the widow. And the IDA, the time of day, which is the waiting period after her husband passes away is different than the waiting period after someone is divorced. So for someone who's divorced,

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you know, they're given their divorce that that is a three month cycle. Right? So the three menstrual cycles. Once that passes, you're completely divorced and gone, right? So you divorce a divorce or divorce? The person who's whose spouse passes away. They're a de is four months and 10 days. Now, what's the wisdom in this new you wonder you read these verses? Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala differentiate? Why does he make it different? Why four months and 10 days for someone who is a widow, their spouse passed away? Well, simply because they weren't divorced. Right? The spouse passed away, and maybe that wife is pregnant. So in four months and 10 days, you will know or you'll

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see signs there'll be, you'll be able to tell if this person is pregnant or not. And if they're pregnant, then it's important not for them to immediately get married. Let's say the spouse dies yesterday, three days later, this person, this wife, you know, the widow, she goes and gets married.

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She gets married three days after her husband passed away. Four months down the line. She's pregnant, who's the father?

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Who's the father who has to look after this child? No one knows. Right? It's all mixed up. No one knows. So that's why Allah subhanho wa Taala, in his wisdom has divided it and put four months and 10 days. Eventually, within those four months, you will know that there's a child there. And even if she got pregnant after the four months, and no one knew she was pregnant, there's no way that she would get pregnant. And you know, a few months later, deliver a nine month old child, right? You would know that Oh, if she delivers a child, that child must be from the previous marriage because there's no way that this child can

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Be nine months old and she delivers it right? So this is the wisdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala with regards to these verses in verse number 238,

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skip down to verse number 238 Allah subhanho wa Taala here.

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He says haffi laureano swannanoa de la Sol sauna to follow up

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on et and maintain with care, the obligatory prayers, and in particular, which prayer, the middle of prayer. Allah subhanho wa Taala singles out standing before him in the middle prayer, what is the middle prayer? Now some people will say fudger though her Assa Muslim, Russia, the middle one is also right. Others will say it will the Islamic day starts at market it so mostly Asia fudger vihar acid, right. So there's difference of opinion with regards to fudge as well as acid but we have a number of authentic hadith and other Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that emphasize the importance of salata, Lhasa, we know that fudger is important, obviously, like, if

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you're sacrificing your pillow and your bed, especially after you know these nights and Ramadan and fasting and so on. Then there's something there for you. Right? You know that there's an importance in fauja. But also why also, why does Allah subhanho wa Taala emphasize also, because it's one of the prayers that's easily booked, overlooked. You come home from work, you forget, you're at work, you might forget, during the time of the year where the timing has changed, right, you might forget to pray us, or it's Ramadan, you come home, you go to sleep, right, you want to take a quick nap. Then you come to the mustard for the halaqa. And then it's par and Muslim and you realize also pal,

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I didn't even practice it yet. So it's a prayer that we tend to overlook sometimes. And this is why I'm also kind of what Allah tells us to pay close attention to it. In verse number 249, Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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phenom Fasano Pato to be in Juneau they call in Mohammed botanico mina

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Shadi Berman who found a semi knee here, Allah subhanho, wa Taala, I don't want to read the whole verse, because of time, he mentions that large numbers

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don't always mean power. And this is important for us to realize as Muslims, sometimes the smaller the number, the stronger you are, or the more important, the more benefit you get. And we noticed that in our head, aka, sometimes the smaller the number, the smaller the amount of people, the more quality in terms of the learning, and the questions and the interaction with the teacher and the students and so on and so forth. When there's large numbers, let's say 500 people, or you can answer everyone's question, not everyone can ask a question, and it's not as personal. So you get to know people in the smaller sense. So those are examples of how Allah subhanho wa Taala. And here he's

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talking about, of course, the battles and this was specifically the Battle of, you know, David and Goliath during that time, where they were small in number and they were up against a larger number. And also they had jelutong was a big, massive, fierce warrior and debu Daddy has sent him came forward with just a little stone in a sling and not even a suit of armor, and he took down a fierce warrior. Then in verse number 253, Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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tilaka rasuluh fontbonne Baraka whom Allah about Allah subhanho wa Taala focuses on how he gave

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honor to certain messengers over others. So some messengers were given things, or blessings or miracles that other prophets were not given or other messengers were not given. And that doesn't mean that one prophet or messenger is better than another. For rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us letter Cole, don't say that I am better than Yunus even Mata who was unison Mata prophet Yunus. Allah His center, what happened to him, he was swallowed by a whale, because he left his people he deserted his people. And immediately after he left his people, they turn to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in worship. And so this was seen to be a mistake, or something that he had

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done before being given the permission from Allah subhana wa attallah to leave his people. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us Don't say that I am better than Yunus even better than the Prophet Yunus. Now here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us two things. Don't say that. He said the longer it was Allah is better than prophet Yunus. And don't say that you are better than prophet Yunus Allah has sent me as well.

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Just because he was a prophet and he left before the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala does not give us the right to say

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We're better than he was. He was a prophet of Allah subhana wa. So the prophets and messengers as Allah subhana wa Tada, points out here, we're given higher status. Then in the next verse, which we'll hear tonight and tomorrow we have lots of Hannibal Lecter. Allah says in verse number 255, which is item courtesy, we all know this idea, right? And this is actually one verse. So some people hear this, the ayah, being recited in sauna or they memorize it, and they think Allah hoonah you know, how you buy you? one verse, that that was enough to one unknown to verse, no. It's actually one verse, the whole thing. That's why it's called I, of course, see the verse of the kursi, the

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throne of Abbas have had a whole attack, but the verse can be broken down into 10 parts. If I was to challenge you and give you homework right now, you wouldn't be able to find out the 10 parts. You would come up with only nine you'd sit there and go along hula you know, who will how you will find your larger photo center to mana level Murphy Senato. Murphy, right, you would probably do that you would only come up with eight or nine. So if someone wants to try and do it for tomorrow, inshallah, I'm telling you now, the verse can be broken up into 10 correct sentence sentences, like 10 actual sentences. So if you want to do it for homework, inshallah, go ahead, we'll come a little bit early

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tomorrow and both the answer this they'll they'll be able to, you know, know something good and above others and shot a long time and we have a few more minutes right?

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Or is it already time? Four minutes Okay, so we'll just finish up very quickly inshallah because I know we have to break our fast

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so that's I had some courtesy in verse number 256, Allah Subhana Allah Allah mentions law, it can all have 15 right after item quotacy he says there's no compulsion in religion. And he's telling us here very clearly, don't force Islam upon people. Don't force it upon the non Muslims and don't force it upon the Muslims. If someone is going to be relaxed in their Deen and there are Muslim but they're not fully come You know, submitting to Allah subhana wa Tada. Don't force anything upon them. Let them take Islam step by step just like you took it step by step. We all took Islam step by step and we continue to do so. So take Islam step by step, and don't force it upon anyone. In verse

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number 279, Allah Subhana Allah Allah talks about Riba interest and how a person who indulges or takes part in interest and I know you're probably gonna say why you saying this, but I'm not saying it. This is from Allah subhana wa Tada. read verse number 279. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says that a person who deals with interest is actually waging war against a loss of cannibal attallah and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in verse number 286. And we'll finish with this Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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He mentions how he does not burden a person above and beyond something that they're capable of withstanding and this is at the very end of Sudoku bacara And that brings us to the end of the sutra or Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us clearly lay you can leave for law who nevsun in La Casa La Casa that wire la hammock tester bet that Allah subhana wa Taala will not overburden you with something that you're not capable of doing. Just like you will you will and you are capable of fasting 17 and a half hours like you did today. And he's not overburdening. You don't think it's too difficult. Maybe you need to just tweak something of your personal life and you will be able to fulfill the

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time that you need to fast in sha Allah. Allah does that come a level five and was Salam salam o Baraka and Amina Mohammed to Allah Allah He was

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Yeah, like we mentioned this is a time of do have a dog

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that had lost habitat and never rejects. So make do a high right now right before you break your fast

Explanation of Surah Al-Baqarah 142 until verse 18 of Surah Aal-Imran

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