Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures from the Quran – 02

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of praying for loss and staying patient, following what one has earned and not wasting money. They also emphasize the need for everyone to pray, be patient, and not rush to get through hardships. The company is working on a new product called the FAPR Eight to reduce the need for healthcare personnel and increase productivity, while also emphasizing the importance of safety and efficiency in the current pandemic situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Senator money coming to live cattle we're about to do our F C's class at muster than Fela, for those of you that are in town,

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most of their fellow in Oakville, you could simply get over here as quickly as you want. And we'll be starting in about one minute inshallah. So if you're not here, you're gonna miss out.

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I will try to balance this.

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not watching busy watching the live stream

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala ashrafi and Dr. Evil mursaleen Nabina. Muhammad the nightingale follow solid to a demo test name. publisher it is somebody who is simply empty. Why

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is any of our Cody, my brothers and sisters in Islam said Mr. Na Kamara, why he rhobar casual?

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See, some people only come to the machine when there's food.

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I didn't mention anyone's names.

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No, I have a lot. It's nice to. It's nice to see that there's a few more people today than they were yesterday. And you'll see

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it for those of you that were here last year, you'll remember the first few days were a little bit slow. And then it picked up.

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Don't worry, numbers are not important. Like we said yesterday, numbers are not important at all.

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And they'll just, you know, reiterate what I said yesterday, for those that were not here, you know, some of the scholars of the past, we hear their name. And we think that such great people, right.

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But somehow when they were teaching, at times, there were no more than, you know, 25 3035 students in front of them. Whereas today, when we hear their name, or if we were to say, oh, that scholar from the past is coming to sit with us, you would see 10s of 1000s of people showing up just to meet them, right and then everyone would be taking pictures and talking about it and posting about it, etc. So hamdulillah You know, this is, numbers are not important. The little knowledge that we get and we transfer transmit to others, is absolutely valuable for ourselves in this life as well as in the year after.

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Yesterday in our scene, we left off and I said I wanted to cover a few of the verses. And I had left off at verse number 153 and 154, sort of to the bacara. And tonight, we will go on from there until the end of verse number 20 of sort of earlier and gone. Okay, that's what's going to be recited tonight, in our Tafseer we're not going to enter sort of Amazon, we'll go to the end of sorba and bacala. Literally till the second to last page and then we'll continue tomorrow in sha Allah to add and

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for those that were not hearing for those that are watching the live streaming, I know I've never done this before. So I'm live streaming on YouTube right here.

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You know what, what we wanted to focus on this year in our Tafseer is the verses of the Quran and there's 89 of them that begin with yet you Latina.

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Okay, but we only focus on the verses that begin with a loss of habitat a calling out to those who believe will also take the verses where I was kind of analysis for example, yeah, you had an us, right, so a verse that begins with Yeah, I you have a nurse who, you know,

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those who believe etc. and simply because these verses are verses where I was kind of attached is trying to get our attention with regards to something that's important for us to listen to at the moment. Like there's there's a reason why he's calling us out to this. And we'll see that right now as we begin in sort of through bacala itself. There's 11 versus our last panel with addresses. Yeah, you know, and we've covered the ones that we did yesterday and we'll continue to cover the rest today. With with verse number 153. Allah Subhana Allah says, arrows will be lurking in the shadows. Yeah. levena man was staring will be soldered. He was

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saw the

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movie sabini.

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in verse number 123, I was Pamela Jana tells us and calls out to us. Yeah. And you and Edina mn isteri. No, this property was sold out. We touched upon this slightly yesterday, where I was paired with Hannah tells us to seek help assistance from him through what through two things, what did we mentioned?

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solo, what is sabam

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patience and sign up. Okay, so seek help from a loss of hand with Anna through being patient and through our slot. And before, before I go any further, I completely forgot to, to mention to the sisters, the partition is up in the front part of the mustard. So for the sisters that want to come out on the door to your left the White door on your left, you can come up to that side and there's a partition there. So you'll be separated from the brothers. And you'll be able to still, you know, see what's, you know, take part in the halaqaat. So for the sisters over there, you can come out the door on the left side if you want and there's a partition that will separate you from the brothers.

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And it'll make you feel as though you're, you know, part of part of the congregation. So Alyssa kind of went out of here tells us to seek help from a Muslim handle with Anna through patients and saw that Now, like I said yesterday, it's easy for us to say you know it just be patient, be patient with the hardships that you're going through. But how can we see nations a person who is going through, you know, a difficult moment in their life, maybe the loss of a loved one, you know, a parent, a child, etc? Relative? Maybe they lost their job to simply say, Well, you know, don't worry, just be patient, they look at you and say, yeah, it's easy to say, but you don't know what

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I'm going through. And you have no idea what I'm going through. So don't just tell me to be patient, teach me how to be patient, right? Teach me What should I do? How can I become patient. And the next part of the verses what I said should be the first thing that we look at, to try and help us to try and help us to become patient. How through Salah. When we pray Our prayers, we seek help from Allah subhana wa tada through the prayer. And the prayer itself is a means of us attaining and becoming patient.

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Now a person might say, Yeah, I don't know, I don't really become patient when I pray, like I'm thinking and focusing on every other thing in life. But when you actually are in a moment of hardship and difficulty, and you leave everything off, and you make Hulu, and you stand before a loss of hanaway data. And I'm not talking about the compulsory prayers, because we have to pray those anyways. Right, we have to pray the compulsory prayers. I'm talking about the prayer that you actually intend to pray when you don't have to, like a summoner prayer, or a Nuffield prayer, or you know, a prayer in the middle of the morning or in the middle of the day, right in the middle of the

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night. At any time that you feel you need to turn to a loss of handler to either seek patience through that prayer, not the compulsory prayer, not the tarawih prayer that you're praying, sorry that your parents are forcing you to, to go to the masjid and pray. Right or the community would now say something about you Well, you know, brother, so and so's sister so and so we don't see them in the masjid. I help them they're not here. And so you feel obliged to go to the masjid because you know, people are going to talk about you. Right? So the prayer that you pray when you don't need to pray it, it's not compulsory, there's no reason for you to pray it except for the fact that I am

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actually in need of assistance from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah right now. So I'm going to pray, make Google stand and pray facing the Qibla and ask Allah subhana wa tada to make that difficult thing that I'm going through easy for me. And you'll see that that prayer becomes a prayer of patience, a prayer that you submit a prayer that you take longer in your schedule where you're normally normally saying so cannot be allowed at three times, for example, right? Most people will only say it three times some people will say once because that's the bare minimum. You have to say only once, that's the bare minimum. But most people will say three times you'll find that in that

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prayer, you're saying it 579 11 right keeping it odd numbers, right you're saying it in in in multiple different amounts, or you now start to make dua in that sense that right or you just stay there and you start to cry to Allah subhana wa tada or you're not crying, but you're there in your suit and you're thinking of what you need from Allah Subhana Allah, you're focusing you're reflecting upon the difficult things that are happening to you in your life. And so that prayer is a prayer that you feel

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Getting patients here and becoming patient with the situation. And you will feel after that prayer those two and icon, you will feel more at ease with that hardship that you're going through in your life than you did before that prayer. Therefore you attained patience with that hardship by simply praying the prayer that you turn to Allah subhana wa tada at a time when you didn't need to but you did for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada

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and then if we move on to verse number 155 which ties in it flows in right? Allah subhana wa tada says one of them no one be shaken in Mena how he won. He won.

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He won.

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She saw me in La Nina either

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saw but

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mostly bad. And I'll stop there for a reason. unless some kind of attorney says when and everyone be shake him you know, Kofi? What are your two things that Allah subhana wa tada will test us with? Now there's multiple things you'll test us within life. But these two things that he starts with that you know, there's other things mentioned in the verse. Whenever you want to come you will, we will surely be tested. Be Shay, in mental health, with fear when you're and hunger we're being tested with hunger right now, aren't we? Alright? 17 hours already a fasting and some kind of love we're about to see look at that the sofa is going up, and then they're going to put you know, the the

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dates and the food or whatever. Alhamdulillah we're being tested with that. But if you remember in the last part of the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah Allah teaches us in Surah what is

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if I if I'm not mistaken, the eighth the last surah of the Quran, right? The ninth to that sort of the Quran.

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The he that

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he left him, it is Natasha, it was life. The grace they went through hardships when they would travel for you know, for for for trade. And during the hot seasons. They used to go where it was cool. Where was it cool. More north, they would go to Syria present a Syria in the winters. They would sorry, in the in the summers. In the summer, they would go where it was cool. In the winter, they would go where it was warm, which was the end and they would go down south to Yemen right. And so Allison can with Hannah shows us that they would travel that she thought it was safe, the winter travel, the summer travel, and those travels sometimes were difficult for them. For Leon who do a

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lot better than bait. Allah Subhana Allah reminded them worship the Lord of this home which home the carrabba the masjid right our mustard is the house of Allah subhana wa Tada, who is he who is the Lord of this bait, and lead the of the Ummah, whom endure in human health. He is the one who, when you're hungry, he feeds you, he provides food for you nutrition, he gives you what you need. And now some kind of data will provide for us as well. While m&m in health, and he protects us at a time when we feared maybe we fear for our safety. Remember, they were traveling in the middle of the desert, going from one place to the other with all their provisions, all of their wealth. And you

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think to yourself, how many of us take all of our savings and put in our car,

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all the gold, all the jewelry, the cost of your house, the cost of you know, all the money that you have in your bank account, you put it in your car, and then you're driving, you're making this journey, where are you going, I don't know, I'm going to go somewhere and sell it. I'm going to go down to Mexico, right and sell my, my property all that I own. And so you're driving in your car and you stop at a service center, the service center in Canada on the 401, for example, you feel like okay, it's a little bit safe. It's alright, if I put everything that's valuable in the trunk, and everything in the backseat, I just cover it up, and no one's gonna break in. I'll make sure I lock

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the doors, everything will be fine. It's Canada, right? And it's a part of Canada where it had to No, we don't need to worry too much. But you cross through the US, right? You get through some poor areas, and then you cross through to Mexico. And then you're like, Well, you know what, I'm not gonna park my car, you go use the bathroom, I'll stay here. When you come back from using the bathroom, then I'm gonna go use it. And then you know, we'll continue our drive. Why? Because you fear that someone might rob you. Someone might take your stuff. They're gonna steal it from you. So at that time, at that moment, remember the Quraysh when they were traveling, they would fear to be

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attacked as well. Similarly in life, there's things that we fear, we might not fear having all our stuff in our car. Some of us have alarm systems on our homes, we fear to get broken it. We fear for our children. We fear for so many things. We're scared of losing our jobs, right? We're scared of losing our family. We're scared of losing our spouse. So we take precautionary measures. There's so many things that we're scared of. and a loss pan we've had it protects us. So he says one another one. niccone Shay in Milan.

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fofi when drewery one noxee meenal, unworldly while unforseeable thermalright and a loss in lives, we're going to lose people that we love, right? I mean, I'm worried he will enforce what thammarat we lose our wealth, we lose our provisions, there's things that will be tested with right almost without saying we're going to be tested with these things. But then Allah Subhana, which Allah says, while bedsheet is saw beauty in and glad tidings good news, something good for those that are patient, patient and what the trials that he said he's going to test us with, he's going to test us with the loss of lives with the loss of our wealth. He's going to test us with fear. He's going to

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test us with food with hunger. Well, best shit is Slovenian and glad tidings good news for those that are patient who are they? That's why I stopped in the next verse. And levena Hiva.

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I'm asleep.

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The people who are going to receive the glad tidings, those who are patient, Allah subhanho wa Taala says they are Alevtina either or solve at home when they are afflicted when they feel the pains of the struggles that they're going through. When they are, you know, faced with the with the hardships, the most liba galuh They are the ones who say in the law he was in LA he Raji right.

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Now we only say the statement when someone dies, right? Mohammed Ali, he passed away just a couple of days ago, and everyone was like, you know, the lady when I lay Rajaraman in LA when I lay Rajaram and everyone's like, oh, his name was Mohammed Ali, he must have been a Muslim, right? hamdulillah he was a Muslim hamdulillah. Right, he was a Muslim, he used to talk a lot about Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he used to simplify the understanding of life. Right, someone who got his head knocked so many times, he still had the ability to simplify things in life. And that's kind of as a blessing from Allah Subhana Allah and a sign of his greatness as well. But

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Allah Subhana was, and it shows us here, it's not only a times when we lose, you know, a relative or a friend that we say in that area, you are in a larger room. It's when we go through any hardships in life in general, that we say that we belong to a lawn to him, we definitely shall return. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us another lesson, he says, continuing with, he can relate to him. So those people who are patient who go through those hardships, who turned to Allah who understand that I belong to Allah, and I'm going to return to Him as well. Just like I lose something, and there's hardships that come to me, I will be lost from this world as well. And the

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people who remain behind they will feel the hardship of losing me hopefully, right? Hopefully we do goodness, and people feel the loss of ourselves when we leave, right? But then Allah subhanho wa Taala says those people who learn he can relay him, upon them is Sala wa must be him. What are the blessings, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon them. What we learn, you can do on and those people are the ones who are rightly guided. So you see a bunch of calls out to us. Yeah, you Hello, Dina?

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Is there you know, this slavery was solid, that's what we started with. But we transitioned into understanding how to be patient with the hardships that we go through how by knowing that this thing I'm affected with is a hardship but there's going to be many other hardships that I'm going to go through in life, and I need to be patient with them. And I need to understand that I will also return to a loss of Hannah woods. And that is something that the people who remain behind will be tested with, and they need to be patient with the loss of our own selves, etc, etc, etc.

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And so we move on and talk about data. Diverse number 168. of sorbetto in Bangkok, where Allah subhanho wa Taala here, he says, Yeah, Johan nurse okonomi murfin.

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Pa ye ye

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t shape

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in moolah Kumara.

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will be in Are you making it warmer or colder?

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turning it off, okay, it's freezing here. Are you cold, but it's cold. So I'm thinking the rain fell on us and we're cold. In that lie, we're in a dodgy home. Right and if the food is cold in that lie in that either held onto your own right, remember, never complain about anything, any hardship that comes to you remember Allah and you'll feel that that hardship was sent to you by Allah to teach you how to be more patient. Right? it'll teach you to be more patient. If the food is late. We're all going to

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Rather, we fasted for so many hours, right? Why is the food late last night last night, the very first night of Tada, we, I was in Milton.

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And the timing for a shot is 1035. for the month of Ramadan, they said, we're gonna start at 1035 in Asia and then after a show, you can pray to some now if you want and then we start tomorrow. So Pamela, it was 1030 on the dot. And this one brothers is the man What are you waiting for? It's 1030 start prayer. And we were standing in the front a few of us and I was talking to the her father who are going to be leaving tomorrow. And I was thinking to my head and to myself, so Hello, we're not even patient on the first night. Not even a minute has passed just a few seconds after 1030 and it's like we're rushing to try and get through. Just be patient. So kind of, and I was trying to just

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consult with the Imams the her father that will be leaving tomorrow we Is there anything that you need? Is there anything that we can do? Do you want this row you know, the row next to you to be clear? Do you mind if we have the youth come to the front so that they don't make noise in the back? Let's bring them to the front stuff like that. Right? Important things and there's still five minutes left. So I made the announcement at 1034 734 you hear them calling out one minute left, one minute left. They're telling us Okay, stop talking one minute left. So kinda like 1035 there was someone who said it's 1036 on my watch. I started so proud of law like what kind of a nation are we

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that we can't be patient and wait just a minute for the Imams who are going to lead us in the prayer we're like telling them go go go Come on, hurry up. We want to go home and sleep or eat etc. And so kinda we didn't even fast yesterday. We didn't fast it's not like we need to rush home to eat we ate lunch, breakfast supper, you know, we're all full of food. And Allah Subhana Allah Allah knows best in verse number 168 Yeah, a yohannes kulu min. Me Matthew, I'll be headed and bite you but one who called watershape on Allah subhanho wa Taala here you know he's referring to food and he's telling us Oh mankind eat from whatever is on earth that is lawful and good for you. And don't follow the

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footsteps of stripe on

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indeed he's a clear enemy of us of ours. And these verses go on in verse number 169 in them a little bit so he will flesh out shape on you know, he calls you towards what is bad for you. What is not good for you immorality etc. One Taku Allah him Allah tala moon, and to say about a lot what you do not know. So shavon will try to whisper things to you about the things that you don't know. Right? The things that we don't know, we don't know. So well. That's why we're learning the Quran. What you that the lahoma to be Roma ends on a level God will tell you Roma, elvina, Holly Abba Anna. And I'm going fast. But I'm going fast simply because we want to finish these verses. So and when it is said

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to them follow what Allah has revealed. They say, rather, we will follow what we found our forefathers following. My father, his father, right? Or my parents, their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great, great grandparents, what they used to do, we're going to do that. Now remember, a loss of data in reverse. He calls that Yeah, a yohannes Oh, people. Right. kulu Minh field of the Hillel and thank you that eats, consume, we should say, what Allah has provided for us on Earth, that is helpful for us. Now, remember, as we go through these verses, we're not only talking about food, we're talking about our earnings. We're talking about how we use what we earned

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as well. So you may have gone to work and you earn a paycheck. And that paycheck is helpful for you. Everything that you did in order to earn it was held up, you took it it's held money, you know, put it in the bank and you withdraw, you have cash, how do you use this cash? What do you buy with this cash? What do you you know, spend your money on? And are you spending it on something that's held for you? Are you purchasing something and wearing that is held on for you? Are you purchasing something that is not lawful for your family to eat? Or going even further, maybe that paycheck that you got was not a * of a paycheck to begin with? Maybe you earned cash, doing something that you

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know, was not permissible.

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But you were paid for it because you provided a service, the service that you provided, maybe it was not permissible islamically but you take this money, and now not only are you going to take the money, but you're going to pay for your home with the money. You're going to pay your rent, you're going to pay your utilities you're going to pay for clothing, you're going to fill the stomachs of yourself and your children and your wife etc. or your spouse with that money. Has it had money to begin with. We need to ask ourselves, so Allah subhana wa tada is warning us, not only when it comes to money in everything that we do, am I consuming something that's permissible for me if someone

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gives me something

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Am I entitled to this? Right? Is this handout for me or not?

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A simple example, for example, someone might say, you know, I stole this car and I'm giving it to you as a gift. Is that permissible for me to take? No, I don't want this car, take it don't I don't even want to have my fingerprint on the key. Just leave me alone. Stay away from me, right? I don't know, you, you don't know me. But some handle other things that sometimes people, you know, will have. And think this was I didn't actually earn this in the right way. I took it. When it wasn't mine. Yesterday, I was sitting in the mustard and Milton in the office. And there were three stacks of bottles of water. And people were coming in the door. And the stacks of bottles of water. They

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were in front of the door of the office. And they were coming and taking the bottle and going into the mustard coming and taking a bottle and going into the mustard. And after a minute, I asked the brother of sitting with an office I said, and the man was there as well. I said what are these bottles of water for? Like, who are they for? He said, What do you mean? I said Are these for the people because people are taking them and going. And if you're taking the water and it's not yours, you just see it and you just take a bottle and drink it. Maybe it's not yours. Maybe it belongs to someone who put it there. And maybe it belongs to someone who's going to be providing if not

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tomorrow night, and they brought it to the masjid today was in their car, and they emptied it from their trunk. So tomorrow they have space in their trunk to put the food. And tomorrow we come for a thought and everyone's complaining, Oh, where's the water? Where's the water? Everyone consumed it last night. How long consummation? Maybe because they took it without asking. Maybe it wasn't to be used. You took it and it didn't belong to you. Right. So we have to be really careful with what we take. I remember when I was small, my teacher used to tell us don't even take a Kleenex from the mustard. We usually have a Kleenex box right here, right? said don't even take a Kleenex from the

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mustard and fold it up and put it in your pocket unless you need to use that Kleenex. Don't just take it and fold it and put it in your pocket. It doesn't belong to you unless you need it. Someone put it there in the mustard for someone who needs it to use it. But you don't need it. You're taking it oh, you know, at home, we don't have enough toilet paper because we're students and you know, we're, you know, we're trying to save money on things. So we go to you know, restaurant and take all the all the McDonald's catch ups. And you know, I remember, you know, I remember hearing stories from from from the uncles back in the day, when they first came to Canada, they would go to

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McDonald's and take all the salt and take all the pepper and take all the ketchup and they would bring it home. Instead of buying salt, pepper and ketchup, they would have it for free. Because it's there, you can just take it. And that's why now they give it to you in a cup. You squeeze it out in a cup because you have to use it right away. You're not going to squeeze out a whole bunch of cups and carry them home. Right so so Pamela the wisdom of time and how things have changed. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to consume what is lawful and permissible for us. Then in verse number 172, again, unless panaway data says yeah, you're letting in an omen kulu mean by ghiberti merasakan

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outcome watch guru Lila he in quantum Yahoo Tara who don't? Are you who have believed each from the good things which we have provided for you and be grateful to Allah? If it is indeed him that you worship? Right? And so it's important for us to understand that we worship Allah, we understand that a loss of handling hadn't made the rules of life clear for us, and we follow those rules of life in our earnings and everything in how long I had a criminal Mater with demo with

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one that we didn't the one that he loved me he knew at a law firm a total of 4 million total availability wanna hide in Fela la in Nevada? Allah subhanho wa Taala then shows us identifies things that are forbidden for us how long for us to consume dead animals an animal that died? Can we eat it? You have a chicken that died? You have a you know you have a cow that died? You didn't slaughter it? It died? Can you eat it? Is it handled for you?

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No, okay, that was a question good. It is not why not? clearly says in front of us. He has forbidden Allah subhana wa tada forbid for us animals that are dead. Now what about a fish? You take a fish out of the sea? Can you eat it? Why it's dead?

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you didn't slaughter it? I somehow we have to slaughter the fish now. Right?

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No. So anything that comes from the sea, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam or from from the water that will die when it comes out of the water we can consume. Right It's held for us and hamdulillah so Allah some kind of metallic goes on to say blood. And this is why when we sacrifice an animal we sacrifice by cutting the throat Bismillah Allahu Akbar and we cut the jugular veins, but we don't cut the nerves. Why? Because when the nerves stay intact, intact, it's still you know the body. The nerves are jerking and and clenching. And and so the body itself squeezes the blood that's inside of it out so we get out what is hot or not permissible, the blood it comes out and the nerves are

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attacted it squeezes all the blood out of the body. And this is why if you ask a non Muslim who's buying meat from a halal butcher shop, why they come here to buy meat, they'll tell you it tastes better. Why? There's no blood in it. There's no blood. It's come out of the meat. And so it tastes better. I know because my dad had a halal meat store for three years. And we used to get non Muslims that would come and buy meats and they would say even my mom's family members they would come and they would say, you know what, the meat tastes so much better. Why? People will say because it's Hello. Why does it taste better because the blood is not in it right? The blood isn't in it so it

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tastes better for us. Also, we know that swine or pig is not permissible for us to eat or anything that has not been mentioned the name of Allah subhana wa tada or mentioned the name of something else at the time of slaughtering the animal in the Latina to Moana and Okay, so we'll move on inshallah Tyler

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to verse number 177. Allah subhana wa tada says in verse number 177, and this is not a verse that begins with yet you had Latina, right? This is a verse that begins by showing us what is piety? Unless pan with Hannah says, ladies and

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gentlemen, been mentioned being one of the most money that piety is not that you simply face a direction as in, you know, you're facing the direction of a good luck. Here, we're not facing Michigan, right north and south or sorry, east and west, we're facing, you know, northeast, whatever the direction, he's referring to a direction. Bid piety is not that you face a direction and you simply, you know, pray, oh, Alex, I prayed. I'm pious now. Right? And then when someone says, You know what, Brother, you know what, sister, you should do this. You should do that. This is better, according to the son of the prophets and allow it to suddenly say, Don't worry, my friend, Al Eman

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ohana. Right, we point to our hearts and we say he man is here. Allah knows what's in my heart. Don't be the judge of me. Let Allah judge me right. People say that do that know Allah subhanho wa Taala showing us while I can and bibra but piety is not to only face the blind pray etc. piety is also meant to be learning when you're millinocket Mela you can see when keytab you want to be in Allah Allah have been. So it's to also believe in the things that we have to believe in the pillars of a man. But then to do something, to do something. So Allah subhana wa tada he identifies the pillars. And then he says what art and man are the hook be that will go by what he uttama what my

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second weapon is Sabine was that Indian and within what I call masala, whatever it is, okay, we'll move on to the answer to him either has to do with slavery and a filibuster. Or he knows he can lead you in a circle, or hula cone. Again, for those that don't have the most half with them. Like I mentioned yesterday, it's it's advisable during the halakhah, to have the plan with you. So you can see the verses that we're talking about, you'll see the words. And if you need the translation, keep the translation next to you as well. In case I don't go through every single words, right, because the time doesn't permit, at least you will have it in front of you, you can sort of fill in the gaps

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if you don't quite understand. So unless of penalties. And in this verse, He shows us, you don't just simply pray. Or you don't simply turn a certain direction and say, Oh, you know what, I believe no, but to also believe in the pillars of EMA and to act upon them, and to give sadaqa to those who are in need, but then to also do good deeds. So there has to be an element of action as well. Our Deen doesn't teach us to simply believe and that's it, we believe. And we do things because of that belief. Right? I believe I have to pray. So I pray. But I believe that just prayer itself is not enough for me, I need to pray extra prayers. Why? Because that was the son of the prophets and a lot

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of you assemble. And I believe that I have to give some advice. But I don't just give to one crowd of people. As we see in the verse, I give too many other crowds of people and give to the neighbor and give to the traveler and give to the person who's in need I give to the students I give to the elderly, I give to the random person, the person who I don't know their bank, you know, statement. I don't know how much money they have. They could be more wealthy than me. But I see them buying something and so I pay for it because I do that out of an act of kindness, a form of setup to show that our Deen our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us to look out for others, even though

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we don't even know if that person needs our help or not. But we simply go out of our way for them. That's it. We just do it out of you know, it's an act of kindness. It's something that we do in order to help them in verse number 178 Allah subhana wa tada says, Yeah, you're Latina Herman katiba la como the fossil fuel kotla. Now here Allah subhana wa tada identifies the punishment of the person that's murdered.

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And we know the punishment right. The punishment is

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the death penalty. And this is something that you know people complain about, but some handle that what we don't realize, and as much as people complain, and they may live in the countries that complain about it, their states also have the death penalty upon people that commit murder as well. So people will say, why is it in Islam? If you kill someone, then you know, you're beheaded? Well, with all due respect, in some states, for example, in the US, if a person commits murder, they're given a death penalty as well. But the death penalty they're given. They feel the torture,

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the death penalty in Islam, you don't.

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You're not to make the person who committed murder, suffer.

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They're receiving this as a Recompense. So for example, I've mentioned this before, and I mentioned it again, I actually witnessed four beheadings in my life. When I was a student in Medina, and the chef who dismissed us from class, he died a few hours before Ramadan began.

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shift of the mass and Omar Hasan, he passed away just a few, a few hours before Ramadan began, he was our fifth teacher. And he was teaching us these verses, the verses of the tech. And you know, the shapes of panelo, there was a day he came into class. And we were talking about the verses, these verses right about the receiving the death penalty. And he came into class and he said, Today, in an hour, there's going to be four, beheadings at sanzo place in Medina, go as students of knowledge and witness it. Because you will need this, your students you will need to understand it. And so handle that it's very true. It's absolutely true. The person who witnesses it, first of all,

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it's difficult to swallow, as in, it's really, really hard to sleep for weeks after you witness it. However, it's a learning experience for the student of knowledge. Because Allah subhana wa tada talks about it, and sometimes you need to experience what is being spoken about. And so when I witnessed the beheadings, the people come out, they're real human beings, and movies, they desensitize us, right, we see killing in movies all the time, to the extent that our children play with guns, and I think this is, you know, an absolutely terrible thing that our kids, you know, have guns and they pretend to like, bang, bang, and they shoot you and they think, you know, you're gonna

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die. We've become desensitized to death, and we don't value the value of life. We don't treasure it anymore. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his farewell sermon, he mentioned this, that we you know, value life. And the you know, the the life or the blood of another person is sacred.

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And so when I witnessed the beheading in order to save time, what what I witnessed panela was that, you know, the the people who came out of the ven to kneel down to be beheaded, and you know, they come down in that position, with their hands behind their back, and they, they leaned down with their head down like this, and the executioner comes in he, and this is life, I shamba. Totally forgot, and he has the sword, and the sword comes down, right, and it swipes the back of the neck. Why?

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Because it cuts the nerves. It's instant death.

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Whereas, you know, as opposed to having an injection.

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In some states, you'll see that they have an injection or back in the day, the electric chair, where a person to center the, it's not strong enough, turn it up, crank it up, and they're feeling the torture, no, the person did a crime, the penalty for the crime is with Allah, not with us.

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We return them to Allah, as we see in these verses, and the loss of bandwidth and he takes justice upon those people. However, in this verse in in these verses, Allah Subhana, WA, tada shows us that you can forgive, you have the right to take justice upon the person, yes. But what's better is that you forgive Why?

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Because we leave justice to Allah. And a person might make a mistake. Now someone might argue and say, well, they murdered someone, how can you do that? Wait a second. It's not up to us. It's the family and the people who they murdered who will make this decision. It's they who will make the decision not me, not you. We can talk about it all day long and criticize we're not in that position. Last year or the year before, it was a shift in, you know, in one of the countries around the world whose son was murdered, and he forgave the person who murdered his son. Why? Maybe based on the circumstances, maybe people were not in the right mind. Maybe people were playing around,

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right maybe you know, something happened. Maybe it was out of self defense, and then they ended up murdering the person and now they spend the rest of their life in jail. Who knows? And so it's it's nice if you forgive the person based on the circumstances, but Allah subhana wa tada also warns us if you

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forgive the person, treat them nicely afterwards. Why? Because they're going to have to play, pay blood money, respect what they have to go through, now they have to pay for it, it's going to be difficult for them. It's not easy. It's not a small number that might be paying for the rest of their life or it might be something that they have to pay for their family members get together and pay for. There's a lot that's involved there. Right? And so Subhanallah This is something that a lot some highlights, Allah tells us, even someone who committed a murder, and then the family forgives them. treat them with respect. They're still a human being a person makes a mistake. Justice will be

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taken with a loss of animal data as human beings. We deal with human beings wanting goodness for them. It's not easy, but this is what teaches us the value of life. We move on in verse number 183 and 185 Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about fasting, right? Yeah, you hola Xena Amano, Gu teba. La comas Liam come cootie ballon Latina in public con la la quinta de boon. And we highlighted this verse yesterday that we sorry we fast and one of the reasons why we fast is to increase in our taqwa with Allah subhanho wa Taala talk while a lot of people make the mistake and say is fear. It's not fear. If Allah wanted us to be scared of him, we wouldn't be here right now. We're here because we

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know Allah loves us. Not because Allah hates us and wants to punish us. If he wanted to punish us because we're here, we wouldn't be here. Right? We would do what Allah loves. And that's why we're here. Because we try to make a loss of Hannah Montana love us as much as possible. However, we need to understand Should I make a mistake, then the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala could be upon me if he chooses, if he chooses right, while at the same time. Another aspect of taqwa is to constantly be aware that Allah is aware of what I'm doing and where I am and what I'm saying, etc. He's aware of everything. So to be consciously aware, that Allah is aware is a huge part of earning

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taqwa. Now, think of it, you're fasting, you're driving today, and you're speeding to get home because you want to make it to the mustard for the halaqaat. Allah is aware that I'm speeding, you slow down.

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You're swerving. You're cutting someone off. Allah is aware that I'm going to do this. I'm fasting. And because I'm fasting, I feel the hunger within me. So it's constantly reminding me, I'm in the state of fasting and fasting and fasting. It's on Amazon. It's on Amazon. It's constantly in the back of our heads. I slow down. I stopped swearing. I stopped serving, swerving and cutting people off. I stopped speeding, right. I stopped cheating. I stopped arguing with people. I stopped backbiting I stopped this and I stopped that we stopped all of the things that we need to filter out of our lives, because we're constantly fasting and reminded that I'm fasting and it's Ramadan. So

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that element of fasting increases our taqwa. Why? Because I'm not alone. I no longer get to do all of the bad things that we mentioned and more, because I know that I'm fasting, and it's a holy month, etc, etc. In verse number 208, of Surah Baqarah

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a Muslim, Hannah, whatever that says, Yeah, you have nothing in common with the Hulu facin Mika. Why not? Remove the shame.

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In monokuma, to

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be in Allah subhana wa tada says, all you who have believed enter into Islam completely, fully. Don't say, you know, I, I'm gonna do this. And I'm gonna do that. I'll choose a pick and choose No, enter into Islam fully, completely. And perfectly. try and do whatever little you know how to do. Try to perfect that. And that's a lesson for us during Ramadan, try to perfect the little things that we do. Perfect them as best as possible. When I eat, when I drink, how I eat, how I drink, what I eat, what I drink, when I eat, when I drink, how much I eat, how much I drink. Remember, what I'm alone is all about food, right? It's not it's actually about mercy. But somehow when we think of

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food, we have to begin with trying to perfect the little things that we do first. We perfect that and then we move on. I perfect how I'm praying. Now I'm standing in prayer. Tada. We gives me the ability, just perfect. My prayer, how I'm standing. I'm aware of it. It's long. Instead of thinking outside of my prayer, I'm thinking of my prayer. How am I standing? Are my feet facing the Qibla? Am I shoulder to shoulder? Is there a gap between me? Let me move over. Let me fill the gaps close them, right. Let me understand where I'm where I'm standing in the house of Allah.

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Am I pure? Have I purified myself? Am I praying at the right time? What is being recited while I'm praying right we mentioned this yesterday when we went over to the Fatiha for the six people that were here, right and Subhanallah we, you know, you you you then begin to perfect your prayer. You finish your prayer you say some kind of lie that was long those two hour long, okay, but these next two, they're going to be shorter. You get out you're more enthusiastic. Okay. You begin prayer, you start to focus again. You perfect your prayer. You perfect your recitation of the Quran during this month as well. You're reciting the Quran you're slowing it down. What I didn't tell them to T law

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not what I did it was a Formula One right know what I did it for an authority law slowly pay attention. What am I reciting? And Allah subhana wa tada Subhanallah It's so beautiful. Yeah, you have Muslim el camino de la isla kalila nice. Oh, in koszalin who vallila ozy de la hora de lugar de la Allah subhana wa tada if we simply look at those verse, those verses have sort of tongue resemble you can look at it yourself the English later on. It Exactly. Links in with Ramadan and the nights prayers. Exactly. Exactly. So look at it. Read it tonight when you go home just open the mussaf Sula to resemble read the first few verses. That's it, read the translation of it and understand it and

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say, Hey, wait a second. It's another one. This is what we're doing. Okay. What I did it for an atomic Tila. I'm not supposed to wake up in the middle of the night and recite the poem.

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What did you recite? I have no idea I just said bla bla bla bla bla over and over. And people understand that as an as some handle that I remember when I was young, you know, we finished the Quran in in our city, there was only seven Muslim families at the time in that city of over 60 close to 70,000 people. And we invited a half width to recite the Quran and he finished it in three days, finished reciting the Quran in three days. Some handle I remember, I was a kid, and I couldn't even understand this a little too fast. I was surprised how quickly he could recite it. It was like 100 blended in with bonnin right? It was like 100 blog mean like whoa, what did you recite Fatiha?

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Right. I mean was nothing report. So doodles I was like up and down, up down, kiss the ground out to town. It was a Savannah low. But now that I think of this panel, you know, recitation of the Quran, when you recite a few verses, like yesterday in the tough kiddo that I gave in Milton, it was four minutes long. And I didn't leave the first page. I said, you know, when you open the Koran, you have sort of confetti here and the beginning of Sumatran Baqarah. And those first few verses was the reminder that we took and to be honest with you, people accept Islam by simply reading those first three or four verses of the Quran. They accept this now.

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Because they read it, they understand it and say, you know, this is the truth. This has to be the truth. And then we move on Allah subhana wa tada shows us.

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In verse number 209, shavon, you know, won't, this is something that I wanted to mention as a sidetrack.

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shavon will not pay the price for our sins as in whatever sins we commit, we have to give account for that. One of us pilots had a questions us Yeah, that would, why did you do this? Right? Why did you go to so and so place on so and so day with so and so person and do x y Zed?

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For example. Am I eligible to say yeah, a lot. Blame shape on he whispered to me, and it's his fault that I did the sin. So don't blame me, put me in genda it was his fault. No, we stand before Allah subhana wa tan. And we give account for what we did. Blaming shape on Allah knows he gave shape on the ability to come to us from the front, from the back from the rights from the left, he can whisper to us how he wills as in he can distract us from those different ways. But the mercy of a lot comes from the top. And when we make sujood we make sudo to the ground. Right? And so Allah subhanho wa Taala allowed shavonne in our lives to distract us. That's our test, we have to pass the

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test. So don't think we can simply blame shavon for our actions. Now, we have to give accounts for what we did in verse number 211 and 12 you know, a few things that I wanted to point out there.

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I'm also kind of which I that says hi Liam Luna in and yet to whom a model should be brought out in Minami one manner in case you work with the one minute you get to work with the element what you don't know him more in the last verse there Allah Subhana which Allah mentions, do you think that Allah Subhana Allah and the angels are just going to come in? They're going to say, hey, people, guess what you need to worship a lot, right? It's not like this massive sign is going to come to you or Allah is going to come to you and try and open your eyes. He's not going to spoon feed us. He spoon feeds us.

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So how to what to add to all these different signs. And in the next verse he says, send it in Benny.

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He come

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He says, ask the people have many Islam in how many of the is the signs of a loss of kind of metabolise greatness, I've come to them. So many to them, imagine us, how many come to us, you simply look at your phone, that's a sign of a lost man without his greatness. You're talking into your ear, or you have this earpiece, a Bluetooth earpiece, in one of the head is said to be one of the signs of the days of judgment when a person will be speaking into their cat, if translated, as you know, five, you might keep your phone in your pocket in your thigh. Some people will say it's the shoulder because the animal has four legs. So it's a shoulder imagine we take our phone and we

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put it on our shoulder and we go like this, we talk on the phone, or you have your bluetooth headset, so you're talking into your shoulder all the time, sign of the Day of Judgment. So when a lot, so many signs of a loss of habitat is greatness around us, we don't pay attention to them. In the next few verses in 254, alasa panel with Anna shows us

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that we should spend before we don't have as in spend what you earn and what you have that Allah Subhana Allah gave to you before a time that you don't have anything. And what kind of metabo gave us as a blessing from Allah subhana wa tada spend it, use it, use what is Helen, in verse number 264. Now from here onwards, we talked about interest a little bit or spending, I should say 264 to 270, Allah Subhana Allah mentions spending and spending not just you know, I'm gonna go buy a new car spending for a loss of animal which I had. Yeah, I

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mean, many one can do.

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What I

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mean, you

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can with any software, and in it, he told

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me he told

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Kasam welcome all the new cognomen caffine in Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that when we spend when we give charity, don't invalidate your charity, like don't give it and simply boast about it. And don't give it so that other people can see you giving that charity, but if you give it for the sake of them seeing you so that they give as well, then your intention is not boasting. So people say oh look, Mashallah. They gave a million, no, it's to say Subhana Allah, if he can give I should be giving to, if she can give, I can give to, right. And so it's important for us to understand that almost kind of without a wants us to spend on things that will benefit us in the hereafter in this

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life, as well as in the hereafter. And that's what makes us different than the non believers and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, almost no Latino people and I'm one who moved to LA de la law was definitely an unforeseen Kennedy Gen netting bureaucrat in Florida. well beyond

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that. We're famous for ilam you'll see but how have you been? Will lobby monitoramento? Allah subhanho wa Taala first isn't an example of the person who spends, don't just spend and be someone who has like a stone that's completely soft. And on this stone, there's just a little bit of dust. If you see it, you can like,

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blow it away. But imagine that stone now rain falls on it.

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Is that dust still gonna be there? No, it's gone. So it's like, you're the stone that's giving sadaqa right you're giving, but your sadaqa can easily be washed away, it's useless. It's nothing. The rewards is that dirt that stuck to your stone, it can easily be washed away. Why? Because you're not giving it with a good intention. Okay, whereas the person who has a good intention and gifts for the sake of pleasing Allison crown with Anna, they're like a garden. And in that garden, lots of rain falls upon it. And that garden is elevated, it's high. And so this garden that has lots of water and rain falling on it, you get double the amount of reward, but you only gave a little

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but you gave with a good intention. And even if the rain doesn't fall upon it, unless palitana shows us in the example that even if the rain doesn't fall upon it, because it's elevated. You just need a little bit of like mist, a little mist, a little cloud, you know, clouds come low and it gives the moisture to that crop and somehow it grows. And this is why you'll see in some

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countries in the hot countries as well. People plant their gardens on mountains in levels elevation, right, a little bit of moisture falls on the top, it seeps through and comes down to the bottom. You get more, there's more butter cut in it. So when you give for the sake of pleasing Allah subhana wa Tada, you get a lot more in verse number 278 and 279 I know we only have a few minutes left and I will stop so that we have a couple of minutes for inshallah tada in verse 270, and in 279 Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you have nothing in common is it de la weather will not the yummy natalija in Clinton meaning Oh, you have believed fear law have you know that understanding that if

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I do something wrong, there's going to be a problem with me and Allah subhana wa tada and he says, and give up what remains like what you are supposed to in you know, receive etc. of interest, if you should believe interest stay away Why Allah subhana wa tada then says that in

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fact, there will be have been Milan law he was already one in two bedroom Villa Kumara, also unworldly comme la left over the moon at one of the number one, and if you do not, if you don't give up the interest, listen to what Allah subhana wa tada says, then be informed of a war against you from Allah and His messenger.

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That in itself is enough for us, honestly, we live in a society that makes it more difficult for us as believers to stay away from interest than in other parts of the world. We know that we understand it, but we have to do our best. We have to wireless palitana that says, but if you repent, you may have your principal. Thus you do no wrong, nor are you wronged. Repent, clear yourself of it, give it up, get rid of what it is that you have interest with. Try to clear that up as best and as quickly as you possibly can. Remember, if someone is in a state of hardship, read the next verses. Someone's in a state of hardship, try your best. Take it easy, do what you can step by step and

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repent to a loss of handling data on laws. Allah knows. He knows. He knows what we're going through. And he knows if we try and he knows if we get stuck, but we're trying, he knows and he will help us and the help of a lot is near no doubt in verse number will actually stop there but I want to remind us all when we talk about spending, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we will end with this in sha Allah Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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on his deathbed. He was going unconscious and becoming conscious again. He was knocking out and coming back to his senses and the profits in the long run. I think he was sending him he woke up and he asked the governor, how much do we have left? And she says 17 out and he says give it away in South Africa and I'll finish this tomorrow inshallah. Because we have to we have two minutes, one minute, I mean, half a minute, maybe 259. Today.

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We ask Allah to forgive us. Please forgive me for the late finish and make Darius this moment.

Ramadan Tafseer Night 2

June 6, 2016

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