Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – September 10, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The upcoming evening celebrations for the upcoming Friday evening etiquette include relieving oneself, knowing the direction of the road, facing the camera to see the Kava, and protecting oneself from evil behavior. The Hadeeth of the Prophet sallua is discussed, including the importance of relieving oneself and not facing the Qibla without a barrier, the confusion surrounding the legality of the Prophet's life, and the use of shale clean rooms and toilets. The importance of protecting oneself from evil behavior is emphasized, and caution is given when entering public bathrooms.
AI: Transcript ©
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from Bill alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam. ala Anna v Hill Karim Ali of Thanos Sala to uttama tasleem. From the Shakti surgery via Sidley, Emily, la cadet terminally Sani of Cabo poly, my brothers and my sisters SNM la alikum warahmatu ye over cattle. So today is Friday, September 10 2021. And we continue with our Friday night etiquettes class where we are continuing on learning from the chapter of

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the etiquettes of relieving ourselves. And we learned last week that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the Sahaba at the lower end home, pretty much everything well, yeah, everything that we need to know as believers in Allah Subhana what's Allah? Of course over time, there are things that come up that may not have been around at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is where we look through the Sunnah. And through the,

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of course the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to discuss and decide on you know, whether something is permitted, not permitted etc.

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And this could be from so many, you know, examples of so many different things

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you know, from multiple different angles to using technology and the permissibility of wearing watch, for example, is it considered jewelry? Is it not considered jewelry, you know, stuff like that. So hamdulillah our Deen has taught us so many things. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through teaching us lots and lots of different aspects of life, that allows us to be able to apply Islam until the end of time. And that's one of the miracles of course of the course. And so today we continue on with a nahi and his stepwell Kabbalah kubla was did it

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was did bury

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the impermissibility of

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relieving oneself while facing in the direction of the Qibla or facing our backs towards the direction of the Qibla what is the Qibla a lot of people might know what the Qibla is, but the Qibla is the direction of the carrabba it is the direction that we pray in as Muslims. So there may be someone who's new to them, or someone who doesn't know, you know, some of these words within the Arabic language, or someone who's just interested in learning about Islam and they come on and you know, attend the classes and this happens fairly frequently. There's a lot of people who are learning about Islam or see, you know, a notice that comes up, hey, there's this class going on and

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they attend.

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So, the warning within Islam with regards to relieving ourselves while facing the direction of a Qibla or facing our backs towards the direction of the Qibla we see that there are many authentic hadith with regards to this topic.

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We'll start off with hadith of Abu Musab I'm sorry about the Allahu anhu said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when one of you goes to relieve yourself, right those two

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instances specifically the word is it which is number two, right number one, we know number one is your innate number two. So when one of you goes to do number two basically, Fenn is talking about Qibla do not face the Qibla

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nor face your back towards the Qibla rather face towards the east or towards the west, and the prophets and alongside of us and them said shut Rico over rebou towards the east or towards the west. Why the East in the West? Well, if you're in Medina, for example, which direction is the Qibla?

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Who knows? Let's see who knows. I will look at the chat section here and see if anyone knows what direction is the Kava from the city of Medina to mana water. Let's see how many of you have paid attention to your travels to Medina or simply knowing a little bit of geography and the map of the two harems. In fact, the three right the three holy

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lands and sanctuaries so which direction is the Qibla? from the city of Medina to the munawwara? Who knows? You could guess, right? If you guess north, south, east or west, you basically have a 25% chance of getting it right. So don't be shy. Just type something. I want some interaction submitted up. There's quite a few of you watching from multiple different

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live streams. So just type it in in the comments or chat section.

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In which direction is the temblor from the city of Medina to munawwara?

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You should all know this.

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Okay. k QQKKQ. I saw lots of aka LA, you put a question mark, you wrote south and then question mark. So you're uncertain, which is fine. Let's see if anyone else gets it. Right.

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Anyone else?

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Nobody? Shama? You're absolutely right. So it is south from the city of Medina to munawwara. We actually pray south towards the Kava. Okay. So now this makes sense when we think of it if the profits went along with it, the Selim is telling us when we relieve ourselves are telling this habit of the longer I know, when you relieve yourselves face, the east or the west. Why? Because if you're facing if you're facing the south, then you are facing directly facing the Qibla. Right, the direction of the pillar, if you are in Medina, and I'm just using Medina as an example, right? If you're in Medina and you're facing the North, then your back is towards the direction of the Qibla.

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Okay, so he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam face the east or the west, which means that your side would be facing the Qibla, either one side, the right side or the left side, right. So you are not directly facing the direction of a Qibla and relieving yourself either urinating or defecating. Okay.

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Now, that's with regards to facing the Qibla.

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Either the front of us facing the Qibla, or the back of us facing the Qibla, while relieving ourselves. But the scholars actually differ over whether this is something that we should continue to do or was it during something specific to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Or is it something that is related to the person who is actually able to see the Kava in front of them? So they're in Mecca, and they can see the Kava? So should they face the camera or face away from the camera when relieving themselves right? Is it permissible to do that or not. And the discussion amongst the scholars is, is actually because of many Hadeeth and I won't go through all of them. But

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will will summarize in sha Allah Tada.

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So the scholars differ with regards to this topic here. Because like I mentioned, there are so many different narrations that actually highlight a few important things. First off, we see the Hadeeth of a YouTube rhodiola where he mentions that

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so the hadith of Abu Ibrahim Allah and I'm not going to go through all the Hadees it's going to just take too long, but to summarize it over the longer and the Hadith that he mentions or narrates shows us that there is a Navy a prohibition from facing the Kibler whether the front of us or the or having our backs Facebook dibbler Malecon right. So what am fissara Oh, elbonian. So, his Hadeeth shows us in the wording that it is not permissible to face the Qibla or to face our backs towards the Qibla. When we are relieving ourselves, whether we are outside or inside of a building or structure, then you come across another Hadeeth that

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that is narrated by even armadyl De La Hoya and Houma.

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And then that head is, we see that

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what we learn from that head is that it is permissible to face our backs towards the fibula, but not to face our front, right to be front outwardly facing the Qibla

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inside of a structure

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or something that acts as a structure, like for example, having his animal, right even armed with the law when he put his animal that he was writing, believe it was a camera in front of him. And that acted as a barrier between him and the Qibla. Okay, and then he relieved himself. So that Hadeeth serves to teach us that it's not permissible to face the Qibla without having something there physically a barrier if there's a barrier there, then it is permissible. Then we see the hadith of Solomon rhodiola and, and that Hadeeth we learn that it is not permissible, right, it is not permissible.

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And Isabella, Kibler, McLaughlin Sylvania, are ready to face the cuddler

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When relieving ourselves

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completely an entirety, whether inside of a building, or outside of a building, right outside in nature, for example, you go camping, right? You're

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and we gave examples of this last week, right? What would be the times that a person is relieving themselves outside of their home somewhere else, right? It's an emergency on the side of the road, you're stuck in traffic and on the highway. And the fourth one, for example, you know, a child needs to go or you're camping, you know, multiple examples that, you know, people came up with, it could even be a patient who's in the hospital in bed, and unable to get out of the bed to go relieve themselves. And they have, you know, a tray or they have a urinal, plastic urinal that we use over here, you know, which direction does that person facing? So don't think that oh, you know, this is

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something we don't need to know, and we don't need to learn.

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So this example, now, we've seen three now the fourth, fourth one that we'll look at is a Heidi's of job, it'll be a loved one.

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Where within it, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was relieving himself and was facing the direction of the Qibla. Right.

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And that was something that was seen or noticed by the Sahaba rhodiola at home, right, and this hadith of jabot, on the lower end,

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and he mentioned that this was in the last year of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, therefore, showing us that this Hadeeth is indicating that prior to the last year of the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, it was probably in most likely not permissible to face a good law, while relieving ourselves or facing our back towards a good luck when relieving oneself. However, that that was something that was abrogated or changed. And that in the last year, it was, you know, it was noticed, or the Sahaba companions noticed that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had done that, and there was nothing wrong with it. And how do we reconcile how do

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we figure out

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what is right? Okay, how do we figure out what we are supposed to do? If we have so many different narrations and so many different reports from Sahaba of the Obama and him that show? You know, if one is outside, then they should not do it, but if they're inside or there's a barrier between them, then it's possible. Another head Isa completely outright says no, it's not permissible. Another that mentions that you can face up to if you have the barrier, but you know, if you're facing the other way, then it's okay. And then the Hadeeth of Java at the lower end, where it mentions that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was facing the Qibla. And there was nothing wrong with that, and

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it was in the last year of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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to sum everything up, the scholars mentioned and this is, you know, the legendary EMA scholars that you know, many of them found within

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Mecca, Medina, Riyadh, within the mandalika, Saudi Arabia and many other scholars around the world as well have concluded that

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it is not permissible to face the Qibla or to have our backs facing the Qibla when a person is relieving themselves outside in the open

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and that specifically is more so if you are able to see the Kava, okay, and it happens at times when people go for Hajj. Right, they go for Hajj, they're in an area close to Mecca.

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They also say that it is permissible

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to face the Qibla if a person is within a building a structure

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or there is some sort of barrier between them and the Qibla.

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And that is what many of the scholars say,

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because we have so many different Hadeeth that show us multiple different things. And so what they do is they try to put them all together to see if we can do justice to everything. And so the default is that we try to refrain from it as much as we possibly can. Now some people in Canada will say but within our homes, we don't choose where the toilet is and where it's facing. You come to a house that you're going to rent or you're going to buy and while the toilets are there, you can't exactly say but I want my two

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But to be on this wall, I don't want it to be over there. You don't really have that luxury. Unless you're building the house right from scratch and it's going to be built for you then you actually have a say.

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So here we see that

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and even in our mustards on Allah, when the washrooms were being renovated.

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The washrooms that the brothers use, the toilets are with the left side facing the Qibla. So if you're using the toilet while seated on it, then the Qibla is to your left. However, in the other washrooms because of the you know, the design of the building, where the sisters bathrooms are, the women's bathrooms are

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the toilets are either facing in the direction of the Qibla. Or they would have their backs towards the Qibla. Right, the toilets would be positioned where the backs would be facing the Qibla. So the toilets were angled, as you know, when they renovated the bathrooms, the toilets were angled diagonally, so that those toilets are not facing, nor are the backs facing the direction of the Qibla. Okay. And that's something that you can really only do if you are renovating or reconstructing or recurrent reconstructing or building a house from scratch. Right? So that's a little bit difficult to have done. And this is why we see the beauty of our Deen where

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it's not preferred to be facing or to have our backs facing the Qibla. But if we are within a closed enclosed area, then it isn't really such a big deal anymore. Right? Because you're not facing that could have not seen that table and I was reflecting upon this and thinking about it as well. There is this aura around the Kava when you're in Mecca. And you see the Kava, your attention, your eyes, your focus are drawn into the Kava, naturally, people are making the love and so on and so forth. And it's just our heart's desire to be there. So we're always you know, if you're ever within sight of the candle you're usually looking at, if you're on the roof, you're looking at it, you're in the

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basement, you can see it through the stairs, you know up the stairway, you try to look at it.

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So So hetal, I was thinking like, it must have been very difficult for many of the Sahaba when they were living in Mecca, to go outside of the city further away outside of Mecca, and relieve themselves out in the open because that's how it used to be right, they would walk far away and relieve themselves. It must have been very difficult for them to go far away and still not look at the camera while relieving themselves. And so when a person turns

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when a person turns to their sight, you're looking and you can maybe see it in your peripheral vision, but hamdulillah at least you know your focus, your main focus is not there. Right? Allah Subhana Allah knows best. This is the deen of Allah Subhana. What's

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the next thing that we're going to look at is?

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What do we say? And what do we do when we enter the bathroom and when we exit the bathroom? Now very simply, I think most of us already know all of this.

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First of all, the The bathroom is not a clean place, obviously. But when we say it isn't clean as Muslims, we also mean that it is a place that the shale clean the Djinn would be more encouraged to frequent because it is not a place of cleanliness. It's a place that we go to to relieve ourselves. Now, what is a bathroom? I mentioned this last week, and I'll say it again today.

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The place that we go to to relieve ourselves is usually called a bathroom or a washroom but in reality, the place where the toilet is, that is the dirty area. That's the area that you sit or squat in order to relieve yourself.

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That place is a place where there's filth where there's dirt and a place that the shale thingyan.

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Enjoy. Okay. And so when we enter into that specific spot or area not talking about the shower when taking a whistle, we actually begin with the right side. So taking a whistle is something that's good and clean and pure. When you're standing at the sink to make a loo you make whoo you say Bismillah you start with your right hand you start with your right arm, you know you you start with the right foot so we're doing something that's good and clean and pure.

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When you're using the bathroom, or when sorry when you're using the toilet when you go to use the toilet

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We go there to relieve ourselves and we get up and we leave.

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And so the etiquette of entering the bathroom, or I should say the toilet area. And it's very, you know, tricky to allow us to understand this and think about it in our minds because, you know, we really have to think of it as Okay, the toilet area is the stall the toilet stall area, like you know, in a public bathroom stall, and then the sinks are in a separate area, the sinks are in a pure, clean place, because you're going to make love there. But the toilet itself is in a place of filth and dirt. And so it's encouraged and preferred that when we enter

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the area of the toilet

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that we enter with our left foot, and we say Bismillah

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had Easter Valley, even a bit barley, but on the lower end, where he says all that sort of law, he said, no longer any us alum, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the barrier or screen right the barrier between the Djinn and the private parts of the children of Adam, human beings. When they enter the washroom or the bathroom, the toilet area is by saying Bismillah so when a person says Bismillah, there's actually a barrier between them. They're there parts of their body that they're going to expose when going to relieve themselves, saying Bismillah puts up a barrier between us and this shiny thing, the jinn who want to do evil and are encouraged to do evil, but we

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protect ourselves by saying Bismillah now person says wait a second, how do I say Bismillah going into the bathroom? If I'm not allowed to say Bismillah when I go into the bathroom? So I said think of the toilet area in your mind as the area that is

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unclean, dirty, right? That's the toilet area that's the place you go to to relieve yourself not the entire washroom, okay, just the area where the toilet is. And so before you step to use the toilet, okay so for example the toilet is here. Okay.

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Before you step into that area,

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you would say Bismillah and step in with your left foot first and then remove yourself right

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now also from the Sunnah of the Prophet sent along that he was sending them

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is to say rule below him you know kobushi well for that is

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also can in the vs on the longer it was silence Heidi's have an s are the 11 either. lol holla when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was about to enter into the

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the toilet area

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he would say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah in a row the weaker mineral who booty was for that is Obama in the arrow to become you know who busy one for that is

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seeking help and protection putting our you know asking Allah subhanho wa Taala that we seek refuge in You from the filth dirt

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from what is evil and from the spirits that have evil and do evil. Okay.

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So you enter with your left foot and you say Bismillah along the in the rules obika we know how busy we are that is

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now when we exit or we leave the bathroom coming out of the bathroom. When you're done relieving yourself and you get up from relieving yourself you stepped forward with your right foot. Okay, step forward with your right foot why because now you're you are leaving the place of filth and entering into a clean area. And this is something that we do whenever we enter the masjid we enter with the right foot we enter our homes for example, you know with the right foot we do so many things with the right foot when it is good like you wash your right foot first when you're making Lulu and you're doing a full soul, you know stuff like that. So the right is

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when we are clean or cleaning and doing good. Okay.

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So you step forward after relieving yourself with your right foot and you say to her for our neck of a frona seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala right from the evils of whatever whether what we what we've done, you know, any kind of evil seeking forgiveness from Allah subhana wa ala.

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Shut up the Allahu anhu says Canon nibio some along either us alum either hora Janina

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Well, when the message that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would

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after completing, relieving himself

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and it's specifically number two, right?

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All woof ronak he said, look for Anak. Very easy, very simple to do and humblest. So these are things that we all were taught when we were children, we should try to do them as much as we can. And we usually go to the bathroom and relieve ourselves multiple times in the day. So we need to make sure that we protect ourselves from the evils

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that exists in this world. And we ask Allah subhana wa attallah to keep us safe and protected. I mean, the next and last thing that we'll look at in sha Allah to Allah is

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the importance of covering ourselves in Cabo alhaja when we go to relieve ourselves, so making sure that we are covered from being seen by others. Now I'll go through this very briefly and shot a lot of data and then we'll give examples of how this could apply to us in today's day and age.

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We look at the hadith of emilija in shortbow, the Allah and where he says, I was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a journey, okay, I was traveling with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam for call Yama, Yama VIERA. So he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam omo VIERA, take the waterskin right take the the junk, right that has water in it take take the jug, the water skin. So I took it

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and went with the profits on a longer and he was selling one with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then he took it from him.

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And he walked in, he went off in the distance until he was out of the sight of Mughal era, or the longer and

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then he relieved himself some longer it he was alone for Cabo hijo.

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he was wearing a Syrian gown. The clothing he was wearing was a gown from Syria.

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If you read through the the Hadeeth, the narration mentions that the sleeves were tight, right. And he was going to couldn't get his hand out. So he just stuck his hand through and allowed Molina to pour the water over his hand. Right, and washed his hands and then he made what do we learn from this Hadeeth we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he went to relieve himself, he walked far away, he went in the distance, thus indicating to us the importance of covering ourselves making sure that we are not seen also the profits on the long run, he was wearing that gown, which is very long, so very long gown that covered his entire body. And so the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not able to be seen by looking in the direction of where he was, nor was he able to be seen by having his body exposed, right, because he was covered up from the gown that he was wearing.

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And so hamdulillah you know, we learn from that the importance of making sure that we cover ourselves when we use the bathroom when we relieve ourselves.

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And so the important thing that I want to point out here is that

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we make sure that no one else is able to see us when we are relieving ourselves. Now hamdulillah you know, the beautiful thing about the homes that many of us live in, and especially here in North America, is that our bathrooms or the room where the toilet is, is always behind, you know, walls and a door. Right? It's not out in the open. I've been to places I've traveled to villages. You know, some how do I remember when I went to Nigeria, we went to we went to very small towns and very like poor areas.

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And I remember having to use the bathroom.

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I knew that if I had told anyone that I needed to use the bathroom, they would have put me in the car and drove and driven me to the closest, you know major city and taken me to a nice, you know, washroom just because I'm a guest in their country. And we were at a very small Masjid in in a small you know, village and many, many of the people gathered to listen to you know, a few words of

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of advice that we shared with them.

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And so I waited, sharing this with you, right a waited until my turn to speak, was over. And then the other two, you know, mums or brothers that were with me, you know, they were going to speak.

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And when I was done, I got up very quietly didn't tell anyone anything just got up and I, you know, walked aside, left the masjid

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and I started walking around looking to see where the bathroom is, and saw this really old, broken, you know, stone building. And I thought to myself, this must be must be where the bathrooms are. And I just like walked around the wall, it was just one wall, like a brick wall, walked around the wall. And then I could see, you know,

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this small little barrier, Okay, a few feet high, just going like this high because of the camera, but it was about three, four feet high. And you basically just squat and you're there and people who are walking by they could see you, they could see your head, they could see the top part of your body, but they can't see the bottom part of your body and you just relieve yourself. And so someone who'd be standing there could technically watch you taking the jug, pouring the water, cleaning yourself and stuff like that.

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So I went in, and I've traveled to hamdulillah you know, Allah has blessed me with the ability to have traveled many countries, and I've had to use very, very dirty, very disgusting, you know, bathrooms and outhouses and stuff like that. So for me using a bathroom is like, Hey, I go I use it. I leave, right? It's not really a big deal. I'm positive that 99% of you would probably not be able to use those bathrooms though.

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So I went in and one of the local brothers, he came out immediately. He's like, she actually Where are you going? I'm like, I'm going to the bathroom. He's like, No, no, come come, I'll take you on, like, take me where he's like, we'll go in the car. I'll take us just about three miles away, we'll go. I'm like, No, no, it's okay. It's fine. I'll use this bathroom. He's like, do you need to go in a hurry? I'm like, No, but I need to go now and make we'll do and then we'll pray and then we'll you know, we'll leave after that. Just No, no, come come. I was like, No, it's okay. It's fine. I could use this. Okay.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:15

So I'm sharing this with you. Because there are many people who live a day to day life, where using

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a bathroom like we use is a dream. I give you another example. I went to a water village, right this is basically where refugees are living in a country won't mention were actually have a video on YouTube about it.

00:32:33 --> 00:33:00

The people there they live over very shallow water, okay, it's very, very shallow water. They have these like, tin and very small, you know, thin pieces of wood, they make their homes and build on these pillars that they handle are managed to like drive down deep into the ground, and the water underneath them. When the tide rises, it comes in a little bit when it goes out, then it just settles and all the sludge and all the filth and everything is there.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:25

And I went through this village is basically like the slums. And we went there to do height, right, I traveled to a neighboring city. And I always on my trips like to go and do some sort of Southern find, you know, the poor people and do some some crazy there hamdulillah because our dollars in Canada are worth a lot in many countries. So it can go a long way. And

00:33:27 --> 00:33:51

as as we were walking through, you're walking on these planks of wood because it's built over the water. So you're walking on these planks of wood. And the planks of wood are meant to carry these people who are very light because they don't eat much food and the people of their country a lot shorter than me. So they're lighter than me. So they just walk on the planks of wood not really fearing that a plank of wood would break and they fall into the water.

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I on the other hand, was very concerned because the planks of wood were were very flimsy, and very, very old and seemed like they would crack if I didn't step in the right places. So I'm the last finally managed to like get my way into certain area where it was, you know, proper stable, I think they had like more solid wood and maybe in some places had spread out, you know,

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like an aluminum sheet and then put maybe some cement over it or something of that sort. So as we're walking around now I'm thinking to myself where the bathrooms, so I asked the local, you know,

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it was a local sister who was with us. I asked her I said, Where are the bathrooms? Like, where do these people go to use the bathroom?

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And she said, she there's there's no running water. They have no running water, and they have no electricity.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:51

And I was like so there's no water, no electricity at all? No. So how do they use the bathroom? What do they do?

00:34:52 --> 00:34:55

So, she says just look over there.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

I look and I see this kid

00:35:00 --> 00:35:14

With a bowl, right, like a bowl that you would probably put flour and mix, you know, basically making some bread or or you know, baking something with like a bigger bowl, not not a cereal bowl or soup bowl, but a bigger bowl, right.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:28

And so on the ground. And he's just squatting over it and relieving himself. Kind of like, Okay, give him some privacy. And then when he's done, I look over to see what he's going to do with it. And he takes it and he just dumps it over into the water.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:47

Now, I'm telling you the story, but you're not really putting yourself in my shoes, because had you been putting yourself in my shoes, you would think to yourself, wait a second, this place must stink really, really badly. And it does. I remember when we got there, and we got out of the car, it was like the gag effect, everyone was like,

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like, oh, it smelled so bad.

00:35:52 --> 00:36:25

But if you stay there for 1520 minutes, half an hour, eventually you don't really pay attention to the smell so much, it's there, but it's just it becomes normal. So these people some how to love all of them. adult men, woman, child, elderly, they relieve themselves in a bowl, and they just dump it over. And when the tide comes in, then it you know takes take some of the the dirt away the wastage. And when it settles, whatever's there stays there, and the sun shines on it and it bakes. And that's why it smells really bad.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:59

So you and I Alhamdulillah we are blessed with the ability to go into a washroom in our home or a bathroom, and to close the door. And to step you know, forward with our left foot after saying Bismillah Allah in the air also becoming a hobo see what that is, and then to step away, and so on and so forth. We are so blessed with the ability to do that and to have these luxuries in life, whereas many other people Subhanallah they go through serious hardship, but it's day to day regular, you know, it's normal for them.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:14

And this is where Alhamdulillah we don't really need to worry too much about covering ourselves because you go into the bathroom, you close the door, no one can see you. However, my brothers and sisters, there's this thing

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you know, usually you would think only the poor people of the world would have a hard time covering up their own and protecting their, our, their body from being exposed. But the reality is, it's like a very cool thing to be wealthy.

00:37:35 --> 00:38:17

And to first of all, use the bathroom outdoors I've been to I've been to really nice resorts as well where you open the door to the to the bathroom, and you open it and you're outside. You literally outside facing a mountain there's no one in front of you and you just sit there and birds chirping and Mashallah, it's a lot of colors is nicely like, Man, this is like real nature, right? And no one can see you. But I've also been to places and hotels in particular where the bathroom is separated by just a glass. And it's like normal for a spouse to see another spouse or a boyfriend and girlfriend to see the other person in the room using the toilet.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:22

Whether it's a wealth thing or not.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:27

It is a thing that happens these days.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:35

You might think to yourself, man that's like unique. But I have been to countries

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where even using the public bathroom in the airport, in the airport, there are no doors on the stalls.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:49

There are no doors on the stalls, you just walk in.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:09

Or there's a urinal men have this issue, right where there's a urinal next week, we're going to talk about standing up and urinating. And you know whether it's permissible or not permissible, but that's next week. But I've been to a country in the I remember going into the airport, and the entire wall, the entire wall is just stainless steel.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:26

And the drain is on the bottom. And every guy just comes in and stands here and another guy comes up and stands there. And everyone is just basically peeing on the wall. Sustained the Steel Wall goes down into the drain. There's no dividers, there's no like molded thing that comes out nothing. It's just there.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:59

Also, and there's not only other countries here in North America, many of us might say to ourselves, Oh, we don't have these issues. Right. And some of you asking what country is that? Right? I'm not gonna mention because here in North America, you go into men's bathrooms and there are urinals on the walls. But there's no divider between you sometimes I remember even our elementary school. I was like how do these boys use a bathroom and I used to be the only guy going into the stall closing the door. And you know, sitting down to urinate

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Were all the other kids were like it was normal. I was like, Man, this is weird. How do these guys do it? You stand there and like, open their pants. And everyone's like, Hey, how's it go? And everyone's talking and like,

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it's so weird. And so, as Muslims, we might think, oh, but that's somewhere else. We never face it not over here in North America, we also see it happening, right. And even in hotels, many hotels right here in the cities that we live in, there are hotels that have glass windows, right?

00:40:29 --> 00:40:54

As a door to the bathroom. So anyone who's in the hotel room, I've shared hotel rooms with other machines with other scholars, where we, when one of us in the room had to use the bathroom, the other person would have to leave so that they could use the bathroom and then when you're done, you go and you open the door to the hallway and you let them back in the room because the hotel rooms that we were booked had glass doors for the bathroom in the shower, and you couldn't so how do I remember?

00:40:56 --> 00:41:03

Even yes mail. I remember him and I we were roommates. Once in another country, we flew to another country and the room that we were given

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it didn't have a door like the bathroom was just around the other side of the wall. So we're like Yo, we can't share this room and this is not going to work. So Subhanallah don't think that it is something that we will never experience and that's the beauty of Islam is that it teaches us these principles that you need to have that higher that modesty need to protect yourself, cover your body say Bismillah as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the sitter the the the barrier between us and the jinn the shell theme is to say Bismillah and it protects our private areas from being seen and witnessed by the evil spirits Okay, that are out there the jinn and the shale being

00:41:48 --> 00:42:01

that's all it will take for Team shot a long time to just come along or fail on vertical level for UConn. Or some Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala early he was he was a LIM, I'm just going to write the date.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:16

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask sha Allah. I don't see any questions other than which country it was, I'm not going to tell you which country it was where that stainless steel

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was quite it actually a few countries and when I think of it, there were quite a few places I've been to.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:55

Meanwhile, yeah, come Hope everyone benefits from from the class and knowledge. And I know it sounds weird that we talk about these topics sometimes. But the reality of it is that we are human beings, and we do experience these things in life and we have to know how to deal with them, and what to do in these situations. And the importance of covering ourselves. I know many sisters deal with things that brothers don't deal with many brothers deal with things the sisters don't deal with, right?

00:42:56 --> 00:43:19

It's just a reality of the life we live in. One of one of the things and we'll get into that in a you know, a couple of weeks inshallah is the cleanliness keeping ourselves clean in the bathroom. And men have this issue, one of the problems that I always had with taking our daughters like when they were younger, and you know, I would be in public somewhere rest area, you know, they're like a few years old,

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have to take them into the bathroom, and bringing them into the men's bathroom is always something that I dread or dreaded doing hamdulillah. Now they're older, they can go on their own. But you know if I was with them alone and taking them into the men's bathroom, such a dreadful thing, because for those who don't know of men's bathrooms, I mean, I know all the brothers know. But because

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living in a non Muslim society. what men do when they go into the bathroom is they stand up in the urinate. You stand up and urinate especially in a toilet bowl that's filled with water is that all of that splashes everywhere, especially as all over the toilet seats, and taking little children. And please do be careful with your children. All of you whether you know male or female brothers or sisters, be careful with your children. Don't just send them into public bathrooms without going in and checking it yourself. Go in and see what the condition of the toilet is. If it's dirty, clean it before your children go and sit on it. I've seen so many times children go in standing in line

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waiting to use the bathroom. Children go and come out go in come out go and come out and then when I go in I'm like how all these children sitting on this. It's so filthy, so disgusting. so dirty. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from you know the filth and dirt of this world. I mean, all right, no questions. hamdulillah I'll see you soon. And that is in 13 minutes. Actually. That is in three minutes all those in 13 minutes. So I'll see you all at the mustard medical Alfie Kohn ceremony coming up with somebody over cattle

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