Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – July 19, 2020

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The burial process in Islam is discussed, including burying individuals and burying others. It is not legal to bury individuals during a time when the sun is crossing the horizon, but burying individuals in the presence of their relatives is important. The importance of burying the deceased in a grave with a niche and burrow is discussed, as it is historically popular. The segment also touches on sharia and the use of dirt in burying individuals. The spiritual process of burying a deceased person is highlighted, including the use of evil deeds and the return of the soul to their body.
AI: Transcript ©
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Send them where they come up with the value of our castle, we are going to just wait another minute in sha Allah for people to log in.

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Also give it a minute for me to get this Instagram started, which is having an issue on this last account

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chala Hope everyone is doing well hope that you manage to attend the previous sessions. And I was thinking earlier today how, you know, with the weather being not so great outside and it was raining earlier. I was thinking how, you know, at least with technology, you know, we can still continue our classes. And then I thought earlier today, while I was thinking about that earlier today, and I was like, Well, you know, when the internet cuts off, then we can't continue our classes anyways. So it doesn't really make a difference, right.

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And that's kind of interesting because it's thinking to myself like Allah subhanho wa tada gives us the ability to do things in person, and then we figure we can out out do it by doing things virtually. And then when we do do things virtually,

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we think that we're invincible, but a love reminds us that we aren't and that he can make the power go off. And that was the case in my office. The electricity kept shutting off this afternoon and that's why I decided to come home and live stream from home today so that hopefully the internet doesn't cut off over here or the electricity doesn't go off and then we can continue on with our class.

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So we'll get right to it inshallah Tana

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Today we're going to be covering the burial. So we're continuing with the chapter of the funeral prayer, but we're not talking about the actual prayer now we're talking about the burial process. Okay, so

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different things related to it and we have an interesting Heidi's that we're gonna look at which is fairly lengthy. It's about two pages long and we'll go through that Heidi's inshallah.

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So I have a friend Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam Aleta, slowly lower it yourself of the human left on the back.

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So, the burial it's an obligation to bury the deceased person within Islam it's an obligation for us to make sure that we bury the person who passed away okay. Even if that person were a disbeliever we still have to bury them. As we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to me, it'll be a lot more and

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I did this

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That's weird. just lost an entire connection.

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I'll just continue and get it started as I go.

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So as we see in the in the setting of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam earlier of the alloga and was told by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when violet had passed away, go and bury him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told earlier of the lava and to go into bury his father, right.

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And he was a disbeliever. So that is evidence that within Islam, even for non believers, we take it upon ourselves to bury them when they pass away.

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The Sunnah is to bury the dead in a graveyard, okay, so the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just confirm with me here on this Instagram account if you guys can hear me the video paused but is it back on? Just let me know, system Vanessa.

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I know the tornado stressed out the internet. That's why I'm live streaming from home and

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not the mustard because the electricity kept turning off, but just let me know on Instagram here. If you guys are able to see me or should I and hear me or do you want me to restart the connection?

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Hopefully you can hear

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getting back on Okay, good. Um, the light does not come along fair. So, for those that missed out very quickly, we're covering the burial process and it's an obligation within Islam to bury,

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the deceased person that passes away, whether the person is Muslim or not. And that is seen in the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam telling it for the long run to go and bury his father, who had passed away the Prophet so long it was send them said to him, go and bury him. And that was the father value of the 11. Also the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I thought it okay.

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The son that is to bury the dead in a graveyard, as we typically know and we commonly know so it's something that to bury someone in the graveyard. And the only exception to this really is

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for those who well first of all the profits in the long run

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David Sutton himself was not buried in the graveyard. And that's because at the time of the death of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wa sallam, Abu Bakar with the lover and said to the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu, he said, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa send them saying something that I did not forget. He said, unlock does not take the soul of a prophet accepted the place in which he loves to be buried. Okay, so Allah does not take the soul of a prophet except in the place for with, in which he loves for that profit to be buried. And we know that the profits are to be buried in the place that they die wherever they pass away. So wherever the soul is taken from the

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profits, it must send them the profits in the long run, it will send them taught us that they are to be buried there in that place.

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So that's one exception. The burial of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself took place in his home, so he was buried in his home. The other exception is for the Shahada, those Sahaba for example, who passed away during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while

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during a battle, okay, so another exception to the general rule of burying the deceased person in a cemetery is the case of the martyrs those who die in battle. They are to be buried at the place of their martyrdom wherever they passed away, wherever they were martyred. And we know that a martyr is not someone who died, right?

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We see Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, when after kulula, Manuka Luisa de la jolla and what whenever you let us or when Allah subhana wa tada says, Don't say about those who do.

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I just went blank, right? Don't say about those who,

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who were martyred in battle, Emmanuel, Luisa de la, um, what don't say that they are dead, right, that they died, but rather, they are alive, right? When I can let this around, but you just don't know what you don't feel it right for us as believers, you know,

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we are not able to, to really acknowledge that or understand it, because we see the body to be dead, and they themselves as well, are in a different realm. Right. And so we asked a loss of data, of course to shower his blessings and mercy upon those who lost their lives, with the profits in the long run, he was send them and for the sake of a loss, dependable whatever. And so the exception that we're looking at now is that those who passed away on the battlefield or were murdered,

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they are to be buried where they were murdered as well. And that comes from the heads of job if on the lower end, where he said on the day of those that were killed, were being taken to the to be buried in the book. They're right, they were being taken to the bucket in Medina. And this is of course, Fort Hood is like just down the street from the bucket. So he says, Jabba the Lama says on the day of or those that were martyred, were being taken to be buried in the bucket. cemetery. Then the announcer of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for claimed, the Messenger of a loss on a longer either us send them orders you to bury the deceased at their places, right. So

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those that passed away in the battle, they were ordered.

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The Sahaba were ordered to bury them, where they passed away on the battlefield. And that's why nowadays, when you go to Medina, usually we make a trip to Mount Hood, right, and we stand before the graves of the long run, and some of the other Sahaba that are buried there, who lost their lives during the Battle of art.

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The next part of the chapter that we're going to look at is that it is not permissible to bury the deceased during the following times, except due to a necessity, okay, so there are certain times that we are not permitted to bury the deceased, except during times that may be a necessity, right, we actually don't have a choice. The first one is one that we looked at last week, and that is the timing that it is discouraged to actually price all that. So the time of sunrise while the sun is rising, crossing the horizon until once it's completely past the horizon. That's a time when it is not permitted or discouraged from burying those that had passed away. The second time is the time of

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when the sun is at its peak, right, the zenith right above us until the sun has crossed over that and the time was entered. Okay, so that time that it takes to process

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peek. And the third time is the time in the evening. And I'm just rushing through it because we covered it last week, the time where the sun is setting, right just before moving in, but as the sun is crossing, crossing under the horizon and disappearing until the sun has completely disappeared, okay, during those three times, that is the first point here, that it is not permissible to bury the deceased during those times. The second time that we learned that it's not permissible. So those that first point is actually three times right. Those are three times dealing with the position of the sun. The second is jab, it'll be a lot more unsaid, the messenger will last a long way. I think

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he was sending mentioned a men from among his companions who had died, been wrapped in shroud not long enough to cover his body, and was very during the night. So in the middle of the night, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recommended the people for varying demand during the night, such that he was not able to perform the prayer for him. And this should only be done

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when it is a necessity. So debit of the alarm says that it should only be done when it's a necessity. So basically, what happened here is

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someone had passed away in the middle of the night and the Sahaba of the lower end, who took it upon themselves to shroud him to wash his body to shroud him and to bury him.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not happy with that. And, and that was because he himself was not able to take part in the jenessa and to fulfill that part of the rights of the person who did who passed away. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advise the Sahaba of the llama and Han

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that it should only be something that is done

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out of necessity, okay?

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If someone is forced to bury someone at night, though, right, you have no choice, you have to bury them at night, for whatever reason, then it is permissible. Right? So what what is mentioned here is that it shouldn't be done at a time in the nights when people aren't aware of it. And that's because the profits in the long run I think he was sunning himself as even our best it'll be like I said, the Messenger of a loss it along with it, he was someone put a man into his grave at night and he lit

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he lit lamps in the grave. Okay. So if a person is absolutely in need of burying someone in the night, then it is permissible to do so but, but we should like the briefs, right? We should like the area in the cemetery, and make sure that people can, you know, see what they're doing, and take part in the burial in a way that is lit up at night. Okay, I'm just going to quickly plug this in. Here we go.

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So it is permissible, even if a person has to use lamps and put lamps into the grave into the bottom of the grave to make it easier to bury the person. And we see that being done today. Even in Medina to Manila after selected a shot sometimes there are jenessa that take place so it's not done in the middle of the night. It's done immediately after selecting a shot. And then after that if anyone passes away usually we delay until fudger. And then we have the jenessa after budget when people are able to attend the agenda as a prayer and they're able to follow the agendas and to actually take part in the burial.

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It is a must to make the grave deep, wide and excellent as in prepare a nice grave for the person or people who passed away but we are going to bury you some even said during the day of our code. Some Muslims died and others were wounded.

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We said O Messenger of Allah it is difficult for us to build proper graves for each person. What shall we do? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied and said dig, making them wide, deep and excellent as imperfect not just like this ugly you know the walls go down. No, make it nice, clean, finish it off properly. Okay, so dig, making them wide, deep and excellent. Okay, the profits along with some continue to say very two and three in one grave. Okay, very two and three.

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In one grave, okay to me, in one grave.

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Put the one who knew the most an ahead. So the first to go in will be the one who knew the most for me. My father and now the narrator continues and says My father was the third of three in a grave, but he knew the most God and so they put him ahead, right. So they they

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Basically, we'll, if you have three people here, they will move this one up a little bit, okay, kind of like an email. Okay? So they put him ahead, it is permissible to make the grave a vertical hole straight down and it is also permissible to make the grave

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a hole with a niche so you can make it a grave straight down. Okay with the bottom if I had a box of thinking of maybe cutting a box to show this,

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but if you if you basically make a grave straight down like this, okay, so you dig a grave like that.

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And that's one way that's, that's permissible. So you make a deep grave like that or you dig a grave like this. And then on the sides, you dig a niche, okay, on this side and another one on the other side, okay, you dig a box out on the side or space on the side and then the body is placed on one side and another body is placed on the other side. So it's permissible to make the grave a vertical hole straight down. And it is also permissible to make the grave a hole with a nice cutout at the bottom to the side of the hole.

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Both practices existed during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they still do today in Medina. That's actually how they bury the bodies in Medina. Every grave that you see dug has two sides to it. Right? So there's someone buried here and someone buried there. That's how they do the graves in

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the book the agenda to the book here in Medina to Manoa.

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Both practices existed during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but the latter is considered preferable. And we see anessa dematic of the lower unsaid when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died in Medina, there was a men who dug graves with a niche to the side and another men who dug graves street down

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the companions that will be a lot more uncommon, they said, Let's ask our Lord for guidance, ask a Muslim can without it for guidance, right. So they sent for both of the of the men who dug graves. And they said, whichever one comes first is the one that we are going to choose. And so the profits no longer it was someone was buried in a grave that has a niche tucked to the side of the grave. Okay, that's how the grave of the prophet SAW A lot of it was and that is the accepted practice is for the men to lower the body into the grave, even if the deceased person is a woman. So aesthetically, even if the person who passed away is a woman, the accepted practice is to lower that

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body into the grave being conducted or by the men themselves.

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As this was the practice during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this has been the continual practice of the Muslims even up until today, the relatives of the deceased person have the most right to place the deceased into the grave. This point is based on the generality of the versatile muscle panel or to add it in sort of zurb or Eliza Jen says what we'll do, me barrel room will be bound, seeing keytab

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and blood relatives or blood relations among each other, have closer personal ties in the decree of a loss of animal attack. Okay.

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Oh, my wife just told me that my parents are watching today.

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So, my wife always tells me too, you know, mention that my parents are watching and when I mentioned that my parents are watching they get upset with me. Why do you have to tell people that we're watching

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the blessing from Allah subhanaw taala to have your parents attend your classes, right? Usually it's the other way around. The parents are always telling the children what to do. And now here you have the child telling the parents what to do.

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So we continue Furthermore, it it'll be a lot more narrated, I watched the messenger of a loss of a long way it goes on them. So we took this had either last week, right? Or this narration, we took it last week. And you have your lover and he says that he watched the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I went to him and I expected to find what one normally sees among the dead. But I did not find any such thing. What he means there is that typically when you go to wash the body of someone who passed away, you would see signs of the body, you know, slowly decaying, right? Like, of course it's the desert you have to keep in mind they didn't have these fridges like we have we keep

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a body for a week, two weeks, a month, a month, two months. And you know people will make up on it and everything and kind of love the body looks like it you know, it was just a life five minutes ago. No in the desert, you know, the body starts to decay very, very fast. Remember

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It's very hot, extremely hot, and they have no fridge, to, you know, to store the body and this is why the profits are longer it was encouraged that the body is very quickly.

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And so I did have the llama and says he went to see the profits on longer and he was selling when he was washing his body. And he did not find his body to be like others. The profits are longer and he was some of them was good in appearance, both alive and dead. So his body was like, pure being preserved. Only four people took part in the in lowering him and burying him. So only four people took part in placing his body into the grave.

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And he says, I li li bus and follow and Silas, who was the slave of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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A niche was dug so early, even everybody but on the lower end, he continues to say he says a niche was dug for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and bricks were placed next to him. So it basically is

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going to try and do this in sha Allah.

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So it's just you know, the greatest dog. Okay?

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use black, black. Okay, so the greatest dug down, she could see that. And then there's a niche under the ground to each side. Okay, that comes out to each side. And so you would place one body here, and you close this part, the main part of the grave by placing bricks in there, okay, by placing bricks into the bottom of the grave. So you dig the grave down, and then you dig a slot to the side. And then when you put the body in there, you put bricks afterwards to close it up, and then you fill the grave with dirt. So the body is basically sitting in a chamber. So it's inside a chamber under the ground, okay, there's no dirt, there's no physical dirt piling up onto the body. Okay, it's in a

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physical chamber open.

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We move on,

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it is permissible for the husband to fulfill the role of placing his wife in the grave. So it's permissible for the husband to fulfill the role of placing his wife into the grave. This is based on the idea of Sharia law. And who said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to me on the day that his illness began

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and said, Oh, my head, right? He was complaining about a headache some longer, it was Sunday. And he replied, I wish that

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and he's referring to death, right? He says, I wish that would come to you while I am alive, for then I would prepare you and bury you. So he says to shut up the 11th. And I wish the day that you pass away comes before mine. Because then I could prepare your body and bury you. And that's evidence and proof that as nice as it is to hear that statement of the profits in the long run, even sometimes, it's used as proof and evidence that it is permissible for a husband to bury the body of his wife. Right. And some people ask this question, I know some of us are like, Well, yeah, obviously it is. But people would ask, regardless, okay, there's some that is to enter the body head

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first, from the end of the grave where the feet will be. Okay?

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So for example, you know, this is the the top of the grave, and the head is going to be here, this is the right side facing the Qibla that way, and the feet are going to be here, so the head is here, and the feet are here. So you bring the body this way, and you enter it into the grave like that. Okay, now, in our time, if it's going to be lowered, that's what you do, you would bring the body like this head first and pass it over the grave like that. And then it's lowered into the grave during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Even though in Medina tomato, they don't have the electronic, you know, thing, or the mechanism that you spin and it lowers with belts the

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body down into the ground, okay, they don't use that. They basically just take the body in the shroud, right? And the body is, you know, it sort of moves a little bit stiff but still moves a little bit. They take the body and they lower the head first into the grave, and then the feet afterwards, okay. And if they're putting it in the chamber, then they will put the chamber head in first and then the feet. Okay, I hope that makes sense.

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As Huck said, and hadass asked that Abdullah, even yazeed performed a prayer for him, he did so and then entered the body from the end of the grave where the feet would eventually be placed. He then said, this is the sun, right? So he did that and then he informed the others that this is

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The son of Mohammed, some of them are at USM. The deceased is placed in the grave on his right side, okay, so a person who passes away will be on their right side, okay, of course, your arm is not going to be up the arm will be down, but they will lay on their right side

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with his face directed towards the Qibla. So they will be laying down on the right side with their face towards the fibula, his head and legs therefore will be parallel or sorry.

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perpendicular to the pillar. Okay, so the Qibla is this way, and the body will be this way, okay with the head here, and the feet in the back. So on your right side facing the Qibla that way, not with our heads pointing in the direction of Qibla. Right. So it's like, if you're standing in the masjid, and you're facing the Qibla, right, you would not lay down and put your head facing the Qibla, you would lay sideways across the south, with your head facing the direction of the

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enormity of the longer and when I said when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would put the deceased into the grave, he would say Bismillah where I'll assume that you are sued in law. So when the profits are longer it was someone would be putting a body or placing someone into the grave, he would say this will lower Unless Unless you're sued in law, this will lower Alessandra to rasulillah. Okay. In the name of Allah and upon the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, In the name of Allah and upon the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, very simple Bismillah has some nutty rasulillah

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It is recommended for the one at the gravesite. So for those who are there the grave sites to throw three handfuls of dirt with both hands over the grave, after the bricks have been placed in place, if that's the grave of a niche, right, if you're going to be making the grave that has the niche to the side, or the chamber to the side, then you know, you basically would throw three handfuls in

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and we see this in the head of the line where he says that the profits in the long run I think you ascend them or sorry, he says the messenger of a loss on a longer I think he was send them prayed over a funeral so prayed the janessa prayer and then came and threw three handfuls of soil towards the head of the deceased, as in the body was down in the chamber, the bricks were put in place. And then the profits along it was something to three handfuls of soil and placed it into the grave. And then of course, this habit of the law and home followed and did the same. And this is why it's encouraged to do that. Nowadays, you find that a lot of people will have a shovel, so they'll take a

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shovel and throw three shovels in. Remember for us because we usually dig a grave down, right and just put the body into the grave, it's preferred not to take the dirt and throw it right on top of the body. So put the dirt around the body or around the coffin.

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And when it builds up, builds up builds up higher on the sides, it will slowly start to cave in and cover the top of the body. So we even take risks and we even take precaution and respect the body even when it's in the ground. Even though the soul isn't in it at that point in time. Once we bury it the soul is returned immediately and we'll see that in a minute or two inshallah. The following are sunnen acts after burying the deceased. So after we bury the deceased, there's a few things that are from the son of the Prophet salallahu assembly. The first is that the grave should be elevated from the earth about a hand spent. Okay, so when we say hand spin, sometimes it's an actual hand.

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And sometimes it is more right in the center, we see an arm's length right, the handstand.

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Regardless, the grade should be elevated from the ground a little bit, okay? This is so that it can be respected and no one disrespects the grade. So it's basically identifying the position of the grade that someone is their job, it will do a job if not the one who said the profits and loss of the profits grave was made with a niche in it. bricks were then erected behind his body because he's facing the Qibla. And so the bricks were placed behind him. And his grave was raised about a head spin above the earth. So the first thing is that the grave should be raised a little bit higher than the rest of the ground. Secondly is very similar to the first one. So Fianna Thomas said I saw the

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grave of the Prophet sallallahu I need to send them and it was mounted, okay it was mounted. So it was raised but it was mounted, it was round like that.

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Thirdly, the grave should be marked by a stone, a rock or something of that nature, right there should be something that identifies that there is a

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Grades there. Okay, it doesn't necessarily need to have the name of the person but it should be something that identifies there's a grade there. And usually if it's a rock, the person who buries the person there, or whoever's there and places a rock on top will recognize this rock. Right? They used to be like every rock has a different shape, right? So usually recognize it. And if nowadays that you know, plaque is placed there to identify that there's a grave here and identify who's in the grave, then that's okay as well.

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And this is so that the other family members may be buried in the same area in the future when they pass away, and move on even further. Abby once said, When Earth learned in their own date, he was taken to his grave and buried

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered a men to bring a rock, he was not able to carry it. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rolled up his sleeves. He uncovered his forums is what he said he uncovered as far as he rolled up his sleeves.

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I look but it said the one who narrated this to me from the messenger of a loss of the longer I think he was, some of them said, It is as if I can now see the whiteness of his forearms of the messenger have a loss of a long way to us and them as he uncovered them. So he's, he's describing the profits a little longer, it was something that he remembers the whiteness of his forearms. When the profits are longer it was some of them, uncovered his arms are rolled up his sleeves to help carry that rock and move on it continued saying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam carried it and placed it at the head of the deceased person. So he placed it above the grave where the head is.

00:31:45 --> 00:32:11

He then said, By this, I marked the grave of my brother and shall bury their whoever dies of his family. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam marked his grave, and would, you know suggested the burial of other family members to be near him? Right, so even after a person passes away, it's good to bury people close to their other family members.

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The fourth thing that is from the from the in burying the deceased person, or after burying the deceased person is that one should stand at the grave and supplicate for the deceased, asking him to be kept firmly in his faith and to be forgiven.

00:32:29 --> 00:33:02

And he should also tell those that are there, right, it's actually from the sum of the profits in the long run, I need someone to tell the people that are there the cemetery to do the same thing. earthman in our firm of the long run, said, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would finish the burying of a deceased person, he would stand at the grave and say, seek refuge for your brother and ask for him to be made firm, for he is now being questioned. He's now being questioned. It is also permissible to sit at the

00:33:03 --> 00:33:04

at the grave

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during the burial in order to remind those who are present of death. So if it reminds you of death, it is permissible to do that it's not sitting there worshiping the grave or worshiping the person that's in the grave. And this point is substantiated by the Hadeeth of Obama even as it were. He says we went to the Prophet sallallahu and he was some of them during the funeral.

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And this is a lengthy Hadith so bear with me it is 123

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and a half pages long, okay, so it's three and a half pages long and this is what we're ending with. Okay? We will end with this Heidi's in sha Allah Tada. But it explains a lot of things and it's very, very important, very touching as well. So pay attention to this hadith in sha Allah. So Allah even as it but on the lower end, he says, we went with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the funeral of one of the unsought. We reached the grave and when the niche was dug, so the grave is dug and the chamber inside is dug. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Allah who was send them sacked, and we sat around him, silent, as if birds were upon our heads.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:39

He had a stick with which he was poking the ground. So just to you know, reenact the profits that he was sending Sallam is at the grave, right? he kneels down, and he has with him a stick. And he's doing this on the ground.

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Now he's, he's just moving the dirt poking it around, but he's, he's in deep thought. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is thinking, he's thinking that this is the grave. And this is where we are going. And this is where we will all return to a loss of kind of what to add, and so on and so forth. Okay.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:47

So, I'll go back one sentence, he had a stick with him, which he was poking the ground. Then he raised his head and he said, seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave. He said that twice or three times. Then he said, when the believing servant is about to depart from this world and enter into the Hereafter, angels descend to him from the from that and remember the profits in the long run, I didn't summon the same this to the Sahaba of the llama that are around him while kneeling at a grave that was just dug in order to bury someone. Okay, so no one was buried in the grave yet the grave was empty. So let's just reminding the Sahaba reminding themselves of

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the shortness of this life right how short this life actually is.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:55

So here the prophets of the love where it was sent him says,

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when the believing servant is about to depart from this world and enter into the Hereafter, angels descend to him from the heaven. Their faces whites like the sun, as in glowing with new, okay, it doesn't mean white or black, white men, black men, okay, don't think race, think globe, think light, think you know the opposite of gloomy. Okay. So the prophet SAW a woman I think he was sending them says, angels descend to him from the heaven, their faces white to like the sun, they have with them a shroud from the shrouds of Paradise, and embalming fluid from the fragrance of paradise. They sit away from him at the extent of his eyesight, this is right before a person passes away, the profits

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along with them is explaining to this How about what happens at death, okay. So he says that the angels come they sit there and they have, you know, the the shroud and they have this fluid, like I took perfume to put on the body. And this is the shroud from Paradise and the perfume from Paradise.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:27

Then the angel of death approaches, until he sits near the head or at the head of the person. He then says, old pure soul, come out to forgiveness from your Lord and His pleasure. So come out of the body,

00:37:28 --> 00:37:32

to the pleasure of Allah and to the forgiveness of Allah subhana wa mitad

00:37:34 --> 00:37:52

then the soul comes out like water dropping from the opening of a water skin. You know, when you take a bottle of water and you pour it out, what happens the water just comes out. So that's describing how easy the soul comes out, it just flows out of the body.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:06

He says, then the soul comes out like water dropping from the opening of the water skin. The Angel of Death then takes it and from that soul comes out. Sorry,

00:38:07 --> 00:38:08

Mr. sentence.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:47

When he takes it, it does not remain in his hands for the blinking of an eye. But he immediately puts it into that shroud and fragrance. So as the soul leaves, it comes out within a split second, the angel of death has it places it into the shroud, it's wrapped. And it is you know fragranced, right. It's perfumed. And from that soul comes out the best smell like the best smelling musk of this world. They then ascend with the soul, they take the soul up.

00:38:49 --> 00:39:20

They do not pass by any gathering of angels, except that they would say, what is this beautiful soul? So they would ask what is this beautiful soul, they will say it is so and so the son of so and so calling him by the best names that he was called in this world. When they reached the lowest Heaven, as in the lowest sky, remember, there's sub smls seven skies right. He says when they reach the lowest sky,

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they asked for it to be opened and the gates are opened for them. The most exalted angels of each level, escort him up to the next level, until he reaches the seventh heaven. So he's going up from the first guy to the second guy to the third guy to the fourth to the fifth, and each way, there's permission that's being sought to take that soul higher, the gates are opened, the soul travels higher in the presence of those angels. And then at that level, permission is sought again, the angels from that level will take the soul higher to the next level. Then

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permission is sought. And the angels from that level, take it up to the third level, and so on and so forth all the way to the seventh, right? The prophets in the longer it was send them says, The Most Exalted angels of each level, escort him to the next level, until he reaches the seventh heaven. Allah subhanho, wa tada will then say, write my servants record in the add in and return him to Earth. For from it, I created them into it, I send them back. And from it, I showed resurrect them again.

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Then his soul is placed once again into his body.

00:40:44 --> 00:41:19

two angels come and sit next to him. They say to him, Who is your Lord. So now the soul was up a muscle kind of what that is, is write their name in, or read their record, in early in, have it documented, saved in the hard drive right? And then return the soul to the body. So in that time, is when the jenessa when the whistle, the shrouding the janessa, and the burial takes place. And so it goes quick, right? And then the soul is placed back into the body.

00:41:21 --> 00:42:11

To angels come and sit next to him. They say to him, now the soul is in the body in the grief. And the people just bury the body and just covered it up with the dirt and they're still there. They're still they're standing at the top of the grave, but the angels are already in the ground. Now beginning the questioning. They say to him, Who is your Lord? He says, My Lord is Allah. They then say to him, What is your religion? He will say my religion is Islam. Then they say to him, Who is that men who was sent among you? He will say he is the Messenger of Allah. They will say what is your knowledge? He will say I read the book of Allah believed in it and affirmed what is said, a

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color then calls from the heaven. So when those questions are done,

00:42:18 --> 00:43:15

an angel or caller right from the from the servants of Allah subhana wa Jana will call down from the heavens. A caller then calls from the sky. My servant has very Lee told the truth. This is the message of a loss of bandwidth and coming to the angels, my servant has verily told the truth. So provide him with Listen to this. provide him with furnishing from Paradise. You left your IKEA sofa, your IKEA bed, your IKEA desk, your IKEA chair, right you left all of that for what? For a bed in the grave from Paradise shrouding from Paradise perfume from Paradise right? Look at that. So provide him with furnishing from Paradise, close him from Paradise, and open for him a door to

00:43:15 --> 00:43:16


00:43:17 --> 00:43:27

He is then brought its scent and fragrance. So the the scent of Paradise is brought to that person in the grave.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:52

His grave is then expanded as far as his vision can see. Then a men with a beautiful face, excellent clothing and fine scent comes to him. He says, Have glad tidings of that which will make you happy. For this is the date that you were promised.

00:43:53 --> 00:43:56

The deceased will say to him, Who are you?

00:43:57 --> 00:44:28

Your face is like that which comes with goodness. And he will question Who are you? Your face? It looks like you're bringing some good news to me. He will reply, I am your righteous deeds. So Pamela our deeds will be the communicator to us, you will see will reply and say I am your righteous deeds. The deceased will then say my lord established the hour so that I may return to my family and property.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:53

So the deceased person the soul will say to a law. Make the Day of Judgment Come quickly so that I can return and be happy with my family and my property. What is their property genda our property is not in this dunya we're not going to return to the IKEA chair. After having a bed from Paradise right? We're not going to return. We are going to have our property from Paradise.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

My Lord established the hour so that I may return to my family and property but

00:45:00 --> 00:45:28

When the disbelieving slave is about to depart, so that was the believer know, the profits in the long run. I knew someone was talking about the disbelievers. He says, but when the disbelieving slave is about to depart from this world and enter into the Hereafter, angels with dark faces descend him from the heaven, descend to him from the heaven. Okay, so there's no no, there's no glow. It's like this is evil look, okay?

00:45:30 --> 00:45:43

They have with them rough fabric, they sit away from him at the extent of his eyesight, they don't even come close to him, they sit, they sit far away, so that your eyes can see.

00:45:45 --> 00:45:48

But they're not next to you. They don't want to be near you.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:26

Then the angel of death approaches until he sits at his head. He then says, oh, evil soul, come out to wrath and anger from your Lord. And when the soul hears that, it gets scared, becomes frightened. And listen to the what the profits of the longer it was on them says, it says he then says, The Angel of Death says oh evil saw come out to the wrath and anger from your Lord. Profits along I need to send him says, and it spreads throughout the body. But it is taken out like a skewer is pulled through what will

00:46:28 --> 00:46:30

Panama you know, like,

00:46:32 --> 00:46:55

you get something stuck in a sponge and you're trying to pull it out, right? Like there's something stuck in there and you're trying to rip it out. It's hard to get out. It's like ripping something out of something being stuck in because the soul gets so scared it. It basically spreads out throughout the whole body. It doesn't want to come out and the angel of death has it ripped out Allah Subhana Allah has it ripped out of the body.

00:46:58 --> 00:47:44

It is then taken and as soon as it is taken, it is not in their hands for the blinking of an eye, but it is placed in that rough fabric. From this soul comes the worst sent one can find on the earth. He is then taken up and whatever they pass by and whenever they pass by any angels, they say, Who is this evil soul? They will answer it is so and so the son of so and so. And they will call him by the worst names that he was known by in this world. This will continue until they reach the lowest heaven. They will ask for permission to enter it and it will not be granted.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:49

Then the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited

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in living in a cave.

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Tina was that

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two factor hula

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day any Gen gentleman who he said

00:48:15 --> 00:48:59

he recited verse number 40 have sort of to add off where Allah Subhana Allah says verily those who deny our signs and treat them with arrogance. For them, the gates of heaven will not be opened and they will not enter Paradise until the camel goes through the eye of the needle, which is impossible. a camel, sometimes we have difficulty getting a thread through the needle, right you know the hole in the needle, and you're trying to get the thread through it. He said Allah Subhana Medina says, until you get a camel to get through that hole of the needle, impossible. They will never ever enter into paradise. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu it was sent him then continued,

00:49:00 --> 00:49:45

Allah will then say right to my servants record in the sea Jean. remember Allah calls them his servant, because they were supposed to be the servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala right my servants record in this city gene. He will then be thrust with great force, the Messenger of a loss on a long ladder you ascend them then recited verse number 31 asuna to hedge and I'll just read it in English because I'm getting late. It's getting close to most of time. he recited verse number 31 is suited to hedge whoever assigns partners to a law. It is as if he had fallen from the sky, and the birds had snatched him or the wind had thrown him to a far off place.

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Then the profits in the long run even some continued,

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he says, return his soul to his body, right so it will be commanded by a lot return his soul to his body to angels.

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Come and sit next to him. Now the soul is that the in the body of the disbelieving person and the angels come and question him or her in the grave. They sit next to him, they say to him, Who is your Lord? He says,

00:50:15 --> 00:50:16

I do not know.

00:50:18 --> 00:50:21

They then say to him, What is your religion? He will say,

00:50:24 --> 00:50:25

I do not know.

00:50:27 --> 00:50:35

Then they say to him, What is that, who is that men who was sent among you, he will say,

00:50:37 --> 00:50:38

I do not know,

00:50:40 --> 00:51:01

a caller then calls from the heaven, He lies, so provide him with furnishing from *, and open for him a door to *. He is then brought it's heat and hot wind, his grave is then so constricted, that his ribs are broken.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:41

Then a man with an ugly face, terrible clothing, and foul scent comes, he says, Have tidings of that which will make you unhappy. For this is the day that you were promised, the deceased will say to him, Who are you? Your faces like that which comes with evil, he will reply, I am your evil deeds, the deceased will say, Do not let that power be established, do not bring the disbeliever will call out to a bus of hemorrhage, add it in the grave and say, Do not let the Day of Judgment come.

00:51:44 --> 00:52:21

And there's another narration that mentioned something else but will suffice with that that's the end of this Hadeeth and there's another narration that continues on longer, but this is where I wanted to stop. That's all the time that we have for today. I hope that this was a beneficial you know session for all of us that hedis was fairly long, but really explains a lot of things to us and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless every single one of us with the ability to learn the knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala this Deen Islam and the Quran and we ask a lot of cannaboids Allah to shower his blessings and mercy and forgiveness upon us. I mean, just from a level higher

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than wilbarger level if he can forgive me for not having a q&a session today. For it is just about the time for the end promoted. I'm going to head to the masjid just below head on robotic Hello FICO or some level of send them a lot of Canada and Indiana, USA to send them or send me a link

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