Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP14

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of showing love and feelings to children in public settings is emphasized, along with the use of "harvest" and "arson" to describe emotions and behavior. The speaker emphasizes the need to respect Prophet sallama and not allow anyone to convince them to believe Islam. The importance of praying and not letting things happen to us is also emphasized. A strong mindset is also crucial for success in our daily lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam, ala Ashraf al anbiya evil mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in Allah He after the Salah to what Mr. tasnim am about my brothers and sisters in Islam Shalimar Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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What happened to all the youth that were here? There was been to all the youth that were here there was like 10 Youth praying in front of me. And where did they all go? All those youth are out there. I think if they're there, I have candy today. I saw them. I don't have too many. So today you have to earn it. From that in that

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you know, some handle I was driving here. This is has been a very interesting week for me. But you know, coming to the mustard, I was telling myself, I'm going to come early, it's Friday to the last few moments on Friday, you know, before motivated, get to the mustard early make dua and then one thing after the other just came up, and subpanel as I was driving, I'm like, you know what, this is the only time I have to start making drama now. Because I was already late. And then some handler I noticed how where we live, which is you know, Terry Fox and Bristol. So Sunny, nice. You know, you've seen blue skies, and I was looking at the moon. So beautiful sun Pamela and then, you know,

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over here, it's pouring rain.

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That's how Allah subhanho wa Taala works. But what I really wanted to highlight was the moon and apparently tonight, they're supposed to be what they call a blue moon, right? I have no idea what it is, and what it looks like. I haven't looked into it at all yet. But I saw the moon as I was coming right now and some Hana lights, you know, absolutely amazing. And I overheard my mother she was on Skype with my with my daughters. And she was saying, you know, look at the moon tonight, it's not going to happen again for another 200 years or something, something of that sort. And some handle on this is you know, something Allah blessed us with that we can see so many interesting things that

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people for the next you know, generation or two would not be able to benefit from. So Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses us in many ways and take advantage of you know, the sight of the moon tonight. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran that he put it there for us as a sign of his, his greatness. We'll continue with our halaqa today.

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from chapter 45, we believe we finished Hadeeth number 83. Last last week, which was chapter 44, and we'll begin Hadeeth number 84. A child is a cause of stinginess, and the cause of cowardice.

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Now, sometimes the titles of chapters boggle the mind of the reader, right? So you wonder why handle that even when you read the Hadith? You wonder why this doesn't make sense. Why is it that this title, a child is a cause of stinginess and cowardice for the parent. But it doesn't really make sense when you read the Hadith, and we'll see how that how that is shown to us. And so a lot of time. So in this Hadeeth sharabi a lot more and

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she said aboubaker May Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with him said by Allah, there is no man on the face of the earth, that I love better than almost, whose armor

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right? Hey,

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Bob. So he says no man on the face of the earth that I love better than almost. When he went out. He came back and said, How did I take the oath? old daughter? Who did he say that in front of?

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He said it in front of his own child.

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He said, there's no men on the face of this earth that he loves more than all married men hopped up. Now this is during the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were after,

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after the life of the Prophet sallallahu Ida usnm. Right. So he says, By law, there's no man on the face of the earth that I love better than Obama. When he went out and came back. He asked, he said, I'll be a lover and how did I take this oath? What did I say? Remind me what I said. Right? So she says, I told him what he said. And then he responded by saying, he is dear to me, although one's child is closer to one's heart. And here we notice how, you know, Abu Bakar of the long run is showing us the difference between a child and the difference between another person. Now we know very well that our children have a special spot in our hearts. Right? And so how do I you know,

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every single day when our children go out, we wonder are they going to come back? No matter what age they are, whether they're a day old, or you know, 50 years old, the parents will always wonder will they ever get to see this child again, we'll ever get to see that child again. And so you'll notice how Subhanallah this title, that the child can become a means of this person becoming stingy because they end up spending so much on that child.

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You notice that a worker of the Aloha, I'm here, he's not focusing solely on his children, he loves someone else. And he said that in front of his own daughter, that I loved this person, more than anyone that's walking the face of this earth,

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out of the men, right? And he says it in front of his daughter. But that doesn't mean. And this is a lesson for us. Sometimes as children, we hear our parents say something. And we think so Pamela really, like, I'm your child, and you don't like me, you like someone else more than you, like me doesn't make any sense, right? I've done everything for you. You told me to go to my room, I go to my room. Right? When you tell me to stop playing video games, I stopped playing video games must have had a lot, the parents will have that special spot in their hearts. The problem is, and we noticed that a robot cannot be alone. And he came back. And he said that he corrected himself. He

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made it known to him, he said, it'll be a lot more I know that the child has a special spot. Right.

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And so as adults, as parents, it's important for us to express our love, express our feelings for our children, and to let them know how they are important for us. And, you know, we tend to do this a lot, we tend to forget to tell our children, how much we love them, and how much we care for them. And we noticed as they grow older, we do that even less. And some handle I just the other night, a beautiful example, you know, I was going through, I think it was yesterday, I was going through a really interesting day, just running around left and right doing a bunch of paperwork, and I had to switch my Quebec driver's license to Ontario. And I went and I started doing the license plates

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first. And then they told me you have you know, right at the end, when I think I'm getting my plates, they're like, No, you have to go and get the license first. So then I had to go and stand in another line at a different office that assisting minutes away. And so kinda like the time was just getting chewed up by by doing this, to go for emissions go for inspection, and all this nonsense that you guys have in Ontario, and then some kind of law, you know, add, at the end of the day, I realized, you know, that was not the only thing that was going on. There was something else that happened, someone on you know, the other end of the world was trying to cause some sort of online

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tension. Right? It's trying to say certain things, trying to, you know, last hand with Allah knows what their intention is, but false accusations were made against me, and so on and so forth. And so trying to clear this up a lot of PR, a lot of you know, interaction with people in different parts of the world trying to resolve this issue and handle as resolved. But all of that was going on taking place. And I was thinking to myself, why do we do this? Like, why do we do this? Why do we spend our time seeking Allah subhanho wa Taala His pleasure? You know, I did that on purpose. I put myself in the shoes of the person who thinks, Why, what's the point? Because we always talk about

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it. Remember, I gave you the example a few weeks ago of the person who gets sick, and one person goes to one extreme, and they just leave the team and the other person goes to the other extreme, and they now become very practicing. So I started to think why does a person do that? Why would someone spend their time worshiping Allah? subhanho? wa Taala? Why would someone sacrifice so much of their time and energy towards trying to please Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet, at the end of the day, you feel so sad and you feel as though nothing matters as though you know what you can try and work so hard, and nothing on the face of the earth is going to make you happy. And I was putting my

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daughter to sleep. And some handler, you know, I said to her, I said, let me let me pray yourself, because I was late getting home. So then pray I shot. So as I was praying, she stood up and she came in, she stood next to me and she was praying Asha, right. And then she said, Let's pray with her. So we prayed our son and widow together. And when we finished, right,

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I put my hand around her and she took my arm and she put it on my lap like this with my palm facing up. And then she bent down and she put her cheek on my palm. Right? And then she says, I love you so much. And I was like some kind of light coming from a four year old. Literally in my mind. I thought everything that went on in my day, every single issue the heat as well as you know, the air conditioning, not cooling the car enough and every single problem that that happened or our struggle or hardship that I went through throughout the day was completely erased by what? The children so when we tell our children how much we love them, when they noticed that we're having a bad day. They

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come and they tell us they love us. And some handler that just erases everything. So it's a lesson for each and every one of us. When we notice that someone is not feeling good, whether it's a parent, whether it's a child, whether it's a brother in the community, his sister in the community, right? Go to them and tell them obviously brothers are brothers and sisters with sisters, right? We have to maintain that segregation go to them, show them where they come How are you giving them a smile and maybe even

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Give them a hug. A hug is something that makes people feel good reassured. And then just tell them I love you for the sake of Allah. Or tell your children tell your parents. I love you. Did you know that I love you spent a long time I didn't tell you that. I love you. Right? Who can? Okay, let's see who gets a candy. Right? How many of your parents who here their parent told them today that they love them?

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Wow, shall they deserve? Are you telling the truth? Okay, awesome. Can you catch?

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You sure?

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You'd be He's your brother. But did your mother or father tell you that they love you today? Yeah. Are you sure? Your father's sitting behind you? Right? Did you tell him you love him?

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Oh no, I said today I said today Mashallah.

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Maybe your mother did? Did your mother tell you?

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She always does. Yeah, okay. masala here. Give us to your brother. Okay. So,

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you, your mother or your father? Your father is your father sitting behind you know, Where's he?

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Mashallah, Mashallah, what about you? You're his brother. Okay, good. Mashallah catch guys quickly here.

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Good. I gave you one. What about you? Does your father just tell you right now?

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Did he? No one else?

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Anyone else? No. Mashallah hamdulillah. My mother told me so I'm going to keep notes.

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Okay, so some kind of let you see how important it is. How many of us here are children, all of us are children, right? Some of us may be even grown up adults, and we have our own children. But our parents still tell us, you know, I love you, when we speak to them. So some handle, it's important for us to do that. And we noticed that not the majority of the children were told that today. So we have to let our children know that they are loved. And today some handler in my football was addressing like cyberbullying, and how you know, children, even adults, because I started to think of this yesterday how someone online was creating such a big problem that turned my entire life

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upside down. And I started to think of children and youth, you know, individuals who may be going to high school going to college, they are victims of cyber bullying. And some handler they have no one to turn to except their parents. And if their parents are not there for them, their parents are not telling them that they love them that they you know, they accept them for who they are, then who's going to tell them that right? So they either resort to harming themselves, sometimes even committing suicide, or they end up you know, changing their life and becoming very, very different than and acting you know, strange in their life.

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Who move to the next idea is in Charlottetown.

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Even Hunan,

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he said,

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I was with urban armor when a man asked him about the blood of nuts. What is not G and he? Does anyone have the book with them? No, no one's following a line online. Yes. What is in that? Do you know? It can interact? Very similar to

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sorry. Yeah, it's like an insect similar to a flyer a mosquito bites very similarly to the to the mosquito. So it's kinda like this. Even armor.

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Or sorry, a boo, even abou norm. He says I was I was with him in armored when a man asked him so a man came to me normal and asked him, you know about the blood of a gnat. So he's asking him what what happens in the state of Iran with regards to this, similar to a mosquito? So if you're in the state of Iran, and there's a mosquito around you, can you kill it or not? Right? So he comes in, he asks this question. So he said, Where are you from? Even normal asks him, he says, Where are you from?

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I mean, that's totally irrelevant. He's asking about the blood of this, this insect, right meaning if you kill the insect while you're in a harem, is that permissible or not permissible? So he says, Where are you from? So the man he responds, and he says, I'm from the people of Iraq, from the people of Iraq. So even our model responds to him and he says, look at this. He asks about the blood of gnats, that little insect when they murdered the grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, they meaning al Hassan and Al Hussein, the grandchildren of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, that hasn't been Hussein, they are my sweet flowers in this world. And he uses the term that I hand, right. So he addresses the people the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made that statement that his to Greg

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Children wear his sweet flowers. Now he's not talking about his own children. He's talking about his children's children, his grandchildren. And he makes that statement letting people know how much he loves his grandchildren. Now, even here, when you think of it, and you read this headed, you're like, how does this make any sense? Right? Why on earth are we even reading this Hadeeth under this chapter. And so you know, when after. And so, you know, when we look at it, we realized, it's important to acknowledge the children, right, acknowledge our children, and cherish them. But don't let those don't let you know, our children cause us to change our behavior. Don't let our children

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cause us to become those that are different, that change ourselves. And the title of this, this chapter is people or the chapter of children and how they can make parents become stingy or make parents become, you know, people that become a cowardly in front of others, meaning they will just submit to whatever their children have to say or do. And that's it. And they will only do that. And you notice that people are of different categories. You might, everyone sitting here might think this doesn't apply to me whatsoever. I don't know why this chapter is even being discussed. But I want to read the next Hadeeth so that we can so we can understand deeper. Why this is mentioned

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here. And it's actually in the next chapter,

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carrying a child on one shoulders. We notice here that Alibaba, he said, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Al Hassan. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Hasson, his grandson,

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Robbie Alomar, and he was on the shoulder of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So he was carrying his grandson. The Prophet was carrying his grandson from a long line of eurosender he was saying or LA I love him, so love him. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying I love him, so you love him too. Now we notice here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is one who we are commanded to love. We are expected to respect the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we're expected to love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by fulfilling his Sunnah, right? we're expected to do that. And we notice here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling

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Allah subhanho wa Taala I love this child will love him too. Right? Is the child controlling the life of the Prophet? sallallahu alayhi wasallam? No, it isn't.

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He's making a statement that this child I love this child. So Allah love this child to protect the child make sure that this child grows to be someone who is protected and safeguarded. Right? But at the same time did we see at all in the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that he became a person who was too weak inside of him to do something, because the love that he had for his children or his grandchildren, over took him? Did that ever happen to him? No, it didn't. And we can see that in the examples of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as well. And we noticed that his children as well, were not favored, because they were the children of the prophets

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little longer Allah usnm. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made statements to say that if his own children were to do something that was wrong, according to the city, he would give them the punishment,

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his own children, showing us that we should not just be people who let our children control us. And when I say let our children control us, I don't mean you go to Best Buy and you come out, you needed to buy a battery for let's say, your video camera or something which cost you maybe six or $7. And you came out spending six or $700 on a few gadgets and toys and stuff like that for your children because they control you. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about control in the sense that we live our lives pulled away from the dean, because we're so busy trying to have our children enjoy life. That's what I mean. Does anyone not understand what I'm talking about?

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Everyone understands, good Alhamdulillah the people that don't understand they don't understand my question either. Right? And hamdulillah everyone understands. So that's nobody. So we notice here if you if you look at the the commentary in this Hadith,

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it says it is from the sun net to love and happiness, and the grandchildren of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but as our love for the messenger. So the longer it was something that must be within the limits of the Sharia. We must not overstep the proper limits of the city also in our love for Hashem in her seine, and any other creature, Allah loves not the transgressors. So when when it comes to loving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we noticed that some people will cross the limitations

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Sins of love towards a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. They will begin to even worship the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when Allah subhanho wa Taala did not allow that. How do we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam status in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's a prophet, he's a messenger, he's one who we are commanded to love. We have to obey what came from the Prophet from Long Island, he was one of them, but we don't worship Muhammad Sallallahu Allah, US Allah. And we noticed today that people worship graves, or people worship people that are in the grave. I've been to many countries. And some handle, I remember on my trip to South Africa, the very

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first time I went to South Africa, I went around to different cities or different areas within Durban. And the brothers took me to different massage. And they said, you know, if you're the person who is not going to pray at a mustard, where there's a grave, you're going to have a hard time finding a mustard to pray at. And I said, Why that doesn't make any sense. That goes, there must be literally in the grave or beside it. Sorry, is there a grave next to the inside the mustard or beside the mustard. And you know, the majority of the cases the grave was on the side of the mustard. So hamdulillah that's okay. But what I saw was that even when it was time for Salah, and

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the then is going, and the a comma is being called, because we arrived, I remember in particular one mustard where we had to go and make Lulu, right, we were, you know, driving for for some time we went to make will do, and the karma was being called, and we passed by the grave, and people are still sitting at the grave meaning against the wall of it crying and weeping. For what.

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And that's a person. That's not the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we noticed that people do the exact same thing towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I lived in Medina for seven and a half years, I've seen some really strange things, or, as the children would say, some bogus things, right, some really awkward things happening in Medina. And some had a lot. We don't, we're not told to do that. We're not told to worship the prophets on a longer how to usnm we're not told to stand against the direction of the table and pray to the grave of the Prophet for longer Allah usnm. I've seen people where the Qibla is this way, because that's the direction of it right in the

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mustard. The Qibla is this way. And Jen natural buffet, when you come out of mustard, the number is there on the left side. So if you come out the front of the mustard you turn left, that's where the cemetery is. I've seen people stand facing that way.

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The Qibla is this way, then facing that way in congregation praying in front of the cemetery. I've seen people on the other side of the cemetery facing that way, the right side, praying alone, as well as in congregation. How does that make any sense? So we are not supposed to worship the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And by learning that example, we also are not supposed to worship human beings. And we're not supposed to, as you know, we studied during the month of Ramadan, a person who gives into their desires, they begin to worship their desires, right? A person who gives them to their desires, they begin to worship their desires, their desires, control them, and their religion

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becomes their desires, because there's no other, there's no other rules that they follow other than the rules of what I feel like I want I go in and get that and I go and I do that and I go in and enjoy that. So a person becomes a prisoner to worshipping their own desires or worshipping what their children wants. You see it now you see the bigger picture? I hope so inshallah Tada.

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We'll move on to the next Hadith. In chapter 48. The child is one's delight. Now it's a very lengthy Hadith we'll go through it in sha Allah hota hai Allah, and then we'll address it at the end.

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jubair even no fire.

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He said.

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One day we were sitting with an MC dad even in a sweat. A man passed by him. The man said, blessings be to those two. To those two eyes that saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by Allah we wish we had seen what you have seen and witnessed what you have witnessed. Now this angered admit that when he heard this, being told to him, that those eyes are blessed. We wish that we experienced what you experienced and you went through what you went through by being around the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by seeing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I'll make that Robbie along and he became upset. And so he said

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this angered dad, which surprised me, as the men had said nothing but good. Then I'll make dad turn to the men and said, what has made you wish to be present in

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place that Allah has kept you absent from. Look at that. How many of us wish that we can live at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Many of us, right? I remember I asked this during the month of Ramadan. Sometimes we think that we would be able to live at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but we don't know. We might have been tested with the test the test, but most of this habit were tested with and that was giving up your life of Jamelia to accept Islam, breaking ties with your family, not breaking ties in intentionally, but your family cuts you off because you accept Islam. They stand in front of you on the battlefield at the time of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam because they turned against their family and their religion, right or their so called religion where they were worshipping idols. So he says What makes you think that you could be in a place that Allah subhanho wa Taala has made you absent from right, do you think that you could actually withstand that?

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And so he continues to say you do not you do not know what your situation would have been? If you had been living then By Allah, certain people living in the time of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have been cashed down by a law on their faces into jahannam. For they neither answered nor confirmed the prophets of Allah, Allah usnm. Look at that. Right. We all wish, you know, sometimes within us, we think I wish I could see the profit from the long run of tuition. Yeah, we wish to see him. But sometimes we wish to had seen him. At that time, we wish to have been among the Sahaba the companions, but there's no guarantee that we would have accepted the deen at

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least now Alhamdulillah for the majority of us, we were born and raised Muslim. Or we were born Muslim, and maybe found Islam later on. But we were protected in a certain way. Right?

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And yes, we know that we're all born upon the fitrah. But not many of us are told you know that you are actually Muslim by the parents or even showing an example of Islam. So the Hadith continues. Why do you not praise Allah, the mighty and exalted, since he brought you into being when you only know your Lord, and you confirm what your prophet Brock's, since the people before you face trials in faith, from which use you were saved, look at that. He reminds them, or reminds him, that you should thank Allah for the time that you live in now. And that's a reminder for each and every one of us. Thank Allah subhanho wa Taala, for the time that you live in now, and I know for many of us, we're

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thinking, whoa, are you serious? Like, look at what's happening in Syria? Look what's happening in Afghanistan, in Burma and Pakistan, in China and many different countries around the world. There's chaos that's happening, right? And why should we be happy that we live at this time? When you think back? look at history, look at the difficulties that the people went through? Right? And the loss of what Allah told the Sahaba the companions in the in the Quran, when it was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam? Do you think that you're simply going to enter Jannah and you haven't gone through the tests of the people of the past?

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You will be tested, but everyone is tested in their situation? And I like to tell this to the people here that sometimes wonder, oh, Subhana Allah, the people of Palestine, the people of this country, the people of that country, Allah subhanho wa Taala is testing them, yes. But Allah Subhana, which Allah is testing us as well, maybe they are capable with going through the situation that they're going through, maybe that is something that has become the norm for them. When we look at it, we think, oh, so pantalon, we become stressed? How is this possible, but when they hear of someone else, or even a child's handler, the other day, the whole world was talking about a child and

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there's many children that were killed, right, but no one hears about it. Now, you know, Hamdulillah, the Muslim in and people are struggling, trying their best to make issues and incidents known. So a child was, you know, burned

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and killed.

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And some hand a lot.

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The people over there, they continue to have children. I think if one of us was to see that, one of us was to see the outcome of some of those children, we might say, I'm not going to have children anymore. Because our heart could not bear to see what would happen to a child, if that was to happen a second time. But those people some handler, Allah has blessed them with the ability when a child has taken, the life is taken. They have more children, they push forward, they continue to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. So every single one of us is placed on the face of the earth, in a situation at a time, meaning the year where Allah subhanho wa Taala knows you're capable of going

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through that test. And so thank Allah for what he's given you

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thank Allah for the place that he puts you. thank Allah for the family that you have or the family that you don't have. For some people, they wish they can have children. Right? How many of you want children?

00:30:11 --> 00:30:50

You don't want children? That's because you're too young right now. You don't want to ever have children? No. Why do you want to just earn your money and buy your video games? Yeah. You want children? inshallah You see, right? We want to have children, but some analysts have children. But some analysts, some people can have children. And they feel Why Why is this happening to me? This is a punishment. No. Ask the people that have children. Maybe there's people who have children that not a single one of their children that they raised upon the deen is praying. Not a single one of their children that they raised, you know upon the deen is fasting or paying Zakat, or even seeing a

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shadow more honeycomb. Right. There are many, many people like that, especially in our society. There are families upon families and I know because they come to me for Quintin for counseling and questions. They can't bear to see their children in the condition that they are. They can't sleep at night, they take pills to go to sleep at night, because they see the condition of their children, and they can't stand it. Yet those that don't have children wish to have children. Be thankful with whatever Allah has given you. Because your test might be hard that you don't have a child, but the person who has the child, their test is extremely hard as well. So everyone is tested no matter

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what. And Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses those that are patient with their tests.

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Then he continues to say, by Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent in the most difficult situation that any Prophet was ever sent to, into a long gap in the line of the Prophet hood. He means so there was a long gap between who was the Prophet before Muhammad.

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Isa Allah, his Sunnah, right? Not Masha, Allah, his Sunnah. So, he says, He brought him into a situation that any profit that no profit basically was sent into. And there was a long gap between the Prophet hood and the time of Jamelia when people did not believe that any Deen was better than the worship of idols. So he what he means by this is there was a long time between Isa Allahu Salim, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that people had left religion, we noticed that there were Christians, we noticed there were Jewish. But there was also a large amount of people that were not following Christianity. They were just worshipping idols, that was their life. That's what they

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did. Right? They earned their money, they went and gave some earnings to the idols. And that was it.

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He brought the criteria, which is quite an by which he distinguished between the true and the false. So the Quran distinguishes between the true and the false, and by which a father was parted from his child on the basis of faith. And this is the Shahid This is what we want to focus on right, by which a father was parted from his child on the basis of faith. And we know very well that the Sahaba when they accepted Islam, especially in the Battle of budder, we mentioned it during the month of Ramadan, when we did our Tafseer. They were standing face to face with some of their fathers. They were standing face to face with some of their brothers, with some of their cousins with some of

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their relatives right in front of them, sword to sword clashing against, you know each other's swords, and that is your father or that is your son, and that is your cousin, that is your brother, that is your uncle Subhana Allah.

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That's the trial that they went through.

00:33:50 --> 00:34:34

Then, the one whose heart had opened for belief, found his father or his brother or his child, to be an unbeliever, or an unbeliever and knew that they would be thrown into the fire if they died in that state. Therefore, his eye is not cool, since he knew that the ones he loved will be in the fire. It is Vish that Allah says, Those who say Our Lord give us the coolness of the eye in our wives and children. The verse of the Quran where Allah subhana wa tada says, When levena bonamana bene robina have been an amine as the word you know whether the Drina goes

00:34:35 --> 00:34:59

on to a muscle panel what to highlight, you know, we see that in the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us, you know, we say, we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make our children and our our spouse, our family members, the coolness of our eyes, and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was in Salah, that was a coolness of his eyes, right? That was where he felt content. And we also noticed

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The coolness of the ice is with our children and our spouse as well, that we feel content with them, just like the example I gave you, that I experienced yesterday.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:30

So in this hedison handler, we notice a lot of things. Right? We notice a lot of a lot of, of history is told to us by a few statements by an MC that a few things in the commentary that are highlighted here, and I just want to go over a few of them, not all of them. This highly Hadith highlights the following.

00:35:31 --> 00:36:15

One, the love and respect the Tabby own had for the companions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we could see that those that came after the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu, when they were advised by the tabea. By the Sahaba. They accepted the advice. And they enjoyed to be taught that advice, because they knew that these were the people who learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. We also see how, number two, the teacher should correct the student if he or she makes a mistake, and always guide him or her to that which is right. Right. So always guide the student to what is right. And Subhanallah, this child needs some sugar, no, he's already

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sleeping. And

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number three, one should not wish to be present in a place where they don't belong. Right? And we'll jump to number five, one should show concern for his relatives, even if they are non Muslim, strongly wishing them to be guided to Islam. How many of you have non Muslim relatives?

00:36:35 --> 00:36:36

None of you.

00:36:38 --> 00:37:17

Yeah, Alhamdulillah, one other person with me? Right? I remember that. I asked this question very often. And there's usually no one. So Alhamdulillah. Now someone else joined the boats with me. And you'll notice as the years go on, those numbers will increase. as the years go on, those numbers will increase because our children will marry into families of people who accepted Islam in this country and their families will not be Muslim. Right, their relatives will not be Muslim. And for some of us, you can even look at your children and their children maybe are married off to people whose families are not children are not Muslim, right. So it's going to be a common trend in the

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next few years, you will notice it, it will increase and that's normal. That was present at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as well. And we should actually try to open the door to allowing our our children to marry people who accepted Islam, because it's very difficult for them. It is extremely difficult for someone who accepts Islam to find a spouse. So we should open that door because we live in a society where it's not Muslim majority. So those new Muslims are those Muslims that accepted Islam, maybe a year or two or more ago, we should open our arms to welcoming them and marrying our children off to them because they have no one else. And that was the son of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the Sahaba made the hijra. The Mahajan in Burma, * Ron, when they entered Medina, and the unflawed welcomed them, they married them off to their family members. Right? That was one thing. But the other aspect of it was many of them got married to people who also accepted Islam. And so they had no relatives that were Muslim. And it's common for that to happen. And so we should ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to guide them towards Islam. Of course, it's only Allah who guides them, but we invite them and we asked a lot to put wisdom in hikma in our guidance in our words.

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The last point that I want to make with regards to this Hadeeth one should seek to marry pious woman with the intention to have pious children who will be trained to become pious servants of Allah and the coolness to one's eyes. And so Subhana Allah, we noticed in this Hadith, the importance of getting married to those who are pious as well, trying to look for someone and now don't try and find Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? Don't try and find a person who's identical to Muhammad to marry to your daughter, you will not find them.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:45

Don't try and find the HUD IJA of our time to marry to your to your to your son, you will not find them. Right. Why because times have changed. We know that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he advises the how the or you know, it was advised to the Sahaba if the Sahaba were to hold on to 90% of their Deen, but let go to 10% that would be destruction for them

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to let go of 10% whereas at a later point in time, the Muslim mean the hold on to 10% of their Deen, that's good for them. That's good, right? So don't think that you're going to find that

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That Khadija or that Fatima or you're going to find the Abu Bakar. In the amount of our time, you might find someone who makes you feel as though they are, you know, have characteristics similar to that person. But don't spend your time looking for years and years and years and never actually finding the person. ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless you in that marriage, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to put, you know, love between the two spouses, or the future spouse, and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala, to open your heart to try and make it easy for you to live with this person. And it will happen in sha Allah hota hai, okay, and don't waste too much time looking for a spouse. That's

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important. Don't waste too much time. And this is advice for a lot of the parents as well. Try not to let your children go past certain ages, because then it becomes extremely difficult and they start to lose hope. Alright, so encourage them, encourage them, encourage them and be a support for them in sha Allah hota hai Allah. You know, I noticed in Malaysia

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when I was studying over there, I had many classmates, you know, because the classes in the master's program are together. So it's not like they're co ed classes, basically, brothers and sisters together in a class, and SubhanAllah. There are many sisters who are doing their masters and PhD, and they're not married. And then there are those who Subhanallah have been working for many years after they get their degrees, and they never end up getting married. I know because I talked a lot over there. And that's because they spend so much time trying to get an education. By the time they get that education, they begin to work. And then they are working and working and working and then

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like okay, let me get married. Until you're 3031 3235 3637 years old. Now you're going to look to get married, any brother who's looking to get married, right? When they're 2025 30. They're not looking for a 36 year old. They're looking for like a 26 year old, or a 22 year old, they're looking for someone who's younger, right? So it becomes more difficult. So don't be too picky when looking for a spouse. Try to find someone who has characteristics of the deen in them and you will work together in sha Allah hota Allah to build that amen and to grow together by planting that seed and then growing as you know a couple together in sha Allah Tada, what time is Asia? 1015

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take another Hadith inshallah.

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We'll take the next idea chapter 48. One who makes supplication that his companion may have much money and many children.

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For the long run, said one day I visited the Prophet from along where are they you ascend them and there were only myself and my mother.

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And my aunt on her arm.

00:42:49 --> 00:43:22

When we came, sorry, when he came to us, he said to us, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he went to them, he said, shall I pray with you? It was not time for any obligatory prayer. One of the men listening asked, Where did he Where did he have an a stand in relation to him? So he asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam? Shall I pray with you? And then when they prayed, now someone is asking, Where was understanding? When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam came and asked to pray with them.

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So he's asking, Where was he standing? Was he standing in the back? Was he standing in the front with his standing, you know, to the right to the left, where was he standing, then the Prophet for the long run, he was send them prayed with us and made supplication for us, the people of the house, that we should have the best of the blessing of this world and the hereafter. My mother said, messenger of Allah, make supplication to a lot for your little servants. He asked a lot to grant me every blessing. At the end of his supplication. He said, Oh, Allah, grant him much money, and many children and bless him. So the chapter is obviously one who makes supplication that his companion

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may have much money and many children. And so we should make dua for each other, that we have a lot of money. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant all of you a lot of money. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant all of you a lot of children, if both are best for you, right? Because that's important to say, because some people will have a lot of money and that becomes their test. And it takes them to destruction. And some people will have a lot of children and maybe not have enough money to take care of the children, or those children will begin to control their life as in they can't afford to do anything. So they're working, working, working and they don't have time for the

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deen. And so we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant all of us what is best for us in this life as well as in the hereafter. I mean,

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so we see here, that the leader should visit those among them. Now this was the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would go to visit people. He would come out and ask people, what do you need?

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Is there anything that I can do for you? Can I help you. And that's important for our leaders and those from amongst us that are leaders, right? You might be a leader in your, in your community, you might be a leader in your company, you might be a leader in, you know, your neighborhood, you might be a leader at school, for the children for the youth, right? You might be the the popular kid of the gang, right? Or you might be the leader of your house, meaning the mother and the father. It's important, it's important for you to sit with people, and be comfortable with them, and they feel comfortable with you.

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And that is absolutely important in our Deen for children to feel comfortable with the adults, for children to feel comfortable to go to any one of the uncles and Auntie's and say, You know what, I need this. I need that. How are you? How's things? How's the family, right? How's work, right to sit with them and talk to them and have a conversation with them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he loved to meet with the people when he had the time to write. And that's important for us to understand as well when he had the time to. So he would dedicate some time to meet with the people to sit with the people. But he didn't spend all of his time doing that there was a lot of

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other things that needed to be taken care of. But when he was with people, we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave them his full attention. Right, he gave them his full attention. When he was speaking to someone, he would speak to them, and he would look them directly in the eye. He would speak to them and talk to them as though nothing else behind them matters. And that's very difficult for us to do. You'll notice when you're talking to someone, you know, people are walking around you see things your attraction is you Sir, your attention is taken away, or your phone rings, right or text message or something happens. And usually it's the phone, we're taking it out of our

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pocket, putting it back in three or four times every minute. And some handle it as though it controls our life. And so the profit for the longer it will send them here, he would be someone that would meet with the people regularly. Also, with regards to the Hadeeth. And the place where unece Callahan was standing, it is said that he was standing beside him to the right side of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Why was he standing to the side of him who was with us, I'll be the one who remembers the beginning of Heidi.

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His mother and his aunt, right? So there were no other men with them. So the only other person, this is an example of two people praying, he would stand if there was someone, if someone's praying, we know that very well. We stand next to each other. And when the third person comes, then either the person you know, depending on the space or the area that we're praying in, either the person who's following the mmm will move back or that em will step forward. Okay, so he was standing next to the Prophet sallallahu Miranda USM.

00:47:50 --> 00:48:34

And of course, here we see, you know, supplication to our asking for many children and Subhanallah, the prophet supplication for anessa about the Allah and was granted. And he said that he lived for over 100 years, and he had over 120 children and grandchildren. So children and grandchildren gained not just his children, over 120 children and grandchildren, and was one of the richest among the unshot. Don't think it's not possible, it is possible. I know very well as possible. Because my, I've many of you, your families have handled that probably are big as well. But an example that I have, because it's it's strange in Canada to see this. My wife's family, some handler they have, you

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know, their 11 children. So my mother in law and father in law got married. One is Pakistani, one is Canadian, accepted Islam, they got married, okay.

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From the mother and the father, 11 children, my wife is one of them. From those 11 children, they're 62 or 63. grandchildren. So nieces and nephews of mine, right, which is annoying, because it's too much to give to eat. Right? The ed is like, yeah, you have to save for it now all years of Panama. And then from those grandchildren, right from the nieces and nephews or the grandchildren of the the mother and father, the grandmother and grandfather Subhana Allah, there's already I think, three to three or four great grandchildren. So you do the math, and that's with one wife. Right? At the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, we know that there's a habit of the alarm on whom they

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had, you know, more than one wife even up until now, in many countries, it's the norm to have more than one wife over here, you know, in Canada, the law is that you can only have one, and then from the law we make do with one and we noticed this and had a lot. You know, in the example that I gave my mother in law, she had 11 children from those 11 children. There's like a family of 75 at least. So Allah subhanho wa Taala had that, you know, is is merciful and blesses us with abundant amount of children as well as well. You know, subpanel if we were to look back at the amount of money that our

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That our parents would make when they were working, and we look at the amount of money that we make, right, it's probably a lot more than what they used to make. And for some of them that maybe made a lot of money, maybe it was in a different country, in a different area where it was easy to do business and there were less taxes and less laws and stuff like that. And so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for each and every one of us to live in this society with our families and our children and to respect one another. And we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to learn this knowledge and to implement it in our lives mean also La Silla, Mubarak and anabaena.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:37

Mohammed wanna add to us after us on it?

00:50:40 --> 00:50:50

And now the children get candy. Why? Because none of you were here last week. How many of you who was here last week? Okay, so you get candy first? Right?

00:50:51 --> 00:50:53

You were here. So you get candy. Will?

00:50:55 --> 00:51:04

You were here last week? Oh, look at that. The children are coming up. There's candy for the for the for the girls and the sister side as well. Just give that to her. Let her take it in.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:11

Yeah. Who else was here last week? Okay, good. And anyone who has questions you can ask now.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:17

Raise your hand if you have a question. Come closer, and I don't. I don't want to give him another injury.

00:51:21 --> 00:51:27

You weren't here. Oh, sorry. I thought you were gonna catch. Okay. Raise your hand for the question. Question or candy? Candy.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:30

or something? Yes.

00:51:50 --> 00:51:51

while praying.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:57

Okay. Good question. Good question. Or Salah. This is one of our youth. How old are you?

00:51:58 --> 00:52:09

nine years old or something of that nine years old? He's asking us a question. Which is very relevant. He said he went to a mustard. Right? And he joined you. They were praying together. So you join them?

00:52:13 --> 00:52:29

Okay, so you saw them? You saw them praying and good. So he was right beside them. And he noticed while they were praying, they took out their cell phone, and we're using their cell phone. Right? And so no, this is not permissible, right? You can't use your phone. The only time

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that a person can take out their phone and you will never see this in a hadith or in a verse of the Quran because they didn't have phones back then. Right? But if it's ringing and ringing and ringing and some handleless sometimes people have ring tones that is like you know jingle bells and what's that? Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer right I remember I was in Medina must have the Navy. And I was praying shout out once. And some Hannah, you know, the her judge when people come for Hajj and nomina. And so someone had come obviously from a western country, and we're praying and all you hearing is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. And we're in must've in memory, and this is going on and

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on and someone is calling maybe it was a family member from back home and he just didn't take his phone out. So that's the only time when it's ringing and ringing. You don't need to take your phone out. Just reach in and push the button, you know where the power button is even with the you know, the touchscreen, just turn it off inshallah. Okay, but to use the phone. No. I can give you another example where I was praying next to someone, a man who is maybe three times older than me at that time. And he his phone was ringing. And he kept reaching in and turning it off. Right. And then it kept ringing and then he would turn it off and then it would ring again, he would turn it off. And

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when we were in the record, right, we've been down and record. His phone rang again. He took it out and said falassarna on a sauna. He's like I'm in sauna. I'm praying sauna. Right? And then he just put his phone back in his pocket.

00:53:57 --> 00:53:59

And I was actually praying right next to him in the mustard.

00:54:05 --> 00:54:06

Yeah, so.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:13

Exactly. So this is where you have to approach the person afterwards.

00:54:15 --> 00:54:40

And maybe maybe the phone was ringing and they were trying to turn it off. Maybe it was vibrating and disturbing them. So they were trying to turn it off. Right. And that's where you know, you can just go to them speak to them nicely. How are you? What's your name? My name is so until you know, do you live around here? make conversation with them? And then talk about that incident? Right. Good. hamdulillah Don't be like some of you know, some of our uncles right? They come to us how don't do

00:54:42 --> 00:54:44

Okay. Any other question? Yes.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

Are you allowed to question your parents judgments? Only if those judgments or decisions that your parents make are against Islam

00:55:00 --> 00:55:29

So if it goes against Islam, then yes, you can question them. If not, then no, unless it's something that maybe would be harmful for you, then you can not question their their decision or judgment. But ask them about it. Right? speak to them, converse with them communicate. And that's a big problem. Many of us don't communicate with our children, right? We just tell them do this, do that, but they don't know why they shouldn't do it, or why they should do something. Okay. Hold on. Let me see if anyone else has a question.

00:55:47 --> 00:55:58

That's right. So that's a good question. And it reminded me of something else as well. If any of the sisters have any questions. You can either write it down or maybe knock on the door and tell it to someone inshallah.

00:55:59 --> 00:56:28

Write it down, send it forward and chant alongside it. So the question that our youth Mashallah, how old? Are you? 10 years old? So the question was, and he's actually asking in a way that he knows the answer. He just wants to be sure. Right. So he's saying, if you're praying like a son or nephew prayer, and let's say your mom calls you and asks you to come down or you know, calls you into the next room? Can you you know, break your phone out and go to your mom or dad? Yes, you can. Okay, yes, you can.

00:56:43 --> 00:56:44

Keep going.

00:56:59 --> 00:57:00

So you have to do the homework.

00:57:03 --> 00:57:12

I will see you saying it's time to break. But the mother is telling you, no, no, you have a lot of homework, keep doing your homework. Okay, good question. masala. I'm going to give you a candy. Okay. But I'm going to give it to him first.

00:57:14 --> 00:57:16

And then I'm going to give it to you because you asked questions, who?

00:57:18 --> 00:57:21

You asked a question as well. I'm going to try and get this to you.

00:57:22 --> 00:57:30

And I don't know who else has a question. But if you asked, and you're young, you didn't ask yet. Okay, so his question is, Mashallah.

00:57:31 --> 00:58:07

You're doing your homework, and it's time for salah and you want to go and do your Salah, but your mom is telling you? No, no, you have a lot of homework, you don't have time to pray, just continue doing your homework. What do you do? That's an example of what he was asking about. That the judgment of the parent might be might be wrong. Or maybe the parent is not wrong. Maybe it's awesome. And you're not going to the mustard anyways. Right? So maybe the mother might say, you know what, finish your homework, since you're already doing it, it's going to take you only 15 more minutes. And by that time, you'll pray your solder. This is where you can communicate with your mom

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and say, you know what the man was called, I want to pray my father at the beginning of the time when the time enters, or you're going to go to the masjid whatever the case is. Tell your mother communicate with her. Right? Tell her that you know, it's time for sada I want to praise Allah and the best time to praise Allah as at the beginning of the time when the time enters. So I prefer to pray now and I'll continue doing my homework afterwards. Your mom might know that you're not going to go back to do your homework. Maybe, right?

00:58:36 --> 00:58:37

Okay, then

00:58:39 --> 00:59:06

if she gets mad, and you don't know what to do, then you can explain it to her. Or like I said, if it's like salata, lashes, there's a lot of time to pray it. Right. So it might be okay to finish your homework, and then go and pray your sauna. Right. And at that time, maybe your father would have come home and you can pray in congregation together because you just came back from work. Right? It might be even more beneficial for you because you're praying together with others. All right. Yes.

00:59:34 --> 01:00:00

Okay, that's a very, very good examples of hannula. It's an example that is that is easy for us to understand. Actually, I'm going to try and remember this example in Shama to use for the future. So his example. His question is, you know, you shouldn't question your parents judgment or their decision. But what if it's not Islamic related? What if, for example, you're doing your homework, and there's a

01:00:00 --> 01:00:29

math equation that you're doing? And you say, this is my answer. My answer is seven, for example, right? And your parents are saying, or you know, one of your parents is saying, No, no, it's nine. Right? So you disagree? In the answer of that math equation? What should you do? Should you just write what your parents say? Or because you've done the entire equation, you know that this is the right answer. That's where that's where

01:00:31 --> 01:00:34

you should tell your parents, it's your homework, not theirs.

01:00:36 --> 01:01:16

Anyone? It's your homework, not theirs, right? So and you explain it to them just be like, you know what, I think I'm gonna, I'm gonna put seven, because I did the equation. Or you could say, you know what, I will redo it, let's do it together. And let's do it together. And you sit down, and you say, Okay, let's do this entire equation together, and see what we come up with at the end. Right? So the two of you end up, you know, proving to each other, which one is right, by doing something together. And we saw that in the example of the the youth that were teaching the uncle how to make Lulu at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. Right. What did they say? They said, Can you know,

01:01:16 --> 01:01:33

can you watch us make blue and tell us if we do anything wrong? So you could say the exact same thing? Watch me do the equation and tell me if I do something wrong. Right? And then you will see what the answer is at the end. All right. It's a very good example. I love that one. Which someone had their hand up.

01:01:34 --> 01:01:36

Other than you someone else? Yes.

01:01:58 --> 01:02:06

Okay, so you're doing like a study circle together type thing? Okay. That's a good question. It's a it's a to two questions, there are two parts to it. So

01:02:07 --> 01:02:43

you, you're, let's say you're studying with your friends, right? And it's time for a call, or you're doing something together, maybe at work, some some, you know, project together at work. So it's relevant for everyone. And it's time for smaller, and you say, you know what, let's go pray. And that person says, No, I need like, five minutes. You know, just to finish off what I'm doing. And then we'll go pray. So the best thing is, I mean, five minutes is not that big of a delay, right? So five minutes is okay. And then to pray together, you'd be praying together and congregation. So it would be multiplied, right? So the best is, wait five minutes, maybe go make Woohoo, in that time.

01:02:43 --> 01:03:13

And then, and then pray your father, but be careful of the person who always need five minutes. Because that five minutes ends up being 10 minutes, and then 15 minutes, and then 20 inshallah becomes delayed, and then you realize you're sitting down chatting or talking about something together, and you don't realize that the time for Salah has gone has gone. If that's the person, then get up and go into your sauna. With regards to the second part of the question, should you go and pray? And they say, you know what, I'll come and join you.

01:03:14 --> 01:03:49

I mean, what's stopping them from joining you right away? And if they say they will join you, should you read longer prayer and longer sources? No, you shouldn't. You should pray your prayers, though. You are going to pray whether they're with you or whether you're alone. Right. So pray regularly, if they miss out, they miss out. That has nothing to do with you. You went to prayer saw that they had the obligation to get up and go and pray smile, just like you did. They should have technically got up right away and gone to pray. But we know the circumstances in the situation. Before you there's him but before him there was a question that came from the sisters. Okay.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:53

So the question here is,

01:03:55 --> 01:04:12

if you're fasting enough of the fast, is it permissible to make more than one intention and have it count example, the fast is to make up for a day missed in Ramadan, which is not enough of nothing, it is not enough of fast Sr. It is a compulsory fast.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:15

So the example she's giving is

01:04:18 --> 01:04:20

this fastest to make up for a day.

01:04:21 --> 01:04:54

I missed in Ramadan, as well as one of the six days of Shabbat. So I know some scholars, and there's a few scholars that allow you have to combine your intention for the day that you missed in Ramadan, with the day that you are going to fast for so while out of the six days that you're going to fasting so well. Now, I follow the opinion and many of my teachers have taught us that the days of fasting for a while are separate than the days of fasting for Ramadan because they have been separately stated.

01:04:55 --> 01:04:59

Right, separately mentioned in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:05:00 --> 01:05:27

And the wording of the Hadeeth is much Samana move on, from A to Barrow. So whoever fasts, the days of Ramadan, then fasts so they completed the fasts of Ramadan, then fasts, the six days of so well, it is though they have fasted the entire year, those that allow you to combine the intention, right, and there's many scholars, you can look online, you'll see video after video with regards to it.

01:05:29 --> 01:05:39

They say it says though, a person who missed a day during Ramadan, either because they were sick, or maybe it was a sister, it was that time of the month where she couldn't fast. So she missed those days.

01:05:40 --> 01:05:44

That day was not compulsory for them too fast to begin with.

01:05:45 --> 01:06:26

That's what they say, right? That That day was not compulsory for them too fast to begin with, because they were either sick, or they were traveling, or it was about time of the month where they don't, where they can't fast. So it wasn't a compulsory day of fasting for them, but they still have to make up for it. So those scholars that that are of that opinion, they say that you can combine the intention, I personally go with separating the two. And you know, a lot of the A lot of my teachers even up until last week, I asked some of them about this, and they said, separate the two why because there's 30 days that you can fast during this month. And so it's very easy for a person

01:06:26 --> 01:07:01

to fast one or two or five or six or seven days. And then fast. The days of Chahal and the days are getting shorter. So don't say Oh, you know what, the days are long, or we want to fast during the winter make up the two days that I missed when I was sick or traveling and faster in the winter? Because the days are short. But can I do the six days of so on now? What are you going to do six days of showing what's wrong if you do two more days, and the days are much shorter than they were during Ramadan, right at the end of June, those were the longest days. So these are just, you know, petty little excuses that we try to make for ourselves. But inshallah, the more that we sacrifice

01:07:01 --> 01:07:46

for Allah subhanho wa Taala, the more the reward is, so we should try to strive for Amazon. And that's what's important. Push for action always. And the best in you know, according to the opinions that I follow, is if it's a compulsory fast one that you're remaking from Amazon, that you should not combine. However, if it's enough to fast, like on a Monday, fasting on the Monday or fasting on the what's the other day? Thursday? Good? Or it's the middle days of the month? Uh, yeah, we'll be right then. Which is like right now, these are days that it's a submit to fast on, then if you want to fast that date, like the Monday or the Thursday or the middle days of the month and combine your

01:07:46 --> 01:07:54

intention with the six days of show? Well, that's fine. That's absolutely fine. Okay. You had the question?

01:08:02 --> 01:08:04

Even if they're right, or even if they're wrong?

01:08:08 --> 01:08:29

How do you deal with them? Okay, so it's very difficult to make a blanket statement about parents who always think they're Right, right. And I sort of touched upon this, some handler, all of the youth today have given me a great idea to talk about parents who think they're always right, and not letting their children have a chance or a shape.

01:08:30 --> 01:09:09

And some handle I touched upon this today, but between father between husband and wife, how sometimes husband and wife and you know, they fight between each other and think they're always right. And that's a good question, how do we deal with our parents? The first thing is, obviously, to communicate. The second would be to go to someone who your parents respect, explain it to them, and have them speak to your parents. Right? And try to open discussion with your parents about this topic. Right, try to try to have conversations with them about that topic that you know, sometimes, I might be right. I know how to use the smartphone better than you do. It's a fact. I'm young,

01:09:09 --> 01:09:27

you're old. Right? All right. I might know how to use the iPad or the laptop better than you do. It's a fact I'm young years old. Right? tried to explain that to the to the parents and shut a lot of time. And we hope that they you know, they will understand that but conversation is important. And if that doesn't work, then get someone who your parents respect.

01:09:29 --> 01:09:37

Get someone who your parents respect to maybe speak to them and address that topic. And then someone here had the question. Yeah. After.

01:09:57 --> 01:10:00

Yeah. So that's what I mentioned to the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:25

Brother as well, if there's a friend of yours who keeps delaying and saying, I need five more minutes, I need five minutes. Give me 10 minutes, I'm almost done right? I'll be there just now, you realize that this person ends up wasting a lot of your time. And your time is your time, their time is theirs, you will never get that time back. So if it's five minutes, that's okay. And if it's every now and then no big deal. But if it's regularly, this person constantly does that, then just go and pray.

01:10:26 --> 01:10:27

Just go and pray.

01:10:30 --> 01:10:50

No, then that's Gee, that's the problem is that you've waited so long that it's already time for us. Right? Don't do that. And don't let that person control your time that you're sitting there wasting time waiting to pray because they're not ready yet. Go and pray because you're responsible for your prayer, not them. Right. Abdullah and then we'll take the sisters question.

01:10:54 --> 01:10:55

All right.

01:11:10 --> 01:11:47

That's an interesting question, Abdullah Salah. So his question is, what if you're building the mustard so there's construction renovation happening at the masjid and it's time for Salah. And some of the workers are Muslim, and some are not Muslim. So some of them will continue to work because they're not going to stop to pray and others will be Muslim and stopped to pray. Do we stop praying? Or do we continue working? Or you know, what do we do? You stop and you pray? You explain it to them. I used to do this. In fact, I was working on building a mustard once with my father. My father does welding and steel work, right? So we were working in some of the people that work with my dad,

01:11:47 --> 01:12:00

they're not Muslim. So when it was time to pray, we simply explained it to them. You hear that thing inside the mustard, that's dnn. They're calling us to pray. So we have to go pray now. And we'll come back. They either continue working or they take a break.

01:12:02 --> 01:12:05

If they need your help, but I mean, you have to judge every situation.

01:12:06 --> 01:12:26

Separately, right? So let's say there's something hanging from the crane and the person just stops the crane in midair and leaves no, that's dangerous, someone can die. Right? So you actually have to finish that off and then go and pray. Okay, I'll give you this and I don't remember who else asked. Question. You asked another question. Let's take the sisters question.

01:12:28 --> 01:12:28


01:12:30 --> 01:12:32

Hold on, let me get to this in Sharla, because then it's time for the Nn.

01:12:37 --> 01:12:40

While some people's writing is so beautiful, but I'm

01:12:41 --> 01:12:43

unable to be read.

01:12:51 --> 01:13:22

Is there any clear Hadith that states that one cannot go for Hajj while in debt? Yes, a person has to be capable of going for Hajj. And finances is part of your capability. Right? So if a person has a debt, and they can't afford to go for Hajj, then you you can't take a loan and go for Hajj. Right. And if you have a debt, you're going to be paying off your debts first, before you go for Hajj. Right. So.

01:13:24 --> 01:13:40

But if the person has a debt to pay, and they have extra money, maybe this is the question, can they go for Hajj? Or actually, there's another part here? I didn't want to read both of them at the same time. But the second part is, is it allowed to go for hides while one has a mortgage?

01:13:42 --> 01:13:43

On the house?

01:13:44 --> 01:13:50

If one can afford to make the payments, so yeah, that's basically tying in with

01:13:51 --> 01:13:54

the the the heady, sorry, the

01:13:55 --> 01:14:05

the first part of the answer, that a person might have a debt, and that debt might be your mortgage. And if it's your mortgage, and you have interest, then I'm not going to get into that, you know, there's a mistake there. Okay.

01:14:06 --> 01:14:20

And I've never liked answering that question, because everyone knows the answer to it. And then you're capable of paying off your house. Right? Let's say it's a financial contribution that you have to make monthly, and you're paying into that.

01:14:21 --> 01:14:59

But you can afford to save some money and go for Hajj as well. Can you do that? Yeah, you can do that. Right. Why? Because you're, you're you're not depriving someone of returning the money to them at a later date, or, or on the date that it's supposed to be given to them. You're still paying them on the monthly, you know, date or the weekly dates, whatever it is, the time that they're supposed to receive their money, they're receiving it. So you're not delaying that in any way, shape or form. But you have extra money, and you're capable of going for HUD, however, the best thing to do, right because we said the best thing to do is to pay off your debts.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

as quickly as possible,

01:15:03 --> 01:15:06

as quickly as possible why a person with debt will not enter gentlemen.

01:15:08 --> 01:15:29

I remember Sheikh Mohammed a you, for those of you that know him, he's, you know, was one of the Imams of most of the Navy back in the day. He's originally from Burma, and some handler he taught us to feed. And he said, even if you have 25 cents of debt, that you did not pay back to someone, and you die,

01:15:30 --> 01:15:36

and you die. And they hold that against you. You will not go to gentlemen.

01:15:37 --> 01:15:51

25 cents. I remember when he told us he gave us that example to show us how severe it is. That it's important for us to pay our debts to take care of it as quickly as possible. Because no one is guaranteed.

01:15:53 --> 01:15:56

long standing back, the battery died.

01:16:00 --> 01:16:04

And no one stopped me. You know that battery was going but very slow.

01:16:06 --> 01:16:07

Is it 1030?

01:16:11 --> 01:16:13

No, what time is sala

01:16:14 --> 01:16:33

1030? Okay, of hamdulillah. Zach, hello, Helen, because I'm looking at this clock. And it was 10 o'clock. And then, you know, just it just reached 10 o'clock. 1001. And that's when I told you I think you raised your hand and I said we'll take this question because it's time for the event. And it's actually 23 minutes later. Awesome.

01:16:37 --> 01:17:02

Awesome. So the jinn are not telling us the knowledge of the unseen and hamdulillah. So like we were saying it's better for someone if they have a debt to pay off that debt as quickly as possible before going for hedge unless they have extra money, and they're not depriving anyone of the money that they owe. Okay, we'll stop there and sell last time for the event. And then you can ask me, I'll be here in Schaumburg. If you want to candy. That's why asking you can come and get the candy as well. So

01:17:03 --> 01:17:11

I'm located in Central America and IBM how much Please forgive me for the clock incident. It's not in my hands. I don't know the knowledge of the unseen

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 14 (31st July 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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