Daood Butt – Al Adab Al Mufrad – EP13

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the success of their book, which covers topics such as parenting and parenting, and provides a certificate to demonstrate attendance. They also emphasize the importance of being a good parent and the importance of being a good parent to children. The speaker emphasizes the need for men to provide for their children and offers advice on how to handle personal situations. They also discuss the history of Islam and the importance of sada 49%, which is the best way to achieve gender roles.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah Mata Sunday, Sunday Mahara Shafi ambia evil mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Ali of masala to automata slim annaberg. My brothers and sisters in Islam Shalimar alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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I was just sitting telling brother Junaid that handle I've been having withdrawal syndromes.

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I was coming and teaching every single day. And then today was the first time since last Juma that I actually did a lecture or hookah. So today's joma football was the first cookbook or lecture that I have delivered since last week on the day varied for shout out to Juma so it felt very strange and very weird this entire week every single day you know my daughters would be like are we going to mustard for tada? We know like why

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why aren't we going for Tara we Ramadan is over and then you know my daughter wants she's like it's okay. We can still go

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So yeah, I mean we go to the mustard but there's no Tara we you don't see as many people in the mustard you don't get that that feeling of Ramadan and some hamdulillah you know you miss it. And so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to give us many more than a bunch to come.

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It is always nice to to resume. I know for many of us we had, you know gone to the extent to even purchase the book that we're going to be studying for the next few months in sha Allah Allah, which is other Bulma frauds by Amanda Bahati.

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How many of you have the book or purchased the book, but just maybe didn't bring it today? Raise your hand. Only a few of you. Okay, in sha Allah. That's surprising because we sold 50 copies, right? 50 copies 50 copies, but only a handful of you actually have the book. Mashallah. So

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now I'm seeing a few more come out.

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So this is a book as we mentioned, for those that were not here before on Amazon, we began this book and we actually imported 50 copies of it. It's offered by Imam Bukhari. This is a compilation of Hadeeth statements narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as well as those of this habit of the Allahu anhu. Okay, so it's not only Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It is also statements or incidental narrations that came from the lives of the Sahaba the companionship of the lover now.

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When we think of Imam and behati we always think of authentic hadith, right because his famous book, and Jeremy Asahi right the authentic collection of Hadith from a memorable quality. This is different than that book. This book on Audible Morford is basically as let me just go to the literal translation, prophetic morals and etiquettes right, so morals and etiquette values, behavioral traits that we learned from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This book has, you know, a number of, of Hadith and narrations that we can learn from.

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Not every single Hadeeth in this book is authentic, some are weak, some of them the chain is weak, some of them the actual mucking the wording is weak. However, when it comes to learning a dub or morals and etiquette, there's nothing wrong with taking the weak Heidi, or the weak chain the weak narration, because it's teaching us something that's good, right? It has nothing to do with a bad has nothing to do with the actual worship aspect of our Deen. Okay, so it's not talking to us about Allah, we're not learning about Hajj, we will touch upon these things slightly. But that's not the focal point. Okay. So just, you know, to recap a little bit as to what we're studying for those that

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were not here. Before the month of Ramadan, when we actually began the book. We went through 41 chapters already. And I know for some of us, we're thinking 41 chapters, that's a pretty big book. But there are a couple 100 chapters in this book. And we've already covered

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75 Heidi, okay, we've covered 75 Heidi's from this book already, and we have another few 100 to go in, shout Allahu Allah. So the the aim when we began this book was that we would do it for, you know, something that would last long, something that we can record, we can put up online that many people can benefit not only here, but abroad in different countries, something that we can study together in a collection. So it's one book and so at the end in sha Allah to highlight, those that went through the book can actually receive some sort of certificate to say that they've attended the halaqaat the dose of every single one of the, the the chapters that we've gone through, and you

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know, it's a claim to fame that I've studied this book and I've gone through it from cover to

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and so will resume in sallallahu taala. Before I move on, we actually managed to finish the chapters that were related to parenting. Actually, I shouldn't say parenting related to childhood, right related to children looking after their parents, respecting parents keeping those ties of kinship, right maintaining them. And I wanted to begin with something we did not take, which is the famous

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companion, actually, we can't really say that he was a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. His name is waste a little corny, right away. So Courtney, he was one of the one of the Muslim in a Muslim that lived at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you notice I'm very careful to actually say it's a hobby, because he was not a Sahabi. Because it's a hobbyist, someone who saw the profit from the longer I need to sell them or match the profit for the longer it will send them during their lifetime, while being a Muslim, a believer as well. Now he was a believer, a waste of money. He was a believer, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had told

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us a habit of the long run home. If you meet or you come across wasel Courtney asked him to make the offer you

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asked him to make Doha for you.

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Now this is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying this statement, which is extremely powerful to Abu Bakar de la Juan

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Pablo robiola one and many of the other companions was to harbor it'll be Aloha and home that were there amongst them. They are being told by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, if you meet a wish, Al corny, right, who comes from the place where the tribe, the people who come from that area, they're known as a Putney, they come from that tribe? So he says, If you meet him, ask him to make Doha for you. Why? Because his Doha is accepted. Now the question is, what did he do? That made him so famous, that he was mentioned to the Sahaba of the Alomar and home and the Prophet for the longer either you were fundaments, telling them to ask him to make dua for you.

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way so Courtney, was, was well known for looking after his mother.

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To the extent that he lost out on being classified as a Sahabi. He lost out on being categorized as one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, simply because he refused to let his own desires take over and go and make the hids have to be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sacrificed that simply to look after his mother.

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And so we can never say that he was as a hobby.

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We can never classify him or categorize him as the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though he was a believer at that time, even though he was alive at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he was a believer, he was a movement during that time as well. He did not go and make the heads out to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam simply because his mother needed his help.

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And he was also known as being someone who is extremely cautious of his Sala, meaning he would refuse to fail or he refused to, to neglect his father. He would not miss any of his prayers, and he would be always busy in his father. To the extent that the people around him asked him why are you so busy with your prayer? He says, I want to be the person walking on the face of the earth, who's busy in a matter of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Just like the angels in the skies in the heavens are busy in their Eva of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That was a waste of money. May Allah subhanho wa Taala be pleased with him. So he that story of waste of cottony I wanted us to end off the beginning part

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of the book and to now transition into this part of the book where we talk about parents treating their children rights. We had spent a couple of months talking about us being children, and we're all children, and how we should look after our parents or we need to be nice to our parents. But now we want to focus on parents being nice to their children, parents, respecting and fulfilling the rights of their children. Right. And now, this is a very sensitive topic, because many parents are going to get scared, right? And we don't have any children. So you don't have any any chocolate or candies to throw it at the children today. That's because each and every one of us is on our toes.

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We're careful. What are we going to learn about today? And so let's begin in sha Allah hota hai

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We continue with chapter 41 Hadeeth number 76. And this chapter is titled whoever cares for one or two daughters. We'll read the three headings that are in this chapter and then we'll discuss them in Samba. The first one is ARCA even though he said I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say

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if someone has three daughters and is patient with them, and close them from his wealth, so you know, you put your your your wealth towards taking care of your children to the extent that you clothed them, right you give them clothing to wear, they will be a shield from the fire for him. So, to say it again, for those that don't have the book, and anyone who doesn't have the book, you can follow along, simply go to sunah.com forward slash AdMob ad A B, and you can follow along in sha Allah to Allah with the Arabic as well as the English so you can do it on your smartphones or tablets, whatever you have

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some su n h.com forward slash ad a be a dub. Okay?

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So after they've been there a little bit longer, and he said, I heard the messenger of abortion, Allahu Allah, He will send them say, if someone has three daughters and is patient with them and close them from his wealth, they will be a shield from the fire for him. Then in the next Howdy, even our bus, or the Allahumma said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no Muslim who has two daughters and takes good care of them, but that they will make him enter the garden enter agenda. Okay. Then in the third heading that we will take, which is Hadeeth number 78 jabiru. Even Abdullah about the Lucha and Hamas said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, Whoever has three daughters and provides for them suffices their needs and shows mercy to them will definitely enter gender.

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Then a man from the people said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if he has two daughters, the other sort of messenger of Allah, if he has two daughters, because you mentioned three What if he has two daughters? Then the Prophet found along rather he was seldom responded and said, and for two also.

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So we looked at three and we looked at two, right? We saw two Hadith pertaining to having three daughters. Now we looked at another one, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions three daughters and then he was asked what about two daughters and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and for him as well, in another Hadith that's not mentioned here. This Hadith is reported by a Buddha would.

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He mentioned in that Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how a person who cares for his daughters, so cares for them looks after their daughters, disciplines his daughters,

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marries off his daughters to good people, and also does good to his daughters. This person will enter gender. Now why is it that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is focusing on daughters? Why not sons? Can anyone tell us? Why daughters? Why not sons?

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Good, good, very good. Mashallah. So as the brother was saying, during that time, especially before Islam, the time of Jamelia, it was common, like we learned during the month of Ramadan for people when they had a daughter, when the daughter was born, they would think of two things. So they raised this daughter,

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or this daughter is disgraceful to us, in the sense that it's not going to give us any benefit, monetary benefit, she won't go and work. That's the job that a son would do. Right? Go and work and make money. And so this child is not going to bring us any benefits. Rather, the child is going to bring us some sort of disgrace because look, we had a daughter when everyone else was having sons. So what they would do is take the daughter,

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dig a little hole in the ground, put the baby in, alive, and just throw the dirt over the daughter and kill the daughter.

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So they used to take the life of their children, the daughters, right before the daughter had even passed away, while the child is still alive. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you notice how you know people talk about how Islam doesn't give rights to women.

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Right. And you know, it was always oppressive towards the women. But somehow Allah Islam came to remove these ideas and these thoughts and these evil ways and practices that people used to have and think that a daughter was going to bring harm to the family was not going to be beneficial was only going to be another mouth to fill, and more food to consume, right will be consumed through them, more clothing will be needed, more wealth will need to be earned in order to look after this child. Right, this person that's not going to leave the house until they actually get a little bit older and are capable of getting married and then someone else will look after them. And so Islam came and

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abolish that remove that practice completely of the people prior to the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And yet today, we noticed the opposite is still being said about Muslims, right that we are not giving women rights and we're not, you know, letting them stand up and be capable of having jobs and doing things no Khadija will be alone and how the wife of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, she got up and she works. Right even after Islam. She still was a very wealthy, very, you know, successful businesswoman. And we also notice, the Allahu anhu, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she was someone who didn't just sit down and do

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nothing. She looked after the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But she also was someone who narrated a large number of Heidi, she was also someone that went out in expeditions with the Sahaba with the companion for the lover and home. She was someone who went out and joined in the battle after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. And so she was not someone that just sat down and did nothing. Islam didn't tell women just stay in your homes. And that's it. Culture tells us to keep women locked up inside of the house. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells the women, that your prayer is better for you inside of your house. But He then told

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the husband, but if your spouse wants to go or your women, meaning whether it's your daughter, whether it's your mother, whether it's your aunt, your grandmother, your wife, wants to go to the masjid, do not forbid them from going to the masjid. Don't lock them in their houses. Right? Don't lock them in the houses. And so here we see an example of how Subhana Allah, you know, I was just doing some some research the other day of women and how women used to be very much involved in society.

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How it wasn't only in the marketplace, like today, everyone criticizes the women they go shopping and they spend time and you know, window shopping. And then when they get a little bit of money on their eat, or some you know, some gifts that they they get from the husband, they go and they buy more, and some how to lower the children, the daughters spending a lot of time in the marketplace. That was also done at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but women were shelling

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women were selling right there. We're involved in sale and trade. But that that's not the limit of it. When you read about the battles that took place during the time of the Prophet front along with it, who has done them, who was dodging swords, dodging arrows, dodging horses, running at them with men that had Spears in their hands, simply to bring water to those that were fighting in the frontlines. It was the women.

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It was the women of this woman who were sacrificing and putting their lives on the edge, simply to bring water to those that were in the frontlines.

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They were also sacrificing their lives to go and bring back the injured from the frontlines to the back to treat them.

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Right. The women in Islam Subhana Allah they had done so much for this Deen, but we fail to actually highlight their status, we fail to highlight their achievements for the omen of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so we notice here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us to treat women nicely treat our daughters with respect care for them, give them the clothing that we need. And we know very well, not only is this mentioned, because of the time of jelly and how women are sorry, girls, little baby girls would be buried, but also it's a responsibility upon the wedding. The person, the man of the house, the shepherd of the household, to look after his daughters to make

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sure that even when they are mature, and of the age where they can get married, they're still being looked after. They're taken care of. They're the precious pearls. They are the vessel that carries the future generation. And so sisters, if you're listening, it's not that you are you know, a dumber society or a dumber class of society, or you're not capable of learning

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Looking after yourselves you're not capable of, you know, seeking education and working and providing for the family. Rather, you have such a high status women have such a high status in Islam. You know, we mentioned before that they are the ones that carry the baby in their room, and we highlight it, I believe before it I'm Yvonne the soul, and how it's possible for someone in their body to have more than one soul. But that possibility is only given to women. Allah subhanho wa Taala only gives that to women. When the mother is pregnant, she has her soul in her body, as well as the soul of the baby. And if she has twins, she has three souls inside of her body, she's

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containing three souls inside of her body. And that's the status that Allah Subhana Allah gives to women, that you are the precious pearl that we have to look after. Because you then look after the future generations, they raised human eye, each and every one of us whether we like it or not,

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we came from a mother, we came from a woman

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we were contained inside of her, she looked after us, she took care of us, right. And even if even if the mother is someone who neglects, you know, the health of the child, and for example, might smoke while the baby is in the womb, or eat or consume things that it could be harmful to the baby.

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She still regrets it later on, she still feels as though she had done some sort of injustice towards that child. And so we shouldn't feel that Subhanallah you know, our mothers, even if they had done something that was wrong, during the time that they were pregnant with us, or with our you know, brothers and sisters, or, you know, something had happened during that time, don't think that they did it and they feel good and happy.

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They were weak at that time, there was not something they could control fully. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala had allowed them to go through that in terms of a learning process. And we hope that they came out of it. And they changed for the better. And the loss of Hannah, who which Allah guided them towards what is better for them.

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So we can see here, how the rights of daughters are highlighted by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And how it's important for us to look after the women of our household, we move on to the next chapter, whoever provides for three sisters. Now some of you are wondering, I know some of you are wondering, Well, what about one daughter? What if we have one daughter? Right? Has anyone thought of that? Because we mentioned three and we mentioned two. But now what about one? Now I asked some of the scholars that I studied from, and they said even one, even one because the profit from a long rally he was shut down when he mentioned three and was asked what about two, he said and

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for that person as well. And so they said insha Allah, for the person who has even won, then Allah subhanho wa Taala will be merciful upon that person as well. And it's a great responsibility upon the Father. We know that for many of us when we have a son, I don't know, I don't have a son. I have two daughters, right? Just like new hyla has shut up. Right? Sorry, just like loot Allah has shut up. He had two daughters, right. And we know very well, that when a father and a mother have a son, they feel a little bit satisfied. And I know very well, that mothers, they feel satisfied as well. Because this child will grow to be a Muharram for the mother. If anything were ever to happen to her

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Their son will be there to look after her. Right. And so you notice that the status of the boy now is highlighted in a different way. That boy, that brother of the sisters will also look after his sisters. And it is his responsibility to look after his sisters. When the father passes away. When the mother passes away and inheritance is divided. The son will get more because his responsibility is to look after his sisters. Right? And so you'll notice how Allah Subhana Allah divided that so beautifully in the households of the Muslim families.

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The next chapter chapter 42 Hadeeth number 79. Whoever provides for three sisters here, a booster age of Audrey robiola when he said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No one has three daughters or three sisters and is good to them, but that he will enter gender. So again highlighted how if we even have three

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Reach sisters, but you are good to your sisters. Now again, what if someone only has two sisters? Go back to the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and even for them, right? So if someone has sisters, look after your sisters, be good to your sisters, how many of us have sisters? Raise your hand if you have sisters, Mashallah. You'll notice that you can get your agenda by looking after your sisters. So many of us think our parents have passed away. What can we do? We want to do better revalidation. And we've covered that we're not going to go over it for those that missed it, you can listen to the recordings right? How do we fulfill bitterly Wiley, Dana, after our

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parents have passed away, you can find that by asking those sitting around you that attended the halaqa. And bureaus, as well as looking in the book, and and listening and watching the videos that had passed. But here, we noticed that even if we have sisters, we can still attain gender, by looking after our sisters taking care of our sisters. And here again, this is one of the one of the areas where I lose out. I don't have any sisters, I only have two brothers. So those of us that have sisters, make sure that you look after them, because there's a door of genda waiting for you. Should you look after those sisters of yours.

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In the next Heidi, which is in chapter 43, the excellent of someone who looks after his daughter, after she has been sent back home.

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We'll read it first and then explain.

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Or I may even the robot says that the profit from the longer either usnm said to Soraka even Joshua chalet tell you the greatest sadaqa Shall I tell you the greatest sadaqa or in brackets we see here or one of the greatest forms of Southern? He replied, Yes indeed, messenger of Allah.

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He went on. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on to say, to provide for your daughter, when she is sorry, when she is returned to you, and you are her sole source of provision. Now what this is referring to, is, when a person is married a daughter, she gets married, and she goes through a divorce. And she now falls back under the care of the wealthy. So the Prophet follow along, I think he will send them here is referring to that daughter.

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It could even be a sister, because we know that if the parents have passed away, then you know, the uncles or the brothers of that of that sister will have to be the acting Wali. So the Prophet for the long run, he will send them says,

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with regards to one of the greatest forms of focus is to provide for your daughter when she is returned to you and comes back under your care. Right, that's one of the greatest forms of setup, one of the best types of sadaqa that we can do. Now many people think that sadaqa

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right, is shameful to be given to family members. A lot of people feel that when you give sadaqa to your relatives, it's like to shame giving it to them, they're poor, or you're giving it to someone and you're making them feel as though they're poor, and they deserve your money.

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But that's only in our own minds. And we need to break that out of our culture and our own our society. Why? Because the greatest forms of sadaqa, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us is the sadaqa that you can give to your own family. The best type of funda is that which you spend on your own family. So don't think that giving sadaqa or giving your wealth to your family is a disgrace. That's the best type of setup. Giving to your family is the best place that you can put your wealth by helping your family. And I'm not talking about now, here's some people think okay, so just forget about giving it to the poor and only give it to the family members that we have no

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giving to them in terms of providing for them with regards to their needs, what they actually need. Right? Not just giving them what they don't need and don't even want. Sometimes we buy our children video games that they don't even want. We buy them clothing that they don't even want. Many mothers tend to do this. They shop for their children when their children are 25 3035 4045 years old. They're still shopping for their children, buying them clothing that they don't even want to wear. Right and the son or daughter says oh Mashallah, that's great, lovely, wonderful. As soon as they turn around and take it home, they like put it in a box to give it away to someone else. Right. But

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the best type of sadaqa that we can give this to our family, give to them especially when they need and spend your money on things that they need. So don't go and spend money on clothing when they have a closet full of clothing.

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They don't even touch for the whole year. But if you notice that maybe their house is needed to be paid off, help them in paying off their house, help them in paying off their car, help them in paying off their college or university degrees, help them in in sending them for hygiene Ramadan.

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Now we know that Hajj is not compulsory upon the person that can't afford it. But if you're helping them to be able to afford it, you save up for it and you give it to them as a gift. You say here, son here, daughter, this is for you to take your spouse for Hajj.

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This is money that you will use for that I'm giving it to you as a gift for you to go for hedge. That's great. That's absolutely great. Right? So put your money, put your wealth, put your time in things that are beneficial and useful for our children, and not just giving them things that they don't even need or want themselves.

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And then we see in the next video, which is mentioned, you know that the wording is pretty much exactly the same,

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except a change in the wording of the

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Or he actually addresses the person by his name and says yes, or aka.

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In the next ID, Hadith number 82. I'll make them

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even madikeri. He said, Rob your long run, said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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what you feed yourself is sadaqa for you. What you feed yourself is a sadaqa for you. It's a charity for you. What you feed your children is set up for you. What you feed your wife is set up for you and what you feed your servant is set up for you.

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Now here we see an example of how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam encourages us to spend on our family members, and to even spend on ourselves. When you need something. don't restrict yourself and think Oh, you know what I'm doing this and I'm going to put up with it and some handler life becomes very difficult for you or life becomes harmful for you. Now, there's one thing to actually spend on ourselves in terms of needs. But there's another to just, you know, go and buy every single thing that we want. Right? Like you got the new the newest phone on the market three months ago and all of a sudden, a newer phone comes out you need that one, you don't need it. Right unless your

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your job actually calls for some sort of useful tool that's on the new phone that the old phone doesn't have. That's only three months old. But just spend on yourself in ways that is useful. Like you might need a new jacket for winter. And you've been spending on your children and your wife for the past years, buying them new coats and buying them new boots and buying them new hats and gloves and socks and you know winter snow pants and so on and so forth. But you yourself are freezing in the winter, and buy yourself a new jacket. It's a sadaqa for you. It's goodness for you, you are rewarded by buying something for your own self.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards us for providing for ourselves what we need, and that's because our bodies have been given to us as an Amana.

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The body that we have, is given to us. Just like when you you know use fine for something you are entrusted with this. You are entrusted with the body that you've been given by Allah subhanho wa Taala and I know many of you are hungry and you're looking at the clock, and I'll finish in a few minutes inshallah at 945. All right, at least 945 on that clock. I see 944 in the reflection in the mirror over there, on the clock on this side. So it's it's encouraged that we spend on ourselves in terms of what we need, and then on our family members on our spouse on the people that are nearest to us. That is rewarding for us as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us in an authentic

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we'll take

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one more Hadith and subtle Lakota highlights in chapter 44. One who dislikes a men to wish for the death of daughters because it's related to this.

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A Buddha revoir, recommended nil Hadith.

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He said that the prophet SAW the longer it he was sorry, he said, a man who had daughters with ebin was with Norma so he's telling us the story of a men who was with him and Irma, Robbie Allahu and Homer, and that man, he had daughters. So

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he was with the bin Norma, and he tells him in Arma

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that he wished his daughters were dead.

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He wished his daughters were dead, that they weren't alive. Why? Because it was a little bit difficult for him to look after his family.

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Right, poverty is difficult, you need to earn a lot more, you need to feed more mouths. And we know that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And even after his life, it was very difficult for them. There were months where they didn't have food, they didn't have the wood and the the fire to simply light and warm up food. And then even if they had the fire, there were times where the fire was there, but they had no food to warm up.

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Right, and they would eat dates for months on end sometimes. And we spoke about that during Ramadan, right? So he says to me, Norma, right, he wished that he that his daughters were dead. When Norma heard this, he became angry. Right? So he became upset.

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And he responds to him and says, do you provide for them?

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like asking a question, do you provide for them? Are you the one that provides for your children? Are you the one that gives them what comes to you, if you had stronger emotion is what is being shed here, right? If you had stronger emotion, and you trusted Allah, that he gave you, these daughters for you to look after, and the responsibility of you looking after them, trusting in Allah subhanho wa Taala, you would know that anything you earn doesn't come from you. It comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Every single dollar that we get on our paychecks, right, at the end of the month, or at the end of the week, whatever we earn is not our earnings.

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It is given to us from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I know many people would say What do you mean, I worked very hard for that. Yeah, you did work very hard for it. Right? We work extremely hard for the money that we make.

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But what if you didn't have that job to work out? On boss panamericana provided us with that job? What if we didn't have the job, you can stay at home and do that same type of work that you do it your workplace. So for example, if you're an IT buff, you can stay at home and like play with your your wife's computer all day long. Right? And set up files and folders and, you know, partition things and do all these nonsense to the computer. Right? Or if you're a mechanic, you could stay at home and work on your car day and night. You're doing the work. Where's the money gonna come from? Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us that job, that job where the paycheck comes from. So you do that

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work, you get the paycheck, right? So the wealth that we earn is wealth that comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala you can change that chain all the way as far as you want down the road, and you will always notice that your wealth comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we notice here, that those of us that have children, it's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. They help us to gain gender. And so we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to attain gender through our children. And I know I've taken up a few more minutes than I said, I would technically I'm supposed to finish at 10 but I know I smelled the food outside and I know many of you smelled it on your way

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in and our taste buds work stronger than our brains when we smell the food. Right so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us to benefit from the time that we spend together. We will continue again our halaqa next week as we do every single Friday in sha Allah hota hai Allah desert como la habana subtle Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi be washed

Weekly Halaqa – Episode 13 (24th July 2015).

Adab al Mufrad is a hadith book compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al Bukhari. It contains 1,322 ahadith.
The book is about the manners of Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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