Bilal Philips – The Struggle of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the legacy of Prophet Muhammad sallamps and the struggles of his family. It highlights the use of slotaging during political protests and the return and conquest of Prophet Muhammad sallali's teachings. The history and implementation of Prophet Muhammad wa sallam, including signs and events, is discussed, as well as the return and conquest of Islam. The importance of proving to the people that he is a prophet of God and the need for a marker to show the "offensive" is emphasized. The segment also touches on the history and implementation of Prophet Muhammad sallali's miracle and its potential outcomes.
AI: Transcript ©
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All praise is due to Allah and mailouts peace and blessings be on the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and and all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day.

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The topic

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the struggle of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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is one which addresses

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his legacy.

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What is it, that Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa sallam left behind?

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In the Muslim world today,

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the legacy of Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa sallam

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may be looked at as hairs,

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you will find some parts of the Muslim world where people claim to have a hair from the hand or the beard of Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa sallam. In Kashmir. They even have a mosque, the biggest mosque in Kashmir, a shrine to one of the hairs from the head of Prophet Muhammad wa sallam it's called the husband Baal mosque.

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Of course,

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the fact of the matter whether it is actually a hear from his head, or from his beard or not, there's another issue altogether.

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You will also find in different parts of the Muslim world,

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the tooth, which was knocked out of the Prophet SAW salams mouth in the battle of 101 of his teeth was knocked out.

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And in Pakistan, they claim to have the tooth. In Morocco, they claim to have the tooth in in Turkey, they claimed to have the tooth and a number of other countries, he only lost one tooth, but

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this is the legacy.

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And you will also find

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his sandals in the Topkapi Museum in

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Istanbul, you will also find the cloak that he wore his sword and a variety of other artifacts, which are attached to Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem, and people go there, you know, and will rub the cases in which these artifacts are and rub it on themselves believing that the baraka

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of these artifacts will be transferred to themselves.

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So the legacy in the minds of many ignorant

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Muslims is the artifacts and bits and pieces that were left behind which people claim were from Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. However, none of these artifacts, not a single one of them can be authentically attributed to Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam, none of them

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because we have a principle for verification of the authenticity of any Islamic principle, law,

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artifact, etc.

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That principle is the principle known as centered.

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Meaning if somebody says, I have the hair of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam today, we say, Okay, where did you get that here from? I got it from so and so. Okay, where did he get it from? From so until then you have to be able to trace all the way back to that person who got the comb of the Prophet SAW Salem and took the hair out the sahabi. What was his name? Who did he give it to?

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And who he gave it to? And that has to be an authentic chain of reliable narrators. If you don't have that, then you don't have anything. It's just a hair.

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So Islam, was never concerned with this.

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You don't hear the leading scholars of Islam concerned with these artifacts which are now found in the Muslim world.

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is that the legacy which Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam left behind was the legacy of Dawa

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of conveying the message of Islam to the world. This was his legacy.

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And that legacy is embodied in the struggle that

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He went through,

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he left in his struggle, a blueprint,

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which we can see mirrored in our day to day lives today, what is happening currently in the Muslim world,

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in relationship to the rest of the world, we can see parallels between it. And what Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam went through.

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I would imagine that the vast majority of us here

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this afternoon have already read the life of Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa sallam,

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they know, you know,

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what he went through.

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So I'm not going to spend a lot of time in this presentation going over those details.

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I will mention the highlights, in the sense that the beginning of the struggle

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was at the time of the announcement, when he called his people together

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and announced to them that he was the messenger of Allah.

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After asking them,

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who he was relative to themselves, and they said, You are the truthful, reliable, honest, best amongst us, etc.

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After reiterating that, then he told them now if I tell you that, I am the messenger of Allah, what is your thought? You are the biggest liar, you're the total opposite of everything, they just finished saying, Okay. This was the rejection.

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With his announcement, the consequence was rejection,

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complete rejection

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from the main

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relatives, leaders of the society of the time.

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Then, the struggle shifted to modes of persuasion.

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They sought to persuade him to stop, stop this message.

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They tried to put pressure on his uncle who raised them, I would tell him, talk to this young man, get him to stop this call. This invitation of people to the worship of one God

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making slaves equal to their masters. Stop this.

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That trailed Obatala knew who Muhammad wa salam was and there was no way he could get the Prophet SAW Salem to give up conveying that message. So then they shifted

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to worldly persuasion.

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Worldly persuasion meaning

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he must be after something

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he must have a hidden agenda.

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He's shaking up our society creating havoc. He must have a hidden agenda. What are the usual hidden agendas?

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Usual hidden agendas is based on what wealth? Money is after money. Okay, let's offer him

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we'll make him the richest man in Makkah. Everybody will put some money together and make him the richest.

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That didn't work. Okay, what is the next hidden agenda?

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Women? Okay, let's offer him the most beautiful of our women. As many as he desires

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that didn't work.

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Couldn't sabotage the message.

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Then it must be what power

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power control to be the king the ruler. So let's offer him that that position that status. Still didn't work.

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What next? Next step is the boycott. Okay, let's starve them into submission. starve him. Of course. His. His clan supported him the Hashemite clan. They said, if you do it to him, we have to be with him is from us. So the whole clan came under economic boycotts, too.

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Try to bring him to his knees to stop this message. But even that didn't work.

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Instead, it ended with a miracle, which reinforced in the minds of those who wanted to think that he must have been a must be a prophet of God. The pact which they had made, and that hung in the Kaaba

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was eaten up, except for Bismillah Rukmani, right?

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That's Bismillah everything was enough, even though the Kaaba was closed. He couldn't possibly know what took place. He informed them that this happened. And they went and confirm that it had taken place. These are the evidences.

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The next step, escalating step by step, next thing is what what's left, we have to kill him assassination.

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This is the only thing that's going to stop this man, we just have to finish him off.

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no one clan is going to take the responsibility. So we all take the responsibility we get the young man from all of our clients. And in one blow, they kill him. But Allah told him to make Hydra, the left

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thwarted their efforts.

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After he left wasn't enough,

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they put a bounty on him and sent bounty hunters after him.

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And they almost got him

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Soraka mnemonic caught up to him, but by a miracle

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from Allah subhanaw taala he was unable to get ahold of him.

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Then after going to Medina,

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allies of the McCanns also tried to assassinate him there

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from Jewish clans,

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but they failed.

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And then came

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the major stage the last major stage that of what open warfare

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bother all Handa.

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They tried and failed.

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So what was left?

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a truce which they worked out to their advantage as far as they could see it. They thought it was to their advantage, however, that trues

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during the period of the truths, more people came into Islam than ever come before.

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And the 13 years in Makkah, only 300 plus people accepted Islam.

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After the truth, truth of the day BIA

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you had 300 People whole clans coming to Islam on them one day,

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coming and giving allegiance to Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem in one day.

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So, the truth did not benefit those who

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sought to utilize it in their favor.

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And the return ombre Prophet Muhammad wa sallam came to Mecca

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Sahaba made Omura and finally, the conquest of Makkah. These were the stages of the struggle of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in that struggle.

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As I mentioned, there are parallels that we can see today.

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In the case of the announcement,

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there was rejection and slander promises Salam is declared to be a magician,

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and a fortune teller and a variety of other things. Today, we have him declared a *. By the

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fundamentalist Christian groups, they promote this argument that he was a *. And you have others like the Danish cartoonists making cartoons of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam No, so the slander

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is continuous.

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It hasn't changed. You know, we get shocked we get worked up and we jump up and down and we demonstrate and we end up killing ourselves over something which is

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on avoidable

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instead of

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developing strategies to deal with these things systematically. We are reactionaries

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and we die in the process. How many people lost their lives in the demonstrations against the cartoons around the Muslim world shameful.

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there are ongoing and they're not gonna stop.

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After * they'll find something else.

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It is a continual process. It wasn't new to Prophet Muhammad wa sallam, it existed in the times of all of the earlier prophets, they all suffered

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Then, the dissuasion

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the efforts to persuade him not to convey the message, this we can see parallels in many Muslim countries where giving Dawa is not allowed.

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This is like Tunisia. If you go to the masjid, you know, regularly, your name is put on a list

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the Muslim country, but the idea of trying to convey Islam is out, and so on and so forth. Different countries around the Muslim world.

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They are attempting to stop the dour.

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And, of course, the worldly persuasion we can see in Muslim rulers, accepting the offerings of the West for their protection, etc. You know, and they're busy trying to keep their seats,

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their thrones, their positions. They want to look after it. So we see that happening.

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The difference is of course, in the time of problems, our salami rejected it, but in our times,

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our leaders have embraced it. This is the difference.

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And in terms of the economic blockade,

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whenever the word Shetty comes up,

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you find the West, keen on blockading, you know, surrounding this and crushing it Sudan is a classic classical example.

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When Sudan declared Shadia, back in 1984,

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America put an economic blockade on Sudan,

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which lasted till today, the longest blockade in history, with the exception of Cuba

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longest blockade in history with the exception of Cuba to try to bring them to their knees and get them to give up this Sharia thing. This idea of Sharia,

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because they don't want it to spread like a disease. They're afraid that if it spreads, it will affect what their own economic well being.

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In terms of

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the assassination attempts, we know, Assassination are happening around the world. And one of the earliest assassinations was that of King Faisal,

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of Saudi Arabia ruler, who stood up to the west and said, Okay, I'm shutting the taps.

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You know, because what you guys are doing in Israel, etc. to the Palestinians, I'm shutting the taps.

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We are ready to go back and live on the desert as we lived before, no problem.

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It was a man of principle.

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And the only way

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to overcome that was to eliminate him. So he was assassinated,

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and others.

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And when we look at

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the next stages,

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the stage of open warfare,

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what is what happened to Iraq, but open warfare?

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Southern Sudan.

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This is open warfare,

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to try to stop

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the spread of Islam. Of course, they may make issues Binladin weapons of mass destruction, they take up different points to

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glorify and to beautify what they're engaged in, but the program is simply to

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undermine the Muslim ummah.

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Keep it down, keep it under control to keep regular and an easy access to the wealth of the OMA.

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And, of course, the truth is we know, after all that they have said about the Taliban, they're now in truth, negotiation negotiating truce with the Taliban, after saying they would never speak to the Taliban, these guys are this and that, and the other will never come to the table with them. They're now at the table, working things out.

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So this cycle

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It is a cycle, which all of the earlier prophets went through.

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Most documented in the life of Prophet Muhammad Salah because he was the last of the messengers, we don't have the details

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in the struggles of the earlier prophets, like what we have in the case of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, because he was to be the last of the prophets of God.

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So we have that blueprint, on one hand, to keep us aware of what we are living, why we are living this. And the issue is, most of the Muslim world

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is unaware of what is going on. These are all separate events happening to them, here, there and everywhere. But when we look at the life of the prophet, Mohammed Salah, we can see this is a chain of events, all linked, following a familiar pattern, that if Muslims are not conscious of it, then they are unable to benefit from that knowledge. They learn the history of the Prophet SAW Salem, like they learned fairy tales, you know, everybody knows the details of this stuff and the other but what it all means

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virtually nothing in our lives. There's no way of benefiting from it practically, in our day to day lives. However, Alhamdulillah

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the return and the conquest, reconquest of our Muslim lands is coming.

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The Sahaba, or the awakening in the Muslim world today is real. It's happening. Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, the other countries that are going through changes.

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This is all a part and parcel of that return.

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But we shouldn't be fooled

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at the same time, with orchestrated changes, because the West is very skilled in manipulating

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movements, struggles, etc. So what may look to be truly Islam coming to the forefront, we can find signs that it's not truly Islam, there is some Islam there. But it's what will be tolerated. You know, so the struggle isn't over, we still have a long way to go.

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However, in this struggle of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is another message for us. Another sign

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and awakening point for many of us, who have lost contact with the Quran.

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It contains

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proof of the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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As he said, All prophets were given something which would cause people to believe in them. The thing which I was given, is none other than the revelation the Quran, which Allah revealed to me, so I hope that I will have the most followers among them on the Day of Judgment.

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Allah Subhana Allah

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gave the Prophets miracle miracles to convince their people that they were in fact, prophets of God.

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Because if somebody stands up and says, I'm a prophet of God,

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what's your proof? How do we know you're a prophet of God? We have so many false prophets around so the miracles were given to them

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to prove to the people, those who are willing to open their hearts

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that they were, in fact, prophets of God. And what Allah did is that he chose miracles, which were in the areas that the people excelled so that the miracles would have a greater impact on them. So for example,

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Prophet Moses

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alayhi salam, who was raised up in Egypt, Egypt was known for sorcery.

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So he was given a miracle, which was like, what the magicians were doing, but it was greater.

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His staff when he threw it on the ground, became a snake. Now, the magicians of Egypt could do that too.

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But the thing is that they were doing

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a trick on the people. They were mesmerizing. The people people thought thought they saw

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this, these

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sticks as snakes, but they really weren't, they just appeared to be moving, they throw them on the ground, and it appeared that way to them. Whereas in the case, when Musa alayhis salam, when he threw the stick, it really became a snake. And in aid of the

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false snakes of the other magicians, which is why they submitted,

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they frustrated to Allah Subhana Allah immediately.

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They knew the truth when they saw it.

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In the case of Prophet Jesus Alayhis Salam,

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who was sent amongst the Jews, the Jews were known and even till today, they are known for medicine, the top medical experts around the world, if you look and see who they are,

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the Jews

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being the top medical experts puts you in a critical position.

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If you are a president, who is working against them,

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operations can easily fail. Accidents happen.

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Very, very crucial position to be in so they make sure the top heart surgeons the top, you know, medical experts are from amongst themselves crucial.

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in those days, of course, the medical

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doctors were able to heal people who broke their arms, you know, who had either diseases, you know, etc. They were able to do what appeared to the people who had no knowledge of the medicines and the techniques and something almost miraculous. So Prophet Isa was given a miracle in the same area, except on another level.

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Instead of just fixing a broken bone, somebody who was born crippled.

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With a birth defect, he fixed something which the Jewish doctors could not people who are born blind.

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He made them see Jewish doctors couldn't do that.

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So he was on a whole nother level. He even brought the dead back to life that something definitely was not in their hands.

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People got sick, they got them well, but not somebody is dead is declared dead, coming back to life again.

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Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam being the last messengers of Allah, he was also given miracles to prove to the people that he was a prophet of God.

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However, his miracle had to be on yet another level, he had miracles which are on the similar level of the other prophets.

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When the Quraysh asked him to show them, show them a sign, he pointed to the moon and the moon split in front of them.

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I was a miracle.

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But that type of miracle was not the main miracle of the Prophet SAW Salem.

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Why because he was to be the last of the messengers. If somebody asked you

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prove to me that Prophet Moses.

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Staff, his staff turned into a snake. Do we have the staff of Prophet Moses in a museum somewhere?

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Turning into steak and back into staff. Do we have this anywhere? You heard about that? No.

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Nowhere or somebody said, Okay, prove to me that he split the Red Sea.

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Do we have a marker somewhere in the Red Sea where you can see a split till today?

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Okay, somebody says, okay, prove to me that Prophet Jesus made the dead, come back to life. We have the dead man we call back to life around so we can say he died. And here he is,

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are the blind who saw

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all the birds that he made from clay blue on it, and it flew away? Do we have any of those things? These are things that we believe in. Similarly, we believe in the moon. Yes, there is somebody who said, Yeah, you know, when the first moon lander landed on the moon for the Americans, and they were walking around, they did find the crack in the middle of the moon. It's not true. Is Muslim fairy tales, right? We're looking for, you know, or the story about

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one of the astronauts hearing the man on the moon now fairytale. Then he went to Egypt, and he heard the same thing again, he became a Muslim. Not true. What was his name again?

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Neil Armstrong? Yes, because they call him the allowance, that he's still a Christian. He doesn't. He never heard any of that. And it's not true. Widespread, you know, like all these fishes that we find with scale, saying Allah and, you know, we're famous for this stuff, right? But May Allah protect us? Anyway, the point is that these miracles are not tangible. We can't hold them now. They happened at the time, and they serve that purpose. But Prophet Muhammad wa sallam was to be the Prophet, till the end of the world. He was the prophet to all humankind to the end of the world. So he had to have a miracle, which would last, which people could say today show me the miracle is here

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it is.

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You have to have that.

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That was unique.

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So that miracle is main miracle as he said it was the Quran. Because what were the Arabs known for? Are they known for medicine? No. Well, they're known for magic, no.

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Technology. No, they're not known for any of these things. The only thing they were known for was poetry. Prose and acquaint eloquence. They love the literature.

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And they had taken it up to such a height. They used to have yearly competitions, where people come from all over Arabia, you know, like rap artists, right? rap artists, this one raps in that one rap. So like this, they were saying, huge, long poems, people would memorize these forms hearing at one time. They're heavy into this.

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The eloquence they love, the word, the literary word. So Allah gave them the miracle right where they love the most.

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And he took the letters that they used to make up their lovely poetry and prose, and he stuck it at the beginning of 14 of the chapters of the Quran. Alif Lam Meem.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:40

Watch this, something that the Arabs never did, this was something outside of the normal. They never did this before. But it was the challenge them see the same I live la meme that you make all those poems that you love so much, so much that 10 of them you written on gold

00:33:42 --> 00:33:54

bars and hung it on the Kaaba, you worship it, the more ala carte, they worship them worship their portrait, so Allah gave them Poff

00:33:56 --> 00:33:58

blew their minds. Wow.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:04

Something which they could not

00:34:06 --> 00:34:07


00:34:09 --> 00:34:24

literary eloquence at a level which was beyond their comprehension. It mesmerized them as well. They said He's a magician, when you go by his house, put your finger in your ears. Otherwise it will just catch you in your shadow.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:28

Better put your finger in your ears

00:34:32 --> 00:34:33

the point is that

00:34:37 --> 00:34:38

this literary miracle

00:34:40 --> 00:34:45

was so real. That last month Allah challenged the Arabs

00:34:47 --> 00:34:54

three levels of challenge first level if he don't believe this is from Allah produce a Quran like it.

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They couldn't do it. Okay. You don't believe this is from Allah produced?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

10 chapters like it,

00:35:03 --> 00:35:18

okay? Still couldn't do it. Okay, you don't believe it's from Allah produced one chapter like it. And he repeated this verse in Mecca and Medina, produced one chapter like it smallest chapter Alcocer is only three lines

00:35:22 --> 00:35:25

they still couldn't do it. And they tried,

00:35:26 --> 00:35:28

but they couldn't do it.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:31

Now, some people might say, Well,

00:35:34 --> 00:35:34

what's so

00:35:36 --> 00:35:43

magical are so miraculous about these three lines of poetry? Why? Because

00:35:44 --> 00:35:58

we look at it, most of us look at it from our various languages. When we read the Quran, we read the Quran, in our languages, translated translated meanings. So we read and we see, you know, I read this this

00:35:59 --> 00:36:12

chapter of the Quran. I know other English writers who have written much better, you know, literary works than this, this is just mediocre stuff. I don't see anything magical about it.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:25

Why? Because the miracle of the Quran is not in English, or do or Bengali, or Somali. It is in Arabic.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:32

It's an Arabic. But even the Arabs today

00:36:35 --> 00:36:44

might not be able to grasp it, the common Arabs, they because they have lost touch with the language of the time when it was at its peak.

00:36:46 --> 00:36:49

So if, for example,

00:36:50 --> 00:36:59

a missionary and some brothers came to me and asked me about this, a missionary says to you, if I produce a chapter,

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like the Quran, when you convert to Christianity,

00:37:05 --> 00:37:09

most Muslims say, whoa, whoa, I don't know. I don't I don't think I can do that.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:12

We hesitate.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:14

We should say yes.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:23

I'm ready to convert to Christianity. If you produce one chapter like it, Allah says you cannot you produce one. I'm ready. Right now.

00:37:26 --> 00:37:31

Most of us wouldn't do that this myth that's put in front of us which Oh, I'll have to think about that one.

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Why because without, without the miraculous literary nature of the Quran, without it.

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And as I said,

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the average Arab

00:37:51 --> 00:37:58

he or she may not be able to grasp that miraculous nature. So if the

00:38:00 --> 00:38:02

missionaries put together something and they did,

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

they put together

00:38:05 --> 00:38:08

a religious book called Alpha con.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:12

Yeah, call alpha con.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:23

And just as we begin with Bismillah AR Rahman Rahim, they have it beginning with this bismi bismi, sl Mercia heptathletes

00:38:28 --> 00:38:32

and the story of Genesis is put into Arabic rhyme

00:38:33 --> 00:38:58

and poetry. And if you were to read this to the average Arab who didn't know maybe this mill this may sell Maaseiah you know Illa who tough leaf out okay? My catch that one. But if you the rest of it, where God is replaced with Allah, just as in the Arabs in the Arab translation of the Bible, they use Allah

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they may hear some of these and say others Quran

00:39:04 --> 00:39:07

and they may swear Yes, Wallah, this is crime

00:39:09 --> 00:39:12

because you're out of touch with that language.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:17

So, the missionary will say, well, then

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19

we are able to do it.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:33

But how do we judge whether somebody has successfully imitated the Quran or not? Do we give it to the average person and ask him

00:39:34 --> 00:39:35

what do you think?

00:39:39 --> 00:39:48

Somebody who has some background in English literature, could write a sonnet in the style of Shakespeare

00:39:50 --> 00:39:56

and show it to the average person was read a few Shakespeare things and they say I know Shakespeare sounds just like him Shakespeare.

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

But if you gave

00:40:00 --> 00:40:14

to a Shakespeare expert, they will say right away, no, that's not Shakespeare, they could spot the mistakes. So it means that the only way that you could judge this would be to give it to an Arabic

00:40:15 --> 00:40:38

literature expert, who is of necessity, in most cases, an Arab. And in most cases, Arab, Arabic literary experts are Muslims. That's biased. So how can we defend if your people are going to be judging whether we did it or not? You're just not gonna accept it anyway. It's biased.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:40

What else to do?

00:40:42 --> 00:40:45

If we are the experts, who else can judge?

00:40:46 --> 00:41:06

The point is that the experts will tell you, this is not of that standard. Why? Because here are the weaknesses in it here, here, there there. It's weak from this point, they will identify it. So they'll do it academically. They're not just gonna say no, it's not because we don't feel like it is no, no, they will give you the points.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:09

Why not?

00:41:13 --> 00:41:23

They're not non Arab. Arabs are Arabic experts. They will tell you, for example, in the Quran, there are mistakes, grammatical mistakes.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:25


00:41:27 --> 00:41:28

Baha, Allah,

00:41:29 --> 00:41:41

the founder of the Bahais, he had a book called Al Kitab, an accomplice to holiest of books. Right? This was his book of Revelation in Arabic.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:44


00:41:46 --> 00:41:46


00:41:48 --> 00:41:59

knowledgeable Arabs looked at his writings, is filled with grammatical mistakes, because he wasn't an Arab. He was a Persian, right, you know, so he wrote he made mistakes.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:03

So they said no, this is a new divine grammar

00:42:06 --> 00:42:06


00:42:12 --> 00:42:18

when the non Muslim Arab lists their mistakes in the Quran, they say chilka Reuzel.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:23

We'll call it the Russell

00:42:25 --> 00:42:34

this everybody knows you pick up any book of Arabic grammar, it tells you that if you have a demonstrative pronoun,

00:42:36 --> 00:42:42

there are different forms which must match the noun that it is governing

00:42:44 --> 00:42:46

in gender a number

00:42:48 --> 00:42:48


00:42:50 --> 00:42:54

you only use Tilka when you're referring to feminine nouns.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:00

You will not say till Calcutta we will say dolly Calcutta

00:43:05 --> 00:43:06


00:43:07 --> 00:43:11

when you're dealing with plural, you have her Oli and Hola, chica.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:18

So what you supposed to have here is hola Rasul, not Tilka Rasul.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:25

Okay, this is maybe above some of your heads. But the point is that

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Arabic grammar came from the Quran

00:43:32 --> 00:43:35

so you can't go back to the Quran and said the Quran made mistakes.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:49

You know, those people who are experts in grammar will tell you yes, you can use Tilka it is used was used in ancient Arabic poetry was used in the Quran. It is

00:43:50 --> 00:44:08

a use for special emphasis, but it not became it was no longer in common use. After time passed, people focused on one element of the grammar and they left the other elements for classical literature. That's all there is no grammatical mistake in the God

00:44:09 --> 00:44:15

not like Bala Bala was telling something else. So

00:44:16 --> 00:44:27

when Behala said in his Kitab Lochness if you don't believe that this is from Allah, produced one word like it Hey, come on.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:29

It's a joke.

00:44:31 --> 00:44:42

It's a joke. Nobody had to produce one word like it because we all know you know, words, you can pick the dictionary up and produce how many words like it was just a joke.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:56

Or like when Elijah Muhammad in America, we had a false prophet there by the name of Elijah Muhammad, who taught that white people were devils and black people were Allah's.

00:44:57 --> 00:45:00

This was teachings right? Nonsense.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

And, of course,

00:45:02 --> 00:45:03

he said,

00:45:05 --> 00:45:07

I challenge

00:45:08 --> 00:45:13

any white person to come up and prove that he isn't the devil.

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And of course, no white person went up into Chicago, you know, challenge them and say, okay, here I'm proving I'm not a devil. See, none of them has come. They are devils.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:29

So the challenge of the Quran is not like that.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:37

Challenge of the Quran is up like that. We just looked at that struggle of the Prophet saw his struggle,

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what he went through what the Quraysh did, to try to stop him, all of that, what they offered him

00:45:51 --> 00:46:12

the their loss of their lives and their wealth, all of this to try to stop him. And all they needed to do was to produce three lines of poetry like culture. So that's all they have to do. Do you think practically logically that they would, if they were able to do it, they would do this?

00:46:13 --> 00:46:18

Go through all that struggle, instead of doing this so much simpler thing.

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So in the struggle of Rasul Allah, so Allah Christendom

00:46:26 --> 00:46:27

is the sign

00:46:28 --> 00:46:29

that the Quran

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is a miracle,

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a literary miracle, that though we cannot grasp it due to our weakness of our language, etc, we can't grasp it on that level where we can read it and say, Wow,

00:46:45 --> 00:46:47

we can understand it.

00:46:48 --> 00:46:55

In the struggle of Rasul Allah, some Isola a struggle, which overcame all odds,

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a struggle which would not have taken place.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:03

If there was a way out

00:47:05 --> 00:47:18

the call of Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam, to Tauheed that shook the whole of makan society, the socio economic order was being challenged.

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The religious center of Arabia was being demolished.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:32

They had every reason to meet that challenge.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:43

So, in that struggle, in sha Allah, we can see, we can learn, we can appreciate the Quran,

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which is the true legacy which performs as salam has left for us, tangible in our hands. And the message of the Quran is

00:47:57 --> 00:48:31

to worship Allah alone, and that is the total legacy that we have to carry to the people of British Columbia, to the people of Canada, to the people of the world. This was the legacy from the struggle of Rasul allah sallallahu wasallam Baraka, Luffy, calm Zakon long hair for listening, and I hope that whatever I said was a benefit and what ever errors are there from me? barnacle. AFRICOM said I want to come around to live again.

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