Bilal Philips – The Best In Islam – #35 – Property [2 of 2]

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of the tongue in Islam, with a focus on the ones that remember Allah's words. They stress the need for gratitude and remorse in achieving personal and psychological goals, as it is a source of joy and fulfillment. The speakers also emphasize the importance of gratitude and the use of words to express emotions, as it is a means to achieve goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh May Allah's peace and blessings beyond each and every one of you.

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I would like to welcome you to another in our series, the best in Islam.

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In this episode, we're going to look at property from another perspective, more from a metaphorical and spiritual perspective

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in the narration that we're looking at. So ban related, that the verse announced a painful punishment for those who hoard up golden silver and do not spend in the way of Allah was revealed. While they were on a trip with Allah's Messenger, and some of his companions said, it was revealed concerning golden silver.

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If we knew what property was best, we would obtain it.

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The Prophet Muhammad wa sallam then replied to them, clarifying what is the best property? He said, of those who listen on that Kieran buccal bone Shakira on bizarre jetten Minuten Torino who Allah Imani, the best properties are a tongue, which remember is Allah,

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a thankful heart

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and a believing wife, who helps strengthen one's faith.

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So here the issues of property

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have been re

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assigned as to the most important property that we own, of course, our tongue

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is our property, it belongs to us. It's a part of us.

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So, this tongue

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can either produce good

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and we benefit from it, or it can produce evil, and we are harmed by it. So

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the good property, the best of property with regards to the tongue, is a tongue that remembers Allah.

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The remembrance of Allah

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I tongue, which when it speaks, it doesn't mean that it only

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remembers a law meaning it only speaks about Allah.

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To all conversation is about Allah, because we have lives, which

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require discussing and dealing with so many different things. However, whenever we discuss them, whenever we speak about things, they should be from the perspective of Islam, they should be

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in a way, which is pleasing to Allah.

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So in that way, our tongue remembers Allah, while speaking about many things that may not be specific to Allah. So, this remembrance of Allah, whether it is in salah

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or whether it is outside of Salah that what we do and address people with respond to people etc. You know, what we ask our needs with etc, all of it should be in what is halal. So, when we go to the store and we buy something, we have a choice between buying haram or buying halal. So when we ask to buy the halal, remembering that this is what is pleasing to Allah, then our tongue in that transaction is remembering Allah.

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So it doesn't mean we have to only speak Quran to remember Allah. Nor does the remembrance of Allah mean because again, in the common parlance,

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remembering Allah means you repeat a name of Allah, over and over and over again.

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Some people take the word Allah, the name, and they repeat Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah

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or they may say

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In academia, academia, academia, academia, you know, all the most noble, repeating it over and over and over and over again. And they say this is dhikr. They may do it in a gathering in a circle together.

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And they say this is remembrance of Allah. However,

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all of that we know of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he never did that.

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He never did that neither did his companions. So we have to say, that is not the proper remembrance of Allah.

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When the Prophet sallahu wa salam told us to repeat certain things, they were meaningful sentences, not just a name.

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He told us to say Subhana Allah, Al hamdu, Lillah wa Allahu Akbar, okay. Subhanallah is a sentence. Glory be to Allah Alhamdulillah all praise, gratitude belongs to Allah. Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than all things.

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These are meaningful sentences. As for saying just over and over again, Allahu Allahu Allahu Allahu.

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This is madness.

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If we heard somebody somebody wants to speak to you,

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your name is Achmed.

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And they just stand in front of you and say, am I Do I Do I Do ACMA? Do we say, Please take this man to the hospital. There's something wrong with him. He's sick. This is not the way we communicate, as we don't accept it. With our own communications. Surely, it's not pleasing to Allah, to just have his name repeated over and over and over again.

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And what tends to happen with people is that when they're saying this name over and over again, they lose even the pronunciation so it's not even pronounced properly.

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So instead of saying, Allahu, Allah, law, law law,

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you ending up with distorting the names of Allah.

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And even Allah, curses those in the Quran who destroyed his name's so this is not remembrance of Allah. Furthermore, you have people who will spin around in circles, they will stand up, they put one hand down, one hand up, and they spin around in circles, they wear a garment with

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some tie in the center that causes the lower part to rise up like a ballerina, and they spin around in circles. And they say they're remembering Allah. They're called Whirling Dervishes is one of the names they refer to them as.

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And they say they're remembering Allah. Rasool Allah Azza wa sallam did this.

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No. Some of them might say, Well, yeah, actually he did. The Sahaba didn't see it. He was doing it in the cave with Abu Bakr and Abu Bakr is the one who passed it on to this one who passed it on to that one today reached our chef. It's secret,

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but this is nonsense. These are lies. This is not remember it's of Allah.

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Salah is remembrance of Allah.

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Fasting is remembrance of Allah Zakkai is remembrance of Allah Hodges remembrance, remembrance of Allah comes in all of the various aspects of our lives.

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Just doing the right thing, seeking knowledge involves remembered Salah imparting knowledge involves remembered syllabi. So it's not something divorced from

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normal life, where you just sit yourself in a corner and you repeat this is similar to what is done in Hinduism. For example, where they will take this word sound ohm and they repeat it over and over again ohm ohm ohm, and they believe it has certain power it will cause certain changes to take place this and the other.

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This is what is happening where Muslims have adopted these practices from other religious groups and incorporated them under the heading of Islam on the title of remembrance of Allah, but this is false. So, the first principle is that we should have a tongue which remember

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Allah, that is among the best property that we can possibly have.

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The second principle, which the Prophet may God's peace and blessings behind the mansion was a thankful heart,

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a heart which is thankful to Allah.

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It appreciates the gifts, the blessings which Allah has given us in this life. And before going into the details of the thankful heart, we're going to take a brief break, after which we will continue to look at the thankful heart.

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Money, Money Money, is hook up at the mention of money, bank accounts growing, investments increasing, but we Where are you getting all this money from? I assume this is halal.

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Or your dealings Hala? Are you aware of the legislations of transactions

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seem to be lost? Don't worry, we have just the right thing for you. Money Matters and Islamic perspective on finance. An exclusive course on money matters in Islam, presented by Brotherman su Dhanush.

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This course is unique. Why? Because it will enable you to understand the prohibited transactions in Islam, whereby in Islam, the ruling of transactions affecting us in our daily lives. Examples home loan, Carlos personal loans, credit car insurance, interest from banks, etc. Permissible alternative to prohibited transactions, requirements for a valid sale contract and many more. Do you know more be a part of this groundbreaking code and extract maximum benefit.

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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Welcome back from our break. And

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in continuation

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of the thought concerning the best property, where the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, left, what is normally considered to be property, the wealth that we accumulate, houses, cars,

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and focused on the individual himself or herself.

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What is the best that they should own of themselves, the best is a tongue which remembers Allah. And we looked at the details concerning the tongues remembrance of Allah.

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Paradise is the destiny of a tongue which remembers Allah.

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a, what may be considered amongst the best property that a person may have is the thankful heart,

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the heart which gives thanks regularly to Allah, for what Allah has given us. And if we look at the place of gratitude, in Islam, we see that it is among the key characteristics of faith. So key that Allah made it, the very first words of our daily prayers that we repeat 17 times every day, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen all prays all thanks, is due to Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds we begin with remembering to thank Allah.

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And of course, in saying Alhamdulillah we have

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put our tongue in

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remembrance of Allah. It is a tongue which is remembering Allah Alhamdulillah but coming from a heart, which is thankful. This is something which is a prized treasure, which we all should desire and strive for.

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Heart, which is thankful to Allah

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and the Prophet sallahu wa sallam

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stressed the importance of thankfulness

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as being

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critical for

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proper human existence, that we exist in a way, which is

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the goal of both this life and the next

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away, which is contented, which is happy,

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is able to handle all of the trials of living

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and the trials of dying, where one is thankful, then it is possible, when one is not thankful, then the trials of this life, drive people into states of depression,

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anger, all of the different negative qualities and characteristics which come from a thankless heart. What is the first thing that the depressed people say?

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There is no good in my life.

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I've never experienced any good, Everything's bad, nothing is

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Life is not worth living, so on and so on, so forth, all of these terms,

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denying any good in their life.

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But in our daily prayers, we're told to say Alhamdulillah, the first words of the prayer Alhamdulillah. Because there is so much to be thankful to Allah for in every one of our lives. Every one of our lives, we have something to be thankful to Allah for. Not is why we are called upon to repeat this daily,

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a reminder to ourselves, and what the prophet may God's peace and blessing used to do. What he used to do was that whenever good would come, something good occurred in his day, he would immediately fall into frustration.

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This is known as sujood, a shocker.

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The prostration for gratitude.

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You don't have to have whoodle You don't have to face the Puebla Mecca.

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You don't have to be properly covered. There are no rules.

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You hear good news. You're thankful to Allah, you fall into frustration. And you stay in that state of frustration, reflecting on the bounties of Allah that have come into your life.

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One who practices this regularly, will be free from depression,

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it will overcome depression, because depression is an inability to recognize good in one's life.

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So when you are deliberately making the recognition, a ritual a right, that you practice whenever good comes, this overcomes depression. This is one of the most powerful tools to remove depression. So, remembrance of Allah with that tongue, which is reflecting on Allah which is repeating a laws, bounties

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speaking in accordance with the law, Allah's wishes,

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that is linked with

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a thankful heart. That heart which is thankful,

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can achieve rest.

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When Allah said in the Quran, Allah decree Allah He taught my inner Kulu It is only with the remembrance of Allah, that hearts fine rest, contentment, where is it coming from?

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With the remembrance of Allah with the remembrance of what Allah has given us in our life.

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We can back off from wanting to have whatever everybody else has being dissatisfied. We're never satisfied. We never have enough.

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Why not? Why shouldn't I have Why does he have

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I want like what they have

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that constant drive to achieve and to

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Get into possess just leaves the human being in a state of constant turmoil.

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There is no rest.

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That's why people think that because also has so much money, you know, their life is so happy there.

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Who are the people committing suicide? highest rates of suicide are in Japan, globally,

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Japan, they have the material

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well available.

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We see people who are movie stars, rock stars, big time, multimillionaires, killing themselves committing suicide, how, why? What's the cause, they don't have a consciousness of

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the bounties of Allah in their lives. So they're ungrateful.

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They're ungrateful.

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the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him. He had talked about the state of the true believers being amazing.

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that state was amazing because whenever good came to them, they would thank Allah and Allah would reward them for it. What happens to those who are not true believers, who don't remember to be thankful to Allah when God comes, they become so happy they forget Allah.

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Allah is the last thing on their minds.

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So of course, whatever comes can go.

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So they may lose quickly and they fall into depression and they fall into, you know, mental anguish, etcetera, etcetera.

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So, this principle of thankfulness is a critical principle for peace of mind in this life.

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And that's why the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, describe the thankful heart as being the best possession.

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And finally, he said, among the best possessions, is a believing wife, who helps to strengthen

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one's faith.

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a believing wife, first and foremost, that wife, the problems are celebrated, said, marriage is half of the religion and it's 15.

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So fear Allah and the remaining half is half of the religion, how is it half the religion? It is half because you have someone to help you. It's hard for both the man and the woman. It's not just the thing is for the man. But

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if both are religious, if the husband and the wife are believing, righteous individuals, then they help each other to obey Allah to live lives which are pleasing to Allah. With that their viewers, we'd like to thank you for being with us in this segment of the program, the best in Islam, and we hope that you will continue to follow this program throughout the rest of the year.

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We hope to see you in our next episode Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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