Bilal Philips – Balancing between Deen and Dunya

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of finding balance between the deen and the d-weight in one's life is emphasized, as it is the physical presence on one's de factoring and the de factoring of their lives. They stress the need to establish spiritual connections with the Bible and hold onto the physical book, as it is crucial for personal success. The importance of practicing sincerity and avoiding workplace bullying is emphasized, along with the need for consistency in work practices and avoiding workplace bullying. The success of online education and setting one's schedule for the semester is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters,

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we have before us

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the guidance of Islam

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to help us

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set our affairs in order.

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Everywhere that I travel.

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Muslims asked me inevitably,

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how do we balance between the deen and the dounia?

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We're working

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eight hours or nine hours a day

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when the Quran was revealed, and the time of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam

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they were no work hours, people worked

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as long as needed.

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So it would seem that they would have a lot of time to themselves

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time which they could use for a bother.

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Whereas today,

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working eight or nine hours a day

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sleeping another eight hours.

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The remaining eight we're eating

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we go to the masjid

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five times, and then what's left?

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So how,

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how to find the balance?

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This is the question that people ask everywhere.

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It seems as though the dunya has encroached on our lives to such a degree that there is no room left for a bother

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beyond just the basics, absolutely.

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However, at the same time, we all know

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that the dean

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is until the last day of this world.

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A law would not prescribe for us something which we couldn't do.

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Because he promised us law you can live for long enough son in law was

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a law does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. This is his promise in the Quran.

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So though it might seem as though

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finding the balance is impossible.

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We know

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in our heart of hearts, we know it is possible.

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And that's why we ask how

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let us know

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in the time of the Sahaba.

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They complained to the province or Salah

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about the balance

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in spite of the fact that they seem to avoid the so much more time than we have.

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They complained about the balance. They said O Messenger of Allah.

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I think we have become hypocrites.

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Oh, he asked, Why are you saying that?

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Because when we're with you, our mind is high. We're

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keen on the dean

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remembering a law.

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And as soon as we leave, go home to our families we forget

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caught up in our family things.

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Until the next time we see you

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the time that we're seeing you is so much less than the time we're not seeing you.

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It's not balanced. Looks like we're hypocrites. We're only pretending he said no, no, it's not like that.

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This is how life is

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you have time for this. And you have time for that.

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You make the most of this. You make the most of that

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the balance is there

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if we recognize these two hours

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aspects of our lives that have to be

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in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

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They're one,

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they're not two,

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we have one life.

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And the principles governing that one life are the same

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as just we need to know them and apply them.

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So, the solution

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for getting that balance correct,

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was not left hidden.

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When Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa sallam left this world, he didn't leave that solution hidden.

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He made it very clear to his companions to his followers, what they needed to do to establish that balanced life.

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The balance between the deen and the dunya

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he left it.

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He left it in a well known statement, which you have all heard

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1000s of times,

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maybe almost in every football.

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The hottie will remember will mention it. But we just didn't put it in the correct context in our own lives.

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He said, Prophet Muhammad wa salam said,

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Dr. freecom amrhein. I've left with you two things.

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If you hold on firmly to them in Temasek, tone Bahama, you will never go astray land to the new Aveda

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Kitab a law was at

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the book of Allah and my son now

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these two principles,

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when applied in our lives,

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as the prophet SAW are seldom demonstrated to us

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establish the balance.

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The balance is established through these two principles.

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On one hand,

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the principle

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of holding on firmly to the Quran.

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This is from the deal.

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And on the other hand, in the dean holding on firmly to the Sunnah,

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that both of these have to be firmly held on to

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if we're able to do that,

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then the balance

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has been set from the perspective of the dean

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then we have to apply the Quran and the Sunnah in our dunya to establish the balance in the dunya.

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So once that is established,

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our lives become balanced,

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appropriately balanced.

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So, if we start with the Quran, establishing the balance for the Quran,

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getting the Quran into the correct position in our lives.

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When the prophet SAW Selim said, If you hold on firmly to it,

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it doesn't mean hold on firmly to that physical book,

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which you have been taught if you drop that book, you have to pick it up and kiss it

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which the prophets are seldom was never reported to have done.

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But we have been taught,

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hold on firmly to it. Do not drop it, meaning drop it on the ground, you drop it on the ground, I would have been left pick it up.

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And we have developed all kinds of rites and rituals about that text.

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All go from one part of the Muslim world to the other you'll find all kinds of things, instructions, rules, policies that have to do with

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holding on firmly to that book.

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But these rules and instructions etc. Whenever instituted by the prophets wa sallam, people made them up.

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They made them up.

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It was easier for people to relate to the physical book

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than to relate to

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the local kita boleh. Ryan Murphy,

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much more difficult to relate to that one,

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what the book actually says, This is the book in which there is no doubt who then will not attain guidance for those who fear Allah.

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That was what needed to be held on firmly to the guidance.

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But that required so much effort, people found it easier just to hold on to the physical book.

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So they left the guidance

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and they held on to the physical book.

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So on our walls,

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right, we feel our home is Islamic. When we put on our walls, pictures of yacine, ayatul, kursi, mulk, etc, etc. You put these different Quranic chapters, beautifully written in exquisite, calligraphy colored painted,

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were holding on firmly.

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But that was not what was intended.

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Nobody in the time of the prophet SAW Selim wrote Koran and stuck it on their walls.

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I'm not saying it's haram to do so now.

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if the first generation didn't,

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it means it's not necessarily that is not what makes our homes Islamic.

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Or if we say it is the recitation of the text, okay, so now we have recordings devices, which will play the Quran in our homes.

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So Quran is playing in our homes all the time

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in our cars,

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that's for those of us that have that concern, wanting to hold on firmly. We play it in our cars, play it in our workplaces, etc, everywhere.

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it's being played

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the way that before we became islamically conscious, and we are into music.

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We used to play music the same way.

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In our cars, in our homes, in our workplaces. Our music was everywhere. And it is everywhere. You have places you go you can even go into the bathroom, and they got music in the bathroom.

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It's everywhere.

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It's background.

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ambience they call it providing a mood, putting you in the mood

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that's what we have done with the Quran.

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We're using the Quran in the same way to provide a mood.

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But is that how the Quran was supposed to be used?

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When Allah told us in our Quran, Quran, first me Allah

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if the Quran is with sighted, listen to it.

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Once he to and be quiet.

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Here hear what the Koran has to say here what Allah subhanho wa Taala has to say.

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But we're playing it as background music.

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So where is the holding on to the God we have let it go.

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That's the reality stuck in on the walls. Play it as background music.

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It is not a book of guidance anymore.

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It is

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It gives us comfort.

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And is it actually even the words of Allah which gives us comfort, comfort, or the melodious ness of the reciter of the Quran, which is what's giving us comfort?

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The beautiful voice of that comedy.

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That's what gives us

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Come for it.

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It's not what he is actually reciting because we have no idea what he's reciting.

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And you might think, oh, we not Arabs are at a disadvantage.

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But even the Arabs

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bled into listening to what it's actually saying.

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Same thing.

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Of course, it's easier for them to okay catch themselves and say okay, let me really listen to what Allah is actually saying here,

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much more difficult for the rest of us. But

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that is what has happened.

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We lost

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our grip on the crime.

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So, to find that balance, we have to get a hold of the crime.

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we have to establish that spiritual connection with the Quran, wherein, we are now guided by the words of a law

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whenever the Quran is read, if we treat it in that fashion, we seek to understand what Allah is saying, whenever it is written, we seek to understand what is written what it is saying.

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We are not satisfied with just seeing the calligraphy or hearing the beautiful voices of the camera.

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When we are able to get past that

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and reattached to the crowd

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we have put the Quran in the proper place and we have a chance now to find the balance

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the sooner

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the sooner

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holding on firmly to the Sunnah

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similarly, involves

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following it,

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following the sun now

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following it, as it was intended to be followed,

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follow following it in all aspects of our daily lives.

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This was the intent of the Sun now the sun now was the translation of the Quran into

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a living example. That's why I Isha, when she was asked about the character of the prophets are seldom his moral character.

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And he said himself in the marble escalator my mama garimella clock I was only sent to perfect for you the highest of moral character.

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She said Ghana fuku

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his character, his moral

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was that of the Quran.

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He was the living crap.

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So that's what we have to do when we try to follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw Salah to hold on firmly to that sooner.

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We have to know what that sooner is first and foremost.

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Because we have so many things today in different parts of the Muslim world,

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which people consider to be a part and parcel of Islam and it has nothing to do with Islam at all.

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And people will say it's from the Sunnah.

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Which book of Sunnah.

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The collection of fabricated some?

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Yeah, they have collections of fabricated IDs, attributed to Rasulullah sallallahu.

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commonly practiced by Muslims all over the world.

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That's not the sooner that we're supposed to be holding on firmly.

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We are supposed to be holding on firmly to the authentic sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu

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not what people practice believing that it is from Islam.

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When in fact it is only their cultural customs and traditions.

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So holding on firmly to the Sunnah requires

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making the effort to know sooner

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and that's why the prophets

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As Solomon said tolerable enemy for either Allah Colima, seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim

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because to know the Sunnah we have to make the effort

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to get it.

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We have to seek it.

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It is not just going to come to us without any effort on our part. No, it's going to require us to make an effort to know it.

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And then, when we have found it,

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we hold on firmly to it by practicing it sincerely, sincerity.

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Well, my only rule in law the ABA law muffler, Sinhala, which

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is what the law says, We're only commanded to worship for law, making religion sincere for him. So we have to practice that sooner, sincerely, not just ritualistically. But sincerely.

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We need to know there are rituals, their rights and their rituals.

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But in our implementation of these rites and rituals, we need to do them sincerely.

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From our heart,

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not just from our physical bodies, but from our heart.

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And the difference will be clear, to each and every one of us. The difference between the prayers that we are making today,

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which people come and say, you know, when I come to pray,

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everything starts going in my head. I'm thinking about this, I'm thinking about that. And my mind is here, they're everywhere. So

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before that, I was focused, my workplace was also i'm going to pray now and all of a sudden, as soon as I get in the masjid, I stand up below Akbar is like,

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I'm in the midst of a massive

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conversation. ideas coming from here. They're everywhere. I can't concentrate.

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you know what the prophet SAW Solomon said, whenever you come into the masjid.

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You shouldn't sit down until you have done to regard

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whenever you come into the masjid.

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You shouldn't sit down until you have done to regard

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People say it's the halal Masjid. You're greeting the masjid.

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the prophet SAW Selim didn't say that.

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People call it that mastery. Meeting the master when he didn't say that.

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I mean, when we come in here we greet the master does it return back?

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We're saying that but

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that's not what it's about.

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It's not about grittiness within the masjid.

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It's about knowing why we are here.

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That's what it's about knowing why we are here. Because if we just come running in

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and you're not supposed to be running,

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a lot of people run

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the moms that Allahu Akbar and he want to make sure they get that record so they're dashing into the masjid.

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This is not from Islam. Professor Sam said, Don't do that. Don't run.

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We were running in

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and diving into the prayer

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without any preparation.

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That's what the to Raka sitting get into the masjid early enough that you can make sure to Raka before the comma

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get your head around.

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Straight settle down your mind. Calm down you're here for worshipping Allah.

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You're not here just to finish off those four rakatan dash back out again.

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How about this need that? That's not what he has prescribed. He prescribed worship a bada.

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A bar is not just these actions because he told the man who just did the actions and did them quickly go back and pray because you didn't pray.

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So know that what we're doing today believing that we're actually worshiping Allah we're not.

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We're just coming in, running through some movements action so on so on, run back out again. We call it Salah,

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but it's not really the Salah, which was prescribed for us.

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It's the ritual. We stood, we raised our hands,

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made su Jude sat Tisha hood. We did all those things,

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but they were

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blind rituals,

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blind rituals, not prayer.

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So that is

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following that Sunnah of the prophet SAW Salaam is turning that prayer into prayer, real prayer.

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Some low Kamata it moonee Valley pray as you saw me pray

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you think he was doing what we do?

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So holding on firmly to the Sunnah, is doing it the way he did.

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Praying those two Raka before sitting down.

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And if there's any of you who have come into the masjid

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this morning,

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it's afternoon. Who didn't? You just came in and sat down? Get up now. Get up now and pray your to record?

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Don't be shy when you're gonna be looking at me. No, I don't want to do it. No.

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That's what he said. Do not sit down until you have made to record so if you haven't get up and do it, don't be shy, don't care anybody's looking at you get your reward. Get what the promises lm told you to do. Don't be shy.

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So that's how we have to treat

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the deal.

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We have to hold on firmly to the example of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and that's why a lot of said look on the pad can Allah configure as soon as there is in the Messenger of Allah for you the best example?

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example meaning how to do it.

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And that's why I said go to Annie Manasa calm take your rites of Hajj from me, do them the way I did it.

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And so on and so forth. Taking the deen the way Rasool Allah wa salatu salam practiced it as a last one to Allah

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to help us to get back on the deen

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holding on firmly to the Quran and understanding it,

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letting it enter our hearts and make a difference change our lives

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and holding on firmly to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam.

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And making it the means for modifying

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the path that we are on.

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To get us back on to Serato Mr. Kane, that we pray for every day 17 times a day in a Serato study, as colosse modality give us that Serato master aim and to forgive our failings or weaknesses are violations of His commandments. And violations of the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the last part

00:28:52 --> 00:28:52

the dunya

00:28:53 --> 00:28:57

how do we get the dunya in order?

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It's a big topic.

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And we only have a minute or two, to finish the whole.

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Actually, I've talked about it on numerous other occasions.

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I've spoken about work worship, since most of our life is work than the key is making it to worship.

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That's how we can find the balance. If we can turn our life

00:29:34 --> 00:29:38

our working life into worship. Then we have done it.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:54

We have done it. The rest has to do with the family affairs etc. sleeping, eating, doing it in accordance with the way of the Sunnah, not violating the commandments of a last month Allah. We are balanced

00:29:56 --> 00:30:00

and the main two principles which I gave for work were

00:30:01 --> 00:30:02

is one

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00:30:07 --> 00:30:10

that the work be beneficial.

00:30:11 --> 00:30:21

That whatever job we have taken is a beneficial job not a job which is destructive. harmful to the society.

00:30:25 --> 00:30:31

Make sure that your job is bringing benefit to the society and not harm.

00:30:33 --> 00:30:46

That's number one. Because the prophet SAW sentiment said hydro NASS and vow woman as the best of people are those who are most beneficial to the society so we want to be among the best of people

00:30:48 --> 00:30:48

in our

00:30:49 --> 00:30:52

work which is beneficial to society.

00:30:54 --> 00:31:02

Meaning benefits as defined by the Quran and the Sunnah. It doesn't mean benefits as people may perceive them.

00:31:05 --> 00:31:07

But as

00:31:09 --> 00:31:18

described in the Quran, and the Sunnah as beneficial, whatever is not beneficial according to Quran and Sunnah, no matter what people call it.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:28

No matter what people call it, entertainment, that sounds nice. It's good to be entertained.

00:31:30 --> 00:31:34

Some time to have some entertainment, some fun in life, you know,

00:31:35 --> 00:31:38

life should not be drudgery.

00:31:39 --> 00:31:52

That should be something that you can live happily, of course, is going to be sometimes at a down, but being entertained with your family, your friends,

00:31:53 --> 00:31:58

travel, all these different ways by which people entertain themselves

00:32:01 --> 00:32:08

is acceptable. Islam doesn't forbid entertainment prompts are seldom used to race,

00:32:09 --> 00:32:16

horse race, camel race with his companions, tapas entertainment. They are entertained seeing the promise as

00:32:18 --> 00:32:22

wrestling with the companions. This is

00:32:24 --> 00:32:24


00:32:27 --> 00:32:27


00:32:29 --> 00:32:34

there are many other things which come under the heading of entertainment, which are Haram.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:47

We need to know, we need to be clear. This area of entertainment though we're calling it entertainment. It's not halaal Entertainment. So we're talking about halaal Entertainment

00:32:49 --> 00:32:54

and so on and so forth. For all of the different areas of our general life.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:02

And the other principle, which has to do directly with our work situation

00:33:04 --> 00:33:05

is that of its con

00:33:06 --> 00:33:10

doing the best. And you've heard me talk about this before

00:33:11 --> 00:33:14

the cat and mouse game and the workplace

00:33:15 --> 00:33:18

by which people do

00:33:19 --> 00:33:20

the least

00:33:22 --> 00:33:23

people signed contracts

00:33:25 --> 00:33:27

for 40 hour weeks,

00:33:29 --> 00:33:30

months years

00:33:31 --> 00:33:33

receive pay

00:33:34 --> 00:33:37

but don't do the work that they sign for.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:46

They only work when the manager the director the CEO the whatever is around they work and when he's gone they don't work

00:33:48 --> 00:33:50

or their whole work level drops

00:33:51 --> 00:33:58

80% they're down now just to 20 just to maintenance. So I don't get fired. I do this much.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:04

That is dishonest work.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:13

We cannot go before a lie and say that work. I did put it on my scale of good deeds era so they are lost $1

00:34:17 --> 00:34:23

it's not a microscale of good deeds. Why not? I worked all this time. Because it wasn't

00:34:24 --> 00:34:26

work according to the crime and

00:34:28 --> 00:34:30

it was the cat and mouse game.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:36

When the cat's away, the mice will play

00:34:37 --> 00:34:38

that's what we're doing.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:40

We're playing mice

00:34:42 --> 00:34:43

This is dishonest.

00:34:47 --> 00:34:49

dishonesty. cheating.

00:34:50 --> 00:34:56

will say Well okay, but the you know, the guy gave us a salary which is below. That's what you agreed you sign on it.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

If you don't want to do it, then don't do it.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

The patient find something which is more suitable. But once you sign on there, then you've got to do it.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

Do it properly.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:19

do it to the best of your ability and know you're doing it. Why not for your employer? You're doing it for Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:27

So when we treat our jobs, as jobs we're doing for the sake of Allah

00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

that Allah be pleased with us when we do it.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:34


00:35:35 --> 00:35:36

we have our job

00:35:38 --> 00:35:43

in place and position to become a bada

00:35:44 --> 00:35:46

for which we are rewarded.

00:35:47 --> 00:36:06

Even though there is no obvious acts of ibadah in it, it has become a bother because we're doing it for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we're doing it in accordance with the way which Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam taught us

00:36:07 --> 00:36:16

so I asked the last one to Allah to give us the best of this life on the nest. Robin Arjuna Jennifer dunya Hassan Casanova

00:36:17 --> 00:37:18

and protect us from the hellfire. I asked Alon not to have our hearts change swerves after he has guided us. Robin anata Zulu banaba Daytona habla Nam and Adam Carolla in the cantilever hub. Allah forgive our sins this day and onwards and forgive the sins of the past. Or ALLAH forgive the sins of our family members, and put those who have passed among them in gardens from Paradise rather than bits from * or law give us the man to carry us through this life firmly on Serato must have him and protect us from Elijah him from the Hellfire from evil in this life and in the period of the grave. Apollo Colorado was stopped for the rally welcome Marisol Mr. Miracle istockphoto inaho

00:37:18 --> 00:37:20

Oliver for Rahim aka masala.

00:37:31 --> 00:37:45

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