Bilal Dannoun – Prohibited Actions 5

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary ©
The importance of Islam is discussed, including the end of disrespectful comments and fasting. The Hadith statement that individuals cannot sit on any grave for their health is discussed, as well as the use of plastering graves and building over them. The importance of understanding Islam and giving gifts and priority to others is emphasized, as well as the expiration of the period of mourning after a death and the importance of maintaining peace in Islam. The speakers emphasize the need for individuals to be mindful of their actions and avoid sexual references.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala le he was happy he h main Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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All praises to to Allah May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow his way who follow His guidance, his sooner his creed, until the last day.

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Today inshallah to Allah we are continuing on as we approach the end of the book of prohibitions by a man who never wear a hammer hula hoop to Allah, whereby he dedicated many chapters, a number of pages, about so many prohibitions in Islam that many Muslims should take heed of, and should be aware of, so that they are not transgressing the limits that Allah Subhana with Allah has set either through the Quran or through the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In our last lesson, we looked at the Hadith, whereby the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, either Okay, Mata Salatu Fela salata lol maktabah that once the farmer once they have karma for the prayer is made, then there should be no other prayer taking place except for the pray with the mm. We did however, talk about if you have already commenced a prayer and you are beyond the first Raka you are beyond the record of the first protocol, continue your Salah.

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Continue your Salah, and then join the Imam. However, if you are joining the Imam, if you are you have convinced your son that prayer, you're nothing to pray. And then the Imam has commenced and you haven't completed Erica, then give you a test limb. Leave the salah and join the Imam based on this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said when the Dharma is called no prayer should be performed except for the obligatory prayer. So it's very, very important that you join the gemera that you joined the gym era when you walk into the masjid even though you haven't prayed to hit the masjid. So even though you haven't prayed to here to the masjid,

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the greeting of the mercy of the tour occurred then you still must join the Gema if there is a Jama in place. Now the next chapter that mmm no Rahim Allahu taala. Included in this book is the abomination of selecting Friday for fasting. Friday for fasting. Here we have the Hadith that is collected by

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Sahih Muslim, the hadith of Abu huraira about the Allahu anhu Allah, Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said do not choose the Friday night among all other nights for standing in 200 pray and do not choose Friday among all other days for sown for fasting except that one you have accustomed to. So therefore

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when it comes to jhamora later to the Juma, so Thursday night or Friday, Eve

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or the eve of Friday, okay, then one should not dedicate that day for 200.

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Likewise, we find some people they want to get married on the eve of Friday. And there is no specific Hadith that encourages getting married on the eve of Friday. Likewise, Friday fasting on Friday by itself without coupling it with either Thursday or Saturday is not acceptable. And here we have also the hadith of Abu huraira radi Allahu Allahu Allah, that we find in Bihari, and that we find in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said laya Suman, hadoken, Jamar Giamatti, Illa, Yeoman tabla who are bad, he said, none of you should observe fast on Friday except that he should observe fast either one day before it or one day after it. So what we learned from

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this hadith is that, as Muslims we are not allowed to single out our weekly, our weekly weekend or which is Juma for the Muslims. The day that we are required to go to Salah to geomancer to offer the congregational prayer, we shouldn't single out that day.

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For fasting if we do want to fast Friday, we must have fasted Thursday or there needs to be an intention to fast The following day, as we will see in the other narrations. Now here we have another Hadith. Mohammed even at the end of the Allahu anhu. He said I asked jabber Ravi Allah one who did Allah's Messenger so alone while he was selling prohibit fasting on Friday? And he said yes. And the Hadith is found in Bukhari and Muslim. Now also, Julia binte, and Harris, radi Allahu unha. She's a woman what meaning the wife, the mother of the believers, meaning that she is the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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she visited and she, she allows messages Hello, Selim II visited her on a Friday, and she was observing the fast and the professor while he was so let me set that up fast yesterday. And she said to him, No, he said to her, do you intend on fasting tomorrow, meaning Saturday, and she said to him No. And so, he saw along while he was selling he said to in that case, give up your fast today give it up. So the Hadeeth is found in Buhari. So therefore, as I have said earlier, one should not be fasting on Friday by itself without either Thursday or Saturday. The next chapter is prohibition of extending fast beyond one day. Now this is what's known in Islam as Elvis on Elvis on a continuous

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fast whereby you will fast for example, and not only until Muslims of the same day, but until the mass * of the second or the third day. This is quote we find now we have a Hadith, Hadith, whatever the Allahu anhu about that is found in Bukhari, and it's found in Sahih, Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says here and I'd be willing to try it should also be Allah, one whom Allah Allah be pleased with them both. And then nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam nanda and we saw Naha Anil we saw the prophet SAW Selim prohibited observing continuous, voluntary fast beyond one day, another Hadith, the hadith of Ibn Arabi Allahu anhu man that the prophet SAW Selim

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prohibited he prohibited observing continuous fast beyond one day. So the Sahaba they said, but you do it. And he said, I'm not like you I'm given to eat and to drink from Allah azza wa jal. And have you found them because a Muslim said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from his Casa is from his special characteristics and a speciality that was given to him is that he would observe Ellucian he would at times observe Ellucian fasting beyond one day.

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through this hadith we learn that in certain matters, the prophet SAW Selim had some specific injunctions, he is specific to him, which were obligatory for him, but not for his own. So he had these special distinctions and from amongst these things was Psalm Ellucian.

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Where he would find several days without actually eating or drinking, since Allah subhanaw taala had granted him special power and patience, he could observe fasting continuously.

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And the followers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are not given this blessing. So it is something that is specific to him. And he actually said, I am not like you. I am not like you. Eight does not mean that I'm not a I'm not a human being like you. Of course he is the processor. let me acknowledge that he is Abdullah. He

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is a messenger of a light base, and is a messenger of Allah first and foremost, and he is Abdullah. He is the servant of Allah azza wa jal, he's a human being he eats, he drinks, he goes to sleep, he gets married.

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So he does not have any divine attributes.

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So we come back and he says, I am not like you. That doesn't mean as I said, that I'm not a human being or not a man like you because such an interpretation goes against a categorical statement of the poor and to the effect that Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the poor and that was the prophet SAW Selim said in social care have in the manner bash our own myths lucam and a bash our own myth to come, I am a Bashar. Bashar is human being. I'm in the shadow Mr. Kuhn, you have Ilia say he's Bashar that he has way. So it makes him Abdullah. This is the passion aspect. And the Y aspect is the prophethood that he's a Abdullah water suli. And that's why when Muslims give their Shahada

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The declaration of faith I say that in the in the law or eyeshadow and La ilaha illallah wa shadow Anna Mohammedan had to do who was Sulu Abu he says add and his Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So, what the statement Jani I am not like you really means is you do not possess that special power which Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted me

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the next chapter the prohibition of sitting on graves. Okay the Arabic word for grave is copper father and the plural is COBOL COBOL

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we have the Hadith

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we have the hadith of Abu huraira

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Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said it is much better for one of you to sit on a live call. He said

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learn learn how to kumala jamara alive co you know a heat bead fire bead

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for the Harry Potter Harry Potter, Thea who Fatah Hello saw ella jld here highroller hoomin, an ageless Allah. He said that to sit on a live call which will burn his clothes and get to his skin then then to sit on a grave it's better to sit on the left column than to sit on the grave. Now some of the earlier met they gave some some Tafseer or interpretation of this hadith. And one had the one some scholars basically in light of the

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the wording of this hadith he is not allowed periodically, that's it period, categorically prohibited to sit on to sit on graves to sit on kobudo

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even harder and hate me and others. However, they regarded this activity only macro, it's undesirable,

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and maintain that the warning contained in the Hadith is for those people who sit on them for the sake of urinating or defecating. That's what the intended meaning is. But the what the safer option is to follow the the basic wording of the Hadith that we don't have anything unless we have another Hadith to suggest otherwise. And then we can consolidate between the two Hadith will love what Allah Allah Allah knows best. The next chapter is the prohibition of plastering and building over the graves. So you know plastering graves, making them into structures. We have a Hadith, Hadith, Jabberwocky Allahu Allahu Akbar that we find in Sahih Muslim. Here we have a last messenger

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbidding that the graves should be plastered, or made into permanent structures used as sitting places for the people or building over them. So what we learn from this hadith is that it's not allowed to construct permanent graves, because this is this is step zero. This is extravagance, this is extravagance, especially that there will not benefit the deceased no matter how beautiful the grave is, it's not going to benefit its occupier. What benefits that occupier is his arm and his actions that he did in this dunya we took with him and that's the only thing that will really benefit us in the grave is our actions not our wealth. You know, some so many

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people like you know, there's been so many attempts to put so many luxuries inside the grave just in case you wake up and you know, you've got at least

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you know a television well I saw I saw well I sorted massive grave once they had a bit of a full bedroom and the television and a fridge and it's just in case he wakes up

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11 was done. So yes, they don't they don't really benefit the deceased. It is also Yanni when you start to build these graves, some people that are ignorant they might think hey, out of respect this looks like a really you know, divine in like a really you know out there grave and

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maybe we have to worship this person maybe can lead to shift people think that this person is a very is a saint is somebody that should be you know,

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maybe worship, but we know that of course there's no such thing as grave worship, this is a form of shit. This is not allowed. This is from the debate of Islam.

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So, likewise, you know, people construct constructing domes over the graves. This is all not allowed in Islam. Okay, it should be just a hand spent.

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It should be you know,

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no, just just a marking just to acknowledge that there is a grave there so people don't sit on that people don't walk on it. You know, that's about it.

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But as what for what people do with these fancy, you know, fancy graves 11 Mustang the next the next chapter that inshallah huhtala is that

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that is to do with Hadoop. Now Hadoop is the plural of head of the Islamic punishments for certain crimes. So, Islam has set certain punishments for certain crimes, these punishments are known as Hadoop. So, the head for the one who drinks alcohol, the head for the one who commits adultery or fornication, the head of one who steals for example is to have his hand chopped off the head for the one who

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you know, commits a certain wrong that the Quran and the Sunnah have stipulated as the head the punishment okay. So, here we have

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a chapter which is the undesirability of intercession in Hadoop. So, where there is a head where there is a a prescribed punishment by Allah azza wa jal for a certain crime then there should be no intervention there should be no intercession okay. Unless in certain cases whereby for example, in the case of where somebody has killed

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somebody else, premeditated murder, then the family of the murdered may have the option okay for for them to say we don't we want certain compensation which is called D blood money or they can they might not do that and he may be executed. Okay. So, the undesirability of intercession in produce now here we have an idea from the Quran from sort of the nor verse number two Allah Subhana Allah He says as near towards any federally do quillaja he didn't mean whom me it was well

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be Hema veteran Fie de la in kuntum Minami la Hey, while y'all May,

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Allah subhanaw taala says, the woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual * flug each of them with 100 stripes, let not pity you with hold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day

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so this is an example of a head of a prescribed punishment mentioned in the Quran with regards to a Zani a male fornicator okay. And a female fornicator which is 100 lashes 100 lashes.

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Now, here we have a hadith to support this chapter, the hadith of Sharia law one.

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The Quraysh were anxious about a woman from bamboo Muslim ban on Muslim is a tribe

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and who had she had committed a theft? And she asked, who will speak to Allah messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam

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who will speak to us Mrs. Assad Tell me about about her. Then they said no one will be bold enough to do so except for Osama bin Zayed Zaid who was the companion who was deeply loved by Allah's mercy just for the love while he was selling. So now this woman has committed a crime. She has stolen she has been caught out. The prophet SAW Selim knows of her situation, and she's about to receive the punishment the head of having her hand chopped off.

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So now people are looking for, you know, connections, who's connected with the prophet SAW Selim, who's going to be able to impact the province of Salem and try and Yani intercede on behalf of this woman, so her hand can be saved.

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So then, they said they recommended Osama Osama bin Zayed by the loved one.

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So semiregular one who came to the prophet SAW Salem and he spoke to him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he became angry. He became angry that somebody is interceding about I had about a punishment prescribed but Allah azza wa jal in his book.

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So what did the prophet SAW Selim said, he said, Are you interceding? He said attached foul, attached for ofI had The Mikado delay Tyler interceding regarding one of the punishments prescribed by Eliza gel. So nakoma

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from McCall, when he got up and he said he made a sermon

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Because of this, he said in a helical Latina kubla Khan and noun can either serve coffee him or sharifa, the Roku. He said, What destroyed the people before you was just that when a person of high rank among them committed a theft, they sped him.

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And then he said, Well, either Soraka Fie him alive a como la he had, but when a poor person, when a poor person was afflicted with the prescribed punishment, okay, they actually prescribed the punishment for him. So if he had a status in the community, if you had a high rank, if he was well known, came from a noble lineage or family. You know, they said, let him go hard on his comes from a good family. But if he was from a poor family, not very well known, they would actually give him the prescribed punishment. You see the injustice, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he goes on in this sermon, and he says,

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and he says, we're a Mullah. We're a Mullah Lo, NFL pinata been termed Mohammed in skyrocket. Lakota to the other hand, I swear by Allah, that if Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed, in other words, if my own daughter stole, I would do the job, I will cut off her hand in an hour and get somebody else to cut her hand. I personally would take Yanni take the action.

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This is the justice of the prophets, Allah Nelson. Islam is the Dean of justice and fairness. And its method out to all people, Arab, non Arab, Muslim, non Muslim, everybody deserves to be treated with justice, and fairness.

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And this hadith is found in Bihari, and it is found as a Muslim. So we learned a number of things from this Hadith, we learnt about the hood, we learnt about the head, and that is the punishment fixed by the Sharia, and which nobody, nobody has the authority to increase or decrease. If it's the head, and the person is convicted of a crime, punishable, punishable by a head found in the court. And the sooner then nobody should come and say, can we increase it? Or can we decrease it

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just as in the case of the cutting off of the hand, as a punishment for the thief and the punishment of adultery, whether it be adultery, in the case of in this case, stoning. And in the end, in the case of fornication, which is to be flogged, or whipped.

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Also, like Likewise, the punishment for drinking alcohol in a Muslim country is how many whips

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4040 whips, okay, 40 times.

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also we learn

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that nobody has the right to intercede or make any recommendations in this matter. There's no distinction male or female. You know, as we said, we learn from this Hadith,

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or which tribe you come from, what's your nationality? What's your status, that nobody is exempted from the head. And we also must learn a lesson from the history of past nations so that we can save ourselves from such misdeeds, which caused them to be ruined as opposed to selling he spoke about the people before him and how they would let go of the one who came from

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a prominent

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lineage and the one who was given the prescribed punishment if they were from

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somebody that wasn't very well known.

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We move on to the next chapter inshallah, to Allah which is the prohibition of reviling or sorry, the prohibition of relieving nature on the paths relieving nature. Yeah. And he answering the call of nature, in the pathways of people. Okay, in the, in the pathways of people. So Pamela, recently, recently, I heard on radio, how

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there was some work for a telephone company, I worked for a telephone company, who would come to,

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to do a service at somebody's home would knock on the door, nobody was home. If nobody answered the door, and he needed to relieve himself, he would relieve himself at their doorstep.

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Right. Let's see what Islam has to say about this. Any any doorstep is even worse than the pathway that Islam teaches us to be considerate of others. Not about being selfish stem is very much against about being selfish. It's about being selfless and thinking about others.

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we have

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An area from the Quran from sutil Azad, verse 58, Allah subhanaw taala says well as in a zoo and Alma Nina, what it means to be highly accessible for Katya tamela, Bhutan and wasteman Marina, that and those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly. They bear on themselves the crime of slander and plain sin, and we know that the crime of slander.

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We have the hadith of Abu huraira Allahu Allahu Akbar founder Sahih Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said it taco. Allah He named it the cola in and he said, avoid the two habits which provoke cursing. There are two things that you should fear Allah with regards to those two things. They usually provoke people to curse. In other words, to curse the practitioners of these two things.

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So the Sahaba they said, they said woman Nyan. What are these?

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What are these two things that provoke cursing, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, a levy yet the caleffi tariqa ness are fearfully him.

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He said it is relieving on the

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thoroughfares or on the roads, or under the shades where people take shelter and wrist. So

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there, these are the places so basically relieving yourself, for example, on a pathway or a flight of steps where people walk, people have to walk, or where people normally sit under a tree for a picnic, or for some shelter. You know, people usually sit there don't relieve yourself there. If you have to do your business and you're out and about in public and there's no public toilet.

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And there's and you know, you have to do what you have to do. Okay, fair enough, but be considerate of where you're going to do your business.

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This is from the teachings of Islam hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen, that Islam is a holistic faith that takes into consideration that takes into consideration other people, not just thinking about yourself, and being Yanni Subhanallah as if the world revolves around you.

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In the next chapter, we have the prohibition of urinating into stagnant water

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into stagnant water still water. Here we have the hadith of jabber, Ravi Allah one who Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he forbade urinating into stagnant water, now have a new Bell, and you barely feel Meraki. So stagnant water is water that's not flowing. If you come across a pond, if you come across a tank, and the water is not flowing, there's no movement in that water, you're not allowed to urinate in it because there are going to be, it's going to spoil that water, unlike water that's flowing and moving, and it's constantly being renewed. Okay, that animals and people might be using.

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So again, look at how vast and how comprehensive, the deen of Islam is. That it's not just about your relationship with Allah. But it's also about your relationship with people, your relationship with animals, your relationship with nature.

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And this is why it's so important to have this knowledge so that you are not oppressing yourself, and not you and you are not oppressing others. The next Hadeeth or the next chapter is the prohibition of giving preference to children over one another in giving gifts etc. You know, sometimes some parents, what they do is they might give a gift to this child and give a smaller gift to another child or not even give another child altogether. This is against the Islamic teachings. We have to be fair with all of our children, if you give to this one you give to that one. Okay, and here we have the hadith of a normal woman but she wrote the Allah one woman

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who narrates my father took me to Allah, His Messenger. So Allah while he was Selim, and said to him, I have gifted one of my slaves to this son of mine, he had slaves. I've given him a slave.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Have you given such gift to every son of yours? You gave this one, but did you give to the others?

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And so he said, No, there was a sell him said, Take this, take this gift back. Take this gift back. Another narration is a last message I sent him he said, Be mindful of your obligation to Allah and do justice in respect of your children. My father came back and revoke his gift to pack his gift.

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So again,

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In every matter, one should consult the Ennis upon law, you should always consult the element. If you're not sure, seek the guidance and the

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instruction of scholars of Islam, of chefs of imams of very reputable

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teachers who fear Allah subhanahu wa Island

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and parents, you must do with your children with justice and with equity. This Hadith is also advanced by those earlier met in support of the contention that if a person who wants to distribute his property among his children during his lifetime, he should not make any discrimination among his male and female children and should give an equal share to all of them. So, during your lifetime, you must give males and females equally but after your death, your your, your your wealth should be distributed in accordance with the inheritance laws, as stipulated in the Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The next chapter is the prohibition of mourning beyond

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three days for women mourning, when a person dies, you are allowed to mourn for them for three days, three days and not beyond. In other words, you know, if you want to be stay at home, not go to work.

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You know, you want to just you need some time out for yourself just to to weep to cry to be

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to just absorb what's happened to your loved one. Islam gives you that right? Islam gives each and every one of us three days, three days and no more, except in the case of a wife, that is allowed, how many days?

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four months and 10 days, four months and 10 days. In the case of a wife mourning over her husband. Her husband, her husband has died. She's allowed and she heard her before she can actually even get remarried is four months and 10 days.

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Narrated Zainab bint Abu Salah Marathi Allah one her she said I went to Habiba are the loved one had the wife of Alice messages are silent when her father, Abu sufian even had died. Habiba sent for a yellow colored perfume or something else like it and she applied it to a slave girl and then rubbed it on her own cheeks and said by Allah, I have no need for perfume. I heard Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying from the pulpit from the member. It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to mourn for for the dead beyond three days except for the death of her husband, in which case, the period of mourning is of four months and 10 days.

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Zeynep said I then visited Zainab,

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the daughter of the loved one her when her brother died, she sent for perfume and applied it and then said beware by Allah. I don't feel any need of perfume. But I heard Allah's Messenger saw Selim saying from the pulpit, it is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to mourn the dead beyond three days, except in the case of a husband, for whom the period is four months and 10 days and the Hadith is found in Bukhari and Muslim.

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The next chapter is the prohibition of malpractice malpractices in commerce. So in your financial dealings in your financial dealings. It's an interesting hadiths in this chapter.

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We begin in shallow Tyler one of the chapters in one of the Hadith is hadith of Abu huraira Allahu wa. Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he forbade that a man in the city should be the commission agent of a man from the desert and prohibited the practice of nefesh. Now a nudge is offering a high price for something in order to alua another customer who is interested in the thing you know how we say for example, in auctions, there's they call them what dummy bidders dummy bidding is haraam. So whereby you will have a dummy data bidding for bidding for a an object offer a thing because you know that there is somebody else in the audience who's interested in it, and you

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will now and there's an agreement normally between the seller and this person Hey,

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You keep on bidding when you see somebody else is interested to bring to inflate the price, and he will also inflate and then we'll make the price then you back off and they'll make the price fall on him. This is not just this is haram, that meaning is haram.

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This might also be applicable in another context other than auctions, so not specific to auctions.

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So he said, the prophet SAW Selim, he prohibited the practice of Niger.

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Okay. And that a man should make another offer, or should make an offer? Well, the offer of his brother is pending. So again, let's say you know, that somebody has entered into a, into a, into an agreement to buy, for example, a car, you know, that your Muslim brother, a brother in Islam, from another mother, okay, has entered into an agreement with somebody to buy the car. So I'm interested in the car.

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And there's, you know, that there is negotiation taking place, and then you come in, and you say, hey, I want to buy this car, I'm prepared to offer you Yani enough. For example, He was, let's say that he had it for sale for $5,000.

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Okay, I'm prepared to offer you $6,000. But you knew that there's a there's a negotiation that is pending, that's Haram, you can't come in, you know, he can't just come in and do that to your Muslim brother. Because what's that going to do now, it's going to create animosity and hatred between Muslims. And Islam is all about maintaining that harmony, maintaining that peace between one another to be able to live harmoniously with one another.

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So, and that a man should make an offer while the offer of his brother is pending, or that he should make a proposal of marriage while that of his brother is pending, again, you know, that somebody has asked for the hand of a sister from another mister. Okay. You know that there is negotiations there. And then you come and ask for this woman's hand.

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And there hasn't been any clear sign that she has refused him or the family have has refused have refused him. That's not acceptable to come in as well.

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And Islamic

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or that a woman should try that a sister of hers might be divorced, so that she might take her place. All of this is not allowed in Islam.

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The next Hadith in Amara the Allahu anhu, ma

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he innovated Allah's Messenger sauce lm is saying a person should not enter into a transaction with his Muslim brother.

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Or or that when his Muslim brother has already negotiated nor should he make a proposal of marriage when that of his brother is pending, except with the permission of the latter. Unless you have permission from the other brother. He says Look, I don't really want to go ahead with this. You can go for it.

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We have another Hadith Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a min he says min min at the believer is the brother of another

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of another brother of another min. fella. Meaning

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that it is not permissible for a man to make an offer while the offer of his of his brother is pending.

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Well, yes, Toba Allah. He had.

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Yes. He said, No. Should he make a proposal of marriage while that of his brother is pending until he wait until he withdraws his proposal?

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Again, all of this so that

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there can be a maintenance of you know of harmony between between the brothers and sisters of Islam.

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Another another chapter here prohibition of squandering wealth.

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And here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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in the Lucha de la, de la comme cela son that he said, Verily, Allah, he likes three things for you.

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Well, he said, Why Accra? hula Kwanzaa lesson, and he disapproved the three things.

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And then he mentioned them. He said, he likes that you should worship Him alone, not to associate anything with him in worship, and to hold fast to the rope of Allah and not to be divided among yourselves and he disapproves for you. Irrelevant talk, persistent questioning and the squander

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of wealth and the squandering of wealth.

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So again,

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does not allow for these matters

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from amongst the Hadees that mmm no we included is what should be said at the end of the salad. Here we have the Hadith, whereby the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at the end of the Salat can afford to feed Aubrey Coulee salette. In October when the Prophet Allah Musa finishes Salah.

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Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah mentor salam, WA Mika salon de Baraka, aka the jela column, and then he would say la ilaha illallah wa hula Sheree Kela

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loco moco Allahu Al Hamdulillah. Who Allah,

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Allah, Allah Manya Lima update while a mafia, Lima magnate William Pharaoh, they'll just the mean cultured.

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And the reason why he mentioned this, here, if we translated it means none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the One who has no partner, he is the sovereignty, his is the sovereignty and he's is the praise and he is able to do everything, our law, nobody can withhold what you give, and nobody can give what you withhold Aloha, melomania, Lima, RP, mafia, Lima monart

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and the high status of a person is of no avail against your will. So again, we know that everything comes from Allah subhanahu wa taala and we should be mindful of that at all times.

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inshallah huhtala we will continue with

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the remaining hadiths and the remaining chapters that are related to the book have prohibitions in the week, to come inshallah to Allah as we seal off the book of prohibitions, and we enter some new chapters that the men will know with a hammer hula hoe Tyler, he concludes his book with and the last panel who to Allah knows best and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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