Bilal Assad – Understanding Mahram & Hijab (30min lecture + 30min Q&A)

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses various topics related to clothing, including the use of "verily eye" in religion, the origin of hesitation, and the use of "naught" in the Quran. The speakers also touch on the history of the headar and the use of "hamster" shaves one's beards and have no desire for sex. The transcript is not a detailed description of the current state of the market, but provides a summary of the first quarter results for the company. The transcript also mentions forward-looking statements subject to risks and uncertainties that may differ from projections and other statements made on the call.
AI: Transcript ©
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Who can tell me what Muharram is? In their own words? Yes. Those who you can marry with those who can't marry with? Okay, what about the husband?

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But she married him.

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Those who you can't marry me, they are your mama is the husband Muharram.

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I'm tricking you, Nana you are right, those you can never marry. Plus, plus the husband. He's a special case and just trying to joke with you. Today I want to talk to you about what Mahara means. It's an Islamic term as the brother said. Mahara means anyone who you are never allowed to ever get married to forever, in any circumstance.

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I repeat a Muharram is somebody that the man or woman is forbidden from ever marrying in any circumstance forever and ever.

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And the Muharram is also a person whom a woman,

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a Muslim woman who was covered, can take off her hijab in front of

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she doesn't have to wear her veil,

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and he can see parts of her body.

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And a maharam is someone whom a woman can be with him in private, with no one else around. So who are these people? The Quran has enumerated them one by one. And it's very interesting to know because a lot of young people asked me what is a Muharram? Can I take off my scarf in front of so and so and so on. So am I allowed to hug so and so on so and so. So let's have a look in sha Allah.

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There are two areas in the Quran which talk about the Muharram Muharram is plural for Muharram.

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They are in Surah An Nisa verse 23. And Surah it Anouar verse 31.

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I'll just go straight to the English insha Allah.

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In Surah Nisa, verse 23. Allah says, forbidden to you are your mothers,

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your daughters, your sisters, your father's sisters and your mother sisters, your brothers daughters and your sisters daughters, your milk mothers, your milk sisters, the mothers of your wives and the stepdaughters who are your foster children, born of your wives with whom you have consummated the marriage. But if you have not consummated the marriage with them, there will be no blame upon you if you marry their daughters. In the other verse, it says

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welcome, Mina, the boob naman Vasari in now I felt nothing Rajan Allah UBD in Xena 10

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only earbuds the MENA region will briefly Lavina

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Nisa you only have to worry when Anjali in

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one whether you're worried in

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your fee in our means zenity in our to go in a mall? What Oh, in law he Jeremy i mean when i Look whom to flee who don't? What's funny is I said I'm just gonna say it in English and then I went for the Arabic

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I hope you enjoyed that little re citation. Now Allah Subhana Allah says, the second verse I want to talk about is this one and enjoying.

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Enjoying means to politely lovingly, respectfully remind, believing women to cast down their looks. This is a verse that follows another verse well

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I had already said to the men to cast down their looks at women meaning lustful, inappropriate, disrespectful gazes. Allah talks to both men and women do not gaze at each other and cast at each other in a disrespectful, inappropriate look. Allah then says to cast down their looks and God their private parts, and not reveal their adornments except that which is revealed of itself. And to draw the veils over there, James, I'm going to come back to that, and not to reveal their adornment save to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or have their own sons or the sons of their husbands or their brothers or the sons of their brothers or the sons of their sisters

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or the women with whom they associate or those that are in their bondage. Now we're going to talk about that a little bit, or the mate attendants in this service free of sexual interest, or boys that are yet unaware of illicit matters pertaining to women, nor should they stamp their feet on the ground in shut in such manner, that the hidden ornament becomes revealed. Believers turn together all of you to Allah and repentance that you may attain true success. So brothers and sisters, what is a Muharram?

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In these verses, we find that there's 10 types. One, the father's, your father and mother and upwards. Anyone know upward reigns, father and mother and upwards means the grandparents the great grandparents, the great great grandparents, number two, your sons and daughters and downwards, meaning your sons and daughters, your great your grandchildren, your great grandchildren or great great grandchildren all the way down. Number three, your brothers and sisters, whether they are half from the father or the mother or from both. Number four, the maharam is your nephew or your niece and downwards. Meaning if your nephews and nieces got married and they had children, their children

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are also your Muharram and so on. Number five your uncles and aunts and down your uncles and aunts and upwards, meaning your father and mother's brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, and also your father and mother's uncles and aunts and they are and your grandparents, uncles and aunts so your your uncles and aunts your great uncles and aunts your great great uncles and aunts all of them are Muharram as well.

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Number six, your father in law and your mother in law and upwards. Meaning

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the great grandfather, the grandfather in law and the grandmother in law and the great grandfather and my great grandmother in law, number seven your son in law and your daughter in law and downwards. Your son in law and your daughter in law, obviously their children become your grandchildren. Number eight, your father's wife and your mother's husband meaning your stepfather and your stepmother and upwards meaning their fathers and their mothers and so on. And number nine, your husband's sons and your wife's daughters meaning your stepson and your stepdaughter

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on both sides. And number 10. A lot of people don't know this one, your milk brother and your milk sister.

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They're the ones who have breastfed from your mother or you breastfed from their mother. When you were an infant before you started eating solid food.

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When you're still breastfeeding, a baby can cycle from another mother.

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That mother who feeds that baby from her milk.

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The correct opinion is at least for stomach falls.

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That particular baby that has suckled from another woman.

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Or two other women or three other women doesn't matter how many, four stomach falls each. That baby and you you becomes your brother or your sister. If they let's give an example, your mother had you as a baby and breastfed another baby for stomach falls that other baby becomes your brother or sister.

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And all your brothers and sisters become that baby's brother and sister. The other way around is true. If you've got breastfeed from that baby's mother, you become the brother or sister of their brothers and sisters. If you both grow up, breastfeed from each other as mothers for stomach falls, then you all become brothers and sisters and everybody connected to them becomes your family. Just like your own they're all mums. Do you understand that part?

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And I wish insha Allah one day some of you who go to university or do a PhD or do some kind of research in science and genetics. There is actually now a research that started about the mother's breast milk. It does still carry genetic material from the mother in the very, very early stages of when the milk starts to be produced and the baby starts to actually receive it

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Some of the new genetics he has he receives genetic material which alters it slightly. And this is new research that Michelle is developing, you can look it up. And Ross also as I've said this 1400 years ago that they become your mom's your brothers and sisters. By being breastfed

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the husband sons meaning your stepsons, in your stepdaughters, the stepdaughter can take off her hijab in front of her stepfather.

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You know that right? And vice versa also the guilt if it is safe, and you don't fear, inappropriate behavior. You're allowed. That's their father, that stepdaughter that stepson and stepmother become mushrooms, even your children, your children's children.

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And the reason why the stepdaughter and stepson especially stepdaughter is mentioned in the Quran becomes maharam to the stepfather is in order to support the relationship between them the divorced mothers or the widowed mothers and their children to not separate them. So Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran mentioned, when a man marries a woman who is widowed or divorced, and she has children, especially a daughter,

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Allah subhanaw taala, because daughters are normally living with the mother more often than the sons. And they put more emphasis on that because that is the more often case. And mothers are more attached, the daughters are more attached their mothers, and a lot of men in the passage did not want the daughters to be with them, they say take them to their fathers. So Allah mentioned that for both in order to keep the attachment and connection with their mothers, with their fathers so that the children can see all their parents and not stopped seeing them just because they got remarried.

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So brothers and sisters,

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this is basically the mushrooms, any one of these, you are never allowed to marry under any circumstance. And one person asked me what if the father the the

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let's say the you got divorced, a husband and wife got divorced? Does the father in law and mother in law remain Muharram?

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The answer is yes. Anyone you marry.

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And the idea the condition in the Quran is you have consummated the marriage.

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You have consummated the marriage. Then their parents, your wife's parents and your husband's parents remain Muslims to you forever and to your children forever. But after your divorce, God forbid a divorce only in divorce, then what happens?

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Only you

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Sorry, you also remain they remain Muharram Only you two are no longer Muslim to each other husband and wife. That's it, but everybody else remains as a Muslim. That's why when you get married and new relationship is born a new lineage new bloodline and it stays forever. Even the inlaws the father in law, my mother in law.

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Brothers and sisters, I'll move on quickly. The next verse I recited is a verse that a lot of people have controversy over. And I'm going to lovingly respectfully in a brotherly in a caringly in a academic way, pick on our sisters a little bit tonight.

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Because we hear a lot of women these days they object to when a man talks about this verse, the verse of hijab, the verse of how a woman should dress.

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And I would like to say,

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we Muslims, both men and women, when it comes to knowledge, when it comes to the Quran, when it comes to understanding Islam, it doesn't matter who says it, whether it's me as a man talking about women's issues, or a woman talking about men's issues, whether it's a psychologist, a woman, who, you know, talks to men about psychology and gives the class men respected. Whether it's a woman talking about genetics, or a man talking about menopause, so long as the experts in the area, it's knowledge, it doesn't matter, what your gender is, knowledge has no discrimination, knowledge is not sexist. So whatever I say to you, brothers and sisters, we as Muslims understand, I am not giving

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you my opinion, we are learning together. What Allah has taught us, I happen to have studied this and being trained handler did Sharia and I had teachers and I know in this era of humbler, the Arabic language some of you will know, but I happen to be sitting here in the seat. And Allah has blessed me to share with you this knowledge. So don't take it personal. I didn't have to give this introduction but in this day and age you do So brothers and sisters, let's learn about the boundaries in the Quran.

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We already said that Allah Subhana Allah said to the men to hold back

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their gaze not to cast their look. Some people say lower your gaze, you'll probably even find in some of the translations of some of the the additions in English say lower your gaze. It's not literally lower your gaze, it's a metaphor. It means not Don't cast your gaze in an inappropriate and in a disrespectful manner. I used to tell I tell the young people, there's looking, and there's looking like this.

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And there's talking and talking, you will know the difference, right? Your common sense your instinct tells you once you reach puberty, you understand what this means looking and what normal looking is. So there's a respectful look, and there is a haram look, which Allah talks about says, Don't cast your gaze, withhold it a little bit. Okay, so anyway, Allah talks to the men first. And then he talks to the women second.

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The area in the Quran over here, it talks about a few things. Number one, it says that the woman should not reveal her ornaments. Meaning the things that she's not allowed to show in public meaning to take off her hijab, what can she show it in front of the Muharram, she can only show in front of the Muharram, her head and the neck, the sternum up here, a little bit above the chest over here, a little bit of the back, the shoulders, the arms. And to be honest, brothers, sisters, a lot of people don't know this from the knees downwards. It shouldn't be from the knees upwards. And this is out of dignity and respect that Allah subhanaw taala has put in balance even in front of your

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father, your brother, your uncle, your son, this still our our remains, what should not be revealed of your skin of your body. So the mother, for example, in front of her son, is still covered in a certain way. But there are limits to how far she can show. And it all except for the husband and wife, there is no nothing secret between the husband and wife when it comes to that.

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So Allah specifically says here that she can show her ornaments and show her self without the hijab in front of all these Muslims. She can also shake their hand, hug them if she feels comfortable, even a kiss on the cheek is fine or on the forehead or on the hand. That's all good. Sit next to each other. It's your father, your brother, your son, your uncle like that. Some people they don't trust certain members of their family, they have reason to, they have suspicion. And I do know, but this is a rare occasion. There are sometimes members of the family, something's wrong with them. You know what I mean? If you feel like that, Allah Sparta does not command you that you have to take off

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your hijab in front of them or be secluded with them. But in general, Allah subhanaw taala says these people are Mahadev in general, people don't find sexual attraction to them. Uh huh. Isn't that correct? In general? So the Quran talks about showing that and then it says, your ornaments, what are the ornaments? Allah then says LML wa minha, except what naturally appears of her. The scholars looked at this verse and said, What does it mean? That she should not show her any of her ornaments, meaning under her hijab, except what ordinarily appears of her, they didn't know what this means. So the the Companions themselves differed on the meaning of this, and I'll tell you the meanings of the

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law had been our best who was a great companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam along with other companions and scholars, such as later on mm in the high era. And if you want to know all that information, they interpreted this verse to mean, it means the clothing she wears, meaning she has no control over the clothing she wears, if she's walking in the wind happens to blow on the clothing, or as she's walking, sometimes a shin may sort of shape out or as she's walking all those things.

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They said the Quran is saying she has no control over that. So there's no blame over her. Whatever happens there. Someone has just tried and gone out of her home. So this is only out of your home in public.

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They've been high bursts of the large numbers. Another competitor is Lhasa lemon, others they went the other way. They said Allah does not hold her accountable for things she has no control over in her clothing, so long as she's tried to cover herself well before going out. Plus, it means the face and the hands. So they believe that the face and the hands don't have to be covered. And there are two opinions about that.

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They said since the face and the hands should not do not have to be covered in a woman when she goes out of her home. Therefore even some of the ornaments that appear on her face and hands are okay as well. Like what they said like let's say jewelry on

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Her hand a ring, even a bracelet sometimes the the sleeve may go up a little bit in this and the bracelet show there's no problem in that this is normal.

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And they said

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light light cosmetics. A lot of brothers don't know this and sisters like cosmetics, and it is a difference of opinion. But like cosmetics so LML Bahara Mina, meaning what ordinarily appears over so what I like cosmetics. This is the other opinion of the scholars interpretation that is light

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Ismet Have you ever heard of Ismet is made in the past is a very fine powder these to make out of this special type of rock. And they use even men and women used to put it in their eyes as a remedy.

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And sometimes for cosmetics, the ancient Egyptians just to put her on as well. In this day and age, I think we have so much of this different eyeliner and the stuff you put inside, I don't know. But this stuff used to be used to help the eye and to strengthen the hair and stuff like that. The point is, it is a form of cosmetics. And even our baths and others say this is okay, salons this light and not overboard.

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The equivalent to that are things like skin products, facial skin products, or facial skin applications that

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are for the purpose of hiding blemishes on the skin. Or to cover up

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flaws on her skin. Or for example, like a concealer, or a foundation. I think I'm saying them right, I think and the let's say for example, someone has a pigment, a strange pigmentation under the eyes, and they want to cover it and then go out have an ibis in the rest say so long as her intention is not to attract the eye of the public towards her. But she does it just to fix her skin a little bit.

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And if she believes that it's good for her eyes, so it comes down to the intention any much more than that is not allowed in Islam, except in front of her macrons or her husband or other women, that's fine. Put as much makeup as she wants. I hope insha Allah I made that clear. So there are two opinions one this way. The other one that way, the safer option. And the more Taqwa is to not put anything thing on at all and go out and enjoy the way Allah smart Allah created you to build your self esteem, and to love the way Allah made you and be proud and be brave about it. The guy who wants you to marry you, is not going to marry because of makeup or looks right? And make any makes a

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statement to the hijab makes a statement. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say about that. We'll leave it for question and answers. The other statement I want to make is about the verse that talks about the veil. Now I've seen on social media, a few people who've come up now, and they just talk from their heads, giving their own interpretation of the Quran as they wish. And what's even more scarier than that is many of them really can tell from the way they're talking. They don't know Arabic, they can't even pronounce the letters properly. They truly don't know Arabic, they're going by the different translated versions of different scholars that have sort of put the closest words that

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confined. Our Quran is not the English this just gives us an idea I want everybody to understand. And they also put commentary. So let's go into the Arabic. Allah says in an Zina hope or earn and RRB Yolanda Kentucky loan in surah. Yusuf Allah says, We have sent this Quran in the Arabic language so that you may understand and comprehend therefore you need to know the Arabic And to go back to the original Arabic not the Translation Translation is just a guide, you need to go back to the original Arabic because there is there are more vocabularies in Arabic than English. So larger, wider vocabulary in Arabic than English. There are more metaphors in Arabic than English, it's

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impossible to get the proper exact translation into English. So you can't rely on an English version brother and sister you need to ask. So what does the Quran say? says well, you're gonna be home Marina, I'll add up and I'll just say as it is, without trying to influence anybody to dress in a certain way. I'll tell you and it's your decision in sha Allah. What does Allah say and sort of to note,

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he says, Let them

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I'll give you exactly what it means. Let them grab their their own Remar their own femur, the women hamari hin which means they're the women. What belongs to them what they are known for? Female Rihanna, Isla, on top of zoo you will be in Gob Hina in the English language is translated as sorry for the West is bosoms sometimes his *

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That's not that's the general meaning but the actual meaning of jade Jade in the Arabic language is the opening that is above the chest. So it reveals the neck reveals the sternum can reveal up here. It's like when you wear a shirt, there remains an opening depending on how big the opening that's called the shape.

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And Allah mentions in about Maria Medina has said when he says that they blew the soul, he the angels really blew the soul into her shape. The soul of Jesus Christ went into her Jade meaning the opening of her garment, not the bracelet strap of the garment. I was very shocked to hear some people say in the olden days, this verse is saying that in the olden days, women used to reveal their chests, and God told them covered. This is absurd. This is historical as historical fallacy.

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Allah did not send the verse don't tell him cover your Arab Well, they didn't do that, nor in the Roman world, nor in the Persian world, nor any Asian world, nobody, unless they were, you know, some remote places of the world that were an exception. Listen to this. Throughout history, the headscarf has been a characteristic of culture defining women and men.

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Men used to always also wear the female This is a modern sisters. This is what a modern Arabic language similar to this one. So it's a veil. Now this is a man's female is what many of you seen him in Saudi how they were in the Emirates? Dubai, this one? Have you seen the men where we see them every this My dear brothers sisters, it's called different names, Lutra or whatever, but in the Arabic original language came out. Now if you're just say Remar it means any piece of veil. Okay, this is a remark, but it's around my head. You know, we have to go back to the original history. We have to go to the Arabic language to see what did people understand this remark? Allah sent it down

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in Arabic first for them to understand.

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And we find that throughout history, the mod has always been a headscarf for men and women. A headscarf for men and women. Now this one, according to a CNN

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style report by

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Amber Nicole anston January 2021. She says earliest documentation of the headscarf goes back to Mr. pertanian society, which is about 6000 to 8000 years ago, you can watch the History Channel Britannica and the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. The headscarf has always been around 8000 years ago.

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Stay with me. The headcovering were first written into law around 13th century BC. In an ancient Assyrian texts that mandated that women daughters and widows cover their heads as a sign of piety and headscarves were forbidden to women of the lower class and the promiscuous, they weren't allowed to wear it because it was considered only for the ones with dignity. This is 13th century BC. Not even I'm not even talking about Arabia. The headscarf was known for women. Again, there is this this guy is a fashion and textile historian. Well, it's a woman she's a fashion and textile historian named Nancy

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Dale of New York University. She said there is the underlying idea of having your head covered as a way of symbolizing being a respectable person. The headscarf helps to control that these are words of non Muslims in the fashion industry who know the history of the headscarf. Now, the headscarf was popularized in the religions that emerged from the region with early Christians and Jews covering their hair with veils according to their sacred texts from the monarchs, including Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the second to the daring flappers of the 1920s. In this article, women in Britain remained wearing headscarves and long, loose covering of their bodies till around the 50s

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and 60s, when they went to work after World War Two. You can see this is now my words you can see a vintage of

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of this during the Industrial Revolution, if you know what I'm talking about, on something called the History Channel online of European British women dressed almost like Muslims. From the east of the west from north to the south. It was a culture, religion and social norm of women to wear a head covering. The headscarf continued into fashion and modeling of women even till recent, but they turned it into a fashion rather than a sign of faith and dignity. And I personally admire the recent Somalian sister

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in the US

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Somalian born sister who was a supermodel Her name was his Halima Aden, if you heard of her Halima Aden, who made waves in the fashion industry when she became the first hijab wearing supermodel, but for the sake of Allah and her dignity as a Muslim, graceful Muslim woman

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And she left the industry because she felt it was incompatible with their beliefs. This is a woman who is in the fashion world and she's telling you how hijab was more important to him what it meant to her and what it's safeguarded from. She hasn't left the world of the fashion she helps women Muslims, she makes modest clothing so she hasn't left her business. Just to show you that leaving haram does not mean that you're out on the street you can still do a lot the point that I'm trying to make by all of this Brothers Sisters is a lot of people go into the Arabic country and they go What is it might it's a covering in a something you cover the table with? Yeah, it's true. But when

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ALLAH is talking to the people and telling the women and draw your headscarf your remark it means the remark that women normally wear don't appear to to look alright

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should I blink my eyes?

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So you go like this this is a Femara men men wear it. Yeah,

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sir. Alright. Alright. I do I look

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should have got a blonde one. You know the blonde to look like here. I know the trick signer. So this is a humanoid a man wears a woman wears it. And usually in the deserts because it's got to cover the neck from the heat and from the sand when they do this.

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What Allah said is draw your females or women the one you normally wear the headscarf that's always been done since day one of this world or women wore it over your shape meaning do that

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cover all this full day via I'll take it off. I'm not used to it. I got an actual YouTube clip back when I was about 25 I gave a talk those are designed parents and I've got it on those who watch it it's still up there. Halfway through I just take it off. I've got annoyed for IT managed by me so so I'm just saying that because it's not easy on women if I couldn't even wear my last Pankaj that protect you and bless you sisters. So this is what but I've got a beard the in heat and cold. Alright, so you can't say anything about that. Brothers and sisters. So it's very clear in the Quran that the model that Allah is talking about and the way he said it is that and to cover like this.

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Okay. Anyway when the sisters that's what the Quran says. Now brothers and sisters,

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this is where I'm going to stop and as I promised you got questions and answers inshallah from the audience but our sisters is the adopted son, a Mahara to the woman who adopted him. If she's not Mahara means he can marry her. Did you know that? Yeah. So the answer is brothers and sisters, and adopted son is not a Muharram. To the woman who adopted him. Why? Because he's not biologically her son. There is no connection, except he is a stranger whom she looked after. And that's a great reward. But he is not Mahara to her. Unless he was a baby and she breastfed him. Otherwise, it's not a Muslim brother. Now.

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And that's exactly the verse in the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala talks about Zaid, who used to be the adopted son of the Prophet Salatu was Salam. zanydragon is the only company that mentioned by name in the Quran. And Allah broke a stereotype that the Arabs you still have. Number one, you are not allowed to claim that a child that is not biologically yours to be your son or daughter.

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You can say it in a metaphoric way. I mean, I say how are your son? How are your daughter, I don't mean in a real way. That's number one. We have to call them by their own father's names. They're real fun, because that's their identity. That's number one. Number two,

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but also our son had adopted date and used to be called Zaid son of Muhammad. Then Allah said, the verse down when Zaid is real father came looking for him and process and didn't want to give Zaid to his father, and all he was hesitant. And Allah said the verse down he said with the room let him call them by their father's names, meaning Zaid, son of Haritha. Say became Zaidan no Haritha.

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And the Prophet Allah said that then went to the Father and gave him the option. He said, I will ask your son if he wants to stay with you or me and the father agreed and the son chose Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam so he became Zaidan no Hadith. And big from becoming adopted, he became the foster son or the the one who was raised by the prophet not the foster the one who was raised by the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and they married a woman and then they ended up divorced and the prophets Allah salah, married the divorced mother divorced wife of zayde

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and Allah says this this is in order to break the stereotype and to allow more room between what is halal and haram to understand the truthfulness you don't have to do that but the SLM did that and swung Orientalist talk about this in a very bad way, but was also our Salam is most

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Mankind and the one who was ordered by Allah and He is the one who is the purest purest of men. He would never do something that is that is wrong sisters asked a very good question. So number one tell tell us about the niqab. What is the origin of the niqab is a sunnah or is a cultural and are the difference of opinions about the niqab? What is the niqab? I told you already? What is the femur? Correct? We all know the femur is now

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the femur is a covering, but when you say Hammadi hinda the women's femur it literally means the one they put on their head like this. The niqab is the one where you cover the face like this and show the eyes.

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there are different names. There's the one that covers the entire face. Book ah and so on and so forth.

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The niqab is on it covers the face except for the eyes. Where did this come from? Well, in ancient history, women in different cultures did wear niqab. They did cover their face

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in before even before Mohamed Salah Salem came out. It's documented history among Muslims and non Muslims among people before Muhammad Salah Salem came.

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But as time went on, it turned from religious to cultural.

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And especially the ones in the desert women wore it for desert purposes. There was a necessity for

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the Mesopotamian women 1000 years ago, also covered their face out of necessity because they still work in the fields.

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And the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there was no hijab for the first 10 years. What do I mean by hijab? Hijab is a modern word that we use. It's not the word mentioned in the Quran, hijab is the wrong word, but we use it because of social construct meaning socially, we constructed this word and everybody knows what we mean. The Quran talks in detail. The niqab is covering the face. At the time of the Property Law Center for the first 10 years there was no verse about drawing their holy martyrs over their necks and over the sternum and so on. Until 10 years later, the police this verse came down.

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And the women of the it was in Medina. He was in Medina and diverse came down more than 10 years. The women of Medina understood her inshallah Allah Anna, she narrates this hadith, they understood what the verse meant, because they know the Arabic language, they immediately went into their homes, and they covered their hair properly. Because in those days, they used to

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say, they used to put this on their head. And these, what they used to do was, they used to put it to the back like that, right. And sometimes they would tie it and make a thing. And sometimes I'll make a ball up here like that. I hope that kind of upset fast.

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So they used to do that. And then they covered themselves, the women of Medina, the Hadith says that they came out covering their entire face except one eye so they can know where they're going. Now here the scholars have differed on this be controversial classical scholars of difference of opinion. I don't know how much you all know about the meanings of difference of opinion in football. I don't know if you've ever heard of the word reliable martaba which means a difference of opinion, that is based on evidence on both sides, which means both of them carry weight, and both of them could be right. Both of them could be right, more than the other. Anyway,

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the covering of the face was an interpretation. And the majority of the women of Medina chose to cover their face. That's a fact.

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But does it mean that it is obligatory? Or does it mean it is a sunnah there is no doubt. It is a sunnah act, meaning the act of the predecessors, the righteous women of the past.

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But is it obligatory?

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There are two opinions on that I'm not gonna go into too much detail on this.

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One large group of scholars and schools of thought says it's obligatory, it's considered our you shouldn't show up just like the hair. And the other group say no, because of many holidays, one of them is one it's like Muslim, wear a smart or the Allahu anha. She had reached puberty, and she would take food to the prophets, Allah Salam when he was in the cave of third when he was

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migrating, and she would bring him food. And one day she was wearing something was a little bit transparent. It was It wasn't her fault. And the Prophet SAW Selim looked away. And he said, Yes, ma'am. If a girl reaches

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puberty, then nothing of her body is allowed to be seen, except this and this and he pointed to his hands and his face.

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Unfortunately, some scholars of Hadith said this is weak. Others they said it is strong, and they all reputable and all have the good explanation. The opinion I follow is the scholars who say it's not obligatory. And the reasons they say that is because if it was obligatory these are some of the reasons which had been refuted as well. Some of the reasons is if it was obligatory it would not be it would not be impermissible haram to cover your face, during a haram in harsh

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because the hair is compulsory to cover, the rest of the body is compulsory to cover yet only the face is impermissible to cover during Iran.

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The scholars who said that it's not obligatory, use this as one of their arguments. The other argument

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is that when you look at the verse and it says hamari, hidden, the Remar is known historically not to cover the face. And he Allah would have said cover your face, but he said you you will be hidden, draw your EMRs, which was known to be open to cover the shape and the shape is from the neck down, which is not the face.

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That's now three arguments that they use.

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There are more arguments.

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these are the two opinions. Whether you choose this one, or you choose that one. This one cannot the one who has niqab is not allowed Islamically, Sharon, to enforce upon the other one to tell the other one that they're not wearing proper hijab, nor are they permitted Islamically to pressure them into that.

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And the ones who don't, who follow the other opinion and don't cover their face. Consider a sunnah cannot

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put the other ones down either or pressure them

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or tell them off that they're being extreme.

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They respect each other. It's a choice in sha Allah and both of them have strong evidence.

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I personally would go with the easy one because of the societies we live in. It makes more sense to follow the evidence in this society to me, you know, a lot of people can say we don't want your opinion. That's fine. You don't have to take my opinion. But it's not my opinion on following the opinions of the scholars all the way to the end and the sources from the Quran and Sunnah.

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That it would be easier to take that opinion. In live Lutheran Islam is not about making life harder, just easier. However, with the niqab, a sister who wants to fear Allah even more, wants to obey Allah even more wants to be a more righteous Muslim. May Allah reward him. I applaud them Subhanallah so brothers sisters, that's in summary,

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what is the ruling on nose piercings? Are they considered a dominance that should be covered in front of non Muslims now you all heard me before I told you there are differences opinion one from Abdullah and our best and one one from a beloved Massoud and Abdullah and how best there the classical difference of opinion what is considered a dormant and what is not. Abdullah and I'm just repeating Abdullah ibn Massoud, the compound drops wa salaam interpret the verse of a dominance to mean

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only the clothing that's outside sorry to mean everything, everything including the face and hands, except for the clothing outside of the lab. And Ibis says no no. Him and his team the interpretation is so long as she can show her face and hands. Even what she has on her face and on her hands is okay. such as jewelry,

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some makeup, and even

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if you want a nose ring, however, let me say something about a nose ring.

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A nose ring is considered an adornment.

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It's considered an adornment, an ornament.

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And it would be preferable if a sister didn't wear it in public, to be on the safe side. We always love to follow our deen in the best way. It's not going to cause you harm if you don't wear it. She's still beautiful. She's still alright still amazing. And that will save you from accumulating a lot of the mucus and snot since I've seen it taken out and

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but if you want to put a nose ring on,

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I cannot say It's haram because I don't have textual evidence to say It's haram. The only textual evidence to say It's haram is to go by the opinion about the love and Massoud with the verse that you're supposed to cover your face. If you cover your face and you go with that opinion. You shouldn't be wearing nose rings outside in public.

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But Subhanallah a lot of the scholars who have been asked about nose rings, nearly all of them say avoid

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Do it in public, avoid it in public to be on the safe side if you want to obey Allah properly.

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let's now there's another thing about nose rings. Culture. If you live in a culture in a tribe, for example, or in a particular part of a society, where women are known to all wear nose rings as a sign of something then she can wear it for example in India correct me if I'm wrong, whoever's Indian here. I know that if a woman gets married in India, do they wear something on their forehead that they put not you you'll live in Asia and Allah answer

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I need I need an Indian Xia can correct me is that also in the Muslim culture that if a woman gets married, she puts a ring on her forehead here? Am I right or wrong? Or in her nose?

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On the Hindus, Hindus only do it. Now. Okay, then. Is it a religious thing? Or is it a cultural thing?

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Religious, if something is religious, we shouldn't copy the religious acts if it's but if it's a cultural, purely cultural thing. I know that nose rings came from a history of they started off with rebellion. Women who rebelled they like to wear it nose rings. I mean, there's a history about it. But this day and age I don't know some women wear it out of rebellion. Some people to make a statement some women just like it. So I can't say it's haram. However

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it's somewhere in between. Can men wear shorts above the knees? Only a little bit above the knees.

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Why? The hadith in Bukhari, about the Prophet sallahu wa salam and he was sitting on the well in a particular closed place. Then Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu entered and he had with him I will Musa Sharif Salah Salem had Abu Musa lashari was standing at the door, the door knock someone knocked, said who is this as Abubaker he says let him in. A lot of the vinyl came in homework came in then automatic mo came in the hadith is long ago, Musa lashari says what Uppercross wa salam was sitting on the well and I could see the whiteness of his thigh

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by all the 50 Day, which means just the starting point above the knees, sitting on the well and when automatically Allahu came in, he rolled his pants down.

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And when he was asked, they said he said how can I not be shy in front of someone whom the angels are shy in front of in fact that's another Hadith when I shut down I spoke to her but spoke to him about something else but combining the two Hadith means prophesied Salam was shy and respectful of him so he rolled it down for us also Arsalan den said manager wrath Oba hoo hoo, yeah, Allah, whoever drags his throat out of pride. Therefore the reason is meaning out of pride. And I've looked at the Allah on whose pants going down. He said, We know your intention. Yeah, Abu Bakr therefore it's based on intention in our society today.

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Nobody in the entire world, not even on Pluto, in the universe, that I know of maybe maybe there are some remote places we'll ever think of below the ankles. Has anything got to do with upper class and lower class pride or no pride. For this reason, I go with the group of scholars who, and especially that book that I read that the argument against it being Haram is more correct, insha Allah

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Some people follow a particular school of thought very, very strictly. That's another topic as well. And they say no, that's my school of thought, I'm going to stick to it. Like, as if it's a religion, Palace, it's their opinion, and that's what they want to do, Inshallah, at least they're not doing anything haram. May Allah reward everyone for their efforts. Can women show their feet while they are praying? Very good question. Yep. It's a question from net.

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So this is a classical question that the scholars have dealt with a long time ago. And Ibn Taymiyyah talks about it in his mojo Malfatti. He says much, Martha fatawa, sorry.

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A woman's feet is out. It shouldn't be shown in front of Stranger men.

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Non Maehara men,

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but it's a lesser our lesser. Our it's not a strong our.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:59

Correct. So when she prays, if majority of her solid majority of it, say 70% of the time, her feet are covered, and about 30% of the time they show it a little bit and then they get covered on and off. Let's say when she goes to sujood when she goes to court when she sits, then that's okay. It doesn't affect her solid. But if it stays her feet showing throughout the entire salad than it does affect your salad she should not pray. I mean, a prayer is still valid, but the rewards obviously, are diminished unless she has a problem in her feet.

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Some sister says Can I wear socks? Yes, the socks covers the holder. Or if you don't want to wear socks, then you're going to have to cover your feet majority time with the prey even if it showed every now and then I hope that answers the question.

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So the first question is what if you're wearing tight clothing like the one I'm wearing here around your wrists and you want to make well do what can we do? For the sisters sometimes as well they have maybe a tight What do you call it an undiscovered zipper called under scarf and the scarf

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or she's had her hijab on tight and also socks. Okay.

00:50:36 --> 00:51:04

The first one if you're if a man is wearing tight or a woman on the arms or the legs, like tight pants or tight, then you have to, I can unbuckle I have done buckle it or you take that off. You cannot your will dog cannot be accepted or valid if you haven't done your arms. The only parts of the will do the body and will do which they will do remains valid if you miss them.

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The correct opinion in that I am following is the mouth and the nose,

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the mouth and the nose, you can miss them.

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As for the arms, the head wiping up once the ears,

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the arms and the feet in the face. They're compulsory because they mentioned in the Quran. We mentioned in the Quran.

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Now for a system who's wearing an under scarf and too tight.

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The scholars were asked about this and this is a classical question. If she's been wearing it all day, and she had made one before and she wore the tight under scarf and has not taken it off and needs to make we'll do it again. She can wipe over

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because there are multiple candidates in the books of the Sahara has said that we call them the six books of Hadith

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where the prophets Allah salaam wiped over his turbot over his head over his Highmark. And same goes for women.

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As for the socks, now that's another niqab and what is it putting your pants below the ankle question. So again, there is a difference of opinion among the schools of thought all of them agree that leather socks that are tight over the ankle, if you had made beforehand and then you wore them leather, you can wipe over them not a problem when you make all the weight once you just get water, sprinkler off your hands, and you wipe with the right hand or the left on the top of your foot and the left one on the top of that foot once you don't so good, just wipe. Okay. That's unanimous leather. The difference of opinion is material. So if it's wall or if it is

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cotton or something else.

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this is technical. One group of scholars say you can on condition that it's thick enough that when you sprinkle water and it doesn't go through so as to be thick socks, and that's the correct opinion insha Allah which I follow.

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Obviously not from my head from the opinions of the scholars of the schools of thought.

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And a minority of them have mentioned even if it's very thin, but the evidence is weak for them.

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But also Salah Salem, authentic hadith say he used to wipe over the hoof, the hoof is leather, when Joe Rabin algebra is non leather

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and there is a book called fucka sunnah by Sayid, sabich If you want to read that in details it and others like it.

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So I've started the humbly method when I did Sharia and

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the other schools of thought, briefly. And the opinion that I follow is the opinion of the scholars who say that even thick socks is okay.

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Now I've got to be careful some brothers and sisters. They take schools of thought

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to strictly and very zealously to the point where when you come to pray your man, they'll say did you wipe over your socks? If you say yes, they walk away, they won't pray behind you, because they believe you're solid. There's not accepted. This is extreme. Even the schools of thought, did not use that mentality and approach. And one example I can give

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is when Imam Shafi Do you know who I'm talking about the membership or I just the amount of Shafia if you know who he is, he Imam Shafi. He came after Imam Malik and before him America's Abu Hanifa in the Hanafi madhhab. They go with little socks. Imam Shafi sorry in the Hanafi madhhab when they pray

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They don't raise their hands all the time only once the first time. He remembers sharpies Madhab. They raise their hands when they get up from record. And when they go into court raised like this.

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So Imam Shafi went and visited Kufa which is in Iraq and remember honey for us to be there. And he had his grave slightly distant from from the mosque which were he used to give his Darson his lessons in. So when he was praying in the masjid Imam Shafi they saw him not raising his hand he lifted when I questioned him, yeah, imam in your mud hub in your school of thought. You tell people to raise it and you have your evidence. Why did you stop doing it here when it's in your own school of thought? He said, out of respect for the owner of that grave, Abu Hanifa.

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He looked at the people, they are his students. And he doesn't want to cause a clash or fitna between them and loot and disrespect the teacher and go to him. So he left out something which has difference of opinion, and both have evidence because either one can be correct. It doesn't matter. at Roswell, Salah Salem also said if I hire him makes a mistake in his fatwa, he or she gets one reward. And if they get it right, they get double. So this is what we call difference of opinion that has evidence and people should not go to extremes that way. I've seen marriages divorce, because one follows a school of thought the other one follows something else. Which I think I did a

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YouTube clip about the 12 questions you should ask when you get married. I think it's 13 We should make it probably even 14. What might have the following oh my god, what school of thought do you follow? People can leave each other because of that, and that's absurd. It shouldn't be like that. Subhanallah anyway, that's another topic.

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Is the model valid? If a system is wearing makeup, and can she splash it on her face? Rather than wipe her face? Will it be acceptable? The answer to that sisters, it depends on the type of cosmetics you're wearing. If it is water permeable, meaning the water can get through, then it's okay. Secondly, you have to wipe your face.

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You can't just splash it on me. Because Allah subhanaw taala says it in the Quran. To wash.

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Wash means to put your hand on something and scrub it and wash it.

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lesson, a lesson is to watch. Splash has a different meaning.

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So what are we going to do about that?

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Sisters problem, we don't have that problem. You know, I've seen men wear makeup. Well, I once I was in Sri Lanka,

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and they wanted to interview first time in my life. professionals come to interview me and the amount of makeup they put on me. I started questioning my identity.

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Even my voice changed. Would you believe that?

00:57:47 --> 00:58:00

Subhanallah you know, I'm joking. I'm still a man. Next Brother is asking is shaking hands with someone who is a non Muharram to you break your will. If a woman

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if a man shakes the hand of a woman who is not Muharram to the correct, does it break your will do?

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The answer is no.

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It does not break.

00:58:18 --> 00:58:27

Why? There is absolutely no textual evidence in the Quran. Or in the Sunnah in any Hadith that says this Brexit will

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note textual evidence. Some scholars said this as an opinion, but there is no textual evidence. So you're not obliged to take them? That's a good question. What about old ladies old men? Actually the Quran I was reading it before and I didn't talk about it. The verse in Surah Nisa talks about really old men, and really old women who no longer have sexual desire of any sort. So they're like 8590 years old, or men who are what we call impotent. They're known that they have no desire whatsoever. Now, it's hard this data to know who that is. So when you're in doubt, just keep your hijab on.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:30

I'm still answering that brother. And you're the one who asked the question, right? I know. So also a woman who is very old who no longer has sexual desires she can hijab can be a little bit loose. So showing a little bit of her hair a little bit of her neck a little bit of her arms. That's okay for a really old woman. That's okay inshallah. Yes, when

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shaving the beard or even trimming that sure should we isn't a mandatory growth.

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So brothers, all these questions have lots of difference of opinion among them. And they all what we call the laugh and whatever. They are differences of opinion with evidence on both on both sides. Generally speaking, I can tell you what all the scholars agree on. What all the scholars agree on is that

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It is a sin, it's forbidden for a man to completely shave his entire beard.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:32

Okay, all the four schools of thought have agreed that halka only her shaving it with a razor is not allowed. As for the length, there's difference of opinion in the chef yo, yo madhhab. You can have any length in the humble him either. It has to be at least a fistful in the Hanafi madhhab you got to let it grow. But all of them agree that you've got to trim the mustache, not shaver, but trim it.

01:00:33 --> 01:00:55

So there's the difference of opinion about that. Now? Oh, yeah. If there's paint on your hands, if there's a few spots of paint on your hand and you want to make a door? Well, that wouldn't be valid. The answer is yes. If it's small, tiny spots, it's okay. Tiny, tiny, tiny Big Spot is okay, inshallah does not invalidate your model.

01:00:56 --> 01:01:37

Yeah, I'm just giving you the summary. This is the fuqaha, the jurist jurists have already spoken about this. If it's small, tiny spots here and there, it doesn't affect your model. No, it doesn't affect your boat. Inshallah. Unless it's significant, like big, like a palm, or half a palm, you need to take it off. little spots done effect. Yeah, that's a good question. Sister is asking if somebody started praying at say, 24 for the first time? Do they have to make up all the salads they missed out on before? 24 from puberty until 24? And can they do it as part of cobalt meaning making up in between prayers? That's a good question. And again, the scholars have given two advices about

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01:01:39 --> 01:01:49

One opinion is yes, you got to make them up anyway. Because of what the verse in the Quran says that solid in the solid the Cannatonic meaning archetype and Mahkota solid is a

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is an obligation upon every Muslim every person had a specific time and you have to make it up. They said, for the rest of your life until the end, if as much as you can remember, they said and the way they said is when you pray a prayer, add another one and then just do as much as you can. However, the other opinion is they said no, because of the Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam said after implemented them become a leathan Bella. Whoever repents from a sin it's as if he had no sin. And many other Hadith similar at April Mina then become Allah them Bella, however, repents from a sin has no sin, and leaving prayer is a major sin. So whoever repents they don't have to. And again, I follow that

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opinion, because the evidence from there is stronger in sha Allah. So I would say

01:02:37 --> 01:02:58

the opinion I follow is you don't have to make it up. But if you do want to some scholars say just to be on the safer side, if you're able to every now and then add some extra prayers with the intention of making up prayers that you've missed. On that note, Salah Lavon and Amina Mohammed while early or sabe Germaine was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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