Bilal Assad – The Seerah of the Prophet Muhammed (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) – Episode 06

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the recent death of the Prophet Muhammad sallavi alayhi wa sallam, the struggles of women in their roles as mothers, the importance of learning to adapt to others and finding one's own family, the cultural importance of alcohol and gambling, and the negative consequences of not wanting to do so. The segment also touches on the history of marriages and the importance of protecting women from domestic violence, the use of language in religion, and the importance of staying true to Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while he was a happy woman well our brothers and sisters in Islam, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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And those brothers and sisters around the world we're watching on Facebook Lives and I'm why they come to La Habra. careto Welcome everyone back to part six of the Syrah the life of the Prophet Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Are you looking forward to it?

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I don't think so. You sound sleepy.

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I looking forward to it.

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That's the

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next thing you know stuck below.

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Some other things. Brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah subhana wa Tada. Talked about this messengers of the lotto send them saying out

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It has come to your messenger from among you. Whatever happens to you burdens him immensely. He is ever so compassionate and careful for your own well being. And He is merciful. On the believers. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Last week, we finished off

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with left off at the point where I mean I've been to what happened. The mother of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died.

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And we saw the emotional reaction of the young six year old boy. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam jumped onto his mother's just like what a child would do. And finally, on what a man who was also known as Baraka took over the nurturing

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and the motherly love to give to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to call her homi Bhabha on me, my mother,

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after my mother.

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I'd like to make a point first, before I begin today,

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a couple of people

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mentioned to me to clarify the point

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that I mentioned last week about the opinion of scholars

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that the mother and father of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, did not die as believers.

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And I'd like to say here today

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that there are actually differing opinions to be feared

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by two groups of scholars, classical scholars meaning of the past, and some of the present,

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one says,

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and they have written essays upon essays,

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such as a man suit, if you ever heard of him, he's probably the main character who is scholar of the past who believes that the process of law syllabus parents were actually believers and they're going to gender.

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He wrote many essays on the topic.

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And there are other scholars of the past who agree with him. Some went to the extreme

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of saying that whoever says the disbelievers are in the fire.

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You can curse them. And his scholars name is an Arabic. He's the only one that I know of who said this.

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So my brothers and sisters in Islam, there are two opinions on the matter.

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Although from my research, and I have read about this thoroughly,

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there are essays upon essays from the other side as well, which is actually the majority of the scholars agree that the Prophet salado, synonyms parents

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most likely died

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as non believers, and there is a number of them who believe no, and they will fight it tooth and burn that they did.

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I'm not going to go into the evidences and the essays.

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And this is what I'm going to settle for, in what I follow. I'll share it with you.

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This is a knowledge which if you knew it, it will not benefit you

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When bring you closer to or further away from Hellfire, if you believe they were there.

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And it is an ignorance, not knowing it will not harm you.

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Not learning about them whether they were believers or not, will not harm.

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So, some other groups of scholars said, don't talk about since there is not much said about them anyway.

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However, I do have to quote to you to direct hadiths from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. They are both in Sahih Muslim, their chain of narration is authentic, and sound.

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And they are one of them where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said,

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while I was crying,

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I asked the Lord to give me permission to make as the call from another.

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But he denied me

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is the

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only way that he felt lonely.

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But he said he gave me permission to visit her grave.

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And the amendment nawawi makes a great comment on that saying, therefore, this shows that we are not allowed to make the art for the disbelievers when they die, and even if we do will not reach them. And another Hadith in Sahih, Muslim which is also of sound narration.

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writers that a man said jasola is my father in the fire.

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And he said, Yes, I said and told him, the man walked away very upset, and crying. And then to calm him down. The Prophet sallallaahu Selim said, Come here, my father, and your father,

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son, who Nana who disagree with this said, He's talking about his uncle, avocado, some say his grandfather.

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But there is no evidence, neither linguistically, nor evidence that he was referring to them.

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And some of them went to the extent of making up a story that his parents will raise back to death, raise back from from from death into living. And then they were taught the truth, and then they died upon belief. And that my dear brothers and sisters, I can guarantee you

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academically speaking and thoroughly telling you that not a single classical scholar ever hold them or had they seen all the people who have signs of Hadith from past till this current point, have declared that this is very weak, or fabricated.

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It doesn't make any sense in any shape, way or form, and it contradicts the Quranic verses.

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So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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it is not something that we should be proud of, to talk about the prophets, parents,

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Destiny, but we quote, what the prophets of Allah sent him said himself, and whether you believe this way or that way, if you believe that they are, were non believers through the evidence, then you are not dishonouring, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, because the counselor said him himself said, Sir, and the Sahaba is used to fight in war, their own parents and Islam and the man and brotherhood of Islam overrides the relationship and blood when people fight the Messenger of God, and the dean. So there was also a sudden did not find defense to that however, it is not something that we should be dwelling upon. And speaking about and being proud that I've got you and you got me

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and debated you and this is not an area to waste our time in my brothers and sisters, I just wanted to make that point because some people do have a very passionate view on this. My final statement in this is, it is something and knowledge that cannot benefit you, and an ignorance which will not harm you, my brothers and sisters in Islam, however, I do say to you, there are people before the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they call them

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they will never call them 100 fatra the people of the period before the time of the prophets of Allah, they were sending them, my brother sisters, they worshiped idols, and there are some of them whom Islam did not reach them at all. And we say that about them that Allah, Allah will give them a different test on the Day of Judgment according to that scholar, scholar. Now my brothers and sisters, let's move on.

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As I said, I don't want to make this complicated.

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I need to make a point that there is not much recorded about the progress of the last sentence, parents

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In fact, in the entire 53 years that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived in Mecca before he migrated to Medina, you will know he lived in Mecca, right? And then migrated at the age of 53. He lived 53 years in Mecca. during that entire time. We have very little amounts of information recorded about his life, very little. We don't have much.

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And in fact, in the last 10 years of his life, in Medina, we have

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10s and dozens more information than what we have about him. Some of I send them in Makkah. And definitely we have almost no we're talking about maybe a few lines and sentences about his parents.

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And whatever narrations they bring to you about his parents, they usually from other people who were there and witnessed and they told the story later on. But Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah knows best about the situation. So my brothers and sisters, the reason why we don't have much information in Mecca for 53 years, who can tell me

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just guess, why you think we wouldn't have too much information as much as what we have in Medina, in the 53 years before his migration.

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think logically, for those of you who know a little bit about the 53 years of his life in Mecca,

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what do you think is one reason why we don't have much recorded

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when he went to Medina, Islam was established and there was security for the Muslims, they were able to write more correct. But my question is, why not in Mecca?

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It is because you're right. There was persecution upon the Muslims.

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There weren't many Muslims, the majority that couldn't read and write. I mean, they were busy with the persecution without a good nahama being whipped in the desert, as being his parents being killed in front of others migrating to ever senior, they're trying to hide they're trying to run away. People did not have time to sit there recording everything about the quality of our lives. And then and the LMS said, this is the logic behind why we don't have too much.

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Okay, and that's why you'll find that in the seat are the books of Syrah a lot of oil amount of the past historians don't pay too much attention to what's authentic or not in a lot of part of the Sierra. Sometimes they just say a whole load of things. For example, you'll hear today, some things that may surprise you a little bit.

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So my brothers and sisters from here,

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after the death of Amman are going to help the mother of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The next person to take custody of him was his grandfather, Abdul muttalib.

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Abdul muttalib looked after the province of the Lord Wiley, who was selling them from the age of six years until the problems the last one of them was eight years, two months and 10 days. That's when the matale died.

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My brothers and sisters It was here by looking at being looked after by the Chief of Quraysh of burn Hashem, who was

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at a tender age of six years old began to be exposed to the Arabs environment, their social, political, economic lifestyle, the geographic environment, their religions, their relationships and their customs. From a very young age, he started to the oldest stuff as he observed it growing up.

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I've looked at it treated the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam better than his own children. That's how much he loved him.

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he realized that

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he brought food for his children. They had lots of children.

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I'm sorry, that's Yeah, the other motorboat for his children, his grandchildren.

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Sorry, that was our particle coming back to him. Sharla Abdul muttalib had a mattress that he used to sit on and put his back to the cabin and speak to the people. So one day the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said about seven years old. He went and sat on that mattress. So his uncles they're older than him, they came and started telling him to get off the mattress for his grandfather out of respect. And when his grandfather came along, he said lower law. No by a law Do not let him get off my mattress.

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For one law, he this grandson of mine abney is to say my son, this son of mine is going to have a tremendous position one day in the law.

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They knew that right from the beginning brothers from all the signs that they had seen.

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And one day of the Mk con it found that Rasulullah sallallahu sentimiento from today

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In the age of six and seven, he would bring food to his grandchildren. His uncle obatala would bring food to his children, and all of them would rush to the food. Do you know why they would rush to the food?

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Why would the children rush to the food?

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Yes, because food is scarce. There's not much food there. They actually live the life of poverty of the mother was very cold in money. So was taller than his uncles they lived very hard in America. In fact, Makkah was known for poverty, hunger, lack of clothing, it was known for that. So all the children were dressed to it. And guess who would sit aside? The Prophet salado said at the age of six and seven,

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six and seven.

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Is that right?

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And when he noticed that the process of law center would sit aside, he would go for one two days, three days without eating.

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Just to monitor his own character from that tender age. So then his grandfather noticed this and started to leave some food aside for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said eight.

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So by the time he was eight years old, my brothers and sisters, Abdulmutallab died.

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And about on him, his uncle took over the custody

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of Bhutan and looked after the Prophet sallallahu wasallam from the age of eight years old, all the way. He supported him until he was 48 years of age 40 years of Otago have looked after his nephew, and he would never leave in, he would always support him, even though so Panama, he did not accept, to say the Shahada, and convert to Islam

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said a true

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he also loved the promise of the Law Center more than his own children.

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His treatment of other people have upon him. His treatment of the people started to depend on how they treated his nephew.

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Would you believe that to the extent the logic

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and he realized that there seemed to be a cloud that always followed the promise of a lie, send them wherever he went, everybody's to witness the cloud that kind of followed him.

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But the sources sing sound, there was a cloud following the promise of the last lm and giving him shade.

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And he realized that wherever he went, there was blessings being increased. One day, there was a drought in Makkah, and the people came to autonom because he became the chief of Ganesha.

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They said to him, let's make the counter for Allah to give us water.

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And like Abdul Natale his grandfather did the same. What would he do before he goes to make God

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B take his nephew within the crop Scylla licenses Come with me you sit next to me because he knew that any guy he made a loss but Allah gave it

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so pinata made the door and there was abundance of rain coming upon a lot and vegetation.

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maca is is lots of drought that goes it's a desert. You're lucky to get you know, maybe a few days a year of rain. And when it comes down, it comes down very hard to plan on what it actually floods because of the mountain region. I was there in 2004. I did my husband 2004. And to Panama on a Friday I was listen to the hookah.

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I was sitting in the harem outside the harem, it started to rain. Drop after drop suddenly started pouring like a bucket. Allahu Akbar my brothers and sisters books immobilizing. By the time I got to halfway to the hotel, we couldn't make it. The water was up to here.

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No, no, no, we're not here up to here, up to Monaco.

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In the streets, I was walking no more cars and walking in water up to here. We're loving it.

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And this has significance to that because that'll talk about why they had to rebuild the cabin later on.

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So the proposal I said I made the door and the water came there.

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At the age of around 12 years old.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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started to work, his early jobs job.

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And that teaches us brothers and sisters that we should get our children to get used to especially the sons. Why do I say the sons not because they're better than the daughters. But because working in the outside environment roughening up and toughening up not rocketing up and character toughening them up physically and emotionally so that they don't they're not emotionally needy when they get married their wife and children

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require them to be strong emotionally, you don't expect that from the wife, the wife is emotionally sensitive. That's how it becomes a good mother. But the man needs to be relied upon. So he needs to be tough, mentally and physically, if he's going to lead, women can also be tough that way. But it is expected from the leadership from the role of the husband and the father, to be ready to face rigid and tough climate and environment and times. Because the wife and children rely on him mostly, that's what gave us a stronger physical ability, higher testosterone. As you can see, we build more muscles with more hair, and it's made to roughen up in the physical environment.

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So train your boys especially and your gills to a certain extent, girls need to defend themselves these days. So we need to also toughen them up, but we've got to be tender with it. As for the boys, get them ready and shall know for the hard life get into a job at an early age it was the study again, rather than getting used to the luxury end of the, the

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What do we call it the

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you know, the princess life.

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So he got he became a shepherd, the seller became a shepherd. Now here, I want to pause for about three or four minutes to talk about this.

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Did you know

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every prophet and messenger of Allah

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and it is recorded that there that there were more than 125,000 prophets and messengers ever since it is recorded in

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I think soon and

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that there were 310 messages and 124,000 prophets will explain later on the difference. Every single one of them was a shepherd once in their lifetime, every single one of them brothers, sisters,

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and there is a wisdom behind it. Number one, humility. The prophets and messengers couldn't see themselves superior to others.

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You know, when somebody tells you even the truth and they tell you in a superior form, you find out how to accept it from them. So he tried the province a lot I sent him to be a man of humility. When he speaks to you, you feel that you are important. He makes you feel your recorder.

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He also learned to tendinous

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I mean, I don't know much about farming, but I've got relatives and visited Lebanon, farmers have goats and sheep, especially goats and sheep, not not camels and horses, sheep especially, they have this special quality that no one else has reflection and contemplation. They think and I've never I've yet to meet a shape a proper shape learner who was traditional sheep herder,

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a shepherd who doesn't believe in God.

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They contemplate

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the sheep each one of them has their own unique personality if you know that sheep have their own unique personality, there is the rough shape, the soft shape, the tough shape, the stubborn sheep, the linnaean shape, the independence shape, the follower, the shape, the shape, you know, they all say,

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you know, don't be a sheep. This is the common statement. But actually sheep are not like that. You got the sheep who loves to survive and you got the cheeky sheep. You got the well behaved sheep you got to know.

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And ah, single sheep shepherds will tell you this, especially the better ones I visited. I saw them in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and I met them in Lebanon. I met them in Mecca and Medina. And we asked them ask the person in these questions. They say each sheet has its own way that you're going to deal with him or her its own way. He has his own way. You don't treat them all the same. You've got to learn to adapt and change your ways to them.

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And that is one very important lesson to learn about the prophets and messengers. They have to learn from a young age from animals. each human being has their own attitude and characteristic and mindset. And it is not up to the people to change the prophets had to change their method and their way. For the Darwin and the missus to reach appropriately Did you not hear no cut our losses for that kill in the 30s decra remind if the way you're going to remember what you're going through your mind is going to reach them it's going to benefit them. Otherwise, you need to avoid sometimes certain reminders. You need to avoid saying certain things until the right time comes need to change

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your approach to the people. You know you cannot control people's actions but you can control your own actions. And that's how the prophets were taught. He had its own characteristic and attitude and the process of them had to learn to be patient and adapt his attitude is his approach to suit the individual

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It's amazing that the Panama one men are marvelous are the Allahu anhu. He was a man who liked attention. In Nigeria, when he became a Muslim, he still had that little bit of that personality. So he used to say, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loves me the most

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because the profit and loss and then gave him that. And that was really temporary, especially on lock. They said, We don't think so.

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Let's go ask him who he loved the most. He said,

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his wife at the time.

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So he thought to himself, come on it or she's your wife. She's part of a family from the men from the minute

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he said her father

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so we thought look guys still connected to his wife. So let's ask him another third question from inside the family. So he kept naming other names I don't know who to ask one know where to be mentioned to the point where he got embarrassed, just walked up and said, Let's forget I asked you the question.

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So the proximal are synonyms, approached each one in the owner now I haven't got time. inshallah, as we go on, I'll teach you how or I'll show you Sorry, I won't teach you you. Obviously, we are equal inshallah I'll share with you is the proper thing to say. Politically Correct. I'll share with you in sha Allah. How the Proxima Selim used his different approach with the children, the women, the elderly, the young, the rough, the tough, the softer, lenient, everyday. inshallah you will see this in action, just by him learning at a young age.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did say, Come to Ghana, Mali, Benny sadhvi Makkah I used to, I used to be the shepherd looking after the sheep of the family of sod in Mecca.

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It also shows us another thing, brothers sisters, that you should not look at yourself as too good for any job.

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I hear sisters sometimes saying my husband lost his job, but it doesn't work anything else. He wants something equal or more.

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You have a family to look after. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the piece of meat or not sorry, the piece of food that you put with your own hand into your wife's mouth or your children's mouth is one of the greatest symbols that this sort of gives to your family. So whether you're a janitor, cleaning toilets, cleaning, whatever, and no matter what your qualification is done, look at it that way. Look at it as what you are working for working for last Montana number one is pleasure. Number two, you're feeding your family. A man a true man who believes in Allah. Allah doesn't look at any job as insignificant or not good enough for him unless there is a her own

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job. Of course, you should never earn money from her on the progress of Arsalan began as a shepherd until he was a prophet. He never was embarrassed to say contura Miliband, Assad and McCubbin Assad is not even like Banu Hashim veneration where he comes from his way above, according to the Arab linear the way they used to think he used to do it, everybody loved it.

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And also teaches us brothers and sisters, if you want to be experienced, you got to start at the bottom, you know, go all the way to the top, I'm going to be the manager or nothing. Why start from the bottom gain experience. You learn so much from solar cell and learned from sheep more than what he can learn from anywhere else.

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The prophets Allah has sent him as he grew up brothers and sisters, he never witnessed any dance or music, any dancing or mixed parts, sorry, any dance or mixed patterns.

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One day he had a curiosity to attend a wedding or a party in the town. So he said to his friend, I don't know how to look after the shape. While I go and attend this party. I want to see what it's all about. He says on my way, I fell asleep. And when I woke up was all over. The next few days later, he heard another

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commercial there was a party going on. He said to his friend look up to the shape. As he was walking he fell asleep against the panel. And when he woke up, it was over. And he said I realized

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this is not meant to be for me. So he never in his life witness dancing, or mixed parties or weddings or anything like that. Of course, you want to have a wedding and a party. Nothing wrong with using halen instruments.

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We recommend looking at the eyes to see who's going to give me a greasiness said that. There are certain holiday instruments you can use such as the definite tambourine. In weddings, there is headaches about it. But Rasulullah saw Selim never witnessed the mixed ones like what people do these days. I don't want to go into it because then I'm going to get angry, and there will be no table here in front of me after.

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Also the likes of Allahu alayhi wa sallam his hand never touched the hand of another woman who was not lawful for him. Even from a young age of teenager ever, he said, I said man, Mr. Rasulullah

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So, I'm here tomorrow at 10 o'clock La Jolla, the province of Los Alamos has never touched the hand of another woman ever. That was not lawful for him. He was very observant fear, things were no big deal to him when he lost the game with his friends. It's the play with the boys in the street and the kids in the in the,

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you know, around the city. And here's the big deal. He didn't think I have to win, he always smiled and all the kids loved him.

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Having said this, my brothers and sisters, I feel right now, to show you what Arabia was like through the eyes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as he is growing up, now let's look from the eyes of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, as he is observing Mecca,

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and the surrounding Arabia growing up in the province of the licen and deliberately did not Allah, Allah subhanaw taala did not give the Prophet sallallahu wasallam any message up till this point, deliberately, because he wanted him to learn everything worldly for now. He wanted to learn all this other stuff without distraction. And once he saw it all, he protected him, then Allah gave him the message. And he knew exactly how to deliberate.

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You have to know your environment, our brothers and sisters, you have to know you, the people who are around before you preach to them.

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People are not like you. You come and learn a hadith from here. And then you go to your family you've been living with for 20 3040 years, and you want to implement everything right there. And then and tell them about they're wrong. And you just been born yesterday compared to them. You have to learn the environments and use wisdom and seeing what works and what doesn't.

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Brothers and sisters, for

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14 years, the proper allotment that I came across a lesson, a lesson on the environment, because obviously is going to be sent as a messenger to who to

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who is going to be a messenger to who was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam going to be a messenger to brothers and sisters,

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the whole world

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economy in a mercy to all of the world.

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So you had to go through a long process of learning what people are like what the world is like. So let's have a look. inshallah I'll just briefly summarize it, because what we're going to say next you're going to understand why and how things were done the way they were done.

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Let's look at the social life of the of Arabia as the prophets of Allah says

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they were patriarchal, patriarchal, patriarchal means

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they stuck

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to the defense of their bloodline and lineage and clan.

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More than anything you can imagine to the point where if anyone into hinted even jokingly

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something offensive about their clan, anything, Friend or foe,

00:33:03 --> 00:33:08

like a person get offended, you shouldn't say that. But these guys, they will fight

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tooth and nail that will shed their own blood, along with all their clan and will likely it'll keep going on for centuries, centuries. We know stories and stories say that Arabs used to sometimes sit together in Mecca, or Medina, or the surrounding places. If one of them extended his leg out

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and said

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it's a true story that is laid out and said, If anyone thinks their lineage is better than mine idea to return my foot back, they drew this sword and it resulted in a blood war between the two tribes for over 200 years. One of them is an awesome president of the two tribes in Medina. For more than three 400 years, they fought over lineage and blood gun owner and he said this and he said that about my so Panama said number one patriarchical to death. The ancestry is big.

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The Father's the father's father's of the children of the gills, and the boys. They earned everything, including the daughter's marriage conditions, and her dowry. Her bridal gift to the fathers took it all. And they call the shots who she marries. And, you know, sort of what she chooses the marriage but he gets to call the sorts of the conditions and all that stuff. The women that were mostly free women, women could you know, they could make their own decisions. And they were held in high esteem and privilege, to the point where

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a family would die to protect the honor and dignity of a woman of their daughters or their sister or that we Arabs here. We know this right? What was being taught since I was a little kid. My father used to say to me,

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59

you guys

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A school son

00:35:02 --> 00:35:03

can do this

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in a school son. No one talks about your mom, your sister and your religion. If they do, you make them bleed until they're on the floor.

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Obviously, we didn't do that one guy swore at the Prophet sallallahu sallam, I was only in EU seven and the

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poor kid really punched him out under the law. What do you get the strength from? Because they know they're in the wrong but you don't talk about their mom, their sister.

00:35:32 --> 00:35:35

The standards maybe their religion, no one cares about it much at

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all do we do care about Kibera didn't come deliver. We don't take up arms and fight people. We have to have to give dollar to our dean. But this is the Arab mentality especially those and still a bit till now. Right? You talk about the out of the the the honor the dignity, and few others other than Arabs, they do this too. I know the Afghans do it in some other people this is this is a good thing. But just take it is delicate, take it too far. And I'm going to kill people and have some jealousy for them to protect, you

00:36:04 --> 00:36:09

know, sister and mother and that but not, you know, don't take it too far.

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decisions of tribal war or friendship were based on the woman. What she says what happens to her

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women almost had the last say, and who say was implemented.

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The women have free will.

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And there were four types of marriages in Makkah, in the jelly means pre Islamic Arabia. The first type of marriage they used to do was like nowadays, the Muslims, you get the wedding, The Guardian, you organize abroad or give them a hug which goes to the wife with her consent, you get married.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:55

That was the first one they did. That was the most honorable way. The second one.

00:36:57 --> 00:37:06

Bear with me now you're going to be shocked. The wife sleeps with another man, a man is married. Before he sleeps with it.

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She goes and sleeps with another man

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of their choice. Because what they thought was if they slept with a warrior, like someone who had strong genes,

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they get the wife to sleep with him to get pregnant, and that child becomes this. Because they wanted to carry that child why I told you, they were very strict on their lineage to in an overly obsessive form, that they would let their watch live with another man who had a strong lineage who had a good physique, or was known to be overpowered, or whatever it is. And I believe that child will be like that man, but we'll attribute him to our clan. And he'll give our family a good name to that point. That's the wife sleep with other people. The third type of marriage was a woman sleeps with less than 10 men of her choice. And then if she gets pregnant, she calls the 10 men. And she

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chooses one of them as the Father and the Father and that man has to

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has to take that child column his own and not refuse. The fourth way they used to get into relationships, I won't call it marriage.

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There were women who allowed any man to sleep with him, they usually had a flag, which they put their hand up on the gate of their houses outside. And any men can enter and wishes to sleep with it. As soon as she got pregnant.

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She would call all the men that she can remember.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:55

They have to come in now that's the culture. They have to come and she gets a soothsayer, a fortune teller, a sorcerer, to say which one's the dead, and that dad has to customarily accepted as his own child.

00:38:58 --> 00:39:39

And that's probably why we hear about the Arab early Arabs, they used to do infanticide. They used to bury their children alive sometimes boys was very rare. And sometimes gills was most to the gills needs to bury their gills alive because of this hallucination this imaginary fantasy, not even a fantasy, an imaginary perceived. I don't know what you want to call it, schizophrenia of the future that that that there's going to the door is going to bring shame to the family or that there's going to be poverty. Women always accompanied men in wars. The winners got to sleep with these women. And if she became pregnant, that child is raised,

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inhuman in humiliation and disgrace.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:55

They have no limit to the number of wives, you can marry any amount of wives you wished. And that was also in Rome and Persia and everywhere else in the world.

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They can marry two or three sisters at the same time.

00:40:02 --> 00:40:05

They can marry their own fathers divorced wives,

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or widows,

00:40:09 --> 00:40:10

or stepmother.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:27

Only the husband could divorce adultery and fornication was not really a shame to most. In fact, the man came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam once and said Rasul Allah. This is my child. I.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:40

I had * with his mother in jail, he had Zina with him in jeconiah. That's my child, and the prophets of Allah sent them said, all claims after Islam

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that happened before Islam a canceled because they were false. You can tell. He said the child belongs to the mother who gave birth to him. That's all we recognize. Otherwise, everyone can come and just claim any child based on

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things of the past. I don't know who they slept with a soothsayer has to say his childhood is a woman just chooses anybody else. Ridiculous. Not like this day and age, you can make DNA tests. But in those days, that's the law.

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My brothers and sisters in Islam, the better ones.

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Only make friends with the people who shed their blood.

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warfare could last for centuries. Their motto was is what the better ones used to say.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:29

Also a haka volume and omo human

00:41:31 --> 00:41:32

assistance assist your brother,

00:41:33 --> 00:41:39

whether they are the oppressors, or whether they are being oppressed.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:43

That's it. Someone's from my family.

00:41:44 --> 00:41:46

Let's say someone came and killed all of his children,

00:41:48 --> 00:41:50

the Hulk and then you want to take revenge.

00:41:52 --> 00:41:58

That whole tribe knows they're in the wrong, they'll still go and support the guy whose children all got killed by the other clan.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:02

Help them some of these from your clan.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:06

We have a saying in Lebanese, I don't know if you want to share

00:42:11 --> 00:42:13

my brother, against

00:42:14 --> 00:42:17

my cousin, but me and my cousin against the strangers.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

It's a Chevalier. It's an old

00:42:22 --> 00:42:28

you know, primitive, unintelligent, unfair.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:46

In a customer tradition that Islam did away with the prophets of Allah Selim came in and he added, help your brother oppressed or the oppressor. You help him if he is the oppressor by stopping him from his oppression.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:49

Your brothers in the wrong you stopping?

00:42:51 --> 00:42:53

Even if that the fighting or stopping

00:42:54 --> 00:43:15

survival depended on identifying your lineage, which clan you belong to, otherwise you had no protection. As for the Economy, Trade was mostly respected. But trade is risk the trade journey because there was hostilities, if a client was fighting another client, the one that you pass, and so we own this territory can't pass.

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Except in four months, they were called gokada will hedger harm and suffer they are cold, and

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it's still in the Quran, in a lot of fights in those formats. Farming Shepherd, if you're a farmer or a shepherd, they look down upon you. Except in livestock sale. If you are selling camels or you're selling horses, you're okay. But if you are a shepherd, you know nothing. There was knitting and yarn spinning, mostly done by women. That was the only industry business they had production in Arabia. They did textiles, but it was very poor, because they didn't have vegetation. You know, they didn't have silk and stuff like that which they grew. poverty, lack of clothing, hunger, and all of that was in Arabia. However, my brothers and sisters, I need to say something. Although these bad

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things existed among the Arabs, including the burial of these to bury their own daughters alive, Allahu Akbar is a whole verse in the Quran, why isn't it true that to suit them, Bill cotulla on the Day of Judgment, that baby infant that was buried alive, shall be questioned, for what crime was she killed? Stan cancer, you know, house then came to stop all of this and to lift the value of women. We can't you know, some people of the West pride themselves now to think that they are the ones who brought all this freedom and liberation for women. But even till today, they don't pay her the same as the men or some so called Advanced Muslim Western countries. Yet in Islam, we don't have this. We

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don't have this attempted in

00:44:45 --> 00:44:51

the Praiseworthy virtues of the Arabs word. You have to know this hospitality.

00:44:52 --> 00:44:53

That was the biggest thing.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

They would go into debt, starve their families and themselves.

00:45:01 --> 00:45:13

In order to feed the wayfarers the hungry, they didn't do that because they wanted to. They did it because they added to that esteem and prestige of their own. bloodline their clan. Remember we said that

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the glory of the clan,

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they would go into debt, to stop bloodshed between rivals that come and pay black money from themselves. And they would receive the glory and reputation and the clan that they used to stop bloodshed.

00:45:33 --> 00:45:56

They had my dear brothers and sisters generosity to the extreme. And the best of generosity they used to do was one is to make wine out of grapes. And they even called grapes in Arabic, both linguistically and in writing, to mean generosity. They made wine out of grapes and gave it to the guests. It was meant to be the best generosity, they also gambled.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:34

Now, you might think, why these virtues, why am I saying that that the good things? Well, they're not good things gambling in wine itself is not good, but the way they used to use it was good. They used to use wine in the name of generosity, and they use gambling and whatever money they made, they give it in charity. They used to feed the poor and hungry with it. And that's why I was gonna sit in the corner an enamel hammer. Well, Lacey Richardson Muhammad is shaitan, fish, Danny boo, alcohol and gambling is impure is from the act of the shaitan avoided, and in other words, the losses were female, if money were FEMA, my nephew or the nest, what if one

00:46:36 --> 00:46:52

wife Mama, aka borrow money for him, he said, they have some benefit. But the harm is greater than the benefits or acknowledge that these to gamble and give to charity. For example, while you have some generosity to the people, sometimes you can use it as an aesthetic. So it has some benefit, the harm is outweighs its benefit.

00:46:54 --> 00:47:14

But all this, as I said was for their pride, they had a sense of honor and reputation, they would die to protect and uphold the reputation. Courage was amazing with the arrows, any hint of laziness or cowardice, we call someone who's a coward. He would get up and fight and die. He would go to war, knowing

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that it's a suicide attempt.

00:47:18 --> 00:47:27

Literally, like not killing himself, but going in knowing that he's gonna die. They're gonna kill him. But just because you call them lazy or coward, he'll jump in.

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And that's what happened to Romania, the master of billetto, they will remember this story, what he didn't want to fight in battle about it. But a project comes along and says omega is now

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loves this food, women and wine. That's why you can't fight. Because omega is not a cattle, it goes in what happens. He crops.

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And that's how they work. And that's that's the Eric mentality. And there's a reason for this is a good virtue. It's a good virtue, but they just lacked the morals of right or wrong the balance.

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They had a sense of justice. If you brought them something convincing, this is just they would uphold it if it took a whole entire village that would fight an entire village, entire town, entire country for justice.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:26

That a firm will and determination if they made a goal in public, they made a goal in places I'm going to do this, he will die trying.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:34

They will never back down. If they made a promise or an agreement. They will never break it. Even if they died.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:57

They had a pure and simple Bedouin lifestyle, detachment from the world and luxuries that were the better ones. And so my dear brothers and sisters, this honor of agreements, impeccable self esteem and self determination, never to give up was the strongest foundation the Arabs had, which Islam can to build upon.

00:49:00 --> 00:49:18

Having said this, my brothers and sisters have only got five minutes for Muslim. I'll go through these viewpoints. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam turned 16 years of age, he took part in a sacrilegious war. He was called Hannibal Huizar sacrilegious means he shouldn't have fought.

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Why this war happened where Quraysh they attacked another tribe. Something happened between them initially was called ISIS fault.

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They will house house

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so has him retaliated.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:39

But here's something very interesting.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:47

They were fighting each other. And then the months of heroin the heroin months came in.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

The courage stopped out of respect for the for, let's call them sacred months. However, it however broke this law which had existed for 1000s

00:50:00 --> 00:50:08

years, they thought of a sacred, they broke the law went into Mecca and still continued to fight and shedding blood.

00:50:10 --> 00:50:11

Now, because of that

00:50:13 --> 00:50:42

the ones who are in the right now became in the wrong. And we have a statement from Mr. Au Shea in Zelda on how D in column D, anything that exceeds the boundaries, it turns against you. Even if you are right in the beginning, let's say you had an agreement, what, and one person sort of broke the agreement you got into a conflict, then one of them goes and does something nasty,

00:50:43 --> 00:50:44

crosses the boundaries,

00:50:45 --> 00:51:27

hold your children hostage or goes and attacks your home or starts to defame you in your honor and your dignity in some other way. Your family, your wife, your children, then you've crossed the boundary. Now it's his fault. And that's how the justice system works with Arabia. And also in Islam. It was like that. It was then my dear brothers and sisters that the province of the law that was sent them took part in this war he didn't kill. He was 16 years old. He said, I used to get the arrows of my uncles they used to shoot our arrows. And the arrows would go into the hills and here and there. And to reuse them, they used to go and collect them. So the setup said I used to go

00:51:27 --> 00:51:30

collect the arrows so they can reuse them again. But the point is, he took part in it.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:46

He took part in it and after Islam, he actually was speaking about it proudly, as if he said no one had even said in an AMA D says, No, I do not regret. I do not regret taking part in that battle.

00:51:47 --> 00:52:02

This shows us my brothers and sisters, that if there is a people, even if they're a non Muslim, and it means justice, and you can support them and they've called upon you, then you should go and help them in the name of justice and fairness.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:49

Isn't that correct? Even in the Quran, Allah talks about believers it says and if two believing armies fight each other, then try to fix the problem between them for embark if one of them exceeds the boundaries, wants to continue to fight for Calculatedly fight the one that wants to continue. And they believers had that fear, Rena until they wake up to the command of a lot and stop for In fact, if they stop and they wake up for us, they probably know me now I bring conciliation between them. So even if they're believers don't use this arrogant is a Muslim, even if he's in the wrong, no, you have to apply justice. And lastly, last Sunday in his early 20s are finished here. Because

00:52:49 --> 00:52:52

after is the marriage of conditional on we'll leave it till next week.

00:52:53 --> 00:52:54

Early 20s.

00:52:55 --> 00:53:11

The province of Law Center took part in something else which is quite interesting and important to mention. It was called healthful food. Henfield healthful food, you can call it out an alliance of justice Justice League

00:53:14 --> 00:53:22

because they watched the movie justice, okay. Is that why you left? A new so we can call it the alliance of justice.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:35

What happened was that a Yemeni merchant went to Mecca, and he was selling some stuff. And there was a name a man named by an * of nowhere. He is the father of unbearable loss.

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He was a rich man, a man of Korea. She was a leader. He was a very important man.

00:53:42 --> 00:53:51

So he bought this merchandise from this man and he refused to pay up. Next day he comes to ask for his money, the management and pay said come tomorrow. Come tomorrow.

00:53:52 --> 00:53:59

come the next day comes to come in next week. You know, some of us do it to each other. Wink wink, nudge nudge hint.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:38

We should stop this for right at the business to be given. So he realized philosophy is not going to pay it. Why? Because the Yemeni man doesn't have a clan. his tribe is all the way in Yemen for months, June who's gonna come and protect him. Remember, we said you're protected by your client. He's got nobody. So this is nothing. I'll just take the merchandise on my payments you're gonna do about it. There was no government, no court, no police nothing. It's just you belong to a tribe you're protected. Otherwise, try to work your way out or just walk away. Count the losses, as they say. So what happened this year, many men said I'm going to use poetry, the medium he stood up in

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front of the camera and made a huge poem that would humiliate the living daylights out of the origin of every tribe that was in Mecca. He said one line is going to spread that you people are unjust new people are in generous and you don't want to rip their reputation. So what happened as Zubaydah the Prophet Allah Simmons uncle stood up. He said, Go to do something about

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About this manner, let's find out they found that the treatment was was dealt with unjustly. So they went to one of the wise men of courageous men was Abdullah said What should we do? They met there. And they made a pact. They make an allegiance. They called it the allegiance of football. The agents of justice. They got a pot, they poke Musk, Musk perfume, and they all dip their hands in musk took it out and is also called Hanford, multigrain, the fragrance of the allegiance of a fragrance because they put their hands in fragrances said we will make an oath that we will run out like police. Anyone who treats anyone unjustly we will lift the sword and we will stand up outside their

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house and declare war against them until they give back the rights of the people, their victims. And truly they did that they pulled a hundredfold Who was there? The Prophet sallallahu wasallam was there and he mentioned that after Islam

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you know moved by Just give me one two minutes inshallah. So some of us some of us send them to an important point he said, I witnessed the allegiance in the house of Abdullah Abuja Dang, it was more appealing to me than herds of cattle. Even now, in the period of Islam. I would respond positively to attending such a meeting, if I were invited.

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They aligned together on returning remaining rights back to their owners, and so that no oppressor can oppress another person.

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Even after Islam, he said, if the Muslim kill the idolaters, the kuffar called me to make a pact with them, and the legions to support the weakened the oppressed, one law, he argued, respond even in Islam.

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And this gives us a lesson my brothers and sisters, that you know, we Muslims in da da da has 1000 ways that you can do it. It's not just going in the streets and giving pamphlets Yes, that's a great idea. or sitting on top, it's a great idea. But there's much, much more taking active part in the community and society.

00:57:07 --> 00:57:33

Not not because of this or that, in the name of what your dean tells you to do, to help the needy to help the homeless to help the weak and to help the oppressed to help the sick. Nothing wrong with it. Here is your evidence that it is such a luxury to lie about Islam in Egypt, if I were to be called to after Islam, I would still take part and there was Sharia law there was there was the government there was Islamic State everything.

00:57:34 --> 00:58:11

So let us not misunderstand Martin sisters, how beautiful is it to see a Muslim you know, in charity work, which doesn't have to be Islamic. It can be just general injustice and fairness. And person sees this beard he sees this his ad that sees this Muslim they can Is there any greater depth within? This is a massive dour. I don't know if you agree or disagree with me. But I've seen this it works and it's tremendous. You don't have to cross the line of your deen. So Panama. So my brothers and sisters in Islam, they went to Alice's house. And he thought, Man, What business do they have none of their business that was called central football. Football means getting involved in what's

00:58:11 --> 00:58:38

not your business but called justice. And so he came and gave it to the man. The man thank them changes poetry. And off he went. And this lasted for a good few years. My brothers and sisters in Islam I ended here now in sha Allah next week. I promise you, we will begin from when he was 25 years old. His marriage to Khadija been to Hawaii to throw the Aloha and forward was Thank you for listening

00:58:41 --> 00:58:44

in was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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