Bilal Assad – Character #02 Cultivating Compassion

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The importance of not being seen as brothers and sisters in Islam is discussed, with personal experiences of misunderstandings and mistakes made on social media. The speaker advises against seeking advice from others and stresses the importance of acknowledging and correcting mistakes. They also share a personal experience of being advised not to jump on anyone and encourage others to forgive each other.
AI: Transcript ©
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Last time we met, we talked about

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the verses in Surat Al Hujurat,

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one of the best verses about developing our

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And I was talking about

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how Allah

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tells us to be careful when we hear

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news about someone, especially if it's got consequences.

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And then moving on from there,

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we said that

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tells us

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that while the Messenger of Allah is with

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if he were to obey everything you tell

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you guys will suffer a lot.

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Then Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la tells us something

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very interesting.

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He says,

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He says: But Allah made religion and your

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beloved to your hearts,

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and took away all the blemishes

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and all the

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ungodliness and all the disunities

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and the hatred

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and the enmity and grudges between you.

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And then Allah says, These are the ones

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who are truly rightly guided.

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Then Allah says, Fuddlam min Allahi wa niamah,

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wallahu a'liman hakeem, which literally means, By Allah's

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favor and bounty.

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Allah is all knowing, all wise.

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The reason Allah says by Allah's bounty and

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Remember when I told you the story that

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a man went and made up this news

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about that tribe that didn't want to pay

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zakat and so on, ended up being false?

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Well, it wasn't everybody who came to the

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Prophet, peace be upon him, and started to

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fuel him with this information,

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but rather only a small number. And Allah

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says, but the rest of the community, there

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are still good people among them. And Allah

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says, as if he's telling us, in all

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time and all

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eras there are always large numbers

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of good people

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who will set things straight. And we have

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to choose which group we're going to be

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part of.

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And that's why Allah says, He is all

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knowing and He is all wise, meaning, He

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that there are still people who will uphold

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the right

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and fix and reconcile between the community.

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Without the community, we are nobody, brothers and

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sisters. And that's why Allah then immediately,

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without the community, we who are we?

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That really touches my heart. Allah Subhana Wa

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Ta'la tells us: Surely the believers

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are none but brothers unto one another, so

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set things between each other as brothers and

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have fear of Allah that you may be

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shown mercy.'

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Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la is likening and bringing

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the word mercy into how we

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address each other and love each other as

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brothers and sisters. What does it mean to

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love each other as brothers and sisters? Well,

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look at the verses before. It talks a

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lot about verifying, clarifying, not accusing, loving one

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another, wanting the best between each other, and

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reconciling between each other if you see members

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of your community fighting, not fueling it.

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And Allah says to us, and this is

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something that the disbelievers at the time of

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the Prophet

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you know, they didn't have this word, brothers

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and sisters. Allah brought this word, brothers and

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And he says, as a matter of fact,

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you are actually brothers and sisters. Yeah, you

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marry from each other, and you have relationships

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and love one another in different ways, but

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you're still brothers and sisters. Even the husband

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and wife are brother and sister in Islam,

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that is.

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Your mother and father, your brother and sister

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in Islam, that is. Which means treat each

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other the way that you would love to

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treat your own brother and sister. Imagine someone

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talking about your brother and sister.

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How would you deal with that?

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Imagine your brother and sister have done something

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How would you deal with that? Our Prophet

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Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,

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assist and support your brother or sister, whether

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they are the perpetrators or whether they are

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the victims.

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Obviously, they all understood at the time, we

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know how to support them if they are

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the victims, but then they said, how do

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we support them when they're the perpetrators?

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The prophet, peace be upon him, told them

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by stopping them from

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their oppression. That's how you love one another.

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So, if you know a brother or a

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sister who is talking ill about someone else,

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or probably hasn't clarified or verified,

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then you should be advising them, not fueling

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We are not

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cults or gangs in Islam. We are not

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thugs off the street. No, no, we don't

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hold onto that. Our deen and our brotherhood

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and sisterhood is what holds us together. At

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the end of the day, we all love

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Allah, as Allah says,

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hold ye all onto the rope of Allah

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I want to share a few hadiths from

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the Prophet

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that really tie all of this together. I'll

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give you one example. This hadith is in

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Musnad Ahmed, jareer ibn Abdullah. He He said,

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The Prophet

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took a pledge from me,

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and then he advised me of 3 things.

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He said, that I will establish the prayer,

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that I will continue to pay zakat,

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and that I will remain a well wisher

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of every Muslim.

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That last part is the hard part for

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a lot of people. To remain a well

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wisher for all my brothers and sisters. What

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does that mean? It means that no matter

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what I've seen in them,

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I only want the best for them,

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their reputation,

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their blood, their honour,

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their property.

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Even if they are astray, even if they

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are obnoxious

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and bad character, and rude, if if they

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say the wrong thing, what do I do?

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I go and I try to advise them.

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And again, there are some people who really

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want the best for religion, and sometimes they

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get a little bit heated when they hear

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somebody saying the wrong thing about Islam or

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misinterpreting a verse,

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and that's fine.

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I mean, it's not fine to misinterpret the

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verse, but we do understand that people make

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mistakes. The companions make mistakes.

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what we should be doing is going and

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correcting them and helping them to be on

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the right path with a smile and with

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This is how we, insha'Allah, hold together and

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save their religion,

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or save people from misunderstanding their religion. Another

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hadith of the Prophet where

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he said, The life, property, and honor of

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every Muslim is forbidden to every other Muslim.

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In another hadith, the Prophet

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tells us,

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a believer's relation to the community of the

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believers is just like the head's relationship with

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the body. He feels their afflictions as the

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head feels the pain of every part of

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the body.

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if we were to be like that, imagine

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the power,

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imagine the strength, imagine love,

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imagine the community, imagine where we'll be. This

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is what Allah wants from us. And finally,

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a beautiful hadith that I loved is, the

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believers are with one another like the bricks

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of a wall,

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so that each is strengthened by the other.

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The hadith is in bukhari. You cannot have

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a building standing without each brick supporting the

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other. You and I supporting each other, right

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or wrong. We support each other by either

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correcting each other, stopping each other from oppression,

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or supporting each other if we're the victims.

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You know, brothers and sisters,

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there is, you know, there is

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a great scholar, and I always love to

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refer to him, Eben Tamia,

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and he talks about this.

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He says,

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some people love to jump,

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to call their brothers and sisters as innovators,

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and so on and so forth. And he

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says, we have known that in the predecessors,

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the past great men and women,

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they sometimes misinterpreted a verse, sometimes they misinterpret

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a hadith, sometimes they took a verse, and

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based on what they read or what information

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they received, they went with it. He said,

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we don't go jumping on them.

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Says, everybody knows that I always sit with

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the people and clarify for them and help

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And then if they fix their way and

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they learn,

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then there are brothers and sisters, and they're

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calling to the proper way.

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Brothers and sisters, part of being brothers and

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in Islam,

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part of being brothers and sisters in Islam,

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means that you wish for your brother or

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your sister to be right

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and that you were wrong.

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Now, that's not a lot of not a

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lot of people can do that, especially when

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you have an audience, especially on social media.

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If everybody's listening,

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everybody's reading, everybody's commenting,

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The shaytan comes to me and says, You

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don't want to look like you lost.

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And so

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he starts to fuel

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my ego, starts to fuel my emotions, and

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I start to think I'm not going to

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lose this battle. And that's why advising one

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another in public is really bad.

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Becomes more of a debate. Me, I want

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to win at any cost.

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That is not a true believer. No matter

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how many prayers I pray, no matter how

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many months I fast, no many no matter

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how many umras or Hajj I go to,

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That's the ultimate thing.

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And I do remember

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one thing

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the sahas, the companions, that always hits my

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heart. I remember one time,

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an authentic hadith about Abu Bakr and Umar

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They've got different characteristics. Right? Umar is a

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little bit more

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He, well, we can say it in modern

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terms, he wore his heart on his sleeves,

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and Abu Qadhan was a bit more softer,

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and he was a bit more compassionate.

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They had a little bit of a quarrel,

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a friendly quarrel

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about something,

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and Abu Bakr Dalanor said something which he

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regretted. So he went to the Prophet, peace

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be upon him, crying. He said, I said

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this to Umar,

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Umar replied something to Abu Bakr as well

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that time,

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and Umar Dan erased to the Prophet

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really wanting the best for his friend Abu

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He was afraid that the Prophet

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would say something, you know, that's hurtful or

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not nice to his brother Abu Bakr, and

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when he got there, Umrah said to the

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prophet, peace be upon him, he said, You

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please, it's not Abu Bakr's fault, it's my

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fault. I provoked him. I'm the one that

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made him do that, and he sat on

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his knees and said, Forgive him, SubhanAllah.

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And the Prophet, peace be upon him, he

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was happy that did not reply or say

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anything back too hurtful to

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And he said, Say,

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Allah forgive you, Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr was

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You know, we find these incidents throughout the

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Sira and the biography of the prophet, peace

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be upon him, where he only wanted them

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to love one another, to forgive each other,

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to reconcile and to correct one another.

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If we love the messenger of Allah, we

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have to take him as a great role

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model. If we love his companions, we'll take

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them as great role models as well. And

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then did even with this.

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You know, in one of the battles, I

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forgot which one, one of the companions

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was fighting, and the enemy fell on the

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Then the enemy, out of fear, said,

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He converted right there and then. And, yet

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the companions still killed him in the battle.

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When the news came to the prophet, peace

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be upon him, the prophet, peace be upon

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him, was displeased with that. In fact, he

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was very angry, and he said, You Rasool

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I It's very clear he was afraid. He

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just said it out of fear. He could

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have gotten up and You know, in other

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words, he could have gotten up and still

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stabbed me if I had let my guards

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down. But the prophet

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continued to say to him, bashakta'ankalbe?

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Didn't you open up his chest and look

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inside to see his intention?

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Till the man regretted what he had done.

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So, may Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la unite us

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as brothers and sisters always,

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and always say to each other, I love

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you for the sake of Allah, and I

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thank you for the sake of Allah, and

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you forgive me for the sake of Allah.

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