Asim Khan – Tafsir of Surah Jumuah #4

Asim Khan
AI: Summary © The story of Islam is about a woman named Alima who did not receive the value of her donkey and was put on a donkey carrying her godlike things. The cultural differences between the United States and the Jewish community are discussed, with the latter being seen as a culture of fear and fearless activity. The use of the symbolism "w hop hop" in Islam is also discussed, with the speakers discussing the label of the culture he's referring to and how it relates to the culture he's referring to.
AI: Transcript ©
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this will laugh mother Haim. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shergill, Ambia you mousseline, the b&m Mohamed sinuata. And he was a big man into my my bad Samadhi Cora la he Baraka today's brothers and sisters, welcome to the second part of this this year of surah. To do Ma,

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the introduction of the surah paves the way to the second part of the surah in that it sets the scene, everything out there is glorifying Allah subhanaw taala and singing his praises, and the Prophet was sent Salah Saddam for a message and a mission, to bring people to appreciate this and to bring people to become like this true, sincere worshipers of Allah subhanaw taala came with full roles, number one role here to Alima yachting to tell them what Allah has to say about things, secondly, to try and purify the hearts with Islamic values. And then thirdly, to teach the laws, the do's and the don'ts. And then lastly, to leave them with the vehicle if you like to live by all of

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those things, in a day to day way, in their everyday lives. This is all a funnel of Allah subhanaw taala a great blessing Mullah something we need to recognize. Now the narrative changes, seemingly talking about something very different, which is the Jewish communities living in Medina at that time, and around Medina,

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in particular the attitudes of the Jewish community towards their scripture.

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This may seem very, you know, distant to what Allah has just spoken about. But in fact in LinkedIn very well, because Allah subhanaw taala in the next verse says, methodology, you know, how may tell writers to melamine Melua Kamata, Lil hamari, Yahoo as well, that the likeness of those wholemeal terracotta that were made to home Mila here means to give it to be given the responsibility to carry the towel rot the scripture that was revealed to the Jews, they're all made to carry that meeting, they had the responsibility to live by that and to relate that to others to share that with others, the likeness of them, that they were made to give they were given the responsibility of carrying

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this two rods is like what is like the likeness of a donkey, who is carrying on his back as far as far as approval of safer and safer means something which is a book of great value. So this donkey is carrying on his back. Many, many books are great value. Many he's carrying things, scriptures, Revelation, knowledge, which is infallible guidance, something sold tremendously valuable. Now does a donkey know what he's carrying on his back? He doesn't. It could be carrying anything. It could be carrying potatoes, you wouldn't know the difference between the potatoes and those scriptures. Now this is how Allah sees those Jewish communities at that time. Why your Allah? Well, because they

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were given this valuable book this scripture and they neglected to number one, understand it properly. And number two, to live by that. And that is why Allah subhanaw taala didn't refer to the donkey carrying the Taurat but rather carrying us far, which is the coming from the route of safer and safer means to cover and to conceal and go to the be said that is indicative of the way that they would read the Scripture that they would cover up some of the laws changed some of the injunctions covering things up not wanting to practice them not wanting to relate them. So that is what Allah said the way they see the book. Rather, the relationship with the book is one of you

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know, of corruption, that they cover up things in their book, things that Allah said like for example

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With the coming of ashmit, another name for the processor. No, no, we don't look at that. We cover those things up, like the punishment of Xena. They cover that up. So Allah subhanaw taala said, the way I see you, treating my book is like a donkey. Now, a donkey that carries this big load of valuable books. And comparing them like this to a donkey carrying value books on his back shows not just the contempt and anger of Allah, but also also reflects on the stupidity and the foolishness of the of those people, right? Because if you're gonna choose an animal that symbolizes foolishness, which one would you choose the donkey, right. And this is something given to him Rahim Allah

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mentioned that look at the symbolism being used here. It shows that Allah doesn't just look at that with anger, but also shows that they are being foolish in the way that they are living. But now relate that back to us, my brothers and sisters, in our show, said the Jews, they would hold their noses up at others, because they had this book, the Torah. And this book they knew was from Allah, and then you others never had it. And so he said they would carry this book around from temple to temple, holding noses up and other people that look, you don't have this and we have it, but at the same time, they wouldn't bother to understand it. And at the same time, they wouldn't neglect to act

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what was inside of that book, And subhanAllah how many of us are like this with the Quran, that we are very proud to have the Quran and we're very proud of the recitation and the reciting of the Quran and the beautiful rhythmic tones and melodies with which people recite the Quran. But we neglect to understand the Quran to study the Quran and moreover we neglect to practice upon what the Quran is teaching us. Now if we become like this, then we are no different to the Jews and the way they are with their Torah. So Allah said methodology in Ashok middle toe Raja zum Bella Mia Melua, meaning some Mala Mia Moo ha they were they were given this responsibility and this honor and

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chosen, but let me explain why they decided not to do that they neglected to understand it, and they neglected to practice it rather they covered things up from it cannith Alicia Marie Ashman who as far as like the likeness of the donkey beats methyl Oh, Molina kills the movie area Tila and Bates is there similar chewed bits means evil and something harmful. Something that you don't like to Allah's palate is calling. The example is bits is something that is is harmful, something that is dangerous, something that you should not want to be like bit some ethical Commelina killed that will be a Atilla and the way Allah sees them is a people a nation who can deny the signs of Allah

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subhanaw taala and will law hula Yeah, they will call them a volley mean, and Allah for sure, will not guide people that are vitally mean. The question that we can ask, which is ALLAH is talking about the Jewish communities. So why doesn't Allah says Allah will not guide the Jewish communities rather, Allah says, Allah will allow or not guide the wrongdoers? Why do you think Allah is ending the verse by saying, The Jews are actually like, via the moon, and I don't guide a lot anymore,

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as if to say only guide those that don't run themselves, who are actually seeking my goddess, being sincere, wanting to live by my book. As for the opposite side, I don't guide those people. They're like volleyball. So why do you think my brothers and sisters, Allah chose to end the verse by describing the Jews with the quality of room as opposed to calling them out for who they are, which are the Jews

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