Asim Khan – Be an Early Bird

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The speaker discusses the common habit of waking up early on Sundays to take advantage of the early hours and use it to engage in acts of worship, including reading Quran and making v refusesies. They also mention that they want to ingrained themselves as a successful person by wakeping up earlier than normal.
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One of the common habits that highly successful people have, for example, CEO of Amazon, Facebook and Apple when other people have high, you know, people have great success in terms of dunya. So they're very different in terms of the background and the mentality. They all seem to have a common habit and that is.
Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. There is brothers and sisters, Allah has allowed us to witness the best days of the year, and hamdulillah these 10 days we will hedger our days in which our good deeds are more beloved to Allah than any other days. And therefore we should really take advantage of this opportunity and capitalize on this favor from Allah Subhana Allah. And one of the things we can do to perhaps ingrained as a habit that we take forward beyond the Sundays is to take advantage of the early hours. You see, one of the common habits that highly successful people have, for example, CEO of Amazon, Facebook and Apple when other people have high, you know,
people have great success in terms of dunya. So they are very different in terms of the background and the mentality. They all seem to have a common habit that is to rise early and to take advantage of those early moments in the day. And we know that Allah Subhana Allah swore an oath by the early hours of the day Allah says what will happen I swear by the morning rays because this is a time where human being if they were to witness, the sun and the rays of the sun,
they feel a sense of positivity and hope and optimism. And that is why in a hadith what Some scholars say, it is weak but the meaning is sound. The person said that my OMA has been blessed in the early hours. So my advice is to wake up earlier than you normally do. And to use that time to engage in some acts of worship, like reading Quran and making vicar making the art and to use that time to be more productive and you find that when you start the day earlier, you will get more done during the rest of the day. You start the day earlier, you will feel like there's Baraka in your day. So let us take this habit with both hands and inshallah use it to our benefit, hopefully making
a habit so that the hedger Baraka stays with us throughout the year to Zachman la hidden file equals Salam O Allah, Allah