
In Islam, the idea of leadership dictates that its sole purpose and main duty be to carry out Allah’s rules on earth. Islam views this as a holy trust (Amanah) that can help people find lasting solutions to their issues and direct them toward a better life both now and in the hereafter.

A full and complete way of life is encouraged and supported by Islamic culture, with both spiritual and secular instruction offered in every area of the follower’s life.

The Islamic understanding of leadership is derived from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The sacred book of Islam is the Qur’an, and the Sunnah portrays the exemplary life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is primarily understood through Hadeeth—narrations of his words and acts.

Accountability is further emphasized in the Holy Qur’an (Surat- banee israeel [17]: ayat 13-14):‘And every man’s fate, We have fastened on his neck: on the Day of judgement we shall bring out for him a scroll that he will see spread wide open (13), “Read your scroll! You will suffice this day as a constant reckoner against you (14).”’

Developing a vision and encouraging group objectives are two aspects of transformative leadership. Positive organizational outcomes are the consequence of transformational leadership, which uses values, attitudes, and behaviors like altruistic love, hope, and vision to influence followers and boost their feeling of divine endurance.

Islamic leadership should be based on the guiding principles of consultation, fairness, and freedom of thought. Islam places a strong emphasis on the willingness to surrender to the Creator as the moral foundation for ethical leadership.

Audio Lectures on Leadership