Ammar Alshukry – The Virtues Of Masjid Al-Aqsa

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The sham in Islam is a region where sham is often found, resulting in the loss of many people in Egypt. The sham was designed to be a sham and not a recognized Christian during the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Salam salam ala Rasulillah I also have the same Seaman cathedra shadow ley de la la who will actually Lika or shadow Mohammed Abdullah Surah salaatu wa salaam I am about to welcome everybody to the session where we will be talking about a very special place and that place is an emergency that OXA and as you know, especially the officer is mentioned in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah data says at the beginning of salted slights of hand and the Sri Aurobindo healer, men in mystery that had I mean Elon Musk didn't oxide Subhan Allah the SRI David de Leyland, minute mystery that held I mean, it admits to the upside lady about I cannot hold her in Rio who made it now. Allah

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subhana data said exalted as the one who took his servants on a nice journey from an investor that held on to and mystical OFSAA the one that we blessed its surroundings to show him from our science in Hawaii Seminole bossier ALLAH SubhanA data is y'all seeing y'all hearing now.

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And mostly the upside has been on the mind of the province of the lobbyists. And from the night of this law, we will now touch and it is the third holiest site in Islam. And it is one that the province the light is in them praise so much. And in this short session in sha Allah data, we're going to be going over some of the things that Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger mentioned about an MST that have sought and that area that blessing place. And so I want you to share for me and in the chat, and in the comments a shot without if you're watching the replay, I want you to just begin this exercise by sharing what you know or commenting with what you know about an industry that OXA

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What is unique about an admissions officer. And let's see if collectively we can mention more than 10 things. Because in this session, we're going to go over more than 10 things in sha Allah to Allah but I want to just I want to start by showing where we're at as far as what we know about unless you will officer now

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you may know that it's the third holiest site, what is a prayer with an unmistakable OFSAA? Who built in Mr the upside? What was the prayer of the one who built it?

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What is the virtue of praying there? What is unique about praying admissions officer let's talk about these things inshallah Tada. But before I even do that, Allah Subhana Allah Allah says about administer the lochsa He says, that a levy Baraka howdah the one the masjid that we blessed its surroundings. And so immediately right from the beginning, what is unique about investing in officers that Allah Subhana Allah didn't just bless the masjid but Allah Subhana Allah, Allah bless the surrounding area, have invested that oxide. And so what we learned from that is that the region in which the masjid sits in his blessed and what is that region? It is a sham. And so before

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speaking about the masjid, I have to talk a little bit, we got to zoom out a little bit and look at the general region that Allah subhanaw taala loved and chose, and that also the loss of a light SLM priest. And so we had here that it's the land of Prophets, we have Karen saying that it's the first stabila that's great, but I'm not saying it's the second message built after the GABA for tea and saying that it's the first Stabler side Yes, and you have a feeling like no other when you're there. And hamdulillah I've had the privilege to go to a put a number of times off the top of my head. I don't know how many but it's not more than like five but

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it's around there. And hamdulillah and I can say it's absolutely different than anyplace else. Absolutely different than anyplace else and we'll talk about inshallah Tada some of the reasons why. But firstly, it's in a sham. And so to speak about a sham, a sham is the it's bordered by the Euphrates River, on the north eastern by Egypt on the southwest. And the sham is the region that includes the modern day countries of Philistine and Jordan, and Lebanon and Syria. And its major cities are Damascus and Jerusalem and Nablus and home send and head up at a man in Beirut and I salon and because of course and parabolas battled back, and others.

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And the sham is a place that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah when he said that he's blessed the surrounding areas have invested the OFSAA that entire region is blessing. How is it blessed? What does that mean? It's blessed in its fruits. It's blessed in the amount of prophets that had been sent there. I want you to think about everybody after Ibrahim was sent through the lineage of Ibrahim, they're all everybody from the lineage of Islam either all prophets of vinyasa even total civil law civil law to set it up. Now it's my right but after it's like in after Yahoo, the son of Ishmael, the son of his hap, all of them are from the lineage of Israel. Yeah.

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I call and they're all in the region of a sham or for those who were in Egypt, they were headed back to a shop. And so the amount of profits that came to a shop were incredible, the amount of scholars that a sham has produced I want you to think of some of the greatest names that we mentioned every single day people like Imam and Novi and even Taymiyah, and that the and even hydrated as Kalani and and even Kodama democracy. Anytime you hear the name of the see that means that they're from of course Abdulghani and Mughal disease, so many scholars have come and continue to come from the region of Russia.

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And then when you look at the amount of, of revelation that came down to a shop, the books that were revealed to those prophets, when you look at the amount of prophets that were sent to a Shem, when you look at the amount of martyrs that were sent to a sham, or were chosen and selected, rather from a sham, you know, the province of allied SNM said that a sham was going to be a region of conflict until the day of judgment that it's always going to be and how could it not be when you have three of the world's major religions, having claims there and having having incredible, having incredible attachment to Hashem. But not only that, even if it's not with conflict, the province that will lie

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to us and have said

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that Akbar was sent to a sham, that plague was sent to a sham and fever was sent to Medina. And so the city of Medina has fever, but plague was sent to a sham and as you know, the person who dies from plague is a martyr. And so, a sham was wracked with plagues many times over its history, the earliest being the plague that affected the Sahaba the plague of I'm worse, and I will evade the matura and multimedia but and great companions passed away due to that plague and that was in a shot. In any case, the blessings of a shot are incredible and we're going to talk about some more of those blessings. But where is the shot mentioned? In the Quran? Allah subhanho data says in Surah 10

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MB at verse 71. When Ajay now who will open it will have the lengthy Barak Nafi Halal alanine, Allah Subhana Allah says and we delivered Ibrahim and looked to the land which we had blessed for the world's and she had only started maybe with AMI he says it is known that a lot delivered Ibrahim and look to a sham from the lens of the Arabian Peninsula and the airlock and ALLAH SubhanA di that says in surah Allah Allah verse 137 Whoa, that's a little comb and levena can you steal the iPhone a machete fell out of the womb of arriba. Let's see Bolognesi Ha, speaking about Musa it said and Allah says, and we cause the people who had been oppressed to inherit the eastern regions of the

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land and the Western ones which we had blessed. So he calls Musa and vinius la Eid who were oppressed to inherit the eastern regions and the Western ones of the land that they have blessed. And then both it hasn't. It has an anniversary and Qatada. They said, it's talking about a sham.

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And Allah subhanaw taala says that the kingdom of Sudan was in a sham. And so with an MBR verse 81 Will is today a man rehab Civitan he says, and we made for Sudan man, the when subjected to God be the only healer of the laity Bolognesi How could not be coalition and alanine and to Solomon, the wind blowing forcefully proceeding by His Command towards the land which we had blessed and we are ever over all things knowing and this is talking about a sham and Musa histogram back to Musa he says Jaco is full of the political of Allahu Allahu Musa alayhis salam says these people, oh, my people enter the holy land, which Allah Subhana Allah has assigned to you and don't turn back from

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fighting and Allah has caused and becoming of the losers. And so we have again and again and again in the Quran, the mentioning of a Shem as being the Holy Land, the blessed land and Condesa a lot of them because they say even the translation it says, The Holy Land. But for those of you who took His Majesty with me on the names of Allah, you know, that conduce doesn't just mean the holy, although it does mean the holy, but it doesn't just mean that God's means bless it. That which is what this means that which is a blessing. And so a lot of the Mocha said doesn't just mean the Holy Land, but it means the blessed land, and how is it blessed? We talked about that less than its roots and in

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the prophets and the revelation and all of that type of stuff. And so the Holy Land is not just the Holy Land, but it is the blessed land and that of course, is not just the holy city but it's the blessing city. And Alexa kinda died produce does not just mean the holy but it means the the disposer of blessings, Allah Subhana Allah is the source of blessings. And if you know that quick tangent here, then the name of produce doesn't just become a name that you invoke for purity to sanctify your heart and purify your intentions, but also it becomes a name that you invoke because you want blessing in your time. It is a name that you call upon Allah and you pray to because you

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want blessings in the wealth that you have and in the health

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You have and in the relationships that you have, and in the efforts that you put forward, you ask ALLAH SubhanA, Allah produced to bless your efforts and to bless your life and your time. And so

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there are many manifestations in the Hadith. Those are just some of the verses that have to do with a Shem. And there are more. But there are also a hadith in which the province level it is and then it talks about a sham. And I want you to just pay attention to this. And this point I always mentioned because it's so amazing to me. It's incredible.

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And that is the Hadith that I'm going to mention to you about the province of Allah they send them praising a sham, a sham was not Muslim during the time of the province of Elias.

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As you know, coats did not surrender until the falafel remember Mohawk pop. And really a sham did not come under the fold of Islam until the failure. So not even during the time of Abu Bakr, although Ebola continued to send forward and as you know, the last army that the province of allied SLM sent was the army of Oussama and that was in or it was towards a Shem. But by and large, the province of allied SLM during his time, no.

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And yet he talks about a sham and I want you to listen to these ideas. He talks about a sham like it is part and parcel of the Muslim world. He's talking about it like it is a center of the Muslim world. He's talking about it like it is the heart of the Muslim world. Like it's like Mecca and Medina, he's talking about it with that much affinity he's talking about that with not that much authority and centrality and it is part of the manifestation of the Prophet of of the prophecy of Rasulullah sallallahu the center of the prophecy of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam is that he talks about a sham like it is going to be Heartland for the Muslim world and it is true Rasulullah Saba

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light as the name says, for example, in the Hadith as reported by Timothy, he says

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he says, or Zalem inside its database habit of course the great scribe and the one who compiled the Quran both during the time of our work and the time of smiling i finally Allah I know Zedi mean savage he says that could Nando elephant Quran Mina Rica we used to collect the Quran on pieces of cloth so while they're doing that Basu lost a little idea send them said yell tuba is Sham, he said too bad is shot. He said Glad Tidings fresh. I'm glad tidings for a shaman. They said yes. Why are rasool Allah and he said till come eager to rock man, those are the angels of our man Bassets alternating haha they have the angels of a rock man are extending their wings spreading their wings

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over a sham and so the province of ally they sent him was looking up and he saw the angels of man extended their wings or opening their wings or spreading their wings over a sharp and Toba is a prayer for glad tidings and there is a nap the setup isn't nap this and I've said the province of Allah they send them indicated that Allah had designated angels to protect and preserve a sharp

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that's Hadith number one Hadees number two,

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that is the chosen land of ALLAH SubhanA died. It is the chosen land of Allah rasool Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah they set themselves in Hadith, this report about Buddhahood he says it will, there will come a time when you will have armed you will be armed troops. There will be one group in a sham there will be another group and in Yemen and another in an airlock

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and another event in Iraq. And even however he said choose for me out of Salalah which one should I go to when the Muslims have been separated or they're in groups? You have one group in Iraq you have one group in a shaman you have one group in Al Yemen and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said go to a shop he said at a coffee shop for in half here to let him in out of the heat. Because it is Allah subhana diatas chosen land to which his best servants will be gathered. But he says if you're unable to or innovate you if you can't go or if you if you're unwilling to go then go to Yemen and draw water from your tanks for Allah Subhana Allah Allah has on my account taking special charge of

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Hashem and its people. And so if you can go to a sham go to a sham why because it is the chosen land of Allah Subhana Allah Allah and Allah subhana data, the careful Allahu li Vishnu Allah that Allah Subhana Allah data has taken care of, for me a Shem and its people, Hadith number three, and we're gonna go through a few of them. By the way Allah, scholars have compiled entire essays and treaties and books on the virtues of a sham, or the virtues of particular places in a shampoo, like the virtues of liquids, but we don't have the time for all of that right now, but we're just going to go through a few of them. Number three, the pillar of the book was placed in a shop. The pillar of the

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book was placed in a shop. Even however, also he says I'm delighted however, he says Carla Rasulullah sallallahu septembre at later Ozeri via I'm with an OB GYN who Lulu miracle melodica the province of allied SNM said that on the day where he was taken on the nights journey from Mecca to Jerusalem. He saw

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are a pillar, I saw while I was asleep I saw the pillar of the book taken from underneath my head. And so I thought that Allah Subhana Allah had removed or removed revelation from the world. And so I followed it with my sight and it was a bright light in front of me and it was placed in a sham. Even however, they said, I said, O Messenger of Allah.

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Choose for me, he said upon you is a sham, and this is reported by even a saccade entirely domestic when he was authenticated by even hygiene for Tilbury, and so the province of Elijah sent him said I saw the pillar of the book, I saw their mood of the Kitab. I saw that I moved to Nikita and in another version were reported by a third party. It is the CD says about 18 months and now how do I move that kita family up a sham. So he says for either work it fitna to fill AMLO fishin for AMLO bishop, he says, while I was asleep, I saw that they had taken the pillar of the book and carried it to a sham. So it fit and trials, touchdown, faith, Iman or faith, which is Iman or an M, which was

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security will be in a shop.

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And then it is in Abdus Salam defined that the pillar of the book to be Iman or faith. And so the province of Elijah syndrome is seeing the pillar of the book, he's seeing faith and he's seeing it being placed in a shop. And two things to pay attention to number one again, the province of Allah Allah Selim is talking about this when a sham is not even Muslim yet. But then number two, when you're looking at the pillar of the faith, and you're seeing,

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you're seeing that now you're seeing that now played out in full steam, you're seeing it play out and you're seeing faith that is like pillars, you are seeing faith that is unmovable. You're seeing faith that is unwavering. You're seeing faith that is unshakable, you're seeing faith that seems so anchored.

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And the province little light is and m says when trials touchdown. When fit and happen, you will find Iman in a shop, you'll find a man in a shop

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in another Hadith, and I don't want to go through too many more, but we'll just go through one or two more as far as a sham and then we'll switch to speaking about adversity that oxide itself. But Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he prayed for a shanty Be blessed that entire region. So again, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and philosophy Rasulullah Saba Leidos and then he says in the Hadith, it's reported by the Makati Hadith, he said Allahumma Bodek Lana fee Shah Amina Yama, Nina. He says oh Allah bless our sham alone Mubarak and then if you shy Amina Allahumma Bodek and then FEMA Nina, oh Allah bless our Sham, oh Allah bless our Yemen. And so the Sahaba of the law and they said when he dinner, they

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said jasola Our next our next Okay, so next is an elevated place, Eastern area of Saudi Arabia or an airlock.

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The province the lady said and said Allama Battilana fisherman along roboticle NFE. Amina, so the province has sent him again makes them out for Yemen and a sham and then they send you out of school Allah What about our alleged and then the province little lady sent him send it a third time and they said you have a little Allah What about our niche? And he said, Who Naka Zillah Zillah will Phaeton will be her Yahoo karma shaytaan he said, that is where earthquakes are. And that is where trials are. And that is where the warrant of shaytaan comes from. And if you look at an Iraq and Iraq has been turbulent, theologically from the time of the Sahaba, the Hawaiians came out of it out

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off them or they came out of the Iraq and their offense came out of airlock just so many groups over our history has come out of an airlock. fearfully a sham is a yardstick for the righteousness of the ummah.

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A Sham

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is a huge and I don't mean to dismiss the airlock in the sense that there's no greatness in Iraq. No, some of the greatest scholars of the Henderson know Jim, I have came out from Iraq as well. Okay to be fair to an airlock. I don't want anybody from an airlock to be offended.

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You have Imam Muhammad, you have Imam Abu Hanifa. You have great great luminaries from an Arab but the problem is still alive. Sam is saying that region that region has caused some Phaeton some fit enough come out of Arab undoubtedly, number five a sham is a yardstick for the righteousness of the Ummah the province of Elijah send him says and Alia Wow. He says,

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while he had been poorer, he says that Allah Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam either first said Lucia philosophy rafiqul This is an amazing Hadith. He says that if the people of a sham become corrupt, then there is no good in you. As if the prophet saw the light is cinema saying that the last bastion of goodness in this OMA if the entire Ummah becomes corrupt, then you can look to a sham to be that last bastion of of Iman and if they become corrupt and there's no goodness left, or as if to say that the metric of the righteousness of this ummah you can find an issue

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Now that they're the yardstick they're the standard if they're corrupt and you can you don't even need to go look further you don't need to go and see what's going on in Egypt or Sudan or anywhere else if the people of a sham become corrupt and and ALLAH SubhanA data knows best.

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Okay, sorry, there's one last Hadith we'll do a six then seven and then we'll be done.

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A sham will always have a group of people who are unwavering upon the truth.

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Wow we are on the line who says

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similar to Rasulullah sallallahu Samia hood Allah is adamant Almighty on Metallica image and be amarilla Leia Goodman Hadera, Milan Pfeiffer. Carla for home healthcare team. Why home Ira dyadic Kyla Romero for Carla Malik ibn Muhammad Cara Morocco who OB sham for Carla Maria had American yesterday I know who sent me home Bishop.

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This hadith, the prophet cellulitis Adam said a group of people amongst my followers will remain obedient to Allah's orders and they will not be harmed by anyone who will highlight for Him those who oppose them, or Yehuda whom those who forsake them, those who surrender them those who betrayed them. Had to moolah until the Command of Allah comes and they are upon that truth. And he said they are in a show that my the media but he said they are in a sham rather than a jibbitz that they are in a sham. And so these people Allah Subhana Allah, Allah will make continue to be, they will continue to be the supporters of Allah subhanho data, no matter who forsakes them, no matter who,

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who gives them up, no matter who betrays them, they will continue to be steadfast on the path of Allah. And then the last one

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is that is the land of many martyrs. It is the land of many martyrs. The Hadith that I alluded to at the beginning, the province of allied is and it says in Hadith as reported by Ahmed attorney GB in our town, that Gibreel came to me with fever and plake and he said, and so the fever was taken to an Medina and the phone was released in a sham and a thorough shahada to the Almighty Warahmatullah whom were reached and added Kathy did, and shahada, the plague, the plague bought on a plague is martyrdom for my ummah, and it is purification for them and it is a wrath upon the disbelievers. It is a wrath upon the disbelievers. And so we mentioned that that plague touched down in a sham before

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during the time of evading digitala and 638 to 639 ad.

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And that the Middle East also had a black death epidemic. And witches reported that Around 10,000 people died and has up between April 10 and may 10 in 1348. And, you know, there were plagues that affected the Crusaders and cholera outbreaks over the past two centuries amongst others, as well. So

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any questions with regards to a shot before we move on?

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Any questions with regards to a shot? If not, then we'll move quickly Charlotte data to administer the axon are already a half past. Time flies when you're talking about

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the blessed lens May Allah azza wa jal or grant us the ability to pray they're

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advanced MSG, the axon.

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You mentioned a number of virtues of investor that also the first is that it's the first the second message ever built. First message we built was and measure that how long is the Hadith

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where the Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked by Abu Dhabi which method was built first and he said Mr. Then how long and then he said which method is built second he said MSC oxide he said, What was the distance or what was the timeframe between them he said 40 years said four years. So there's 40 that was between the building of MST that haram and Masjid oxide.

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Although it's commonly considered that Ibrahim ins today man are the ones who built those two messages, respectively. This hadith becomes challenging to resolve if it's Ibrahim, who built a Masjid Al haram and sued a man who built and mastered locks are why because there's way more than 40 years, just hundreds of years, if not over 1000 years between not even if not, it's definitely over 1000 years, between Ebrahim aids, Sudan and Sudan. And so

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if it had your mentions a number of positions on who built Alibaba and Bethan mark this, he says that of them of those positions that Adam built the Kaaba and his children built based on mark this up, some of them is that Ibrahim built al Qaeda and then he built an officer. So he built both of them is that Ibrahim took the GABA and the APU, his grandson built an officer, and today a man rebuilt an officer, like Adam built the Kaaba and his children look upside that Ibrahim rebuilt because Ibrahim is your father Your Brahim will call Adam innovates Rahim was raised

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Using the foundation, the foundation was already there. In any case, Allah subhanaw taala knows best, but we know that it is the second message built on Earth after adminstered that how

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it is our second virtue of an masjid. And upside is that it is the place where the prophets intended and where they migrated to. It is the place where the prophets intended and where they migrated to

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the province of allah how to use an abscess

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in the Hadith as reported by Ebihara, by the Allah and who, that when the angel of death came to Musa

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the angel was touched by Musa or he was struck by Musa and so he went back to Allah subhana wa Tada. And he said, You sent me to a slave who does not want to be you sent me to a slave who does not want to didn't want to die. And so he's ALLAH SubhanA died, said to him, return to him and tell him to put his hand on the back of an ox. And for every hair that will come under it, he will be granted one year of life so to grab it and whatever he hears, you can grab, you will get one year of life and then Musa said, My Lord, what will happen after that he said death. And then Musa said then let it come now, then let it come now. But he requested a lot to let him die close to the sacred land,

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so that he could be at a distance of a stone's throw from it. And Ebola said Allah's Messenger said if I were there, I would show you his grave below the red sand hill on the side of the road.

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And so move sideways around even though he was not able to even though most artists that I was not able to go with Benny is about to enter into Jerusalem. He asked Allah that he'd be as close as he possibly could to invest you the oxide and toil puts bait and muck this in general is the abode of prophets it's the abode of Yaqoob and the purpose of dilute and the purpose of Mary and the Buddhists today man is a career John the Baptist and Isa and he said um the prayers today man today man is haram the hadith is reported by imagine it's a beautiful Hadith today man it is so damn wrong profitable by this and it says lemme fella today man, that when should a man completed the building

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of bitten monkeys he asked the Wasp panel to Allah for three things. Number one, he asked the loss of Hannah data for a judgment that was harmonious with Allah's judgment in the habits, that whatever should a man judges on earth that that's what Allah subhanho data's judgment is in the habits and it's congruent, it's the same. Number two, he asked the law for a kingdom the license which nobody will ever have after him. And number three, ask the law that nobody comes to admission to the officer intending to pray in it that nobody comes to pray and eventually the lochsa except that they leave with their sins being forgiven. And so the province of alight is and I've said as for the

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first two he was granted and I hope that he was granted the third as well.

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As today man I did sit down was granted the first two and we hope from ALLAH SubhanA dadas benevolence and bounty that he was given the third as well.

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You all know that it was the first slip it up. It was the first state law and the prophets Allah like I said them would initially pray the first 13 years in Mecca he all he prayed towards the gods. And the first year in Medina, he prayed towards a place until Allah subhana data revealed the rest of the sort of Farah where he said, another logical customer if Allah no agenda Tibetan thought of Baja, we see because the province of Elijah has said that when he was in Mecca, he could still pray from the southern end of the masjid and pray north, so that the cobblestone in front of him but when you're in Medina, it's literally 180 degrees Maccha itself and puts his north and so you literally

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have to give your back to Makkah to pray towards Jerusalem. So ALLAH SubhanA data said, we are giving you a stapler that you are pleased with by directing him to pray towards Mecca. of the great virtues of a messenger the law says that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was taking on a nice journey there. You know a question because a question is asked, which is why did the province of allied SLM go to an upset in the first place? Couldn't he have gone on the nice journey straight to the heavens? And the answer to that, of course is yes. But of course, there are wisdoms of the wisdoms of why the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam went on that nice journey to an Masjid Al Aqsa is to

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establish that evidence upon the machine again in Mecca. For example, if the prophets of Allah they send them simply the next morning, went to them and said, I went to the heavens last night. Okay, well, we have no way to verify the truthfulness of your statement, you went to the heavens, we have no information about the heavens, we can't ask you to describe the habits or anything like that. But when the Prophet saw the light incident came the next day and told them I physically went to Jerusalem and came back. They're like, hold on a second. We know number one that you've never been to Jerusalem and number two, we've been to Jerusalem or we have people who have been to Jerusalem.

00:29:50 --> 00:29:59

So describe to us Alpert's describe to us a message of someone in the province of Elijah send them try to describe it he became scared because he

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His memory was faulty. It was a nice journey, who knows all of the things that he saw. And so Djibouti came in front of him and the debrief presented of quotes to him. And so he was describing it in incredible detail. And the machete came quietly had to surrender to the fact that as for the description, they said he nailed it.

00:30:18 --> 00:31:00

As for the description, he nailed it. That's an evidence that's being established. But number two, also, so that the province license could leave the profits in prayer in and measure the upside the great symbolism, that that is now going to denotes where whereas this was the direction and this was the, the place. These were the people Benny sloth II were the people who had been carrying the message from before it is now shifting to a new Oma. And that messenger from that OMA is now coming to bits and muck of this to, for lack of a better term, you know, take over the reins. From many slightly, this OMA and its Messenger are now going to take over the reins of leading and guiding all

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of mankind and worshipping Allah subhanaw taala.

00:31:05 --> 00:31:14

And it is where prayers are multiplied. It is where prayers are multiplied, what is the multiplication of the Salawat in beta mock this?

00:31:16 --> 00:31:55

Commonly people will say 1000, or even 500. But it is not actually the most authentic hadith on this regard is 250 250, the province of Allah it is and it was asked by a Buddha. And he said, we were discussing the presence of the province level light. So, in the presence of the province, which Mr. Does better measure the number we orbited about this. And he said a prayer in my message is better than four prayers there and what an excellent prayer prayer it is. And there may come a time, when a person having the size of a rope of land for which they can see bits and muck This is more beloved to them than the entire world. Or he said the world and everything and, and that is reported by

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hacking with an authentic chain.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:38

There may come a time where a person having the size of a rope, just the rope, that surface area of land, like the smallest piece of land, where they can see it. And look, this is more beloved to them than the world and everything in it. And I'm telling you and hamdulillah in our trips that we've been able to take to a goods. One of the most powerful experiences is meeting the people who this hadith applies to. We meet like some of you have seen the videos of Babu Khadija, that blessing man may Allah preserve him and his family who has a restaurant where he's been offered over $30 million. Sell the restaurant will give you a visa to go anywhere in the world. You don't have to. You don't

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have to live here. And he refuses.

00:32:43 --> 00:33:15

I'm not selling this restaurants for any amount of money. And they started with 10 and then 20 and 30. And I've met people who are multimillionaires in the United States, multimillionaires. They could live very comfortable lives. But they on purpose live in Philistine because they're Palestinian. And they live in one bedroom apartments. They could live in mansions in the United States, they could live with all of the comfort again. But he said something very beautiful one of them. He said,

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Life here isn't comfortable. He said in the United States life is very comfortable. But people aren't happy. And here we're exchanging a comfortable life for a happy life. I am happy that I can come create and measure the loss. I'm happy that I can bring my sons even though they're soldiers and even though there's abuse and even though there's oppression and even those occupation and even though there's all of these types of things, and I have to go through all of these indignities every single day. It's not comfortable at all, it's very difficult, but I am happy that little small squares surface of land through which I can see and measure the log size more beloved to them than

00:33:51 --> 00:34:26

the world and everything in it and that's what the province little light is and then predicted or that's what the province the lightest and in prophesized last, I just want to end with some quick common questions because I know there are going to be some questions and then we'll end inshallah Tada what is the message that officer and mostly the AXA is not just the Dome of the Rock what is commonly portrayed, but admittedly the upside is the 140 4000 square meter compound. If you go there they tell you no and Mrs. Luxa is 144,000 square meters you remember that number? It is 144,000 square meters everything that entire complex isn't mystery that oxide

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is it a haram? No, it's not haram. It's not quite correct to call it you know fairly. Holloman it's not the third hold on because I have has particular rules the very nature of what's called home it's a legal distinction. When you go to Makkah, there's certain things you're not allowed to do. When you're in Medina, there's certain things in Mestre, the Naboo II rather in the masjid, the number three there are certain things that you're not allowed to do. You're not allowed to have you're not allowed to. You're not allowed to pluck certain certain leaves off of trees and things like that. You're not allowed to pluck certain trees rather, these things you're not allowed to do because it's

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a hobby, but there's there's no such sanctity.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:15

So, in that sense when it comes to an message, it's upside. Is there anything special that's done in the midst of that offside? No, there's no particular acts of worship that are done there that you wouldn't do in any other messages. It's not like Mecca where you go in there so often there's a and there's doesn't have any of that.

00:35:18 --> 00:35:49

And then is there anything virtuous to be done at the Dome of the Rock? No, not at all as well. Very interesting, though, for me, at least I'll share it with you is that you might ask, what was the table of veneer slightly? You know, just like when you're in Mecca, that the table itself is the Kaaba itself, no matter which direction the Qibla of Venice la Eid was the rock the rock itself, because it's a mountain right that's why it's called the Temple Mount. It's a mountain and when you go to unless you the oxide levels you keep going higher until you get to the Dome of the Rock, that's the highest place and then you start going down to and Mr. The committee

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is the highest place on the mountain is the rock itself. And so that's where Benny is right eel would focus their Qibla to that's where their direction was. And Allah subhana data knows best. We end this brief webinar just asking Allah azza wa jal to free our brothers and sisters in philosophy in that ALLAH SubhanA data make their affairs easy for them that Allah subhanaw taala replace their homes with Better Homes and replace their lives with better lives and that Allah Subhana Allah to either

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fix their brokenness and Allah subhanaw taala watch over the orphans and that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah have mercy on the women of Azzam, Allah Subhana Allah have mercy on the children of wasn't that he watches over them as he watches over the righteous and that he allows us all to see a ceasefire that is immediate and that Allah subhanaw taala allow for our brothers and sisters and Philistine to have a brighter future one in which they are liberated when in which they are granted dignity and the ability to worship Allah subhanaw taala and the ability to live a life that any human being should have along the mean

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