Ammar Alshukry – Allahs Beautiful Names #20 Allah Loves Beauty – Al Jameel

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of beauty in Allah's existence and its impact on his actions and actions. They mention various verses of Allah's language, including his language, which describes the physical beauty of the face of Allah as a flower, and his language, which describes the importance of beauty in his actions and actions. The speaker also discusses the importance of community in shaping beauty's existence and its impact on one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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I have a question for you. Can a

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person be religious and still care about beauty?

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The prophet

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once said, whoever has an atom's weight of

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pride will not enter paradise. And a man

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said, but

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a man likes to have nice clothes and

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nice shoes.

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And said,

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Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty. Pride

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is to reject the truth and look down

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upon people. Hadith is reported by a Muslim.

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And so the prophet

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is correcting the idea that taking pride in

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your appearance, dressing well, that that is the

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type of pride that is wrong. Instead, he's

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telling us that Allah

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is Jameel, Jameel Lun. It indicates that it's

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the name of Allah and

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he loves beauty. So what does Allah being

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beautiful mean? Number 1, he's beautiful in his

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We're taught that the delights of paradise with

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everything that paradise has of of pleasures and

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spouses and finery and luxury and food, that

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the greatest pleasure is the pleasure of seeing

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the face of Allah

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Allah All of the bounties and all of

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the grace, all of the sights and the

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smells and the taste will be forgotten without

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a trace as if frozen in time and

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when you see his face.

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May Allah

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grant you and I the pleasure of seeing

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his face in The

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second is he's beautiful in his actions and

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and he's beautiful in his creation as well.

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It's interesting that some would dismiss beauty like

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it's something that's shallow that religious people shouldn't

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preoccupy themselves with. When Allah

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mentions beauty as an objective for why he

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created certain things. So for example, in Surah

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Al Nah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and Surah

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Al Nahlis also called the Surah of blessings,

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the Surah of the bee. Allah describes

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grazing livestock right on that first page of

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Surah Al Nahal, and he says that

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that this grazing livestock you eat from it

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and it provides you with warmth,

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but Allah

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That you also benefit from the beauty that

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they bring, the beauty that you witness

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when you send them out to pasture these

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animals and when they come back. You know,

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for I'm from a small farming village in

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Sudan. May

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Allah bring it peace, stability, and tranquility,

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and prosperity in all of our lands.

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And every morning, young shepherds would take dozens

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of goats

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leading them out of the village to pasture.

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And like clockwork, near the end of the

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day, a little bit before sunset, that herd

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would be coming back in large groups walking

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through the streets of our village until they

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would settle in their pens for the evening.

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And I'll be honest, I'm not a farmer

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and not really

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never really appreciated that site, but I reflected

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on this verse.

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That you enjoy the beauty of them when

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they come back from pasture and when they

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go out. I said to them, is this

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something that you really enjoy? And they told

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me, they said, what do you mean?

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When these goats and sheep are coming back

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home to a chorus of footsteps and bleats,

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it's a beautiful sight, They've eaten and they're

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coming back happy. It fills them with enjoyment.

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And 2 verses later, Allah says,

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Allah says, and horses and mules and donkeys

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for you to ride. Obviously, that's the function

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of these animals, but Allah

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also says,

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and adornment.

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It beautifies people to be riding these majestic

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animals. So it's not just a matter of

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function, but also a matter of fashion. And

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Allah a few verses later, he says, it

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is he who subjected the sea for you

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to eat from it tender meat,

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and to extract from it ornaments which you

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wear. So of the reasons that Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala subjugated the sea for us is

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to be able to eat food from the

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sea, of course,

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but also he mentioned something else, which is

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ornaments. That of the reasons why the sea

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was subjected was for us to be able

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to bring out ornaments of the ocean. Pearls

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and coral as Allah says,

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from both of them emerge pearls and coral.

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In fact, Allah

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says, even about the stars. In Surat Al

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Mulk, he says,

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We have adorned, we've beautified

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the nearest heaven with stars. But my point

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here is that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala calls

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the placement of the stars in the nearest

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heaven, zina,

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beautification and adornment,

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which teaches us

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that of the purpose of the stars and

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the placement of the stars is that when

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you look up at the night sky that

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it takes your breath away. Something else to

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pay attention to is that beauty can inspire

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faith. Have you ever walked into a beautiful

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and had your faith increase?

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I want you to comment with the name

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of your city and the most beautiful masjid

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that you have in your city. We're gonna

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have a list of the most beautiful masjid

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in the world

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Faith can not only increase because of beauty,

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but in fact, it can be kindled because

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of beauty. In Surat Al Nam, Allah

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describes for us the correspondence that's happening between

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the queen of Sheba and Suleyman alaihis salam.

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She's in Yemen, he's in Palestine.

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And when she comes

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to Suleyman's palace, it is said to her,

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enter into the palace.

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And when she enters, she sees what's in

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front of her water. And so Allah

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says that she raised

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or she uncovered her shins to be able

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to walk through the water.

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And when she's told,

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It is

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She says

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She said, my lord, I have wronged myself

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and I have accepted Islam

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with to the lord of the worlds. The

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beauty of the glass, the water, the palace

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was enough to inspire faith in her heart.

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But it's also important to remember as we

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continue to build beautiful

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in many towns and cities

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that she says

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which to me seems to indicate the importance

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of community. We can build the most beautiful

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but when no one welcomes you when you

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arrive, shows care for you while you're there,

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or ask about you when you're absent, then

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even the most beautiful messages will not be

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able to attract people to return.

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And the last thing that I wanna mention

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about beauty is that beauty in and of

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itself is proof of Allah's

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existence. For if it was simply an evolutionary

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mechanism, then how do we explain our appreciation

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of beauty?

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Have you ever seen a dog stunned by

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the sunset,

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or a bear marveling mountains capped by snow,

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or a camel enamored by a starry desert

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night, or a bird breathless by the scenes

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it sees below.

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And if you've never seen a cat gaze

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fondly into the eyes of another with resolution

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impressed, then maybe there's something special in our

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souls that is not by evolution addressed. Because

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if we're animals just like all others, then

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why are our souls so easily captured by

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beautiful moments and beautiful people by beautiful things

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the beautiful made us

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and made our love of beauty a sign

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that we believe in him and realize that

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to the

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