Ali Hammuda – A Ramadan of change #10 – You’re being closely watched

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of parents and children in shaping their behavior and behavior in the face of moral and political pressures. They share stories of parents who have been accidents of morality and encourage parents to be mindful of their children and their environment. The speaker also emphasizes the need for parents to address their children' behavior and encourage them to be mindful of their own children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh Rama

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Murthy merci.

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Welcome Rama,

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Brothers and sisters what you and I may have assumed

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went unnoticed was not only registered by your children,

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but may have become engraved on their very souls forever.

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It's not just words you see that nurture and cause growth, but to a far greater extent actions

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are the example that is set by the parent I want you to think about the righteousness of the young Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Abdullah the son of Alma ruble hubub. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in praise of this young man in now that Allah here or Judoon sila, he said that I had to dilla is a righteous man. I have no doubt whatsoever that one of the main reasons behind the righteousness of Abdullah was the enormous influence of his father upon him. How come? Just think about how many prophetic narrations we have which spoke in praise of his father, all of them hubbub, that when narrated by Abdullah the Son himself from the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, I mean think about it.

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The narration where the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam so in his dream that he was drinking milk, and then he gave the rest of the milk to Omar, which was a good sign for Omar, who narrated that narration his son Abdullah, the narration where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so in his dream that Omar was pulling up buckets of water, from a pool with so much power that was narrated by who, by Abdullah from the prophets of Allah, Allah who sent them. The narration where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called upon Allah in Doha to guide to Islam, one of the two men who Allah loved more either Abu Jahan or Hamilton Khattab and Omar was guided who narrated that

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narration. Abdullah the son of Omar from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the narration that spoke of how many times all my opinions were in line, with Allah's opinions are approved by Allah, and were documented in the Quran that was narrated by Abdullah the son of Omar Abdullah there for saw his father behaving exceptionally as a Muslim. He saw a dad, whose commitment to Islam was both during private times, public times during travel during residence, during times of ease during times of difficulty, and so naturally, a righteous son, Abdullah was born.

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sending your child to the local Sheikh is rarely sufficient on its own. We can't do anything about our children's lives till we do something about ours to the sea in us, parents of repentance, and dedication and worship of Allah Almighty and vision building for the religion. And that's why when Malik IGNOU dinar he saw a man praying carelessly, we all know know what that looks like praying carelessly. Malik said matter how many biryani he I have so much pity for his children? They said he's the one who's messing up his own prayer. Why do you feel pity pity for his children? What did Malik say? He said in the whole caboodle. Women who get alimony because he is their elder and they

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will learn from him.

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So this month of Ramadan, realize that your children are observing you.

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They're observing your energetic or lethargic approach to Ramadan.

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They are observing your over eating during mealtime or your restraint and self control. They are observing your cigarettes post fasting or your permanent restraint. They are observing your life long commitment to the five daily prayers or just the seasonal interest in the nighttime we have prayers and most importantly, they are comparing your behavior during Ramadan and to how it shall be after Ramadan. Oh Rama

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Muslim mercy

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welcome Rama

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