Ali Albarghouthi – Manners of Seeking Knowledge – Part 1 – Virtues and Priorities

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the manners of Islam, including the importance of understanding the law and practicing fit in manners of seeking knowledge. They stress the importance of learning manners and finding the right person to ask for, as it is crucial to finding the right person for a job. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding loss of anger and learning from the fruit of learning, and emphasize the need for people to have a clear understanding of their own illnesses and potential reasons for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla would hamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah adios Aviva Salaam. In Alhamdulillah Hamad who wanna stay you know when is still futile when we left him in Cerulean fusina was he at Dr. Medina Mija de la dama de la mejor de falla ha de la was shadow la, la la la de la sharika wonder Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam ama bad. So we heavily lay off poverty, he seeking Allah as assistance, and help. We're gonna start in Sha ally series on Islamic manners, or let's call it from Islamic manners, because it's not likely to cover everything. But we'll try and show a lot to be selective and cover beaten Eliza gel what is important and what's

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beneficial, and what time allows the vanilla xojo. So there are two books mainly for now. And maybe we'll add some to them, depending on you know, how fast we go, how much we cover and also interest in need. So one is the one with the LM Toro katalon, which is actually a summary of that book, which I'll talk about and the other one is from Amina double Islam, that other one inshallah I'll introduce later when we finish this particular book. So the first book that we talked about, wouldn't be talking about in sha Allah, or trying to study from his alma mater alum, rock alone. But before I get into that, why select mentors? Why focus on adab, or

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character in general? And why begin with knowledge, manners of seeking knowledge? Well, the law

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is something that is fundamental but missing in Islam in Islam, religion, religion, our practice of Islam.

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So it's very fundamental.

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You find it in the Quran, you find it in the sun of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi Salaam there is so much about it. But yet when we are practicing Islam, as we have flaws in our understanding, generally the Muslim flaws and understanding the flaws in understanding or practicing fit in when it comes to a law, in particular, you find that that is missing. And that becomes very problematic, problematic for Muslims internally, and problematic when Muslims deal with non Muslims. So internally, when you find Muslims lacking in a law, then that society suffers as a whole. When people are fighting with each other, when people do not forgive each other are envious with each

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other, they compete for whatever scarce resources rather than share them, it find that

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society as a whole suffer suffers and it begins to decay. Rather than people uniting. Rather than people coming together for giving each other what happens is they fragment and divide even further, and they become enemies of each other. So that's very problematic when within Muslims, you find that there is a scarcity of a clock or adoption of a clock. So you see that as we progress in years rather than healing, we become sicker and sicker.

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So a country or the Muslim countries that we thought was a country as a whole now is divided even more, either politically, or internally, when you look at it, people hate each other. And you find that

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soul hollow or the worsening of manners are a major contributor to that problem. And it's problematic when it comes to Muslims dealing with non Muslims, because for a long time now, Muslims when they were looking at some non Muslims, and we have to be mature, in fact, and say that, that is partially true is not fully true. But when we're looking at non Muslims, they'll say well look at how organized they are, but we are not look how honest they are in their daily dealings, but we are not.

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Look how prompt and punctual they are, when they make a promise, when they open shop, they closed shop, look how dedicated and devoted to their work, they actually do work compared to Muslims in Muslim lands, when none of these things are almost none of these things are present. So becomes problematic is that if we are an ohmmeter Allah surgeon has selected this Islam and Islam Muhammad sallahu wa sallam which is supposed to be true. How is it that we're like this? And they're like that?

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And how is this out? How could this be attractive? How could this be attractive? So one of the converts of Islam

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who passed away and he was a Yani

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There is a contributing writer. So before his death, and he accepted Islam early 20th century, so he died may be close to the end of the 20th century. And his son was asking him, he says, what are your impressions of Muslims today? And what what pushed you to embrace Islam? He says one of the things that pushed me to embrace Islam, in addition to studying it, is that in the beginning, I saw the character of Muslims and he saw the character of Muslims, before it was so corrupted. When he was among the breadwinners among, you know, Subhanallah people who had a lot of generosity. So he said, I saw the simplicity, I saw the goodness of their character that also helped me embrace Islam. He

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said, If I were not Muslim today, and I looked at Muslims, I would not embrace Islam. And if I were living today, non Muslim yet, and I looked at Muslims, this end of the 20th century, looked at them how they are and how they behave. I would not accept Islam. So we by our lack of o'clock, become a repellent. We drive people away. So why would I be Muslim? If Muslim Islam is like that? And if you actually ask maybe if you have a chance to ask some new Muslims or converts, or people people or Islam reverts, that was looking for that for it. converts reverts, you would ask them, after they have had a chance to get to know the Muslims, some of them may tell you that. It's actually

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difficult being around you guys. Right? It's not that easy. It's difficult, but they still continue to be Muslims because Islam as as a religion as a creed, helps them to stay Muslims, but it's actually very trying and very difficult to be around other Muslims.

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Am I wrong?

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I'm not wrong, I don't think I'm wrong, right? I don't think I'm wrong. It's it's difficult. And it's because what we don't know some some of the times the basic manners of what is right and what is wrong, how not to cover it, how not to envy how not to spy on suddenly these things that are not available. So we need to learn these things. And so we're going to begin inshallah with manners of seeking knowledge because of course, how are you going to learn? You have to read you have to listen. But that itself needs manners, right? Any tolerable enemy seeking knowledge itself requires manners. So inshallah we're going to focus on this book or actually a summary of this book. So

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dalaman mata Lim toccata. Allah is Viber Han Deen or bot handle Islam is our new G. He is a sixth century scholar, sixth century scholar. And it's a famous book, you know, so this man, we don't know much about him. And we don't know much about what else he may have written. The only thing we know is this book.

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But it had become famous. You know, in seminaries in schools people were teaching it to a layman with a limb instructing the student. So to alma mater alum instructing the one who's seeking knowledge the student toccata alum how to learn, because that has an etiquette hat has a way and you will see inshallah as we as we go through it, why he has authored this book and why it was important. So that's what we're going to be doing in sha Allah and it's actually a summary of the book, Chef machinery and his Allah hair remover smashed it had prepared a summary. So I've shared with you online, so this book could be available or not, I'm not sure if you need to follow in the

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Arabic, it could be available in the bookstore, or you can ask Chicago backer I talked to him about it, it could be available or maybe soon available. But I did share with you through social media, the original Arabic text, and the English translation and the English translation. As far as I know, that's the only English translation of the entire book, it's not the greatest translation, but at least it's something okay, that you can, you know, follow you can read, and if there's something incomprehensible doesn't make sense in it, inshallah, we can try to explain it. But the aim there is not to explain every single thing in the book, for two reasons, one, that this is a summary of the

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original book, so we're not going to do the original but the summary. Second, because we would be explaining everything in it. If this was an Arabic audience, or Arabic understanding audience, and then we need to go through the book piece by piece, but because this is mainly an English speaking audience, reading all of the Arabic and translating it actually may be boring for you. So we're going to try and Sharla to focus on some of the things in the book try to explain

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most of it insha Allah but not necessarily every single word in it. So

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we'll start in sha Allah, we'll see how long is gonna take us Hello, Adam. I have no idea from the beginning from the onset, how long it will take us to finish this book. But we'll see I'll either go as fast or faster or slower based on your response. So if you are with me, I think we can we get slowed down a little bit. But if you say no, we need to go faster, we can go faster and skip some points in Sharla.

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So he's a scholar, as we said, from which century, sixth century. So around the new year, he died around the year 593 or 596. Right? Or after this a bit. So he's around that time. And he's a Hanafi scholar. Why did he write this book, he says, because I saw that there are a lot of students of knowledge, a lot of seekers of knowledge yeji Duna, Futala big donor in a meaning that they were putting a lot of effort trying to learn, but they are deprived from reaching the fruit and the benefits of that knowledge, which is applying it and spreading it is when I saw that failure, I knew that they have missed the path to seeking knowledge, and they have not fulfilled this conditions.

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And anyone who does not follow the path is not going to reach. So what he saw his what he saw problem.

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This is like what this is like you for instance, taking a course and taking the final exam and failing

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or going into university, getting into a degree but not graduating. So the question that you ask yourself, where people will ask you is what did you understand?

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What was being taught? Why is it that you fail? Because the way for you to assess whether you understood or not benefited or not is by what? passing?

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Now, here, he's not talking about an exam. What is he talking about?

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avakian that there is a fruit To this end, and we're gonna see he'll tell talk in Sharla more about what is the fruit of knowledge. But he's not saying that there is a fruit to it. He says they're putting a lot of effort. Think of somebody studying day and night. But he say they have not reached what is intended from knowledge. I'm going to be applying it action when actually he and spreading it. So when I saw that, I wanted to clarify to them the path of learning, as I have learned it from the books and as I've learned it from my teachers. So he said

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Raja de la mina rabina Fie Hill metallocene billfolds. You will Hello Sophie ami Dean Botha. Mr. Harper la de la FEA. So he said I made this book wrote it after I made this decaro

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and there's a lesson here. We don't have to press too hard. All right. Yeah.

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Okay, if not ask me later. inshallah. Right or for next time, but it's harder to recast and there is, so there is benefit in it is that the older man used to do this? I want to write a book. Let me praise taharah. Because in that istikhara, Allah surgeon will tell you should I write today night, right? Or if I write it, how do I write it? So remember this when you want to do something, sometimes even you want to read a book? What book should I read? Why not raise taharah

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I want to read a book for my family or buy a book for my books for my family and my children. What what Which one should I buy? Why not raise taharah. So it's available. So as taharah is there for that. So he praises taharah, before writing this book, and he said, I wrote this, Roger

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elimina wrote a, b and c and alpha was is I anticipating or requesting, that those who will read and those who listen, our partners to those who have read it, those who will read will make dua for me that I will win and be saved on the Day of Judgment.

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So that's what he wants. So I would say make the offer him. And we ask a lot as though just to accept that from him, and ask Allah to grant him what he had wanted, in that introduction, that he wrote it for this. So we are making the art for him. ianya Allah, give him what he had asked for unfeasible. halloumi Dean, I know that if you make up for him, that now this now this instance, it reaches him. Right? So that's also an addition of what and when you know, something, you should do what with it?

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Share it,

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not force people to share and to take it from you. Right? Not just forward to everybody whether they want it or not. But I'm saying that when you find that a good opportunity for you to share it, share it, teach it. So there is playing it, and there's also sharing it.

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So the first chapter, he says first when FEMA here tell me all 30 of atlases, what is knowledge? What is fear? And what's the virtue of them all? So why is this the first chapter?

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Because if you understand what's virtuous about them, that they want to seek them. Now you say to yourself, Am I valuable?

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Am I a seeker of knowledge? Well, you may not be a seeker of knowledge full time, but you can be but if not full time, what part time How could you be a seeker of knowledge part time

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with your intention?

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That is in the

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Beginning at least when you attend the halaqa. And we again we're going to see in sha Allah what intentions you should have. But when you attend the halaqa say to yourself that now in this moment I'm doing what?

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learning, I'm seeking knowledge at this moment. When you even attend Juma and you're listening to the heartbeat, what are you doing,

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seeking knowledge at this moment later on, or if you actually are reading Islamic books, what I'm doing right now, this is not a Boolean. So every single person could be valuable if he or she wishes based on your intention. So don't say I'm not valuable in the sense that Well, I mean, I'm not dedicated, I'm not studying at so and so university or was so associated, no, you could be part time. That is whatever hours you have in a day or a week you could be tolerating for that. So you need to know what it's virtue. So Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, this is the beginning. He says, the reason why selalu Selim says what Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Muslim, he says, seeking

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knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim,

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male or female, equally. Three, though, versus free domain.

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That's a must. It's an obligation.

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So it's not that if you want to do it, do it. But if you don't want to do it, that's fine. No, actually, you have to seek knowledge islamically you have to learn, he can't afford to be ignorant, you cannot. But now he is going to divide it and tell you. Not all knowledge is an obligation. Not all of it. But the knowledge that you need is an obligation.

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You've thought about while he thought about a male * that is you are supposed to seek what you need at this moment. And he gives examples.

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What do you need at this moment? And here is the first advice in prioritizing what is it that you're supposed to learn?

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So what do you need at this moment? So for instance, you have to pray

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Do you know how do you have to learn how to pray?

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That becomes an obligation why because Salah is what an obligation.

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So if there is something that is an obligation on you are learning how to do it is an obligation. This is how you start distinguishing How is this for you, though, on me? Or my children on my family? How is it that they're supposed to learn it, or I'm supposed to teach it is that if it is an obligation on them, when it is an obligation on them? It's a 30 is an obligation that they will learn how to do it. And if you don't learn how to do it, then becomes a sin. So I have to pray, then I have to learn how to pray. Now I'm stuck. I started earning money before I had no money. Do I need to learn anything about Zika?

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No money. I'm poor? Do I have to learn about Zika? No.

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But now I have money. Do I have to learn about Zika? Yes, I have to pay it. What is the nisab the minimum for me to pay that Zika?

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I don't have money to go to hedge or a female doesn't have a mother, I'm not going do I have to learn anything about hedge? No, nothing. But when I have enough money, and I bought my ticket, I have to learn how to perform hedge.

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So when something is an obligation on you, then it becomes an obligation on you to learn how to do that thing. I'm not married yet not likely to be married tomorrow or next week Do I have to learn about responsibilities obligation of husband or wife?

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But once I decide that I want to get married, I have to learn this.

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Right? I don't have children here. Do I have to learn about the obligations of the child on me and how I have to raise them? No, but hamdulillah My wife is pregnant now. What? Husband and wife they have to learn that. So what is an obligation on you? You have to learn at that moment that had become an obligation everything else becomes recommended. And here you see the beginning of the framework for how how do you what do you study what books Should I pick up? So there are two types of reading let's call them reading for pleasure and reading that is an obligation reading for entertainment and reading that as an obligation reading for pleasure entertainment, I want to read

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history. I'd like to read about you know Islamic Finance, whatever it is, whatever you fancy you can do that. But what the reading there is an obligation on me and you is what is it that I need at this particular moment. And we'll have inshallah more examples. The thing that I need, and you will find that imbalance sometimes people,

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students, the young sometimes the old sometimes when they want to learn when they want to hear something online

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into a lecture, what do they go for?

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The controversial things,

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the things that are popular,

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none of the things that I need are the things that are popular. So if you if, for instance, if you have

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a lecture on how to perform salah

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and a lecture on gin,

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which one will be attended?

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gin? Do you need to know that much about gin? So why do we Why are we so fascinated? It's always a fascinating topic. Then then like, like everybody's possessed, and they're coming because they need to need to learn about what's wrong with me. It's not that I know right, but it's as if like, it's a problem with every one of us, but it isn't or magic. I said it's fascinating, but about Salah. Yeah, and I don't want it. And I know Salah is technical and that thing is supernatural. And that's why it's interesting, I understand. But you need Salah, but you need Salah, and sometimes you need the details of Salah. So it sounds fine. The priorities are not clear in our head. So I can spend hours

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talking about this scholar, what he said about that scholar when he replied and the controversy between them, I can spend hours but spending half an hour or 10 minutes studying a book of physics that I actually need, how I perform Salah What do I say in it? How do I pay my Zakat, that's too much. But the other thing I can do, and that's why you find amongst our young, even sometimes this imbalance because they think that seeking knowledge is what that thing, focusing on the controversies focusing on these minor details, but not the basics of Islam. So that's an imbalance. It says okay, that will get the field where you are either gonna get the job. And so in business, he

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says that it becomes an obligation if you're a businessman, if you're going to sell, you better know, what is heroin? What is haram, about all of that what type of transactions are approved and what is not? What type of things you can sell and whatnot. And he says, you know, he quotes here, Mohammed Ahmed Hassan, he says, When they asked him, Why don't you write a book about?

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It says Why don't you write a book about what is the disinclination from the dunya? turning away from the dunya? Why don't you write a book about that? Mohammed Al Hassan, because the author is Hanafi some hammermill Hassan is a student of Abu hanifa sealcoat Abu hanifa Allah

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says, Why not write a book about turning away from the dunya? He said, What's enough to keytab and philippou? He says, I wrote a book about transactions.

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So, see his answer.

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He is saying that I wrote a book about transactions for you to mean the meaning of what he said for you to practice to turn away from the dunia requires that you know what theorem is,

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what the ambiguous is, what is mcru hate it is. So that transaction book tells you all of this meaning that you cannot be as

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one who turns away from the dunya towards the hero, unless you know what Haram is. And I wrote about that. So that's the beginning. That's the first step. I cannot become a Zahid, someone who's close to Allah as urgent unless I do what unless I know what halal isn't what Haram is. And he says, and so about any profession, when you are a profession, when you choose something, you better no one an obligation on you to know what's Hillel and what's Haram in it. And then he says work at Erica, you thought oh do and this is important. Fear Allah here l mahalo calbee Mira, Taku, inhabitable machete, Walker on feed me a while. And so it's an obligation on him to know the situation and the

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conditions of the heart, and the Stations of the heart when it comes to reliance upon Allah zodion and turning and repent, turning to him and repentance and fearing him and being pleased with him, because it's continuous. This is needed all the time. And that is something that we've neglected.

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Because that's another branch. Not only do I need to know about the heroin and the heroin, but there is something inside of me that I need to learn about all the time, which is something for instance, am I envious?

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So if I'm envious here was an obligation on me which may not be upon my brother or my sister or my neighbor, but on me is to understand what that envy is and treat it and read upon it, or read on it, to find the remedy for it, and take that knowledge and apply it so that aim that I need at this moment is what learning about envy.

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Right? Or if I mistrust Allah as the agent, that is when something bad happens, I can immediately collapse and suspect that Allah azzawajal

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is now with me. He's not listening to me, I don't trust him. If that is a problem that I have, then what's the obligation on me, which may not the obligation on my neighbor, but on me what is that I need to enhance and strengthen microcode in Allah Zoda. So I need to dedicate time to pursue that branch. So Al moholoholo, knowing the nature of the heart, the conditions of the heart, and how to improve it, and how to cure yourself of its illnesses, is also an obligation that's neglected. That's not either being taught, or if it's being taught, people are not interested in it. So that is fundamental. And that's important. And that's why sometimes we fail to continue. We don't have the

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stamina to continue or practice of Islam. Because we practice externally, I'm learning how to do Salah, I'm learning Zakah I'm putting on the hijab. I'm trying to do some things. I'm trying to learn the Quran and all of that. But while I'm doing all of this, internally, there's a problem. And I'm not addressing it. And I'm not strengthening my Eman. I'm not learning what tawakkol is. I'm not learning what loving Allah is. I don't know anything about fearing Allah azza wa jal? I don't understand, Kava. And a lot of people have problems with hada and Qatar, but they don't ask this, they just let it boil inside. And then something bad happens. And because there is weakness here,

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you collapse. Because we had a problem to begin with, we had not deal with it. So you the aim that is needed is the end that benefits you at this moment and treats your illness at this moment. This is what's an obligation on all of us. So each human being needs to stop, pause and ask, what is it that I need at this moment? what is lacking in my life? Where am I? What am I doing?

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What's my profession and my husband in my father, am I a doctor Am I this I need to know the obligations that will help me

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perform this journey away from what upsets Allah azza wa jal and he says, The benefit or the virtue of knowledge is clear. Because it is the thing that distinguishes humans as being humans.

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Any other than human beings, the jinn are included also because they learn but

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humans have a step above. Animals are born with what mainly instincts and they do learn. They do learn animals, they do learn, and they develop habits and they develop preferences, but they don't learn learn like human beings.

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So the thing that distinguishes human beings, above all, the creation of Allah azza wa jal that we know of on this earth is the ability to learn his knowledge. And when Allah azza wa jal wanted to show the virtue of humanity to the angels, how did he do that? Before he had asked Adam, the angels to Prostrate to Adam, how did he show the virtue of Adam?

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He taught him what he taught him.

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The names, the names of everything. And then he asked the angels to provide the names of the things that Allah had asked him about when they failed. He said to Adam, tell them, teach them instruct him on those names. So it was knowledge that distinguished Adam alayhis salam and showed his virtue

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and showed how special he was. And so this is the thing that most distinguishes the children of Adam alayhis salam knowledge and that's the virtue of knowledge. And it is through knowledge that a person will reach the dako of Allah azza wa jal.

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Right. How do you enter general?

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taqwa what is taqwa?

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That's awareness. But I mean, even a better is of course requires awareness. But even better, what is dakhla?

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Okay, good. But it's even something more than that.

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Knowing what Allah it requires all of this requires all of that.

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Fear is there. But let me tell you what taqwa is dukkha is avoiding what Allah hates. And by that doing what Allah likes, that's what taco taco is avoidance.

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Fatah punia Al Bab, meaning, avoid my anger. Allah said when Allah says that the Huni have taco have me avoid my anger. So how do you avoid a loss anger by avoiding what upsets Allah as origin? This is what the COA is, which requires everything that you said, but technically, that's what the whole is. So when avoiding a lot of the 11, who explained what the boy is, he says, imagine yourself walking on a path

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and has a lot of thorns in it. What do you do?

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It says you lift your soap, you lift your dress, and you select your steps.

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Is that stuck? Or where do you place your step? You avoid this and you put it here, right? That's what dukkha is. Meaning This is how wrong this is wrong, you avoid, I don't put my foot on it, I put it elsewhere. And I selectively choose where I'm going. That's what the call is. How are you going to notice and taqwa without knowledge?

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How do you know what what what are you going to avoid? What do you want to do? How would you do that? How would you enter agenda without knowledge?

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And he quotes some poetry from Mohammed Al Hassan.

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I'll just you know, quote, just two maybe two verses of it, or let's see inshallah, maybe there is some benefit in it. He says, Welcome mustafi them Coolio means era terminology. Most people who read our ad he says, each day, try to learn something new. And try to grow a knowledge. And this is one benefit here.

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One benefit is that each single day, try to learn something new and something extra.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:23

Over I've read stories about people. Right? And this not people who had lived hundreds of years ago. These are people who are living today or have lived, you know, 50 years ago. And he tells you that a book like fatale batty

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or a book like elezioni, last for Hani, which is a book in literature, Arabic literature. It says, I've read this, or I've read that few pages each day when he said I read it between event and iqama. Like and then in a coma each day, I pick up the book and read few pages. When after that, when you come up comes a close the book. Second day I do this the third day I do this. He says I finished the entire book. Someone said you know alazani, the book of literature.

00:31:56 --> 00:32:32

He said, No people and he said some Muslim lands, right? They have to line up for gas. Right? So he says I would go with my car. And I'm waiting. And as I'm waiting, I opened the book and I read. So you know what could resemble this. If you're taking the bus, or the subway, or somebody driving you somewhere, or you're waiting, there's an appointment, you have a book with you. It says if you read 235 pages, but you're consistent, you'll find out that your knowledge incrementally increases every single day, he developed a habit of learning habit of reading.

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Because you don't need to find hours and hours for it. You just develop a habit. And then by the end of the month or by the end of the year or in few years, you finished volumes. And you say I finish this easier by consistency by reading few pages every single day. That's why he says Roku mustafi then Coolio. He says every single day, you must have that obsession. It says today I didn't read anything. How could that be? Let me read something so that my mind is thinking about something useful. Rather than he said this. She said that. So and So got married, so and so you know, had a baby or whatever. That's that's the total sum of my information today. And I want something

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substantial, something useful, rather than somebody scored or somebody won this, either it's sports or it's fashion or it's gossip. That's the only thing that's going to enter my brain. I want something useful. So cool. mustafi then cooler Yeoman. Ziad written.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:41

And then he says at the end of it, he says Fair enough, okay. Hanwha Hayden matahari Anisha daughter shaytani min Alfie IBT. He says, indeed, one fapy, who is pious is more severe, per se in fighting the shaytaan

00:33:42 --> 00:34:17

than 1000 worshippers of Allah zoji. And here he is basing it upon a hadith that Hadith is weak. That Hadith is weak, but the meaning actually may not be. So as far as the Hadith is concerned, that sweet but the meaning is what the meaning of that Hadith that is weak is that one single fucky meaning a knowledgeable man, who is also pious, meaning applying his knowledge is more severe, okay, can do more damage to the shape on than 1000 worshipers of Allah who are lacking knowledge. And that actually could be true.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:28

Because a worshipper of Allah meaning a person, an average person who comes in he prays and he fast and everything, not to diminish any of this, but that person lacks knowledge.

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Or the shaytaan can do is that he can come to that person and play with them. Because he likes knowledge, like a child plays with a football.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:44

Exactly right and left, because that person has no direction you have emotions.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:59

And if you look at Muslims today, in general, we have if we're committed to Islam, we have a lot of emotions, but not a lot of knowledge. And that's why we could be manipulated, right because of a lot of emotions.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:40

We want this and you know, just go and protest, let's do this, let's do this down with this up with that. That's what it is a lot of emotions, but not a lot of knowledge. So he says one single fuckery, he knows, right from wrong, he knows what's useful and what's not. When it's wise to do this and what's not wise to do it, he says he can find the shaytaan better than 1000 worshipers of Allah as a surgeon who liked that knowledge. So that is a reason for you to learn not to be tempted by the shaytaan, not to be fooled by the shaytaan. But to be a person who rescues himself and rescues others from the traps of the shavon. So you need to be that person. So that's why when you

00:35:40 --> 00:36:01

know, one Hadeeth, because of that one Hadeeth, you are less likely even if it's 1%, even if it's a half a percent, but it's less likely, if you understand and apply to be fooled by the shaitaan if you don't want Hadith, and if you keep learning and learning and learning, it's not that you can have a guarantee that a THON is not going to tempt you, no one has that guarantee, but it's less likely.

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less likely that you will when Allah says something, you're going to be doing it less likely, more likely that if there is a fitna you'll be able to avoid it.

00:36:11 --> 00:37:00

And he says also, that aim is the path for you to understand what a flop is. So understand what arrogance is what humility is, what chastity is, what wastefulness is, all of this happens through him. And also the opposite. So the good atla good character, bad character, you can only know and understand, know how to embrace how to increase that by him. And so that's why it becomes also an obligation obligation, he says, and there are others out there. There's also the obligation, the other brands are an obligation not on the individual, but on the many on the group, which is for donkey fire. So this is an obligation that covers a community or covers the oma, if someone does it,

00:37:00 --> 00:37:41

then the rest don't have to bother with it, at least there is no sin upon them. Such as for instance, what Salatu janaza Salatu Genesis is not an obligation, the funeral prayer is not an obligation on every single person. But as long as there are enough people to wash the dead, and they can pray and take them and bury him. The rest are exempt from responsibility as long as some do it. But if no one does it, what happens? Everybody is responsible, if it's within their ability to fulfill that obligation, and no one does that. Everybody becomes responsible and everybody would have sinned because they have what neglected that responsibility. And he says,

00:37:42 --> 00:37:45

you know, giving an example. He says the

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obligation on the individual is like food. You need it all the time. The obligation on the group is like medicine, you only need it occasionally. And there's another type of element,

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which is an item that you never need. And that is anything that is haram. So there's no that is an obligation. And there is a recommended and there's anything that is haram.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:12

Can you think of an example of anything that would be haram? He has an example here, but I just want to any

00:38:14 --> 00:38:23

I'm sorry. What kind of alcohol is good? Yeah, and this is true. Yeah. So if any of the haraam so you know, the example that he gives here is astrology.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:44

witchcraft, so here, so magic learning witchcraft, and there are books actually, to teach this I think there are books to teach this and you can not do but some people do actually can communicate with other people to teach them how to do that. So this type of knowledge is haram.

00:38:46 --> 00:39:19

And there's astrology right and people still rely on it till today, Elmo nudo meaning I look in the stars because through the stars, I'm going to be able to predict the future or what's going to happen to me or when it is auspicious for me to travel or to get married and this and that he will still use it till today non Muslims for sure and maybe even some Muslims. So that type of knowledge is haram. So he mentions here that that type of knowledge is haram. He says you can use the stars if you know if you wish for you to understand what is the last time or you know this or that beneficial for beneficial ends.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:24

Okay, but not for you know,

00:39:25 --> 00:39:28

how long ends right? So he says here

00:39:30 --> 00:40:00

and of course of course he talks about medicine and I'll come in sha Allah to medicine. It says fine but equally Muslim. He says it's incumbent upon every Muslim because some people will use knowledge of the star to the stars to protect themselves from evil. Okay, he used to be popular and for some people it's still popular today. He says some comfort and obligation on Muslims to occupy their times with remembering Allah as origin and withdraw and withdraw bottle wrote in and really asking Allah reading the Quran sada

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to repel any harm, and to continuously ask Allah azza wa jal for apphia, for protection for safety, because the one who asks Allah will not be denied, the one who asks Allah will not be denied. And if Allah had already destined in even with your had Allah had already destined, then that Bella is going to come down, come down anyway, your do I will make it easier.

00:40:26 --> 00:41:06

Right? So he's saying that there are two possibilities, either that you're afraid. That's why some of that knowledge, according to witchcraft, so why some people want to learn that is because they want to exert control, they want to control someone or protect themselves from someone. He says, Don't do it this way. He says, rather occupy yourself with the obedience of Allah as though to pray more and read the Quran and make a lot of unremember Allah. And the benefit of that is what is that if there is any harm that is going to come to you, anyone who's plotting against you, alone will protect you from that you don't need to the hurun as a means for protection. Or if Allah had

00:41:06 --> 00:41:34

decided, this thing is going to happen, this is going to happen. Your app makes it easy, you will have more patience to deal with it. It will not last as long whatever Allah has decided it will happen. But you'll be able to better able to cope better able to understand better able to win because of your if you do this. So either way you've won either Allah has protected you completely, or Allah will guide you through it. And that is because of your you

00:41:36 --> 00:41:42

know, and he says also and medicine what a moto Moto, he says, As for medicine, it is

00:41:43 --> 00:42:18

allowed for a person to learn medicine because it's a means towards an end. And the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam used, I mean, he sought medication and he medicated himself. So it is permissible, we say not only that it is permissible, it's an obligation on the group on the oma to learn that. And in fact, not only that, but any other type of knowledge that is halaal and the hominids, it becomes an obligation on the oma that a group of them will learn that so that we will have sufficiency within Muslims of people who will know how to do these things.

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00:42:21 --> 00:43:05

know, so he says also, and then he moves on and he wants to define what lm is. He defines it in a way that is a bit peculiar, so we're not going to inshallah bother with it. But he defines fit. And that is something in sha Allah that is worth mentioning. He says, I'll feel cool. He offers two definitions. He says, I'll feel cool, what is fifth, he says Madiba Duda is that you will know the complexities of knowledge, the very difficult you know, areas of knowledge, this is what he is. So aim is general. I know what Allah has said, I know what the prophet sallallahu Sallam has said, fic is knowing that, plus, even the complex issues are matters, you would know that man I know a ledge,

00:43:05 --> 00:43:07

but it needs some patience.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:21

And there may be is a hint that there is some as you're going to go through it in sha Allah, whether on your own or in a halaqa or with a shake or whatever it is, or if you reading some of the elements easy.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:25

And some other elements complex and difficult.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:51

And you will see, you will see what you can stomach what you can tolerate. But the more that you go in it insha Allah and this is how we why it's important to know how you can you should proceed. But some of it requires some patience, some diligence and some effort. It's not just going to give itself all to you just like that. Abu hanifa says, and this is important in this instant, efficient instant in its definition. elbphilharmonie fair to Neff semana, how am I alayah

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so I'll feel cool is knowing the self what is for it and what is against it meaning understanding the heart.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:07

What is there? What is wrong with it? And what is working?

00:44:09 --> 00:44:19

And he says that's fifth and originally the meaning of fifth was this. And now today if we say fifth, what do we mean by it or what comes to mind when we say today?

00:44:22 --> 00:44:59

rulings right rulings of what practice ruling in practice, Salah Hajj fasting, Seon This is a book of but initially Phil commend what more than that Phil commend understanding the self and the conditions of the heart. Okay, is it is there sugar in it is there bid in it is it is envy in it does it trust more than someone more than Allah azzawajal Suma refer to neffs knowing the self is really filk and he says, and this is beautiful. He says Malmo Illa de la melebihi. He says aim is for

00:45:01 --> 00:45:25

Application ml Elmo m, you are learning only to apply ml mo l l Emery v. This is why you are learning it. Well under Ruby he. Now he's going to define what does it mean applying it when I'm a Ruby hater Kula jelly, Lil ajin. Applying this knowledge means that you are going to leave the dunya for the euro.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:53

That's what that's what knowledge is. That's what is going to push you to do. And we're going to know is he going to talk in sha Allah about the intention, what intention you should have? But if you want to evaluate, we want to evaluate. I'll tell you, I've been attending the hospice. Then in hospice, how many years now? I've been listening to help us Fridays. I've been attending Holocaust. I've been reading books. Okay, what's the fruit of all of this?

00:45:55 --> 00:46:27

Because there has to be a fruit right? So on the one hand, you know more, okay, maybe if he accumulated this type of knowledge. I know this about the Quran about the Hadith about history about the Sierra, I know this, this, this this this? He says my mo lll. mlbb says, elmedia you're learning because you want to do what with it? You want to translate it into action? Did you translate this into action? Or you're learning and storing it? learning it and storing it, learning it and storing it? This is what's the benefit of that.

00:46:28 --> 00:46:33

So you find that there is that sometimes this split between seeking and learning and applying.

00:46:34 --> 00:47:11

He says though, that's not the purpose of it. So if we were to evaluate ourselves, like he had evaluated those students that he had saw, that they were seeking knowledge, but did not bring any fruit, if I have attended so many hospice, and I have attended so many helicopters, and I have read so many books, but it does change about anything about me, then I'm not at knots really seeking knowledge. And I have no idea what seeking knowledge is, because I'm learning and learning, but it's not changing anything in me. So how do I know that it's changed anything in me is, is if you're coming closer to Allah, and further away from the dunya, that the fruit of that knowledge, if the

00:47:11 --> 00:47:16

opposite is happening, then either what you're learning is not right, or you're not learning it.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:40

Either what you're learning is not really right. You don't need it. Okay? Or you're not actually really learning it. You're just memorizing something. Okay? Or it's just info, but you're not learning any of that. So, our evaluation for all our pursuits should be did it bring it closer to Allah or not? I learned something that I apply it or not.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:56

And that's, by the way is something that's going to help you keep these things in mind. Remember them? Hello, hydrocodone esta? No, Allah will Hadith even MLB says we used to seek the aid of applying the Hadith to remember it.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:04

For me, that is I've memorized this hadith. Okay, and few days, I may forget it.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:15

How do I keep it? How can it stay inside? It says we used to apply the Hadith. And by applying it,

00:48:16 --> 00:48:17

we would remember.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:20


00:48:21 --> 00:48:33

LL Mati filamin, Faina Java indata. He says, Elm calls upon action, meaning come, if it doesn't come, what have What does knowledge do?

00:48:34 --> 00:48:40

leaves. So meaning you learned something, now it's here now knowledge is asking, come and apply me.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:47

So if you don't apply it, what happens to it? It just leaves. You forget it.

00:48:48 --> 00:49:00

And it's enough to forget it in action be as if you've not learned it. Okay? And in fact, when it does He say this here or not? now. So this is what he says. And it's related to what I said, he says,

00:49:01 --> 00:49:04

For him, but he's really insane. It's an obligation on a human being,

00:49:05 --> 00:49:38

that he does not neglect himself, and what benefits it and what harms it. Don't occupy yourself with other people, what benefits you and what harms you, and goes and seeks its benefit, and goes and protects itself from its harm. Can you lay akuna aku Well, I'm Allahu alaihe. So that your mind the intelligence that Allah had given you, and the knowledge whatever you are learning, and whatever you are doing would be witness and evidence against you. So that allow increase your punishment when you meet him because you know,

00:49:40 --> 00:49:40


00:49:42 --> 00:49:54

So I'm learning and learning and learning, but it's not affecting me in any way. So when I meet Allah azzawajal so what is my excuse? At least the ignorant if they have an excuse? Not every ignorant person will have an excuse?

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

Some Yes, but some not

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

Because Allah may tell them you had the opportunity to learn. Why didn't you learn? Like for your Salah

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you had the opportunity there was this shape there was discovered there was this book, there was a whole series online, on how to perform Salah. Why didn't you earn it?

00:50:17 --> 00:50:19

Right? And when you apply for a job, what do you do?

00:50:21 --> 00:50:29

You learn anything, everything about it, you go and get certified, right? Where do you go to university or college? What do you want to do? I just want to learn.

00:50:31 --> 00:50:58

Just take the diploma or the degree and go sit home. Now while you're doing it, because I want to be employed, because I want to earn money, right? Because I want to open so you have a goal. So you're learning because you want that job? Well, that's what you anticipate. So Allah will ask this person who is sometimes in races, but you could have learned this, why didn't you not learn it? So some people who are ignorant are not going to have an excuse others will, Allah knows.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:09

But the person who actually knows now, so what's my excuse when I go to a law student, and he says, But you knew that this was haram and you kept doing it and doing it and doing it.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:13

And you knew that this was an obligation, but you never did it?

00:51:14 --> 00:51:26

And you know, you you should have behaved differently. And sometimes you actually gave advice like that. You told people not to do this, but you did it. The matakohe una marathon, why do you say what do you do not do

00:51:28 --> 00:51:31

killboard are maakten in de la Allah hates it

00:51:32 --> 00:51:53

tremendously Kabuto mcda Yanni, this is a great thing that Allah hates that he would say what you do not do. This is haram, and this is headed and we should do this, and we should do that. And of course, I mean, I always say this that analysis, you know, we have diagnosis for the illnesses of the oma. Right? Any we know that Oh, man, what's wrong with the oma?

00:51:54 --> 00:52:08

I 5.2. Any one of us today, including myself, right? I'm not just telling you point to anybody will have an opinion. Right? And how you fix the oma will have an opinion. Okay, how do I fix you? I don't know.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:25

I tried and try it. And it couldn't fix myself, but the only way I know how to fix it. Right? That doesn't work. That doesn't work. Right. Right. There's something else, you know, somebody, it's I'm quoting somebody who's not Muslim. And you know, it's just funny. He says,

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He says, if you go talk to,

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and this is, you know, not not to pick on this particular profession, he's just giving an example. It could be any type of profession. But if you go to go talk to somebody, so if you go by want to buy tea from someone in traditional cities, and

00:52:47 --> 00:53:16

T seller, right, who is making UT, as he's making your tea, he'll be complaining about the Prime Minister, and what a lousy job he's doing. And they'll be complaining about the mayor, and what a lousy job he's doing. And he shouldn't be doing this or not, and be complaining about the chief of police. And by the way, that some of these complaints could be valid, complaining about the chief of police. And he should be doing this and not doing that. And be complaining about you know, his wife and this one and that. And he says, Then I take the tea from the mind to get at his tea is not good.

00:53:17 --> 00:54:00

He says to fix your teeth first, fix your teeth first, right? Meaning that I can criticize easily. That's very easy for me to go and criticize easily. But then do I actually apply what I should apply within that narrow field of mine, Jani, my children, my family mice, forget your children for good defending myself myself. Have I tried to fix myself with the knowledge that I have? Before going to learn my children you should, when you shouldn't, or my spouse, you should and you shouldn't, or speculating about the woman how they should do this or not do that, or this country should behave this or that. So we need to take the knowledge that we have and apply it because if your self

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defeats you, if you can win against your own self is not you know, it's not likely that you're going to win outside.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:13

You're not going to likely be able to fix anybody on the outside. If your own self defeats you.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:39

So insha Allah so there's the second chapter, but I don't want to inshallah, go into the second chapter. The second chapter is about the intention, and what the intention should be like, but inshallah we'll just stop here because once if I start there, it may take us longer than a short time. So next week, inshallah, we'll do the new year and selecting the

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