Ali Albarghouthi – Foundations of the Sunnah #13 Thieves and Khawarij & testimony about one’s fate

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's life and family, acceptance of Islam, and avoiding cow degrees. They stress the need for strong teachings and apologizing for mistakes, while also acknowledging the negative impact of addiction and the importance of continuous improvement. The conversation touches on the negative impact of overcoming addiction and the need for continuous improvement.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lemna myInfo no one found me my LinkedIn I was in Inman autobill alameen Aloma in the critical shoe Creek I was named by the TIG. A My bad. So we returned him to relearn to the same book because we haven't really finished explaining the entire book yet. We still have a few sessions left with Nila as well.

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And the last thing we talked about was remember, meta Rahimullah.

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Addressing the issue of the obedience of the Khalifa or the Imam whenever that Imam has authority or power in the land, whether that came through consensus of the people through Shura, or through baya or through Alaba, he overpowered and he overtook, and he established authority for himself. So whether it's a B or C, that all of that that Imam requires obedience and that the the

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egregious sin of rising against the Imam can cause a lot of chaos and a lot of fitna a lot of harm and we talked about that and conditions and when that can happen, and when it cannot happen, et cetera, et cetera. So now the meme he moves on and he talks about fighting another category of people.

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And he says, what a turtle associate Well, howdy deja is in the audio module. If enough see him early he, fella who are you? Katella nfcu I'm early he wait for an herb equally Maya could do it.

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And he says he is repelling or fighting, repelling or fighting. Thieves robbers and the Hawaii bridge. The Howard we talked about the coverage those who would deem the common Muslim most Muslims to be disbelievers. So would they would go after them to kill them because they're not part of their group. So the coverage the kind of the common or the essential traits of someone who belongs to that, let's call it thought or ideology is that we are the Muslims, minority and everybody else's what?

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Now Muslim, everybody else is non Muslim. We are the only Muslims. So they see it legitimate to go and invade or ransack or kill others, because they're not Muslims. Right? So he says it's permissible to fight the robbers, the thieves and the Hermitage if they attack a person, seeking to kill him enough see out of the Roger Levine FC seeking to kill him or take his money, so he can fight to defend himself and to protect his money, and he could repel them with whatever means he can.

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Then he continues, what I said who either thought Akufo otaku on YouTube or home wallet bow, I thought a home

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says if they flee, meaning he if he starts to fight them, and they run away, what do you do you run after them? He says it's not permissible for him that if they run away, that he chases them, right, you don't go after them. And he does not seek their traces meaning follows where they've gone because he wants to flicked harm on them or kill them. Elisa hadden, Eldon Imam, a Wolverton Mussolini. He says this is only for the Imam and people of authority that the Imam has appointed. They could what? Seek and pursue whether it's the thieves or the Hello adage, but it's not for the individual in the mullah who and yet fan of CPM aka me he Dalek only thing that is allowed for him

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is protect himself in that position. When we do Hoody and they actually shahada and he intends with his effort not to kill. I'm going to explain that he intends with his effort not to kill meaning he wants to simply do what repel their harm, not necessarily kill them, right.

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So in he says, In Medallia, he did a NFC field maraka for above the law. nocciola says if it happens that he has to kill so and so who's attacking him, see me Allah distance, that person who had been killed, meaning me Allah as origin, and he put him away? He has his has received what he deserves, about Allah when inuktun were in Kochi, defeated Kahala jolla to enlist the Almighty but if he dies, defending himself or his money, then I hope that he will have shahada he'll be a murderer, as the Hadith and the authority testify to that, he says in the middle mirabito early he was markedly he will Atiba a, he says he's only been commanded to fight him not to kill him and not to follow him.

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So here really Muhammad Rahim. Allah is describing a situation where there is a level of chaos and lack of authority.

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He, and that could happen in any country, in any city. Right?

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So what is happening here is that there are two categories of people that you're defending yourself from robbers, thieves who are seeking what

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your what wealth, they want your money. So their motivation is the dunya.

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The Hawaiians are not motivated by the dunya. Their motivation is religious, they're not after money. They're ideological. So there are two categories of people, those who are fighting for ideology, and those who are fighting for money. So some of them are going to come wanting to kill you, and some of them are want to come and they want to take your money. And there's a third category he does not mention, which is that some of them may want to come and dishonor your family, right? By attacking your wife or your mother or your sister or your daughter, right, and to dishonor them. So the three things that could happen. So he's saying he just addressed to here is that if a

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person wants them to come wants to come and kill you, are you allowed to defend yourself? If a person wants to come and take your money? Are you allowed to defend yourself and what happens if you die in that process? So fortunately, Al Hamdulillah that what that question was posed to the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was in them. So one of the Sahaba said, oh prophet of Allah, see, if somebody suppose that somebody comes and he wants to take my money. This is a very practical question, by the way, right? Because it could happen. Somebody breaks into your house.

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They have weapons or maybe they don't.

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And they want to steal your money.

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So that's a hobby asked that question. So the prophets a lot he was Selim says, Not only him Allah, He says, Don't give him your money. You're not obligated to give him your money. He says, if he fights me, he says, fight him. He says, If I kill him,

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he says he'll be in fire. And Hellfire

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is if he kills me. He says that shahada thus martyrdom,

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and he said Allah He is Salatu was Salam In another Hadith Mattila de una malema, who Shaheed the one who dies or is killed defending his money, his property. He is a Shaheed and the one who dies in defense of his religion. He's a Shaheed and the one who dies in defense of his family. The family here means what? The wife and the Haram

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adult, his honor, meaning they want to sell his honor attack you Do you understand what I'm saying? Right? They want to attack and sully the on Earth in terms of the mother or the daughter females.

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So if he does that, defending them and he's killed, he's a shaheed. So that's Shahada. So now we understand that another category of shahada is also those who defend themselves. You have a Shaheed who's in the battlefield, right? And there's a Shaheed who defends himself, his life, his money and his honor that

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but there's a detail here, there's a detail here.

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If you are defending your money, do you have to or is only permissible because it's only permissible that is it's up to you.

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Right, you may decide that we you know what, my life is worth more than money.

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I'd rather stay and take care of my family psyllid them ticket, I can earn this later on right? Allah will compensate me so let them so you can decide to give up your money or you can decide to defend it, it's up to you. It's permissible either way, which is better depending on the muscle, what's better, it's more beneficial. Right?

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Even when it comes to your life, by the way, right? There are sayings right, the UK Well, sayings in the matter whether it's an obligation or not. But the Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked, and this especially when it comes to the times of fitten times of fitna, where people are killing each other for no good reason when somebody could break into somebody's house, based on conjecture based on rumors and gossip, and they want to kill him because you don't belong to the same what tribe you don't belong to the same sect. You don't belong to the same color or whatever it is. This is there's random chaotic killing. So one of the Sahaba I think it's a Buddha or the Allahu Anhu he said the

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Prophet salallahu Salam in such a thing if it happens, what do I do is to stay home and lock your door. In a time of fitna, when people are killing each other, if you're outside what's going to happen?

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You're going to be killed or you're going to kill someone. Right? So, the wisdom always when there is fitna the Muslim is supposed to be away from it, especially when it involves kill

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During the murder of people, so if there is fitna like that so you step away and how do you step away? You say you look at you and enter your house, you lock the door. So a Buddha rhodiola, who I know very insightful questions. He says, What if he breaks the door and comes inside?

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And he wants to kill me? What do I do?

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Okay, so the prophets of Allah he was in them said, couldn't get high, right? Ignite Adam, be like the better of the two children of Adam

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Alayhis Salam. So what is this reference to?

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You know, the story of the children of Adam.

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Right, right. Yeah. So when he told him on when he said to him are we threatened him, Carl Aktueller neck, he said, I'm going to kill you.

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His brother said Paula in the Maya Biloela hoomin. And Mati is Allah, Allah only accepts from those who have Taqwa. If you extend your hand to kill me, I will not extend my hand to kill you.

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So means that I'm not going to defend myself, meaning if you try to kill me, I'm not going to try to kill you. I'm not going to defend myself. If you want to kill me, you kill me.

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So especially in a time of fitna, because either you, one blood is going to be shared one life is going to be lost. So either yours or his right. So if you wish, you could defend yourself and shed his blood and kill him in self defense. And there is no sin in that. Or if you wish, especially in terms of fitna, you could let go of that, and say what I don't want to be responsible in front of Allah Azza Zoda and spilling the blood of a Muslim. So let him spill my blood. And I will take by right from him on the day of judgment that is also permissible.

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And again, depends on what the muscle had that a person sees at that moment. So that's money. And that's the self except when it comes to one's honor. The adult here you have to defend here you have no option. Right? So if someone wants to attack your Arab right then had him your wife, your daughter, you know, you're not you don't have an option whether to defend or not, he must defend the females in your family. And if you're killed that is called what? A shahada because you've given your soul you've given your life for something that pleases Allah azza wa jal, right.

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and he says, with a Salah who either photophobia Tarraco and yet lobotomy says okay, so if you if you manage to scare them, and they run away,

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as you do chase after them to kill them, or maim them, or trap them, or what have you, he said no, you don't, is simply the only thing is that if they attack you on a repelled that attack, and if they run away, let them run away. That's it. The one who has the authority to trap them to seize them to punish them is the Imam but you the only thing that you need to do is just repel your their harm, push them away, and they are pushed away, you've done your job. Hopefully, when they leave, they may rethink it. They may repent, they may not get back to all of this, maybe Toba is available, but you don't go and you trap them. You don't go and you seek them. And because also that opens the

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door for a lot of injustice, what if the person as he ran away, he repented from all of that, then you go on, you catch up with him and you shoot him? That would be an unjust killing. Because the person what, let's say threw away his arm threw away, I know that the harm that he wanted to do abandon it, and you still killed him after he had repented, still killed him after he had fleet know. If he repents if he gives up his ways, you're not supposed to pursue him. So that's why he says it's left to the Imam because if you don't leave it to the Imam that opens the door for chaos and killing or you attack my house, I'm going to attack you, I'm going to attack your family,

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etcetera, etcetera. So you let go of that.

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In MiniMo, and yet, I've seen he says he only

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is allowed to defend himself not to go and want to seek Him. And He says, Why don't we be God and I actually had and he intends with that effort of his not to kill. And he says later on in them O'Meara Vitale, he wanted me to be a cuddly he has a different one. He says you are commanded or allowed to fight him, not kill him as a very distinct difference

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between the two, fighting him as you fight him to protect yourself from his harm. Right. And if he runs away, you're done. Killing him, is you wanna kill him.

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And there's different

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between the two. So they say the scholars they say whenever is possible, if you can scare him without use of weapons scare him, and don't use a weapon, right. And if you could use a stick, instead of a knife, use a stick. And if you can use a knife instead of a sword, use a knife instead of a sword. Right. And if you can use his sword simply to wave it around to scare him, you do that instead of trying to kill him. Now I understand that in the middle of that chaos, you may not have the presence of mind to say I'm going to progress from hand to stick stick, you're gonna grab the first thing that you have next to you, right, and probably the most lethal. So

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and that is only to illustrate that you don't want to kill you want to scare you don't want to kill you want to injure. So if you have a gun, right, rather than if you see him coming in, or if you threaten him or whatever you rather than shoot him if you can shoot in the air, that'd be better.

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If you can shoot to injure rather than kill that would be better because you don't want to kill that person as long as there is a possibility not to kill. If you have another way you don't kill but if there's no other option, but to then you kill him.

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Right? So that's what he's saying. And that tells you about the sanctity of life and especially Muslim life

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as long as you can as much as you can you protect a person's life even though he had what jumped inside your house and he threatening you and he wants to take this and that from you the sanctity of a Muslim life. If you can keep it for life you keep them alive, otherwise, then that's permissible to kill. So there's a difference between Patel and Patel involves firing from both sides and cotton which is to kill so and so.

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And he says Wallah jiu jitsu la historia Okay, Nigeria and he says hola jiu jitsu Allah, He does not finish him off meaning he doesn't kill him. If he found him lying down or he was injured, meaning if you seize them if you have power over him, and whether he's injured or not, you're not allowed to kill him at that stage. What other who is Sierra? And if you imprison him, you're not allowed to kill him. What are your chemo Allah He had an you're not allowed to punish him the prescribed punishment for his deed? Well, I can hear for our umbra, who 11 Hola Hola. Hola, Yakko movie, but he will take them if you actually capture him, you take him to the authorities, and they implement

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Allah's judgment about him. You are not to imprison to punish or imprison to kill, you're not allowed to do this. And that you deserve Allah He that if you found him injured you do not kill him. And that is taken by the way from how Allah you have no authority model the Allahu Anhu behaved with

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Al booga and feel badly and also with the coverage. That is when they fought in the Battle of Sofian. And the Muslims were fighting other Muslims. They were not a different sect like the Herati Muslims against Muslims. So the army of Ali ibn Abi Talib versus the army of Mariah and his followers, may Allah be pleased with both of them. So when the army of more IWEA retreated in the face of the army of ally, okay, in Sophie, this is the army of Mao had heard people crying out from the Campbell that I don't even know about our liberty Allahu Anhu do not follow those who are fleeing and do not kill those who are injured. Meaning that if they flee, because what Why are we

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fighting them because of the harm that they're bringing to us if they flee, meaning that they are there Hamas stop, so you're not allowed to go and aggravate their injuries or killed them or run after them. And that is how Muslims are supposed to behave with other Muslims. Even with the SolarEdge by the way, Allah you've not be tolerated Radi Allahu Anhu WA is did not start attacking the coverage until they started that attack. Although they went on a separate separate camp, and they had their own leader and they were and they were like grouping and what have you but he did not touch them until they started to kill Muslims. And then he attacked them or that there was the war

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broke out between them and only also after sending people to talk to them. So you understand from the theta alpha and the Sunnah of the whole of Russia Dean how to behave with the hostage and how to behave with those who attack you seeking you know your life to take your life or to take your money or

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to take what is valuable to you shall.

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So this is what he talks about here, Rahim Allah when it comes to fighting the

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thieves and fighting the coverage. One thing that we can add to it, we said that you're allowed to fight thieves when they want to take your money. Now what if it is the authorities are unjust. So the Imam, the Khalifa, or his deputies are unjust, and they want to come in, they want to take your money or some of your money. Alright, and they want to confiscate it. Are you allowed to fight them and use force against them?

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The answer is, if you remember what we said last time, the answer is you're not allowed to rise up in arms against the email.

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That would be an unjust seizure, that if he takes your money, that would be an unjust seizure of property. And you could take this to Allah azza wa jal, and he could take your right from that Imam but why is it that you're not allowed to rise against the imam in arms? But you allow the Allah you're allowed to fight thieves, even if you lose your life?

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Why is it that this is permissible, but that is not permissible?

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Because of what the fitna that follows, right? Because of the fitna that follows, because for the thieves, right, they're outlaws

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and they don't have a lot of power. And the Imam typically has power over them so he could pursue them, he could subdue them and he can imprison them. What's the fitna, when you find them, the harm is limited, if there is harm to yourself, if they kill the kill you what happens if you rise against the Imam?

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Chaos, then the man has more power than you that's first so we will take your property anyway. But you also help undermine the authority of the man by what you're what you're doing. And other people see that then other people will rise in rebellion against the Imam against the Khalifa. And the harm that you are trying to push away. The yields much more harm than the thing that you're trying to prevent. You'll be introducing a lot more harm because the authority of the Imam and the respect of the Imam has will be undermined and this period person and that person in this region and that region will say well we can find the Imam as well. If we dislike him and the prophets, Allah Allah

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Salam, if you remember in the Hadith that we mentioned, where he said that listen, we're in Dori, Baba Haruka, okay the MER look, listen, even if you're whipped, your back is whipped and your money's taken.

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for you. And he does not the prophets of Allah, Allah wa salam know that this is unjust.

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And that's unjust an injustice is corruption. So why am I not allowed to rise against the Imam would there is such corruption and injustice against me? Because there's some harm in it, definitely. But if I resist the Imam that is a greater harm, and a greater fitna, and only those with insights and foresight can see this, but a person who's simply only worried about the hearing now and my money and my right will fight anybody, but a person who sees the bigger picture and remembers the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam will say, Yeah, okay, fine, I could sacrifice this for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, hoping in his pleasure and in compensation from him. subhanho wa taala.

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Then he moves, Rahim Allah?

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no, there are at least so he's asking, he says, you know, it happens back in some Muslim countries where the corrupt judges and the corrupt some corrupt leaders, they would come and they would take your land from you. I say as long as there are legal means to fight them and resist do.

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Right? If you find legal means, right? To do that, go ahead and do it. But if they come and just take it from you, right? And the only option that you have is going to be to take up a gun, me and my family and start shooting people that we say is that permissible? We say no, that's not permissible to rise in arms against people of authority. Why is that because of that fitna that is going to cause first of all, it's not going to lead to anywhere good. You're not going to be able to resist the authorities, right? You will and your family or you and your tribe. And if it happens, then there are literal fragmentation within the same state.

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So this person is a breakaway, this person is breakaway province. This was a breakaway city, each verse and thinking that we will take matters into our own hands. And the Anna's said the injustice that you're trying to prevent yields a lot more injustice because of that. So that's why the direction of the prophets of Allah Adi was in them. He says, what Allah known as the Alhambra, Allah, we don't dispute them in matters that pertain to them. And ask what's your what is yours from Allah azza wa jal, that is if there are no viable means. See, at the time of the holy Radi Allahu Anhu unqualified Urvashi do and even later on, is if a provincial leader makes a mistake, you can go

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to the Khalifa and complain about him and he can give you your right back. So what I'm saying there are recourse legal recourses for you to do this, but in the case of an unjust Khalifa, so what do you do? You have no power and if you rise against him, you are rising against the Imam and undermining the EMA so weak, you could say and we could say to you, the people today are like the Imams of yesterday. Definitely they're not. But at the same time they do have authority there is still Muslim and listening to them at least preserves, right? The peace of the country more than disobeying them because if you disobey, what's it gonna that lead to is just simply the

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fragmentation of the entire country and the spread of insecurity in the whole land. So the way of changing our society insha Allah is that doing it emotionally, or it's been saved as simply focusing on the the here and now or the personal advantage or the rights but to say that

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I'm responsible when I'm doing something for the lives of my my life and the lives of my children and grandchildren and everybody in this city and everybody's in the country. So if I'm patient for the sake of Allah azza wa jal in the long run that will be better for everybody. But if I did if I attack just simply because I'm angry, then that is going to undermine everybody's security. So this is a lot and I hope that answers your question for the

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Nom nom nom

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nom Nam now No,

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not the judge. So, the Hadith Mattila de una Madhava shaheed.

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Now Amna.

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They take unlawfully

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they take people's unlawfully

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sir, hey, sorry, that's that's unjust. That's unjust.

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Law killing the judge idiotic No.

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No, no, no, no, absolutely not. Absolutely not. So we have corrupt judges, right? corrupt judges, and they are corrupt judges because you have corrupt leadership. Say so you're talking about the corrupt system. So if you dislike something in that corrupt system, are you allowed to go ahead and assassinate so assassinate the judge assassinate the policeman assassinate the officer SSND this and that that's the corruption that we're talking about is absolutely haram. Absolutely Hara.

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If we said haram No, he does not get shahada like that does not get shahada like the recent absolutely haram because you cannot be a Shaheed based on haram act, right? It's absolutely haram to go and do that. We're talking about somebody who's attacking you inside your own house, and that person is What does not have a legal authority. But this judge is a deputy of the leader, and the leader is corrupt now, yes, he's corrupt, but at the same time, he does have authority. So you either can say I'm not going to listen to him at all, and that is chaos. Right? Or you will say I have to listen. Right? And in hope insha Allah in the future that things will change. So there is a

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long term process we're not saying here surrender and Hallas That's it. No, no, no, no, you're resisting. But you're resisting in a prophetic way in the way of Medallia Salatu was Salam long term, long term for the best outcome to arrive. Right. And shall so if more questions about this, leave them at the end inshallah. Otherwise, we won't be able to proceed Inshallah, but I understand because this is a very relevant topic right, by the philosophy.

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Now, the second point, insha Allah He moves on so he moves on to a different topic when he says, well in the shadow, I had him in a little clip, let it be ama linea Maluku Bucha nuttin wala now, it says we don't testify. We don't assert that any of the people of the Qibla meaning a Muslim because of an action that he did. We don't say that he's in heaven, or he's in hellfire. So here

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He's talking about judgment

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upon Muslims because of something that they have done good or bad we don't say this Muslim is in heaven, or this Muslim is in hellfire. He says not duly Salah he want to have for either Ye, he says we we expect the best for the righteous, we wish the best for the righteous, but we also fear for him. We are for fear for him. And we'll explain that when a half of Alan will see and with NiP. When our doula Warahmatullah he says and we fear for the sinner, what's going to happen to him, but we still wish or expect or hope for Allah's mercy for him. Right?

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And these really are important principles to understand. And once you understand them a lot of things insha Allah will become clear in terms of who is a Muslim who is not who's in Jannah who is in hellfire, when can we testify when we cannot? So hello Qibla what is the meaning of a hello Qibla the people of the Qibla this is a

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a term that describes Muslims, everybody who prays to the Kaaba, Allah will Qibla so Andrew suna is more limited

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by Hello sunnah are those who follow the Sunnah. The man Hello Qibla is everybody as long as they are Muslim. So Allah Sinha is more particular because they follow the Sunnah Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. And they are do not attribute themselves or they don't follow a major bid. So they're not known to be of this sector, this sector or that site. Right? But they're still Muslim. So those Hello Qibla and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said

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many stuff about okay blatten was salah, Salah and our Akella Debbie Hatena for women no chemical. Yeah, and he's the one who Lahoma Lana wala Hema, Elena. He says the one who faces our Qibla praise our Salah and eats what meat we slaughter, he is the Muslim. Alright, so these are outward actions that tells you that this is a Muslim, following the Sunnah is more particular so we're talking previously about about a hollow sunnah are the followers of the Sunnah. Here he is talking about Al Qibla any Muslim? Whether he follows the sunnah or is not a follower of the Sunnah as long as is still a Muslim, he says, he says because of anything that they have done, or did not do, we do not

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say that about that Muslim, he's in heaven.

00:32:33 --> 00:32:48

Or he's in hellfire, but rather, rather, if we know that someone to be righteous, we expect we hope the best for him based on that apparent righteousness. And we still fear for him because we don't know that.

00:32:49 --> 00:32:53

Right? So if you see somebody praying, going to Hajj

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sister has the hijab on a person who always remembers Allah azza wa jal, he has the appearance of a righteous person. You expect him based on appearance to be what?

00:33:07 --> 00:33:13

Righteous, but do you know definitely that He's righteous on the inside? You don't know.

00:33:14 --> 00:33:19

So you don't testify based on that and say this person is in Janna. How do you know

00:33:21 --> 00:34:08

that's why you expect or hope the best for him based on that performance based on that outward a batter of his but you still fear for him in case he has hidden sins he has was insincere. He has made her sins that no one knows about we don't know. So you leave that matter to Allah azza wa jal. Holla wanna Hafele I learned mostly in with NiP and the worsen a person who is publicly a sinner, publicly distant from Allah as the releases we fear for him that if he dies like this, but at the same time, if he is Muslim, we hope the best and the hope the best meaning the forgiveness of Allah as origin, that tells you about testimony, that shahada and this shahada is something that everybody

00:34:08 --> 00:34:21

is responsible for. If you say that someone is in Jannah. You responsible for that statement? If you say somebody is in hellfire, you are responsible for that statement? Before before Allah azza wa jal because this is labor How did you know?

00:34:23 --> 00:34:25

But there are exceptions to this.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:51

Exceptions in terms of what if Allah tells you or if the Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells you then you know that that person is in Jannah or that person is in hellfire because who knows the outcome? What they died on whether Eman or not how many good deeds they have or how many bad deeds they have Allah Azza knows, he knows the outside and he knows the inside.

00:34:53 --> 00:35:00

Right? So an example of how the apparent or the physical

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visible testimony is different than the inner one. You remember the Hadith that we mentioned before? Were in a battle. There was with the Prophets a lot he was sent them there was one person who was fighting bravely than unbelievers until the Muslim said there was no one better a better fighter today than so and so. He really took care of so many disbelievers. And the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam said he's in hellfire.

00:35:30 --> 00:36:06

Remember that hadith, right? He said he's in hellfire had had the cat about onesie a year tab. He says I pled guilty to the extent that some people were about to start doubting, like is the prophet actually does he know what he's saying? Because imagine you're looking at it in battle. And this is not something easy, you'd not bring anybody to battle, right? This person is risking his life. And he's the ravers he says among Muslims think about the Muslims and how brave they are. So among all of them, the Brave is the most forward the one who was you know, protecting them the most was this man.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:23

So you think of a person in Dawa think of a person giving lectures think of a person in today's terms and just to be able to relate to it think of a person who donates a lot of money. Think of a person who a lot of people have accepted Islam because when you look at that person, what do you say?

00:36:25 --> 00:36:31

That's the best person imagine a for the prophets a lot he was sending was alive and he tells you that person is in hellfire.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:34

What does that do to your iman?

00:36:36 --> 00:37:01

You have to accept right? That is a person who has strong Iman will accept but a person who was not will say, this person, that speaker that day or that spam that that generous donor, he will be in hellfire. So maybe thinking is that statement, right? What's wrong here until someone said, I will follow him to track what he's doing and he committed suicide.

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And so he came back and he said, I testify that You are the messenger of Allah.

00:37:08 --> 00:37:41

So, appearances are one thing. shahada based on appearances are one thing, but reality is something else. No one knows about it, except Allah azza wa jal, and if he tells his prophet and he salatu salam, another incident where the prophets Allah, Allah wa salam, there was one in a in a battle also took place in a battle. And the servant helper of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam was back in the camp maybe after the battle was winding down or during battle he was in the camp and

00:37:42 --> 00:37:45

an arrow kind of a loose I mean,

00:37:47 --> 00:37:56

an hour not really aimed at anybody but just thrown in the air five, five A flew and landed on him and killed him. Right.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:23

And so people said, Honey Allahu shahada so because we killed in battle, this person was killed in battle and say honey and lose shahada any what a wonderful thing he had received martyrdom. So the prophets Allah, Allah wa salam, he said, he said, No, that article of clothing that he took without permission from the spoils of battle is lighting up his body with fire.

00:38:24 --> 00:38:28

That he stole something. This is alone, which is a major sin.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:53

Okay, woman Nicola. Yeah, TV medulla Yamapi. I'm the one who steals from the battle before it's distributed equitably, before people that he will become will bring it on the day of judgment, He will carry that meters in on the Day of Judgment. So his saying alayhi salatu salam No, at this moment, you think that was Shahada? But at this moment, he's being punished because of that clothing that he took without permission?

00:38:54 --> 00:39:06

So what you see is not what is reality and what you know, resembles that today is when people die in battle today. Right? Especially Muslims under persecution.

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And people start calling them what? Shaheed? Right? Shaheed so and so she hates so and so she hates so and so. And of course we realize this is a really emotional declaration. Like sometimes if you tell them no but you can't say Shaheed the response is really emotional, right? Because these people all of us hurt when you see someone being killed like that. So what is the thing that's gonna give you relief? You'll say he's a Shaheed What's the thing that's gonna give the mother a relief? My son is a Shaheed that at least will give her comfort. So you understand that there's an emotional side to this argument. But if you just put the motions aside, put the put them aside. If you saying that

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so and so is Shaheed you're saying what he's where?

00:39:57 --> 00:40:00

In Jana, though, how do you know if the prophets OLALIA was eliminated?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

Don't allow them to say that about people that they did not know their reality. How could we today say about about anybody that he's a shade you say? We hope that he's a Shaheed

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00:40:13 --> 00:40:47

We hope he's a Shaheed we pray that Allah will give him that shahada but you don't make give that testimony because you do not know. And in Buhari era one of the chapters he says babinda Your colorful down on Shaheed, he says chapter. It's not to be said that so and so is a Shaheed because this is a hype, right? So we don't place based on our own emotions, people in heaven or *. We like him, he's in heaven, we dislike him, he's in * not based on that. But Allah tells you, or the Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells you so if you're on his were

00:40:49 --> 00:40:56

*, so hey, you're hitting them right? And he doubt no for you. The prophets of Allah azza wa jal are where

00:40:57 --> 00:41:01

Jana Abu Bakr, Omar Earthman Ali Abdul Rahman.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:28

Well, they didn't know Jura and that they also add to them that possibly because these were named Bilal right? The wives of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Okay, so these there is testimony about them, that they are in specifically in Jannah, Abu Lahab, Abuja, hellfire, there's testimony about them, they add to them also Allahu Allah, possibly the people of Bethel

00:41:30 --> 00:41:37

or Baotou. Rod one, the pledge of a rod one, possibly, right? That the add that to them.

00:41:38 --> 00:42:01

And some scholars have mentioned, right, and I'm gonna mention it so that you'd be aware of it. But I kind of come back and say, it's not the safest position for the reasons I'm going to mention. But there's evidence for it. By the way, if someone adopts that position, some scholars have said, If Muslims unanimously praise someone or condemn someone that is an indicator.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:17

Right? If Muslims and when Muslims are not talking about the masses, right? Because an actor could die, and Muslim masses could you know, rise, you know, and walk in his funeral and all chanting his name doesn't matter.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:20

Doesn't matter?

00:42:21 --> 00:42:50

It doesn't an actor, an entertainer that Muslims love a lot of Muslims love. And he is a public sinner, and she is a public sinner. Yet when they die, they walk in their funeral, and they cry over them. That is irrelevant. That's not a valid testimony, because it's not coming from the knowledgeable. It's coming from the masses and the masses follow their emotions, right? Emotions are one thing, but

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knowledge tells you something else. So they say that if Muslims unanimously praise someone, or criticize someone than that is relevant.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:16

Evidence of that is when the prophets of Allah audio was in them once there was a Janaza passing by and the Muslims praised it. And the prophets of labios hilum Sidoarjo but meaning it's as you say,

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and another janazah passed by the Muslims criticized it. And the prophets Allah wa salam said the word Yeah, but it's as you say, they said what is it oh prophet of Allah, it What Why did you say it is as you say, so he said, It is Salatu was Salam. You are Allah's witnesses on this earth, meaning as you speak, so it shall be as you speak, so it shall be.

00:43:44 --> 00:44:13

So some Mother, I've extended that and they said that if Muslims had praised, others who will come later, like the tabby or even has an impossibly Ignosi reign, say they have no Musa if they praise the similar of taboos and Mujahid, if they praise the similar of the Immanuel herba, Abu Hanifa, Malik Shafi, Hamid authority and so on and Oza a before so you find that all Allah sunnah, they have nothing bad to say about them.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:20

So that is what they say that's unanimous testimony, that this person is good. Right.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:39

Now, any, this is a possibility. This is a possibility. Where it becomes slippery today is because when everybody especially in groups and different groups, they start offering testimony for the people that they love. And they see because of that, our guy is in Ghana.

00:44:40 --> 00:44:45

And the other people are saying our guy is in Ghana, and he said our guy is in Ghana, right?

00:44:46 --> 00:45:00

We rather we say Maybe Allah Allah is safest to restrict this to the Sahaba of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam to avoid such disputes. Allah the recipe to Allah azza wa jal so the best of witness

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ASES are the sahaba. So they speak they speak with knowledge and wisdom. And if they testify to someone or against someone, their testimony is the strongest testimony. We're not excluding that this could extend beyond but we're saying, let's restrict it so that we don't add another fight with a fight so that we have where people started to put to put their own people in Jannah and exclude other people from hellfire. But it does really address the topic here, which is what that you don't offer testimony unless you are sure of it. And you have evidence to back it. And he then continues and he says,

00:45:39 --> 00:45:47

Woman luckily Allah have you them been yet you will be Hinata even Ray Ramos serene Khalifa in Allaha tubo La Jolla Bluto baton Eva de Oh yeah, for Annie see.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:38

It says if a person meets Allah azza wa jal with a sin and that sin by that sin, he deserves hellfire. But he meets Allah, even repentant, not insisting upon that sin, then Allah Who will accept his repentance, because Allah will who will live the Jakub Ruto but and by the way, if we only say to you, no matter how long because Allah is the One who accepts a repentance from His people from His servants and forgives the sins and He knows what you're doing. So now he is starting to explain to us if a person meets Allah Azza origin and he has a sin. So the first possibility is that that sin is a big sin is a major sin by which he deserves hellfire. But he has repented from it

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has doba so he says what happens to this person? Allah accepts his toga.

00:46:46 --> 00:47:11

He says well Nokia who according to claim Allah he had with Erica them before do any of our aka Farah Toka Majah Phil carbery. I'm Rasulullah Ali Salatu was Salam. He says if he meets Allah azza wa jal with a sin with that with that same sin, big sin major sin, but he was punished for it in the dunya that punishment expatriates that sin so he does not have to account for it or atone for it on the Day of Judgment he's already taken care of in the dunya

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similar for instance, like what someone who stole and his hand was cut.

00:47:17 --> 00:47:23

If that happens mean he doesn't have to answer for that. Sin on the Day of Judgment is already taken care of.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:47

Called a woman Natalia homosocial and Riata Irina Mina do nobilities stojo Baby Hello Kuba, Umbro it Allah He insha Allah wa insha Allah for Allah. And he says, if he meets him with that sin, that he did not repent from it, and he is insistent upon it, and he deserves punishment because of it. He says the matter is up to Allah azza wa jal, then, if he wants, he punishes him, and if he wants, He forgives him.

00:47:48 --> 00:47:54

So these are three possibilities, right. So the first possibility he talks about Rahim Allah

00:47:56 --> 00:47:59

is the sin by which a person deserves *

00:48:00 --> 00:48:21

or punishment in * and that sin is what type of sin as we mentioned Keba right. So what is the Kabira a Kabira is a sin. I just You understand just from what he said a Kabira is a sin that there is a head for it a punishment in the dunya for it, like if you kill your to be killed.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:55

If you commit Zina, you are going to be punished, whipped or killed. If you steal, then your handle be cut. Of course, there are conditions to all of this. So there are some sins where there is * dude for them, and he's really addressing this. But there are some other Kibera where there is no head for it. Like disobedience. And the cruelty to the parents. There is no head, but it is what? It's a major sin. Right? It's a Kabira cheating Muslims. That's a Kabira. Right?

00:48:56 --> 00:49:12

So there are some sins with you don't have a particular punishment for them. There are still it could be era. But how do you know that it's a sin? It's condensable in the Sharia. So if the prophet curses the one who does it? So women dressing up and imitating men

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and men doing the same thing about forever like a woman so dressing up and acting like a woman? He said, A prophet Allah says, Allah Who May Allah curse

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those men who imitate women and want to look like them, and those women who imitate men and they want to look like them? If the Prophet says, LAN Allah, what does that mean? May Allah curse is that my minor one, as a major thing, and if it's a major thing, that means what you deserve punishment by doing it. It's not like a thing, small thing that could just be raised. No, you deserve punishment because of it. So there are some that have prescribed punishment that was called head and there are some that still are sins, major sins, but there is no prescribed head for them. So he's here we're talking about the sins that have a hut in them.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

Alright, so he says, A sin let's say that a person commits it

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and that sin would put him in hellfire, but he repent

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and does not insist upon that sin. Then he said Allah will accept his repentance.

00:50:19 --> 00:51:00

For sure right? Allah will accept it as a general rule, Allah will accept it Oh ALLAH the burrito better and a body as we said, in the Matoba to Allah Allah He led the NA Lunas to Abuja, Hara, familia to bounnam and Karim in the Matobo. He says, Indeed, repentance, Allah, Allah, He mean Allah had made it the obligation on him to accept it. It would mean Allah had made him an obligation on himself to accept that repentance for those who do sins ignorantly and anyone who does sin doesn't ignorantly wire to the Maya to bounnam and curry then they repent soon after meaning before their death before they see the punishment before they see the angels descending to take their souls.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:12

Then if a person truly repents, Allah Who will accept his punish, accept his repentance? But then what are the condition for

00:51:13 --> 00:51:32

a repent repentance to be an accepted repentance? It has to be done for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, right? Repentance for the sake of Allah, a person must regret must not be insisting upon the performance or the committing of that sin and must have the intention not to go back to it.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:40

And you add to it also if that if that sin involves taking the rights of others is to return those rights to them.

00:51:41 --> 00:51:50

So, to be done, for Allah sake, to regret, to intend not to go back to it and not to insert consistently be doing it.

00:51:51 --> 00:52:30

If that is true, Allah azza wa jal will accept that he wants to accept it, he loves it more than more than anything more than anything and he wants everybody to repent. Right? And if you remember the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, where he said, Lula who for habito, but it hadn't come. Allah azza wa jal loves and or makes it makes him happy, happier when you repent, than a person who had lost his camel and his food, and has surrendered himself to death. And he lied down to sleep woke up, and he finds that his camel and his food is right beside him.

00:52:31 --> 00:52:36

So he says, imagine that type of happiness, Allah is happier with your repentance than that.

00:52:37 --> 00:52:45

So that happiness is the maximum human happiness that you could imagine. Because your life was handed back to you.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:04

There's no There's no possible possibly a greater state of happiness that you can have. I was surrendered myself to death, thought this is the end of me and now I'm living again. That's the difference. That's what this happened. This is about the difference between life and death.

00:53:05 --> 00:53:09

Allah is happier than that when you repent means that he wants it.

00:53:10 --> 00:53:42

Yep. So to hear the hooby laelia tuba mercy on the hardware so to hear the hope in the heart area, Tuba mercy only, he extends his hand and night, so that the sinner of the day will repent and extend his hand in the morning, during the day so that the sinner of night would repent meaning continuously, right. He says, repent, repent, repent, and it's always open. So if you repent, Allah will surely accept your repentance. That's the general rule. But if somebody repents right now, do we say to him, Allah accepted your repentance?

00:53:43 --> 00:54:15

Do we know? So always distinguish Barak Allah, if you can always keep that in mind, the difference between the general rule and whom it applies to all right, so the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam he said about Allah media, like a tablet Toba and Lucia, Medina tilaka. To me, he says she had repented. This is the woman and we've talked about her insha Allah. These are these are the woman that she repented a repentance that if were to be distributed among the people of Medina, it would be enough for them, though who would know this?

00:54:17 --> 00:54:48

It's so hard to do. You could only see that she came, she sacrificed herself. She confessed her sin, she was killed. That's the only thing that they could see. But how good how genuine. Her repentance was we have only appearances. But the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam knows the outcome because Allah tells him so when it comes to all of us to any one of us, do you say okay, I have I've repented. And I'm asking Allah azza wa jal to forgive me for this. Did Allah accept my repentance? If somebody comes and ask you Did Allah accept my repentance? What do you say?

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

Hopefully? Yes, we hope so. We hope so. And the more sincere you are, and the more diligent you are in trying to make up for what has happened

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The more that Allah will accept it from you. So why is it that there's always this gap between us and knowing that Allah's repentance, our repentance was accepted? Because you'll always remain regretful, remorseful. You'll always do things to make up for the bad that you have done. It makes you better rather than say, Okay, you're done. Sorry, you're done. You'll forget about it's done. It's behind me, but it's never behind me. It will always come back and it will break you a bit. Break your ego, oh, I used to do this. Even if you've memorized the entire Quran, even if you went to hajj and umrah every year,

00:55:37 --> 00:55:45

you'll still remember and see or remember what you did before it will break your ego and that is very beneficial because it treats you

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so that's the difference the gap between whom Allah has accepted and our reality in our reality we do not know. But we hope right? There are signs to it or person changes the person

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is closer to Allah azza wa jal, the person does not go back to the sin there are signs for it. But a lot of it is hidden from us. So here is saying here, Rahim Allah is that if a person accepts, I mean, a person repents, and truly repents Allah as the dual accepted from him, and that opens the door for repentance wide open for all of us. And Allah loves that from us. Now, there are circumstances where a person could be punished for that sin in the dunya. And let's hear distinguish between two types of punishment, the prescribed punishment

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and the punishment that is not prescribed. Meaning it comes from Allah azza wa jal for the sins that we commit the prescribed punishment, as we explained a person who killed someone, he gets killed,

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or a prison who steals and he gets punished commit Zina, and he gets punished for that person after his punishment, Does he still have to answer for that crime on the day of judgment or this is done?

00:57:04 --> 00:57:28

It's done. So this is what you know. To him, Allah said And in fact, he is taking that from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what he said in part of the Hadith woman masala mean that he cachet and for opbf dunya. For waka Farah to it says, if somebody commits some of these sins in the dunya, and we're talking about those that have prescribed punishment, he commits a sin.

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And he's punished for it. That's his punishment. That's a kuffaar that expiated and Allah Zola is far more generous to punish a person twice for the same crime. So he gets punished for it in the dunya. He won't be punished for it in the app era. So these are the possibilities so far. He repented, or he got punished for it. Right? There's a type of punishment that is not prescribed, that could contribute to the third category. The third category of someone who arrived on the day of judgment.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:08

And he is still guilty of that sin did not repent from it.

00:58:10 --> 00:58:12

He did not repent from that major, big sin.

00:58:13 --> 00:58:17

And by that sin, now he deserves hellfire.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:21

Does he go to hellfire necessarily?

00:58:22 --> 00:58:23


00:58:24 --> 00:58:44

Because there are things that could save him from it. What are the things that could save him from hellfire, even though now he deserves by accounts? Right, Kenny will still work assuming that his good deeds are not more than his bad deeds. So his bad deeds are more than his good deeds on the scale.

00:58:45 --> 00:58:49

Does he have to go to Johanna? No.

00:58:50 --> 00:58:53

Because what could intervene to stop him from going to jahannam?

00:58:54 --> 00:58:57

So, in no particular order, what

00:58:58 --> 00:59:08

is possible, right? If we say that fasting is not involved in that account in the MISA that fasting is excluded, it can come and save them. That's a possibility.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:11

But we say intercession Shiva,

00:59:12 --> 00:59:37

Shiva, right? The Muslims, whether it's the Prophet alayhi salatu, was salam or the righteous that follow? Or before all of that Allah's forgiveness histo heat Exactly. So he is a man who still heed the example of the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam when he said that there was a man who will come on the Day of Judgment with 99 scrolls, each one of them is as far as the eye can see all of them filled with sins.

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It'll be put on the scale. And then Allah Azza will ask him he says, Do you have anything to counter away these? So the man says, What do I have nothing. He says but we have something for you. And this is the beta aka the card that has on it what La ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah and will be put on one hand one pan of the scale

01:00:00 --> 01:00:09

and it will outweigh all the 99 scrolls that he had committed all those sins. And that means that that man's to hate was solid.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:54

He loved Allah Zildjian. And he loved the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam mess, really something that we need to emphasize. Right really needs to emphasize that. Look, I'm not giving here anybody a license to commit sins, you should understand from that hadith that. They say, Oh, I only have 20 scrolls as far as the eye can see, I still have about 70 to go, I'm fine. No, no, you shouldn't really be thinking like that. But what that tells you is that if you really love, your love for Allah and love for the Prophet, alayhi salatu salam is strong, it will erase evaporate all sins, from your life, hopefully. But even you know, if you're overcome by this, and that at times, that

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even on the Day of Judgment when you meet Allah was

01:00:57 --> 01:01:00

right, so there was this Sahabi.

01:01:03 --> 01:01:22

And again, this is the wisdom of the prophets, Allah, Allah Who Sydenham that we need to ingest and we need to really contemplate and we needed to like a permeate our minds and hearts. So this is a hobby was being brought to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam because of alcohol drinking, right, he would drink

01:01:23 --> 01:01:31

and so they brought him ones they brought him twice. And the punishment for it right at that time is when the Prophet Solomon would say a kid go and give him a beating.

01:01:32 --> 01:01:45

That's the punishment for it. There is punishment, by the way for it. So alcohol is to be whipped 40 times. Yeah. And at the time of the Prophet Salah Salem is to be whipped if you are caught drinking alcohol, 40 lashes,

01:01:46 --> 01:01:49

right? And at the time of Umar Radi Allahu anhu, he made it at

01:01:50 --> 01:02:11

all right. So the scholars are saying between 40 to 80. So it's a serious thing, right. But at that time, when the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim administered that punishment, he said, Go and give him a beginning. So somebody would take a slipper and beat him, somebody would take his claws and beating somebody will take a stick and beat him. That's what they were doing. That's his punishment.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:33

So one of the Sahaba said, Allah, may Allah disgrace him How many times is he brought like this, in that state, not in that, that into his drunk, but in that state of have committed that crime? So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam said, he don't, don't be helpers of the shaytaan against your brother. By Allah, I know him to love Allah and His messenger.

01:02:35 --> 01:03:14

Right? Don't assist. And this is just keep it in mind. Right? And your zeal in the practice of Islam, right? And all of this, of course, you could look at someone who is committing these crimes, and you say, May Allah do this and that to them. But just imagine that for a person like that the prophets lie Selim gave him that testimony that really none of us has. He loves Allah and His messenger. So it's possible possible that this could take place. That's why we say if a person commits a sin like that we feel for him, but we still hope, he's still hope that he has something in him hidden deeds or hidden love for Allah and the Prophet, or RAM of Allah as though that were

01:03:14 --> 01:03:29

intervene. So here, we say, Allah could forgive him because of the hate. There could be intercessions. Right? That could take away his sin, even the angels will intercede. Also, and this is what I'm talking about the non prescribed punishment.

01:03:32 --> 01:03:35

Or benefits, let's add to what could intervene to

01:03:37 --> 01:03:51

do the dua of the people he left behind children or people that he knew they make dua for him, right. But also the hardship that you go through in the dunya there is also punishment for the things that we do.

01:03:53 --> 01:04:13

Right, so there is prescribed punishment, right? Take this person's hand whip this person, this and that. But some of these sins that we said that are major sins, there is no punishment for them that is prescribed in the Sharia. So how does Allah azza wa jal? How does he purify you have that? What happens? You lose money.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:16

You lose loved ones, you lose your job.

01:04:18 --> 01:04:22

You get frightened, you get sad, you get depressed you get this and you get that

01:04:23 --> 01:04:25

and don't look at it as something bad.

01:04:26 --> 01:04:29

But rather what it is doing what to you,

01:04:30 --> 01:04:47

the saving you, right. So if you look at these afflictions of actually they're saving you meaning Allah azza wa jal wants the best for you. You're not gonna be so resentful of bad things happen. Yeah, of course in the beginning, you're not going to like it. Nobody likes to lose. Nobody likes to be

01:04:48 --> 01:04:59

any tested. Nobody likes that. But if someone reminds you or if you're wise enough to remember or if you read the Quran and you encounter the ideas, or the Hadith of you reading

01:05:00 --> 01:05:32

Adid that will tell you that this is a test. And it's because of what we have done when you read it. It's not Hey, you are so terrible and you'd be punished. It's not that it says you're lucky enough that Allah azza wa jal wants the best for you. So he's taking things from you. So though you don't have to answer for that on the Day of Judgment. So like a punishment in the dunya, rather than the akhira. Right. And that's why when we're going to be talking later about man is an ultra media who came and confessed adultery to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, why did they come and confess adultery?

01:05:34 --> 01:05:54

Because they wanted what? Care rather than their so they sacrifice their lives for Allah azza wa jal they could have just concealed the whole thing but they want it to be to atone for it here so that they don't have to answer for it when they meet Allah as it had done here and now and done with it. I don't have to worry about it later.

01:05:55 --> 01:06:01

Allah add some shall disclose to Asia so let's stop here in sha Allah, there's a little bit left in that

01:06:03 --> 01:06:11

in that kind of section and we'll finish that inshallah later on inshallah next week. Let us know inshallah you have questions

01:06:17 --> 01:06:17


01:06:29 --> 01:06:55

No, I'm so bad like a lot of fake so I mean, you obey the leader as long as he obeys Allah azza wa jal. That's true. So if he commands you to obey Allah you obey him. If he commands you to disobey Allah azza wa jal you don't listen to him. So that's that's that's guaranteed if the leader is corrupt so that's it he's not observing Allah and His Prophet and what he's doing but he's still a he's a Muslim so he's not a cafe is a very serious thing to call a person a cafe

01:07:10 --> 01:07:13

opposing Allah's laws right inheritance laws

01:07:25 --> 01:08:01

person reaches a level where he is mocking the Quran, or stuff like that that's a very different Oh no, that's a very different thing. That ladder is very different and but but I will refrain personally from calling him anything and I will say to him you say you declare him to be a Kaffir I don't want to hold that oh no, no, carry that on my shoulder when a person makes the Quran wants to change the Quran that's different, different category wouldn't it do not talk about people who have reached that level? So the person who is still Muslim but he is not Yanni the best that's those are the people that we're talking about insurance

01:08:03 --> 01:08:06

if you didn't when you do that

01:08:09 --> 01:08:11

it will take you are looking to check up

01:08:15 --> 01:08:22

on you at new family and all of the VP damage management

01:08:23 --> 01:08:31

so that time is a very narrow position you're wanting to erase these vessels proceeds are used

01:08:34 --> 01:08:35

sometimes you

01:08:37 --> 01:08:37

may be

01:08:42 --> 01:08:43


01:08:47 --> 01:09:19

So hey, I mean me you're talking about a very difficult like you're under compulsion, you're under duress and now you can live alone Epson Illa Woosah right Allah as it is not going to put on you more than when you can bear so it's complicated and I don't think we can finish discussing it right now because it's been five ministration sha Allah but we can pick it up next week and shall Baraka logic even shall let's conclude because really close to Asia insha Allah if you do have questions, Inshallah, please remember them. Come next week in sha Allah, we can answer more than that be in

01:09:20 --> 01:09:21


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