Ahsan Hanif – The Attributes of Abu Bakr

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The Prophet sall campaigns are discussed, including the use of the symbol sall campaigns to signal the need for reconciling with the new Prophet. The importance of knowing the Prophet's core principles and characteristics of his life is emphasized, along with the use of Sharia to attract followers and increase their understanding. The single journey of the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam was discussed, including multiple events, including a single night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, a single night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and a single night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem. The man named bossy talks about his wealth and desire to give sadaqa to a woman, his desire to apologize for past mistakes, and his desire to mix sex with women.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then from that the lighter Isla and we want to start you know who want to start from when are all the bIllahi min sure Adi and fusina and see RTR Molina may have the love of Allah mandala who Amin yodeling for the Hadera or shadow Allah. Allahu Allahu la sharika or shadow under Muhammad Abdul Rasul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa are early he wants to be he was a limit to Sleeman. Kathira you're Latina? Tala haka, Ducati, Walter Morton in LA and to musli moon. You have NASA Topo Raja Kamala the Halacha Kumi nevsun Wahida will call up Amin, huzzah. Jaha, or betheme. In Houma region and cathedral when he says

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what double Allahu Allah de lune Ibrahim A lot of ham in Allah kennady kumara Theva your lady and I'm an otaku, Lucha colo colons that either stuck into my mind

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or may yield theory law how Rasulullah who forgot the first fools and Alima and mobilego for inositol Hadith he Kitab Allah He Tada Well, you don't hit the head you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, or shovel to have a

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look, bada bada let in for now

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in what is collected inside al Bukhari, on the authority of a Buddha or the Allah one that he said that we want sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah approached us and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw him coming. So well did he know his closest and dearest of companions that he said, a messiah Hebrew configured the karma. As for your companion, meaning Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Allah, and then he's upset. He came in, he said, O Messenger of Allah. I had a misunderstanding with Omar, me and Omar had a dispute a misunderstanding. And I said something to him that I later regretted. But when I asked him to see

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back to me so that we would be equal, he refused and he left and he went home. So I've come to your messenger of Allah.

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As he's having this discourse with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Amara, the Allah one decides that you should go back and reconcile with Abu Bakr. So he leaves his home and he goes to the House of Abu Bakar. And he asks for him, but he's told he's not there. So then he comes upon this gathering of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sees Rama approaching, he becomes angry. And as the Companions is to say that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became angry, you could tell in his face, you could see in his facial features in the color of his face, that he was upset some Allahu Allah you know, silom so in

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Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and so the signs he saw these facial features changing he understood that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going to be upset. But rather than directing his ire, he's upset at Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and the one who came and said I was the one who wronged him out. He's instead upset with Ahmed. So back around the Allah one goes down upon his knees and he says, and the two of them I was the one who wronged him or messenger of Allah. I was the one in the wrong not him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to armor to the Companions gathered around him, and it is a lesson for each and every single one of us by extension. He said in Allah

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Bethany Eleague from the quantum Kazem to Makana Abu bachlin Sadhak. When Allah azza wa jal sent me to all of you people, all of you said, You are a liar. But Abu Bakr stood and he said he speaks the truth. While we're certainly BNF See, he were mad, and then he sacrificed for me, his life and his wife fell into tears equally Sahibi So will you not leave my companion alone?

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Abdullah or the Allahu ansaid family it will be about the home. He was never harmed again, meaning Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah. This is one Hadith of the many Hadith that you will find in the Sunnah, that speak about the virtue of this amazing Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah. If I was to stand here and begin his life story speak about his Syrah, his biography, speak about his virtues and the many accomplishments that he has to his name, not the Allah Who and it will take me many, many hotbeds, we could spend the whole year every single hotbed of this Juma and we still wouldn't exhaust the many lessons from the life of this companion. And it

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is enough to know that it is from the foundations of our app either from the belief that me and you have as Muslims, that the greatest person in this ummah after His messenger and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is none other than Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah. And the speed of the self therapy of the Muslim is based upon the core principles that they have to believe in. And it is also based upon the core principles that differentiate them from other Muslim groups that have heard

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In those principles and from those principles is a station of the companions and in particular, who the greatest of them were. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anhu, someone who has many, many accolades to his name. But what I want to share with you in this brief time that we have before us today is some of the attributes that make them a bucket of the Allah Juan, who he wants, some of the main characteristics that he possessed in his personality, in his character in the way that he conducted himself that gave him the station that Allah azza wa jal gave to him per chance, even though none of us can reach that status in that level. If we were to take some of those lessons, even if we could

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reach only a 10th of what Abu Bakr reached, even if we could only take a small amount and attain what Abu Bakr attained, it would be for us sufficient by Allah's permission, by His grace and by His mercy. I have a number of attributes, time permitting that I want to share with you. And each one of them is important and each one of them is linked with another. The first thing that made Abubaker the Allah one from the greatest or the greatest of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the knowledge that he possessed of this religion. When you think of the name of Abu Bakr, you don't think knowledge. When I say knowledge to you amongst the Companions, perhaps the

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people that come to your mind are the likes of Ibn Abbas so they've been Miss ruled or Aisha

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Radi Allahu Anhu. Abu Bakr is not from amongst the most prolific narrators of Hadith. No was Abu Bakr known for his many fatawa or his many judgments or edicts, you don't have much of the knowledge of Abu Bakr in the books of Hadith, but amongst the Companions, he was the most knowledgeable of them. His knowledge was one that gave him understanding of the Sharia. His knowledge is what allowed him to attain the highest levels of Eman. He had knowledge, even though perhaps you don't read it in the books that you have before you but amongst the Companions, he was known and accepted as an accepted as being the most knowledgeable from amongst them. And we have snippets of this within the

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Sharia from them as a hadith in our body of Abdullah bin Massoud, Radi Allahu Allah. And when he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam towards the end of his life he sat amongst his companions one day and he said, giving the hotbar in Allah your abdomen, being a dunya ouabain admiring the hoof of Tara Marinda Allah, indeed Allah azza wa jal gave to a person a choice between the life of this world and between that which Allah azza wa jal hands, and that seven chose what Allah azza wa jal has a bit Mossad said that made Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu cry, and we will Amin surprised why is he crying? Surely any person in that position who's given that choice would choose

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Allah and they wouldn't choose this dunya but then he said we realize something that only Abu Bakr realized, and that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was speaking about Himself. He was the one given the choice and he's the one who made the choice. And what he's telling us, but we didn't understand is that his days left upon this dunya are limited, and so even Masuda Radi Allahu ansaid what kind of Abu Bakr in our Allah Munna and Abu Bakar was the most knowledgeable from amongst us from amongst the companions. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu had knowledge of the Quran, when he had knowledge of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by virtue of being close

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to the prophets of salaam by sitting with him and understanding this religion. It allowed him to give gave him wisdom and he gave him an ability to come close to Allah subhanaw taala and that is how any person comes closer to Allah azza wa jal if you have sincerity and you seek knowledge of this religion, and you come and you learn doesn't mean that you have to be the famous Imam standing upon the minbar doesn't mean you have to be the person that everyone knows doesn't mean that you have to be the name that everyone's familiar with. Everyone can seek knowledge and that knowledge for many people perhaps it remains between them and between Allah subhanaw taala Abu Bakr Radi

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Allahu Allah was known for his knowledge, because of the key points within the sphere of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the key points after the death of the Prophet Solomon during his Khilafah. He stood and he took a stance and the stance that he took often more than not, was the correct stance. And that is why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the first year, the hedgerows obligated before he went and performed His following in the following year, his own farewell Hajj he chose Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah to lead the pilgrims. He chose him to be the Imam of Hajj and as he been to me and others said, the reason being because Abu Bakr was the most

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knowledgeable in hajj, you have hundreds of issues. Every person has a different question. Every person has a different circumstances scenario. Everyone's got their issues and Hajj, you need someone who has a wide understanding of the Sharia and understanding of all of the rulings of faith. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose Abu Bakr for that position. He's one of the most he's the most knowledgeable of the companions. Radi Allahu Anhu veterinarian from the attributes of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu and then connected to his knowledge was his trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala his Eman in Allah azza wa jal, the reverie

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key moment in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when other people would question when other people would have to have an internal debate when other people would be onshore. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu was like a mountain, like a rock, so stable and so firm that even in those things that other people will think perhaps is beyond the rounds of understanding. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu would stand and he would say, I believe, and I accept that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so sure was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have the knowledge and the Eman of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and that sometimes the prophets of salaam would say in his absence, I

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believe in this and Abu Bakr and I'm gonna be leaving this didn't need them to be there. Didn't need to ask them he was so sure of the Eman of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah. And that is why we have the famous incident when after the night journey after the prophetess. And now how does this run Mirage and he went to the heavens and back in the single night, and this news became widespread in Makkah. Abu Bakr had yet to hear it from the mouth of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when some of the Quraysh they came in, they sit them over buckled up. Do you know now, what your companion is claiming that he went in a single night from Mecca to Jerusalem, but not only there he went to the

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heavens and back in a single night? Do you think that this is something which is possible? He said, I already believe in something which is greater than this. I already believe that Allah azza wa jal every day and every night gives him revelation from the seven heavens. So what's what's the single journey? What is the single journey compared to what I have already accepted? That is the man of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah, in every single place, every single situation, he is looking at that which will truly be pleasing to Allah subhana wa Tada his strong Eman, his firm Eman. The police that he has in this religion is because he never wavered, or the Allahu Anhu Allah. And that is why even

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after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the prophets of Allah wherever he was cinema instructed an army just before his death to set out under the general under the general Osama museum Radi Allahu Anhu man under his leadership that they would go on they would fight the Romans, and then the army as he was preparing to step out stopped because he heard that the prophets of Allah Where are you sitting with severely ill and then he died some Allahu Allah He was selling the boubakeur The Allah who becomes the Khalifa. People now have refused to start to people now have refused to give us the can. People from amongst the Arabs of apostate from Islam. We have people

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claiming to be false prophets that have already propped up and some of them have started to emerge now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has died, some of the senior companions that came to Abu Bakr, and they said this is our own army. This army of Osama is all of the Muslims. This is the strength of Medina. If they go out, there is no one left. So why don't we delay the army, pull them back, let things settle down, and then you can send them at a different time. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu unsaid that I will never undo a mat that was tied by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded this army to leave, he will leave. That was the

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man of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and the army would go out you will be victorious by Allah's permission, and he would return that is the man of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and I don't have the time to go through the countless examples that we have within the Sierra, but you will find in every single moment and in every single place, you will find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying something or doing something or taking a position and Abu Bakr radi Allah one is the one who is the first and foremost and that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said what he said, as I mentioned at the beginning, indeed Allah azza wa jal sent me everyone else said you are a

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liar. Prabakaran the Allah who understood and he said you speak the truth from the attributes of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah, is that he would always look for that which was most pleasing to Allah subhana wa Tada. Where can I gain the most reward? What can I do that is most pleasing to Allah azza wa jal even if it is difficult for me, even if I have to make some personal sacrifice, even if in this there is pain for me, I will do it to please Allah subhanho wa taala. And perhaps one of the greatest examples that we have from his life is in the story of the splendor of our mother, Aisha Radi Allahu anha, the daughter of Abu Bakar from amongst those people who spread those rumors, who

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were partaking in that slander was one of the relatives of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah companion, but the name of Mr. and Mr. Was a companion from the people of Bhutan, who participated in the Battle of but the party got caught up in this issue of the slander. So bakr Radi Allahu Allah after the innocence of his daughter was declared by Allah azza wa jal in the Quran, he said, As for mista, I will never spend upon him again. Mr. Howe was a poor man, a relation to Abu Bakr so Brubaker would give him sadaqa and charity to help him. He said I won't spend upon him anymore. And as we know me and you, every single one of us has the right to give our sadaqa wherever we choose, you don't want

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to give you

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sadaqa summary you don't have to give it a give it somewhere else. It's up to you. Abu Bakr said, I don't want to give it to this man anymore because of what he said about my daughter. Allah subhanaw taala revealed the verse in the Quran, Allah tele fogli Minco Messiah, a

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messiah, Algerian ifisa need Allah will therefore will use foul Allah to reborn your fear Allahu La calm those from amongst you that have been given virtue and have been given wealth when they would spend upon their family or upon the on the weekend upon them hygiene in the past of Allah azza wa jal and don't let them stop doing what they were doing, but rather they should pardon and forgive do you not love that Allah should forgive you in return? Abu Bakr Radi Allahu answered by Allah. I love that Allah should forgive me. So even back then he spent upon this very man Mr. Ravi Allahu Allah. That is Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and he hears a verse, He is told that this is something more

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pleasing to Allah, He does it for the sake of Allah azza wa jal in the hadith of a Buddha wouldn't tell me the aroma of the Allahu and said, there came a time when the Prophet Solomon was asking for sadaqa never in my life did I have more wealth than at that point? So I thought to myself today I will best Abubakar so I came on about half of my walk to the Prophet SAW Selim, and he said to me, what did you leave behind the Amara? I said, I left a man a similar amount behind for my family. But then Abu Bakr came and he brought everything and the prophets of salaam asked him, What did you leave behind the wall bucket for your family? He said, As for me, I left behind for them, Allah and

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His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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that is the man of Abu Bakar. That is his trust in Allah subhanaw taala and his certainty in Allah's promise, that is knowledge of Abu Bakr, that everyone else in that situation will think that I should leave a small amount behind, save for a rainy day Prabhu baccarat stands and he said, As for me, Allah is sufficient. And as Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is sufficient BarakAllahu li Welcome to the Quran. He was sunnah one of our new yummy Mefi Himalaya to hikma opodo Cody Hi there was stuck for Allah He welcome What did you bring Muslim equally the minister Pharaoh in the whole affordable

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Smilla from the de la salatu salam ala Rasulillah Ali, he was talking to you women, whether we'll send them at the Sleeman Kathira Medina, Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and was known for his amazing character. His knowledge of this religion is trust in Allah subhanaw taala. He's seeking of Allah's pleasure meeting from amongst the greatest of the companions and character, the most generous of people, the kindest of people, the most patient of people, the most gentle of people, not the Allahu Anhu or da, and from his characteristics that I want to conclude upon today is that he was also extremely humble. Someone who knew despite the many promises that he was given by the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he would attain gender, that he was guaranteed Jana, that you will be from the people of Ghana. He never lost the humbleness before Allah subhanaw taala was still afraid for himself. The hadith al Bukhari Abu Bakr Radi Allahu and from the fewer Hadith are narrated by him about the Allah Who and he said that I came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I said O Messenger of Allah, teach me a dua that I can make in my salah. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, and he said to him, say, hola hola in Neapolitan, FCL Dolman cathedra or if you require Goldman Kabira What are your favorite don't obey Allah and fulfill the

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McPhatter Minarik did our harmony in the country for rockin Oh ALLAH indeed, I have oppressed myself a great deal and in the other wording, a Great Depression and no one forgive sins except you. So forgive me and have mercy upon me Indeed you are forgiving, Most Merciful. That is Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and a man of a better a man of knowledge. A man who always looks for that which is most pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala these attributes are important for every single Muslim. And even if you don't have them to the level of Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Allah, and we should have a portion of them in our lives that we may take from the example of these companions, and that we may try to our

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best to emulate them in the way that they were asked Allah azza wa jal that he mixes from amongst those people who are following their example, and that Allah subhanaw taala mixes from amongst those people who will be reunited with them will be united with them in the company and Yeoman piano. Ask Allah subhanaw taala that he keeps his firm upon this religion, that He shows His mercy and His forgiveness and His blessings upon us and upon our communities. And that Allah subhanaw taala makes his time easy for us and that Allah azza wa jal relieves us from the hardship and the difficulty that we are in Subhanallah Rabi crop residue Yama, Yossi phone was salam ala mousseline

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