Ahsan Hanif – The Major Books Of Hadith – Muwatta Imam Malik

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The history and title of the book "Art of Hadith" by the first speaker is discussed, including its significance for the writing of it and its significance for the history and title of the first speaker. The segment also touches on the importance of learning from one's past experiences and finding one's own success in learning. The book is seen as a combination of the two of the Prophet sallavi Alayhi wa sallam and the Sun airline of Islam, and it is difficult to combine the two due to the lack of knowledge and the stature of the Prophet.
AI: Transcript ©
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roboticle optical sonica Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ah Marina Mabry

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I will action the continuation of this series on these book of ahaadeeth these collections of the hadith of our Prophet son alone while he was still them this evening is concerning the mortal human medic Rahim Allah tala.

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The scholars of Hadith, when they come to the books of Hadith, they have certain terminologies that they use. And perhaps one of the most famous of those terms that they use is what is known as the quotable sitter, the six books of Hadith. And those six books or the six books of Hadith are in the previous weeks different speakers on each and every Saturday over the past six weeks they've covered the books being cyan Bukhari and Muslim. The sermons of Amida would unnecessary autonomy, the anti blue magia these six books collectively make the Kotaku sector the six books of Hadith that are well known and famous amongst not only the scholars, but even the originally Muslims. However, there are

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many other books of Hadith in addition to the six books of Hadith. And so a common mistake or misconception or misunderstanding would be to think that all of the sudden or all of the Hadith that we have are confined within only the six books. Rather the cases that we have many other books of Hadith, though they may not be as famous was well known or as easily accessible as these six books of Hadith.

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So there are other books of Hadith and that's why from the terminologies that the scholars also use, is the porta potties are the nine books of Hadith. And the kotova sabara, the seven books of Hadith. So in addition to those six that we mentioned already Buhari muslimah Buddha Buddha necessary a tournament in Hebrew murgia when they see the seven books of Hadith the seventh one that they refer to most often is the Mortazavi man Malik Rahim Allah tala. That we will discuss this evening. And when they see the photo booths are the main books of Hadith, the ad in addition to the Mortazavi magmatic to other books of Hadith, the Muslim Imam Muhammad and the center of a dare me. So the

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scholars of Hadith when they came to the study of the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they didn't just confine themselves to the six books of Hadith are only two Bukhari and Muslim because there are Hadith that you won't find in Bukhari and Muslim but you will find in other books of Hadith, and then there are Hadith that you won't find in the six famous books of Hadith. But you will find, for example, in the Muslim Ummah measurement, so it's important for the Muslim for us to know to acknowledge, to understand that there are many books of Hadith. And there is from the rights of those scholars upon us, that when we mentioned the books of Hadith and when we speak

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about their works, we remember to ask Allah subhanaw taala to show his mercy upon them. These are scholars who as we will see in today's lecture, have spent years decades studying, researching or writing the books of Hadith.

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So, the book that we have before us this evening, is in terms of the compilations of head is probably one of the shortest one of the most concise, in most of the additions that you find of this particular book, you will find that it is a single volume, or perhaps two volumes are a stretch and that is not the norm in the books of Hadith as you know. Normally they're 456789 volumes and more because they contain so many a hadith but this particular book of Hadith Mata Amina Malik Rahim Allah Allah, it is short and it is concise. Normally, a single volume is enough to contain all of the Hadith of the water of Eman Malik. The motto of uma Malik is also different in the sense that it

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is perhaps the earliest compilation of Hadith that we have in existence. The earliest book of Hadith that we know of that is in its complete form, is the motto of Mr. Malik. Because you were manuka honey mahalo Tyler lived in came many years before the likes of immigrant Bukhari and Muslim and Mr. Muhammad, and many of the scholars of Hadith. So it was unique that someone in his time of his generation, and his proximity to the age of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would author and write a book of Hadith. He lived at a time before the famous golden age of the sciences of Islam, when the scholars began to write, and to codify the different sciences of

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Islam, including Hadith, that age and that era took place after the death of Mr. Malik Rahim Allah. It started with his students, and then the students of his students, but in America, mahalo was unique.

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And he was someone who was before his time. So in my mind, Rahim Allah had this privilege and had this honor of writing one of the earliest books of Hadith that we have in existence today that we know of

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this book of Hadith also from its most amazing issues before we go into something of the life in the biography of this great speller. Also what is considered to be special and unique about this book is its authenticity. It is considered to be one of the most authentic compilations of Hadith, after al Bukhari and Muslim and in fact, many of the scholars of Islam before an amendment bahaya Nima Muslim Rahim Allah before they were born before they authored the books of Hadith and so on. They considered the motto of human Malik to be the most authentic book of Hadith. So remember Shafi Rahim Allah with the teacher of Al Bukhari is before saya Buhari was written, he said that the most

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authentic book of Hadith, or the most authentic book after the Koran The Book of Allah is the motto of human Malik. And there are many things to this effect from other scholars of that era. This is obviously before Bukhara Bukhari and Muslim are more authentic than the Moto Viva manic, but it is time before those are the books of Hadith were compiled and written. The most part was considered to be unique in its authenticity as well.

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And a lot of this goes down to the issue of the author. It is Mr. Malik Rahim. Allah His knowledge, his expertise in the field of Hadith. His piety is dakwah his level of scholarship and knowledge. That's what contributes to this book of Hadith being such an amazing work of of a scholar and of of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. An email Malik Rahim Allah was born in the city of Medina.

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And he was born according some generations in the year 93 hingedly and other generations 95.

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So he is close to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is considered to be from that about tabbing from the third generation of the Muslims. We have the companions, you have the students and their children, the tambourine, and then you have this students and their children that battle tambien in Lima Malik Rahim, Allah is considered to be from the third generation of Muslims. And as we know those three generations, all of them are from the chosen selected generations of the Muslims. Due to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Pharaoh nasty corny, former Latina Luna home summon Latina Luna home, the best of generations are my generation than those who

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follow them and then those who follow them. alima Malik Rahim Allah reaches that level of being able to be within those three generations. His grandfather, his name is Malik iblue NSE Malik, his grandfather's name was also Malik was considered to be from amongst the senior tabular in the major Tabby. And he lived and he saw the lights of man or the lava and an army rhodiola one and many of the major companions of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some of the regions even said that his grandfather's name was also Malik. He was one of the people that carried the genocide the funeral procession of the loved one after he was martyred. His great grandfather, whose name was Abu

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Malik, the father of Malik, Malik is one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the unsolved from the people of Medina. It has said that he witnessed all of the battles after battle. After the Battle of butter on woods. He was one of the companions who witnessed and participated within those battles. In America Rahim Allah comes from this lineage of scholarship of piety of taqwa, of companionship, and so on. And on Lima Malik Rahim, Allah when he was born when he was young,

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he quickly began to seek knowledge and to learn. And he was able to study with many of the scholars of his time, the likes of arrabiata, Ronnie, and the likes of Nadia, who was the freed slave the Mona Amaro rhodiola Juan Houma, and his narration from the scholars and his study from them, led him to become well known for his own knowledge. To the extent that Bukhari Rahim, Allah and others used to say, that the golden chain of narration as Silsila habia in the chain of narration, of Hadith from the golden chains of narration, meaning that it is the most authentic, and of the highest level and caliber is the narration of Lima Malik from navair. From Abdullah, Mr. Ravi Allahumma. These

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three people in this chain, they are of the highest level each one of their generation

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It was called therefore a golden chain of narration. And Mr. Malik Rahim Allah became known for his knowledge became known for his piety became known for his understanding of the texts of the Quran and the Sunnah. To the extent that it is said that at the age of 17, he began to teach and give fatwa. On the age of 17, you're sitting in the mustard of our profits are lower. It was Philomena Medina, and he was teaching the people at the age of 17. And he would continue to teach for the next number of decades, and he would teach many great scholars who would become students at his hands, not least of which was the likes of an Imam Shafi Rahim Allah and the likes of Mohammed Abu Hassan a

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shimoni Rahim Allah the student of Lima, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah and Sophia thery Rahim Allah and many other great scholars of Islam who traveled to Medina, and they would study with him, even though Lima Medina, Lima Malik Rahim, Allah Himself never left Medina except for Hajj and Umrah other than to go to Mecca for pilgrimage. He wasn't one of the scholars who traveled to Iraq and to Syria and to Yemen and to other places of the Muslim world to meet him to learn. But he can find himself within Medina and he learned from the scholars of Medina and his method is based upon those sconnie or those scholars that were present and those companions within the city of Medina, but many

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other scholars would come and they would visit him and they would come and they will learn and he would seek knowledge from him or a Hema Hola Hola, Tiana. I don't have time to go through the whole biography of Lima Malik. But what I want you to do was to pick out a number of moments and events from his life to show you the kind of man and scholar that he was Rahim Allah Tada. One of the unique things that you have amongst the four imagines the four famous imams of Islam. The format hubs, which are named after those four imams is the close link that they had with one another. And one of the common misunderstandings that we often have as Muslims as people who haven't studied the

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sciences of fitness or is that we often think that the methods clash, or that the difference of opinion is based upon animosity, or some type of hatred or some type of jealousy and factor is quite the opposite. All four of those imams are linked inextricably and they are close because they often studied from one another. Salima Muhammad Rahim Allah from those four arms is the latest in terms of his death. He was the last one to come from those four. He's a student of Lima Shafi or Hema. Hola, Mama chef, he studied with Lima Malik and he also studied with Mohammed Al Hassan ashame Bernie was one of the students of an Imam Abu hanifa Mohammed Al Hassan Rashid Bernie, who was a student of Abu

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hanifa also traveled to Medina and he studied with Imam Malik, and one of the famous inheritors of the motha vema Malik is none other than this fella Mohammed Ibrahim Pinochet Bernie Rahim Allah, so each one of them benefited from the other, they would learn and they would pass on that knowledge. And they would benefit from the expertise of those scholars that they studied with. So even when it came to forming their own methods later on, and their own opinions, they benefited from that knowledge and those shared experiences.

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And that's why for example, if you look at the Muslim devil in my measurement, which is a famous book of Hadith, one of the most extensive and one of the longest books of Hadith that we have, one of the interesting things that you find within there is that sometimes and Mr. Mohammad Rahim Allah in His chain of narration, he mentions his two shells. He mentions le mama Shafi and he mentioned in Amharic in his own chain of narration. So, for example, the Hadith in aerates, from his teacher, Chef curry, who narrates from Lima Malik, who narrates from a companion by the name of caribou, Malik rhodiola one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that indeed the spirit of the

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believer is in a bird that flies in gender, and then it will be returned to his body on the Day of Judgment. This Hadith which is authentic is one of those interesting narrations where you find a scholar or famous scholar narrating from a famous scholar and reading from a famous scholar, three of the Imams of the format's hubs are found within the single chain of narration. The point being that they studied and benefited from one another. Lima Malik Rahim Allah when he was a young boy it is famously reported that one of his early scholars and one of the earliest teachers that he benefited and learned from was a chef and and a scholar by the name of Roberto Rai, Rahim Allah. And

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he said the minima Malik was a young boy, he was his mother, who would encourage him to go and study and to learn

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When she would take him by the hand as a young boy and she would take him to the door of his teacher or B or she would say to him is habanero beer for Haldeman.

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Go to your teacher of the year, and learn and take from his manners before you learn from his knowledge. Because this is something which the scholars of Islam of the past used to do, when they would study and sit with the scholar, when they will be in the presence of people who are more learning of them, they will not only take from the words and from their speech, but before that, they will look at their actions and they will look at their demeanor, they will look at the etiquettes. It has said for example, that Mohammed Rahim Allah, when he would teach in Baghdad, he would have 5000 students, the duration says he would have 5000 students, only 500 of them would take

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notes and would write, only 500 of them were serious students that would come to learn Hadith and they would study and they would write, and they would memorize, the other 4500 would simply come to learn from his manners, from his articles, they would come just simply to be in his presence because of his piety, and his taqwa of him Allah tala and these statements and these types of stories that you find amongst the self. If you were to read in their books and their biographies, you would find that it was something which was very common. People would learn from people's

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etiquettes from their manners from the character from the way that they would hold and that they would carry themselves. So Nima Malik Rahim, Allah tala is someone who learned this from a young age.

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And in America, he mahalo at the age of 17. As I said, he began to, he began to teach. And he says concerning himself that he didn't start to teach and give fatwa and sending the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, until he went to a number of his teachers, and he asked them, and they gave him permission to do so. He sought permission from them. He asked them if he was capable and qualified. And when they agreed that he was then he sat, and he began to teach. And that's also a lesson, because one of the greatest trials that we have today, especially in this age of social media, and YouTube is that anyone and everyone can record a video and upload it, anyone

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and everyone can have followers and people who like them on Facebook and on Twitter. And it gives them a following and an audience that they can teach to and spread whatever they wish to spread to. Whereas the spawners of the past, before they would sit before they would teach before they would go and they would give knowledge, they would be qualified, they would seek permission, they would learn they would study the teacher would say, Now go and teach and then they would go and that's something which shows them in the life of Imam Malik Rahim Allah is someone who take knowledge seriously. And Hema Malik Rahim, Allah when it came to teaching Hadith, in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, and he is someone who spent the majority of his life teaching Hadith. To the extent that one of the contemporaries of his time another famous scholar once came to him and he said, Oh, man, if only you spent less time teaching, and more time making rebounder, more time, praying, knuffle prayers recite, to put on doing other things, rather than spending all of your time teaching. And really my Malik Rahim, Allah responded and he said, Every person has been given what they find easy for them. Meaning that Allah so jealous mean easy for me seeking knowledge and teaching knowledge. That's my path to gender. Perhaps for you to Sala, perhaps for someone else, the

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solder concerti each person is given what a large religion has facilitated for them. So Nima Malik would spend his time. But what is amazing is how the generations mentioned, the Winnie my Malik Rahim, Allah would want to come out to the masjid of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam to teach Hadith, he would go and he would make widow at home, and he would pray to rock hands. And then he would wear his nicest clothes, and he would perfume himself, and he would comb his hair on his beard. And then he would come and he would sit and he would teach. And people would ask him, why, why you would go through this lengthy process each and every single time. He wants to come and

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teach. And he would say it was to respect and revere and honor the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it's not something which is teaching, but it's something which is internalizing something which he understands, he respects and he loves. The scholars used to say that when he would sit with the Lima Muhammad Rahim Allah we will discuss a number of issues. But when we would speak about the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or mentioned the name of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will become serious, and he wouldn't joke and his demeanor would change and they would see why.

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You would say because there is the love and the respect that I have for the statements of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these were scholars who embodied the Sunnah. They were people who internalize The sooner, the sooner for them wasn't just narrations or statements or, you know, books that you read. It was something that they deeply honored, and it is something which touched them within their lives. Salima Malik Rahim Allah would honor Hadith, and he would honor the people who would come and he would seek Hadith. There is a story of a young boy who once came

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to the mysteries of the prophets on a lower it will send them to the lesson of Imam Malik, Nima Malika, many students, he was a young short boy. He sat at the back of the doors, but he wanted to come close and he wanted to listen to a Lima Manik so being young and being small, he was trying to weave his way through the people that are sitting and the people were gathered and they were packed closely. The older students, the students of Informatica Rahim, Allah, every time they felt the student trying to weave his way through, they would push him back, move him back to being a nuisance, but he would try and he would continue and they would push him back. And he would try

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again. So my Malik Rahim, Allah could see there's a disturbance, something that's upsetting people every so often, there's a disturbance. So he became angry. And he said to the students, get rid of him, right? Tell him to leave his being a nuisance. So one of the students took this young boy, he took him outside of the masjid deposited him there. And just to make sure he understood the lesson, he struck him, he hit him as well. And then he came back at him and Malik Rahim, Allah finished his lesson. He leaves the masjid and he finds the same boy standing and crying. So he says to him, what's wrong with you? So Mr. Malik, the boy says to ilima Malik Rahim, Allah, this great famous

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scholar, the teacher of the Hadith, in the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says that your student, one of your students, he oppressed me. On the day of judgment, I will hold you accountable for it. He wants to learn how to youth. So he feels that he's been oppressed who is complaining to him and Malik Lima Malik Rahim, Allah, despite his age, despite his knowledge, despite his stature, when he sees this young boy in the state, he says to him, What can I do for you, that you will forgive me? The boy replied, and he said, I want to I want you to narrate to me 10 Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrate to return Hadith. So he narrated to him

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10 Hadith. And the way of the scholars of the past is when they will narrate Hadith, they would give you the chain of narration as well. So my Malik would say that my teacher told me that the companion told him that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he would mention the Hadith mentioned 10 Hadith. So when he finished with the 10 Hadith, he said to the boy, Are you happy now? Are you satisfied? The boy said, No. Now I want to read them back to you as you narrated them to me, he instantly memorize those Hadith. So then he responded and he narrated the 10 Hadith back to Mr. Malik Rahim Allah. Allah Malik was so impressed and amazed by this boy, he said to him tomorrow,

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when I come and I teach you come and you sit in my lesson, come and study and learn from me. So Mr. Malik wasn't just someone who loved Hadith and and Hadith, but when he saw that within someone else, he would honor that fact as well. That this is a person who also loves the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Imam Shafi Rahim Allah when he was a young boy, and he came towards Medina from Makkah. Wanting to study with Lima Malik Malik Rahim Allah when he saw an Imam Shafi Rama Scheffer. He says that Imam Malik was a man of ferocity. A man of acumen of insight could see someone and he could instantly judge them and the character, he says that he saw something in me. So

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he said to me tomorrow when you come, since you've already memorized the Quran, come and one of my students will teach you My motto, my book of Hadith, they will teach it to you, you learn it from them. When you finished, you come to my class, and I will teach you and the members share free being a young teenager. At that time. He said to me, Mr. Malik, I've already memorized your motto. memorized, finished it. The motto as I was going to tell you has 18 150 or Hadith, I've memorized it. So Allah my mother, in law said to him, read the first 10 for me, Sonny mama Shafi recited and read them to him. And he mama Shafi was known for his eloquence he was a poet. He was someone who

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was eloquent He is someone who was well versed in the Arabic grammar and in its in its sciences. So when he recited and he read those 10 Hadith from memory, and Eva Malik Rahim Allah like the way that he recited so

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He finished the 10 So Mr. Malik said read the next 10. So he read the next 10 certainly the next 10 and he continued to say this to him, until it was time for him to go to sleep might had come in, told him to come back the next day, and then the third day, and remember Shafi says in three days, I read all of the water by memory to him from beginning to end cover to cover. And then a Lima Malik said to me, now come and study with me. So even though he was a young boy, these are people who are young in age alima Malik Rahim, Allah tala would see their potential, and he would nurture that potential. He was someone who loved to see in others, their eagerness and their passion for the

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had that same passion. And that same love of the Sunnah, also made the Lima Malik Rahim Allah understand the gravity and the responsibility of that knowledge upon his shoulders. A man wants traveled for him to him in Medina from Angelo's from southern Spain. And he traveled and it took him a month. And the people of his town they gathered together and they gave him 40 different questions, pressing issues that the people of that time of that place needed answers for. And they sent it to Mr. Malik, because he was one of the greatest scholars of his time. So the mmamoloko Rahim Allah tala, when he came when this man King chollima

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Malik Rahim Allah, and he gave him those 40 questions, according to some narrations that Mr. Malik set to 36 of them, I don't know. Alon knows best. And he answered the remaining four. The man said to him that I traveled far distance with all of the questions that my community gave to me to the most knowledgeable person that we know, living at this time. And you can't send me back with I don't know, 236 of them. What will I say to my people when I return? And only my Malik Rahim, Allah said to him, you will go and you will say to them, that Malik said he doesn't know.

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Allah Malik Rahim, Allah wasn't above saying that he didn't know didn't have the type of arrogance where he would just make up an answer. We'll just come up with something if you didn't know the answer, rather, he was a man of humbleness and humility. And another incident, a person once came to him and they asked him a question. And any medical Rahim Allah gave them his answer, told them what he thought of this question. The person responded and they weren't happy. They weren't satisfied with the answer. So they asked the Imam perhaps has a different opinion. Maybe there's a different answer. Maybe you can give us something else, as people often do, even today, when they're not

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satisfied with the answer they find. They look for a different one. And Mr. Malik Rahim Holloman, he realized that this is what the person is trying to do. He said to them, by Allah, I have never answered the question, except that before it I imagined before myself, paradise and hellfire. And I knew that the question and the way that I answered this question would either bring me closer to paradise or they would bring me closer to the fire? And once I understand this, and I imagine this, then I give my answer. This is how the spellers used to respond to questions. This is how they would deal with knowledge. And Mr. Malik Rahim, Allah was the man of piety. And he was the man of

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humbleness and humility, when his motto was finished, the halifa of his time. Harun Rashid Rahim Allah He said to him, that I want to make this compulsory upon all of the Muslims. This is what they study. This is what they learn. And this is where everyone takes their answers from. an Imam Malik said don't do so. The people have their scholars and they have their sources of knowledge. The Companions differ, and the students of the companions difficult over many issues. So it is incorrect for you to make all of the oma unite upon only my view, because there are many other scholars, many other companions that I didn't take knowledge from many opinions on certain issues. Don't make

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everyone just take from my opinion, showing the humility and the humbleness of the squeaky man. And the Lima Malik Rahim Allah tala he accomplished much within his within his life, not least of which is the book that we have before us.

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The motto of him and Malik Rahim Allah it is said that it took him 30 to 40 years to write, even though it is a short compilation of Hadith 1852 Hadith according to some numberings. If you compare that to the 9000 plus Hadith, in Sahih al Bukhari you can see that it's a small compilation of Hadith, but even so, it took him 30 to 40 years in order to do so. This is taken from a narration of an Imam ozeri Rahim Allah when he came to him and Malik and instead

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All of this book with him in 40 days. And Mr. Malik said to him at the end of those 40 days, a book that I spent 40 years writing you learn from in 40 days. How much do you think you understood from that? 40 years it took me you learned in 40 days, how much could you have possibly Understood? Because an EMA Malik Rahim Allah he would add to the book, and he will then look at the authenticity of those ahaadeeth and he will add and he would remove and he would change, and he would amend until we have what we have as the motto of human Manik the motto of Mr. Malik was written, because there are bassy halifa of his time Abuja from mon Sol. In one year upon hand, when he met Mr. Malik, and

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he sat with him. He was amazed by his knowledge and he was amazed by his understanding. So he said to him that I want you to write a book of Hadith that is accessible to even the average Muslim accessible to them, and easy for them to understand. And that is the meaning of moto moto is something which is easily taken and easily understood. So that's why he called it the Moto Kuma Malik and even Malik Rahim Allah initially, he said, No, he said that there are other people who can do this, he said that there are other people who are more worthy of this, the halifa responded Abu Jafar and he said, there is there are there is no one more knowledgeable today that is living either

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than me and you we are the two most knowledgeable people. As for me, I am busy with the laughter. I am busy dealing with the affairs of the Muslims ruling the Muslim Empire. So you must take on this task. Salima Malik Rahim Allah He took this upon himself. And over the next 40 years, he would write and he would compile what is known as the motto of Imam Malik. The motto was well known. And he became famous because he was easy to read and easy to understand. He was concise, and he was summarized. And he was one of the earliest books of Hadith. Even though there were other scholars of the time, who are also writing books of Hadith. The motto of Mr. Malik became so famous and he

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became something which was so well received by the people, that when other people started to write similar books and call them what some of the students have remained, Malik said to him, that there are many people now writing the books of Hadith. And only my Malik Rahim, Allah responded and he said, Whatever is done for the sake of Allah will remain. If you're sincere and you do something for the sake of Allah, it remains and the only most part that we have today in existence, the earliest book of Hadith that has come down to us through the ages and the generations is the mocha vanilla Malik Rahim, Allah tala.

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The motto of Mr. Malik is unique also, because of what it contains. It contains Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it contains the statements of the companions and it contains the statements of the tambourine. And it contains the opinions of Lima Malik Rahim Allah Tada. So one of the unique things about this book is that there is a book of fake and Hadith. It is a book of Hadith that has been ordered upon the chapters of

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Solomon Malik Rahim Allah often is facing his mouth hub, and much of his method today, its basis and its foundation. It is taken from his motto, from his book of Hadith, because to combine the two is extremely difficult. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he would narrate his Hadith when he would mention his statements, he wouldn't do so according to the chapters.

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And he wouldn't do so saying that this is a hadith about Rather, he would respond to the situation that the companions were facing, or the prophets on a low hourly or send them would simply teach them what he thought they needed to know. And it was organized in that way. And that's why many of the books of Hadith don't deal and they don't order themselves in the chapters of faith. Rather, they deal with many many issues, because the sooner is something which is comprehensive, but something which is unique about this book, and there are other books similar to it in Hadith also. But this is the first is that it is a book that combines between Hadith and Fiqh. And that is only

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possible because of the knowledge and the stature of Lima Malik Rahim, Allah China. Also something which makes this book unique is that it's written by a scholar who understood not only fake and Hadith, but he was at a time when he when Islam was still being old, the sciences of Islam was to being formed. So it is one of the earliest examples of a scholar who places within his book The sciences of Hadith, the scientists of the sciences have sold for all of this is combined within a single book of Hadith. And that is why, even though the work of Mr. Malik is very short and concise, relatively speaking

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It is an extremely difficult book to study. It is something very difficult to study, because of the many things that it contains, and the many issues that it covers. And so that's why you don't find that there are many scholars who teach and explain. The motto of America is considered advanced in the study of physics, and also in the study of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it is something which I said would lead to become the mentor of an Imam. Malik Rahim, Allah tala is based upon this book of the motto of Imam Malik. I want to conclude simply by mentioning that this book, these lectures were not meant to go through a comprehensive or detailed

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study of these books of Hadith because that's not possible within such a short period of time. That's something which requires many weeks and months to study and to learn. The point of this book, or the point of this lecture, rather, is to understand the level of this book and its position within Islam. And that there were scholars who in the past, spent decades trying to gather for us the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at a time, which is very different from ours, where today we have access, online, offline in books that are published on Google searches and so on. It's so easy not to access the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But these

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scholars have the other of the Giants upon whose shoulders we stand. They are the ones who studied and they are the ones who differentiate it authentic Heidi from weak and they are the ones who often traveled and they would spend years and decades simply to gather and preserve for us, the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is the very least of their rights upon us, that we understand what they did for Islam, and that we make to our for them that a large surgeon accepts the efforts and the sacrifices and that Allah shows His mercy upon them. And that Allah subhanho wa Taala has allowed this sort of Algeria this knowledge of this to continue living from age to age, so

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that we can still benefit from it today. And we can still understand the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from these books, let's colossal parrot Allah that he shows his mercy upon all of the scholars of Hadith, and even Malik and other scholars and the large soldier gives us the understanding not only of the Quran, but also the Dickson subhana

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wa salam O Allah mousseline with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

This lecture was given at the Green Lane Masjid

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