Ahmed Hamed – Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 1

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The importance of memorizing the name "ham ham ham" in Islam is discussed, including its flower and its significance as the only person who can be worshipped. The speakers stress the need to ensure people understand the name and its significance, as it is used to indicate ownership of the beast. The importance of living in the light of this guardian of faith and not denying one's pride is emphasized, along with the need to reflect on the weight of pride in one's life and use these names and attributes to gain an incentive of agenda.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. My brothers and sisters, welcome to our first session of the series reflections on the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala 100 hamdulillah we praise and thank Allah subhanaw taala for giving us this opportunity. Let us begin our journey with Mila In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask Allah to open our minds and hearts so that we can, you know, empower our knowledge and enrich our minds. And also please Allah subhanho wa Taala after learning these beautiful names and attributes of Allah or Buddha, the first name insha Allah, in today's session, we should learn about Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is the crowning name the most supreme and the main Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a law, a law, it means the one and only who deserves and worthy to be worshipped Subhan Allah, a lot of binaries that he says in Surah, Baja, surah number 20 ayah number 14 in the knee, an a la la ilaha illa and afar budoni surely I am Allah, there is no God, there is no deity worthy of worship. But I,

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my brothers and sisters, the word Allah is so powerful, that when we actually even hear the word of Allah, there is a there is a spiritual energy that comes will hamdulillah right, and this is the name which is the most popular name. This is the name of Allah, which has been used by Allah in so many, you know, places in the Quran. This is the name of Allah that means, the one who deserves to be worshipped, who is worthy of worship, the one who is the ultimate protector of all time, Allah is the one and only who is so powerful that the whole creation is amazed by his power and majesty, he is the one and only through whole, the whole creation rushes with absolute satisfaction. He is the

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one and only Allah, through whom the whole creation rushes to him for ultimate needs and desires. Allah The one and only who comprehends everything, but he is beyond comprehension. Allah is the one and only who is worthy of all praises, respect, honor and dignity and majesty. Allah subhanahu wa taala he named himself as Allah as the supreme as the crowning name. And this name, it encompasses, it reflects it includes all the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The objective my brothers and sisters the action point that we need to make sure that we memorize this name, as we all know and hamdulillah we need to understand it every now and then we need to keep reflecting upon

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it. We need to ensure that we live by it. We need to ensure that we call out to Allah for every need that we have. Another name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a Rahman Ar Rahman is among the main Names of Allah azza wa jal, a lot of ERISA, he says and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen by then r Rahmani r Rahim de

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Rahman Ramadan, Ramadan, the Most Gracious is the one of the major major Names of Allah subhanho tida. And it means Entirely Merciful meaning the the reflection of the mercy of awry man is all over. Those who even do not believe in him. Those who dis obey Him, even for them. Allah subhanho wa Taala showers His mercy as he is a Roman meaning the one who is Entirely Merciful. And the one who is continuously merciful Suppan a lot. A lot of but there is a he has to be reflected

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To be memorized to be ensured that this cipher, this attribute of Allah, this name of a lot of binaries, or Rahman, it has to be memorized. It has to be understood by understanding the various aspects of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala it has to be, you know,

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reflected upon again and again, by understanding and reflecting and pondering over the mercy of Allah all over. It needs to be lived upon, we need to ensure that there is nothing that is worthy of worship, except a ramen, the one who is Entirely Merciful. We need to ensure that we call out to ramen, forgetting the mercy for obtaining the Rama the mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanahu wa Tada. He is also a Rahim or Rahim is the one who is the Especially Merciful.

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He is Especially Merciful. Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah to facilitate rule number 41 eye number two,

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this is a revelation from the Entirely Merciful and the Especially Merciful. Ar Rahman is the is the Entirely Merciful AR Rahim is the specially merciful, so a lot of but there is a he is Especially Merciful for his selective slaves for those who believe in Him for those who obey Him for those who will be in need of him here and in the here after a lot of blazers, mercy, or Rahim, he will be continuously merciful to those who are deserving of the mercy of Allah. Again, my brothers and sisters, don't forget the action points. Let's make sure that we memorize it. We make sure that we understand the Rama element of it, the mercy element of it, or Rahim, we need to ensure that we

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ponder and reflect over it. We need to make sure that we live by it by always, you know pondering and by always believing in a Rahim and we need to also make sure that we call out or Rahim call out to Him as well. by an ask Allah I asked him to give us mercy from his mercy Subhana Allah by brothers and sisters,

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a lot of but there is a is also al Malik al Malik means the king, Allah subhanaw taala he uses this name in Surah two hush surah number 59 I in number 23 Allah subhanahu wa taala he described himself as the King. In fact, he is an entire, you know, creation, the things which we even don't know the creation, which we are not aware of that Allah has created, he is the king of everything Subhan Allah. Again, we need to ensure that we believe in him and Malik, we need to ensure that we memorize a last name and that is an Malik we need to ensure that we understand the kingship of Allah azza wa jal, he is the king who has the kingdom without anybody's intervention, we need to ensure that we

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keep reflecting upon the king al Malik and we need to ensure that we live by it, we need to ensure that we call out to Al Malik The one who is the king to grant us from him, his kingdom, the happiness, the serenity, the mercy, the satisfaction, and everything what we need.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an produce and produce is the one which means the sacred, the absolutely pure. A lot of the reason he uses this name in Surah Juma surah number 62 is number one, in which a lot of Buller Iza he says, the sovereign and the pure, he is the pure free from any kind of you know, dirt, any kind of imperfection Subhana Allah He is an produce the absolutely pure. You see these names and attributes of a lot of binaries, will empower our a man in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we need to ensure that we memorize this name as well.

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Good news. If you want to, you know seek purity in your life, if you want to ensure that you worship the one who deserves to be worshipped, I'll produce. In fact, my brothers and sisters, there is no one, there is no one except Allah who is reduce the absolutely pure who deserves to be worshipped Subhana Allah, we need to understand it. We need to reflect upon this name as well on the on the purity of Allah subhanaw taala and the sacredness of Allah azza wa jal, we need to live by it. Allah subhanho wa Taala is an produce absolutely pure, we need to call out to produce, we need to call out to all produce the one who is absolutely sacred, the one who is absolutely pure.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also a Salaam Salaam is the one free from all defects. It also includes the meaning of peace, the grantor of peace and security as well. A lot of briza uses this name in Surah Surah number 59. I in number 23 where Allah you know mentioned the one free from all defects a Salaam Salaam is the one who grants peace who is the owner of peace, and the one who is absolutely free from all defects. Again, my brothers, my sisters, we need to memorize this name as well. And we need to ensure that we understand the element of peace, the element of freeness from all kinds of defects in a salon and we need to keep reflecting upon the name of salon so that we can get closer

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to a salon. And we can ask Allah by calling out to Allah by living the life in submission to a Salaam in submission to the one who is the grantor of peace in submission to a Salaam who is the owner and the one who controls everything. Subhana love the one who is free from all defects. You see, it is so important and we are so happy we are so moved by knowing that Allah is a Salaam, he is free from all defects. Allah should be the one who is a Salam. And that's what Allah is. Allah is the one who is free from all defects. And that is why he is a Salaam he kept his aim as a Salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an admin. admin is the one who is the giver of security. He is the

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guardian. And Allah uses this name again in Surah. Alicia surah number 59. I in number 23, Allah mentions the giver of security and minnow, the giver of security, The Guardian, my brothers and sisters, let us make sure that we memorize this name as well as me know, and mock me know, the one who is the giver of security. Every one of us need security. We need someone who is the ultimate Guardian, the one who protects us, the one who guides us and there is no one better than the one who is an admin, who is Allah subhanho wa Taala let's keep reflecting on this particular name as well. My brothers and sisters, let us live by this name as well. Let us call out to Allah. I mean, ask

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Allah Yeah, I mean, grant a security. Yeah. I mean, God us, our families,

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our neighborhood, our society and the entire humanity and the entire creation Subhan Allah, the power of allotment is the he's the one who grants security. My brothers and sisters, indeed, He is Allah subhanho wa Taala who has this name? Allah.

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Allah subhanahu wa taala is also an mo Haman. Alma Haman is the one who is the watcher over his creative creatures. He is also the guardian of faith. Allah uses this name as well in surah alhaja surah number 59 ayah number 23 in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he

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says that he is the watcher over his creatures and mohe Minh, we need to ensure my brothers and sisters we memorize it. Elmo Haman is the one who watch who watches over us. Every time when we do anything he is the one who is Elmo Haman. He is the one who is the guardian of faith as well as the one whom we submit to Allah subhanaw taala to Alamo Haman, he is the one who we have to live by, or and we need to ensure that we call out to Alamo Haman to guard our faith, our Eman indeed the most precious thing for a believer is his fate. And Alma Haman is the one who is the guardian of faith, we need to live our lives in the light of this guardian of faith, and Mohammed, Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. My brothers and sisters, a lot of but there is a is also Aziz Aziz is the one who is the Almighty, He has the entire creation,

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the power behind the Supreme Being, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let's make sure that we memorize it. Allah xizhou Aziz, the old mighty, the old, mighty, my brothers and sisters, for any work to be done, for any action to be completed, for any matter to be solved, for any issue, to be resolved. We need to have someone in life who is all mighty, who is Allah Aziz, and that is Allah azza wa jal, that is the understanding that we need to carry in our minds and hearts, that Allah disease is the one who is the Almighty Who will take care of my matters, who has my personal relationship, to whom I submit alone. Allah subhanahu wa tada is Allah disease, we need to ensure that we live in the

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light of Allah Aziz, Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to call out to Allah disease, we need to see your disease,

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resolve my matters, take care of me, my family, my society, my community, my humanity, and the entire creation of our binaries. He has the power as he is alive, Aziz, a lot of butter is indeed is the creator of the entire creation. Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an Jabbar, the compeller D, the compiler, and Allah mentions in this name again in Surah, two the hash stood on number 59 is number 23. Al Jabbar, the compiler al Jabbar is the one who makes

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you know who is absolutely sublime and who is someone who is completely Supreme, who is the ultimate, you know, powerful, he compels things which you want and we know Allah subhanho wa Taala is absolutely fair. And just we need to ensure my brothers and sisters, we memorize this name Allah Jabbar, the compiler, we understand the meaning of algebra and that is the compiler. We need to reflect, keep reflecting upon it. You know, there is no one who can compel anything and everything which he wants except Allah, Allah Jabbar, we need to live by it. The best solution for us the best hope for us, the best way forward for us is to submit to the one who is the compeller the one who

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compels things, Al Jabbar, we need to call out to Al Jabbar for the things that we need for the matters for which we want to be resolved. Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters is also unmuted Kabir.

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Kabir is the supreme, the proud, there is no one in the entire creation.

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who deserves the pride the way Allah deserves. Subhana Allah ultimately, he is the one who is the supreme, who is the ultimate one who deserves all kinds of prizes.

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Again, Allah mentioned says this name, as well in Surah, to the harsh surah number 59 ayah number 23 where you mentioned the Supreme, the Supreme Glory be to Allah he's Above all, that the associate as partners with him, how can anybody with a logical mind frame with a with the honesty in his life can deny that other than Allah who deserves this quality, who can have this attribute of Anil Mota kabil the ultimate crowd, of course, it's only Allah, because he deserves to be proud, he has the one, he is the one who, who makes everything all around us, Panama, everything which we even don't know. So, who deserves the

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attribute the quality, the characteristic of Alberta kabil. So my brothers and sisters, let us make sure that we understand, we after memorizing we understand the meaning of ultimate a bit and that is the supreme, the most proud, and we need to keep reflecting upon it, and never have the element of the cupboard in our lives. Never have the the the element of pride in our lives. It all belongs to Allah azza wa jal, Mata Kabir, we need to live by it. We need to unsure we need to believe we need to accept and we need to acknowledge and affirm the proudness of Allah subhanaw taala that he deserves, we need to call out to Allah, Allah is my brothers and sisters, we need to call out to our

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motor club bill, we need to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala with this name as well. A lot of bourassa is also alcoholic. Alcoholic is the one who is the creator. A lot of breweries, again, uses this name in Surah to the hash sutra number 59 ayah number 24. Allah says He is the Creator, alcoholic alcoholic is the one who creates things from nothing. He is the ultimate creator SubhanAllah. And we know that every one of us and everything around everything which we even don't know, everything is created by the one and only Allah, alcoholic.

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He created everything. And he is the one who deserves to be worshipped because he's the one who created us. So it's all about Allah subhanho wa Taala it's all about Allah because he's the one who is the owner, the creator, the one who created us, and the entire thing, obviously, who deserves more versus

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more servitude, more slavery, more worship than the one who is

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the one who created my brothers and sisters. Let us make sure that we memorize this name as well. I'll Holic let us make sure that we understand it clearly. Alcoholic is the one who created everything. You know, even as parents, we shouldn't think that it's because only of us that we have children. No, it's because Allah willed and he created our children. So he is the one who is the master creator, who is the ultimate owner for everything that exists. And besides Him, everything is the creation and He alone is the creator. Therefore, Islam brings people from the worship of creation, to the worship of creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to reflect upon it again and

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again, how powerful our Creator is that he is created, not just the humans, among the humans, different types of humans, different colors, different, you know, sizes, different species, different creations, so panela our, our we will be amazed by looking at the creation of the one who is the creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala. And while while reflecting on all these things, the one main thing that comes to our mind is a law is alone, the only one who deserves to be worshipped, who is worthy of all praises, who is worthy of all respect, who is worthy of our worship. it's we who are in need of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it's we will be successful if you worship Him alone, if

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you purely, you know, be enslaved to Him alone into worship.

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alone, we ask Allah subhanaw taala my brothers and sisters, to help us memorize all these names which we have mentioned, which we have talked about to help them understand by opening our minds and hearts. Oh Allah help us to reflect on these names and attributes. Allah help us to, you know, live our lives, in the light of these names and attributes, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the guidance, so that we may call out to him at all times with these names and attributes, my brothers and sisters, let us make sure that we, you know, do all this in our lives insha Allah and that is the way how we can get an incentive of agenda, the price of enumerating, reflecting comprehending of

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these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala is nothing but an agenda. And that is what we all need. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept this effort from us. Well, aku dharana hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 1

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