Ahsan Hanif – Fear Of Allah

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of "taq wa" in the Arabic language, which is used to indicate actions and events related to one's life. They stress the need for people to practice their religion to avoid being punished and offer advice on achieving guidance and guidance for others. The importance of knowing and embracing one's taqwa is highlighted, as it is crucial for personal growth and achieving success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mohammed Allah He will Baraka

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

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Loma Sunday was sending Mubarak at arctica Veronica Mohammed were on early he will be here to Marina my bath.

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When we look through the Quran and we look through the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam we often come across terms, terminology words and phrases that are repeated. You hear them in the hospital Joomla you hear them in people give lectures, you read them in books, you find the mentioned in the Quran and in the son of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam these terms that we find in the Quran and the Sunnah, these terms are often used in Arabic language, when it comes to their translation and when it comes to interpreting them, you find that there are various translations. There is no one agreed upon translation. People differ in the way that they translate

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those terms. The lecture that we have this evening is such such an example. This lecture is about the term taco taco. And I'm sure that there's not a single person here except that they've heard this term being used before. They've heard it mentioned in many different places and in many different contexts. They've heard people saying the word taqwa, they've come across it in the UN and perhaps when they've come across or read a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they take that time, duck wha and then you look at our translation Will you see it being translated somewhere? It has a number of translations as well. One of them and perhaps one of the most common

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is fear of Allah. The way that this lecture was translated the fear of Allah.

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Another common translation of the term taqwa is piety, to be pious, another common translation is God fearing, or God conscious. These are all terms that people use to translate the terminology or the term or the phrase duck law.

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And the reason why we have such a discrepancy and the reason why there are various translations for this word, and for other similar words in the Arabic language is because the Arabic language by virtue of its eloquence, and its comprehensive nature, when it refers to something like taqwa, like generosity, Khurram like for example, he man, unlike the names of Allah subhanho, wa Taala, they're often mentioned in the Quran, there is no single word substitute in the English language, there is nothing that you can take and say that this word, the English language, encompasses all of the meanings of the Arabic term denotes. So that's why we have a discrepancy. So when it comes to

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understanding these terms, or when it comes to speaking and discussing these terms, one of the things that we have to get used to do if we're serious about our Islamic knowledge and learning is that we don't just stick to a translation that we don't really understand what he means. But rather we delve into that word itself, and what it comprises of and the different elements that it refers to. I often hear people for example, when they're speaking about Hammond, when a large soldier says Al Hamdulillah Hamed, we often translate this word as praise in the English language. But if you were to ask most people what the word and term praise means, they wouldn't really be able to tell

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you can't really tell you what praise means. Because praise even though it's a word in the English language that we're all familiar with, and we all kind of know what it means. But in the context of the Quran, and in the context of praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. What is exactly being referred to that something which most people have some ambiguity over there? They're doubtful, they don't know the exact definition. So likewise, with these term, the term dukkha. What does it actually mean and refer to because we say the word piety, but I would also gather that many of us here don't actually know what the word piety means. Either. We have a inkling of the word and we kind of have a gist of

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the meaning, but we don't really know what piety means. So the scholars of Islam when they come to speaking about these terms, and these concepts that are mentioned in the Quran, and the Sunnah, they define them. They don't give them a single word translation or a synonym. But what they do is they define them and they go into detail concerning what it is one of the most common definitions of the word taqwa the word fear

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is found,

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as mentioned by some of the scholars, and that is that you act in obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Based upon light and known guidance from Allah azza wa jal, hoping for the reward of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And to leave the disobedience of Allah, based upon guidance from Allah fearing the punishment of Allah. That is

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taqwa means other scholars defined it in perhaps a simpler way. They said the taqwa is to place between you and the punishment and the anger of a larger one, a barrier to erect a barrier to peace between you and the laws. raffin is punishment of barrier. This is the basic meaning of the word taqwa. But taqwa comprises so many other elements within our religion and so many other concepts because as you know, our religion isn't divided. It's not, not every single term is placed in this box, and just dealt with on its own, but rather the religion complements one another. All of these terms are interrelated. So when you have fear of Allah subhanaw taala, or this term taqwa you have

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piety of a large soldier, it also means it also means that you are aware that a large soldier is watching you the way that Alonzo in general is listening and hearing and is all seeing and hearing and all knowing that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is someone who knows every single thing that you do, no matter how private it may be, no matter how secretive, you may be with that Allah Xhosa knows, and that you use the knowledge that you have therefore, have a lot of names and his attributes to know that Allah is recording everything that you do. And because of this sense of woroch Baba the sense that Allah is Ever watching the never listening, you know that every single

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action in your life must be done in accordance to what Allah wants and what Allah is pleased with. And so therefore, the Muslim when it comes to taqwa is the one when every single situation of their life and in every single instance to the best of the human ability, because all of us sin and make mistake and have momentary lapses of forgetfulness. But to the best of your human ability taqwa as it relates to us in our personal lives, is for every single situation that comes upon us is to ask a simple question, this action that I'm about to take or this word that I'm about to say, whatever costs in life that I'm about to embark upon, is it something which pleases Allah? Or is it something

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which makes a lot angry? will it bring me closer to Allah? Or will it drive me further away from Allah subhanho wa Taala does it bring me closer to the path that leads to gender or closer to the path that leads to the Hellfire that is taqwa? And this is why you find that Allah subhanaw taala speaks about it often in the Quran, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of his most common, most, most frequent advice that he used to give all pieces of advice that he used to give to his companions was concerning taqwa. A large religion in the Quran, how often does he say to us? Yeah, you live in LA. Are you who believe are you who claim to have a man or people of Eman fear

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Allah have Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal. It is often mentioned in the Quran. And this is a verse that is repeated in many places in the Quran, the famous illustrious companion Abdullah bin Miss rhodiola one who was from amongst the most knowledgeable of the companions in general, but especially when it came to the Quran, he used to say that whenever you hear this command, yeah, you have Lavina Amman, oh you who believe, then pay attention and listen, because always after this command is called this address, or you who believe will come and order a commandment, either that you do something or you leave something alone. That is always the case in the Quran. Whenever Allah calls you with this

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temple, you who believe Allah will follow it with an order either to do something or to leave something alone, but often alaric xojo before he mentioned that order, he interjects between those two things the call and between the order with the term have fear of Allah. Why? Because me and you as humans were the type of people who even though we know that Allah says something in the Quran, and we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded something in the center, where people who will allow shavon to overcome us, we're human, were people who won't allow our desires to get the better of us. We know that Allah says something, and tells us to do something. But we'll

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take another course in life. And we do it willingly and sometimes we do it happening. So a lot of social to remind us of how we should be living. He says, it's up in law, Fear Allah, have piety of Allah, be conscious of Allah, that your action that you do or the way that you respond to the action or the commandment that Allah is mentioning in the Quran, Allah azzawajal will record it he knows what it is, he knows what action you take them of course you take so fear Allah and then Allah mentions what it is that you must do. Allah subhanaw taala does this often in the Quran? When a large villages he mentions in certain sources of the Quran when he sent the different prophets to

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the different nations no Holly Salman to his people who the Ali Salaam into the nation of add Saleh Ali Salaam into the moon srivalli salaam and 2 million lutherie is

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sentiment to his people, his nation of loot. All of them are so gentle says in the Quran, that the single thing that they always spoke to of their people and they always reminded them of is Allah at the own Will you will not have Taqwa of Allah subhana wa Tada. Those people that they were addressing, were engaged in sharp they didn't worship a large religion. But not only were they engaged in a shift, they were engaged in various and different forms of oppression. Some of them had military might and power, and they would use it to oppress those who are weak, others had economic power, they were superpowers in terms of money and wealth, and they would use the economic might to

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be oppressive to those who are poor. Others from amongst them had the ability of engineering and skill the alarm soldier gave them talents, in terms of the engineering and their building and the crafts that they used to do, but they would always use these things as ways to oppress others. So Allah subhanaw taala when he sends the prophets as he mentioned in the Quran, is called Allahu Allah takuan in current Allah whom who do Allah talkin is called Allahumma salli ala to de Pon is called Allahu Allah to de Haan in Kerala Houma, whom Luton, Allah takuan every single one of them when they would come to their people. Allah says that the prophets will remind them have Taqwa of Allah, or

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will you not have Taqwa of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his sin is one of the most common things that he would advise people well, if you had an army that he was sending out to an expedition, a group of soldiers, he would place a leader general over them, and to the general he would give him specific advice. But the first thing that he would always say, the first thing that he would always remind him of, is to have Taqwa to fear Allah subhana wa Tada. So you have Taqwa, not only in terms of the responsibility that you're discharging, as the general of this army, you feel a larger window with regards to those that are under your responsibility. Those are under your care. And even when you go

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and you fight and you engage with the enemy, have fear of Allah know the laws of Allah, what is halal and what is haram? What you can do and what you can't do. That is having taqwa of Allah subhana wa Tada. So every single time the prophets on a low while he will send them would give his hotbar when he would give his sermon when he would address the people as you hear in the hood, but tomorrow till this day, he would always begin with an opening sermon, he would praise Allah, and he will ask for forgiveness and his help and his assistance, and he will testify to our laws oneness in worship, and that he was the Prophet of Allah arlie Salatu was Salam. And then he would recite three

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verses of the Quran. All of them speaking about taqwa. Yeah, you live in LA haka to party. Wala tomahto Neela. Want to Muslim on are you who believe have Taqwa of Allah, and don't die except in a state of Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would use this verse, to remind us of our relationship with Allah subhana wa tada fear Allah subhanho wa Taala Be conscious and aware that a large religion is watching and hearing and recording every single thing that you do. Human nature, again, is that we often send and we make mistakes, and we don't remember where or forget for people. But don't forget for people, as a large religion mentioned, that we were created from haste, and we

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were created weak from the weakness that we have is that we often wrong people and oppress people and hurt people. But we don't remember, most of us, if not all of us sitting here. Don't remember what we did yesterday, literally last week, let alone the week before last month and last year, and so on Yom Okayama when people will come with their grievances against us. We will remember them in this life or we will remember them in the next life. Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he reminds us of having taqwa that the time will come when all of those actions that you performed all of those words that you said all of them will be brought forth and presented to all of them. So Lawrence

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tells us in the Quran, familia Amano, Miss conda rotten halen era, even if it is an atom's wheat, a mustard seed, meaning something which doesn't weigh anything on a scale, you have a scale that's at naught point naught. If you were to place a grain of rice on that scale, wouldn't move, the scale would still be a naught point naught. But that grain of rice even though it has no weight and no volume, in terms of our measuring system, and our life and our norms, in the sight of Allah, it is accounted for in the sight of Allah, it will be weighed in the sight of Allah depending on what that may be. He may even be heavier than a mountain in this dunya and whoever does an action of good

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woman Yamato mizpah Ratan Sharon Yara anyone that does that good or the evil of a mustard seed and the greens Wait, an atom's wait along we'll bring it forth and he will hold it to account

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would remind the companions of this verse. So unfortunately, in our time, and it's difficult to do in every single hotbed that we go through an explanation of these verses, it's not possible. You have 30 minutes to give the hotbar to Juma. If I spent 15 minutes explaining what those three verses meant, every single time, there wouldn't be much of a hot bar left. But we, as Muslims should know this, we shouldn't need reminding every single time. We should know that this is a verse that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned and repeated so many times. And this is the significance Why? And then he will mention the second verse.

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Yeah, you anassa taco calm under the hakomi nuptse wahida wahala caminhadas o jaha. Oba thermen Houma de JAL, interferon Isa loss of Hanoi, Thailand says that all mankind fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul meaning Adam alayhis salam, and from him he created his wife mean, our mother Hawa, and from them came a multitude of men and women, large xojo reminds us to feel a loss of Hannah hotevilla with regards to the way that we deal with one another with regards to the way that we deal with other people. My last hope by this Masjid was on the on the topic of prejudice, and racism, and different types of biases that we have, not based upon knowledge or

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factors that are valid, but just simply based upon the color of a skin of a person, or the nationality or ethnicity of a group of people. This is what a large region is reminding us of fear of loss of panatela with regards to the way that you deal with those people around you, your wife has rights upon you, your husband, if your sister has rights upon you, your children have rights upon you, your neighbors, your guests, all of these people have a right upon you, the people in the road that you don't know that you will never probably ever know or meet again, they have a right upon you. That is the right of the roads and the tow truck. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Remember

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those rights? Because if you wronged someone, even though that person may not know or recall or be able to bring you to account, a loss of Hannah hotevilla no knows. And he is the one who will record a large nose and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to mention the third verse. Yeah, you live in LA worku Colin city de la cama mela como la Koo back home, Mama UT la hora Sula, who home for the first falls in our Lima, who you who believe have Taqwa of Allah, and speak with a statement that is upright and firm and truthful. We often in life, are called upon to give testimony. We're called upon to vouch for people we call upon to be witnesses, not only necessarily

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in a court of law, but sometimes in disputes amongst our friends and our family members and our relatives. We're called upon to act as arbitrators. We're called upon for advice. A large religion is telling us and reminding us every single statement that you make everything that comes out of your mouth, know that Allah azzawajal is recording it. When Marielle filming Conan Illallah de hiraki bonati. Allah says in Surah path, you don't say an utter a single word, except that Allah has placed angels above you that are recording what you write, have Taqwa of Allah, fear of loss of Hannah hota when people would come to the illustrious Imam Imam Malik Rahim Allah. And this is a way

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that the scholars would take the terms of taqwa and other terms, and they would embody them within their lives, they would apply them wouldn't just be a term. It's not just a phrase, it's not just a slogan. It is something that you embody and you change your character and your personality to fit into what a large xojo wants from you. People would come from you to Mr. Malik Rahim Allah, the great Imam of Lucinda, the Imam of Medina. And they would ask him questions. And as have as it happens, happens today, and they happen in those times as well. Sometimes the person who's asking the question isn't satisfied with the answer. They're looking for a certain type of fatwa. And

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sometimes they don't find that photo from that scholar. So on occasion, someone would say to Mr. Malik, but this and but that and perhaps is another opinion, and so on and so forth. Imam Malik Rahim, Allah used to reply and he used to say that whenever I'm asked a question, I never reply, except that I imagined before me, Jen and now powered, I somehow fire and I realized that depending on what answer I give, I will either come a step closer to paradise, or a step closer to the fire of power. And then I speak about the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is the embodiment of taqwa. And that's why you have countless generations of Imam Malik Rahim Allah other than Imam

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Malik. And how many occasions when people would come and ask them questions, they would reply with the simple statement. I don't know. La vida de Allahu Allah. Allah knows best. They would just simply say

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Say we don't know. And they didn't feel arrogant or pride. They didn't feel that it was something beneath them to say that they didn't know despite their status and their knowledge. And sometimes even though they could have probably given a fatwa, or made an analogy, analogy, or given a deduction from the Quran and the Sunnah, they would take the safer path and see, I don't know, because they know that a large soldier will hold them to account for whatever they see. And if that person takes that ruling and goes and spreads it and acts upon it, and then passes on to others, all of those people are normal Piana will come and they will place it around the neck of that scholar. I

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don't know. I agree. And so the scholars of Islam would embody the elements of taqwa, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Hadith of the autobild ebru, Saudi Arabia languange a lot about he said, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us a sermon. He gave us a sermon, and it was a sermon that was so eloquent and so moving, that he moved our hearts and brought tears to our eyes. So when we heard his sermon we said to him, or messenger of Allah, advises, the sermon that you gave is as if it's a farewell sermon, sermon towards the end of your life, so advise us with something. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I advise you with the taqwa of Allah. And

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then humans don't to give advice. But the first thing that he would always say is advise you with the taqwa of Allah subhana wa Taala. And from that time until today, when you go to those scholars of Islam and you ask them for advice, and you seek from them their counsel, they always begin with that same statement. We advise you with the fear of a loss of panatela with the taqwa of Allah azza wa jal.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will do this often he will do it with his companions, he will do it with the armies that he was sending out. Why because this term taqwa is so great. If you are able to have Taqwa It is one of the surest signs by the permission of Allah, that you will attain His mercy and His gender. The companion ameriglo Hot Tub rhodiola one Amaro the famous companion leaf of the Muslims, despite all of his many, many tremendous actions in Islam, and the many tremendous deeds that he performed in this religion, and the many, many ways that he served this religion, all of his Jihad with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all of a sudden, all

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of his sacrifice, not only in the lifetime of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but even after his death for another 1230 odd years, that continued during the time of Abubakar the long run, and during his khilafah many of the issues in our religion, we go back to Ramallah, the Allahu unconsenting them, Amaro, the Allahu I'm used to say about himself, that if I knew that Allah only accepted one deed from me one deed only, I would place all of my trust and hope upon the deed. If Allah took only one of my many actions, and I knew that he only accepted that one, I wouldn't care about the rest, I wouldn't have any hope, except in that one single deed. Why? Because the largest

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religion says in the Kabbalah hominem attacking Allah, only accepts only accepts from the people of taqwa Alonzo just says in the Quran, Allah only accepts the deeds of the people of taqwa. So if you're from those people, and this is where a lot of the a lot one is saying that if I knew that Allah has accepted one deed, that means that I fallen into that category, and part of that description. And so all of my hope, would be based upon that one single Dean, Allah subhanaw. taala mentions dakhla in the Quran, in many, many different contexts. And he speaks about the many, many benefits of taqwa from them is, as we mentioned, that a large religion accepts your deeds. In our

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religion, we know that our deeds and our actions are divided into two categories. One is the performance. And the second is the acceptance. Me and you we played solid Russia, and we asked a lot of xojo that he accepts our Salah. But even though all of us performed Salah to Russia, who Allah accepts from who he doesn't, that is knowledge that only Allah has. You fast in the month of Ramadan, you made Hajj, you gave us a car, you give sadaqa all of these good deeds that you perform, you read the Quran, you're dutiful to your parents, you're good to your children, you're good to your families and so on all of these good deeds, you fulfill that obligation in terms of the action,

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but whether Allah accepts them or not, that is between Allah subhanho wa Taala and knew Allah azza wa jal alone knows and that is one on human piano people will see the result of so people will come as we know from the Sunnah with many, many good deeds for Allah will nullify and void the more yes they perform the deeds, but they're not accepted in the sight of Allah subhana wa tada whereas other people would come with very few deeds in terms of number

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But because of the man and the taqwa that accompany those actions, they will be multiplied and nurtured and those actions will become great. And they will be the reason for some people to enter into gender. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us that it's a means of entering into gender in amya Taco Bell allow me to tap in from the great benefits of dukkha. And the reason why Alonzo whittle stresses it so much in the Quran, and why the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam emphasizes so much is that it is a means of forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. If you want to have forgiveness from Allah azza wa jal, one of the greatest ways is to have Taqwa. What does that mean? It means that a large Allah subhana wa Taala as our Creator, and our Lord knows that we will send and we will, we will make mistakes. Then our Prophet telesign Allahu Allah, He will send them if you were a people who never sinned, a law would destroy him, he will remove you, and he would bring another creation that acted and did sin, but then they repented to Allah and Allah would accept their repentance. Allah subhanaw taala created us and one of our human nature's

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or one of the parts of human nature is that we sin, we are so alarmed. So which one wants us to have that ability to turn back to him wants us to have that sense, that feeling of shame and higher of embarrassment? That Yes, sir will love we did wrong and will return to Allah insincerity. That is part of taqwa. Because taqwa is the element that makes you turn back to Allah, you sin and you do something wrong. What brings you that sense of shame, that sense of remorse, what makes you have the urge that you need to turn back to Allah and raise your hands and whether you need to perform good actions in order to raise those evil actions. It is that sense of taqwa that, you know that Allah

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was watching, perhaps no one else was born law was, perhaps no one else knows who he is, but Allah knows and he heard and a lot of xojo will bring that action on human piano. Allah says in the Quran was said to ulama Pharaoh tomorrow become agenda tonight outdo her similar to 103 mocked up in haste and race compete with one another for the forgiveness of your Lord. And for the agenda. The power dies it's with is like the heavens and the earth. It has been prepared for who, for the people of taqwa for the people of taqwa Allah subhanaw taala has prepared the highest rungs of gender. And the greatest of gender, for the people of taqwa. And part of the taqwa is to realize when you've earned

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and when you've done wrong, and then to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is the same sense that alarms eligible for that same feeling is what a large surgeon placed in the prophets of Allah. And in the word scholars of Islam, they will known for people they were known to be people of taqwa. When you read this, the lives of the scholars and you hear about the amount of crying that they used to have, how much they would worship online, it would bring tears to their eyes, how much they would cry, and how much they would long for Allah's mercy. It is that sense of taqwa within them, even though those scholars relatively speaking compared to us had very few sins, very few mistakes. But

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at that time, that single sin for them will be like a mountain, and it will drive them to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala from the benefits of taqwa that Alonzo just mentioned in the Quran, and again, why is so so heavily emphasized is that taqwa is one of the means of guidance. That is one of the ways to attain guidance. Alonzo Joel says at the beginning of surah, Baqarah, radical key tabula rasa, Buffy hudl live in this is the book in which there is no doubt meaning the Koran, it is guidance for the people of taqwa guidance for the people who fear Allah. Why? Because now when you want to learn about your religion, you want to know what is the path that brings you closer to

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Allah, you want to know what is halal and haram, you're going to learn the knowledge that will take you to a loss of Hannah Montana, you're not going to choose the easiest fatwa. You're not going to go around shopping and looking for something that will make your life easier for you. Even though deep down in your heart, you know, perhaps it's not the right thing to do. But you're just looking for some type of shortcut, you're going to find what you consider to be the path to Allah subhana wa Tada. That is dukkha. So when you come to learn your religion, when you come to practice your religion, when you come to choosing an opinion, that maybe scholars different over or choosing that

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scholar that you want to follow in their knowledge, you're going to choose the road based upon that element of taqwa, the fear of Allah subhana wa tada Alonzo Joel says to us in the Quran badil in Somaliland FC basura wolo era every single person knows the reality of themselves, even if they make excuses in public

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You can come and tell me your situation and say this and that and this and that and make a long list of excuses. But Allah says you know deep down the reality of the situation. Someone comes to me Ramadan for example, in Asia, I'm ill, I can't fast. Okay? I say no problem. Don't fast makeup after Ramadan and traveling, I can't pray or something happened I can't give is that, okay? Don't give the Sharia has a concession for you. But is that excuse valid? Was it really the case? That between you and Allah subhana wa Taala. That's not my job. It's not my job to delve into your heart and figure out what's going on. That is the element of duck wah. But if you know that a lot, zildjian is

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watching and hearing and seeing and he knows a lot is telling you, you know the reality of your situation. Even if you make excuses. I can't make hunch, comic ombre, don't have the money, ABC and D all of these things that we often come up with. When we make excuses for not practicing certain elements of our religion can't keep the beard can't do why. And then that person will tell you why or is it genuine in your case, that is between you and Allah, but the person of dakhla will always be driven to do that which pleases Allah subhanho wa Taala. A large soldier tells us in the Quran, for the reason that one of the means of saving yourself from the punishment of Allah is by having

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taqwa a large social says in the Quran in surah zomer Allahu la Vina taco, Allah zildjian will save those people who have duck Wah, who have Taqwa. Why? Because those are the people who always are conscious that Allah subhana wa Taala will hold them to account. Why as Muslims don't we oppress the Muslim as the Prophet also told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam concerning the righteous rulers concerning the Muslims who are wealthy consenting Muslims who are in positions of power and responsibility, even though they have the power and the wealth and the money to do as they please. But that taqwa stops them from doing so. on an individual level. Every single one of us has people

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under our care, what stops us from oppressing them. It is that sense of duck, we're in the month of Ramadan. Why don't you go home and close the door to your house when no one else is there? No one else can see you and eat to your fill and drink to fill. No one would know the difference. But it is that sense of taqwa that Allah subhanaw taala is hearing and listening. And when you have that sense of taqwa, when you have that sense, the last panel Tyler is watching that his own hearing that he is all seeing in takes you and stops you from disturbing loss of Hannah Montana. He keeps you away from harm, keeps you away from oppression, even if you can get away with that evil. And with that

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mistaken with that oppression. It's something that you stay away from. Why because you know that Allah subhana wa Taala is watching. So perhaps you're a businessman and you can cheat people, perhaps you're in a position of responsibility. And you can give favor to certain people over others in a way that you shouldn't be doing. But you won't simply because of that element of taqwa within you the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would remember Allah subhana wa Tada. Even in the smallest of issues, in the most minutus of things, they would remember that Allah subhanaw taala is watching. That is listening, that he's hearing Abubakar rhodiola. One was the

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Hadith of the Muslims.

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And it was his custom that one of his sermons would bring him food. When it was time for him to eat, he would have a sermon that would come in, he would give him food, and he will eat from that food. Probably not the only one having the element of taqwa within him. He will never take anything from someone, even his own servant, until he asked where they got it from? Where did it come from? Because our Prophet told us all along while he was selling them, that from those things that allow will question every single one of us about a normal piano, and the two feet of the child of Adam will not move until that question is asked and answered is where did your wrist come from your

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provision? And what did you spend it in? So he would ask, Where did it come from? Your food is provision, your clothing is provision, your wealth, your income is provision, where did it come from? But one occasion when that seven came in, he gave him some food, he was preoccupied with a different matter. So he began to eat. And as he was eating, he asked him, where did the food come from? ordinarily wasn't a problem. But it just so happened that on that day, the seven septum obika, before I became a Muslim, it was a fortune teller used to tell people's fortunes. So I told the fortune of a person. And now many years later, that fortune became true. So I saw him on the way and

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he gave me some food, as we have appreciation as a gift as payment. So I bought that food to you, and you're eating it. Abubakar rhodiola. Wang took his finger, he placed it down his throat, and he forcibly made himself vomit tension

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vomiting all of his food. Abubakar rhodiola one is the most knowledgeable of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he knows the ruling of Islam, just as me and you know that something that's done by error, by mistake by forgetfulness. Allah doesn't hold you to account, something that you do out of ignorance you didn't know. Our soldier doesn't hold you to a candle. That's from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the companion said, Oh Boubacar Why are you making yourself vomit? Don't eat anymore, but what you already consumed has gone Abubakar rhodiola and said by Allah, if my soul would you leave, I would make myself vomit. Because I heard the

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Prophet says on a long while he will sell them anything which is nourished upon Haram, then the fire of how has more right to it. Anything that is nourished upon Haram. So we have the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where the man is in the desert and has lost all of his provisions and is calling up to Allah in that state of need and poverty, and is asking Allah by his names and his attributes, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us, but his food is haram and his drink is haram. And his clothing is haram. And under the narration, he has nourished himself upon haraam furnace, the jawbone. evatik so how can Allah answer his application, the companions of

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the Prophet son alone while he will send them or people who used to bear this stuff in mind, they weren't just people used to hear a hadith. or listen or hear a verse of the Quran or read a verse of the Quran and just pass it by like it doesn't mean anything. Because part of taqwa is that when you hear that verse of the Quran, with a commandment of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. It causes something to stir in your heart, makes you reflect upon your situation, makes you question yourself, and hold yourself to account. So what if what you're doing is good than a hamdulillah you praise Allah. And if you know that you've made some errors, there's some weaknesses, there's problems, you

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try your best to rectify that situation. All of this is part of taqwa. And that is what a large religion tells us. That the best of people in the sight of Allah Who are the people of taqwa, you know you Hannah's in the hall of honor coming

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from shuru bamaca elite are awful, all mankind, we created you as males and females, and we dispersed you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another in a Chroma Kumar in the La Jolla taco, but when it comes to who is best from amongst you, it is the person of taqwa it is the person who has most taqwa of Allah subhana wa Tada. And that is why in our religion, in the time of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the companions, and from the subsequent generations of Muslims and scholars, in our religion, we have people who weren't Arabs, people who didn't come from noble families, in our religion, they have an extremely high status.

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Why? Because of the knowledge and the taqwa that they had, the way that they weren't the piety with which they held themselves. So you have people who are freed slaves born into slavery, were slaves. They in every society, whether it's the Muslim society or a non Muslim society, a slave is at the lowest rung of the ladder, that has the lowest cost of society. But in Islam, those seem slaves would be raised and the status would be raised, and the and the honor amongst people would be raised. Why by virtue of their knowledge and their taqwa. So many of the great scholars of Islam, Michael Heseltine busty like aka like Eric crema, like naffaa, like Mujahid many of the scholars of

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Islam, the illustrious names that you hear about, they were slaves and born into slavery, they will freely turn, but they still carry that label of being slaves. But Allah subhanho wa Taala raised their status and people would respect them, the rulers and the scholars and the laypeople by virtue of the top one by virtue of their knowledge. So Larissa went to Tanzania, this is the way that he judges people, by virtue of their taqwa. And a large soldier for that reason tells us that the best thing that we can take from this life into the next life is dakwah. losses. What is a widow, for in the heroes are the taqwa and replenish yourself. For very the best type of provision will take

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provision for barely the best type of vision is the provision of taqwa to have the taqwa that you take into the next life in the meeting with the loss of Hannah who will to Ireland, to stand in front of a large surgeon and be able to say I will love what I did, I did to the best of my ability, I did to the best of my ability trying to please you over the loss of Hannah horchata that is what a large social consensus with in the Quran. From the benefits of Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran is that it is one of the greatest ways

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of coming out of difficulty. One of the greatest ways of escaping hardship is by having that fear of Allah subhana wa tada in this life and in the next the alarm xojo says concerning this life, will Mejia tequila hi Angela. Houma Raja will resume in high school I said, Whosoever has fear and taqwa of Allah, Allah will always make for them a way out. And Allah will provide for them in ways that they can never know. A large soldier looks after the people of duck why in this life, when hardship comes upon you and your patient, and you turn back to Allah, and you don't use your hardship or your trial or your problem as an excuse to turn away from Allah. But rather it brings you closer to

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Allah, Allah will always protect you and He will always give you a way out, they will always be good for you upon the path, no matter how long it may take, no matter how difficult it may seem, no matter how many challenges that path may contain, eventually the ending will always be goodness for you. That is what a large religion is saying. Look at the stories of the Quran, the prophets of Allah that are mentioned, every single more or less, every single prophet of Allah in the Quran that is mentioned is mentioned along with the hardship, some type of challenge, some type of trial that he faced, but in each and every single situation, those challenges May those profits increase in

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their taqwa brought them closer to Allah strengthen the man. So a large religion always tells us the way that Allah gave them solutions to those issues, the way that Allah always found for them and escaped, and he provided for them from ways that they could never anticipate and expect and a large soldier looks after the people of taqwa at the time of death. Allah in the only Allah La whoa finale him Allahu

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Allah Vina Armand Watanabe upon indeed the close people of a lot only of Allah, there will be no fear upon them, nor will they have any reason to despair. Who are they? Allah Vina among those who have a man? What can we act upon? And they will people of taqwa lumen Bushra, Phil hayati, Daniela Phil O'Hara for them a good tidings in this life. And in the next life, at the time of death, those are the people that the angels will come down and descend upon them, and they will console them, they will bring upon them, tranquility and peace, they will make their parting from this world easy for them. And rather than being in a state of fear and despair, they will be given that tranquility

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with which they will enter the life of the grave the barossa. Why, by virtue of the taqwa as a non human piano, those will be the people that a large agenda will shape. Then the Prophet tell us on Allahu alayhi wa sallam concerning those seven categories of people that will have duck wa on that day or they will have shade on the day that there will be no shade except the shade of Allah. From amongst them. He mentioned people of taqwa the righteous leader is a person of taqwa. The one who was brought up in the worship of Allah is a person of taqwa, the one who's called to do some Haram. But then they say I fear Allah is a person of taqwa. The one who gives without even realizing how

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much they give is a person of taqwa, the one who loves another person for the sake of Allah, and only for the sake of Allah is a person of duck wa. These are all different descriptions of taqwa and different manifestations of the taqwa. So those people in this life, at the time of death in the grave, and on human piano, and each and every single station and please Allah subhanho wa Taala will give them safety and tranquility and he will make their affairs easy for them. From the benefits of taqwa there are large zildjian mentions in the Quran, that increases your knowledge. A law says that if you want knowledge and you want to learn what law when you are lemo, common law have Taqwa of

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Allah. And Allah will teach you, Allah will give you knowledge. And also from the benefits of taqwa is that a lot of xojo will give you Baraka, he will place blessing within your life, blessing in whatever you have. And blessing is not only a blessing in terms of provision, and one, but it is the far greater blessing of feeling that sense of contentment, being happy with your life being satisfied, because there are people in this dunya who despite the millions that they have, and the palaces and collars and everything else that Alon gave to them, they still in their hearts feel poor, they still need more than ever happy and satisfied. They're always afraid that they will lose

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their money. They can't enjoy anything because of the poverty that they feel. So the Prophet told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the true wealth is not measured in money, or in houses and so on. true wealth is the contentment of the hot when you're satisfied with what Allah subhanaw taala has given you. A large religion tells us in the Quran, and the Torah, men who would topple the fatahna ie him Baraka

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Minister Mr. Otto, and if only the people of the villages meaning the past nations are to have believed in Allah and had taqwa, then we would have opened for them the blessings of the heavens and the blessings of the earth. Allah would have given them everything. So for you in your life when it comes to your situation, and there's not a single one of us here, except that we have issues and we have problems, and we need things from Allah, be more money because we're in financial difficulty, be it something for our families or our children, be it that one of our loved ones is in a in a bad way. They have bad health that are afflicted by some illness, whatever it may be. If you want Baraka

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and mercy from Allah azza wa jal, then one of the greatest ways is by striving to attain taqwa. All of these are benefits that are mentioned in the Quran. And there are many others that are mentioned in the sin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But taqwa like many of these elements and concepts, seems very easy. When we speak about it seems very easy and it rolls off the tongue very lightly taco taco. But when it comes to embodying this and implementing this, every single day striving against yourself and the whispers of shapen and the temptations of those things around you, that is where the true reality of taqwa comes, to be able to actually take that knowledge or that,

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that understanding of what it means and apply it on a day to day basis, to fight taking shape. And that is why the rewards of taqwa are so high and so great, because there is so difficult to achieve. There is one of those those things that takes perseverance and time. So the Prophet told us of the Prophet showed us in his own life sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the meaning of taqwa and the companions of the Allahu anhu image Marian, used to embody taqwa, that that doesn't mean that they never sinned. Does it mean that they didn't make mistakes, sometimes in the life of the Prophet cinnamyl, sometimes after his life, but he means that always they turn back to Allah. They had that

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sense. The scholars, the students of the tablet, he used to say describing the companions, that they will people who will walk off in the ayatollah, they will people who went to laws, verses were mentioned, they will simply stop. Why? Because that was the sense of taqwa. When Allah says something in the Quran, they wouldn't have any challenge towards what Allah says, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam used to speak, they would go silent, and they would be quiet and still, to the extent that some of the spellers see that a bird could come and land on their head and he wouldn't move, because he would think that that person's head is an inanimate object. They wouldn't

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move they would be still and they would have respect for the verses of the Quran. And for the son of the Prophet son a long while he will send them all of this as part of their taqwa. Then in every single issue of their life and aspect, they would seek to come closer to Allah through taqwa. So you have examples of the likes of any mammal, Bihari Rahim Allah, Who before he would place any Hadith within his book, the Sahaba, he would go and he would pray to workers, he would pray to doctors before a large soldier, and then he will take the Hadeeth and place it in his book. His book has over 9000 Hadeeth Can you imagine how much time and how much effort and how much perseverance he

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must have taken from him for every single Hadith to read and play to rock as fast. But that's the way those as well, because they would embody taqwa, the scholars of the past one of people who sought fame, they didn't seek power. They didn't seek wealth, but they sought the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada. Because all of this was taqwa. And so the Prophet told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that if your goal in this life is to please Allah, and it is to work for the next life, then the dunya will come to you whether you want it to or not, you will come to your law or bring it to you. But when you work only for this life, and you forget about Allah and you turn away from him,

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then you will run after the dunya and the dunya will always run away from you. so large, xojo dinakaran stresses this concept of taqwa. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stressed it so much, because of how important it is. This is something that we need to understand. And it's something that we need to teach our children. Because just as we don't know the meanings of these words, even more so our children, they hear these concepts in these terms, and they don't understand what they mean. So when we try to teach our children, when we're disciplining our children, when we're reminding them of their manners and so on, we should always relate it back to Allah subhanho

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wa Taala, the companions of the Prophet of Solomon, the scholars of Islam, when they would speak to their children and remind them when they're doing something wrong. They wouldn't scare them with stories or with fake monsters or anything else. But they will tell them it is because a lot is watching. Because Allah knows, because Allah hears, yes, your parents may not know your teachers may not know your friends may not know but Allah knows. And when you link someone to Allah subhana wa Taala and you call or you create a connection between the person and Allah subhana wa Tada. It is something that

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You can use for the rest of their lives, in whichever situation they find themselves in. But when a person doesn't have that connection, then in each and every single step they will struggle and shaytan will come and try to overpower them. We ask Allah subhanaw taala that he gives us taqwa that Allah soldier increases his dukkha and that he blesses us in our families with the taqwa and that a large accepts our deeds and makes us from the people of dukkha who will take the blessings in this life and in the next life, somehow, Nora Yamanashi phone was Salam O Allah mousseline hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

This lecture/talk was given at the Green Lane Masjid on February 11, 2017.

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