Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Purification Episode 07

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including bringing out impure foods, the use of water to clean one's blood, the use of peelings, and the importance of wiping one's eyes and ears multiple times during prayer. They stress the importance of intentions and avoiding confusion in open gatherings, as well as the historical context of Connie's experiences with a woman named Connie who initially chose not to, but later changed her mind and decided to use her own body for a dressing act. The transcript also touches on cleanliness and the use of body language in dressing up, as well as historical context on Connie's experiences with a woman named Connie who initially chose not to, but later changed her mind and decided to use her own body for a dressing act.
AI: Transcript ©
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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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sallallahu wasallam wa barakaatuh si de la jolla. Marin.

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Allah Allah He was a woman surah Allah Sabina he 100 standard mizuna de vida de de la Yami Deen or seldom at the Sleeman kathira, my bad.

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Last week

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we covered the chapter of the removal of impurity, the chapter of the removal of impurity.

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And we mentioned and I think we covered all of the Hardee's in that chapter. Can anyone remind me of the first howdy?

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Howdy, Samana CBT. Malik regarding

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regarding taking wine as vinegar, regarding taking wine as vinegar, and we mentioned the issue regarding vinegar in Islam, and how the scholars have agreed that if a person takes wine with the intention of fermenting it into vinegar, then there is not allowed it is something which is haram. Not only is it haram to consume, but it's also haram to trade to buy and to sell. However, if a person for example, just buys vinegar from someone else, for example, a non Muslim who fermented it, whether it was from wine or from something else, other than wine, or whether for example, a person for example, he has some juice, and then it over time becomes wine, vinegar, unintentionally, then

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that is allowed. And so the difference between the two issues the next Hadith was the hadith of Anna's also regarding what

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regarding domesticated donkeys? And so the scholar Rahim Allah Rahim, Allah, the author, he mentioned these issues of vinegar, and wine, and donkeys and so on to show that they are impure, to show that they are impure. That's why he's mentioned them in this chapter. So the issue was regarding domesticated animals, and we said that domestic animals are different to wild animals, and domesticated donkeys in particular are different to wild donkeys. So wild donkeys halaal, per domesticated donkey is haram. However, even though it is haram for you to consume, that doesn't mean that all of its body parts are impure. So for example, if a person wants to get the saliva of the

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donkey onto themselves, onto their claws onto the body, then that would be considered pure. So there is a differentiation to make. And that is based upon the other Hadith that we've already taken the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in which he mentioned the cat, and it is pure due to it being something which frequents people. And so the scholars Rahim Allah made analogy based upon the Hadith and they said that any animal which is domestic which frequently comes into contact with humans also takes the ruling of a cat also takes the ruling of a cat. Okay, the next Hadith that is a very shallow The other one was regarding

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sort of the hadith of Omri Bihari regarding the saliva of a cannon and how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was giving a hoot about upon his camel, and the companion says while his saliva was coming on to my shoulders is dripping onto my shoulders, which shows that not only is the camel halaal and pure bear all of its body parts and all of its excrement are also pure and taken from this hadith. And other Hadith is a is the position of the scholars that even the Roath even their droppings are pure to the droppings of camels and the droppings of other halaal animals are pure, not to consume necessarily but they are pure in that if it comes into contact with their clothes, it

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is pure.

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However, with regard as we mentioned also last week with regards to the urine of camels that it also has a special added

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Camera urine, yeah, so it has some medical benefits and the prophets of Salaam allowed for people to consume it and to drink it. Okay, let's have a shot on the Allaha muchos regarding

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regarding money or *. The Hadees shows that it is something which is pure in Islam. It is one of those liquids one of those things which comes out of a human which is pure in Islam, it is power here it is pure. And this is shown from the various narrations of this hadith a very Chateau de la where it was wet, the professor seldom would wash it or he would rub it

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If it was dry, then it would be scraped off. And so all of this shows that it is something which is pure. It is something which is pure in this religion. And this is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam and Allah knows best. The next Hadith was Hadassah, which was regarding

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the urine of a child, a baby child, whether a male or a female. And the child, as we said, is defined by someone who has yet to eat solid food. And so in this hadith the prophet SAW Selim differentiated between a boy that is a child of the age and a girl, for the girl, her urine is impure and you wash it as you would normally wash it before the boy then it is sprinkled that is a method of purifying and cleansing his urine at that age and only at that age, and so water is sprinkled over it rather than it being washed and that is sufficient and Allah knows best. The final two a Howdy, howdy fellas mapping Toby back on and Hadassah Barrera regarding work

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regarding miniature blood, and we will come on to this as well as the issue of * into a lot more detail when we come to the relevant chapters. But here it's mentioned simply because it is impure, and it must be removed or some people consider it to be impure, and therefore How do you remove it? And so we've mentioned your blood is impure by email by consensus of the scholars. And how do you remove it as the professor seldom said in the hadith of a smart minty Abu Bakar. And we said that impurity generally has three attributes color, smell and taste, so long as the taste and the smell are removed, even if a crease of the color remains, then it is okay. And it does not harm. It does

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not harm. And that is mentioned in the hadith of Abu huraira where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed for traces of color to remain on clothing, so long as it had been washed. And the professor Selim said it does not harm therefore, showing that this principle is a principle founded upon the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah will have masani for him, Allahu taala Babu. The next chapter, which Rahim Allah now brings is the chapter of widow. And in many ways, what we've been discussing so far in the previous chapters, has all been kind of an introduction, a preliminary to this chapter, which is one of the main chapters of this whole book of

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purification, the chapter of Budo. And we mentioned that the reason why bahara is the first book and the first issue that was mentioned by the scholars of Islam is because purification is one of the main preconditions of prayer, without a person in situ purity, their prayer is not accepted. So, now, when it comes to purity, what are the main forms of purity, the main form of purification sorry, is will do, it is whoodle. And so this in many ways, is the main chapter of this whole book, the book of purification. So there is the chapter of whoodle.

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Although in the Arabic language comes from the word wha, wha, and it means linguistically, cleanliness and beauty. It means linguistically, cleanliness, and beauty.

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And Waldo in the Arabic language, the Well, at the beginning of the word has a dome on top, Obama will do. My Obama, when it has Obama on top, it means we'll do as we know what we'll do is right, it means we'll do meaning linguistically, it means cleanliness and beauty. Technically, it means the water that you use to purify yourself in a specific way, as defined by the Sharia.

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It means to use water upon your body in a specific way, as defined by the Sharia. This is what we'll do means. However, if we say what, we'll do the same word, but at the beginning, now the world has a fatass instead of a dominant, so we don't say we do, start Wu is wha wha boo. That in the Arabic language signifies the water that you use. So the water that you use in order to perform Moodle in Arabic is known as Waldo.

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And that's why in some narrations of the Hadith you hear that the companion says that I bought the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam What does he mean? How do you bring Udo he means the water you obviously can't physically bring Waldo Waldo is something an action which you undertake, but when they say well Bo w ad, then that now is referring to the water that is used in order for a person to make Moodle. So that is an important distinction. So as we said technically it means to use water upon your body in a specific way as defined by the Sharia, what is that specific way and what parts of the body inshallah we will come to that momentarily.

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It is mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So sometimes when it comes to acts of worship, we are not always

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As mentioned in the Quran, or sometimes they're just referred to in the Quran without detail of the acts of worship are mentioned in the Quran in detail. Here are the acts of worship are not mentioned at all in the Quran but rather they are taken from the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And often the case what normally happens is that the Orion mentioned acts of worship, acts of obedience to allow for the detail is found an explanation is found in the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam however, will do is one of the exceptions to that rule. So it is something which is mentioned in detail in the Quran itself, even though it is further clarified and

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explained in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it is still mentioned in a lot of detail in the Quran, the issue of purification, and specifically the issue of Budo. And as mentioned in Surah matita, verse number six surah verse number six, where Allah subhanho wa Taala says yeah levina Amano, Antonella Salatu vasiliou hukam idea Camille Marathi one Sacco si como Jolla, Camila carbene, when kuntum jouban for

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so long as the world says, Oh, you who believe when you stand for the prey, meaning when you're prepared to stand for the prayer, when you want to go and pray, then wash your faces, and wash your arms until your elbows and white over your heads and wash your feet until your ankles.

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And if you are in a state of Geneva in major impurity, then purify your songs. And then the verse goes on, and it speaks about to your mom and horses as well. But what interests us in this lesson and in this chapter is the first passion portion of this verse, sort of Merida verse number six. So in this verse a larger regional shows that if you want to pray it is a condition for your prayer to be in Moodle is in a Salah when you want to stand for the prayer.

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So it is a condition for the prayer and then a large dimensions for aspects of Buddha. Number one is washing the face. Number two is washing the forearms up until the elbows, number three is wiping over the head. And number four is washing your feet up until you ankles. These are the four aspects of odo mentioned by Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran. This is all that is mentioned in this verse in the Quran. It is further elaborated in the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and there are many a Hadith, some of which we will come on to shortly inshallah, within this chapter from them is the hadith of hamrun, who reported from Monrovia Allah one, the widow of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from them is the hadith of Ali rhodiola one from them is the hadith of Abdullah crusade or the Allah and another Hadith all of which we will touch upon inshallah, within this chapter as we go along, so I will mention them now.

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Sunnah also mentioned that we'll do is a condition for the prayer. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Hadith in Bukhari, which isn't mentioned in this chapter, but it is a hadith in our body, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed, Allah will not accept the prayer of one of you if he breaks his window until he renews it. So if someone does something which breaks their window which nullifies the window, in whichever way, then Allah will not accept your prayer until you make will do again, until you go back into a state of purity. And according to many of the scholars of Islam, it was something which

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was made obligatory in Medina. So the widow was made obligatory in Medina and this is a source of difference of opinion amongst the scholars. We know from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and from his life that the prayer was the only major pillar of Islam to be obligated in Mecca. And it was obligated during this run Mirage during the my journey with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into Jerusalem and then went up into heaven. So the scholars different worlds will bow also obligated at that time or was obligated later on. This is an issue of difference of opinion amongst the scholars. And many of the scholars are of the opinion that it was obligated in Medina,

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so after the obligation of the prayer, and that's because one of the reasons for that is because the verse that it was revealed in sort of Matthew that is a Madani surah it is not a monkey surah so it was something which was revealed in Medina and Allah knows best chef Well, it's not be able to tell me Rahim Allahu taala. He mentions that a widow is one of the unique things regarding this oma, it is one of the unique points of this oma meaning that previous nations didn't have this notion of verbal as we have in the state of purity, this ritual that you go through in order to pray and worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is something that

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Unique amongst us. It is something unique amongst us and he has many proofs that he brings for that. But we don't need to go into that discussion, but it is something which is unique to this oma. However, there is a hadith something which is attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which it is said that he made Waldo. And then he said, This is my widow, and the widow of the prophets who came before me.

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And so the scholars said, if it is something unique to this ummah, then what is the meaning of this Hadith, and the response to that is that that Hadith is weak. It is weakness chain of narration. And so therefore, it's not something which you use as evidence or proof to justify one position or another. And so the opinion of even though Tamia Rahim, Allah and others is that it is something which is unique for this oma and Allah knows best. If you go back to the verse of

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the verse of mudo, contains, as we said four things regarding Moodle. And we will surely come on to the hadith of hamrun which is one of the most detailed a hadith in this chapter that you will find in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam not only in this book, but across the Sunnah. And in that Hadith you will find that there are more than those four things mentioned. So as you probably already noticed, that verse does not mention washing your hands at the beginning there's a mention of washing your nose and your mouth doesn't mention wiping over your ears and so on. But that had teeth will mention them and inshallah we will come to the issue shortly be vanilla

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he tala regarding the description of the widow of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the first Hadith in this chapter, Hadith 29 of Bulava muram politeama will have masani for Rahim Allah who tala and Avi hora Torah the Allahu Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon Lola Shaka Allah Mattila. moroto Misaki makueni Budo Raja Malik Ramadan NASA he was the how even Jose Ma and the photo hora de la one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we're not that he would become difficult for my alma, I would order them to make the cure with every single widow. And this is collected by Mr. Malik and his motto, Mr. McDermott unnecessary, and it is authenticated by Eben

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hoceima Rahim Allah.

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So this hadith is an authentic hadith it is authenticated by many other scholars as well. There is a very similar narration to this hadith that is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. It is an agreed upon Howdy, and that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we're not difficult for my oma when I would have ordered them to make the silver with every single prayer. So in the integration that we have in front of us in Bordeaux almarhum, it speaks about the Silva for the widow. In that narration in the other narration is Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. It speaks about the Siva with every single prayer. But the Hadith are similar meaning in the sense that it is

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something which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to obligate upon his oma, why, so that when they stand in front of Allah subhana wa Taala, in the state of purity, so they stand in front of a large set of hygiene, and the state of cleanliness, just as if someone was to go and stand in front of someone that was very important. If someone, for example, wanted to go and propose to someone for marriage, or they had a big business deal, or they met in front of a leader, for example, a king or a queen, then they would purify their appearance. And for a lot belongs the highest of examples, so that we purify and cleanse ourselves when we stand in front of a loss of

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water either. In this hadith we see the nature and the merciful nature of the prophets. On the long run. He was silom and his amazing character, and how much he cared for his mama, and how much he feared for them. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that he's not doing it not because it's not a good thing to do, not because it's something which is bad, but rather out of fear that Allah would make it obligatory. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam isn't ordering the miswak, and everyone knows what the miswak is. It's that wooden or that little branch, that twig of wood obok that you use to clean your teeth. It is something which is very popular in the Arab world.

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And even here, you find people using it as well. It is something which is a son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to use generally, but especially at the beginning of your boo boo, and before you stand to pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the point is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have ordered it, and he could have himself done it regularly. But the prophets of Salaam refused to do both, but he chose not to do both out of fear that it then would become obligatory upon everyone, and people would be unable to do so. They would be unable to do so. And there are many examples of this principle in the religion that the Prophet

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solemn would leave something out of fear that it would become obligatory upon people. So for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't pray in Ramadan, the turabi prayer in Jamaica in congregation the night prayer in Ramadan, he did it one night, he didn't second night, the third night he didn't come out. And when the people asked him, he said, I feel that allow would make it obligatory upon you, if we continue to perform it in this way. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam knew that if it became obligatory upon his oma, they would be unable to do so. And therefore they would fall into sin and disobedience. So out of his mercy for his own measure of his

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care for his own the profits on the long run, he was seldom stopped doing these great acts of worship, rather, he would do them privately. He wouldn't do them openly or in congregation. Likewise, you have that famous Hadith where the man came and he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding Hajj, or messenger of Allah is obligatory every single year, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, If I say yes, then it will become so and now none of you will be able to do it. So the prophet SAW Selim is saying that if I say yes, every year, then every year every single Muslim would have to go for Hajj. I mean, oh, now that that is something

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which is impossible. It's something which is very, very difficult for every single one of the Muslims to go and perform Hajj every single year. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will often step back from these issues, and he will not allow his companions to ask these questions unnecessarily. Let's realize that when Joel says in the Quran, yeah, you levina armano latas Allah Masha in took delicata sukham are you who believe, don't ask about those issues which if they become apparent to you, they will harm you. Meaning don't ask about issues which Allah has made obligatory. Don't ask about those issues, where Allah Subhana Allah has remained silent, meaning lest you ask

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about them, then Allah will make it obligatory upon you. So if Allah has chosen to remain silent on certain things, then keep silent. And that's why it was a common practice amongst the companions, that they wouldn't ask unnecessary questions to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And what's meant here? Isn't that you don't ask about your religion, because asking the learning about your religion is part of the religion. But what it means is asking unnecessary and frivolous questions. There is a difference between, for example, someone who doesn't know how to pray, or they don't want the rulings of soccer, or they don't know how to perform Umrah or Hajj. So they come and they ask a

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question to learn about this. And then there is a difference between someone else who, for example, just simply wants to know issues, which aren't really pertinent. So for example, they will come and they will say, when a large dogen mentions in the Koran, the story of the people of the cave, what kind of a duck did those people have? and What color was it? And what breed was it? And all of these types of questions, which don't have anything to do with the Sharia, which are frivolous questions. Or, for example, you come in an open gathering, where you know that there are people who have a very basic knowledge of Islam. So you come and you ask a very high question, a very advanced question,

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something which is over the head of the majority of the people, people don't even pray, and you want to go into the minutiae of the differences of opinion in an open gathering in front of everyone. So it leads to confusion. So some people are there thinking what Tiana, but I've never heard this before, I've never come across this before, is this really an issue, and they go into a state of confusion. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't allow his companions to do this. And this is from the etiquette of a student of knowledge. Rather, it is an etiquette of a Muslim, to know the levels of people to be wise to know how to approach a question and an issue. Some questions

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you go and you ask privately, without anyone around you, simply because of the type of questionnaire is, that's why the companions rhodiola one who would say that you will not speak to a group of people who don't understand everything that you're saying, except that it will be a trial for some of them. So when you bring an issue out in front of a lot of people, the majority of which don't understand that issue, than for quite a few of them, it will be a source of trial and confusion, and the onus will be upon you. So some issues, you deal with only privately. Other issues. If there are certain people around, it's okay, if not, then not. Other issues are okay to open up wide. And this

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is also from the etiquettes of knowledge, that, for example, when a person has, for example, the conference that we're going to have over the weekend, from the etiquettes of knowledge is in the open question answer session, you don't ask a question that just simply pertains to you,

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meaning that it has nothing to do with someone else. So for example, a person asks a question about their personal situation regarding their wife. Oh, Chef, this is what what's happening is a divorce. Do I have plans for divorce or not? How does that benefit anyone else in the audience? That's one issue.

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Secondly, it will lead to confusion, because someone will hear the answer. And then they will apply it to their own situation they will copy and paste, even though the particulars of their situation are different. The people don't understand that they haven't studied enough to understand that there are minor differences. So they will simply copy and paste, or they will hear someone else with an issue and say, Yes, I heard the scholar give this answer. And so they will just start to give fatwa and religious rulings. And so this is from the other etiquette and the fifth from the understanding and the knowledge of asking questions. even asking questions in the religion has certain etiquettes

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that we must employ. And so in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is showing or implying some of those etiquettes that when a person comes, they don't make things overbearingly difficult for everyone else. And they don't do things. There's a time and place for everything. For example, a person who becomes a new Muslim and they enter into Islam. It's not from wisdom that you go when you stop listing every single thing that they have to do as a Muslim. Give them all of the obligations in one day, and all of the prohibitions. No, you need to take them on a journey, step by step, teach them about their app, either teach them about the head, tell them to how to start to

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pray, how to make although you take them on a journey, how to recite the Quran, you don't go and you start dealing with the minutiae of buying and trading and selling and you can't do this and you can't do that. You will scare that person. You'll scare that person. And so therefore there is an etiquette and a way in which we do things in Islam. That's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is showing here, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam out of his fear for his oma and are of mercy for his oma. He refrained from doing certain things, so that it wouldn't become obligatory. So in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refrained from ordering

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people to use the miswak.

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Otherwise, maybe perhaps a law would make it obligatory upon them, by doing so. And so therefore, the prophet SAW Selim, refrain from doing this. So the benefits from this hadith number one, is the recommendation of using the mishpat. So just because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't order its obligation, it doesn't mean that it's not something which is recommended. How do we know this? Because it's something which the prophets of Salaam wanted to do, he would have liked to do it, but out of fear and mercy for his oma, he refrained. So therefore, it is still recommended sooner. So for someone before they start to make Waldo to clean their teeth with the mishpat, it is

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a Sunnah and it is something which inshallah that person will be rewarded for.

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Number two, it is not obligatory to do so. So obviously, this hadith shows that even though it's a recommendation is not an obligation. So therefore, it's not allowed for anyone else to go and impose this either on themselves or upon someone else. Number three, that the reason for it is so that it doesn't become difficult upon people. Because the imposing such a thing would mandate that you have a miswak in your pocket, everywhere you go. And that every time you make Waldo, you must do it otherwise you will do isn't complete, and it's incorrect. And so therefore, it's difficult for people to do this number four, it proves one of the Golden Rules of Islam, one of the Golden Maxim's

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of Islam, and that is the difficulty gives rise to ease. And this is something which we see across the Sharia. And we will have many examples of it during our study of where when things become overbearingly difficult for people allies, in general makes it easy for them. So instead of obligating everything that could have become obligatory Allah azza wa jal only made what he deemed to be necessary obligatory and everything else is a recommendation. And so therefore, it goes to prove that maximum the difficulty gives rise to ease and number four, there are other actions which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also left for the same reason. So as we said, for example,

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the night prayer another example of this is that it was the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to delay their Isha prayer. So the sooner generally imprisoned will come on to this inshallah, when we discuss the prayer, the sooner generally is to pray a prayer at its earliest time. So further, you pray on its earliest time for us or Muslim, you pray at its earliest time. The exception to this rule is Russia. Russia, you pray at his latest time, it is better to pray at his latest latest time, not his earliest time, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would impose this upon the people. But as is mentioned, in one Hadith, the prophet SAW Selim, if you saw the

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people gather in the masjid early, he would come out and he would lead them in the prayer. And if he saw that they had delayed in their approach that they had come late, then he would delay the prayer. So he would allow the people to dictate maybe one day everyone's really tired, but the majority of people are tired, so they happen to come to the masjid early. So the professor Selim would pray early.

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Sometimes they would come late so he would delay and it was more beloved to him to delay than to advance the prayer for Russia This is and so that's why even now, in the winter when Russia comes in, especially in this country minutes comes in or like how five snowman Russia time was six o'clock in this machine we pray at eight o'clock and there is a hitman wisdom behind this from them is that it is too soon not to delay something, they're sharper, it is better to delay it rather than to advance it. And there are other reasons as well and Allah Subhana what Allah knows best.

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He's number 31 from Ron and rhodiola Allahu anhu that Abby will do for masala cafe thalassa Murat. sama Mata Mata was done Shaka was Tanja sumava Salah whatcha musasa Murat, sama, Casa de Luna lol Murphy, thalassa Murat familias, Ramiz Raja Alec samama hubiera sido una casa la luna el cavaney, thalassa Murat thermoneutral. Misra donec from aka Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mata

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Mata con la this hadith is an Buhari and Muslim. That's the hadith of him Ron, and from Ron was the freed slave of man Mattila when he was a freed slave over us man, Robbie on long run, he was sent to us man by holiday rhodiola when the famous companion and General of the Muslim army after one of the battles so he was sent as a prisoner of war as a slave to a man or a man with the law and freedom, freedom. So he became known as the freed slave of man or the molar of a man hamrun says that one day was my mother in law when he asked for what do so if you look in the Arabic it says the Waldo with the Fatah wha, what does he asked for the water. So he asked him to bring some water in order to

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perform Moodle. And obviously, the last one is one of the greatest companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the son in law, the professor cillum, not once, but twice the third halifa of the Muslims and one of the 10 that was promised paradise or the long run. So this hadith is his narration. And the hamrun is reporting what he saw from Horace Mann rhodiola one. So he says that was the man asked for this watch to be bought for him. So he washed his hands three times. And then he winced his mouth, and he blew what Oh, he pulled up water into his nose, and then he blew it out. And then he washed his face three times. And then he washed his right arm until the outboard

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three times and then the left similarly, then he wiped over his head. Then he washed his right foot until his ankle three times and then the left likewise. And then he said, Indeed, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam perform mobile just as I have performed.

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So this Hadith, even though it is the action, and the narration of the manual, the long run, because he ascribes it back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it has the ruling of a hadith. So normally, if the companion will just simply to say something or do something, it is considered the action of a companion, not the Sunnah. So the action of a companion is different to the Sunnah. However, if he ascribes it back to the process of synonym, so for example, he says, I saw the professor Selim do this, I heard him say this, for example, this is what I did, and he approved it, then now it has the ruling of being from the Sunnah. So this hadith is a hadith which is attributed

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likewise to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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I mentioned in the beginning of the introduction to this chapter, that we have the verse of Surah malita, verse number six. And then we have a number of a hadith that speak about the detailed widow of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Now when you put both next to each other, the verse of surah Mountie, the verse number six, and this hadith for example, the hadith of hamrun, you see that there is more detail in this hadith.

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In the verse of the Quran, there is less detail. I mean, Allah mentions less things about the wazoo than what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did. How do we reconcile between the two?

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The way that we reconcile between the two? Is that what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did? Was the complete and perfect will do it is the widow according to the Sunnah. What is mentioned in the verse of the Quran is the bare minimum, it is the necessity necessary parts of me that which you will do is incorrect. What is the difference between the two? If for example, a person was just to do the bare minimum they will do would still be correct, even if they missed out some other things. However, if a person was to bring everything in the Sunnah, everything which the prophet SAW seldom did, then there is better, it is more complete, it is more perfect, and it is more rewarding. And so

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now we're going to discuss an issue which revolves around the pillars of Moodle.

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And the recommended parts of the pillars of Moodle and the recommended parts of Moodle. What is the difference? What is the pillar? And what is the recommendation as we go through the major acts of worship, and other than the acts of worship, what the scholars have done is that they have defined different parts different aspects of a contract or of an act of worship or of an issue into pillars and recommendations and sometimes conditions and obligatory parts as well depending on the issue. And the reason for this is to help you and enable you to stand what Allah azza wa jal has been necessary. And what is extra, what is more rewarding what is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam. So likewise, in prayer, you have pillars, you have obligatory parts, you have for example, recommendations, likewise, in fasting likewise, enhance. And so it's important when you study to understand this. Now, what is also important to understand and this is very important. There no way Does this mean that the Sunnah is unnecessary, or that it is frivolous, or that it is something which is just extra, never does it mean this, but to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is always and should always be the priority of every single Muslim. And that should be what every single person aims for. And it should be what we normally do, that should

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be what we normally apply, because as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that there is nothing which will bring you closer to Allah, except that I have guided you towards it, and nothing which will remove you further away from Allah, except that I prohibited you from it. And so even though not everything, which the Prophet Allah mentions, or does, is obligatory, it is still something which brings us closer to Allah. And there is something which will gain us more reward, unless something which will make a lot more pleased with us. And so therefore, it is our job as a Muslim and our duty as a Muslim, to earn that pleasure of Allah subhana wa Taala. And this is the

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whole reason why we're studying knowledge, why we're seeking knowledge, so that we will implement it into action or come closer to Allah, not simply, that will become bookworms right where we just study, and then we go back and you regurgitate so that we can implement and apply as well be vanilla, he Tada. And so therefore, it is important that when we say this is a Sunnah, it doesn't mean that it's not necessary. It is I mean, for example, not necessary doesn't mean that is not important, doesn't mean it's unimportant. But what it means is that if someone was to leave that action out, then technically that act of worship would still be correct. So we're looking at it from

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a technical point of view, not from the point of view of what someone should do what someone should aspire to perform a technical point of view. So for example, if someone was to pray in a certain way, and they come to you and say, was my prayer correct or not knowing what is a pillar and what is recommended will enable you to answer because if they missed a pillar, it means they have to go and pray again, that repeat the whole prayer. However, if they haven't Mr. Piller, then their prayer is not perfect. It's not complete, but it's still correct. And so it's important to understand that differentiation.

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So in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, performed a complete widow, what is that complete widow is to begin by washing your hands three times, by washing your hands, three times, left, right and left. So you wash your hands three times, and then to wash your mouth to gather water garbled water into your mouth. And to spit it out. When to make this turn sharp and is Tim is in sharp in the Arabic language means to put water pull water up your nose, to put water slip water up your nose, and his team found means to blow it out. So that is what the professor seldom used to do, than to wash your face three times. And the face in the Arabic language is from the top of your

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forehead, until the bottom of your chin and from one side of the ear to the other everything around the area is your face. So you wash it three times, and inshallah we will come into the beard later on in another Hadith. So you wash your face three times. When you wash your right forearm three times you write forum three times including the elbow, so the elbow is included within the forum. It is included within the forum. So you watch the right one and then the left one when you wipe over the head. And the way that you wipe over the head will be mentioned in another iteration in sha Allah

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within this chapter as well, but basically you start from the from from the top of your forehead, you go all the way back and then you come forward again, this is the way of wiping over your head and then you wash your right foot up until and including the ankle, and the heel and everything else that comes under the under the ankle and then the left foot like that. So this is the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would perform Moodle. This is the way that the

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profits on a loan where are they he will sell them would perform model

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in the versus automatically that a larger dimensions for things and only four things. He mentioned that you wash your face, he mentioned that you wash your forearms, he mentioned that you wipe over your head, and he mentioned that you wash your feet.

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So these four aspects are the pillars of Budo

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moralizer dimensions. If anyone misses this out, then your window is incorrect. To watch each of these four paths once, at least once is the bare minimum. So if for example, a person came to me, and they didn't wash their face they will do is incorrect. If they came to do Voodoo, and they missed out washing their right arm or their left arm is incorrect. If they came to do window, and they forgot to wipe over the head, it is incorrect. If for example, they're making Moodle, and they missed one part of the foot or the other part of the foot, then it is incorrect. So these four things are pillars. There are two more pillars as well not directly mentioned in the verse, but

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something which the scholars have brought out from the other Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So pillar number five, the other two pillars, pillar number five, is to keep it all in the correct order to keep the actions of Budo in the order that is mentioned in the verse, and what is mentioned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So whenever is reported, in any Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ever washed his foot, before he washed his face, whether he wiped over his head, before he washed his arms never mentioned in any Hadith, so therefore 13th, keeping things in order, it is a pillar of Budo. So if you play around, juggle up the order, then

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you will do is incorrect. The sixth and final pillar is something in Arabic known as muah muah. And move Allah means that you don't let any part or any limb dry, until you finish you will do. So meaning that you must do it all in one go. So no part of your body can dry. So if for example, a person for example was to wash their face, and then they went and they had dinner, then they came back and they wash their arms. Then they went and they went to play with their children and they came back and they wiped over the head, then they went and did something else you will do is incorrect. So it must be. And this doesn't mean that you can't take a small break, for example, you

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hear the doorbell you can open the door, you come back so long as your body limb hasn't dried. So that is what is mu Allah, making sure though not that no part of your body has dried until you complete the whoodle.

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And this is taken from the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he saw a man praying.

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And he saw a man praying just after he made mobile. But he missed a portion of his heel in his whoodle, meaning everything else was wet, but that portion of his heel was still dry, meaning water hadn't touched it. So it's not that he went off and did something else he just didn't make will do properly. So the profits on the long run, he will sell them ordered him to go and make Budo again. And he said why Luli na kabhi Mina na vo o be aware of the heels attached the fire, meaning that this person didn't make a complete improper will do they will do is incorrect. And because they miss something which wasn't at the top of their forehead was really in their mind, meaning that when they

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wash their feet, they didn't think about the heels, then there is something which will touch the fire, be aware of the heels touching the fire. And so in this Hadith, this man, he forgot to wash his heels or he didn't wash his heel. For whatever reason. It's not that he went out of his way not to do it. Or that, for example, he had a great gap in between each limb. But he just didn't wash his heels yet still, the profits are solemn, told him to go back and make all the unstart. again from the beginning. He didn't say just go back on your feet and come back, he made him go and start from the beginning. So this shows that it is a pillar. Otherwise the process of selling would order him

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to go and make Budo again. So there is an important aspect of Budo that you must make sure that no part of the body dries until you complete the widow. So these are the six pillars. Everything else is a recommendation. So washing the hands at the beginning is recommended. As we said this doesn't mean that you don't do it. But it means if someone wants to mess it up for whatever reason, then technically they will do is to correct Now there are two issues where there is a difference of opinion. There is a difference of opinion. And those are the issues that are remaining within this window as is mentioned in the hadith of hammer on the first

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issue is the washing of the mouth and the nose. And the second issue is the wiping of the ears. Are these two parts obligatory as well? Are they pillars? Or are they recommendations? So some of the scholars said that they are pillars. How are the pillars, even though they're not mentioned in the verse, they said, because when Allah mentioned washing the face, the nose and the mouth are part of the face, and therefore they're included.

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Likewise, when Eliza will gel mentioned wiping over the head in the Sharia, or the ears are part of the head, and therefore, they are included as well. So even though alarge doesn't mention them explicitly, they are understood from the Hadith. And so they said that these pots are also obligatory, meaning that the only thing that's not obligatory is washing your hands at the beginning, everything else is an obligation. And washing every part of your body more than once is also a recommendation. And that is by each man that is by consensus that everything more than once is recommended once is the bare minimum. So someone was only to wash everything once it is

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technically correct, even though the sooner and what is better, is to wash every limb three times other than wiping over the head, which is once

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so the point being those scholars said that it is a part of the face and the head so it is the pillars other scholars said no. They're not mentioned explicitly and therefore, we don't just understand and make assumptions. There are a Sunnah, meaning that it is recommended and better to do but technically if someone was to miss them out, they are not incorrect, meaning that they will do is still correct it is still valid. So this is a slight difference of opinion amongst the scholars analyzer Virgil knows best. But basically this hadith of Ramadan shows us the widow of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One of the issue which isn't mentioned directly in this hadith is the

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issue of a condition of

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the condition of although and obviously some of the conditions which we mentioned already, such as having clean water and so on right and a vessel that is pure and so on, and removing an impurity that may be attached to a vessel and so on. One of the issues that is not mentioned is the issue of intention. So to have intention before making Moodle, in your heart, that you intend to worship Allah by purifying yourself in this way, then it is a condition of although according to the majority of the scholars of Islam,

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and it is based upon the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, the famous Hadith in the Muslim Albania, Malik, Lymbery MANOVA, where all the actions are judged by the intentions and for every person is that which they intended. And so the majority of the scholars of Islam said that it is a condition you must have the intention in order to make Moodle. If you don't have the intention, you just happen to go for example, to because it's a hot day, so you go and you just want to call down and he just happened to wash your head and your face and your arms and your feet, then it's not

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it is not Waldo and when you want to pray you must go and perform Moodle again, because your intention was not to worship Allah but simply to cool down simply because it's a hot day or simply because maybe you have come back from work and you want to freshen yourself up. And so therefore, intention is something which is important and is something which is the condition for will do. Moving on to hobbies number 31 rally you know the Allahu anhu if you say what you will do in Libya, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apol warmaster hubby Roxy Jorge de ahora, Jehovah Buddhahood

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and the authority of God Allah one. The hobby is of the description of the widow of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, and he wiped over his head once, and this is collected by a Buddha. So in this hadith of God, Allah one obviously,

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is another son in law. The prophet SAW Selim, and the cousin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the fourth halifa of Islam, one of the 10 to be promised paradise. I'm one of the earliest Muslims who died in the 14th year of the Hydra, radi Allahu Allahu wa. In this hadith is again among Hadith concerning the description of the widow of the prophets of Salaam. But as is the custom, even hunter Rahim Allah as his habit, as we mentioned previously, as well. But Abraham, in order to summarize and abridge the book, he doesn't mention every single narration in its entirety, if it's just a repetition, but rather, he will bring out the point that is different in this narration, or

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the point of benefit that he wants to derive, and then he won't mention the rest of the narration. So that's why at the beginning, he says, on the authority of IE, concerning the Hadith of the widow of the prophet SAW seldom so instead of mentioning all, everything else is the same as the hadith of hamrun. The only thing that he wants to bring to our attention is this edition in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, He wiped over his head once. So the hadith of hamrun is just said

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Generally, the process

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Allah wiped over his head. And it doesn't give a number doesn't give a quantity doesn't say once or twice or three times or anything, it just says he wiped over his head. But in this hadith In addition, earlier the alarm went on. And again, this is one of the benefits of studying a book like Bloomerang that you gather all of these Hadith together. So you have a complete overview of the sooner or not you just picking one Hadeeth here and there without understanding everything. In this hadith it shows that the professor seldom would make wudu only once or sorry, wipe over his head only once or not more than once.

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In the next how do you how do you throughout the light blues is?

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One of the lightning has either been an awesome facility upon Mombasa hubiera belavia de

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la oficina de Muro

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de hobbema la casa Tamara de Houma either McConnell Levy, amin, in this hadith rhabdo live in New Zealand again, this is a long Hadith concerning the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made will do but again, it Mahajan will only mention the part that he wants to bring to our attention. And that is that he said that when the prophets of Salaam would wipe over his head, that he would start at the beginning and he would go to the back and then he would return to the beginning again. So this is the point that he wants to mention. So we have the hadith of hamrun, the hadith of Ronnie, another Hadith or Abdullah addonizio. All of them speak about wiping over the

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head. The first hadith of hamrun is general Professor Salah wiped over his head, the hadith of it is more specific you wipe over his head once. The Hadith of the Lebanese Gita is not only specific that he wiped over his head, but rather the manner in which he did so. So basically he says that he began with both hands from the beginning of his voice, and he went all the way to the back of his forehead of his head. And then he came all the way back to the front as well. And this is the way that a person makes much of the rots or wipes over the head. What is number 33? Again, a similar Hadith one of the library Amara viola, one Houma, chill widow, call mama Sahabi, Roxy

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word holla spy is a baja teen fueled on a must have a Bahama Hiva hero loony of Raja Buddha. He was so how was Emma in the previous hadith of Abdullah Aziz, I forgot to give his biography. Abdullah bin yazeed is one of the companions of the unsung who participated in the Battle of Wofford. And he was one of the two people who killed musei limited because that was a limited because that was one of the false prophets that came after the prophets of Salaam. One of the people who after the death of the prophet SAW Selim, he claimed to be a prophet, Abubakar to the low and sent an army to fight him. And from amongst the people in the army was Abdullah

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and another man by the name of washi, and why she is the person who killed Hamza rhodiola, and the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Battle of word, and he was a non Muslim at the time, and when he accepted Islam later on, after the conquest of Mecca, so these two companions, washy and of the library as they together kill masala Metelkova, who was one of the false prophets and abalone as each other your loved one died in the year 63. So how does number 33 again is another edition but this time, it speaks also about the ears and how to wipe over the ears. So in this hadith regarding the widow of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he says that the prophets of Salaam

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went over his head, and then he entered his his index fingers into his ears, and he wiped around his ears with his thumbs. And this is how do you through Abdullah Al sala de Allahu and Houma. He and his father were both Muslims they accepted Islam, but the son accepted Islam before his father and it was a great scholar of Islam and known for his knowledge and he died also in the 63 he so in this hadith we have something which is another edition about wiping over the head, and this time it was regarding how to wipe over the ears. And again, I think the Hadith is self explanatory, so we don't really need to go into much detail.

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The final editor I want to mention

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her is number 34 one ebihara Torah the Allahu anhu Paula Paula Rasulullah sallallahu I think he was sending them in a staple that I had to come in Miami for the Center for Latin for in the show partner up to either a shoe may be tough upon her lay on the table for the Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when one of you wakes up from sleep, they let him the let him wash his nose three times for indeed shapen sleeps in his nose and this is corrected by Bukhari and Muslim and Hadith number 35. Wang who is a staple that had to come in Noemi, follow Yaga Musa Yahoo Filipina Hector your Salah.

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Latin for in the hula de aina better together. Beautiful con la, la La Muslim, and also on the photo hora de la one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if one of you wakes up from sleep, then don't let him enter his hand into a pot or a vessel or utensil, until he washes it three times, for Indeed, he doesn't know where his hand spent the night. And this is also in Bukhari, and Muslim and the wording is of Muslim.

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These two Hadith also speak about an issue. Why are they mentioned and it speaks about how when you wake up, how you should purify yourself how you should cleanse yourselves? Why are they mentioned in this chapter? Because normally, when a person wakes up, one of the first things that a person will do is make although especially if they wake up professional, why does he go to sleep at night, you wake up in the morning, either you wake up before you pray, and you need to make a photo, or you wake up for physical and therefore you need to make Udo and so therefore the prophet SAW Selim is mentioning the etiquettes of what to do when you wake up. And so it will * Rahim Allah mentioned

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these issues here in this chapter because it directly relates on how you make will do. So in the first Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is speaking about the person who wakes up,

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wakes up when, in the night during the day, some of the scholars said these two hobbies specifically refer to the night only when you wake up from the sleep that you have at night. So not any naps that you have during the day, but you will sleep at night. So this is an opinion on some of the spoilers. And they based upon the wording in the Hadith, yeah, B two,

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and B two, or to make maybe it is something which you normally sleep at night. It is something which is done at night. And so they said from this word that this hadith refers to only the sleep of mind. Other scholars said it is general, whether you sleep at night, or during the day that you do this. And so that seems a stronger opinion. And Allah knows best because the point of this hadith is cleanliness and hygiene. And the point of this hygiene is to remove the traps of shape one from me. And so those those are the weather during the night or during the day. And so therefore, if a person wakes up during the day or during the night, it is recommended that they do these two things, number

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one, that they cleanse their nose, that they make a stem third, and as we said, the second thought is to blow water from your nose. So therefore, as you will do in mobile, you clean your nose. And the professor seldom said that the reason for this is because during your sleep shavon comes and he sleeps on your nasal passage, he seeps in your nose, this is the place where she sleeps in the center of Adam. And so therefore when a person makes up, they remove the shackles and the bonds of shape one and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that the person who wakes up in the morning and they make the dura of the morning hamdulillah the

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shore and they make Waldo and then they go and pray fudger then with each one of these actions, they remove the three knots that shade one ties upon them. So it is a similar generally to remove the ties of shade pan and the knots of shade bond from you. So from those ways also is to clean your nose. Now this hadith can be understood in two ways. Number one is that a person would normally make Udo anyway when they wake up, so therefore they will do this anyway. So if that's the case, then it's fine. However, if for example, a person was to wake up, and they didn't make Kudo, just say for example, they went to sleep during the day, or even if they went to sleep during the night and they

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woke up before and they didn't want to pay the 100. But they didn't want to make wudu either they would make although when it came to the time of budget, but there are way so this person should then do this as well they should clean their nose and this is something which is recommended. It is not an obligation and Allah knows best. And then the other Hadith speaks about before you enter your hands into a vessel of water, you wash them three times. And again, the same issue applies if your person was going to make will do they will do this anyway. As mentioned how do you think I'm wrong? That when you make what do you wash your hands three times at the beginning. However, even if a

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person wasn't going to do so, then they should do this anyway, just as normally when people wake up, they normally wash their hands on their face anyway, just to get sleep out of their body to refresh themselves. So likewise from the son of the processor, in addition to washing your hands and washing your face, it is the Sunnah also to cleanse your nose as well and Allah azza wa jal knows best Okay, so inshallah with that we will conclude for today. Next week again inshallah the lecture will be on a Wednesday not on a Thursday so it won't be around on Thursdays we shall again next week. It will be on Wednesday evening Lai tala. Okay, if there's any questions inshallah we can take them

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And the ears

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the stronger opinion Allah knows best is that they are similar,

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but the more obligatory

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but even so, a person

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should do them all the time just to get out of the difference of opinion. And one of the things that some of the scholars mentioned generally is that a person should be on guard on from some of these issues. So together of the difference of opinion and any potential doubt that they may exist a person makes, although as the professor seldom recommended that a person should do so, and therefore this issue of whether is obligatory or not, doesn't really concern that person because they always make Bordeaux in that way. However, if it was to happen, then Allah knows best but the stronger opinion seems to be that they are some are not obligatory and alarmist.

01:00:38 --> 01:00:51

So you put your index fingers in your ears, and then you will summon around your ears, so they clean around your ears and your index fingers clean inside of your ears. So the thumbs up for the outer part of the ear and the index fingers for the inner part of the ear.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:07

Regarding wiping the *, the back of your neck, I don't know of any Hadith regarding this mama knows best.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:17

So next week, inshallah, we will come on to the issue of beard.

01:01:19 --> 01:01:20

Next week, we shall,

01:01:21 --> 01:01:26

yeah, I have a new rule that anyone that sits outside of this group doesn't get asked question.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:28


01:01:36 --> 01:02:08

So that also counts. The other thing if you were to watch for example, your face then wipe your face with the tower, then wash your arm or something like this, that would also count as breaking your door as breaking your window. And some of those hollows also recommended that a person doesn't wipe their arm anyway, they don't even wipe themselves after making madore because there are some generations to speak about with every drop of water that falls since fall from you and so on. And so some scholars recommended that a person leaves they will do and they don't wipe it off anyway, but if a person is going to use it, how will they do it after they finish they will do as they're going

01:02:08 --> 01:02:11

on, which is a very tedious way of making model anyway.

01:02:20 --> 01:02:33

Yeah, so as we said, it includes the elbows and it includes the inshallah next week we'll come on to a hadith which mentions this slightly, that includes our bows and includes ankles, includes our most and includes ankles.

01:02:52 --> 01:03:22

So this issue regarding waking up during the night Oh, sorry, waking up and blowing or washing your nose it is for when you wake up. So if a person for example, just wakes up in the night to use the bathroom and then going straight back to sleep and they don't have to do this is for when you wake up. So for example, someone that has for example, a bladder issues, for example, they just drank too much, or they had to go to the bathroom during the night. They don't have to do this is for people who wake up and then when they wake up, they can do either one. So if they want to go and relieve themselves first and then go into this, okay, so for example, if the person was going to make

01:03:22 --> 01:03:27

Wouldn't it make sense to use the bathroom first and then to make Milan was best?

01:03:38 --> 01:03:53

No, then you go back. So if it's at the same time, so for example, a person's making model, for example, they forget their face. So they wash their hands, they forget their face and they start washing their arms then they realize they go back to that part, and then they carry on so they have to start all over again.

01:03:55 --> 01:03:55


01:04:09 --> 01:04:10


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