Ahmed Hamed – What Is The Punishment For Neglecting Obligatory Fasting

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of fasting as a means of achieving Islam's goal of peace and avoiding harm. They also mention the punishment of missed fasting, including a warning about the consequences of missed fasting on the Day of Judgment. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to practice fasting for their own benefit and offers advice on how to achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to the program, Islam insight, a very special series essentially dedicated for a new Muslim brothers and sisters, how do we commit ourselves to gain knowledge regarding Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him like to know is he just compulsory for him? Somebody told me that a Muslim is not allowed to have relationship with a non Muslim knowledge revives the spirit of Islam.

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Brother What is the punishment for neglecting fasting right now we need to understand that every act of rabada every act of worship has a a good news and a bad news. A good news if anyone does that. A great reward if anyone does that. And a bad news a warning a caution and alarming factor if a person abandons it or he neglects.

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Fasting is such an ibadah that a person if he neglects, number one, he'll be deprived from all these benefits from these important aspects that we have discussed just now. He'll be deprived from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, he will be deprived from the person who will seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala who fasts for the sake of Allah and his past sins will be forgiven, he will be

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deprived from that he will be deprived from great benefits and importance in this dunya. And in the akhirah, he will be deprived from fasting, if he does not fast, he will be deprived from the intercession of the fasting, as we've discussed, intercession will be done of the fasting for the person who fast so on the Day of Judgment, if a person neglects fasting, then they will be no intercession from the fasting, the person who fast as we said, the fasting will come on the day of judgment as an intercession and that intercession will be accepted. So if a person does not do that, on the contrary, he will obviously be deprived from that great help and benefit on the Day of

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Judgment. And there are so many other

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grave punishments that a person will go through if he does not fast. In fact, the scholars are with unanimous agreement, that if a person deliberately abandons or neglects fasting,

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with no genuine reason, he is not traveling, he is healthy, you know, he's not sick, then he may go out of Islam, if he abandons that regularly, he because his song is a fast is fasting, which is a pillar of Islam, without which he cannot be a Muslim. So a person who neglects that is a great and severe punishment on the day of judgment as well as well as in this very world. He will be deprived from all these benefits, whether it is psychological benefits, spiritual benefits, and the rest. inshallah, dear brothers and sisters, we were discussing about the third pillar of Islam, and that is fasting. Fasting, as we have mentioned, is an obligation upon every Muslim, male and female,

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except those whom Allah subhanaw taala has granted the exemptions. It's a great Command of Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran, and has a great objective, to achieve a person who fast sincerely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, he will gain that objective by achieving the God consciousness, which is the criteria to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah Subhana Allah says, In surah hoogenraad surah number 49 is number 13. In the line at

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verily The one who is near to Allah is the one who has taqwa, who is God conscious and fasting helps my brothers and sisters, you to achieve taqwa. Therefore, never

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neglect this beautiful act of ibadah fasting, but always observe it, especially, especially the ones which are mandatory and obligatory for all of us. I would like to end the session with an idea with which I began my talk mentioned in sort of Baccarat, surah number

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To number 183, Allah subhanaw taala says yeah you and Edina Amano all you who believe quotevalet camassia

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fasting is prescribed to you come up katiba Allah Latina male publikum as it was prescribed to the people who came before you

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so that you may gain

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you may gain God consciousness

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