Ahmed Hamed – What Is The Meaning Of The Attributes Alilah Alaqir

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses Allah's military accomplishments, bravery, generosity, and bounty, as well as his unique bounty, which is the "ice of life." They also discuss his connection with hidden hearts and the importance of memorizing his name and attributes for worship. The speaker emphasizes the need to memorize his name and attributes for future reference.
AI: Transcript ©
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welcome back to the program. No, your Lord, we were discussing about some of the greatest names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. Number one we talked about Allah, The Greatest Name of all we talked about.

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I had the one who is unique and was got no rivals, no partners, no peers in his divinity in his lordship and his names and attributes. And we talked about an Allah Who is the most Hi.

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Another name and attribute philosophy Hannah who was either is an acronym an acronym is the one who is the most bountiful one. Allah mentioned this name in the Quran, in Surah

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Surah Allah surah number 96 ayah number three, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is an acronym, meaning the most bountiful one. Alas bounty. Allah generosity allows generosity, generosity is unique. It is not compatible with anybody else. Allah is the most unique in providing His bounty. He is the one out of his bounty. He gives us life. He grows up alive, he brings up the entire creation. With his generosity, he gives even to those he gives even to those who do not worship Him. He given to those who associate partners with him, he gives to those who deny his existence. Allah subhanaw taala is an acronym, the most bountiful one. His bounty is unique, and he's the most generous. He's the most

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bountiful, one who showers the favors, the blessings, the nehama on all of us, he is an acronym.

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Allah subhana wa tada is a Illa. Allah, Allah means, Dear God, the God to whom all the creation rushes back with absolute

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version of him.

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Allah subhanaw taala he is an Illa.

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Allah is the god

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to whom the whole creation rushes with absolute love and satisfaction in order to worship.

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Allah, Allah is the one

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whose remembrance give peace to the soul. And Allah is the God who is the ultimate protector of all time. And Allah is the God

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whose creation is amazed by looking at his glory.

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Allah is the one

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God who deserves

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our worship of Allah is the God who is beyond our comprehension. But he, Allah, the God is aware of everything.

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Allah is the God who provides and helps us in our times of need. And Allah is the God through whom the whole creation rushes with absolute love and tranquility. And Illa is again, one of the greatest Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhanaw taala has names are most beautiful, his attributes are of perfection, among the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala is also a one on one means the first Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sees a law or a law, you are the first and there was nothing before you a last man whose honor is an hour, he is the first which means which indicates that he comes first in our life. In our lives, he comes first, the first priority is an A one, a law

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is our priority. And our is the one who is forced before him. There was no existing there was nothing that existed before an hour in logically, he being the Creator, he being the God and a world besides Him, as there was nothing before

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And how can it be when he himself is the creator, he is the cause of the creation. He is an omen, and Allah subhanaw taala mentions this name, a woman in Surah Hadid, surah number 57. And number three, he is an award. He comes first, for our love, he comes first, for our worship, he comes first, for our respect, he comes first and we can trust upon he comes first. On our reliance, he comes first in our love, he comes first with all kinds of help.

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It is he whom we should run after he is over. He is the first home we should run after and seek his help. Among the attributes and the names of Allah subhanaw taala is also an actor. He is the last Prophet salallahu alaihe salam says, Oh Allah, you are the last and there is nothing after you. Allah being the creator

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being the one who is ever living, there is nothing which is going to be after him. He is the last he is the last who is going to be there for all four after all the things when all the things come to an end, he is going to be there

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an hour and n are here. Which means the last is mentioned in Surah Hadid surah number 57 and number three, Allah subhanahu wa tada is also Avaya. Avaya means the most evident, the most clear, the most Hi, Allah subhanho dialers existence is so obvious, is so clear that it is more obvious than the creation of this world. For those who want to seek, ponder and reflect upon the signs of Allah subhanaw taala he is

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the great he is a viral meaning the one who is evident he's the high he is most evident and His signs are to be seen in the world, all around us and within us that he is Avaya. Allah subhanho wa Taala and Avaya is again mentioned in Surah, Hadid surah number 57. And number three, Allah subhanahu wa taala is also an

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albertan means the hidden the most near Allah subhanho wa Taala existence is there, but vi from our sensory perception cannot comprehend them.

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We know the signs of Allah subhanaw taala in his most hidden, he is aware of the most internal matters of our heart, he is well aware is most near to us, what we think he knows what are we going to think he knows what we thought he knows he is the most hidden is the most near albertan

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and this attribute of Allah subhanaw taala is mentioned in Surah Hadid surah number 57 ayah number three,

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Allah subhanahu wa taala has given these names and attributes, so that we may do the following things. We have talked about nine names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And these nine names and attributes of a las panatela What are we going to do with them? We are going to memorize all these names and attributes of Allah subhana wa Taala with fullest of conviction that these names are most beautiful, these attributes are of perfection, we are going to understand their meanings to get closer to the reality of what it means.

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We are going to reflect upon these names Allah and I had an acronym

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and I had a law and Illa Azhar albertan an overland ARCA, we are going to reflect upon these names and attributes. We are going to relate our lives with these names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We are going to ponder

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and relate it with our lives and how are we going to relate it in all our matters of worship.

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Allah is the one whom we will go and ask for any help and do sudo

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And make a loss of hundreds eila close to you. Allah will respond to Allah subhanho wa Taala he is always there to welcome you, Allah subhanho wa Taala he loves that a slave remembers him. We need to remember these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala and relate it with our lives, make it a part of your life. Let your children know these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala let them understand the power of these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala why Allah subhanaw taala is the only God can be understood only when we know these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala when we know that Allah is Allah, allies and Allah, Allah is Allah Quran, Allah is

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Allah Allah, Allah is Allah. Allah is an artist. Allies Avaya allies will bouton when we know comprehend these names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then, then, my dear brothers and sisters, we are going to get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And also, we need to use these names in order to call Allah subhanaw taala by using these names, how many of us and when was the last time that you call that you call a loss? panatela by saying a law your law helped me Yeah, Anna, you are the most Hi. Elevate me in the matters of risk in the matters of sustenance? Yeah, you're the one who's the most bountiful one, your bounty is unique. You're the most generous, or a law or an

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acronym. Please Me, when was the last time we call a loss of hundreds either with the name an outward

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or Yala, you are an outward You are the first who I will come for any kind of help. How many times to be asked a loss panatela by using his name's avoid, or law you are the Most High, you are the one who is most evident, I will worship you alone. When was the last time that you call last pantalla as an Ella and Ella is the God whose remembrance give peace to your souls. So mighty brothers and sisters, what are we going to do with these names, we have to memorize them, we have to understand their meanings. We have to ponder over them, we have to reflect upon them, we have to relate them in our lives. So that we have the strongest connection with Allah subhanaw taala and we are going to

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call Allah subhanaw taala by using these names. And last but not at all the least share these names, propagate these names to all the people, to your families, to your friends, to all the people let them know let them get close to Allah subhanho wa Taala to all these names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala with this, we end our session and inshallah, in the coming episodes we shall continue with the rest of the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala till then, keep yourself busy in memorizing and comprehending the names of Allah subhanaw taala and get connected with a las panatela will include awana and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen.

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Tell me who

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you should be

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and then your shout out to him.

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