Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 6
Ahmed Hamed – Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 6
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The importance of memorizing the name Islam is highlighted, including the importance of finding new things to look at within oneself and being a strong person. The speakers stress the need to remember Shane's qualities and his significance in life, as well as the importance of setting priorities to avoid losing control and bringing forward every single thing. They emphasize the importance of living by the name Alamosa and building a "bringing of forward" to achieve success.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim. While earlier he was happy Jemaine, my brothers and sisters, welcome again to another session of the series reflections on the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Well hamdulillah all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala again, who is giving us this opportunity to know him to you know explore about his qualities, his attributes, so that we may insha Allah in you know, some our belief better every single time when we know Allah subhanahu wa taala better.
My brothers and sisters let us continue our journey with the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. In today's session inshallah, we shall begin with another powerful name and the attribute of Allah subhanaw taala. And that is actually, actually is the Lord the helper, the sub pota. And Allah mentions this name in Surah shiras. I in number 28. Allah uses this word Ali, Ali, the Helper, the supporter, the protector, again, we need to ensure that we memorize this name that Allah is actually Allah is Al Wali, Allah subhanahu wa taala is actually the helper, the supporter, the protector, and that is the importance that we need to realize, to understand him as well. You see, no one is
better, help, none is better supporter, and no one can protect us better than the one who is actually actually Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is the helper, the supporter, the protector of everyone. And we need to keep on reflecting upon this name as well have a larger agenda. And always feel the sense of belongingness that we have with Allah subhanho wa Taala. You see when Allah is
Allah is the you know, rub the Lord and we are the abdomen, the worship. So obviously the abdomen, the worshiper, he always go back to the rub, who is the Lord, who always go back to someone who can actually help support and protect like no one else can. And that is actually that is how we actually need to live by this name, I believe the helper, the supporter, the protector
and we need to call out to Him knowing full well that Allah alone is actually the Lord the helper, the supporter and the protector, there is always a need for us to seek the help from the one who is the ultimate alpha, there is always the need to seek support from the one who is the ultimate supporter, there is always the need that we have, you know to gain the protection from the one who is the ultimate protector and that is alpha Lee.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is also Allah Hamid and Hamid is the one who is worthy of all praises. Allah mentions this name in Surah Surah. I in number 28 again, that he is Al Hamid, Worthy of all praises.
Again, my brothers and sisters, let us memorize this name and Hamid al Hamid, the one worthy of all praises, understand that there is no one there is no one in our lives, who deserve more praises, who is ultimately worthy of all praises better than a Hamid better than Allah subhanho wa Taala who is Al Hamid, the one who is worthy of all praises, and this is how we actually you know, keep on reflecting upon, you know, this beautiful attribute of Allah subhanaw taala and Hamid the one word your full praises when we look at within ourselves, you know, when we will
Look around when we look at you know, and explore new new things, we immediately
praises the one who is an Hameed, the one worthy of all praises. You see, when Allah is the Creator, when Allah is the Lord, the one who is sustainer, the one who maintains everything, he is the owner, for everything, indeed, it is, He who is who deserves, you know, all praises, all praises, and who is definitely worthy of all these praises. And that's how we actually need to live by this name, we always have to attribute success to Allah subhanaw taala we always have to attribute all praises to Allah subhanaw taala You know, sometimes we fall into a trap of shaitaan and the feeling that is, you know, instigated by shaitan that, you know, if I do something great, it is me who should be
praised a, you know, if because I've done a good job, I have really performed well, you know, so, what we need to realize as muslimeen as believers, yes, we would appreciate yourself you would appreciate others for for good work, but you need to definitely mention that all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala as he is an Hamid He it is he who has given me the strength to perform that resulted, me to gain this appreciation, this is the mindset that we should always have. And that is how we have to call upon Allah and Hamid, who is worthy of all praises. This is the beautiful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we need to keep on calling out to him and trying to reflect upon
this beautiful, you know, quality of Allah. Whoo hoo. And that is an Hameed, the one worthy of all praises.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is also a hafeez. Allah Hafiz is the one who is the maintainer, The Guardian, and Allah mentions in Surah, Saba, surah, number 34. And number 21, this particular name that he is a heavy, he's the one who is the maintainer, the guardian of everything that exists. So Pamela, this is how we actually, you know, expect from the Creator, right, and, and, you know, the creator is the true creator, who can maintain everything. The true creator is the one who can guard everything. And that is an hafeez. That is Allah subhanho wa Taala, who has the quality of ALLAH hafiz. So memorize this name, my brothers and sisters, understand that he is the ultimate
maintainer, protector and guardian of everything, he is the one who preserves everything. He's the one who maintains everything, he is the one who guards everything. So when we keep on reflecting upon this beautiful quality of Allah, and that is, we live by this name, we live by this name by, by a mindset by a feeling, by an experience by the principle in our lives, that there is one who is the ultimate maintainer, there is the one who is the ultimate guardian for my life. And when we live in, you know, with this notion, with this mindset, with this feeling, insha Allah, we immediately call out to Him who is unhappy if we call out to unhappy the maintainer, and, and ask him and pray to
Him, to guard us to maintain us to mean to maintain us in a fashion in a way that is pleasing to Him. Allah subhanho wa Taala so my beloved brothers and sisters, it is indeed important for us to keep on you know, memorizing it, understanding it, reflecting upon it, living by it, and calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala by using these names.
Allah subhanaw taala is also an Majeed, the glorious, the grandia right. And Allah mentions this name in Surah Hood surah number 11. Number 73. Allah mentions his name al Majeed, all glorious, you know the grandia there is no greater there is no one who is more glorious
than Allah subhanho wa Taala and Majeed so memorize this name again. Al Majeed al Majeed al Majeed. Allah is Al Majeed, the one who is all too mentally glorious, you know, understand that there is no better glory than the glory of Allah subhanaw taala there is no majesty better than the majesty of Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no one who is more glorious, better than Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Majeed and this is how we keep on reflecting upon this, another powerful attribute of loss of Hannah Tyler. And we need to live by this name as well by declaring, deep down in our hearts that there is one who is Al Majeed, the glorious one, there is one who is Alma G, the glorious one whose
glory is so superior is so supreme is so magnificent, that we are so lucky, we are so blessed to be the one who could worship the true God, I imagined the glorious one, my brothers and sisters call upon the one who is the most glorious, of course, we do not want to call out to someone who is you know, just a part of the creation who is weak who is someone you know, who low in in all qualities, but we want to call out to someone who is an Majeed, who is the glorious, the grand You're the one who ultimate who has the ultimate glory without the support and supplement from anyone and from anything that is Allah. Majeed.
Allah subhanahu wa tada is also alpha.
Alpha is the one who is the reveal, the reveal the judge the opener all these meanings, indicates and signifies the quality of a law alpha.
Alpha is the name of Allah mentions, you know in in Surah Sabah Allah mentions it in Surah Saba surah number 34 ayah number 26, where he uses this name and Fatah, he is the one to decide He is the one who is the reveal. He is the one who is the opener, right? Again, memorize it, memorize this name. This is our continuous action point. My brothers and sisters memorize this name, understand that he is the revealer He is the judge he is the opener, I will Fatah and this reflection of alpha beta should be done again and again. Why? Because we
whenever we see you know we are stuck. Whenever we feel we want to grow whenever we you know we feel that we want success. We want we want the judge to judge us somewhere along the way it is pleasing to Him. Indeed we remember and remind ourselves about alpha
The one who is the opener Subhana Allah, He opens the door for us for you know the doors of success, he opens the doors for us the doors have had of blessing of favors of bounties of have grown of children of you know spouses of you know all the bounties that we want. He is the one who is
the opener, so what do we need to do action point we need to call out to Him and
open the doors for my success. I am stuck yet alfetta opened the doors of success for me. Open the doors of happiness for me open the doors of peace, prosperity for me open the doors of blessings from my own spouses from my own children. Today we are struggling today the families are struggling. They are in crisis Subhan Allah ask Allah calling out to Al Fatah, the one who is the opener, the one who opens the doors of happiness for you, who opens the doors of peace for you who opens the door of success, serenity and satisfaction for you Subhan Allah, Allah is Al Fatah. This is how we need to
call out to Him. We need to raise our hands and ask him yeah and Fatah open the doors of success for dunya will are here in this world and the year after the one who reveals the one who judges us, the one who opens
the doors for us insha Allah.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is also a Shaheed. Shaheed is the witness, be our intimate witness. Now, this name again is mentioned in Surah Sabah surah number 34 ayah number 47, in which Allah subhana wa Taala uses his name, beautiful name, a Shaheed a Shaheed is the one he is the weakness over all things, Action Point, memorize this name, a Shaheed Now why are we stressing again, again, to memorize this panela with an understanding and contemplation and living by it and calling out to the to by using these names is, you know, just to remind ourselves again, that we would like to get Jana SubhanAllah. We want to get Jen as a Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, he said, Whoever memorizes
these names and contemplate on them, you know, memorize them, understand them, implement them in their lives, we'll get into Jenna. So that is our struggle again. And again, that is our stressing point as an action, you know, point for us to memorize this, understand that he is the witness. We need to understand that no matter whoever sees or not see our good things, or law is the witness of everything. He witnesses every moment of our lives. Every time we blink is a witness of that every time we do good deed, he's a witness for that. And this is a key reflection on this name a Shaheed that he is always witness over all things. So whatever we do, the good and the bad, the righteous or
the evil, you know, Allah is a witness for that. So why don't we make a law of witness for all the good things that we do. And for that, we need to do things so that we make a log the best witness over all things and Subhanallah my brothers, my sisters, do not add you know, do not think that whenever you do a small act also it is insignificant, know that small act of goodness is witnessed by Allah subhanho wa Taala and will be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala you know, the whole purpose of witnessing it is to give you that reward to recompense you for the struggles that you did, but you are patient for the toughness in life that you have, but you remain firm on the deen of Allah.
There are so many challenges that were going on, but you always, you know, had that belief in Allah having that trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala having that EMA that faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala and you never let it down. SubhanAllah you never let your fate down in Allah Subhana Allah so Allah is a witness for that, and he's going to recompense that that's how we need to live by this name, Shaheed, the witness and we need to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Shaheed to witness everything and to to bear witness for all the great you know, good and nice things that we do some Hana law, for instance, you know, you are struggling, we all are struggling, we all have a
challenge, to give you the session, to listen to the session, to view the session to do any good thing shaitan is definitely desperate to deviate us, but we overcome shaitan we defeated shaytan when hamdulillah and we are here together, learning the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, the highest form of Islam, the highest level of knowledge that we have the most important knowledge for a believer to know the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala So Allah is a witness for that. And that's how we need to call out to Him and to make this attempt successful insha Allah.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an mocha dim and mocha dim the bringer or forward Subhana Allah and this name is not mentioned in the Quran but the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam named it used this name as it has come from the agreed upon Hadith with Bukhari and Muslim from ebony, above
Around the Allahu anhu that when the prophets of the liberation got up at night to offer the tahajjud prayer, the night prayer, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam peace be upon him used to say, Oh Allah used to say, Oh Allah, all the praises are for you. You are the holder of the heavens in the earth and it's a long Hudis and it also continues to say to when he said, Please forgive me my previous and future sins and whatever I concealed or I revealed, you are the bringer forward and you are the delayer there is none to be worshipped but you are there is no true di t except you, Yala. My brothers and sisters memorize this beautiful name and mocha dim, Elmo dim the bringer forward,
understand that he is the one who is going to bring forward everything that we do in this life in Ashura. Subhan Allah, so we are asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us in this world. And that's how we need to reflect upon
this beautiful name and the attribute of Allah subhanaw taala and mocha dim, the bringer forward. Indeed, he is a law, the bringing of forward who will bring forward every single thing. And this is our key reflection on this name. And that's how we need to live by this name, that everything that we do in this world is going to be compiled, the record is building up our armor and our deeds have been written down. Everything will come forward on that day and who is the one to bring that I'll move the bringer forward and we need to call out to Him as well. To help us in this world, so that we may contribute we may you know practice those deeds which are beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala
which are pleased by Allah subhanho wa Taala. so that we may see the bringer forward and the things that are so you know, satisfied for us in sha Allah in Accra, by which insha Allah with the mercy of Allah, Rob Buller is the the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala, we may get into Jenna in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an
alma mater here is the delay, you are the delay, as mentioned in Hadith, the same Hadees that we just mentioned, it also contains this name,
here, Alma, the delay, again, memorize this name of him, understand that he is the delay, so he gives time for people to come back to him to correct our actions to make amendments in our lives. And this is how we reflect on this name of Allah subhanho wa Taala after the delay, so, he gives he no loose ends to the people, you know, chances after chances, you know, opportunities after opportunities, you know, so many platforms that Allah gives possibilities for us to be able to turn to him some handler This is how we need to live by this name, the delayer Allah being so kind, so merciful, he is also ulmo here, the delay, so he gives full opportunity for us, He gives enough
chances for us to be able to, you know, amend our affairs and to be able to please him the way he wants. And we call a loss of handle dialer, again by this name as well. And we ask Allah so, so my brothers and sisters, this beautiful contemplation upon this name as well will make us closer and closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and will build the sense of, you know, beautiful, high level love for Allah subhanho wa Taala that he gives chances after chances he is up here, the delay and that's how we need to ensure that we correct our affairs, you know, set our priorities right so that insha Allah, it's not that, you know, to, you know, late for us, that we don't, you know, have any chances
to come back We ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us all to be able to please him the way he wants.
Loss of data is also al Malik al Malik is the king is the King. Allah mentions this name in Surah, two Tamar surah number 54. On number 55. Allah mentions this by staging in a seat of truth that is paradise near the omnipotent King, Allah, the Blessed One, the most tight, the owner of majesty. And on that King, Allah subhanho wa Taala, his alma League, my brothers and sisters, that's memorize this name as well memorize that he is Al Malik, Al Malik is the one who is the ultimate King, the one who is absolutely honorable, the owner of all majesty, the one who has the highest honor, understand that he is, indeed the owner of all majesty in honor, understand that he is the king and
this reflection on this name, that Allah is and maleek the king also gives us the understanding that we need this king, we have to go back to this king, to ask Allah to give from his kingdom, the things that are, you know, beneficial for us the things which can help us to be able to get, you know, through from this dunya to our hero in a way that is pleasing to Him. And we that's how we actually live by this name as well. And Al Malik is indeed the king and we call out to Allah Malik the king who helps us at every single moment whose honor is unsurpassable whose Majesty is absolute, who is high above everything
else panels Allah is also an moqtada al maka Darrow, he is the omnipotent so Allah mentions his name. So in Surah, Alka have surah number 18 ayah number 45, that Allah is able to do everything, Alma del almak today, let's memorize this name as well my brothers and sisters, understand that he is the omnipotent there is no one who is more powerful than unmarked. adjure. And this is how we need to reflect upon this name as well again and again. You know, by looking at ourselves by looking around, understand that this whole creation is the work is the job is the result of someone who is extremely powerful, who is all powerful, who is omnipotent, and that is an moqtada that is Allah
subhanho wa Taala and that's why we need to live by this name as well.
We call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala who is a la caja, why because he is the one who deserves to be called, he is the one who has the power of everything, who is whose ability is unsurpassable, who is omnipotent, who is all powerful, and that is a deep, the, the beautiful quality of the Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala who is a look.
Allah subhanho wa Taala is also Alamosa. Alamosa. He is the one who raises and increases and decreases through his will. Now again, this is not mentioned in the Quran, but the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam uses this name and it has come from the authentic sooner it is the sooner at tirmidhi and he said hasn't sadly and also from Abu Dhabi would even imagine and Ahmed these are all the books of Hadith books of the teachings of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and share Alberni, wisdom, Hadith, he authenticated all of these, they narrated from another of the Allahu anhu that he said, the people said O Messenger of Allah, prizes have shot up so fixed price
prizes for us there upon the Prophet of Allah the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah is the one who raises an increase and decrease things through his will. Example prizes provision life, you know, the one who withholds The one who gives lavishly and the one who sustains and I hope that when I meet Allah subhanho wa Taala none of you will have any claim on me for an injustice.
Regarding blood or property This is the Hadith mentioned in a Buddha wood in a Taro meeting in imager. And this is considered as a authentic thing. Now, the meaning of the name Alamosa here that we need to memorize is the one who raises and increases and decreases through his will understand that Allah is the one who increases and who raises and who decreases as well through his well. So when we reflect upon this name and Messiah, we get to know that he is the one who raises the status, he is the one who raises the lives, He is the one who raises the positions of the people. So we don't have to doubt on that panel that there is a willingness, there is a wisdom of Allah subhanaw
taala behind that. Moreover, we need to live by this name by understanding the fact that he's the one who increases and decreases to his vote. So we don't have to have any complaints. for that. Rather, we need to have submission for everything that we actually believe in. And we have to believe that he is
the one who raises and increases and decreases through as well. So call out to Allah subhanaw taala to raise your status high, call out to the one who is the one who increases and decreases through his world. So call out to Him to increase your life for example, to increase your to give Baraka in your life, by the way to get the value out of your life, inshallah, ask Allah to increase your wealth to your family, for your you know, businesses, for your children, for everything you ask Allah to give increase in whatever blessing that you have. And this is how we actually, you know, call out to Allah subhanaw taala who is Alma Sorry, my brothers and sisters, I hope it is benefiting
all of us. It is increasing our faith in Allah subhanaw taala indeed the more we know Allah, the more we obey Allah, the movie obey Allah, the more we love Allah, the more we love Allah, the more Allah loves us, and when Allah love someone, he will never put that person into jahannam into the hellfire. So the best way for us, way forward for us is to fall in love with Allah subhanho wa Taala Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh