Ahmad Saleem – Quranic Compass

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The Islam culture in the region is discussed, including its negative impact on people's satisfaction and the use of "hasith" in decision-making. The importance of fulfilling the purpose of Jana's Islam is emphasized, along with the need to be aware of many problems in society and the importance of the Bible as a guide. The segment also touches on the struggles of parents and children with COVID-19 and the use of "backward" in English language. The segment emphasizes the importance of remembering rights and gratitude, avoiding drinking, and avoiding cultural norms like "arrogance."
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who are bad rubbish roughly surgery or your silly Emery? Well hello look data melissani of a who only are visiting your Alma or visit any Alma or visit any Alma Robina Allah to Santa Barbara is how Daytona will have learned and will learn Kurama in the country, Wahab

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inshallah today's talk is entitled, Quranic compass, Quranic compass are both oral Khurana is, is a research project

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that I'm looking into right now. And basically the research project consists of going back and analyzing Quran and finding out that how Quran was successful, and instilling a particular type of a compass within the sahaba. So when they were faced with situations in life, they knew what to do.

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Even sometimes when they didn't have, you know, direct guidance on a particular issue, they knew exactly how to react, or they knew okay, this is a particular issue that you know, we need to revert revert back to the old Lama or something, but their natural action was in line with what Islam had wanted. How did Quran instill this particular compass within the sahaba? What were some of the means that enabled the Sahabas in general, within the 13, IRS, they were in Makkah under persecution, they came out

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and they were ready to change the world.

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So the particular research aspect is the hubbub of Makkah, the way Quran spoke to the Sahaba and the society at that time in Morocco. Now today, if anybody asks you okay, what defines a maca makan or Madani? Surah the definition usually is given.

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Oh, the surah that pertains to al Qaeda, that Surah that pertains to Accra. And if you know, the verses are smaller, these are usually the surahs that are makin Surahs they're more in eloquence. But as soon as that deal into details, they go, they go into the fifth of a particular issue, ruling of how what happens when Paula can these these type of issues that we live in, in the society they say that usually there are matinee sutras, and they're also longer in length?

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Great, so we all know that. But the question still remains that that how did that Moroccan kebab that they're gonna say the word Fatah basically means that the verses that were coming from Allah subhanaw taala, that kebab of Allah kala Mala? How did it impact the Sahaba in the first 13 years, despite the hardships they lived in, none of us live in such similar hardships today.

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But yet they walked out. And they were ready, ready to change the world.

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So the research that I'm working on is basically analyzing the style of delivery of the message.

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Right, so what was the style that was used? And what we're going to find in the Moroccan era is primarily the style that was used consisted of three to five things in general, three, you will find them very regularly used and the other other two, maybe not. Firstly, it's the quest for reasoning.

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So Allah would say, don't use a fella ETA for Corona, if you have a law, don't you think and ponder? On the creation of Allah subhana Have you not seen the camel? Have you not seeing how we've created it? What is that? It's a call to the reasoning. Allah subhanaw taala is calling this hub of those times the Muslims of those times to think about things around them.

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And reason, okay, why is this taking place? What is the Hickman behind it? And to ponder on these things. The second thing was questioning and you'll find that you know what you find story of Ibrahim Ali salaam, time and again questioning,

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Oh Allah show me.

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Show me how you create the dead from the living from the dead.

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He's asking Allah subhanaw taala for many things. Similarly, he's asking his own nation How can you follow these people? How can you follow these things? They cannot hear or benefit or do anything to you. So it was the fact that Quran and the hippo Buffett is constantly asking in depth questions

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that instilled into the Sahaba this this, this, this desire to question not to question everything, but to ask the right questions. Today when you have a chef or a scholar or somebody coming to talk in a particular Masjid from outside, you don't you have a standard set of questions that get asked

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and they're just being asked for the sake of being asked.

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But there are so many other questions in our society that we need to answer. Why do we have a rising divorce rate?

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These are questions we shy away from as community because they're hard to answer. But these were the very type of questions that were difficult to answer. But yet Quran asked this hobbits these questions.

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Then you had the quest, the particular thing, then you had, I'm going to share this with you. Then you had

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the search for reasoning and positivism. So despite however bad the society was and the pressure that the kuffaar of pressure were instilling onto the Muslims, the small minorities, Quran always revealed Surahs that would make profits or sell them happy, they would make profits and selamat is positive message when Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam you know, he lost all hope, then stories of this particular Nabil then you have the story of this, you know, Roger Looney

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we don't even know the name of this person. Roger, Roger Luqman from the moose Alex rams from Quran Allah Islam strike, right? He came running and he said why do you want to kill a particular person? Just for the reason that he says Robbie Allah right? We don't know who this person is. But the Kitab is that look at this particular person then Allah subhanaw taala revealed another versatile he talked about them. He told the Rasul Allah Islam and the Sahaba that you don't want. The time came that even the Gambia

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and those that followed him they said Medina Sula.

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When is the victory? Then you find the Sunnah la sera Salam reiterating the same messages of positivism. Sahabas came Yasuda Allah, it's extremely dire situation for us. It's becoming very hard for us to live and profited. SLM, he got upset. And he said, What's wrong with you people, for rarely, there were people that came before you.

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And a hole would be dug.

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And he would be placed in that hole,

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half of his body in and the other half out, and then a saw would be brought. And he would be split into two police pieces. And yet this particular fell off the oppressors would not divert him from his Islam.

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What a positive message in extreme desperate situations that the Sahaba were living,

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and that the continuation of this hadith is or another person would be brought, and they would bring a comb of iron

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and they would comb his flesh away from the bone.

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And yet, this would not dispel him

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from his Islam.

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So you find that the positive positivity is positive, I'm seeing positivism was very very important in the Moroccan era.

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they knew that Allah subhanaw taala he knew that these are harsh times there are difficult times for the Sahaba so they needed to have a purpose and goals.

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So they were tied to purpose and goals will not have children now will Insell Yeah, but don't you have been created to worship me?

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Right purpose has been defined goal your Jana, Allah subhanaw taala has bought the souls of the believers. So verses upon verses were revealed, defining the goals to the Sahaba that your goal is Jana, your purpose is my pleasure. Your goal is Jana stay here from preserving yourself from Jahannam and

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fulfilling the abode of Allah subhanaw taala this purpose is to unite the community the unity. So the purpose was constantly reiterated.

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Now today, if you look at the state in which thou has been conducted, very few, Dawa initiatives tackle these five issues.

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We start off with this very, very untouchable thing that people can't even imagine can't relate to.

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Very, very less effort is done to make that particular knowledge that was in the past, relatable to people to modern day societies. And if you find Rasulullah sallam, he did not give them examples of people you know that like you know, they he gives them examples that they could relate to. So if you look at the sort of lasagna, Selim the examples he gave in Macau are different from the examples he gave in Medina.

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In Medina, the examples were of Christians and Jews because people were aware of Christians and Jews.

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It was a MultiFit society at that time, but my guide was just

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atheist. Now one of the examples that Rasul Allah says LM, sorry, Allah subhanaw taala. The message was being delivered

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heard the kuffar were attacking

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and the message had to be delivered through a different one of these channels that we talked about. Okay. So what was one of these channels? The people of Makkah they used to revere this person called Lock Monalisa.

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Right? So hey come on, look man, or they call it modular to look man, the magazine of Look, man, that was the no known terminology that time. So look man Alan Salaam and his Marcela or his magazine was famous. So one of the persons he came to Prophet sallallahu sallam, just to hear from provinces and what he has to say, and he heard Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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reciting the Quran, so he came to two provinces, and he said, I have something.

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But I want to know, what do you have? Because he had heard him but he didn't hear him clearly. So he came to process it and what do you have?

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He said, I have something from Allah subhanaw taala.

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The person said, I have something better.

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I have Majid lateral Lokman Prophet system said, Read it to me.

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And he read it. And profitsystem said, This is excellent speech.

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This is excellent speech. Let's pause over here for a second.

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What would one of us do if in a masjid a person came? And he said, I've got the Bible.

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Most of us would not have the audacity to listen to

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our hearts would shut,

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prejudiced would kick in. And it will become very difficult for us to even if it's something very good being said in the Bible, or in the Torah,

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we will say no, no, this cannot I have the ultimate

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profitsystem did not say that.

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He did not say no, no, by the way, what I have is better not what I have is how

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he said This is excellent Kalam.

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But what I have is something better than this. The word used was better not help.

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When we say this, like see it's the same message.

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But it's given with a softer blow.

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And then Rasulillah Salam, he read

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this message he read I don't remember the verses he read too. And he recited the verses and the Sahaba does this particular he was a shared I think it was Malta and he was a Shire and he said this is Wallahi better than mine.

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And it is said about him that he went back to Medina he actually came from Medina just to meet prophecy settlement the Moroccan era and it is said that he became a Muslim Allahu Allah we don't know of Islam

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so today since we were talking about look man the advice that look man it said I'm give to his son

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was filled with all these tools that I talked about. And since we have a lot of youth and a lot of parents it will make an excellent time to discuss something like that. So let me just start off it's going to be sort of Lookman verses 12 to the nine to 19

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are always all below him in a shape on your lodging watching what up I didn't

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score really

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well me I scored on five in num I score early enough see woman Jeff out offer in Allah have ani yawn * read what is Bala La Palma and only Bernie here why why are these women who want

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to shrink?

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In Nashville gala Baltimore now the while slain in Sinai BYD who um Who knows?

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How am I let who I'm Joe Nyla new appeals law don't hold me again. And it's squirrely oily YT data.

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Mostly. What

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Jehoiada got

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to shrink beam louka being here in Furla Houma whilst la Haibo Houma duniya Maru roof

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what Bureau sebelum and

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Isla de som Isla de Mirage

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Arrow comm B O comm Bhima Cohen

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yeah Boone aka

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tech homies pa hub birding mean mean Cordell further fees of writing office?

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I will feel

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Yeah, TV how long?

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In Allaha LT fun hobby. Javon aka Emile sloth.

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Morabito ruffian one Honeyman,

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one Honeyman curry once spear Allah ma slaw buck in

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me nice mill or wala to

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that girl in seawater, she feel li Marwaha in Hola Hola, yo, hey Bunco dad in the whole world, mostly defeat my Shinko bluedomino flotek in

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Swati, slow to hire me.

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So, in the research of chronic compass, the idea that I have is basically every single problem, major problem that we have in, in our society, which is parents, for example, parents and the children. Quran gives us certain guidance, if we actually embed this particular guidance and understand it, it gives us a particular true north in that particular situation.

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So you can have a Quranic compass on how to deal with your parents. You can have a Quranic compass, about marriage and your relationship with your wife, you can have a Quranic compass on how to deal with your parents. So for each particular things that we are going to be held responsible for, whether it is on an individual level, whether it is on a greater family level, or a bigger society level, each one of these problems or solutions are things that are we're doing right but making them better can be delivered through Quranic compass. So it's a series of lectures that I'm working on. This is just basically one light from the few that I have one of them that we're going to do today,

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and inshallah hopefully, you know, if Allah gives us tofield then we'll come back and do some more. So the the word starts off, and he says, Well, I've got it now. Lokman al hikma indeed We gave Lokman alayhi salam al hikma the wisdom and escuela so that he may thank Allah subhanaw taala well mania score and whosoever thanks for international enough so he thanks for himself. Woman kefir and whosoever have over here it is Shakur. So Cofer is not over here disbelief.

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Whosoever denies okay, what the E the bounties of ALLAH SubhanA denies to thank Allah subhanaw taala woman kufr for in Allaha indeed, so indeed Allah subhanaw taala Rani Yoon Hamid, I'll come back to you and me. Now the first part we need to look at this verse. Well look at it now Look, man, Allah subhanaw taala did not say well, I've got out by email

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well of God.

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So when we read the Quran, we realize that when the word owl is given, it's basically up to you to handle the world. Full on I gave this particular physical object to that person. When attina is talked about, it's giving us a particular thing that can never become a sole property of you.

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So I think we give knowledge you can have knowledge you can have knowledge, you can have knowledge, it's mana we it is unchangeable, and tangible, untouchable.

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Similarly, you can have wisdom I can have wisdom, mean having wisdom is not going to deplete you from having wisdom. So when the word outliner is given, it's referring to an unknown tangible thing that was given.

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Now, hikma wisdom is a lot like diet, it's a lot like guidance. Allah subhanaw taala gives all my Hekmatyar for called OTL heron karsiyaka Fiera whosoever is given wisdom, he's given great wisdom but Allah subhanaw taala only gives wisdom to certain people. Similarly, Allah subhanaw taala gives guidance to certain people hamdulillah today all of you guys are here. Allah subhanaw taala guided your hearts to be here but there are a lot of other

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other people that you know,

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for reason or whatever, they're not able to come here because Allah did not guide their hearts to be here. So guidance is again in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala. Similarly wisdom is in the hands of Allah Subhana Allah. So the question arises can a person attain guidance? Yes. If he takes all the means to attain the guidance, then he can be guided

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hamdulillah just before we started, a brother took shahada from Canada, just before the karma.

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So if you take the means, Allah can guide similarly if we take the means that Allah can give us wisdom, what is wisdom? Wisdom is opposite of who can tell me.

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Okay, Hikmah and opposite is no.

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That's Ellen and Johanna.

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wisdom and volume transgression.

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So what is the definition of transgression?

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What the O'Shea if you laid him a healthy to put something in a place where it does not belong? In the shared color hormone of him shake is the greatest volume. Why? Because we've placed Allah subhanaw taala in a place where he does not belong.

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hikmah is Waldo che Fiamma Hadley to play something where it belongs.

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Okay, what does that mean? A particular example, you're supposed to say a particular thing. Like, if you're supposed to say a sentence. But if you say it at the wrong time at the wrong moment, that sentence can cause a fight. But if you say it at the right time, at the right moment, that sentence can fix a problem. IE for example, when the husband and wife are fighting, if the husband tries to correct his wife at that particular time, you will fail. Trust me 10 years I can tell you, it's very difficult. But if you wait until everything cools down, and then you bring the subject up,

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you will have a better chance of succeeding. See, I didn't never say you will succeed, you will have a better chance of succeeding. Okay. Similarly with children

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hokhmah is telling your son what to do at the right moment. So he listens to you. Problem is we tell our children things what not to do at the wrong moment, and the reaction comes out something what we don't want and then we give the remote control of our emotion to that child and like make me calm down. Right you get angry angry angry. Trust do this now do this now. I'm telling you don't you listen to me. Basically, you're telling the person look I've given you my remote? Can you calm me down? Yes to do what I'm telling you and I'll come down

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and that goes against.

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Okay, I finished good. Lilla the first thing that hikma teaches us the first thing

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that we have to be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala

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first first lesson the textbook wisdom teaches you is to be thankful to Allah

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and that's the first lesson that we find you know look man and he said that an escuela Why did a look man Ali salaam he was given the Hikmah

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initially law so that he can be the most thankful servant of Allah subhanaw taala. Now if you think about wisdom, as I talked about volume, and hikma, what is it? If Allah gave you that food?

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Isn't it that he deserves a thank, he deserves your humble thanks that he gave you that food, he gave you that job, he gave you those clothes, he gave you that jacket that you can wear in the cold to cover yourself up.

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That's all sugar.

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And this is the greatest level of wisdom. And oftentimes, parents and children alike. We don't realize what needs to be thanked, sometimes the child requires to be thanked, rather than scolded.

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And if you just thank the child, he'll behave properly. Similarly, sometimes for the children for the youth, sometimes parents, they just need to hear something from you, thank you, daddy for everything you do for me.

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Right simple words of thanks, but makes us realize that we are on the path of wisdom. People who do not understand the concept of thanking others and thanking Allah subhanaw taala and thanking their parents do not even they're not even on the track of wisdom.

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That's the first step of wisdom.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says, Well mine Yes, good. Whosoever thanks find them is cruel enough see? When you thank your boss for that bonus you're not thanking him because you know all you know all you grateful, wise mighty one. You know, you gave me that bonus today. And you know, I'm going to be your servant. But no, no, you want the next bonus next year.

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If he gives you a raise, you want the next raise next year.

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Sometimes we give a toy to the child he comes to you

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He wants the next toy.

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Well mania score

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by NIOSH Googliness. He thanks, whosoever thanks, you know has this attitude of thankfulness. For indeed this Thankfulness is going to benefit he himself.

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It's going to come back to

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nobody wants to deal with an ungrateful person.

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Nobody wants to be a friend with an ungrateful person.

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True or False? True. Look at your friend, you take him everywhere you feed him food and stuff like that. And then he's like, you know, you'll never do anything for me.

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Whereas you've done everything for him.

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So nobody wants to nobody wants to deal with ungrateful people. Then Allah subhanaw taala says,

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Woman Kapha

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And so whoever denies thankfulness

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find Allah have anyone Hamid indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is exalted of all praise running. Now I want you to look over here in the SIAC the way Quran is going it's saying an escort Lilla while my yesh score, for innama yesh, Guru Lee enough See he wore my yoke for was the correct word. The pattern if you look at it, it's almost all there. It's all present continuous, then why did all of a sudden Allah subhanaw taala switched it to past tense.

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So if you look at it, it says Romania should whosoever shall present continuous is constantly thanking, so what can we find over here is Allah Subhana Allah says that the state of a believer malaria are present continuous Arabic means present and the future I in your present state and in your future, future plans in the future, whatever you can think of. You want to have a state of thanking Allah subhanaw taala. But when it came to people who are not in the state of thanking Allah subhanaw taala, Allah subhanaw taala did not want the state of their ungratefulness to continue.

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Right? He did not want it to say yep, for IE, right now you're in Kufa, in the future when you're going to be in ungratefulness

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there was a hope on the part of Allah subhanaw taala that this past tense, Kfar IE, when you say past is the person who has already walked out of the state of hunger, gratefulness and walking towards thankfulness. So just these little words, but if you look at it in English language, it's all lost. Woman Kapha whosoever is ungrateful at this particular moment does not mean in the future.

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For in the long run, you and me indeed Allah subhanaw taala is, is exalted of all praise, this word of the noon, Hamid, I did not understand it,

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until I had a chance to go scuba diving.

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Okay, if you ever been scuba diving in the Red Sea,

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and the type of

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living things that you see there,

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and the variety and the beauty and the orchestration of how all fish of same type swimming together in the same color, and the same pattern in the same, and it's all as like, if you're looking at it, it's it seems like it's like a mosaic that's orchestrated.

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And when you see that, and you come out of that, see after one two hours, and you realize that Allah really did not want me to say Alhamdulillah

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that he had created all of that. And he didn't need my praise. He didn't need me to go and see all of that and say, Alhamdulillah, Allah subhanaw taala what an amazing creature you are.

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There are so many things that Allah has created in this dunya that when we go and we ponder and reason about these things, we'll find that Subhan Allah, Allah has created it, and left it and he doesn't want any human being going there.

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How do humans work? When we know that something is going to be displayed, we make it the best. We give it some final touches working over all night long. When children's have your assignments do you have to make those charts? You have anything to do with your presentation at work? Whatever you're doing, you make sure that you're doing it at the best.

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But it's just like, you know, you know, nobody's looking at it.

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It's just you're taking notes for the sake of taking notes. Nobody's looking at it. Do we have that level of perfection?

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This is why Allah subhanaw taala Rasul Allah says Allah He said, in Allah hjem you don't you have Bucha Allah subhanaw taala is beautiful, and he loves beauty.

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And Wallah, he does worse. The honeymoon Hamid on that day struck me

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that he really does not need me to scuba dive and go snorkeling and find out all the beautiful creation that Allah has created. And if you've not done that, I would highly recommend you know, take your time out from your family schedules set a schedule come to jiddah for Umrah and after Umrah you can drive

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To the beach. And it's just you don't even need to go anywhere just like one meter water and things you're going to see are going to amaze you

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and you're gonna come out full of thank and gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala

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now we get into the the real part

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is called a look man holy bunny when look man Ali salaam he said to his son, well, who are you who and he was giving him advice in English translation, it's advice, instruction admonition, all of them are wrong. If you look at the word itself,

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so knowledge is dissipated. So you have something called LM.

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Lm is when somebody departs a particular type of knowledge to an individual.

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Why was is when a person comes and reminds people of a particular knowledge that they already have.

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So when a Habib comes and tells you about Joe hate, most of you are already on to hate.

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But that is just a reminder for you of a knowledge that you already possess.

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Then the last level is Basia.

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Which is,

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this is the final piece of information that I want you to remember from me.

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And that is usually given when a person is leaving the world.

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When a person is leaving the world, he says, you know, remember Jacoba li salaam he called all of his son's mother taboo, and I mean badly Who are you going to worship after me?

00:31:44 --> 00:31:55

Right. Didn't he know that, you know, in his progeny was Jacoba. It was his heart. Sorry, in jacobellis. I was used to filing CERAM he's one of the sons of Jacoba.

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He's a prophet.

00:31:59 --> 00:32:02

Many, I mean, and all other they're all Muslims.

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But he's concerned about what Who are you going to worship? I eat my only thing if you want to remember, who do you Who are you going to worship? And they said, ilaha illa about the verse goes on. Over here. He says, Well, who are you who he was reminding him of something that he already knew? His son already knew that so many times we need to do this, we need to remind our children's as parents of things that they already know. You might say why? My child knows La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, my child knows how to pray five times he knows about salah and stuff. It's because we are in sun. The word intern is from NASA ANC, we forget

00:32:40 --> 00:32:45

just the name ours, our name itself is indicative of the fact that we are forgetful creatures.

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If we were not forgetful creatures, then people would not have created smartphones to keep us on track. And all the tracking devices that exist today, again, so reminders of something that we already know are good for people. Yeah, Buddha, yeah. He did not say.

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He said, Oh, my dear son, he did not say, Come here. Come, come, sit.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:23

Again, when our conversation start, it's with those bolding, you know, like cartoons sometimes see those eyes coming out. So that's how the child sees you as a parent.

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When you say he's like, Come,

00:33:27 --> 00:33:32

I need to talk to you for two minutes. And then you tell him, why you're not praying.

00:33:33 --> 00:33:36

That attitude is not going to get the response we want.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:40

Over here we see yabb winning Oh my dear son,

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that you should

00:33:43 --> 00:33:58

do not in your present state and in your future state. Do shake or associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala in a Shilka the whole manavi indeed schicke is the greatest injustice.

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Now as Lokmanya de salaam story is being told to us,

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Look, man, Ali Salam has taken care of

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something very important pertaining to Allah subhanaw taala a sin that Allah subhanaw taala cannot stand.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:17

Right. And

00:34:18 --> 00:34:23

while he's this story is being narrated, Allah took it on himself

00:34:25 --> 00:34:59

to remind the young people of the rights of the parents, so I if you look at it this way, look, Monterey Salam, he took care of the rights of Allah subhanaw taala. So before his story is finished, Allah subhanaw taala is giving a Crom he's giving him this, this, this, this gesture of gratitude, this gesture of respect, that since you're taking care of something that is very important to me, I'm going to take care of something that is going to be very important to you. So now we do not we do not have the kalam of Lachman

00:35:00 --> 00:35:26

It's Allah subhanaw taala speaking well what's the in Al Insana? Okay, what's the I told you? Right? Well, let's say in Al Insana. So we talked about the LM one, and we'll see you. So this is the highest level. This is what Allah subhanaw taala wants young every no matter who you are, if you've got parents, you need to even if they're not live, you need to hear this. Well, I'll say in Al Insana highest level of information is being given today. We'll see you okay, it's the will.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:32

And the word over here is not what was saying Al Muslimeen.

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Is not we are giving advice to the Muslims. Al Insana. What does that tell us? Every single person is included, whether they're Muslim, non Muslim, whether they are believing in Allah subhanaw taala, not believing in Allah subhanaw taala every single person is being addressed here. Well was saying Al Insana BYD de both of his parents.

00:35:57 --> 00:36:00

What's the hacia? Allah Swatara did not mention here.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:02

What's the OC? What do you want us to do with them?

00:36:04 --> 00:36:13

But Allah has mentioned it on for other sections. If Sana Sana Sana Sana and once in the Quran hosts now.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:25

So just let me explain this to so how this worked like. So four times in Makkah, Allah subhanaw taala talked about external, external, external external forces in the Quran, which basically means in your action,

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then the higher degree came, which is post na

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ie you're being should become the best for your parents.

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It's no longer your actions, you and your whole existence

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should be working towards the benefit of your parents in the best possible manner.

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And when Allah had mentioned all of that, then there was no need to repeat Asana over here

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in the sequence, so it's understood that somebody reading the Quran coming down it's understood that he has been through it message has been delivered. Sometimes you know what, you know, if you go to the teacher, the teacher repeats, right? A particular thing every single day, every single day, every single day and sometimes that after the end of semester, all the teachers that girl, what did we do and their kids will complete the rest.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:25

That is what's being requested of us that when we reach at this particular point on the 21st juice by this time, we've actually come across all of that first.

00:37:28 --> 00:38:01

Well, we're staying in Santa obviously there was he is to treat them good. Why today, how am I led to Omaha now the focus is on the mother. How mulatto oftentimes, every single one of you can remember the good things that your father did towards you. Right? He bought you toys were five years old this so your childhood memories are attending to you know, your father doing this father knew that bringing gifts he is going on travel coming back. So a lot of this is Father related. But none of you remember all the hardships that your mother went through. None of you can can physically remember it.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:17

This since we cannot remember it, and it gets most of the time neglected. Allah subhanaw taala brought it here. How Mala to OMO. First, first, right of the mother, she's the one that carried you.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:23

Okay, we're not going to go into the scientific details you can read on your own, she carried you in the belly.

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One then Allah one, weakness upon weakness, ie

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the minute you came into the womb of your mother, you are not a source off

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happy you were at that particular point you became a source of weakness, upon weakness, upon disease, upon disease upon medication, about medication, going to the doctor, you did not bring any joy at that particular moment.

00:38:53 --> 00:39:20

One what 100 Allah one now over here three things are mentioned how Mulatu or mu one Allah one some of the scholars have said this was the reason why the woman the mother was given three you know the Hadith where it said oh milk, soy, milk, soy milk, your mother and your mother and your mother Sumava and then your father. So they took it from this hadith that this was the reason that tells us that first. So first, she

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carried you on the belly.

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Then came the stage of your your delivery.

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Then after the delivery, the recovery

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and that Allah subhanaw taala did not forget what masala Wolfie Amin and then after the delivery, you still kept feeding yourself and your body through the milk and the food of your mother.

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And those are all the rights of a mother. Recently a story came to me

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of a woman that was left on the beach

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and she had a paper in her hand

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And the son said to her mother, please sit here. I'll be back.

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And she stayed there on the beach.

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She stayed there on the beach until somebody came across and found this old lady sitting on the beach

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and asked her,

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What are you waiting for?

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And she said, My son left this number can you call him

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and ask him to come and pick me up. Because he said to me stay here, and I'll be back.

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And when that person he opened that paper, it said, Whosoever finds this woman take her to the old age home for rarely we have no need of her.

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And the minute she heard that,

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she died on the beach

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just by hearing what her son had said,

00:40:56 --> 00:41:02

that same woman that would have died in order to bring this person into this earth,

00:41:03 --> 00:41:07

that same woman that went through pains upon pains,

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so that you could be enjoy that same woman that had slept plus, you know, sleepless, restless nights. So that you could be strong,

00:41:20 --> 00:41:25

this lame woman that slept on the ground sometimes so you can have her bed

00:41:26 --> 00:41:28

that same woman

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is not treated the way she deserves today in our society.

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A person came into the live in a bus, he said I have done so and so is there any forgiveness for him? He asked him Is your mother alive? He said no. He said is your and Tala alive? He said yes. Go and do bear with her. Another person came I have killed so many people.

00:41:53 --> 00:41:56

Is there any forgiveness for me? Is your mother alive?

00:41:57 --> 00:42:02

He said no. So, time, one time, time again time and again.

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People would come with big, big sins and he kept asking the same question.

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So the person next to him was narrating this. He said,

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He said to them to Abdullah of anambas He said, Every person that came

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every person that came you asked him the same thing. Is your mother alive? Why?

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And he said well Allah He I do not know of a good deed, greater in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:45

Then doing good or better towards your mother, which would expect the expiate all your sins.

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If you have your mother's alive today,

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if they are alive today, then before you leave from this message, this masjid, and this lecture, take out your cell phones, SMS, call her, tell her how much you love her. Tell her how much you, you thank her for everything she has done. Thank her for those things that you can't remember, but you know that she went through them. Tell her thank you, my mother for all the nights that you did not sleep, thank you for mother, my mother for stinks, you know, starving yourself so I could have food. Thank you, my mother for doing everything that was in your capacity to give me comfort.

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And Wallahi if you do this, the only thing that will come in your life is baraka.

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You will see it in your kids, you will see it in your money, you will see it in your life, you will see it in your food and every single aspect of your life.

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And if we don't do that,

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then we should be ready for the punishment from Allah subhanaw taala. See, it is not enough for you and me to say Alhamdulillah I don't harm my parents Alhamdulillah no harm comes towards my parents from my side that is not going to be accepted that is not in bill.

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See bill is consistent of two things.

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It is someone doing good to them and FR and obeying them.

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I remember once I made a particular decision to move to a particular country.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:31

I had arranged everything, everything including the you know the real estate person who was going to buy the house

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00:44:34 --> 00:44:36

I resigned from my company.

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And my grandma and my mother found out about it. She said I don't want you to move to this country. Now imagine me going back to my boss and telling my take back my resignation.

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I resigned it was like final class decision.

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And at that point, everybody a lot of the scholars they told me they said you know you don't have to obey

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heard this, she doesn't have control over this element of your life. She can, you know, she can know that she has boundaries.

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And I called one of my teachers, she'll help you do that. And he said to me, he said, firstly, why did not you take advice from her before you make the decision.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:29

And secondly, if you want Baraka in your life, then bite this bullet, somehow go through this hard time, but I can guarantee you that whatever comes after is going to be better.

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And two years later, I can guarantee you that it was better.

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Things that happen in my life, you know, I don't want to tell you the details, but you will be shocked about how things worked.

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So sometimes it might look in the short term very difficult to be a parent, specifically, the young people, they might tell you not to do a particular thing. It doesn't make sense to you. Or you might say, as young kids just like, come on. You don't even know what I'm going through. You know, I have Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr, all these things. And my parents are not even on any of those. You don't know what my life is about.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:07

But remember, Allah knows.

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And when he commanded us to do this, he knew that there was always going to be a generational gap.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:34

The generation before and the next is always going to be advanced. You are not a unique generation. Yes, you have a lot of exposure, but the generation like my dad, compared to my grandfather, my grandfather compared to his father, this was always there. This dichotomy of generations always existed. It's not something new.

00:46:35 --> 00:46:42

Allah knew this. Despite that, what was the final insana? We have to do good to our parents.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:54

The only boundary that is being told as a person to the child to us over here, why am Tjahaja and to silica PMID silica BL ferrata Houma if they come and tell you to shake

00:46:56 --> 00:46:57

that's sorry.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:05

la parte de mahalo Klimov co2. I'm not going to obey my parents in disobedience of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:14

But again, over here, look at how ALLAH SubhanA wa hibel Furla tutor Houma Allah subhanaw taala did not say for Allah to build Rama.

00:47:16 --> 00:47:42

The word is Bill. Time and again, with relation to the parents. It's Bill, Bill, Bill Bill. Over here Allah Subhana Allah says Allah to be able to home I didn't say that further to take on Houma. And I told you but it's consistent of two things, son and it Ah, so Allah is saying do not do the first fella to their Houma, Wasa, whom I for dunya meroofer Do it son to them, be good to them and be the best that you can be in this world?

00:47:46 --> 00:48:04

Whatever sebelum Anna Elaine, now if you get difficulties in this particular situation, when Allah has put you in this particular situation, then do what? Look at somebody that has already accomplished this, somebody in similar shoes as you but he's doing what Allah wants him to do.

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And follow that person. And now they enable basically means turn to the person who has turned into Allah subhanaw taala.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:44

What the betterment Inaba LA, turn to the one that has turned towards Allah subhanaw taala What is Allah trying to teach you that okay, if you cannot physically, you know, get out of this situation, and you know, it's too much for you making a direct connection and turning towards me with this difficulties that are you facing you let somebody else be a shield in front of you. You stand behind them because he's already turned towards Allah, and you follow Him until you become strong enough, you gain momentum and lost, you're not going to need a person, that person anymore.

00:48:46 --> 00:49:02

And in the end, Allah reminds you and if you don't want to do this, remember so my EMRs Eurocom eventually you're going to come back to me. So my Jamar Jochem. For onapp Bo comm I will tell you my quantum time alone I will tell you exactly what you used to do.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:10

I eat the accountability is going to come then the next part yeah bunny Yagoona Yeah, now we're back into look bands Yagoona in NA INTERCO

00:49:12 --> 00:49:28

all my sudden, if there was something now over here what's really interesting Allah subhanaw taala did not mention what is this something and even look Monalisa lamb and the story he's not mentioning in the high intercom is cholera. If there is something like an atom

00:49:29 --> 00:49:32

or sorry, a mustard seed, what is this something?

00:49:35 --> 00:49:39

Number one as parents we need to learn that sometimes being indirect

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

is better than being very direct.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:59

Sometimes telling our son that you know that he is doing some bad things indirectly will get the message across better than you telling him to the face. You know, I know that you have a girlfriend. I read your SMSs

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

That's gonna close every single door, every single door of repair for you.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:19

But if you come to the person who's sitting there, I understand that, you know, the situations that you go through today are different from the ones that we went through. I understand that a lot of your friends have other friends of opposite gender. And you know, I just want to talk to you about that is much better.

00:50:20 --> 00:50:27

So look, man, Ali salam from his Hikmah from his wisdom. He did not say what is it that he's telling his son?

00:50:28 --> 00:51:06

Again, lots of stories have been mentioned in the Tafseer books. We're not going to go into that what was this? Simplest is this was a sin or a Massiah. He committed a sin. He wanted the person his son to come and tell him about this. The concept of not not telling him you did something wrong, but telling him what is the concept of the sin? That even if it's something small as a mustard seed, seed for mustard Allah subhanaw taala says visa keratin. It's under a stone Oh for some odd oh if it's in the heavens, oh fill out or anywhere in the earth. Yet dB. Allah Allah will bring it

00:51:07 --> 00:51:09

he will tell you exactly where it is.

00:51:11 --> 00:51:18

In Hola, hola, te fun hobby. Indeed. Allah subhanaw taala is minute li knowledgeable,

00:51:20 --> 00:51:21

detailed oriented.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:27

Lovely, if not the word Latif sometimes those who How many of you speak or do hair.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:51

Okay, a lot. Okay, so the word look what does that mean? Kinda look I enjoyed the food. Okay, look is something that is tasted now your tongue is so acute to certain differences right? So if the food is a little bit salty, or a little bit extra sweet, your tongue will pick it up right away.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:55

That minor difference is look

00:51:57 --> 00:52:06

when Allah is saying in Hola, hola, even not look luckily even details super detailed, micro detailed,

00:52:07 --> 00:52:11

and hobby. So knowledgeable about those minor details.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:14

What's the message being told to the son?

00:52:16 --> 00:52:23

That listen, you don't need to be worrying about me as a father. I know somebody the father he told me he told his son he said

00:52:24 --> 00:52:32

and you know it sounds better in Urdu. I'll say it and then I'll translate it you know the prince the father said you know agar Musyoka Tamar equals Kia tomato Shikara

00:52:33 --> 00:52:36

a father told me that. And I was like,

00:52:37 --> 00:52:43

no, no, no, you really told her son that yes, I sent him messages on WhatsApp and SMS confirmed that he got it.

00:52:45 --> 00:52:49

Which is if I find out that you have a girl, I'll commit suicide.

00:52:51 --> 00:52:58

Okay, so what's the fear that is being embedded in the child who's fear the death of the Father,

00:52:59 --> 00:53:27

not Allah subhanaw taala. And that is what needs to be remembered. Reminding the people, the children of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala I'll finish this I have three more lines left Yagoona on my son, optimist Salah established prayer. What motorable roof and call to Earth Maha roof. Now we say good and righteousness. But the word over here is model which basically means

00:53:29 --> 00:53:31

there is variance in good.

00:53:32 --> 00:53:42

So what may be considered good in general, in a particular society may not be considered good in another society. Give me an example. If you're

00:53:43 --> 00:53:56

even just in Saudi Arabia, for example, it's if you don't want to have coffee, like you're done, you don't want to have it you just covered put your hand on top of it. But if you go to a different part of Saudi Arabia and you cover your hand you put the cup that means put more

00:53:57 --> 00:54:00

okay, these are cultural norms and societies these are called

00:54:01 --> 00:54:17

these are called cultural cultural norms of that particular society. Pakistan has cultural norms. Doha has cultural norms, every society has cultural norms, what motivated out of is calling on to thing that is culturally accepted, and it's still in the boundaries of Islam.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:31

So, we're not going to call call for badass, we're not going to call for culturally accepted but as we're talking about norms that are overly accepted in a particular society, it's the way of them living in that particular society and they don't fall into the realm of EDA

00:54:33 --> 00:54:36

and they differ from country to country because we're different people.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:39


00:54:40 --> 00:54:57

what multiple maruf one hand will Mancha and and tell people to stay away from evil mooncup was where Alana Asaba and be patient with what comes to you all these things are coming Salah what motivated maruf one handle Mancha, require patience

00:54:59 --> 00:55:00

and if

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

Do you embark on all these things? There are things that are going to come to inflictions afflictions and he's telling wasp or Ilana Asaba whatever comes to you be patient

00:55:10 --> 00:55:26

in a valley come in asthma, these are matters of great zeal you're going to require a lot of Assam a lot of determination to achieve these three things. Today if you look at it, many of us are struggling with soldier Salah

00:55:27 --> 00:55:28

as a community

00:55:29 --> 00:55:33

and sometimes he was like, No, we're not struggling Well, you know, come to your salon, you will find out to

00:55:34 --> 00:55:40

come to a drummer and soldier that same day come to the Phrygian come to Jamaica, we'll find out if we're struggling or not.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:43

So these things require a lot of patience.

00:55:44 --> 00:55:55

Well, I have to say I have DACA listeners do not turn your cheek away to people so are basically is a disease that a camel gets, so its neck gets stuck in a particular position.

00:55:56 --> 00:56:00

And it cannot move. So when it has to move, it just looks like this.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:07

Right? That is soft. So what are too soft and hard. DACA is kind of like Don't be a gangster.

00:56:08 --> 00:56:32

Seeing those people they're like, you know, their neck is there and they walk in a particular way. Whether it is their neck, sometimes they have their different attitudes, they take pictures of these people, a lot of people get impressed with that, you know, they do all these poses. This and then sometimes even if you talk to them was like How are you doing? So it's like you know, that's what's being talked about your body language

00:56:33 --> 00:56:50

Okay, imagine this is old time talk. I mean this kind of stuff took place way and look man and his downtime is not something new that you know, we've figured it out now. What Not To Say what the colonists well at times you feel are the Amara and don't walk Biggie Smalls walk in this world. You know what Biggie Smalls is?

00:56:52 --> 00:56:53

Wrong person Eminem.

00:56:55 --> 00:57:04

Okay, so don't walk this walk of arrogance. Okay, you find sometimes people whether it is you know, sometimes people would nice thoughts on in their life

00:57:06 --> 00:57:09

and they're back and neck and you can tell from the gate of the person.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:18

Okay, that is being taught why? If you look at the people, shepherds, people who do you know people who are shepherds of

00:57:20 --> 00:57:37

people, shepherds and camel herders, shepherds are always the most humble people. Camel herders. herders are always arrogant people. Okay, don't trust me go to the desert and find out. Why because Shepherd is constantly physiologically has to look down at the sheep's

00:57:38 --> 00:57:47

a camel herders always got to look up. And today's science has shown that your physiology has a direct impact on your emotional state and your psychological behavior.

00:57:50 --> 00:57:52

So you cannot be sad

00:57:53 --> 00:58:00

if you put a pencil in your mouth and you looked up at the ceiling and you said try as hard as possible to think of

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something sad and you will not be able to think so our physiology plays a state with that and that is what's being talked about over here the last is

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in hola hola yo boo coulomb of Tallinn for for Allah subhanaw taala does not like boastful people

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an error arrogant people. Now you know what I got this watch man it's like $500 that's cheap compared to watch actually because you know I recently went to one of the malls here and saw just today. Actually, somebody dropped a receipt of a watch that they bought. So in the pharmacy in the boots pharmacy The guy came to me and he's like, Is this yours? I'm like whoa, no, definitely on mine. But it was a watch for like 125,000 yards and it was like a watch that he bought this is something happened today. Okay, so again boastful arrogance why because I got Rolex I got this these things don't matter. Don't matter in this world don't matter the

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last works with famous machinic Be straight in your walk. Well do them in Celtic don't scream Don't be loud.

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Okay, don't don't don't don't talk in a manner that hurts other people. Oftentimes, it's considered like you know, especially you see people who are bullies in schools. One of the things they have is there's loud voices. What do you think you're doing?

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Don't you know who you're dealing with? And they make this deep voice and loud to make people scared.

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And all these problems we're facing in our society and look mannerisms telling his son not to do that.

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in Anchorage, Swati last hotel Hamid, the worst of the sounds are the sounds of a donkey. Now think about it. Why a donkey?

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Okay, think about this. I'm not gonna give you an answer. But here's an exercise for you guys to think. Go home and think about it. Why did Allah subhanaw taala said the

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For the worst of the voices are a voice of a donkey why?

01:00:06 --> 01:00:43

Okay, maybe you can go and you know type it on YouTube voice of a donkey listen to it put in your headphones and analyze it. Okay? But think about it because Allah is saying this is the word worse voice few things about it I can tell you a donkey has no time to speak so you know if you ever been to Pakistan India is donkeys going, you will find sometimes they will donkey start making jihad in the middle of the road for no reason. Other donkeys quiet and this one's talking. In the middle of the night, if you ever lived in Pakistan in India, in the middle of the night, a dog will bark with the purpose, but a donkey is gonna just break without a purpose.

01:00:44 --> 01:00:49

Many times people talk though the purpose is just talk.

01:00:50 --> 01:00:55

It's just noise, no purpose. That's just one of the connections that I'm

01:00:56 --> 01:00:58

and you have to do a lot on your own.

01:01:00 --> 01:01:04

So Hanukkah Lahoma we have the pleasure to allow you to Hotlanta and stuff Hirokawa to be like

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