Ahmad Saleem – Lessons from the Seerah

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The zero book of prophets is focused on negative elements of prophecy, and the speaker shares a story about a young black man who set up his shop and eventually became a professional chef. The importance of creating a culture that inspires people to pursue their dreams and achieve success is emphasized. The segment discusses the distractions of news and distractions during Islam practice, and the importance of finding the right person to guide and encourage others to become the right person for their needs. The segment also touches on the history of Prophet sallua's life, including his death and acceptance of Islam, and the importance of being around people who speak Arabic and English to create a sense of joy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hobart rubbish rally Saturday were silly empty. While all of the time Melissa and Ali are visiting el mar visit in your email or visit Robin Allah to Zulu vana brothers Hadith and I will have learned Amazon Khurana in the candle or hub. Inshallah, today, we're going to take a look at Sierra. And I hope that by the end of this, you probably look at Sierra from a totally new angle, from a totally different perspective. You see when Syrah was being documented, if we go back and look at historical books of Syrah

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whether it is even Sham, even his half their great works. And if you actually go back to them, even if you look at English ones that are available, Mark Ling's with equal Matome. Recently, somebody said, What is what's her name? Carrie or not Karen Armstrong, he's he. Leslie Hazleton. She recently read wrote a very good book about the Prophet said, I'm the first Muslim, pretty accurate, it's got some issues. But again, if you look at primarily all the literature that exists on Sierra, you're going to find that the majority of the book is focused on what elements of prophecy serves life.

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So I'm gonna ask you as question and I want you to respond. So this is going to be a little bit of a different talk. So what is what is the zero book majority of the suitable occupies? What? What events?

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I can't hear you louder.

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All prophets lie but which element of prophets life is primarily highlighted? What do you like? If you look at radical Matome? What what do you find most of the chapters, it's usually it starts with the same the Battle of the Battle of the Battle of the Battle of the battle, often you have all those battles that are mentioned. Now. When you look at any books that exist on zero, you will find that most almost 70 to 80% of that book, sometimes even 90% of the book consists of commentary, and lessons driven by the battles of Prophet sallallahu Sallam because the word

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Let's analyze his life. And this is a research that I did anybody can do that. Take the number of days that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was in battles,

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and take the number of days that he was as a prophet lived as a prophet. And if you do the percentage, Prophet sallallahu Sallam only was eight to 9% of his life was in other words,

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the rest 91% of his life was a normal human being like you and I, living with our wives and kids in a city or traveling.

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But if we go back into the zero books, we find that that 9% of Prophet sallallahu Salem's life occupies almost 80 to 90% of the book.

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Englishmen English literature, unfortunately, is a lot more.

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But if you look at the rest of the profit systems life, the 91%, you will find maybe nine to 10% of the book talking about that.

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And to me, that was like, Okay, is it that we need to focus on the battles? Or is it that we need to focus on his life?

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And that's this question led me to the research. And I started reading books, I started compiling books, not compiling, I started buying books, and getting my own, you know, collection of books, primarily with the purpose to find out that how do I know more about that 91% of profit systems life.

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So today, what we're going to do

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is one since we're right next to su gewog, F,

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right, we're going to take a stroll with Prophet sallallaahu Salam in the market

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to figure out what that so you'll get a flavor of that. Then, the next part will share one story from the life of Prophet sallallahu Sallam and we'll draw lessons from it. Okay, so the first part usually Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, his gatherings in the morning. You know, after the sunrise breakfast, Satan would go back home he would have his breakfast with his wives he would go and visit over visit all his wives. Then he would come back to Masjid the Naboo and he would put his back right to the wall of Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu. The room of Aisha Radi Allahu anha. And then the Mejlis would start

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this much less sometimes would be less sometimes would be packed based on how busy the Sahaba czar,

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none of the Sahaba as they were not able to attend every single time the majority of prophecy seldom, but what they really had was the desire not to miss anything that was being taught by Prophet sallallahu wasallam in that madness, so you have Omar Abdullah Juan and his neighbor, he's an unsavoury Sahabi. They will do your 10 hour ban they will do this

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One day I'll attend one day you'll listen.

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When you attend and you come back, you told me what provinces said, um, Said.

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Sometimes you give excuses, we're busy. We don't have time. We can't attend lectures. My life does not allow I've got exams.

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Learning about our deen helps our roof, our Imaan it's like food for your room for your soul. If you cannot come to the restaurant and eat it, make sure you get a delivery service. Make sure you get either lectures recorded and that is the spirit in which they record these lectures that you know what, if the message is being talked about here, a lot of people outside the world can benefit from it. And this is again one of the Sooners that we find in privacy settings life, then profits and sellers much this would end after it would end they would go

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and profit sellers this house would leave and profits and sell them he would get up and he would go to the market.

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Once Upon a Time Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he entered the market.

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And as he entered he saw a young boy nine to 10 years of age.

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And he had just recently set up his shop.

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Kind of like what takes place in to walk if you know all that traditional stuff taking place.

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And the young Sahabi he's preparing his soup. So he has come up with this idea that I'm going to make this soup and I'm going to sell it in the market. So profits SLM, he sees him and he walks and he comes back and he asks him a question. He says,

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aha, but Marangu is your soup ready?

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Has it been like you know, is it is it done to perfection? Is it tasty?

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The young boy he gets up he says now we are rasool Allah Katara but Margie Morarji my soup is definitely ready.

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At that point, rasool Allah says LM he lifts the lid, and he takes one of the bones, pieces of bones from that too.

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And he's licks on it.

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And he tastes it. And he tells the boy, Nam Baba tomorrow, your soup is ready.

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And prophets Islam, he walks this hobby was narrating he says that I saw a suit allah sallallahu alayhi salam looking onto that bone, as long as he could see prophecy Selim in the market.

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Now let's pause over here. Okay, time to draw some lessons. Nice story. What are the lessons prophecy Salam, he's the leader. He's the ruler. He's the Army General. He's the husband have nine wives,

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father, grandfather, Imam,

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and all the other roles that we can even think of.

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Despite all of that, he took time to go and meet the people that he cared about the Sahaba he wanted to be the part and parcel of their lives. He did not want him to just leave them on their own. So he would enter the markets, he would see what's going on. He would see who's selling what.

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And over here we find that promises term he sees a young boy, what does a young entrepreneur need, he needs motivation.

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He needs this motivation that you know what you're going to succeed. And prophets and cillum understood this.

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He understood this, you can imagine somebody starting sharp for the first time, he's not going to be perfect at it. The promises that he could have must have seen a lot of flaws there.

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But rather than focusing on the flaws and saying, You know what, my dear son like I, you know, I have so much experience in my lives, mashallah, and so many businesses, let me tell you what you're doing wrong.

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Rather than saying that, promises then realized the initiative,

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that that initiative is awesome.

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And that needs to be, you know, promises that needs to motivate that person for that initiative of doing business and starting the shop, despite his inexperience. So this whole play that promises seldom did is your soup ready? Yes, it's ready. Let me taste it. It's amazing. All of this was what? It was just a technique to charge the child to say carry on your work, you're going to succeed.

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The promises that I've had any need to lick onto a bone while he was walking in the market. No.

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Except that you can imagine the prophecies that I'm knew that this child

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is probably going to be looking at me he knew that what is the MACOM that Sahaba had in his in in their hearts for us hula

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you can only imagine he's doing this just to make sure that the child sees that you know what, whatever you did is amazing.

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Now I want you to think from the child's mind

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What do you think the child did when he went home?

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How many of you like soccer over here?

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Great. So would you be happy? Would you be happy if you know Messi came and met you today?

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Maybe Who do you like?

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Anybody? Right? If you look at somebody who who aspires to, to a specific segment so if you're talking about Quran, you might like a certain Adi, you know, if machariel fic he comes up over here, all of you go go, wow. Right? For them, rasool Allah was even greater than that.

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So imagine this young child going home and telling, you know, you don't know what happened. And imagine the excitement, he would have told his story to the parents. It's like he came to my shop.

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He stopped only in my shop. He tasted my so

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many times we find as parents, that our children

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they embark on a very nice initiative.

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And then as parents our fears kickin,

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what if he fails,

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and then we say, You know what, it is my do right and responsibility as a parent to interrupt his, his his initiative, and tell him that he is on the right wrong track, because I can see that.

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And we say this with all sincerity in our hearts, we want played for them, we want good for them. But what we fail to realize, is part of the hair towards your child, is to let him go through those failures in life early, so he really realizes

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that life is full of failures, and successes. And those failures are going to teach the child much more than they're going to teach them if you put them in a road of success.

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I know somebody who got fired when he was 15 years of age, he says I learned to lesson for the rest of my life, never to use company resources for personal purposes, at age 15, to lose your job is much easier than to lose it at age 50 Because of your negligence or immaturity.

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And that is very important for us to understand when we're dealing with kids. And you'll find this time and again with Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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My daughter, when we registered her in a school in Riyadh, she said she wanted to go to this intensive Hibbs program of that school.

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And again, I said fine, go ahead.

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Two weeks or three weeks into the program, she came back and said, Bob, I can't take it, it's too hard.

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Now, as a parent, I had two choices. I could have come up, went to the principal and said, Listen, you know, my daughter cannot cope with the pressure, can you move her to the simple section.

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Or I could have let her fail in that program for one semester.

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But teach her a lesson for life, that when you make a decision, you are going to be held accountable for it.

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So I told her that I'm not going to talk to your teachers, you were the one who decided and I want you to take responsibility of this decision.

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So you will stick to that semester, no matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult it is for you.

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And you will walk all the way through until you come out of the semester. And then in the second semester,

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we will move you if you say so. Come second semester, she came to me and she said I want to move to the second. And then she realized it.

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It was very hard for me as a father, very hard for my wife. So much pressure from the school. But sometimes letting them go through failures is in their benefit, especially when it is young and early.

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Then prophets has alum once upon a time again he entered the market and he found a young boy like your age, your age.

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And he had recently slaughtered a sheep How many of you have slaughtered sheep with your own hands?

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Raise your hands. Okay, a lot of you need to work on this skill.

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It's one of the Sooners of Prophet sallallahu Sallam especially on either behalf on aid to slaughter your own goat.

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So this young boy he recently slaughtered.

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And you know the difficulty that you have to when you slaughter a goat to hang it on the hooks, you probably need to three men so he probably somehow figured out a way and he hung the goat upside down. And then there he stood taking a knife and skinning the goat

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one inch at a time.

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Prophesy salaam he's walking and he sees that that young boy is doing something. So he was with his harbours and he goes

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He tells that boy you have when I, oh my son Oh my dear son, then uh huh, step aside.

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Obviously, he's Rasul Allah, so the Son, the person stepped aside.

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And then Prophet says other Salam, he rolled up his sleeve until you could see the armpits of Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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And then he took his fist, he grabbed the skin, those of you that have done it, you know what I'm talking about. And then he started punching the skin, so separating it from the caucus. So you have the carcass, and then you have the skin and you keep punching down until all the way and the skin starts separating and you keep spinning the carcass until the whole spin is skin is separated.

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The narration mentioned that he put his arm all the way in until we couldn't see his armpits.

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And then he took it out. And he turned to the boy.

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And he said, Yeah, Brunei, Hakka fossa, this is how you take off the skin of a goat.

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And then profits then carried on his stroll in the market.

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Now let's draw some more lessons from this story. Firstly,

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profits SLM, he saw

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that in this particular case,

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even if there are some flaws, if I don't interrupt the process,

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he could have gone through failure in this particular step, right. But he realized that failure in this step would mean that one of the near misses the meat is going to get spoiled. He's doing it completely wrong. He's not even on the right track.

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So he comes Prophet sallallahu sallam, and tells the boy to step aside.

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Why didn't he say this to any of others habits or any of the other sahabas? No, he could have said, well, can you please go and show him how to do the cheap?

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Here all the reasons to

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he's just a hobby. Sorry, he's, he's the Nabhi the ruler, people love him, anybody would do anything for him? He could have even said to the neighboring person, can you please show him how to do this this person, I'm actually busy, I have something very important to do.

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I have something important to do, I cannot take care of this. Can you just please take care of that? No.

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Why did he do this?

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You see, it is the responsibility of

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previous generation and older generation, our parents, it is their responsibility to transfer their life skills into their children.

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It's one of their responsibilities. And as a community on the whole, it is the responsibility of the elders have a particular community to take care of that. And transfer this life long knowledge into the next generation.

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I remember once somebody taught me how to pick a watermelon. I had no idea.

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You know, it would be it would amaze me how my grandfather would always bring amazing watermelons, and I could never figure it out. And I didn't know how could he get picked the juiciest and stuff. And you know, he'd be there. And he's like,

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and he's doing all these tricks. And I'm like, What are you doing beating, you know, drum beating a watermelon or something. And it's a technique.

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My mother taught my wife how to choose oranges.

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Till this day, I can't. But my wife can. Again, it's a skill that was passed down through generations. But unfortunately, because of our over connectedness, due to smartphones, and constant connectivity, the older generation as well as the younger generation do not have time for getting this cross generational learning taking place. So so many of the skills that existed in the past, in the older generation are no longer being transferred to the younger generation.

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Then we ask the question, why is it

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that we're having a high divorce rate? Why is it that there's so many fights with younger couples, because that skill of coping within the marriage was never transferred? It was not transferred from the parents. It was not transferred from the extended family of that individual. And it was never transferred from within the community.

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And we need to make constant efforts for this. I'll give you a true example of something that happened with me. At that time. I used to be probably 18 years of age or 19. And I was working a co op job through University. I was in first year of university, very excited. They said you know what? You're going to be tech support. You're going to go fix computers of rich people in Toronto. Like Great.

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Imagine for me it was like the best thing ever because I'm working in downtown and with these big tall towers, and for me, it's like my shot was awesome.

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And I was given

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The segment of lawyers. So all the law firms were my responsibility. So I got to meet some very, very weird people.

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One of the persons I met, I could not, I can never forget his name, his name was Mark.

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And I'm not gonna mention his last name, because I get I'm gonna get sued by the person. You know, it is Lord. Mark, he says, he was sitting there, and he had some writing of a different language, which I didn't know. So I asked Mark, I said, what is that?

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And Mark said, this is Hebrew.

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I'm like, Oh, I've always heard about Hebrew. Do you know Hebrew? He's like, yes, we do.

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I'm like, How do you know Hebrew? You're a Canadian. You were born here? He said, No, no, every single Jewish lawyer and doctor knows Hebrew.

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And I'm like, and how is that? He said, You see what happens in our community is

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you can do not enter public schools, until you master Hebrew.

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So I'm like, where are your Hebrew schools? Like you don't I don't see any school saying, you know, learn we can classes Hebrew 299 per month, there's nothing like that taking place. So where are you learning Hebrew.

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And he said, basically, whenever a doctor or a lawyer he retires, as part of the community favor to the community. He services a certain amount of his time during the week to teach younger kids,

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Jewish values, and language.

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And this takes place in the basements of Jewish homes.

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So when a child is born around one to two years of age, we do not send our children to daycares. We send our children to these basements that are operated by volunteer retired lawyers and doctors.

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And those doctors do not speak to these children. Those retired people except in Jewish language, Hebrew,

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until the child by the age of five and six,

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has completely went through Torah. So the whole torah is read to the child

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in the language,

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and then the child is ready to go back into the public school system in Canada.

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And from there, the child carries on and as a community they support financially if this particular individual needs to go to bed school and he need requires payments and stuff.

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See, the cross generational learning is the foundation

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of success of any community.

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Today, Jewish people consist of less than 2% of the world's population.

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But they control over 70% of the world's wealth.

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Because they have these cross generational learning schools that they're in, not only in Canada, but all over.

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And it is high times that you know, people that are retired like Uncle and older people, they take this responsibility and mustards and centers like this, allow certain people to just interact with younger kids. You see, a parent and son always are going to have fights. But if it's just an older uncle, who's just being nice, who's just being loving and caring,

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then this stuff does not take place. The child has someone that they can open up to and discuss basic life things life problems, and the uncle has life experience to share this down. Then we come back to the story you find Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in this particular point. One important thing I want you to take that they did not have a bathroom where profitsystem could go and wash himself up by putting his hand into the goat. If you've ever done slaughtering your goat, sometimes you're required tide and anti greasy stuff to get the grease and all the smell out of your hands.

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But despite this particular obstacle, the cross generational learning was far more important in the eyes of Rasulullah. Selim.

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The discomfort in the smell was far more important in the eyes of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and he sacrificed that to make sure that that child learns.

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Then again once upon a time, Prophet sallallahu sallam,

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he's walking in the market

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and he sees somebody got some dates.

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But that person has put some good dates on top

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and under nice are some bad dates.

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So that point was a point where prophecy Selim had to teach the

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People about cheating in the markets. And he did that. And other time Profit System is walking and he sees a dead goat.

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And he says, who's going to buy this for them?

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And he held the ear of that dead goat.

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The Sahaba as you all gathered,

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and they said, Yeah rasool Allah, even, I mean, even if this thing was alive, nobody would bought it, buy it for them, it's diseased, it's got this and that all the problems.

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Then prophets of Allah, Allah, Selim told the Sahaba, that this world

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and the value of this world

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is far less than the value that you hold for this goat in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Oftentimes, in markets, we forget, with all the fancy brands and all the fancy stores and malls that exist, we sometimes forget that this dunya is temporary.

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So he used the marketplace as an education center to convey a very important message to the sahaba.

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That this dunya is finally homeless, it's going to end

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do not let

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at the castle that we talked about in football today. Do not let that rat race that desire for more, deceive you in cheating other people.

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And that's what we find. So Allah says, and I'm doing over here.

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Now we go back to one of the stories that I'd like to mention over here, and this is a very interesting story. This is a story when Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was sitting with the Sahaba and a news came to him. The news was that your uncle Abu Talib is passing away. He's on his deathbed.

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At that particular point, you find Rasulo system he left everything that he had to and he went straight to the house of Abu Talib.

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Over there Abu Talib and next to him was who

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Bucha him.

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Next to him was Abuja *, and two other maternal uncles of Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So three people and they're all from the leaders of Makkah.

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam he sat right next to his his uncle.

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And he said to his uncle, yeah,

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oh, my dear Uncle

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Paul Kelly mathan say one word. One Kadima.

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La ilaha illa. Allah Ohad ubica en de la, si la ilaha illa Allah so that I can go on the day of judgment and argue on your behalf

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with Allah subhanaw taala to enter you in Jannah.

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Abu Talib, he looked at how much of Allah when you sell them?

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And he said, there will be nothing more beloved to me.

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Then I give you the coolness of your eyes and the coolness in your heart by saying this.

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Had I not been afraid

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that my people have come up to you. They will say bad things about me after I had passed away.

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And then he said Indeed I am on the religion of

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Abdullah McCollum. I am on the religion of my father, the grandfather prophets

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and for a Petunia and he left this world.

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As prophets Allah Selim was saying this Abuja Hill kept interrupting he kept saying, You're a Europa FOMO muda Toluna speak, what are people going to say about you what so he kept reminding him of the consequences of doing that.

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And despite that prophecy, Selim kept repeating the message, pulpit limited say that one word say that one word, so that I can argue with you on the Day of Judgment.

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The story ends, but let's draw some lessons.

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One of the most important lessons over here is in the eyes of Rasulullah, Salem, saving one soul from hellfire.

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One soul from hellfire was the first priority of Prophets.

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You find the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at the time of his uncle dying. You find him rushing to that young slave, Jewish boy who died. And he went to his house to save him from hellfire, despite whatever he was doing, when he would get the news that somebody is dying, and they're not dying in the state of Islam. That was one failed person. That was like a failure for the mission of property to sell them. So he felt that one person failed. Promises to them did not. The Islam did not reach that person. So he took it as a responsibility to himself that it's my responsibility to

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Go in ensured that that message gets to him and he gets saved.

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So he would leave everything in every priorities to ensure that a life could be saved from hellfire.

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So ask yourselves in ourselves this question, do we do that? Do we leave all our priorities and responsibilities if we find a new Muslim that needs help?

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Or maybe it's somebody in our office that wants to accept Islam? Do we find that time? Do we make it our priority? You may not have the skills, that's fine.

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But you can get them to a place where somebody can give children the skills, somebody that has skills can deliver the message.

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Then you find Prophet sallallahu Sallam he's giving Dawa to a bee pollen. Last minute Tao He's telling pulchella Mutton say that one word say that one word.

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Every time Abu Jamal would interrupt Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would not say Listen, can you be quiet? I'm doing something very important. And then he would focus on he never wants responded to Abuja Hello.

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Now I want you to focus on this. Your boss has given you an important task.

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And you're busy doing that. Or your your teacher has given you an assignment. It's doing two minutes, and you're working. And then your friend comes right next to you and says, When are we gonna go for that coffee? When are we gonna go for that coffee? Remember, you promised me for that coffee? You're gonna have to take me for the coffee. We have to go for that coffee. We're going to take anything coffee and you're busy. You got two minutes you have to get this done. How would you feel?

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Would you want to punch that guy? You would want to do something to him, right? Maybe duct tape his mouth or something. So he doesn't talk.

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But you find Prophet sallallahu sallam, he never once responded.

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So here's a question for you guys. Why did he not respond?

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Time was short. What else?

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Why didn't he respond? Yes.

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Thank you. His focus and time he didn't he was focused on a task. And the time was short. He did not have the freedom of time to turn around and have a logical argument with Abuja, * explain to him this is my family matter. You can just leave you know, it's personal things here. This is my uncle, you got no relation here, please walk out.

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And he focused on just giving the message many time you find people who are calling to Islam, young people, sometimes even the younger generation when they get started practicing. They get into this this this habit of of refutations.

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So they're like, you know if somebody refutes the chef that they really liked and they go up and dig up all the information to defend that church and that church. So they get into this habit of reputations and responding in there. And they come to me and share what are you going to respond to this and this and that, that is diverting you from the mission? Our mission is to bring people close to Islam.

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See these colors, people refuting? They always exist?

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When one of the scholars who was asked, Have any read about that book that was written against you, why didn't you respond? He said I had responded.

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The person said, I'm sorry, I missed that book of yours. Probably. I never got it.

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And the chef said, no, no, no, I responded.

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And the person was shocked, like how did you respond?

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He said, I responded by doubling my efforts of the data that I was doing.

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So getting distracted by the side distractions every now and then you will get these WhatsApp messages is like because of the video of so and so this person has left Islam and here are all the evidences of why he has left Islam. Please forward it to 10 more people if you want to enter Jannah

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right, you get those messages. These are distractions.

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Why cannot we forward a simple ask anybody? If you send a verse of the Quran to somebody say please forward it to 15 people. Are they going to do that? No. There's no Charmin set, you know, for a verse. They can they can look it up. Oh, but it's about repetition. You know, somebody has refuted somebody famous or that's hot news.

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Let's get distracted. And our problem is so many of so many times we find our community distracted or these repetitions did so and so say this No, no, he didn't say let me find out. Let me figure it out. Trust me because you know

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I have family members that are well known in Dawa and many times they come to me it's like, did you know that you know, your that particular family member said so and so about that and he's now you know, considered like on almost extreme of Kufa. Have you heard about that? When are you going to respond to it? And my answer is I don't respond to repetitions. That's just distractions. And that's what you find resources that I'm doing over here.

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Then again, you find something very interesting.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his uncle is there. Abuja *. This technique is something very important for us to learn and to understand. See, he always plays with only emotions. He's very smart. He plays very smart cards. Once upon a time.

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I think it was oh my god, Ben Huff.

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He said, I'm not going to go to to the Battle of butter.

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I would have said to him, why? Why are you not going to go to battle further? He said Don't you remember what remember what sad even was said? That was Rasul Allah told sad and the Sahaba that they're going to kill me

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00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

Oh, my You have been cut off. He said, I'm not going to go

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Abuja *, he could have argued with him at that point. Come on. That was just that was like two years ago. It's been while you've lived so long. Come on. You know what he did? He went out. He got his one of the slaves. He said, Can you bring me a mascara that place that you put old and beholding it? Can you bring me a Makara

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and he put some female Beholder in it. And he went to Abu Omar you haven't heard of. And he said the other half. Oh my given kind of, for in a feminine Nisha Centrify yourself because you're a woman.

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Now, if somebody calls you a woman and you're a man,

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you do anything to prove him wrong.

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anyone no matter which culture and community you come from, somebody called you a whiskey and a woman. You're gonna make sure you prove him every single way. That I am a woman, I'm a man.

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So you find the Abuja *. He is expert in using emotional intelligence and playing with people's emotions to not come towards

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an Islam. Today.

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There is another Abuja * that exists,

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that has perfected this art of playing with Muslims emotions.

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It is the television and the media.

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They incite more fear into the hearts of Muslim than that fear actually exists.

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Those of you that are from the West, when you first moved to the Middle East, or when you first moved to Saudi Arabia, you're like, oh, it's not that bad. But in in your country, Canada, in America, it seems like it's like the worst place in the world.

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And you find that the media is doing an exceptional job is playing with, you know, Muslims emotions, you can have a group of small people, but that news is going to be covered by 200 channels in the world translated in all different languages. And it seems like it's a great thing.

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To do not fall a trap of these emotional games.

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As a Muslim, we have to be smarter than that. Personally, I have a thing, I don't even watch news.

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Every single time when you get up for Salah, you just make dua for your brothers and sisters. Obviously, you get to hear for example, I recently heard from my brother from Malaysia, that the brothers are in severe. There's like rainfall and a lot of floods in Malaysia. And they have like, moved almost 100,000 People from their cities and it's like a pretty big city like two to three hours away from Kuala Lumpur. So I recently got that news from my brother that make dua for them. So we asked Allah subhanaw taala, to elevate you know, the pains of the brothers in Malaysia.

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But despite that, don't fall into a trap of news. Stay away from it, it's better for you.

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Then you find that after Prophet sallallahu Sallam died

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profitsystem His sole focus was who?

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Who was his focus.

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But there were three people in that room out of those three. Two of them became Muslim later down the road.

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His maternal uncles and what's really interesting for us to realize over here is sometimes as brothers, sometimes as sisters, sometimes as fathers, we become so concerned about one particular individuals hedaya

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that we totally neglect the other one that would easily take the hedaya from us.

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Here's somebody that is half ready

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But we run after somebody that is in negative 50.

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He doesn't want to come too close to Islam. So we find it much more easy. You know, I need to go and help that brother but you might have another brother who's like 50% there.

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So remember that he Daya is in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala. As parents, remember, no matter what you do, you can never ensure that your children are going to stay on a diet.

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If I'm BIA Ali him Salam, no, honey, he said, um, they were not they couldn't succeed,

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and instilling that Imam in their children.

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We cannot do that. But what do we have in our hands? We have to

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asking Allah has help in that reform.

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Similarly, if you have brothers and sisters and your younger brother or an elder brother, they're not on hedaya. If you have sisters, maybe you're wearing hijab, but your other sister does not wear hijab, telling her to wear hijab is not going to help you.

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But getting up in the middle of the night and asking Allah subhanaw taala is

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and that is what's required. In hedaya, we seek the help of Allah subhanaw taala. Having said that, we just that does not mean you let the guy to you know, let him go into dance parties and into bars. That does not mean that what it means is you take some means, but you don't push the child or the person to level that he doesn't want to hear anything from you anymore.

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You build a friendly relationship but you make to offer the person and his guidance. Another point you find over here is in this particular verse, Prophet sallallahu Sallam he came out with this story he came out and he kept making is the father for his uncle. Until Allah subhanaw taala revealed the verses what are the verses who can tell me

00:41:48 --> 00:41:49

anything FOVE

00:41:52 --> 00:41:55

Cal start you off and you can complete it in Nicola

00:41:57 --> 00:42:03

demon barbed wire kin Allah. Yeah. De Manisha, you are not the one

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in Nicoletta De La Quwata. Allah subhanaw taala is saying prophets of salaam you are not the one who guides if any one of us believes that I can guide somebody through my tricks and you know, all the knowledge that I've gained were wrong.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:21

In Nicoletta de

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you do not guide the one you love. Well, I can. But what I can Allah Yeah, deeming sha Allah is the one who guides whoever whoever he wishes to be guided.

00:42:39 --> 00:43:03

One I point that I want to take home over here many times you find brothers who are married to convert or you have a convert brother married to a Muslim sister, their family members are not Muslim. And this is whole thing should I love them? I don't love them. Notice what Allah subhanaw taala over here is just affirmed for Prophet sallallahu sallam. He said you do not love the one.

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Allah is talking about Prophet sallallahu Sallam loving who

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Abu Talib his uncle who died on kufr. This verse was revealed after the death of Abu gehele Otalia.

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So Allah affirmed Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his love for Abu Talib.

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This particular love is humanitarian love. This is the love between a mother and a son. This is the love between a father and a daughter. This is a love between a grandfather and a grandson. These are relationships.

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So if Allah has guided you to become a Muslim, let not this guidance become a hindrance for you to love your parents.

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There is no contradiction here. The love that is permitted is that wala, and we're not going to get into this concept because it's a very detailed concept. But that's the love that is not which is like showing allegiance. And that is like very political thing. And we don't need to get into that. But you just became a Muslim and your parents are not Muslim. You have all the rights to love them, treat them the way you will or treating them or even better.

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But that can become a source of them becoming Muslim.

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Many times when a Muslim or non Muslim comes to our house, we feel this, you know,

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it's like, I don't know, you know, it's the especially the Pakistani culture. You know, let's wash the plates seven times after he's gone.

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Right? I remember the first time somebody came in in our house long, long, long back like almost like 2023 years back and you know, it's like, I still remember the older ladies are of the household they're like let's Did you wash the plate? No, no, no, put his class separate put his class totally separate. Don't think he drank in this

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that is not from our Islam

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that is not part of Islam. We treat another person as a human and all the bonds of humanity and humanitarian pneus shall never be severed, no matter if the other person is a non Muslim or a Muslim, there is a level that you cannot go beyond but again, as a treating them as normal human beings, is beyond even Allah subhanaw taala he says in Surah Mahina he says, I need half as for this, but I can start off the verse it says,

00:45:33 --> 00:45:38

Lion Hakim Allah who I didn't Latina wrt Luke confit. Dini. wollam

00:45:39 --> 00:45:46

What am you know, Hola, yo, Elian. How come Allahu. And in leadin lmao quality, low quality Donna confit dini.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:53

And tuber rowhome are toxic to him, that Allah subhanaw taala does not prevent you

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lie and how come Allah Allahu Allah, the intellectual katello confident that Allah does not prevent you

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to do good towards the people who have not who are not in direct combat with you.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:21

What should you do, and tuber rowhome. The word bill in the Quran comes for your parents. And after parents, it comes only once in this particular verse,

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which is the level that you would be treating a non Muslim who's not in a direct combat with you

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is of highest respect.

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That is the only way we can ensure that that person enters Islam.

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So, again, this is a concept that is very important for us to understand, specifically when we live in multicultural societies. Lastly,

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I'll fast forward the scene. Imagine this on the day of

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on the day of Fatima QCCA. Prophet sallallahu wasallam he entered Makkah.

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And there were two Sahabas and they were bringing an old man, his whole beard had turned white

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his old beard had turned white, a very old person blind could not see. And at that point, when he was brought in front of Rasulullah sallam, he said we found this person on the street. Now remember, if it's not God, the rule was if anybody is found on the street, while the Muslims were entering in Makkah, he will be captured and killed. The announcement was made and it was they were given 12 to 15 hours that all of you can either enter your homes or you can go to haram or you can go to the house of Abu Sufian. If you're going to be found on the streets, you're going to be killed

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there entering the city.

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So this old person was found on the street.

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And they brought him to the solar system as he was being brought. Abu Bakr came and grabbed the hand of this old person.

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And he brought him in front of Rasulullah sallallahu.

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So Allah was sitting down, he got up

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and he said,

00:48:11 --> 00:48:17

had you have left the old person in his house and I would have come and visited him.

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At that point, Abu Bakr he said, rasool Allah in the whole Shrek he's a mushrik.

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And he was the father of Abu Bakr.

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He said in the whole Shrek

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you aren't he's not You're not worthy of going. He's He's worthy of coming to you, not vice versa.

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And at that point, but also allah sallallahu sallam,

00:48:49 --> 00:49:00

he went to Abu Hanifa his name was Abu Hanifa and he wiped the heart of Abu Kochava with his hand and he said a slim Aslan. Aslan,

00:49:01 --> 00:49:09

become a Muslim, become Muslim, become a Muslim. At that point of Kochava he accepted Islam

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as he accepted Islam, and he was shaking hands with Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam

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Abu Bakr he started crying

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Rasul Allah asked Abu Bakr and he said, my old geek, why are you crying? You're the only zahavi that has got the shut off that for generations of as a hobby or also have

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your father you, your children and your grandchildren.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:42

No others or hobby achieved this.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:48

Why do you cry Abu Bakr This is a MACOM for you to be happy.

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Look at what Abu Bakr replied.

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He said Wallah Hila de la ilaha illa. Who, by Allah

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it is

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is more beloved for me,

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that in this spot where my father stands,

00:50:07 --> 00:50:08

stood your uncle.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:16

And he accepted Islam so that your heart may find that coolness that you were looking for on that day.

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And I would bear the consequences of my father going into Jannah to give you that moment of joy, that you longed for some 10 years.

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This was the love that the Sahaba had for prophets of Allah.

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That moments of joy is they wanted to cherish they wanted to ensure that they could bring to the life of prophets of Allah.

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One of the biggest joy for Prophet sallallahu Sallam on the Day of Judgment is going to be is when he sees his Alma

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and all of us following his sunnah

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and coming

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and asking prophets asylum asking Who are all these people?

00:51:09 --> 00:51:12

And the angel is going to say, these are your followers

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are here hands and our faces and our feets would be shining on that day, because we followed the Sunnah of voodoo of Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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for there are so many

00:51:27 --> 00:51:28

of us

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loving Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and till this day, we have doors open for us to make sure that when Rasul Allah meets us, we ask Allah subhanaw taala that we meet Rasul Allah says no matter how that when we meet Rasul Allah, at the pond that Allah has given him how to close off

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that on that pond, we become a source of joy for Prophet sallallahu sallam. So the next time when we think of skipping a sunnah

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the next time when we think our time is too short, I gotta get back to work. Remember that if Abu Hanifa Abu Bakar was willing to sacrifice his father to go into eternal hellfire so that a moment of joy could come to Prophet sallallahu sallam,

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then two minutes of our times and praying those Sooners is not going to harm us, it will only bring joy to prophets to sell them on the Day of Judgment.

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You see, this was a few stories from that 91%

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That never are found in the zero books. Or seldom are found in zero books.

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And it is high times that people who speak Arabic language, they take this time to go and read these books, tell these stories to their children. And also people who don't speak this language to go and learn because these books are available in Arabic, but they're not available in English yet.

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Insha Allah somebody takes, you know, like if somebody tofield and they write this book. But having said that,

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hopefully by the end of this, you've understood what Sierra meant.

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That when we say we want to you will want to learn about the life of Prophet sallallahu wasallam it's when we walk out of us a session, we feel revived. We feel this connection. We feel the word Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam resonating with our hearts.

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And in the end, I will close off with a story.

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Even though the story is is Hasson and some people say is life, but a story has profound lessons for us. The story is of Villa de Allah who won

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when he was in Medina, after the death of Prophet sallallahu Sallam he could not take. He could not take the empty empty streets of Medina. It was too hard for him.

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So he settled somewhere outside of Medina.

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And for the longest period of time, Prophet sallallahu Sallam never visited a biller the Allahu Allah and he never came back to Medina.

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Until Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he came into the dream

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of Bilal Rudy Hola, Juan.

00:54:15 --> 00:54:21

And he said yeah, Bilal Obi Wan Maha Jaffa What is this rudeness that you have?

00:54:23 --> 00:54:25

Emma Anna, Luca and Rana

00:54:26 --> 00:54:29

has the time not come for you that you come and visit me.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:37

Then Billa Rhodiola when he got up, and he told his wife that I'm going to go to Medina.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:50

The minute will already Allah Juan entered Medina. And he's entering through the gates of Medina. Everybody recognized him her that say you do not this is our leader. He's hare.

00:54:51 --> 00:54:56

Omar Bradley, Allah Juan. He got up Abu Bakr or the Aloha and everybody got up.

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Abu Bakar gave him the place where he was sitting

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To sit

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and then oh my god Allah when requested, he said, Can you take us back in those times? Can you give the other hand today? So we may be reminded of those moments that we cherished with our beloved prophets of Allah he will sell them

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below the Allah on he said, I can do this, my heart will break. I can't.

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Then Hassan and Hussein become

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too beloved the hola Juan

00:55:28 --> 00:55:39

and they said we want to remember those times with bless it. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, please give the other hand. At this point Bilal is not able to respond and say no to them.

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So he gets up

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and he gets on the minaret and he says, Allah, Akbar Allahu Akbar. The whole Medina wakes up.

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People come out of their houses.

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People started shouting in the streets, a boy said Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam is Prophet sallallahu Sallam back is he come back? Has he come back from his death? Is he alive?

00:56:11 --> 00:56:15

Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar.

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People started rushing to the masjid of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, in hopes of seeing the beloved that they missed so much.

00:56:25 --> 00:56:28

A shadow, a shadow Allah in

00:56:29 --> 00:56:32

Illa Allah

00:56:33 --> 00:56:44

everybody responded to this call waiting to see what's going on. The kids the wives, the younger the older everybody from the whole city, they all hurdled to the masjid

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because it reminded them of those days as head or L Allah Illa illa Allah.

00:56:56 --> 00:57:02

They all responded to the call. And then Bill, he got up and he said, I shadow

00:57:04 --> 00:57:09

mother Rasul long, and he couldn't complete the rest.

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The narration mentions that after the death of prophets of Allah who seldom Medina had never had a more sad day than the day Bilal got up on the member

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and said a shadow Anna Hamad rasool Allah

00:57:30 --> 00:57:56

We ask Allah subhanaw taala that he grants us and our children and our children's children in our generations to come, the true love of Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the tofield to follow his true sunnah. So that on the Day of Judgment, you and I and our generations become a true source of joy for our enemies of Allah Allah Subhana Allah humma will be humbucker eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta as tough Hirokawa to make

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