Adnan Rashid – When Muslim civilization started… History Speakers Corner

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the history and religious fundamentalists in the Middle East, including the rise of ISIS and the arrival of Islamoph [The Email." It also touches on the fight against the new-ive-arian (Mecca)-led-ive-arian (Mecca)-led-ive-arian (Mecca)-led-ive-arian (Mecca)-led-ive-arian (Mecca). Lastly, the segment discusses the suicide rate among Muslims in Iraq and the devastation caused by actions of the new-ive-arian (Mecca). It also touches on the city of Jerash and the confusion surrounding its religious affiliation. Lastly, the segment discusses the use of academics in studies of the region and the potential for building buildings based on people's satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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But you

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highlight to the point that Muslims were the Twin Cities, they flourished in the city of Jerash. For example, Josh and Jordan, it was a Greek city, then it became a Roman settlement. And then it became a Christian settlement. And then the Muslims, the OMA years established their center, and Josh is still there. Archeologists have studied that in the Muslim period, the economy of the city, boom, it exploded, you know, people became very prosperous. And this is we're talking about Jews and Christians, and Muslims. And Muslims are the minority. By the way, Muslims are the minority ruling class, the only ruling and the masses were Christians, mostly right, and then became prosperous,

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after Muslim that taken all the claims of devastation. You hear from Islamophobes or Islam pages, such as Robert Spencer, and people like that. Who's teaching the American military? Amazingly, you know, these are all lives and civilization does not begin in 2011. When ISIS comes to rise, okay. Islamic civilization started in the sixth century, with the advent of the Prophet and the Quran. The Quran was revealed, they did something to the Arabs, and they came out and they created the Islamic civilization.

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The Arabs, I mean, the way I look at it,

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they believe in different things.

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When they became Muslims, how they became Muslim, say, for example, I mean,

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my okay, it's not that good, who just?

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I mean, I think it was as simple as that, because they, they actually explained why they believe in this.

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Have you read? Have you read first of all, now, for those people to be believing in some other form of demigod or whatever.

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You know, some idol worshipping or whatever the guarantees are, at that point of time, because they were all idol worshipers.

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Not all of them anyway.

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I mean, if it was very simple for them to stay, believing some idols of God.

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So why did the fight Muhammad? Why did they? Why did they try to kill him or 20 years? Because he was upsetting?

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upsetting. Why? Because

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if it was only a matter of believing in one idol or the other

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we haven't been

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trained in everything because everyone hands up to make up the items.

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But why would they come out of Mecca to attack Medina? Why did they come out of Makoto attack? Because they saw him precede him as a threat.

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He was politically insignificant. Yeah, he was so weak that they besieged him. Obviously, you need to see him as a threat. Otherwise, they wouldn't have bothered. But what was the threat? I'm no historian, but the new face the new face, the new face did pose you not only a religious, political or economic

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pose, an existential existential.

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For example, if I was head of the tribe, I believe in God.

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If someone else is saying, You come

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and just believe in me,

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I'm gonna go. Would you okay? If you just if you didn't have fun believe it's sorry.

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If you believe in something.

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If you don't have a firm belief in something, you just change

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one bicycle to another

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right and die for the tribal leader. Yeah, I mean, that's what they used to do at the time, remember? Right. Okay. So they will simply go out and fight the Roman in the pleasure just because they love the tribal leader. I mean, people still do it. They do in the middle

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of depression, you know, the American army. Yeah. Yeah. Those who've been to Iraq, you know, the suicide rates. Look at the why, well, Mohammed company is not committing suicide. If they were if they were, you know why these people have committed suicide because they don't know why they're, they don't know why they have to kill children and women and bombed civilian areas. They don't know. But Muhammad's companions, they did no such thing they were they believed that they were fighting for a just cause. And they established peace and justice in the land. And that's why they were so happy and that's why they kept going as far as southern France and northern China and down India

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incident. Okay, within within Muhammad died

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in 630 to 732 32 exactly is the same reason as a Christian crusaders when it was

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was a fight

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In the

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listening because they were really good listening to you that

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was it. That's that's that's that's Maratona

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one incident where the preacher is the hook people and eight Muslims will do anything.

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Principal Yeah, they could not go and cause indiscriminate destruction. amazingly, amazingly even archaeology, archaeology

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highlights the point that Muslims when they took cities, they flourished in this city of Jerash. For example, Josh and Jordan, it was a Greek city, then it became a Roman settlements, and then it became a Christian settlement. And then the Muslims, the OMA years established the center, and Josh is still there. The archaeologists have studied that in the Muslim period, the economy of the city, boom, it exploded, you know, people became very prosperous. And this is we're talking about Jews and Christians, and Muslims. And Muslims are the minority. By the way, Muslims are the minority ruling class, they were only ruling and the masses were Christians, mostly, right? Why they became

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prosperous. After Muslims are taken. This is all the claims of devastation. You hear from Islamophobes or Islam hatred, such as Robert Spencer, and people like that, who's teaching the American military amazingly, you know, these are all Lies, all lies. So the bottom line is, when you study history, objectively, you come to realize that there is a lot, a lot of people don't understand, you know, there's a lot a lot of people don't understand, I'm sure. Assumption still remains. We'll be looking at it from a different perspective

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it depends what you want. Do you want objectivity or you want accountability? My view on the truth? Thank you. Yeah. Okay. So for that you go and study academics? What academics, Muslims.

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These settlements, yeah, flourish. We do not see any signs of devastation in archaeology. In archaeology. Yeah, we do not signs of damage.

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In Spain, in the Middle East, and in

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Central Asia,

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Central Asia, because I'll tell you why I know these things. One of my teachers from solace from School of Oriental and African Studies,

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is Gu Kennedy. And he has conducted archaeological work in Central Asia. And one of his students she, her name is funny. Besides, she is French. She the French archaeologist, she did archaeology, Josh.

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Both concluded that after the Muslims to be seduced the supplements the first economically and people prosper. And they can tell from the different

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ways of assessing for free, and how buildings are constructed, and how people lived and the food from even from the food, they can tell whether they were happy or not. The quality of the food Yes. Archeologists that conduct very delicate work, and they come up with these conclusions, archaeology, archaeology,

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