Mirza Yawar Baig – Fajr Reminder – Priorities drive decisions

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of prioritizing one's decision and staying on the priority in order to achieve progress in business is emphasized. The speaker also emphasizes the need for a clear definition of success, avoiding wasting time, and the importance of not overestimating the success of Islam. The speaker also mentions the use of hasn't" in Hong Kong and the we'd" in English to describe success and failure, and the need to prioritize one's decision and stay on the priority in order to achieve progress.
AI: Transcript ©
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Stelara manga Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi salam to Steven cathedra casita from Nevada.

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I mean, making you park, and I'm bringing down this very narrow, little forest trail.

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And suddenly I remember what the Ranger said to me a few days ago, when I was here, he said, There is a bear in this park.

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So if you come up on it, don't, don't pet him. But otherwise he's harmless. So as I'm walking down here, I'm making dogs that I should not come across him doing just interesting. Reading or not wetting the bed.

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We spoke about the issue of priorities. And I thought that we also do another reminder right here in this beautiful place.

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On the issue of priorities.

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Now, priorities are important. It's a no brainer, I don't need to tell you why. I'm sure you know why priorities are important, because unless we have our priorities, right, we cannot take any decision, any decision, whatever it is,

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whether it is what food to eat, whether it is what clothes to wear, whether it is what line of education to pursue, whether it is to go here or there or not go here there. Whatever be the

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The correct decision can only be made, if the priority is clear. So for example, if I say, Well, should I eat this thing or not? The project question that is,

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what will this thing do to you? Health wise? It's not just a matter of being tasty, health wise, what is the thing that you're thinking of eating or not eating? What is it likely to do to you? And if the answer is that, well, you know, it might damage my health temporarily or permanently,

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then I don't think I need to give the answer to that. If the answer is no, I think absolutely, you know, 100, lights, something we just SD which is really nice. And it will not do me any harm. Go ahead. So the same thing applies to everything else. Priorities, define and determine Decisions, decisions taken with the wrong priorities, always lead to disaster. And that's the reason why Allah subhanaw taala set the priority for us, Allah did not even leave us and this is from the retina of ALLAH SubhanA. Allah did not leave us to decide on our own.

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The clarity or anything because we don't know. And Allah knows Allah Allah, and to let others know that Allah knows.

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So when we don't know, we cannot

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talk about something that we don't know. So therefore,

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Allah set the priority for us and what's the priority?

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For Munzo has Yeah, and enough oats collagen to help us

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the one who was freed from the hellfire and entered into Jana, only this person is successful. And then I listened to you today today.

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So I

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was talking about

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Let me come back to that. If you see this basket like contraption right here in front of me,

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let me increase the size of the okay. So see that now, that is

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something in which people throw Frisbees. And there's a whole track in this place, which

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has these baskets and it has boards, they're saying, you know, how they score and whatnot. And people throw Frisbees into that. The reason I brought that into conversations because again, issue of priorities and goals and targets, just like a game, if you don't know which goal you must aim for. Not only will you not win the game but you probably be yourself a bad turn because if you go backwards then you lose instead of winning. As I am talking to you you can probably see I hope the light is good enough. It's a very

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cloudy day.

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But the leaves are starting to turn so we are

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entering fall or we have officially entered fall.

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Fallen nothing to do with falling in gravity. It has to do with the American term for autumn.

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So we are entering fall

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these are going to turn in shallows my plan next week to go to New Hampshire on what is called a fall drive, which is to go and look at fall foliage.

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I'm looking forward to that. It's

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it's a very, very beautiful part of the world. Inshallah we'll send you some pictures and stuff from there. So to come back to priorities or to remain on them

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without the right priority, we cannot take the right decisions and as I mentioned you Allah subhanaw taala set for lanzavecchia and in Nadi, what would kill agenda pocket fires, while malha to dunya Illa Mata.

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Now see the see where this is. And Allah subhanaw taala says

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that only the one who was freed from the hellfire and entered into Jannah

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has succeeded. And Allah says, the life of this world is nothing but an illusion of deception.

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Illusion of deception. Now,

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if you think about this, and look at our life decisions and priorities, I've been having conversations with various well meaning good friends.

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Some of them quite learned as well learned in the sense of you know, they've had

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a lot of books and

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whose constant refrain is that? Muslims are held back from progress.

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Please notice the word queer Muslim, the head back from progress because of the loss of 100 that has a moratorium on

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riba on interest based dealings and then we have many people trying to find all kinds of loopholes to get around it.

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Not knowing or not understanding or not accepting or not realizing or whatever that loophole doesn't change the rule doesn't change the law. It fatwa does not change the Hong Kong the Hong Kong is the Hong Kong the fatwa is somebody's opinion about the Hong Kong doesn't change.

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So therefore, it's very important to keep the priority in mind. I think about this that if we, in order to get whatever we think was think of as progress in this life

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and up destroying our

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meaning that if I take a loan, if I didn't River, and I've convinced myself because of some definition and whatnot, that it's okay.

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Allah didn't say it's okay. There was a Salam Salam Salam didn't say it's okay. But I decided

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based on whatever that is, I have, and

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I take an interest based loan to build a house. First of all, my house is not going to be as big and magnificent, as the Red Fort was the alkaline daily, which was the house of the Emperor Chaga.

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It is not going to be as Glorious and Magnificent as forever Sikri was in its time in Agra, which was the house of the Emperor Akbar.

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It is not going to be as Glorious and Magnificent in Assam as it was the houses of the Nissan's of Hyderabad whether it is Jamala palace with my brothers, whether it is run Heavenly Palace, whether it is in Cote, or whatever,

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is not a hope, I mean, we cannot even dream on that scale.

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Forget about building it, forget about getting a loan, to build that we can't even dream on that scale. So whatever we build will be

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less than that. And I'm saying less than that,

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you know, tongue in cheek because

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our house doesn't even have the possibility of being

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you know, a fraction absolute fraction of that.

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we would have incurred

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we would have been dealing in now what happens?

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Every Muslim by definition, is the value of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned is very clearly Allah in Alia Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola.

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Hola, Dina, Alina, Armano Vulcania taco.

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Allah said Verily and truly, there is no sadness and no fear for the ODF Allah for the special slaves of Allah who Allah loves. Please do not translate earlier alas Friend of Allah. Allah does not have friends.

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When does the laser chemistry shake?

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What was Samuel Busey is the one who there's nothing that resembles him nothing that's equal to Him.

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When I had to some of the lady let me lead well and knew that well me.

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And so therefore, a volley of Allah is the One who Allah loves. May Allah make us among the audience. So Allah says there is no sadness, no fear for them, who are there,

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whether the nominal can be a taco.

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They are the ones who have demand and they have

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just two conditions, Eman and taco. And Allah Subhana. Allah in his infinite mercy did not put a metric on the man or Taqwa Allah did not say Iman of this level, you might have this quality in one of these depths,

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Iman, as demonstrated by Torquil of Hartman

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Iman, as demonstrated by the Zod of Hasan Basri

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human as demonstrated or Salah show in Salah as demonstrated by the salah of Abu Bakr Siddiq, we know Allah simply said, Iman, how much you bought, how much Taqwa

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that's what Allah subhanaw taala research and Allah subhanaw taala didn't put a metric on it. And this is a huge, huge, huge Mercy on us monitor. So now, effectively, you and I may Allah include us in this are by default, the earlier of Allah.

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Now what happens if I dig into this room

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and I take it into this lawn, what I've done is I've taken my name, I've written my name out of the list of the owner of Allah and I have put my name into the list of the enemies of Allah. Now why do I say that? Because Allah subhanaw taala declared war on his own behalf and on behalf of Rasul Allah, Allah, who Shabbat was intercession we rely on Inshallah, on the day of judgment for our own forgiveness. Allah subhanaw taala put,

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declare war on the one who deals in interest.

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Now think about this. Allah subhanaw taala did not say Reba Alia Alia, rebel for the Rebbe, Aldous rebel that lets everyone know soon as salam in his final hotbar in

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during his touch,

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he said Reba, he did not again further redefine it.

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Now, there are people in their

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ignorance and in the misguidance they say he did not define a particular robot therefore, this kind of robot is good to go. My question is if something is not defined, then what's our default setting with that, we take the default setting that if something is not defined in the general principle of rice, so if if for example, everybody has 10 different forms and what does not attend different forms, these are all forms which we have created for our convenience and nothing wrong with that.

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So everyone has 10 different forms. And if the lawmaker simply says Riba and does not specify out of those 10 different forms, form one and three are okay. Form seven and nine are not okay. He didn't say that. He just said river. So when he says River, what is understanding? Understanding is that everything, all those 10 things are private. My brothers and sisters, take it or leave it.

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am a person without courage, zero courage, with respect to Allah subhanaw taala with respect to disobedience or not subhanaw taala absolutely no courage whatsoever. I have no courage to defy Allah. And I'm bequeathing that lack of courage that cowardice

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to face Allah.

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To you.

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Coward is from facing Allah to be a coward in the best sense and say, I will not defy Allah.

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Progress is to be freed from the Hellfire progress is not to have some measure of wealth and influence and luxury in this life. And then pay for that

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forever and ever, in the asset, that human

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we ask Allah subhanaw taala to save us from ourselves and from the service of shaytan or some other Halabi Karim Allah Allah He was a member

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